All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- new has been added to configure basic authentication for local sealing.
- See local sealing configuration + Spring - Common Authentication Services for more info
- new property dss.cert.path=${catalina.home}/conf/edci/issuer/cert/certificate.pfx.
- See local sealing configuration
- new property sealing.api.send.temporal=true.
- See local sealing configuration
- new property
- See local sealing configuration
- new property
- Defines the service used to convert HTMl templates to a PNG image
- new property enabledLocalSealing=false.
- See local sealing configuration
- new property
- Defines the service used to convert HTML templates to a PNG image
- new property html.base.href=https://[host]/europass/edci-viewer.
- Base url for the viewer
- updated property dss.signature.level=XAdES-BASELINE-LT
- server lib/ext libraries: bcprov-jdk15on-1.62.jar has been replaced with bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar
- Keycloak image is now 17.0.0 - (/auth sections in all propierties should be removed ie:http://host.docker.internal:9000/auth/realms/edci -> http://host.docker.internal:9000/realms/edci)
- docker-compose has been modified for keycloak part, new section in dev with command start-dev (switch to start for prod mode, requires SSL):
container_name: keycloak
command: start-dev
- KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=adminuser
- KC_DB=mysql
- KC_DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://mysqldb:3306/keycloak
- KC_DB_USERNAME=keycloakUsername
- KC_DB_PASSWORD=keyclockPassword
- KC_FEATURES=token-exchange,admin-fine-grained-authz
- "9000:8080"
- mysqldb
The following properties from conf/edci/issuer/ need to be modified if using an older keycloak version (the former start: "host.docker.internal:9000/auth/" has been replaced with "host.docker.internal:9000")
- oidc.idp.url=http://host.docker.internal:9000/realms/edci
- oidc.idp.end.session.url=http://host.docker.internal:9000/realms/edci/protocol/openid-connect/logout
- oidc.auth.request.url=http://host.docker.internal:9000/realms/edci/protocol/openid-connect/auth
- oidc.idp.introspection.url=http://host.docker.internal:9000/realms/edci/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect
- new property qms.qmsaccreditation.uri={accr_id}
- Defines the endpoint that will be called to retrieve accreditations by ID. (Used in future versions)
- new property max.consecutive.errors.batch.sealing=5
- Defines the maximum number of consecutive errors that can happen when batch seal via API. If this number is exceeded, the operation stops, informing of the error.
- new property maxUploadSizeMB=15
- Defines the maximum size in MB of the files uploaded in the issuer.
- new property
- Defines the service used to convert HTML templates to a PNG image
- new property displayDownloadOriginal=true
- Enables downloading the credential in xml from the viewer
- new property displayDownloadOriginal=true/false
- Defines if the "Download Original XML" button should be shown
- new property downloadSharedCredentialUrl=/v1/sharelinks/{shareHash}/presentation
- Defines the url of the endpoint used to download the original credential in case it is a sharelink, {shareHash} will be substituted by the shareHash on calling the endpoint.
- new property downloadCredentialUrl=/v1/credentials/{walletAddress}/verifiable
- Defines the url of the endpoint used to download the original credential, {walletAddress} will be substituted by the walletAddress on calling the endpoint.
- new property store.diploma.database=false
- If true, the credential's diploma will sotred in the database when generated the first time.
- new property qms.qmsaccreditation.uri={accr_id}
- Defines the endpoint that will be called to retrieve accreditations by ID. (Used in future versions)
- updated property oidc.invalid.session.url=/#/home
- It needs to be replaced with the value: "/#/home"
- updated property oidc.invalid.session.url=/#/home
- It needs to be replaced with the value: "/#/home"
- updated property oidc.invalid.session.url=/#/home
- It needs to be replaced with the value: "/#/home"
- removed property oidc.anonymous.pattern
- Unused property
- server "log4j1.X.jar", "slf4j-log4j1.X.jar" and "apache-log-extras-1.X.jar" had been removed
- new log4j version is not anymore an external lib, making it easier to have separate apps
The available compilation profiles have been modified. This ones will be the current ones:
- prod (replacing "prod" and "acc")
- dev (replacing "local-tomcat" and "qa-tomcat")
- docker (new, with the same parameters as "dev" for now)
Due to this change and the usage of the configuration files in the server's conf folder, the environment.[profileX].properties in angular had been unified into a single file: environment.back
The following XSD schemas has been generated. All new issued credentials will make use of this new schemas:
Diplomas can be build using Thymeleaf. See diploma documentation
###Angular build
- eUI Library has been upgraded from v7 to v13. Instead of using npm to compile, now yarn will be used. These are the former commands:
npm install
npm run lint
npm run build-[profile]
- And this are the new ones to be used from now on:
yarn run lint
yarn run build-[profile]
- removed property oidc.invalid.session.url
- Unused property
- updated property session.expired.redirect.url=/screen/create/prepare
- It needs to be replaced with the value: "/#/home"
- updated property oidc.invalid.session.url=/home
- It needs to be replaced with the value: "/#/home"
This version updates the major parts of the apps to change XML for JSON-LD support Java version updated to 11 Added Proxy Configuration class Wallet now uses verification, conversion and eseal for validation and conversion
Contains references to all SHACL files and JSON-LD context
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.generic=
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.converted=
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.accredited=
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.mandate=
- edci.credential.v1.json.context=
New common file for proxy and httpClient configuration across all of the applications, by default points to squid docker and is disabled
- proxy.http.enabled=false
- proxy.http.port=3128
- proxy.http.user=foo
- proxy.http.pwd=bar
- proxy.https.enabled=false
- proxy.https.port=3128
- proxy.https.user=foo
- proxy.https.pwd=bar
- proxy.noproxy.regex.url=europass2
- http.https.timeout.seconds=600
New common file for eseal_core properties, contains:
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.generic=
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.converted=
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.accredited=
- edci.credential.v1.shacl.mandate=
- edci.credential.v1.json.context=
- jena.default.triples.content.type=application/rdf+xml
- conf/edci/issuer/
- conf/edci/viewer/
- conf/edci/wallet/
- eseal.validation.url
- credential.conversion.url
- credential.verification.url
- eseal.validation.url
- credential.conversion.url
- credential.verification.url
- signature.xml.digestAlgorithm
- signature.xml.level
- signature.xml.packaging
- signature.xml.validate.revogation
- signature.xml.tsp_server
- signature.pdf.digestAlgorithm
- signature.pdf.level
- signature.pdf.packaging
- signature.pdf.validate.revogation
- signature.pdf.tsp_server
- OrganizationResource.listHasUnit
- OrganizationResource.setUnitOf
- OrganizationResource.deleteUnitOf
- OrganizationResource.getUnitOf
- IssuerEndpoint.ORG_HAS_UNITS_REL
- IssuerEndpoint.ORG_UNIT_OF_REL