- AppCollection
API along with specific methods forio.cozy.apps
.- Collection
Utility class to abstract an regroup identical methods and logics for specific collections.
- CozyStackClient
Main API against the
server.- DocumentCollection
Abstracts a collection of documents of the same doctype, providing CRUD methods and other helpers.
- FileCollection
API along with specific methods forio.cozy.files
.Files are a special type of documents and are handled differently by the stack: special routes are to be used, and there is a notion of referenced files, aka files associated to a specific document
- NotesCollection
API to interact with the /notes endpoint of the stack- OAuthClient
for mobile, implementing stack registration through OAuth.- OAuthClientsCollection
API to interact with the /settings/clients endpoint of the stack- PermissionCollection
API along with specific methods forio.cozy.permissions
.- SettingsCollection
API to interact with the /settings endpoint of the stack- SharingCollection
Implements the
API along with specific methods forio.cozy.sharings
.- TriggerCollection
API along with specific methods forio.cozy.triggers
- dontThrowNotFoundError ⇒
Handler for error response which return a empty value for "not found" error
- isIndexNotFoundError ⇒
Helper to identify an index not found error
- isIndexConflictError ⇒
Helper to identify an index conflict
- isNoUsableIndexError ⇒
Helper to identify a no usable index error
- isDocumentUpdateConflict ⇒
Helper to identify a document conflict
- isFile ⇒
Returns true when parameter has type directory, file or has _type io.cozy.files
- isDirectory ⇒
Returns true when parameters has type directory
- getIllegalCharacters ⇒
Get the list of illegal characters in the file name
- getIndexFields ⇒
Compute fields that should be indexed for a mango query to work
- isInconsistentIndex ⇒
Check if an index is in an inconsistent state, i.e. its name contains the indexed attributes which are not in correct order.
- isMatchingIndex ⇒
Check if an index is matching the given fields
- getPermissionsFor ⇒
Build a permission set
- getSharingRules ⇒
Rules determine the behavior of the sharing when changes are made to the shared document See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
- getAccessToken() ⇒
Get the access token string
- getAccessToken() ⇒
Get the app token string
- garbageCollect()
Delete outdated results from cache
- memoize()
Memoize with maxDuration and custom key
- getSharingRulesForPhotosAlbum(document, sharingType) ⇒
Compute the rules that define how to share a Photo Album. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
- getSharingPolicyForReferencedFiles(sharingType) ⇒
Compute the sharing policy for a ReferencedFile based on its sharing type
- getSharingPolicyForAlbum(sharingType) ⇒
Compute the sharing policy for an Album based on its sharing type
- getSharingRulesForFile(document, sharingType) ⇒
Compute the rules that define how to share a File. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
- getSharingPolicyForFile(document, sharingType) ⇒
Compute the sharing policy for a File based on its sharing type
- getSharingRulesForOrganizations(document) ⇒
Compute the rules that define how to share an Organization. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
- toRelationshipItem(item) ⇒
Compute the RelationshipItem that can be referenced as a sharing recipient
- getCozyURL()
Get a uniform formatted URL and SSL information according to a provided URL
- CouchOptionsRaw :
Calls _changes route from CouchDB No further treatment is done contrary to fetchchanges
- FetchChangesReturnValue ⇒
Use Couch _changes API Deleted and design docs are filtered by default, thus documents are retrieved in the response (include_docs is set to true in the parameters of _changes).
You should use fetchChangesRaw to have low level control on _changes parameters.
- DirectoryAttributes :
Attributes used for directory creation
- FileAttributes :
Attributes used for file creation
- FileDocument :
Document representing a io.cozy.files
- Stream :
Stream is not defined in a browser, but is on NodeJS environment
- OAuthClient :
Document representing a io.cozy.oauth.clients
- FetchChangesReturnValue ⇒
Use cozy-stack's _changes API for io.cozy.files Design docs are filtered by default, thus documents are retrieved in the response (includeDocs is set to true in the parameters of _changes). Deleted and trashed documents can be filtered on demand and files' paths can be requested as well.
Since deleted and trashed documents are skipped by cozy-stack rather than CouchDB, when either option is set to true, the response can contain less documents than the defined limit. Thus one should rely solely on the
result attribute to determine if more documents can be fetched or not.You should use fetchChangesRaw to call CouchDB's _changes API.
- JobDocument :
Document representing a io.cozy.jobs
- DesignDoc :
Attributes representing a design doc
- Permission ⇒
async getOwnPermissions - deprecated: please use fetchOwnPermissions instead
- Permission ⇒
async fetchOwnPermissions - Fetches permissions
- Rule :
A sharing rule
- Recipient :
An io.cozy.contact
- Sharing :
An io.cozy.sharings document
- SharingPolicy :
Define the add/update/remove policies for a sharing
- SharingType :
Define how a document is synced between sharing's owner and receivers.
- RelationshipItem :
Define a recipient that can be used as target of a sharing
Extends DocumentCollection
API along with specific methods for io.cozy.apps
Lists all apps, without filters.
The returned documents are not paginated by the stack.
Kind: instance method of AppCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Utility class to abstract an regroup identical methods and logics for specific collections.
Utility method aimed to return only one document.
