diff --git a/.sconsign.dblite b/.sconsign.dblite index 96fcbb3..6da3446 100644 Binary files a/.sconsign.dblite and b/.sconsign.dblite differ diff --git a/project/addons/quarkphysics/bin/libquarkphysics.linux.template_debug.x86_64.so b/project/addons/quarkphysics/bin/libquarkphysics.linux.template_debug.x86_64.so index 1820eb8..e493f53 100644 Binary files a/project/addons/quarkphysics/bin/libquarkphysics.linux.template_debug.x86_64.so and b/project/addons/quarkphysics/bin/libquarkphysics.linux.template_debug.x86_64.so differ diff --git a/project/examples/1_welcome/main.tscn b/project/examples/1_welcome/main.tscn index 10af6ae..245b33a 100644 --- a/project/examples/1_welcome/main.tscn +++ b/project/examples/1_welcome/main.tscn @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ data_particle_positions = PackedVector2Array(-48, -80, 48, -80, -32, -48, -32, 1 data_particle_radius = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_particle_is_internal = PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) data_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(13, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 9), PackedInt32Array(9, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 0), PackedInt32Array(1, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 6), PackedInt32Array(16, 15), PackedInt32Array(15, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 13), PackedInt32Array(2, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 12), PackedInt32Array(17, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 16), PackedInt32Array(0, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 21), PackedInt32Array(2, 22), PackedInt32Array(21, 24), PackedInt32Array(22, 23), PackedInt32Array(12, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 26), PackedInt32Array(23, 27), PackedInt32Array(27, 28), PackedInt32Array(28, 6), PackedInt32Array(24, 1), PackedInt32Array(26, 17)]) -data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(28, 5), PackedInt32Array(6, 27), PackedInt32Array(27, 5), PackedInt32Array(27, 7), PackedInt32Array(5, 23), PackedInt32Array(23, 7), PackedInt32Array(23, 24), PackedInt32Array(22, 24), PackedInt32Array(23, 21), PackedInt32Array(21, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 21), PackedInt32Array(2, 8), PackedInt32Array(0, 2), PackedInt32Array(8, 20), PackedInt32Array(9, 4), PackedInt32Array(9, 2), PackedInt32Array(4, 8), PackedInt32Array(9, 3), PackedInt32Array(10, 4), PackedInt32Array(3, 10), PackedInt32Array(11, 3), PackedInt32Array(12, 10), PackedInt32Array(11, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 11), PackedInt32Array(12, 13), PackedInt32Array(12, 15), PackedInt32Array(25, 16), PackedInt32Array(15, 26), PackedInt32Array(26, 16), PackedInt32Array(16, 17), PackedInt32Array(16, 19), PackedInt32Array(17, 18), PackedInt32Array(26, 19), PackedInt32Array(1, 23), PackedInt32Array(7, 24), PackedInt32Array(14, 25), PackedInt32Array(15, 25)]) +data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(6, 27), PackedInt32Array(27, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 23), PackedInt32Array(23, 7), PackedInt32Array(23, 24), PackedInt32Array(23, 21), PackedInt32Array(21, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 8), PackedInt32Array(0, 2), PackedInt32Array(9, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 8), PackedInt32Array(9, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 10), PackedInt32Array(12, 10), PackedInt32Array(11, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 14), PackedInt32Array(12, 15), PackedInt32Array(25, 16), PackedInt32Array(26, 16), PackedInt32Array(16, 17), PackedInt32Array(17, 18), PackedInt32Array(7, 24), PackedInt32Array(15, 25), PackedInt32Array(13, 12)]) data_polygon = PackedInt32Array(13, 11, 10, 9, 8, 0, 20, 21, 24, 1, 7, 5, 6, 28, 27, 23, 22, 2, 4, 3, 12, 25, 26, 17, 19, 18, 16, 15, 14) [node name="WordU" type="QSoftBodyNode" parent="."] @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ data_particle_positions = PackedVector2Array(-64, -80, 64, -80, -32, -80, 32, -8 data_particle_radius = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_particle_is_internal = PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(4, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 17), PackedInt32Array(17, 16), PackedInt32Array(16, 15), PackedInt32Array(0, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 14), PackedInt32Array(0, 15), PackedInt32Array(14, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 9), PackedInt32Array(9, 10), PackedInt32Array(23, 21), PackedInt32Array(10, 23), PackedInt32Array(21, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 