- [-] 0.2.0 [1/15]
- [-] write vrrm_cli [2/3]
- [X] basic client
- [ ] reconfiguration handling
- [X] rework testing to use the client
- [ ] write ha sup [0/4]
- [ ] bootstrapping
- [ ] basic sup
- [ ] usage documentation
- [ ] guidelines on how to handle non-determinism
- [ ] full supervisor compatibility
- [ ] deduplicate core replication logic
- [ ] fancier/pluggable log implementations
- [ ] refactor core logic into an FSM
- [X] basic log compaction
- [ ] checkpoint state to disk
- [ ] resumable clusters
- [ ] GC old client requests
- [ ] make fsms leadership aware (change callback arities)
- [ ] more basic FSMs
- [ ] CAS register
- [ ] set
- [ ] counter
- [ ] ticket/epoch spinlock
- [ ] vrrm_replica behavior improvements
- [ ] actually use serialize and deserialize
- [ ] implement handle_info
- [ ] inch closer to full gen_fsm compatability
- [ ] consider composable behaviors?
- [ ] request batching
- [ ] improve performance (? curr 3=20k/s, 5=15k/s local)
- [-] write vrrm_cli [2/3]
- [ ] 0.3.0 [0/1]
- [ ] ???