Kind: static method of Collection
Returns: object
- JsonAPI response containing normalized
document as data attribute
Param | Type | Description |
stackClient | CozyStackClient |
CozyStackClient |
endpoint | string |
Stack endpoint |
options | object |
Options of the collection |
options.normalize | function |
Callback to normalize response data (default data => data ) |
options.method | string |
HTTP method (default GET ) |
Main API against the cozy-stack
Kind: global class
- CozyStackClient
- .collection(doctype) ⇒
- .fetch(method, path, body, opts) ⇒
- .checkForRevocation()
- .refreshToken() ⇒
- .fetchJSON(method, path, body, options) ⇒
- .setToken(token)
- .getAccessToken() ⇒
- .collection(doctype) ⇒
cozyStackClient.collection(doctype) ⇒ DocumentCollection
Creates a DocumentCollection instance.
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Param | Type | Description |
doctype | string |
The collection doctype. |
Fetches an endpoint in an authorized way.
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Param | Type | Description |
method | string |
The HTTP method. |
path | string |
The URI. |
body | object |
The payload. |
opts | object |
Options for fetch |
Returns whether the client has been revoked on the server
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Retrieves a new app token by refreshing the currently used token.
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with a new AccessToken object
The client should already have an access token to use this functionError
The client couldn't fetch a new token
Fetches JSON in an authorized way.
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Param | Type | Description |
method | string |
The HTTP method. |
path | string |
The URI. |
body | object |
The payload. |
options | object |
Options |
Change or set the API token
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Param | Type | Description |
token | string | AppToken | AccessToken |
Stack API token |
Get the access token string, being an oauth token or an app token
Kind: instance method of CozyStackClient
Returns: string
- token
Abstracts a collection of documents of the same doctype, providing CRUD methods and other helpers.
Kind: global class
- DocumentCollection
- .all(options) ⇒
- .find(selector, options) ⇒
- .get(id) ⇒
- .getAll()
- .create(doc)
- .update(document)
- .destroy(doc)
- .updateAll(docs)
- .destroyAll(docs)
- .fetchAllMangoIndexes() ⇒
- .destroyIndex(index) ⇒
- .copyIndex(existingIndex, newIndexName) ⇒
- .all(options) ⇒
Lists all documents of the collection, without filters.
The returned documents are paginated by the stack.
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
options | Object |
The fetch options: pagination & fetch of specific docs. |
Returns a filtered list of documents using a Mango selector.
The returned documents are paginated by the stack.
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
selector | object |
The Mango selector. |
options | Object |
The query options. |
Get a document by id
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Returns: object
- JsonAPI response containing normalized document as data attribute
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
The document id. |
Get many documents by id
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Creates a document
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Param | Type | Description |
doc | object |
Document to create. Optional: you can force the id with the _id attribute |
Updates a document
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
Document to update. Do not forget the _id attribute |
Destroys a document
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Param | Type | Description |
doc | object |
Document to destroy. Do not forget _id and _rev attributes |
Updates several documents in one batch
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Param | Type | Description |
docs | Array.<Document> |
Documents to be updated |
Deletes several documents in one batch
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Param | Type | Description |
docs | Array.<Document> |
Documents to delete |
Retrieve all design docs of mango indexes
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Returns: Array
- The design docs
Delete the specified design doc
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Returns: object
- The delete response
Param | Type | Description |
index | object |
The design doc to remove |
Copy an existing design doc.
This is useful to create a new design doc without having to recompute the existing index.
Kind: instance method of DocumentCollection
Returns: object
- The copy response
Param | Type | Description |
existingIndex | object |
The design doc to copy |
newIndexName | string |
The name of the copy |
Implements DocumentCollection
API along with specific methods for
Files are a special type of documents and are handled differently by the stack: special routes are to be used, and there is a notion of referenced files, aka files associated to a specific document
Kind: global class
- FileCollection
- .forceFileDownload
- .get(id) ⇒
- .find(selector, options) ⇒
- .findReferencedBy(document, options) ⇒
- .addReferencedBy(document, documents) ⇒
- .removeReferencedBy(document, documents) ⇒
- .addReferencesTo(document, documents) ⇒
- .removeReferencesTo(document, documents) ⇒
- .destroy(file) ⇒
- .emptyTrash()
- .restore(id) ⇒
- .deleteFilePermanently(id) ⇒
- .upload(data, dirPath) ⇒
- .create(attributes)
- .updateFile(data, params) ⇒
- .download(file, versionId, filename)
- .fetchFileContentById(id)
- .getBeautifulSize(file, decimal)
- .isChildOf(child, parent) ⇒
- .statById(id, [options]) ⇒
- .createDirectoryByPath(path) ⇒
- .createFileMetadata(attributes) ⇒
- .updateMetadataAttribute(id, metadata) ⇒
- .getFileTypeFromName(name) ⇒
- .doUpload(dataArg, path, options, method)
- .findNotSynchronizedDirectories(oauthClient, options) ⇒
- .addNotSynchronizedDirectories(oauthClient, directories) ⇒
- .removeNotSynchronizedDirectories(oauthClient, directories) ⇒
Force a file download from the given href
Kind: instance property of FileCollection
Param | Type | Description |
href | string |
The link to download |
filename | string |
The file name to download |
Fetches the file's data
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Object
- Information about the file or folder and it's descendents
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
File id |
Returns a filtered list of documents using a Mango selector.
