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EIPIP Meeting 34 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, June 2, 2021, at 15:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 1 hour

Moderator: Pooja Ranjan

Notes: Avishek Kumar


ACTION 27.1: Pooja will create one channel in Ethereum Cat Herders Discord for EIP editors.

ACTION 27.2: Pooja to create an issue for EIP bot to get the bot updated as suggested by Edson & Micah. It can be a good task for new EIP editors.

ACTION 27.3: Alita to work with Micha to close the EIP bot development issue.


Pooja Ranjan: Hello everyone, welcome to EIPIP meeting 34. I am going to share an agenda in chat here.

1. EIP/ERC editor

Pooja Ranjan: So the first item for discussion listed here is the EIP/ERC editor. we have been receiving interest from people. They are showing up at ECH discord and eip editing channel of Eth R&D discord. So some of them have joined today, the call to learn from the present editors and understand the next steps for them. So I am opening the flow for anyone who would like to take a lead on this and explain what would be the next steps for these aspirants.

Hudson Jameson: So this for people who are interested in onboarding right?

Pooja Ranjan: Right, so I believe one of the participants who showed interest in the EIP editing channel. He is already here. I don't know, maybe Bryton if you would like to go ahead and introduce ourselves to the group and then if you have any question or are trying to determine the process.

Spore_Druid_Bray: Right okay yes so I am Brayton. I remember Tim put out a message saying in one of the EIP editing channels. I think or say that if anyone's lurking, please try to get involved or at least signal your message and then also uh yeah say William mentioned previously. I think that he was keen to do it as well so yeah it's really cool that there's interest. Yeah I would really be keen to sort of try to see if I could help out in any way.

Hudson Jameson: Awesome, well thanks for showing interest. For sure and exactly which aspects of the editing. Are you interested in either eip core editing like the stuff that Mica mostly does or erc editing that both Mike the both light client does as well as core editing that he does.

Spore_Druid_Bray: I would be primarily interested in the former. However it seems like there's more demand for the ladder or that the ladder is currently a bit less addressed. So in the spirit of that I would be keen to just sort of kill any voids or to assist in the expansion of where resources need to be essentially.

Hudson Jameson: And what would you say is your technical and ethereum background that would make you qualified or someone who would that could train up for something like this.

Spore_Druid_Bray: So as a disclaimer, I am under the impression that a lot of the editing work is sort of just grunt work of checking that it's in the right format again so just being familiar with eip1 would be sufficient but regardless of that. I would be less susceptible in some sense to working on erc since I don't write smart contracts directly. I just have a pretty broad interest in eips in the current eighth space in general I suppose.

Hudson Jameson: Okay great .

Spore_Druid_Bray: That's but I am not a cryptographer for instance.

Hudson Jameson: Good, are you a developer at all?

Spore_Druid_Bray: Not particularly, I just do some research in a relatively small firm in Australia

Hudson Jameson: Okay well anyone who's interested. I think should definitely be given an opportunity to try to on board in one way or another as kind of a maybe a junior editor or someone. Who can get a feel for how things are? Maybe even be our guinea pig for someone that we train up. To see if it fits for you. If you actually like the work and it would work for you and that kind of thing and see if it's a good fit overall is kind of my thinking. I know from talking to the other editors recently. There is not a lot of bandwidth for training up. But I think what we can do is since people are starting to be interested, like a shared group chat and like discord and just start going from there from the ground up. Seeing how we can best give anecdotes to how we do things as the eip editors and make sure that the newcomers are comfortable and get what they need to get to start working on it. I hope that word omit makes sense.

Light client: I like the idea of having a group chat to help on-board people. I think a good way to have people get started is if we can create a chat with the current editors and the people who wanted it. Onboard as editors and have a place where they can just ping us directly and say look I have reviewed this change is okay to go it just needs an editor to come in and double check in the merge.

Pooja Ranjan: Happy to create one at Etherium Cat Herders in Discord if that's fine with everyone here and editors are already there and we can add the assets.

Hudson Jameson: Yeah I would be okay with that. Well Lightclient and Micah specifically do you all check out the cat herders discord enough to or like are you gonna would you turn on a notification for that or would it be better to have a DM? Would you be more responsive like a DM.

Light Client: It doesn't really matter right to me. I can turn on notifications for a specific channel and cat herders go that way or we can just have a DM just basically the same thing.

Hudson Jameson: okay Michael you have a preference whatever

Micah Zoltu: No same

Hudson Jameson: okay yeah pooja let's set up a channel on the cat herders discord then

Light Client: Michael uses every channel.

