Simple, everyday utilities for Ethereum devs
This plugin facilitates a collection of tools for everyday Ethereum development or hacking needs, such as converting between units, searching for logs, converting from and to bytes, etc.
npm install ethernaut-util
Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js
Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts
import 'ethernaut-util'
This plugin does not require any other plugins.
This plugin adds the tasks listed below.
- bytes Converts strings to bytes32
- checksum Computes or validates the checksum of an address
- lookup Lookup the address of an ens name
- resolve Resolves an ens name to an address
- string Converts bytes32 to string
- token Tries to find the address of a token, given its name or symbol in the current network
- unit Converts between different units of Ether
- gas Fetch gas info on the current network
- chain Finds a network name from a chain ID, or vice versa
- timestamp Returns the current timestamp adjusted by a given amount of units of time into the future
- date Converts a Unix timestamp to human-readable UTC and local time
- hex Converts integers to hex
This plugin doesn't add any fields to the hre.
This plugin doesn't add any fields to the hardhat configuration file.
Just install it and all tasks will be available with npx hardhat <task> <params>