- navbar:
- navbar: spawned toolbars of injected navbars appear part 2 (55a9fb73)
- navbar: spawned toolbars of injected navbars appear (ce4b22e1)
- search: input is now type agnostic (4d709c99)
- icon: symbolize missing icon (99a7d182)
- iscroll: make click compatible (fae1ed8d)
- navbar: getUpFromState should detect up state even with params (0af3c3d6)
- a11y:
- bpSref: remove bpSref, replace w/ uiSref (72d38e1d)
- bpTap: remove bpTap, replace w/ ngClick (08ff320a)
- navbar: on ios put single action on the left (98cc68b4)
- uiSref: make it work w/o touch delay (0eb87130)
- bpSref is now named uiSref
<bp-action bp-sref="somestate"></bp-action>
<bp-action ui-sref="somestate"></bp-action>
This should be a search and replace migration. (72d38e1d)
- bpTap is now named ngClick
<bp-action bp-tap="doSomething()"></bp-action>
<bp-action ng-click="doSomething()"></bp-action>
This should be a search and replace migration. (08ff320a)
- navbar:
- sref: evaluate on tap, rather than on load (d507a2fb)
- prevent digest at end of timeouts for perf (daa9da73)
- app: move transition logic to directive closes #76 (5a2311b2)
- iscroll:
- navbar: hide wrapper if no navbar present (c79c7b32)
- navigation: no animation w/o direction (f4b1570e)
- tab: enable state params for tab state (1e7beda7)
- view: merge sref into view closes #77 (78dfa517)
- navbar: read up state from url (7a258fa4)
- use controllers instead of scope (95578fa0)
- navbar: do not expose private helpers to scope, no isolate (fb166e14)
- navigation:
- scale: look more like android (ebd9ea5b)
- scroll: fix scroll w/table (59b5630b)
- table: prevent margin collapse in grouped (3f825b40)
- navbar: support state params for up button (65e08083)
- sref:
- view: platform specific transition defaults (27e879cc)
- action-overflow: unbind events on destroy (b51aa80d)
- navbar: should remove spawned toolbar on destroy (cbdf30d1)
- view: getDirection should return null if segments do not match (18327616)
- action-overflow: initial (9c4c9e2b)
- navbar:
- navbar-config: allows to configure injected navbars (3017651b)
- navigation: navigation directive that injects navbars (d8679a2c)
- toolbar: initial (950726f5)
- view:
- getDirection method is now more strict about detecting the direction from URL segments. It requires the URLs to be the same in but the one segment that they defer from one another. Examples below illustrate URL changes and the returned value of getDirection if fed with the respective URL segments.
Before: /home -> /home/second returned 'normal' /home/second -> /home returned 'reverse' /home/second/third -> /home returned null /home -> /home/second/third returned 'normal' /home/second -> /crazy/bar/baz returned 'normal'
After: /home -> /home/second returns 'normal' /home/second -> /home returns 'reverse' /home/second/third -> /home returns null /home -> /home/second/third returns null /home/second -> /crazy/bar/baz returns null (18327616)
- remove whitespace from templates (27e95a4c)
- action: remove buggy back label magic (4bd0ccac)
- back-button: deprecate old styles (1a52aa50)
- button: no icon artifact for ios buttons (7aff1ab4)
- controllers: remove artifacts from remove viewCtrl (8e15e295)
- cover: now with css animation (0eeea6a0)
- icon: reduce embedded icons and make them optional (68ea8f09)
- iscroll: don't destroy iscroll until transition ends (68ebf22f)
- navbar:
- search:
- sref: fix nestedTap (fb4dcb3c)
- tabbar: fix styles (6f31b81e)
- tap:
- up: consistent renaming (24db5e16)
- view:
- bpSref: similiar to ui-sref, but tap enabled (0e8ad880)
- button:
- config: configurable on runtime (7667ac7c)
- navbar: inject up button from state (ba46277f)
- tabbar: now based on bp-sref (316ef554)
- bpNavbar attributes
renamed tobp-action.bp-button
. (bb0ae110) - You have to add a
element or attribute. Body alone won't suffice. There is no more viewController. (dd3d2cc2)
- slide: tweak easing function (3a26fb77)
- scroll: address ios7 scroll bug (44f7b22a)
- search: give explicit order after navbar (85b696a2)
- tap: unbind handlers on destroy (e70800bd)
- search: give explicit order after navbar (efac8f77)
- correct viewport for android (504333ec)
- animaions: adapt to ng1.2.0 animations (0db84a22)
- animate: ng-animate directive is deprecated w/ ng-1.2 (98705ea3)
- animations: bring back animations (d5a777a6)
- config: adapt config to ng-1.2.0 (af3a0a04)
- flip: deprecate till fixed (ac3fb1f5)
- grunt: only build android and ios (411f4518)
- platforms:
- screen: fix view and screen hierachy for ng-1.2 (91d343b8)
- typo: readable base font size (30ef626e)
- a11y: label back buttons with "Back to XYZ" (3df5a9f6)
- iscroll: style scrollbar for iOS7 (fe2cc066)
- loading-bar: add angular-loading-bar and custom styles (8ad3b072)
- scroll: inital css only scroll directive (0e6700b6)
- slide: update slide animation for iOS and ng-1.2 (e8707289)
- view: update and refactor for ng-1.2 compat (bb4859ec)
- encoding: remove unsafe "EN DASH" from source (080cd73a)
- navbar: give navbar explicit box-ordinal-group (51faf577)
- tabbar:
- table: apply role "group" to subtables (36a3824c)
- tap: support nesting (96e3b72d)
- detailDisclosure: initial (a629a61e)
- tabbar: initial (c0392383)
- typography: ios7 dynamic type support (82849638)
- view:
- iscroll: use official form support (5971c6ee)
- iscroll: evented refresh and delay detection (ad888219)
- search: $emit event on scope when text begin and ends editing (7c311c4d)
- tap: back button detection in child states (b6bc2258)
- viewService: direction detection for paramatarized URLs (4771df66)
- view: fix slide animation w/ consistent backgrounds (18828a34)
- viewService: detect direction for URL with trailing slash (9e5f7855)
- body: add class from scope config (1f7d3079)
- config: use provider instead of factories (963bccf6)
- viewService: correct transition and direction detection (97352e61)
- body: add ng-cloak CSS (a6e9e658)