The returned documents are paginated by the stack.
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
selector | object |
The Mango selector. |
options | Object |
The query options. |
async findReferencedBy - Returns the list of files referenced by a document — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/references-docs-in-vfs/
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
A JSON representing a document, with at least a _type and _id field. |
options | object |
Additional options |
options.skip | number |
For skip-based pagination, the number of referenced files to skip. |
options.limit | number |
For pagination, the number of results to return. |
options.cursor | object |
For cursor-based pagination, the index cursor. |
Add referenced_by documents to a file — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/references-docs-in-vfs/#post-filesfile-idrelationshipsreferenced_by
For example, to have an album referenced by a file:
addReferencedBy({_id: 123, _type: "io.cozy.files", name: "cozy.jpg"}, [{_id: 456, _type: "io.cozy.photos.albums", name: "Happy Cloud"}])
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
document | FileDocument |
A JSON representing the file |
documents | Array |
An array of JSON documents having a _type and _id field. |
Remove referenced_by documents from a file — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/references-docs-in-vfs/#delete-filesfile-idrelationshipsreferenced_by
For example, to remove an album reference from a file:
removeReferencedBy({_id: 123, _type: "io.cozy.files", name: "cozy.jpg"}, [{_id: 456, _type: "io.cozy.photos.albums", name: "Happy Cloud"}])
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
A JSON representing the file |
documents | Array |
An array of JSON documents having a _type and _id field. |
Add files references to a document — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/references-docs-in-vfs/#post-datatypedoc-idrelationshipsreferences
For example, to add a photo to an album:
addReferencesTo({_id: 456, _type: "io.cozy.photos.albums", name: "Happy Cloud"}, [{_id: 123, _type: "io.cozy.files", name: "cozy.jpg"}])
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: 204 No Content
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
A JSON representing a document, with at least a _type and _id field. |
documents | Array |
An array of JSON files having an _id field. |
Remove files references to a document — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/references-docs-in-vfs/#delete-datatypedoc-idrelationshipsreferences
For example, to remove a photo from an album:
removeReferencesTo({_id: 456, _type: "io.cozy.photos.albums", name: "Happy Cloud"}, [{_id: 123, _type: "io.cozy.files", name: "cozy.jpg"}])
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: 204 No Content
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
A JSON representing a document, with at least a _type and _id field. |
documents | Array |
An array of JSON files having an _id field. |
Sends file to trash and removes references to it
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Promise
- - Resolves when references have been removed
and file has been sent to trash
Param | Type | Description |
file | FileDocument |
File that will be sent to trash |
Empty the Trash
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Restores a trashed file.
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Promise
- - A promise that returns the restored file if resolved.
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
The file's id |
async deleteFilePermanently - Definitely delete a file
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- The deleted file object
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
The id of the file to delete |
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- Created io.cozy.files
Param | Type | Description |
data | File | Blob | Stream | string | ArrayBuffer |
file to be uploaded |
dirPath | string |
Path to upload the file to. ie : /Administative/XXX/ |
Creates directory or file.
- Used by StackLink to support CozyClient.create('io.cozy.files', options)
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
- explaining reason why creation failed
Param | Type | Description |
attributes | FileAttributes | DirectoryAttributes |
Attributes of the created file/directory |
attributes.data | File | Blob | string | ArrayBuffer |
Will be used as content of the created file |
updateFile - Updates a file's data
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- Updated document
- explaining reason why update failed
Param | Type | Description |
data | File | Blob | Stream | string | ArrayBuffer |
file to be uploaded |
params | FileAttributes |
Additional parameters |
params.options | object |
Options to pass to doUpload method (additional headers) |
Download a file or a specific version of the file
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Param | Type | Default | Description |
file | object |
io.cozy.files object | |
versionId | string |
null |
Id of the io.cozy.files.version |
filename | string |
The name you want for the downloaded file (by default the same as the file) |
Fetch the binary of a file or a specific version of a file Useful for instance when you can't download the file directly (via a content-disposition attachement header) and need to store it before doing an operation.
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
Id of the io.cozy.files or io.cozy.files.version |
Get a beautified size for a given file 1024B => 1KB 102404500404B => 95.37 GB
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Param | Type | Description |
file | object |
io.cozy.files object |
decimal | number |
number of decimal |
Checks if the file belongs to the parent's hierarchy.
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: boolean
- Whether the file is a parent's child
Param | Type | Description |
child | string | object |
The file which can either be an id or an object |
parent | string | object |
The parent target which can either be an id or an object |
statById - Fetches the metadata about a document. For folders, the results include the list of child files and folders.
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- A promise resolving to an object containing "data" (the document metadata), "included" (the child documents) and "links" (pagination informations)
Param | Type | Default | Description |
id | string |
ID of the document | |
[options] | object |
{} |
Description |
[options.page[limit]] | number |
Max number of children documents to return | |
[options.page[skip]] | number |
Number of children documents to skip from the start | |
[options.page[cursor]] | string |
A cursor id for pagination |
async createDirectoryByPath - Creates one or more folders until the given path exists
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- The document corresponding to the last segment of the path
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
Path of the created directory |
Send a metadata object that can be associated to a file uploaded after that, via the MetadataID query parameter. See https://github.com/cozy/cozy-stack/blob/master/docs/files.md#post-filesuploadmetadata
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- The Metadata object
Param | Type | Description |
attributes | object |
The file's metadata |
Updates the metadata attribute of a io.cozy.files Creates a new version of the file without having to upload again the file's content
To see available content of the metadata attribute see : https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-doctypes/docs/io.cozy.files_metadata/
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: object
- io.cozy.files updated
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
File id |
metadata | object |
io.cozy.files.metadata attributes |
Get the file mime-type based on its name
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: string
- the inferred file mime-type
Param | Type | Description |
name | string |
The file name |
This method should not be called directly to upload a file.
