Attempted to implement LightHouse's merkleize and serialize modules into light client. However, blocker is that LH implementation is specific to the deposit contract and not generalizable to the beacon state object. Therefore, diverting temporarily into implementing SSZ serialization, merkl tree generation and multiproofs in ssz_rs. The alternative is to serve dummy data for several fields in the beacon state to the light client until ssz_rs matures, but this does not seem efficient.
start deep diving ssz_rs and identifying gaps, guided by Alex Stokes.
This month I also finished the Consensys Bootcamp so have freed some additional time to dive in to ssz_rs.
realizing it is nopt so easy to follow the spec with a strongly-typed language as it raises issues for example with is_subclass() type comparisons - will require some thought.
- initially focus on implementing generalized indices while Alex finishes serialization code
- Then move on to implementing multiproofs
Client development:
- Merklize state object, built branches from generalized indices
- calculate generalized index for sync_committee_index and finalized_root fields
- replace dummy data in update object with real merkleized beacon_state
- serve objects to light client over http
- What is a light client and why should you care? https://www.parity.io/blog/what-is-a-light-client/
- Ethereum clients 101 https://medium.com/@eth.anBennett/ethereum-clients-101-beginner-geth-parity-full-node-light-client-4bbd87bf1dee
- Micah Zoltu comments on client incentivization https://ethresear.ch/t/incentives-for-running-full-ethereum-nodes/1239/4
- Primer on light clients https://medium.com/@rauljordan/a-primer-on-ethereum-blockchain-light-clients-f3cadde49137
- Piper's light clint blog pt1,2,3 https://snakecharmers.ethereum.org/the-winding-road-to-functional-light-clients/
- Lodestar: https://lodestar.chainsafe.io/
- Lodestar (Command-Lines): https://chainsafe.github.io/lodestar/reference/cli/
- Lodestar architecture: https://chainsafe.github.io/lodestar/design/architecture/
- Beacon Api Direct Link: https://ethereum.github.io/beacon-APIs/
- Bootstrapping Beacon Light Chain Client: https://notes.ethereum.org/@ralexstokes/S1RSe1JlF
- Altair: https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/altair/sync-protocol.md
- Validator Life Cycle: https://notes.ethereum.org/7CFxjwMgQSWOHIxLgJP2Bw#A-note-on-Ethereum-20-phase-0-validator-lifecycle
- Validator node in raspberry pi https://dankradfeist.de/ethereum/2020/11/20/staking-on-raspi.html
- Schematic of Ethereum blocks https://i.stack.imgur.com/afWDt.jpg
- Basic json-rpc client in GO https://golangrepo.com/repo/ybbus-jsonrpc-go-distributed-systems
- DevP2P repository for connecting to network peers (will be base layer of light client) https://github.com/ethereum/devp2p
- DevP2P theory https://github.com/ethereum/devp2p/blob/master/discv5/discv5-theory.md
- Altair specs https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/dev/specs/altair/p2p-interface.md
- Alex Stokes light client EDCON presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysW-Bq05pJQ
- Ethereum client architecture video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VH0obZ2A0Yg&list=PLNLh1EyDzSGP-lkNCBhCptoJ-NMu_BYfS&index=2
- Ethereum networking video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnw59hmk6rk&list=PLNLh1EyDzSGP-lkNCBhCptoJ-NMu_BYfS&index=3
- Kademlia to Discv5 in Eth2 https://vac.dev/kademlia-to-discv5
- Piper's light client presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZxqRs_tLNs