1), PackedInt32Array(1, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 24), PackedInt32Array(24, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 6), PackedInt32Array(6, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 4)]) -data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(2, 15), PackedInt32Array(0, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 16), PackedInt32Array(15, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 17), PackedInt32Array(16, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 18), PackedInt32Array(17, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 5), PackedInt32Array(18, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 4), PackedInt32Array(5, 18), PackedInt32Array(5, 9), PackedInt32Array(11, 8), PackedInt32Array(9, 6), PackedInt32Array(8, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 25), PackedInt32Array(6, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 7), PackedInt32Array(6, 25), PackedInt32Array(24, 10), PackedInt32Array(23, 25), PackedInt32Array(23, 24), PackedInt32Array(23, 22), PackedInt32Array(21, 24), PackedInt32Array(21, 22), PackedInt32Array(21, 20), PackedInt32Array(19, 22), PackedInt32Array(19, 20), PackedInt32Array(19, 1), PackedInt32Array(3, 20), PackedInt32Array(15, 14), PackedInt32Array(16, 13), PackedInt32Array(17, 12)]) +data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(0, 14), PackedInt32Array(15, 13), PackedInt32Array(16, 12), PackedInt32Array(17, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 5), PackedInt32Array(18, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 4), PackedInt32Array(11, 8), PackedInt32Array(9, 6), PackedInt32Array(10, 25), PackedInt32Array(6, 10), PackedInt32Array(6, 25), PackedInt32Array(23, 25), PackedInt32Array(23, 24), PackedInt32Array(21, 24), PackedInt32Array(21, 22), PackedInt32Array(19, 22), PackedInt32Array(19, 20), PackedInt32Array(3, 20), PackedInt32Array(15, 14), PackedInt32Array(16, 13), PackedInt32Array(17, 12), PackedInt32Array(8, 9)]) data_polygon = PackedInt32Array(0, 2, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9, 10, 23, 21, 19, 3, 1, 20, 22, 24, 25, 7, 6, 8, 5, 4, 18, 17, 16, 15) [node name="WordA" type="QSoftBodyNode" parent="."] @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ data_particle_positions = PackedVector2Array(48, -80, 0, -80, 32, -80, 3.1e-05, data_particle_radius = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_particle_is_internal = PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(9, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 1), PackedInt32Array(1, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 0), PackedInt32Array(0, 6), PackedInt32Array(6, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 16), PackedInt32Array(16, 15), PackedInt32Array(15, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 23), PackedInt32Array(24, 23), PackedInt32Array(24, 26), PackedInt32Array(26, 29), PackedInt32Array(29, 27), PackedInt32Array(27, 28), PackedInt32Array(28, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 21), PackedInt32Array(21, 17), PackedInt32Array(17, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 9)]) -data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(9, 5), PackedInt32Array(7, 8), PackedInt32Array(5, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 1), PackedInt32Array(3, 5), PackedInt32Array(1, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 2), PackedInt32Array(4, 1), PackedInt32Array(2, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 6), PackedInt32Array(0, 4), PackedInt32Array(2, 6), PackedInt32Array(4, 10), PackedInt32Array(11, 10), PackedInt32Array(11, 6), PackedInt32Array(11, 12), PackedInt32Array(10, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 17), PackedInt32Array(13, 16), PackedInt32Array(17, 16), PackedInt32Array(17, 18), PackedInt32Array(16, 18), PackedInt32Array(15, 17), PackedInt32Array(21, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 17), PackedInt32Array(18, 21), PackedInt32Array(21, 20), PackedInt32Array(19, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 20), PackedInt32Array(23, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 14), PackedInt32Array(20, 23), PackedInt32Array(23, 25), PackedInt32Array(22, 24), PackedInt32Array(24, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 29), PackedInt32Array(26, 25), PackedInt32Array(29, 24), PackedInt32Array(25, 27), PackedInt32Array(28, 29)]) +data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(7, 8), PackedInt32Array(5, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 1), PackedInt32Array(1, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 6), PackedInt32Array(2, 