You should use createFile
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Param | Type | Default | Description |
dataArg | File | Blob | Stream | string | ArrayBuffer |
file to be uploaded | |
path | string |
Uri to call the stack from. Something like /files/${dirId}?Name=${name}&Type=file&Executable=${executable}&MetadataID=${metadataId} |
options | object |
Additional headers | |
method | string |
"POST" |
async findNotSynchronizedDirectories - Returns the list of directories not synchronized on the given OAuth client (mainly Cozy Desktop clients) — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/not-synchronized-vfs/#get-datatypedoc-idrelationshipsnot_synchronizing
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: Array.<(object|IOCozyFolder)>
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
oauthClient | OAuthClient |
A JSON representing an OAuth client, with at least a _type and _id field. |
options | object |
Additional options |
options.skip | number |
For skip-based pagination, the number of referenced files to skip. |
options.limit | number |
For pagination, the number of results to return. |
options.cursor | object |
For cursor-based pagination, the index cursor. |
options.includeFiles | boolean |
Include the whole file documents in the results list |
Add directory synchronization exclusions to an OAuth client — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/not-synchronized-vfs/#post-datatypedoc-idrelationshipsnot_synchronizing
For example, to exclude directory /Photos
from My Computer
's desktop synchronization:
addNotSynchronizedDirectories({_id: 123, _type: "io.cozy.oauth.clients", clientName: "Cozy Drive (My Computer)", clientKind: "desktop"}, [{_id: 456, _type: "io.cozy.files", name: "Photos", path: "/Photos"}])
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: 204 No Content
Param | Type | Description |
oauthClient | OAuthClient |
A JSON representing the OAuth client |
directories | Array |
An array of JSON documents having a _type and _id fields and representing directories. |
Remove directory synchronization exclusions from an OAuth client — see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/not-synchronized-vfs/#delete-datatypedoc-idrelationshipsnot_synchronizing
For example, to re-include directory /Photos
into My Computer
's desktop synchronization:
removeNotSynchronizedDirectories({_id: 123, _type: "io.cozy.oauth.clients", clientName: "Cozy Drive (My Computer)", clientKind: "desktop"}, [{_id: 456, _type: "io.cozy.files", name: "Photos", path: "/Photos"}])
Kind: instance method of FileCollection
Returns: 204 No Content
Param | Type | Description |
oauthClient | OAuthClient |
A JSON representing the OAuth client |
directories | Array |
An array of JSON documents having a _type and _id field and representing directories. |
Implements DocumentCollection
API to interact with the /notes endpoint of the stack
Kind: global class
- NotesCollection
- .all() ⇒
- .destroy(note) ⇒
- .create(option) ⇒
- .fetchURL(note) ⇒
- .getDefaultSchema() ⇒
- .all() ⇒
Fetches all notes
Kind: instance method of NotesCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Destroys the note on the server
Kind: instance method of NotesCollection
Returns: Object
- The deleted note
Param | Type | Description |
note | io.cozy.notes |
The note document to destroy |
note._id | string |
The note's id |
Create a note
Kind: instance method of NotesCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
option | object |
option.dir_id | string |
dir_id where to create the note |
Returns the details to build the note's url
Kind: instance method of NotesCollection
Returns: Object
- The note's url details
See: https://github.com/cozy/cozy-stack/blob/master/docs/notes.md#get-notesidopen
Param | Type | Description |
note | io.cozy.notes |
The note document to open |
note._id | string |
The note's id |
Returns promise mirror schema for a note
Kind: instance method of NotesCollection
Returns: object
- schema
Specialized CozyStackClient
for mobile, implementing stack registration
through OAuth.
Kind: global class
- OAuthClient
- .doRegistration()
- .register() ⇒
- .unregister() ⇒
- .fetchInformation() ⇒
- .updateInformation(information, resetSecret) ⇒
- .generateStateCode() ⇒
- .getAuthCodeURL(stateCode, scopes) ⇒
- .getAccessCodeFromURL(pageURL, stateCode) ⇒
- .fetchAccessToken(accessCode, oauthOptionsArg, uri) ⇒
- .refreshToken() ⇒
- .setToken(token)
- .setOAuthOptions(options)
- .resetClient()
Performs the HTTP call to register the client to the server
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Registers the currenly configured client with the OAuth server and sets internal information from the server response
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with a complete list of client information, including client ID and client secret.