Hudson Jameson: Honestly that's true yeah

Light Client: It's really no different to him.

hudson Jameson: I don't see the lie there. Okay, so yeah we'll get this channel set up and thank you so much. How do you want to go by spore Druid Bray? Do you want to go by your name or by your nickname or ?

Spore_Druid_Bray: So my name is Brays on but I am responsive to either.

Hudson Jameson: Okay just score or something.I don't use spore. I am joking, yeah. Okay cool alright that's about it for that piece. I think Pooja unless you have anything

Editors funding

Pooja Rajan: Yeah yeah I am fine. So the next item I believe Hudson if you would like to speak for it as well.

Hudson Jameson: Yeah so we have been given word that the ecosystem support program from the ethereum foundation which is a they what they do is they do some form of grant giving and other types of support for ecosystem participants has given us a grant of ten thousand dollars to start out paying eip editors from discussions individually with the eip editors. It looks like we're going to be funding Light client for their work eip editing for a certain number of months. Do you remember what we laid out in Pooja? I don't have it in front of me.

Pooja Ranjan: I think it's initially for three months and then yeah will be really validated.

Hudson Jameson: And then we also have funding for two junior editors. Yeah great so basically, we can release the numbers later for those who are interested but this is just kind of starting out as a test thing for how much and how frequent, we would pay editors because we only are guaranteed 10000 dollars for a I think a three month period like you mentioned Pooja. We can reevaluate after that what we get, what funding we can get from other places or from eip again. So I don't foresee that being an issue but I don't want to jump the gun either. So we are just being careful with how we distribute the funds but we have allocated all ten thousand over three months for three people basically.

Pooja Rajan: Yeah and one last thing before we move on to another topic unless Does anyone have any questions? Which I am not sure if you have had a chance to look into the document in which the primary requirement of an eip editor and high level responsibilities are already mentioned, so feel free to refer the documents here

Spore_Druid_Bray: sounds good sure

Hudson Jameson: And I think that is it for that topic if anyone has any other questions about it or is interested in becoming an editor or junior editor. Outside of the people who have spoken up which would be william and Spore just let me know.

2. Progress on EIP GitHub repo action bot. Ref: Issue

Pooja Ranjan: All right so the next item of our discussion is progress on eip github repo action but I know this issue or that is linked if the agenda is open for a while, so I am just trying to understand if the initial task has been completed and we can close up that issue. I understand that work is something that is going to be an ongoing task. Yeah I mean like we can always open a new issue, if there is a new task any update I don't know if Alita is on the call today. I don't see her on the call today.

Alita Moore: So I think the initial task is done and micah would have to confirm that. Well I guess aside from essentially the only thing remaining is I have to turn the spot on which I am going to be doing today so and then kind of like following up with any issues that occur right where are you at so that makes sense

Micah Zoltu: It mines with my understanding.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah thank you so very much Alita for the update. So another thing, I just I randomly saw it there. If it is not i don't know there was this message related to but blocking several merges. I believe that is already on the radar so not sure if people would like to discuss it here .

Alita Moore: Oh yeah it's blocking merges. So we're gonna be changing that like that's the final step I guess and that one is gonna be changing to no longer blocking today. If that means so as I feel like it used to not be merging and then now it's going to and that's kind of like the change that should hopefully close out the tickets.

Micah Zoltu: I think what she's referring to is the thing we talked about that we're gonna do after. We get this started to merge, which is the bot should notice when an eip editor approves an eip that is changing statuses and then unblock at that point.

Alita Moore: Yeah I think that there was one I think this is like previously. I don't know, yeah that's something that I will be addressing.

Pooja Ranjan: Thank you very much.

Hudson Jameson: Real quick, can you add when you make that group for the eip editors and prospective editors? Pooja, can you add Alita to the group? If you don't mind Alita, so we can ask questions about the bot that might come up.

Alita Zoltu: Yeah sure.

Hudson Jameson: Thanks

Pooja Ranjan: Cool, I will know that today. Yeah so if anyone has any question on this. Item particularly or comment if not we can move on.

3. Progress on JSON RPC API spec in Eth1.0 repo

Pooja Rajan: I think the next item is progress on json rpc api spec in Eth1.0 repo.

