Step 0: Make sure you are in the viewer directory:
cd viewer
Step 1: Install Flask:
pip install Flask
Step 2: Get HM3D episode histories
You can download the episode histories for the HM3D split of OpenEQA from here.
wget -O open-eqa-hm3d-videos-v0.tgz ""
md5sum open-eqa-hm3d-videos-v0.tgz # dc166d807e64dacdac791153c5d1c853
mkdir -p static/videos
tar -xzf open-eqa-hm3d-videos-v0.tgz -C static/videos
rm open-eqa-hm3d-videos-v0.tgz
Afterwards, your top-level directory should look like this:
|- assets
|- ...
|- viewer
|- static
|- videos
|- hm3d-v0
|- 000-hm3d-BFRyYbPCCPE-0.mp4
|- ...
|- templates
| - ...
Step 3: Start the viewer app:
Then, open in your browser.
The quick start instructions above allow viewing question-answer pairs from the HM3D split of OpenEQA. To view samples from the ScanNet split, follow the instructions below.
Step 1: Download ScanNet data following the instructions here. Note: only the RGB frames from ScanNet are used to generate episode history videos in step 2.
Step 2: Convert the RGB frames into mp4 files.
python data/ --split scannet-v0