6), PackedInt32Array(11, 10), PackedInt32Array(11, 6), PackedInt32Array(13, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 17), PackedInt32Array(17, 16), PackedInt32Array(17, 18), PackedInt32Array(16, 18), PackedInt32Array(21, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 17), PackedInt32Array(21, 20), PackedInt32Array(22, 20), PackedInt32Array(23, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 14), PackedInt32Array(24, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 29), PackedInt32Array(29, 24), PackedInt32Array(25, 27), PackedInt32Array(10, 13), PackedInt32Array(23, 25)]) data_polygon = PackedInt32Array(8, 5, 1, 2, 0, 6, 10, 12, 16, 15, 18, 19, 20, 14, 23, 24, 26, 29, 27, 28, 25, 22, 21, 17, 13, 11, 4, 3, 7, 9) [node name="WordR" type="QSoftBodyNode" parent="."] @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ data_particle_positions = PackedVector2Array(-64, 80, -64, 48, -64, 16, -64, -16 data_particle_radius = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_particle_is_internal = PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) data_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(17, 0), PackedInt32Array(1, 0), PackedInt32Array(1, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 6), PackedInt32Array(6, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 9), PackedInt32Array(9, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 12), PackedInt32Array(12, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 15), PackedInt32Array(16, 17), PackedInt32Array(16, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 15)]) -data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(0, 16), PackedInt32Array(17, 1), PackedInt32Array(1, 16), PackedInt32Array(1, 18), PackedInt32Array(2, 16), PackedInt32Array(2, 18), PackedInt32Array(2, 15), PackedInt32Array(3, 18), PackedInt32Array(3, 15), PackedInt32Array(3, 14), PackedInt32Array(15, 4), PackedInt32Array(14, 7), PackedInt32Array(4, 7), PackedInt32Array(14, 5), PackedInt32Array(4, 6), PackedInt32Array(3, 7), PackedInt32Array(14, 8), PackedInt32Array(7, 13), PackedInt32Array(8, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 9), PackedInt32Array(12, 8), PackedInt32Array(12, 9), PackedInt32Array(12, 10), PackedInt32Array(9, 11), PackedInt32Array(10, 13), PackedInt32Array(11, 8)]) +data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(1, 16), PackedInt32Array(1, 18), PackedInt32Array(2, 18), PackedInt32Array(3, 15), PackedInt32Array(3, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 7), PackedInt32Array(4, 7), PackedInt32Array(4, 6), PackedInt32Array(3, 7), PackedInt32Array(14, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 13), PackedInt32Array(13, 9), PackedInt32Array(12, 9), PackedInt32Array(12, 10), PackedInt32Array(2, 15), PackedInt32Array(0, 16)]) data_polygon = PackedInt32Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 16, 17) [node name="WordK" type="QSoftBodyNode" parent="."] @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ rigidity = 0.3 self_collision = true shape_matching = true shape_matching_rate = 0.35 -position = Vector2(782, 133) -rotation = -0.261799 +position = Vector2(768, 128) +rotation = 0.178834 [node name="QMeshAdvancedNode" type="QMeshAdvancedNode" parent="WordK"] enable_vector_rendering = true @@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ enable_stroke = true stroke_color = Color(0.0862745, 0.0901961, 0.101961, 1) enable_curved_corners = true curve_length = 3.0 -data_particle_positions = PackedVector2Array(-64.5, -79.5, -64.5001, -47.5, -64.5, -15.5, -64.5, 16.5, -64.5001, 48.5, -64.5, 80.5, -32.5, -79.5, -32.5, -47.5, -32.5, -15.5, -32.5, 16.5, -32.5, 48.5, -32.5, 80.5, 31.5, -79.5, 63.4999, -63.5, -16.5, -31.5, -0.499998, 0.500001, -16.5, 32.5, 63.4999, 64.5, 31.5001, 80.5, 15.5, -15.5, 31.5, -31.5, 47.5, -47.5, -0.499998, -47.5, 15.5, -63.5, 15.5, 16.5, -0.499998, 48.5, 31.5, 32.5, 15.5, 64.5, 47.5, 48.5) -data_particle_radius = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -data_particle_is_internal = PackedByteArray(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) -data_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(0, 1), PackedInt32Array(1, 2), PackedInt32Array(2, 3), PackedInt32Array(3, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 10), PackedInt32Array(9, 10), PackedInt32Array(9, 16), PackedInt32Array(0, 6), PackedInt32Array(6, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 23), PackedInt32Array(23, 12), PackedInt32Array(13, 21), PackedInt32Array(21, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 15), PackedInt32Array(16, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 27), PackedInt32Array(27, 