Alita Moore: So this one is like I am kind of in the works right now with Thomas kind of planning out. The timeline and expected outcome of the product. It's kind of like there's a lot of work involved with json rpc perhaps like more than I think a lot of people realize at least. Assuming that you want to do the edge casing stuff that hasn't been like super well defined but in any case the step number one is going to be just building out like the baseline converting eip1474 into an open rpc format and that is in progress but I mean the goal is to get that done by the next meeting.

Pooja: If I understand correctly, Data is there any requirement for any other resource.

Alita Moore: Like further action from other people.No I don't believe so.

Pooja Ranjan:okay sounds good

4. Progress on 'canonical source for EIPs' WIP doc

Pooja Ranjan: Okay, so next item listed here is progress on canonical sources for eips.

Brent Allsop: Yeah I got that. My understanding of the goals are we want to separate the eip standardization process from the network upgrade process. We also want to remove the ercs from the eye repository and then I notice on the agenda changes to eip1, So I am wondering if my recollection is we decided to leave eip1in the eip repository but anyway. I am wondering what's up with that.

Pooja Ranjan: Sorry about that. I think that particular point I have added to kind of list the changes which have been discussed in different meetings of the eipip itself and they have not yet been updated to current eip1. so if we can have that listed somewhere. Maybe that would be helpful. You know, create a full request for all those changes .

Brent Allsop: Okay so it is yeah. I guess I am not familiar with those changes. Okay is there a list of those changes somewhere or something confirmation.

Pooja Ranjan: That's what I was trying to get here. Like if you can create that list I am not sure if someone can go through. Like earlier meeting notes and whatever the decisions taken. Maybe I can work with you on this async and try to come up with that list so that we bring it up.

Brent Allsop: Well that sounds good yeah if you could help me with that I appreciate that and I will try and carve out some time for that.

Pooja Ranjan*: one another thing that I found on the document, the wip document that is added here in the item that is about adding the search button to So, I am wondering what group thinks about it. Like I think that it is something that could be helpful. Is anyone from the group willing to work on that or how do we see that as a priority here.

Brent Allsop: one possible easy way to do that is there's a way to configure a google search. So it's just a simple plugin to tell google to and other sites do this too. And have google and you just restrict the google search to the site. You want to search so we can restrict it to and then people could type in there and search only that content. That's one real easy way to do that kind of stuff or with some. Another suggestion was to use them to point to some other site that has a wordpress search custom built for wordpress sites . But I don't know if that would work for us but anyway those are two possibilities.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah I think there was this issue created. I am going to share the link here. I am not sure if that is already looked into.

Brent Allsop: Okay yes same. Okay I will review that and it looks like that's the place to talk about more of those possibilities. I will review that site and see if I can help contribute there also.

Pooja Ranjan: Sounds good. I think if we can add that in the document as a point to be considered it would be great if and when we have people to work on this particular feature to be added on . I think that is going to be helpful.

Brent Allsop: Yeah the document's getting a little bit out of date a lot of things have changed. Since I last worked on that, I will work on getting that cleaned up too.

Pooja Ranjan: Right so one last thing that I wanted to bring up in this particular topic was the cleanup of I took a dump some time ago and it seems that there are 361 eips in total that exist on the website and out of that 361, 242 are in draft status. We can see that the present pull request in the eips github repo is not that much. It's a very small number so there are high chances that either these proposals have been superseded by some other proposal or is obsolete and maybe we would want to move them to be withdrawn.Wondering if there is any way or any part or any program that can be helpful to figure out and bring them together in sync do people have thoughts on that.

Edson Ayllon: Yeah so for the bot. Can it possibly look at the inactivity the last edit or last time there's a PR for that file and move it to “withdrawn” after say a year.

Pooja Ranjan: So the present part already closes it. Like if it is inactive for three months or a six month period of time. It already closes the pull request, the issue that I think . Here the status is not being changed before it is closed.

Edson Ayllon: So I am not talking about the pull request. I am saying can the bot change an open a PR to change the status if it's in draft for say here.

Micah Zoltu: That is certainly possible.

Hudson Jameson: Right now we're doing that manually. Right Micah?

Micah Zoltu: Right now we don't do it at all.

Hudson Jameson: We have talked about doing it before that.

Micah Zoltu: Right yes

Hudson Jameson: It would be a good idea to set something up. To do that I don't really know how urgent that is. Someone else can kind of figure that out.

Pooja Ranjan: Yeah right, I mean like on priority. I mean this may not be something of very high priority. But it would be good to have. Maybe we can create an issue and when someone is available to do this task that can be assigned.

Hudson Jameson: That would be a good task for one of the junior editors to get started on maybe.

