This section of our documentation assumes that you have the processed data. We will walk you through our NeRF experiments.
We first train two NeRFs per capture. (1) One which will be the NeRF that we improve with post-processing techniques, and (2) another which will serve as a pseudo ground truth for our evaluations. (1) is only trained on the training split, while (2) is trained on both the training and evaluation splits. We use the nerfacto method for these training runs.
Set these for pretraining the NeRFs.
export DATASET=aloe;
export GT_EXPERIMENT_NAME=${DATASET}-pseudo-gt;
export OUTPUT_FOLDER_PRE=outputs-pretrained/${DATASET};
Then set these for post-processing the NeRFs.
export OUTPUT_FOLDER_POST=outputs-postprocessed/${DATASET};
export RENDER_FOLDER_POST=renders-postprocessed/${DATASET};
Train NeRF on train images, evaluate on eval images.
ns-train nerfacto \
--vis viewer+wandb \
--data data/nerfbusters-dataset/${DATASET} \
--experiment-name ${BASENAME_EXPERIMENT_NAME} \
--output-dir ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PRE} \
nerfstudio-data \
--eval-mode eval-frame-index \
--train-frame-indices 0 \
--eval-frame-indices 1
Train NeRF on all (train + eval) images, evaluate on eval images.
ns-train nerfacto \
--vis viewer+wandb \
--data data/nerfbusters-dataset/${DATASET} \
--experiment-name ${GT_EXPERIMENT_NAME} \
--output-dir ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PRE} \
nerfstudio-data \
--eval-mode eval-frame-index \
--train-frame-indices 0 1 \
--eval-frame-indices 1
Then we copy the checkpoints into a folder outputs-checkpoints
. We also give the checkpoints names in the format outputs-checkpoints/aloe-baseline.ckpt
and outputs-checkpoints/aloe-pseudo-gt.ckpt
. We do this for every capture.
Now we improve the NeRFs with various regularizers, including our Nerfbusters method. Remove --dry-run
from any of the following commands to actually execute them.
To run the baseline experiments, modify the file nerfbusters/nerf/experiment_configs/ We've commented out everything except the aloe scene.
python scripts/ train --experiment-name baselines --dry-run
To run the ablations experiments, modify the file nerfbusters/nerf/experiment_configs/ This will require preprocessing the garbage scene.
python scripts/ train --experiment-name ablations --dry-run
To run the pseudo gt experiments, modify the file nerfbusters/nerf/experiment_configs/ We've commented out everything except the aloe scene.
python scripts/ train --experiment-name pseudo-gt --dry-run
Remove --dry-run
when the output of the script looks good to you. Notice that can also take any of these commands and run them on your own individually.
Finally, when the models are trained to completition, you can use them to render videos! Run the following commands to make that happen. Reminder to remove --dry-run
python scripts/ render \
--input-folder ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_POST} \
--output-folder ${RENDER_FOLDER_POST} \
--downscale-factor 2 \
You can also use the script scripts/
Now we compute number of the rendered images. This is no --dry-run
flag for this.
python scripts/ metrics \
--input-folder ${RENDER_FOLDER_POST} \
--pseudo-gt-experiment-name ${DATASET}---nerfacto---pseudo-gt
You can also use the script scripts/
You can see our notebook at notebooks/nerf_table.ipynb for creating tables.