A tool for encoding and decoding data in various formats
Xcoder is a simple script that will take various forms of in put, either statically defined, or from STDIN, and translate it into and from various formats, with pattern encoding / multiple iteration capabilities built in.
Refer to the command-line help if you get stuck. Otherwise, the following capabilities are provided with this tool.
Usage: xcoder.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --decode Decode instead of encode
-e ENCODING, --encoding=ENCODING
Type of encoding [b64|hex|bin]
-q, --quiet Only print results of command
-t TEXT, --text=TEXT Text to encode/decode -- Only works if [-s/--stdin] is not used
-s, --stdin Read data from STDIN
-p PATTERN, --pattern=PATTERN
Pattern to encode/decode with -- Only works if
[-e/--encoding] and [-i/--iterations] is not used --
example: -p "b64,hex,bin,bin,hex" will encode/decode
consecutively with each item in the pattern
Iterations of encoding -- only use when [-p/--pattern] is not used
The first thing to take into account is if you're reading data statically or from STDIN.
et0x@mnstr:~$ echo -n "AAAA" | ./xcoder.py -e hex -q --stdin
et0x@mnstr:~$ ./xcoder.py -t "AAAA" -e b64 -q
You can also do multiple iterations of encoding/decoding as well as pattern-based encoding/decoding:
et0x@mnstr:~/Desktop/xcoder$ ./xcoder.py -t "AAAA" -i 10 -e b64 -q
et0x@mnstr:~/Desktop/xcoder$ ./xcoder.py -t "Vm0wd2QyVkZOVWRpUm1ScFVtMVNXVll3Wkc5V1ZsbDNXa2M1VjFKdGVEQlpNM0JIVmpGS2RHVkliRmRpVkZaeVZtMHhTMUl5VGtsaVJtUlhUVEZLVFZac1ZtRldNVnBXVFZWV2FHVnFRVGs9" -i 10 -e b64 -q -d
et0x@mnstr:~$ ./xcoder.py -t "AAAA" -p "hex,hex,b64,bin" -q
et0x@mnstr:~$ echo -n "010011010111101001010001011110100100110101010100010011010011000001001101011110100100010101111010010011100100010001001101011110000100110101111010010100010111101001001101010100010011110100111101" | ./xcoder.py -s -p "bin,b64,hex,hex" -q -d
I was working on a boot2root machine a while back that required you to deobfuscate something that was encoded in a iterative/pattern-based fashion 17 times in a row which was a pain to decode, so I figured I'd make something like this. I'm sure there are some other applications as well :)
For those interested, the boot2root machine was called Flick (created by Leonjza) and is located at http://www.vulnhub.com