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193 lines (154 loc) · 7.44 KB

File metadata and controls

193 lines (154 loc) · 7.44 KB

Contributing Guide

Thanks for your interest in contributing to rate-limit-redis! This guide will show you how to set up your environment and contribute to this library.

Set Up

First, you need to install and be familiar the following:

  • git: Here is a great guide by GitHub on installing and getting started with Git.
  • node and npm: This guide will help you install Node and npm. The recommended method is using the n version manager if you are on MacOS or Linux. Make sure you are using the active LTS version of Node.

Once you have installed the above, follow these instructions to fork and clone the repository (express-rate-limit/rate-limit-redis).

Once you have forked and cloned the repository, you can pick out an issue you want to fix/implement!

Making Changes

Once you have cloned the repository to your computer (say, in ~/Code/rate-limit-redis) and picked the issue you want to tackle, create a branch:

> git checkout -b branch-name

While naming your branch, try to follow the below guidelines:

  1. Prefix the branch name with the type of change being made:
    • fix: For a bug fix.
    • feat: For a new feature.
    • test: For any change related to tests.
    • perf: For a performance related change.
    • meta: Anything related to the build process, workflows, issue templates, etc.
    • refc: For any refactoring work.
    • docs: For any documentation related changes.
  2. Make the branch name short but self-explanatory.

Once you have created a branch, you can start coding!

The library is written in Typescript and supports all LTS versions of Node. The code is arranged as follows:

├── config/
│  └── husky/
│     ├── _
│     └── pre-commit
├── src/
│  ├── index.ts
│  ├── lib.ts
│  └── types.ts
├── test/
│  └── store-test.ts
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── tsconfig.json

Most files have a little description of what they do at the top.


  • package.json: Node package information.
  • package-lock.yaml: Node package lock file, please do not modify manually.
  • tsconfig.json: The Typescript configuration for this project.
  • A list of changes that have been made in each version.
  • This file, helps contributors get started.
  • Tells people how they can use this package.
  • The file everyone should read before using the package. Contains installation and usage instructions.


  • src/index.ts: Re-exports all constants, functions and classes from src/lib.ts, and types from src/types.ts.
  • src/lib.ts: The actual library code.
  • src/types.ts: Typescript types for the library.


  • test/*-test.ts: Tests a part of the library.


  • config/husky/pre-commit: The bash script to run just before someone runs git commit.

When adding a new feature/fixing a bug, please add/update the readme and changelog as well as add tests for the same. Also make sure your code has been linted and that existing tests pass. You can run the linter using npm run lint, the tests using npm run test and try to automatically fix most lint issues using npm run autofix.

Once you have made changes to the code, you will want to commit (basically, Git's version of save) the changes. To commit the changes you have made locally:

> git add this/folder that/file
> git commit --message 'commit-message'

While writing the commit-message, try to follow the below guidelines:

  1. Prefix the message with type:, where type is one of the following dependending on what the commit does:
    • fix: Introduces a bug fix.
    • feat: Adds a new feature.
    • test: Any change related to tests.
    • perf: Any performance related change.
    • meta: Any change related to the build process, workflows, issue templates, etc.
    • refc: Any refactoring work.
    • docs: Any documentation related changes.
  2. Keep the first line brief, and less than 60 characters.
  3. Try describing the change in detail in a new paragraph (double newline after the first line).

When you commit files, husky and lint-staged will automatically lint the code and fix most issues. In case an error is not automatically fixable, they will cancel the commit. Please fix the errors before committing the changes.

Contributing Changes

Once you have committed your changes, you will want to push (basically, publish your changes to GitHub) your commits. To push your changes to your fork:

> git push origin branch-name

If there are changes made to the main branch of the express-rate-limit/rate-limit-redis repository, you may wish to rebase your branch to include those changes. To rebase, or include the changes from the main branch of the express-rate-limit/rate-limit-redis repository:

> git fetch upstream main
> git rebase upstream/main

This will automatically add the changes from main branch of the express-rate-limit/rate-limit-redis repository to the current branch. If you encounter any merge conflicts, follow this guide to resolve them.

Once you have pushed your changes to your fork, follow these instructions to open a pull request:

Once you have submitted a pull request, the maintainers of the repository will review your pull requests. Whenever a maintainer reviews a pull request they may request changes. These may be small, such as fixing a typo, or may involve substantive changes. Such requests are intended to be helpful, but at times may come across as abrupt or unhelpful, especially if they do not include concrete suggestions on how to change them. Try not to be discouraged. If you feel that a review is unfair, say so or seek the input of another project contributor. Often such comments are the result of a reviewer having taken insufficient time to review and are not ill-intended. Such difficulties can often be resolved with a bit of patience. That said, reviewers should be expected to provide helpful feedback.

In order to land, a pull request needs to be reviewed and approved by at least one maintainer and pass CI. After that, if there are no objections from other contributors, the pull request can be merged.

Congratulations and thanks for your contribution!