18), PackedInt32Array(17, 28), PackedInt32Array(28, 26), PackedInt32Array(26, 24), PackedInt32Array(24, 15)]) -data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(1, 7), PackedInt32Array(2, 8), PackedInt32Array(3, 9), PackedInt32Array(8, 9), PackedInt32Array(4, 10), PackedInt32Array(6, 1), PackedInt32Array(0, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 2), PackedInt32Array(1, 8), PackedInt32Array(8, 3), PackedInt32Array(2, 9), PackedInt32Array(9, 4), PackedInt32Array(3, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 5), PackedInt32Array(4, 11), PackedInt32Array(15, 8), PackedInt32Array(15, 9), PackedInt32Array(14, 19), PackedInt32Array(22, 20), PackedInt32Array(23, 21), PackedInt32Array(12, 13), PackedInt32Array(16, 24), PackedInt32Array(25, 26), PackedInt32Array(27, 28), PackedInt32Array(18, 17), PackedInt32Array(8, 19), PackedInt32Array(14, 15), PackedInt32Array(14, 20), PackedInt32Array(19, 22), PackedInt32Array(22, 21), PackedInt32Array(20, 23), PackedInt32Array(23, 13), PackedInt32Array(21, 12), PackedInt32Array(9, 24), PackedInt32Array(15, 16), PackedInt32Array(16, 26), PackedInt32Array(24, 25), PackedInt32Array(25, 28), PackedInt32Array(26, 27), PackedInt32Array(27, 17), PackedInt32Array(28, 18)]) -data_polygon = PackedInt32Array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 6, 7, 8, 14, 22, 23, 12, 13, 21, 20, 19, 15, 24, 26, 28, 17, 18, 27, 25, 16, 9, 10, 11) +data_particle_positions = PackedVector2Array(-48, -80, -48, -48, -48, -16, -48, 16, -48, 48, -48, 80, -16, -80, -16, -48, -16, -16, -16, 16, -16, 48, -16, 80, 48, -80, 80, -64, 16, 0, 80, 64, 48, 80, 48, -32, 16, -48, 16, 48, 48, 32) +data_particle_radius = PackedFloat32Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) +data_particle_is_internal = PackedByteArray(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) +data_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(0, 6), PackedInt32Array(6, 7), PackedInt32Array(7, 8), PackedInt32Array(12, 13), PackedInt32Array(15, 16), PackedInt32Array(9, 10), PackedInt32Array(10, 11), PackedInt32Array(11, 5), PackedInt32Array(5, 4), PackedInt32Array(4, 3), PackedInt32Array(2, 1), PackedInt32Array(1, 0), PackedInt32Array(8, 18), PackedInt32Array(18, 12), PackedInt32Array(13, 17), PackedInt32Array(17, 14), PackedInt32Array(14, 20), PackedInt32Array(20, 15), PackedInt32Array(16, 19), PackedInt32Array(19, 9), PackedInt32Array(2, 3)]) +data_internal_springs = Array[PackedInt32Array]([PackedInt32Array(1, 7), PackedInt32Array(2, 8), PackedInt32Array(3, 9), PackedInt32Array(4, 10), PackedInt32Array(18, 17), PackedInt32Array(20, 19), PackedInt32Array(0, 7), PackedInt32Array(1, 8), PackedInt32Array(3, 10), PackedInt32Array(4, 11), PackedInt32Array(8, 14), PackedInt32Array(9, 14), PackedInt32Array(2, 9), PackedInt32Array(18, 14), PackedInt32Array(12, 17), PackedInt32Array(14, 19), PackedInt32Array(20, 16), PackedInt32Array(8, 9)]) +data_polygon = PackedInt32Array(0, 6, 7, 8, 18, 12, 13, 17, 14, 20, 15, 16, 19, 9, 10, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) diff --git a/project/examples/1_welcome/src/mesh_files/word_a.qmesh b/project/examples/1_welcome/src/mesh_files/word_a.qmesh index 80b0b46..03b817d 100644 --- a/project/examples/1_welcome/src/mesh_files/word_a.qmesh +++ b/project/examples/1_welcome/src/mesh_files/word_a.qmesh @@ -1,585 +1,519 @@ { - "meshes": [ - { - "name": "Mesh_0", - "position": [ - 0, - 0 - ], - "rotation": 0, - "particles": [ - { - "position": [ - 48, - -80 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 0, - -80.000023 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 32, - -80.000023 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 0.000031, - -48.000031 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 32, - -48.000004 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - -32, - -80.000023 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 64, - -48.000031 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - -32, - -48.000031 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - -64.000015, - -64 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - -64, - -32 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 64, - -15.999999 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 32, - -15.999999 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 64, - 16 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 32, - 16 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - -48, - 80 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 48, - 80 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 64, - 47.999985 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 32, - 47.999985 