Releases: erin-doyle/reactathon-a11y-workshop
Label for message when no movies in Wishlist
Added aria-labelledby to group together the text and link that's shown when there are no movies yet in the Wishlist
MovieToolbarButton added
Created a new component MovieToolbarButton
Added an aria-label to the button
Refactored the functions that create the action toolbars to use the new component
Header button labels
Added an aria-label for the navigation buttons in the Header so they are now more clear to screen readers
Login Page labels fixed
Fixed the labeling of the login form input fields and added an aria-describbedby for the Password field
Created a FormInput component for reusable accessible form inputs and refactored the Login form to use i
Header button text update
Changed Header navigation buttons to have cooler text:
Changed "Add" to "+" and "Back" to "< Back".
Heading Levels
Fixed remaining issues with consecutive and contiguous heading levels
Refactored to use new Header component
Updated MovieBrowser and MovieWishlist to use the new Header component
Header component
Added Header component for reuse of
on MovieBrowser and MovieWishlistMajor Landmark Regions Added
a11y Inspection Tools Added
Added eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y and react-a11y to lint and check for common accessibility findings. NOTE: findings have not been fixed in this version.