Project developed from the challenge of the Rocketseat React Native Training course. A Todo List app built with React Native, utilizing Context API, useReducer
, and AsyncStorage to manage and persist tasks.
- Add new tasks
- Mark and unmark tasks as completed
- Edit task descriptions
- Delete tasks from the list
- Sort tasks by their completion status
- Display progress of task completion
- Persist task data using AsyncStorage
The app is structured into several key components and modules, with state management provided via the Context API and useReducer
. Task data is persisted locally using AsyncStorage to ensure that all changes remain even after the app is closed.
TodoInput: Handles the input for new tasks and dispatches the "added" action to update the global state.
TaskList: Renders the list of tasks using a
. Handles task sorting and passes data to child components. -
TaskItem: Manages individual task state, including editing, deleting, and marking tasks as completed.
TasksContext: Provides global state management for tasks. Uses
to persist changes to AsyncStorage whenever the task list is modified. -
tasksReducer: Defines the logic for handling various task actions, such as adding, updating, deleting, and completing tasks.
App.tsx: The entry point of the application, responsible for loading fonts and task data from AsyncStorage and passing them to the
@types: Global type definitions.
assets: Graphic resources for the app.
: Displays the app's banner.Task
: Manages and displays an individual task.TaskList
: Displays the list of tasks.TaskInfo
: Shows statistics about created and completed tasks.TodoInput
: Handles adding new tasks.Checkbox
: Changes appearance based on a boolean value.EmptyComponent
: Displayed when the task list is empty.Input
: A styled input field.InputTask
: A styled input field for tasks.Loading
: Shows a loading spinner.PressablePencilIcon
: A pressable pencil icon for editing tasks.PressablePlusIcon
: A pressable plus icon for adding tasks.PressableTrashIcon
: A pressable trash icon for deleting tasks.
: The main screen of the app.
: Provides and manages the global state for tasks.tasksReducer
: Contains the logic to manipulate the task list.useTasks
: A hook to access theTasksContext
: Handles persisting task data on the device.
styles: Contains constants for colors and fonts.
App.tsx: The main entry point of the application.