Demonstrates how to use the cupertino_tables package
import 'package:cupertino_tables/cupertino_table_row.dart';
import 'package:cupertino_tables/cupertino_table_section.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const CupertinoApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: MyHomePage(),
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyHomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CupertinoPageScaffold(
navigationBar: const CupertinoNavigationBar(
middle: Text("Cupertino Tables Demo"),
child: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 22.0),
color: CupertinoColors.systemGroupedBackground,
child: SafeArea(
top: true,
child: Column(
children: [
Widget _buildAlbumsSection() {
return CupertinoTableSection(
header: const Text("ALBUMS"),
children: [
title: const Text("Immortal Flame"),
helper: const Text("The never ending life"),
leading: const CupertinoTableRowIcon(
backgroundColor: CupertinoColors.systemRed,
icon: CupertinoIcons.flame,
trailing: const CupertinoTableRowNavigationIndicator(),
onPress: () {
// do something on press
title: const Text("Happy Clouds"),
helper: const Text("High in the sky"),
leading: const CupertinoTableRowIcon(
backgroundColor: CupertinoColors.activeBlue,
trailing: const CupertinoTableRowNavigationIndicator(),
onPress: () {
// do something on press
Widget _buildSettingsSection() {
return CupertinoTableSection(
header: const Text("SETTINGS"),
children: [
title: const Text("Dark Mode"),
leading: const CupertinoTableRowIcon(
icon: CupertinoIcons.moon_stars,
trailing: const CupertinoTableRowNavigationIndicator(),
onPress: () {
// do something on press
title: const Text("Card"),
leading: const CupertinoTableRowIcon(
backgroundColor: CupertinoColors.activeGreen,
icon: CupertinoIcons.cart,
trailing: const CupertinoTableRowNavigationIndicator(),
onPress: () {
// do something on press
Widget _buildSimpleSection() {
return CupertinoTableSection(
header: const Text("SIMPLE LIST"),
footer: const Text("Copyright © 2022 AndroDevelopment"),
children: [
const CupertinoTableRow(
title: Text("Some Information"),
const CupertinoTableRow(
title: Text("Star walking"),
leading: Icon(,
color: CupertinoColors.systemPurple,
title: const Text("Turn me ON"),
leading: const Icon(
color: CupertinoColors.systemYellow,
trailing: CupertinoSwitch(
value: true,
onChanged: (value) {
// do something on switch