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178 lines (116 loc) · 7.05 KB

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178 lines (116 loc) · 7.05 KB


This is a sample application which shows one way to use the disruptor to keep an in memory position based on trade and rate events. I have tried to keep the domain as separated as possible from the technical infrastructure (Netty, Disruptor).

This was all built over a weekend, so comments and feedback is welcome. It is unlikely I got everything right (the Domain, Disruptor, Netty, etc.).

There is one HUGE caveat with this code, it doesn't persist anything so if the original event stream is lost, everything is LOST. The intent of the example was to understand the disruptor sequencing and not create a persistent application.

The second is it only handles currency pairs quoted against dollar. Namely EURUSD, GBPUSD, etc. This is due to how the positions are calculated in the domain.

Trade and rate events are sent into the disruptor via a line based protocol. The project contains a Netty server that listens on The state of the domain is modified by sending messages to the Netty server.

The server supports the following messages

  • Trade - prefixed with 'T|'
  • Rate - prefixed with 'R|'
  • Stop - prefixed with 'C|'


The trade messages are formatted as follows, using '|' as a delimiter.

(T)rade|(B)uy/(S)ell|(Double Amount)(Multiplier)|(Rate)

For example

T|B|5.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3124 -> Buy 5.1 thousand EUR at @ 1.3124 EURUSD. 



The rate messages are formatted as follows, using '|' as a delimiter.

(R)rate|(CCY1)(CCY2)|(Double Rate)

For example

R|EURUSD|1.3124 -> a EURUSD rate @ 1.3124



The server can be shutdown by sending a stop message. This would not be done this way in the real world, as it would allow the sender to shutdown the server process.

The stop message is formatted as:


Testing with Sample Data

Start the server

mvn clean package
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=""

To load some message from the command line.

cat SAMPLE-DATA.txt | nc 7000

You should then see some console output like:

 173 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO w.c.t.gateway.TextMessageGateway - Started the gateway.
4063 [New I/O sw #1-1] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.MarketEventPublisher - publishEvent: seq:0 event:MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=T|B|5.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3124, trade=null, rate=null]
4063 [New I/O sw #1-1] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.MarketEventPublisher - publishEvent: seq:1 event:MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=T|S|6.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3125, trade=null, rate=null]
4063 [New I/O sw #1-1] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.MarketEventPublisher - publishEvent: seq:2 event:MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=R|EURUSD|1.3126, trade=null, rate=null]
4068 [pool-1-thread-3] INFO w.c.t.MarketRateEventHandler - onEvent: seq:2/true event: MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=R|EURUSD|1.3126, trade=null, rate=Rate [EUR/[email protected]]]
4076 [pool-1-thread-2] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.MarketTradeEventHandler - onEvent: seq:0/true event: MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=T|B|5.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3124, trade=Trade [BUY Amount [5100.0 EUR] at Rate [EUR/[email protected]]], rate=null]
4076 [pool-1-thread-4] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.PortfolioPositionEventHandler - onEvent: seq:0/true event: MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=T|B|5.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3124, trade=Trade [BUY Amount [5100.0 EUR] at Rate [EUR/[email protected]]], rate=null]
4076 [pool-1-thread-2] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.MarketTradeEventHandler - onEvent: seq:1/false event: MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=T|S|6.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3125, trade=Trade [SELL Amount [6100.0 EUR] at Rate [EUR/[email protected]]], rate=null]

With aggregated position updates

4080 [pool-1-thread-4] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.PortfolioPositionEventHandler - Position change. seq:0 pos:Position [ccy1Amount=Amount [5100.0 EUR], ccy2Amount=Amount [-6693.24 USD], ccy1EquivalentInPNLCurrency=Amount [6693.24 USD], ccy2EquivalentInPNLCurrency=Amount [-6693.24 USD], currencyPair=EUR/USD, pnlCurrency=USD]
4080 [pool-1-thread-4] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.PortfolioPositionEventHandler - onEvent: seq:1/false event: MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=T|S|6.1t|R|EURUSD|1.3125, trade=Trade [SELL Amount [6100.0 EUR] at Rate [EUR/[email protected]]], rate=null]
4080 [pool-1-thread-4] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.PortfolioPositionEventHandler - Position change. seq:1 pos:Position [ccy1Amount=Amount [-1000.0 EUR], ccy2Amount=Amount [1313.0100000000002 USD], ccy1EquivalentInPNLCurrency=Amount [-1313.0100000000002 USD], ccy2EquivalentInPNLCurrency=Amount [1313.0100000000002 USD], currencyPair=EUR/USD, pnlCurrency=USD]
4080 [pool-1-thread-4] INFO w.c.t.disruptor.PortfolioPositionEventHandler - onEvent: seq:2/true event: MarketEvent [delimitedMessage=R|EURUSD|1.3126, trade=null, rate=Rate [EUR/[email protected]]]

To stop the server

echo 'C|STOP' | nc 7000

Disruptor Configuration

The following diagram illustrates the key parts of the system, including two sequence barriers.

          tB|   +----+   |pB
        +---+-->| TT |---+-----+
        |   |   +----+   |     |
        |   |            |     v
 N   +----+ |            |   +----+
---->| G* | |            |   | PP |----> Console Log Position Update
     +----+ |            |   +----+
        |   |            |     ^
        |   |   +----+   |     |
        +---+-->| RT |---+-----+
            |   +----+   |

(N)etty listening on

The (G)ateway could be multithreaded(*), as the Netty server can accept more than one connection and process incoming messages on multiple threads. But it is currently configured for 1 thread.


The (TT)radeTranslator is a single threaded disruptor BatchProcessor.


The (RT)rateTranslator is a single threaded disruptor BatchProcessor.


The (PP)ortfolio Position is a single threaded disruptor BatchProcessor.


The (tB) is a sequence barrier for the two translators, both translators can execute as soon as a new event is available in the RingBuffer.

The (tP) is a sequence barrier for the position server this is configured to not execute until the event is processed by both the MarketTradeEventHandler, and the MarketRateEventHandler.


Bootstrap Dependencies

  • JDK 6
  • Maven (tested with 3.0.4)
  • Internet connection to download the dependent jars/plugins


Standard maven commands

mvn clean
mvn test
mvn install
mvn site

Checking Code Coverage

Run mvn site in the top level directory.

mvn site open target/site/cobertura/index.html

Code Formatting

The code is styled using the Eclipse formatting conventions contained within:
