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File metadata and controls

145 lines (95 loc) · 4.88 KB


This repository serves as a proof of concept for writing a minimal web application that allows users to create and share playlists of songs.

The application is split into several projects:

  • LivePlaylist.Api - Minimal API service that allows users to create and modify playlists
  • LivePlaylist.Common - Common models and services used by the API and Web projects
  • LivePlaylist.Web - Blazor Web Assembly app that acts as a front-end for the API
  • LivePlaylist.Tests - Unit tests for the API services


API Project Structure

The API project is structured as follows:

  • Auth/ - Contains authorization and authentication schemes
  • Data/ - Contains data parsers and initialization helpers
  • Endpoints/ - Contains the API endpoints for the application
  • Examples/ - Contains examples of accessing the API endpoints
  • Filters/ - Contains the filters (middleware) used by endpoints
  • Models/ - Contains the DTO models used by the API specifically
  • Services/ - Contains the services used by the application
  • Validators/ - Contains the validators used by the application
  • Program.cs - Entry point for the application that configures the API

Services are injected using the built-in dependency injection container IServiceCollection. This is commonly used in .NET Core applications and allows for easy testing and mocking of services.

Running the API

To run the API, you can use the following command:

cd LivePlaylist.Api
dotnet run

This will start the API on http://localhost:3000.

Swagger Documentation

The API documentation is automatically generated using Swagger.

You can access the documentation by running the API and navigating to http://localhost:3000/swagger/index.html.

Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, you can use the following command:

dotnet test -l "console;verbosity=normal"


The API uses a very basic "API Key" authentication scheme to simplify the proof of concept:

Authorization: User {username}

There are no passwords or special JWTs, just a simple username that is used to identify the user making the request.

Obviously this is not secure and would need to be replaced with an actual authentication scheme in a production application.

Request Flow

The API endpoints generally follow this flow:

[Request] -> Auth -> Filters -> Endpoint -> Service -> Data -> [Response]

Filters are optional middleware that can be applied to endpoints to perform additional validation or logging.

Seed Data

The API will automatically seed the in-memory data store with some initial data on startup:

  1. A default user named admin
  2. Over 250 songs from the songs.csv file

This can be modified in the DataInitializer class in the InitializeAsync method.

Automatic Endpoint Registration

The EndpointsExtensions class extension methods that allow automatic service and endpoint registration for all classes that implement the IEndpoints interface within the assembly.

This is called in the Program.cs file to register all endpoints without the need to manually register each one.

This helps promote the Open/Closed principle by allowing new endpoints to be added without having to modify the Program.cs file.

Web UI Project Structure

The web UI is a Blazor Web Assembly project and structured as follows:

  • wwwroot/ - Contains static files for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Pages/ - Contains the Blazor pages
  • Shared/ - Contains shared Blazor components
  • Styles/ - Contains the TailwindCSS style definitions
  • MainLayout.razor - The main layout used by all pages
  • Program.cs - Entry point for the application that configures the Blazor app

Running the Web UI

To run the web UI, you can use the following command:

cd LivePlaylist.Web
dotnet run

This will start the web UI on http://localhost:3001.


As of .NET 6, hot-reloading is enabled by default for Blazor Web Assembly projects:

cd LivePlaylist.Web
dotnet watch

This will automatically recompile and reload the web UI when changes are made.

TailwindCSS Generation

The TailwindCSS styles are generated using the TailwindCSS CLI tool:

cd LivePlaylist.Web
npx tailwindcss -i ./Styles/app.css -o ./wwwroot/css/app.css --watch

This will automatically recompile the TailwindCSS styles when changes are made, and works well with hot-reloading.