Hudson Jameson: Yeah okay Micah just said it in chat.

Pooja Ranjan: Okay, so I may be created an issue for this particular task and let's see how we proceed in this.

Hudson Jameson: Thanks Pooja

5. Review action items from the previous meeting

Pooja Ranjan: Okay, looks like we are going to end up this early today. We have already reached the last item. Unfortunately we did not have notes available as of now but I think we should have some action items listed here let me see. Yeah Spore if you would like to walk us through that

Spore_Druid_Bray: Yeah, so sorry about the notes. The interaction items maker felt that one thing that we could do would be the banner to put up. The big red banner to say that this erc is not accepted. It's still facing a draft status and then Alita said that she would be keen to have a go with that I think

Alita Moore: Oh yeah I totally forgot about this. I will too look, is this the requirement here? I look into it a little bit and it would be a little bit challenging to actually have css in the markdown. So I think the easiest way would be if we just included a picture of it and then just displayed it on the top like it is. Are people okay with that?

Micah Zoltu: What's the reason we can't do html css.

Alita Moore: Well, you can actually if you do like the rich markdown. Instead of just regular markdown. You can do it. But the problem would be like you would need to convert it to a rich markdown. Which I am not sure if there's like some issues with that or whatever it might just be easy.

Edson Ayllon: Thought inline styles worked in march.

Micah Zoltu: What was that instant? sorry.

Edson Ayllon: Inline styles worked fine.

Micah Zoltu: Oh wait, I think you should be able to do so if you look in the eips repo underscore layouts folder. I don't know i don't know which one of these it is but either underscore layouts, underscore data or underscore includes I believe. Somewhere in there is like the page itself, not the earpiece but the page like the renders, the eips and in that one. It just should just be html and you can just add css like inline or as a style sheet I believe and that would show up on every page that matches some requirement. So in this case a draft would be the requirement and it would every page that matches its draft would get some header

Alita Moore: Oh I see any means so you are talking about like a banner on the eips like dot org thing.

Micah Zoltu: Yeah the, so not this banner would not show up in the github repo but our hope and belief is that most people are interacting with eips through the except for authors and if that is true then those people will see this banner when they're browsing that page.

Alita Moore: Yeah that should be easy then. Okay do you mind like giving me a bit more like just like chatting with me on discord and telling me the exact like specifications of the name okay thanks

Micah Zoltu: Yeah, now we can do that in the cat herders eip's room or the eips room in case other people have opinions.

Pooja Ranjan: I will anyway create the channel today so I think it can be continued in either of the forums. Okay maybe it would be a good idea later just to have a reminder on that because this is the chance that he would be undertaking so you know create an issue and then rotate that status later on.

Alita Moore: Sure that's fine.By the way I should create these tickets I think the ethereum categories right?

Pooja Ranjan: EIP region that should be nice. I mean like the app github or you can create an issue there.

Alita Moore: okay sounds good thanks

Pooja Ranjan: Okay, another point is a discussion arrows to William Schwab should become an erc editor. Unfortunately he could not join today. He had a conflict. I did mention it to him. So,I will add him to the group as well. If he is still looking into it. I mean looking to be an erc editor and looking into this direction nightline crazed. The idea of hosting consultation hours where people could come and they could use. They could just give five minutes pitch of their idea and some could stamp it. This is not an erc when you should have provided some resistance to this idea. Okay fine I don't see any action item implied here. So we can just leave it when we will have it in the inner part of meeting notes. So that is it. Yeah I think this is going to be one of the shortest either does anyone have anything else to bring up. Okay in this case, may I take a few moments to announce a survey which is directly not related to the process improvement but with the ethereum ecosystem in general. So yesterday cat Herders distributed a survey that we are conducting for ethereum blockchain users and developers. It's for better understanding of future requirements of client developers in terms of both tools and documentation. So if people are listening to this medium on youtube. If you interact with ethereum blockchain run ethereum 1.0 or 2.0 or otherwise contribute to blockchain technology. Please respond to this survey. I am gonna drop the link in the description box. This research is done in association with Nedermein, our core client of ethereum so that's all for the meeting today. Thank you everyone for joining and see you in two weeks.


  • Hudson Jameson (Host)
  • Edson Ayllon
  • Micah Zoltu
  • Pooja Ranjan
  • Brent Allsop
  • Gray Schulte
  • Alita Moore
  • Spore_ Druid_Bray
  • Light Client
  • Tim Beiko

Date for Next Meeting: 16 June 2021 at 1500 UTC.