Supported Types
- Mesh
- NurbsCurve
- Transforms (always exported)
- Camera (no special flags needed - will auto-detect cameras and export correctly)
You can either use:
- the command (AL_usdmaya_ImportCommand)
- the maya "file" interface
Usage is as below (see Example Usages for Export)
Full set of supported import options are described here
Will export a part of your maya scene into the USD format for selected types
You can either use:
- the command (AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand)
- the maya "file" interface
If you want the export to happen from a certain point in the hierarchy then select the node in maya and pass the parameter selected=True, otherwise it will export from the root of the scene.
Full set of supported export options are described here
Using File interface (also available from File->Export menu - File type is "al_usdmaya export"
file -force -options "Dynamic_Attributes=1;Meshes=1;Nurbs_Curves=1;Duplicate_Instances=1;Use_Animal_Schema=1;Merge_Transforms=1;Animation=1;Use_Timeline_Range=1;Frame_Min=1;Frame_Max=1;Filter_Sample=0;" -typ "AL usdmaya export" -es "/var/tmp/vv.usdc";
Command Examples If you want to export everything keeping the time sampled data, you can do so by passing:
AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand -f "<path/to/out/file.usd>" -animation
Exporting attributes that are dynamic attributes can be done by:
AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand -f "<path/to/out/file.usd>" -dynamic
Exporting samples over a framerange can be done a few ways:
AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand -f "<path/to/out/file.usd>" -frameRange 0 24
AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand -f "<path/to/out/file.usd>" -ani
Nurbs curves can be exported by passing the corresponding parameters:
AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand -f "<path/to/out/file.usd>" -nc
The exporter can remove samples that contain the same data for adjacent samples
AL_usdmaya_ExportCommand -f "<path/to/out/file.usd>" -fs
For meshes we export:
- Topology and Point Positions
- Indexed UVs
- Colour Sets (by default RGBA and faceVarying)
- Subdivision Edge and Vertex Creases
- Dynamic Attributes
Use Animal Schema The "Use_Animal_Schema" option when exporting was originally intended to export mesh data in a way which was easier for our inhouse Renderer to consume. The salient differences are:
- Export Indexed Subdiv Crease Data
- Imports/Exports Subdivision-related Flags used by our Renderer as attributes
- When exporting Colour Sets, names them prefixed with "alusd_colour_" to avoid clashes with Pixar Schemas, and force to RGBA and per Face
Note: This special schema needs to be revisited, possibly removed/made more generic (@todo Reference Github issue) The colour handling in particular is a bit of a mess at the moment, and is hardcoded to support some very specific use cases. Until we fix all this, might be worth using the Pixar Plugin for mesh import/export
USD has an convention enforced in a Schema related to having a Colour Set on your mesh called "primvars:displayColor" see here. This will be used as a fallback by Hydra and other viewers if there is no other shading information (There is also a matching displayOpacity)
To have geometry colours displayed by Hydra your data needs to look something like one of the 3 meshes in this usd file. Colour Data can be exported:
- Per Vert
- Per Face
- Per Vert per Face (FaceVarying) Not 100% sure that this is either working or supported by Hydra
The exporter will export the data as it is stored in Maya - non-indexed
- Make sure that one of the colour sets in your mesh is called "displayColor" (there is an example maya file here)
- If we don't use the "Animal_Schema" when exporting the names of Colour Sets will be preserved (but exported as faceVarying)
If I export to alembic from maya e.g
AbcExport -j "-root |pSphere1 -writeColorSets -f /var/tmp/";
...where -wcs is "Write all color sets on MFnMeshes as color 3 or color 4 indexed geometry parameters with face varying scope".
Then I re-import I see the colours again in maya - great!
Looking at the alembic with abctree:
| `--.xform
shows there is an indexed colour set..
In the current version of the USD ABC Plugin(0.7.6) it looks like these indexed UV sets are correctly converted to Face-varying data...and display properly in the viewport (this was not working in older versions of USD)