When the client is already registered
Unregisters the currenly configured client with the OAuth server.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Fetches the complete set of client information from the server after it has been registered.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Overwrites the client own information. This method will update both the local information and the remote information on the OAuth server.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- Resolves to a complete, updated list of client information
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Param | Type | Default | Description |
information | object |
Set of information to update. Note that some fields such as clientID can't be updated. |
resetSecret | boolean |
false |
= false Optionnal, whether to reset the client secret or not |
Generates a random state code to be used during the OAuth process
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Generates the URL that the user should be sent to in order to accept the app's permissions.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: string
- The URL
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Param | Type | Description |
stateCode | string |
A random code to be included in the URl for security. Can be generated with client.generateStateCode() |
scopes | Array |
= [] An array of permission scopes for the token. |
Retrieves the access code contained in the URL to which the user is redirected after accepting the app's permissions (the redirectURI
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: string
- The access code
The URL should contain the same state code as the one generated withclient.getAuthCodeURL()
. If not, it will throw an error
Param | Type | Description |
pageURL | string |
The redirected page URL, containing the state code and the access code |
stateCode | string |
The state code that was contained in the original URL the user was sent to (see client.getAuthCodeURL() ) |
Exchanges an access code for an access token. This function does not update the client's token.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with an AccessToken object.
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Param | Type | Description |
accessCode | string |
The access code contained in the redirection URL — see client.getAccessCodeFromURL() |
oauthOptionsArg | object |
— To use when OAuthClient is not yet registered (during login process) |
uri | string |
— To use when OAuthClient is not yet registered (during login process) |
Retrieves a new access token by refreshing the currently used token.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with a new AccessToken object
When the client doesn't have it's registration informationError
The client should already have an access token to use this function
Updates the client's stored token
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Param | Type | Description |
token | string |
= null The new token to use — can be a string, a json object or an AccessToken instance. |
Updates the OAuth informations
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Param | Type | Description |
options | object |
Map of OAuth options |
Reset the current OAuth client
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Implements DocumentCollection
API to interact with the /settings/clients endpoint of the stack
Kind: global class
- OAuthClientsCollection
- .all(options) ⇒
- .get(id) ⇒
- .destroy(oauthClient) ⇒
- .all(options) ⇒
Fetches all OAuth clients
Kind: instance method of OAuthClientsCollection
Returns: object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
options | object |
Query options |
options.limit | number |
For pagination, the number of results to return. |
options.bookmark | object |
For cursor-based pagination, the index cursor. |
options.keys | Array |
Ids of specific clients to return (within the current page), |
Get an OAuth client by id
Kind: instance method of OAuthClientsCollection
Returns: object
- JsonAPI response containing normalized client as data attribute
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
The client id. |
Destroys the OAuth client on the server
Kind: instance method of OAuthClientsCollection
Returns: Object
- The deleted client
Param | Type | Description |
oauthClient | io.cozy.oauth.clients |
The client document to destroy |
Implements DocumentCollection
API along with specific methods for io.cozy.permissions
Kind: global class
Create a new set of permissions It can also associates one or more codes to it, via the codes parameter
Kind: instance method of PermissionCollection
See: https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/permissions/#post-permissions
Param | Type | Description |
permission | object |
permission.codes | string |
A comma separed list of values (defaulted to code) |
permission.ttl | string |
Make the codes expire after a delay (bigduration format) |
permission.tiny | boolean |
If set to true then the generated shortcode will be 6 digits Cozy-Stack has a few conditions to be able to use this tiny shortcode ATM you have to specifiy a ttl < 1h, but it can change. see https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/permissions/#post-permissions for exact informations bigduration format: https://github.com/justincampbell/bigduration/blob/master/README.md |
Adds a permission to the given document. Document type must be
, io.cozy.konnectors
or io.cozy.permissions
Kind: instance method of PermissionCollection
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
Document which receives the permission |
permission | object |
Describes the permission |
const permissions = await client
.add(konnector, {
folder: {
type: 'io.cozy.files',
verbs: ['GET', 'PUT'],
values: [`io.cozy.files.bc57b60eb2954537b0dcdc6ebd8e9d23`]
Create a share link
Kind: instance method of PermissionCollection
Param | Type | Description |
document | Object |
cozy document |
options | object |
options |
options.verbs | Array.<string> |
explicit permissions to use |
Follow the next link to fetch the next permissions
Kind: instance method of PermissionCollection
Param | Type | Description |
permissions | object |
JSON-API based permissions document |
Kind: instance method of PermissionCollection
Returns: object
- with all the permissions
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
Cozy doc |
Destroy a sharing link and the related permissions
Kind: instance method of PermissionCollection
Param | Type |
document | object |
Implements DocumentCollection
API to interact with the /settings endpoint of the stack
async get - Calls a route on the /settings API
Kind: instance method of SettingsCollection
Returns: object
- The response from the route
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
The setting route to call, eg instance or context |
Implements the DocumentCollection
API along with specific methods for
Kind: global class
sharingCollection.get(id) ⇒ Sharing
Fetches a sharing by id
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Returns: Sharing
- sharing
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
Sharing's id |
Creates a new Sharing. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing/#post-sharings
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Description |
params | object |
Sharing params |
params.document | Sharing |
The document to share |
params.description | string |
Description of the sharing |
[params.previewPath] | string |
The preview path |
[params.rules] | Array.<Rule> |
The rules defined to the sharing. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing |
[params.recipients] | Array.<Recipient> |
Recipients to add to the sharings (will have the same permissions given by the rules defined by the sharing ) |
[params.readOnlyRecipients] | Array.<Recipient> |
Recipients to add to the sharings with only read only access |
[params.openSharing] | boolean |
If someone else than the owner can add a recipient to the sharing |
[params.appSlug] | string |
Slug of the targeted app |
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Default | Description |
document | Sharing |
The document to share. Should have and _id and a name. | |
recipients | Array |
A list of io.cozy.contacts | |
sharingType | string |
If "two-way", will set the open_sharing attribute to true | |
description | string |
Describes the sharing | |
[previewPath] | string |
null |
Relative URL of the sharings preview page |
getDiscoveryLink - Returns the URL of the page that can be used to accept a sharing. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing/#get-sharingssharing-iddiscovery
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Description |
sharingId | string |
Id of the sharing |
sharecode | string |
Code of the sharing |
Add an array of contacts to the Sharing
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Description |
options | object |
Object |
options.document | Sharing |
Sharing Object |
[options.recipients] | Array.<Recipient> |
Recipients to add to the sharing |
[options.readOnlyRecipients] | Array.<Recipient> |
Recipients to add to the sharings with only read only access |
Revoke only one recipient of the sharing.
