Repository for the Software Engineering university project.
First of all, run the init script.
From the colorzr folder:
python3 runserver
This will start a development server running on address
The main component is the colorzr
The accounts app handles everything related to accounts, ranging from login, logout, registration, and user profiles.
It defines views and urls for these actions and provides a reusable template for thumbnail profile picture (Facebook style): accounts/thumbnail_profile.html
The images app handles images: the news feed, users' albums,uploading images and coloring them.
Furthermore, it provides an image detail view, showing comments and ratings, which are themselves extracted from the social app component.
The social app includes comments and ratings, and an external library for friendships.
Comments and ratings are all tied to a particular image, and displayed in that image's detailed view.
Login Form / Page:
Register Form / Page:
Colorization neural network:
- Eric P. Stavarache
- Lucian Bicsi
- Andrei Baltatu
- Daniel Posdarascu