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 32, - 80 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - 0, - 80 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": false - }, - { - "position": [ - -32, - 80 - ], - "radius": 0, - "is_internal": 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+ 0, + 2 + ], + [ + 2, + 14 + ], + [ + 0, + 15 + ], + [ + 14, + 13 + ], + [ + 13, + 12 + ], + [ + 12, + 11 + ], + [ + 11, + 9 + ], + [ + 9, + 10 + ], + [ + 23, + 21 + ], + [ + 10, + 23 + ], + [ + 21, + 19 + ], + [ + 19, + 3 + ], + [ + 3, + 1 + ], + [ + 1, + 20 + ], + [ + 20, + 22 + ], + [ + 22, + 22 + ], + [ + 22, + 24 + ], + [ + 24, + 25 + ], + [ + 25, + 7 + ], + [ + 7, + 6 + ], + [ + 6, + 8 + ], + [ + 8, + 5 + ], + [ + 5, + 4 + ] + ], + "uv_maps": [] + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/project/project.godot b/project/project.godot index 2986b46..8f5323e 100644 --- a/project/project.godot +++ b/project/project.godot @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ config_version=5 config/name="examples" run/main_scene="res://examples/examples_main.tscn" config/features=PackedStringArray("4.3", "GL Compatibility") -config/icon="res://icon.svg" +config/icon="res://examples/icon.svg" [autoload] diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qplatformerbody.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qplatformerbody.os index 3396ce3..8439be6 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qplatformerbody.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qplatformerbody.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qspatialhashing.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qspatialhashing.os index 7600559..e5fcdfe 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qspatialhashing.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/extensions/qspatialhashing.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.cpp b/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.cpp index 1dff0a3..e4b50bf 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.cpp +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.cpp @@ -26,4 +26,34 @@ **************************************************************************************/ #include "qaabb.h" +#include "qparticle.h" +QAABB QAABB::GetAABBFromParticles(vector &particleCollection) +{ + float minX=9999999.0; + float minY=9999999.0; + float maxX=-9999999.0; + float maxY=-9999999.0; + + for(int n=0;nGetRadius()>0.5f ? particle->GetRadius():0; + float pMinX=particle->GetGlobalPosition().x-r; + float pMinY=particle->GetGlobalPosition().y-r; + float pMaxX=particle->GetGlobalPosition().x+r; + float pMaxY=particle->GetGlobalPosition().y+r; + + if(pMinXmaxX) + maxX=pMaxX; + if(pMaxY>maxY) + maxY=pMaxY; + } + + + + return QAABB(QVector(minX,minY),QVector(maxX,maxY) ); +} diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.h b/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.h index fce0b5e..4c759c7 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.h +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.h @@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ #ifndef QAABB_H #define QAABB_H #include "qvector.h" +#include +using namespace std; + +class QParticle; class QAABB { @@ -130,6 +134,8 @@ class QAABB maxPos.y >= otherAABB.minPos.y && minPos.y <= otherAABB.maxPos.y; } + static QAABB GetAABBFromParticles(vector &particleCollection); + }; diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.os index c3f5c13..f1481f4 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qaabb.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qareabody.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qareabody.os index b97144c..af3bd6c 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qareabody.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qareabody.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qbody.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qbody.os index d695b64..ef68017 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qbody.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qbody.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qbroadphase.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qbroadphase.os index 0ef3d68..b440b40 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qbroadphase.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qbroadphase.