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Description |
sharing | object |
Sharing Object |
recipientIndex | number |
Index of this recipient in the members array of the sharing |
Remove self from the sharing.
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Description |
sharing | object |
Sharing Object |
Revoke the sharing for all the members. Must be called from the owner's cozy
Kind: instance method of SharingCollection
Param | Type | Description |
sharing | object |
Sharing Objects |
Implements DocumentCollection
API along with specific methods for io.cozy.triggers
Kind: global class
- TriggerCollection
- .all(options) ⇒
- .create(attributes) ⇒
- .destroy(document) ⇒
- .find(selector, options) ⇒
- .launch(trigger) ⇒
- .all(options) ⇒
Get the list of triggers.
Kind: instance method of TriggerCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
See: https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/jobs/#get-jobstriggers
Param | Type | Description |
options | Object |
The fetch options: Worker allow to filter only triggers associated with a specific worker. |
Creates a Trigger document
Kind: instance method of TriggerCollection
Returns: object
- Stack response, containing trigger document under data
See: https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/jobs/#post-jobstriggers
Param | Type | Description |
attributes | object |
Trigger's attributes |
Deletes a trigger
Kind: instance method of TriggerCollection
Returns: object
- The deleted document
See: https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/jobs/#delete-jobstriggerstrigger-id
Param | Type | Description |
document | object |
The trigger to delete — must have an _id field |
Be warned, ATM /jobs/triggers does not return the same informations than /data/io.cozy.triggers (used by the super.find method).
Kind: instance method of TriggerCollection
Returns: Object
- The JSON API conformant response.
Param | Type | Description |
selector | object |
Which kind of worker {konnector,service} |
options | object |
Options |
Force given trigger execution.
Kind: instance method of TriggerCollection
Returns: object
- Stack response, containing job launched by trigger, under data
See: https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/jobs/#post-jobstriggerstrigger-idlaunch
Param | Type | Description |
trigger | object |
Trigger to launch |
Handler for error response which return a empty value for "not found" error
Kind: global constant
Returns: object
- JsonAPI response with empty data in case of "not
found" error.
Param | Type | Description |
error | Error |
An error |
data | Array | object |
Data to return in case of "not found" error |
Helper to identify an index not found error
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- - Whether or not the error is an index not found error
Param | Type | Description |
error | Error |
An error |
Helper to identify an index conflict
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- - Whether or not the error is an index conflict error
Param | Type | Description |
error | Error |
An error |
Helper to identify a no usable index error
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- - Whether or not the error is a no usable index error
Param | Type | Description |
error | Error |
An error |
Helper to identify a document conflict
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- - Whether or not the error is a document conflict error
Param | Type | Description |
error | Error |
An error |
Returns true when parameter has type directory, file or has _type io.cozy.files
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- true when objects has type directory, file or has _type io.cozy.files or false
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
The type of the file |
_type | string |
The _type of the file |
Returns true when parameters has type directory
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- true when parameters has type directory or false
Param | Type | Description |
type | string |
The type of the file |
Get the list of illegal characters in the file name
Kind: global constant
Returns: string
- illegal characters separated by spaces
Access: public
Param | Type | Description |
name | string |
the file name |
Compute fields that should be indexed for a mango query to work
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array
- - Fields to index
Param | Type | Description |
options | object |
Mango query options |
Check if an index is in an inconsistent state, i.e. its name contains the indexed attributes which are not in correct order.
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- True if the index is inconsistent
Param | Type | Description |
index | DesignDoc |
The index to check |
Check if an index is matching the given fields
Kind: global constant
Returns: boolean
- True if the index is matches the given fields
Param | Type | Description |
index | DesignDoc |
The index to check |
fields | Array |
The fields that the index must have |
partialFilter | object |
An optional partial filter |
Build a permission set
Kind: global constant
Returns: object
- permissions object that can be sent through /permissions/*
Param | Type | Description |
document | Object |
cozy document |
publicLink | boolean |
are the permissions for a public link ? |
options | object |
options |
options.verbs | Array.<string> |
explicit permissions to use |
getSharingRules ⇒ Array.<Rule>
Rules determine the behavior of the sharing when changes are made to the shared document See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
Kind: global constant
Returns: Array.<Rule>
- The rules that define how to share the document
Param | Type | Description |
document | Sharing |
The document to share. Should have and _id and a name |
sharingType | SharingType |
The type of the sharing |
Get the access token string
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- token
See: CozyStackClient.getAccessToken
Get the app token string
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- token
See: CozyStackClient.getAccessToken
Delete outdated results from cache
Memoize with maxDuration and custom key
getSharingRulesForPhotosAlbum(document, sharingType) ⇒ Array.<Rule>
Compute the rules that define how to share a Photo Album. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<Rule>
- The rules that define how to share a Photo Album
Param | Type | Description |
document | Sharing |
The document to share. Should have and _id and a name |
sharingType | SharingType |
The type of the sharing |
getSharingPolicyForReferencedFiles(sharingType) ⇒ SharingPolicy
Compute the sharing policy for a ReferencedFile based on its sharing type
Kind: global function
Returns: SharingPolicy
- The sharing policy for the ReferencedFile
Param | Type | Description |
sharingType | SharingType |
The type of the sharing |
getSharingPolicyForAlbum(sharingType) ⇒ Array.<Rule>
Compute the sharing policy for an Album based on its sharing type
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<Rule>
- The sharing policy for the Album
Param | Type | Description |
sharingType | SharingType |
The type of the sharing |
getSharingRulesForFile(document, sharingType) ⇒ Array.<Rule>
Compute the rules that define how to share a File. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<Rule>
- The rules that define how to share a File
Param | Type | Description |
document | Sharing |
The document to share. Should have and _id and a name |
sharingType | SharingType |
The type of the sharing |
getSharingPolicyForFile(document, sharingType) ⇒ SharingPolicy
Compute the sharing policy for a File based on its sharing type
Kind: global function
Returns: SharingPolicy
- The sharing policy for the File
Param | Type | Description |
document | Sharing |
The document to share. Should have and _id and a name |
sharingType | SharingType |
The type of the sharing |
getSharingRulesForOrganizations(document) ⇒ Array.<Rule>
Compute the rules that define how to share an Organization. See https://docs.cozy.io/en/cozy-stack/sharing-design/#description-of-a-sharing
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<Rule>
- The rules that define how to share an Organization
Param | Type | Description |
document | Sharing |
The document to share. Should have and _id and a name |
toRelationshipItem(item) ⇒ RelationshipItem
Compute the RelationshipItem that can be referenced as a sharing recipient
Kind: global function
Returns: RelationshipItem
- The RelationshipItem that can be referenced as a sharing recipient
Param | Type | Description |
item | Recipient |
The recipient of a sharing |
Get a uniform formatted URL and SSL information according to a provided URL
Calls _changes route from CouchDB No further treatment is done contrary to fetchchanges
Kind: global typedef
See: https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/changes.html
Param | Type | Description |
since | string |
Bookmark telling CouchDB from which point in time should changes be returned |
doc_ids | Array.<string> |
Only return changes for a subset of documents |
includeDocs | boolean |
Includes full documents as part of results |
couchOptions | CouchOptionsRaw |
Couch options for changes https://kutt.it/5r7MNQ |
FetchChangesReturnValue ⇒ FetchChangesReturnValue
Use Couch _changes API Deleted and design docs are filtered by default, thus documents are retrieved in the response (include_docs is set to true in the parameters of _changes).
You should use fetchChangesRaw to have low level control on _changes parameters.
Kind: global typedef
Param | Type | Description |
since | string |
Bookmark telling CouchDB from which point in time should changes be returned |
doc_ids | Array.<string> |
Only return changes for a subset of documents |
couchOptions | CouchOptions |
Couch options for changes |
options | FetchChangesOptions |
Further options on the returned documents. By default, it is set to { includeDesign: false, includeDeleted: false } |
Name | Type | Description |
includeDesign | boolean |
Whether to include changes from design docs (needs include_docs to be true) |
includeDeleted | boolean |
Whether to include changes for deleted documents (needs include_docs to be true) |
newLastSeq | string |
documents | Array.<object> |
Attributes used for directory creation
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
dirId | string |
Id of the parent directory. |
name | boolean |
Name of the created directory. |
executable | boolean |
Indicates whether the file will be executable. |
Attributes used for file creation
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
dirId | string |
Id of the parent directory. |
name | string |
Name of the created file. |
lastModifiedDate | Date |
Can be used to set the last modified date of a file. |
executable | boolean |
Whether or not the file is executable |
metadata | object |
io.cozy.files.metadata to attach to the file |
Document representing a io.cozy.files
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
_id | string |
Id of the file |
attributes | FileAttributes |
Attributes of the file |
Stream is not defined in a browser, but is on NodeJS environment
Document representing a io.cozy.oauth.clients
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
_id | string |
Id of the client |
_type | string |
Doctype of the client (i.e. io.cozy.oauth.clients) |
- OAuthClient :
- .doRegistration()
- .register() ⇒
- .unregister() ⇒
- .fetchInformation() ⇒
- .updateInformation(information, resetSecret) ⇒
- .generateStateCode() ⇒
- .getAuthCodeURL(stateCode, scopes) ⇒
- .getAccessCodeFromURL(pageURL, stateCode) ⇒
- .fetchAccessToken(accessCode, oauthOptionsArg, uri) ⇒
- .refreshToken() ⇒
- .setToken(token)
- .setOAuthOptions(options)
- .resetClient()
Performs the HTTP call to register the client to the server
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Registers the currenly configured client with the OAuth server and sets internal information from the server response
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with a complete list of client information, including client ID and client secret.
When the client is already registered
Unregisters the currenly configured client with the OAuth server.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Fetches the complete set of client information from the server after it has been registered.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Overwrites the client own information. This method will update both the local information and the remote information on the OAuth server.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- Resolves to a complete, updated list of client information
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Param | Type | Default | Description |
information | object |
Set of information to update. Note that some fields such as clientID can't be updated. |
resetSecret | boolean |
false |
= false Optionnal, whether to reset the client secret or not |
Generates a random state code to be used during the OAuth process
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Generates the URL that the user should be sent to in order to accept the app's permissions.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: string
- The URL
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Param | Type | Description |
stateCode | string |
A random code to be included in the URl for security. Can be generated with client.generateStateCode() |
scopes | Array |
= [] An array of permission scopes for the token. |
Retrieves the access code contained in the URL to which the user is redirected after accepting the app's permissions (the redirectURI
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: string
- The access code
The URL should contain the same state code as the one generated withclient.getAuthCodeURL()
. If not, it will throw an error
Param | Type | Description |
pageURL | string |
The redirected page URL, containing the state code and the access code |
stateCode | string |
The state code that was contained in the original URL the user was sent to (see client.getAuthCodeURL() ) |
Exchanges an access code for an access token. This function does not update the client's token.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with an AccessToken object.
When the client doesn't have it's registration information
Param | Type | Description |
accessCode | string |
The access code contained in the redirection URL — see client.getAccessCodeFromURL() |
oauthOptionsArg | object |
— To use when OAuthClient is not yet registered (during login process) |
uri | string |
— To use when OAuthClient is not yet registered (during login process) |
Retrieves a new access token by refreshing the currently used token.
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Returns: Promise
- A promise that resolves with a new AccessToken object
When the client doesn't have it's registration informationError
The client should already have an access token to use this function
Updates the client's stored token
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Param | Type | Description |
token | string |
= null The new token to use — can be a string, a json object or an AccessToken instance. |
Updates the OAuth informations
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
Param | Type | Description |
options | object |
Map of OAuth options |
Reset the current OAuth client
Kind: instance method of OAuthClient
FetchChangesReturnValue ⇒ FetchChangesReturnValue
Use cozy-stack's _changes API for io.cozy.files Design docs are filtered by default, thus documents are retrieved in the response (includeDocs is set to true in the parameters of _changes). Deleted and trashed documents can be filtered on demand and files' paths can be requested as well.
Since deleted and trashed documents are skipped by cozy-stack rather than
CouchDB, when either option is set to true, the response can contain less
documents than the defined limit. Thus one should rely solely on the
result attribute to determine if more documents can be fetched or
You should use fetchChangesRaw to call CouchDB's _changes API.
Kind: global typedef
Param | Type | Description |
couchOptions | CouchOptions |
Couch options for changes |
options | FetchChangesOptions |
Further options on the returned documents. By default, it is set to { includeFilePath: false, skipDeleted: false, skipTrashed: false } |
Name | Type | Description |
since | string |
Bookmark telling CouchDB from which point in time should changes be returned |
limit | number |
The maximum number of returned documents for one call |
includeDocs | boolean |
Whether or not complete documents should be returned |
fields | Array.<string> |
The list of fields that should be returned for each document |
includeFilePath | boolean |
Whether to include the path of file changes (needs includeDocs to be true) |
skipDeleted | boolean |
Whether to skip changes for deleted documents |
skipTrashed | boolean |
Whether to skip changes for trashed documents (needs includeDocs to be true) |
newLastSeq | string |
pending | boolean |
documents | Array.<object> |
Document representing a io.cozy.jobs
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
_id | string |
Id of the job |
attributes.state | string |
state of the job. Can be 'errored', 'running', 'queued', 'done' |
attributes.error | string |
Error message of the job if any |
Attributes representing a design doc
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
_id | string |
Id of the design doc. Can be named, e.g. '_design/by_indexed_attribute' or not, e.g. '_design/12345' |
language | string |
The index language. Can be 'query' for mango index or 'javascript' for views. |
views | object |
Views definition, i.e. the index. |
Permission ⇒ Permission
async getOwnPermissions - deprecated: please use fetchOwnPermissions instead
Kind: global typedef
Returns: Permission
- permission
Permission ⇒ Permission
async fetchOwnPermissions - Fetches permissions
Kind: global typedef
Returns: Permission
- permission
A sharing rule
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type |
title | string |
doctype | string |
values | Array |
[add] | string |
[update] | string |
[remove] | string |
An io.cozy.contact
An io.cozy.sharings document
Define the add/update/remove policies for a sharing
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type |
add | string |
update | string |
remove | string |
Define how a document is synced between sharing's owner and receivers.
Define a recipient that can be used as target of a sharing
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
id | string |
Recipient's ID |
type | string |
Reciptient's type (should be 'io.cozy.contacts') |