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.cpp b/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.cpp index 221428c..d25f098 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.cpp +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.cpp @@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ void QCollision::PolylineAndPolygon(vector &polylineParticles, vecto //Get angle bisector list of the polygon vector bisectorList; + bool isSelfCollision=false; + if(polylineParticles==polygonParticles){ + isSelfCollision=true; + } float maxRayLength=QWorld::MAX_WORLD_SIZE; for(int i=0;i &polylineParticles, vecto int sia=ni; // segment index a QVector bisectorVector=QVector::Zero(); - if(polylineParticles==polygonParticles){ + if(isSelfCollision){ float rayLength=abs((p->GetGlobalPosition()-pp->GetGlobalPosition() ).Dot(bisectorUnit ) )*0.5f; @@ -138,14 +142,34 @@ void QCollision::PolylineAndPolygon(vector &polylineParticles, vecto normal=(s2Pos-s1Pos).Normalized().Perpendicular(); + + //For self collisions + /* QVector s1LocalPos; + QVector s2LocalPos; + QVector normalLocal; */ + + + //B. Start the loop for all particles of the polygon for(int n=0;nIsConnectedWithSpring(s1) || p->IsConnectedWithSpring(s2) ){ + continue; + } + + + } + QVector pPos=p->GetGlobalPosition(); if(p->GetRadius()>0.5f){ @@ -154,7 +178,7 @@ void QCollision::PolylineAndPolygon(vector &polylineParticles, vecto //C. Check an intersection between the segment of polyline and the virtual vector - QVector intersection=LineIntersectionLine(pPos,pPos+bisectorList[n],s1Pos,s2Pos); + QVector intersection=LineIntersectionLine(pPos,pPos+bisectorVec,s1Pos,s2Pos); if( intersection.isNaN() )continue; diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.os index b625d99..f254ed9 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qcollision.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qgizmos.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qgizmos.os index cc62a84..7005d4c 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qgizmos.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qgizmos.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qjoint.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qjoint.os index 89ff14a..540bc68 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qjoint.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qjoint.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmanifold.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmanifold.os index 85f080a..825aa95 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmanifold.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmanifold.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.cpp b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.cpp index a11696c..079ec5a 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.cpp +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.cpp @@ -516,6 +516,10 @@ void QMesh::DecompositePolygon(vector &polygonParticles, vectorGetParticleA()!=nullptr || spring->GetParticleB()!=nullptr){ + spring->GetParticleA()->springConnectedParticles.insert(spring->GetParticleB() ); + spring->GetParticleB()->springConnectedParticles.insert(spring->GetParticleA() ); + } collisionBehaviorNeedsUpdate=true; return this; } @@ -531,6 +535,11 @@ QMesh *QMesh::RemoveSpring(QSpring *spring) QMesh *QMesh::RemoveSpringAt(int index) { + QSpring *spring=springs[index]; + + spring->GetParticleA()->springConnectedParticles.erase(spring->GetParticleB() ); + spring->GetParticleB()->springConnectedParticles.erase(spring->GetParticleA() ); + springs.erase(springs.begin()+index); collisionBehaviorNeedsUpdate=true; return this; @@ -649,13 +658,13 @@ QMesh *QMesh::CreateWithMeshData(MeshData &data,bool enableSprings, bool enableP for(int i=0;i springIndexes=data.springList[i]; QSpring *spring=new QSpring( res->particles[springIndexes.first],res->particles[springIndexes.second],false); - res->springs.push_back(spring); + res->AddSpring(spring); } //Internal springs for(int i=0;i springIndexes=data.internalSpringList[i]; QSpring *spring=new QSpring( res->particles[springIndexes.first],res->particles[springIndexes.second],true); - res->springs.push_back(spring); + res->AddSpring(spring); } } //Adding UV Maps diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.h b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.h index 0954e83..2c804b5 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.h +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.h @@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ struct QMesh friend class QSoftBody; friend class QRaycast; friend class QCollision; + friend class QParticle; /** Creates a mesh. */ QMesh(); @@ -381,23 +382,7 @@ struct QMesh - - - - - - - /** Adds a polygon to the mesh - * @param polygon A particle pointers collection of the polygon. - */ - QMesh *AddClosedPolygon(vector polygon); - /** Removes a polygon from the mesh at the specified index. - * @param index The index of the polygon. - * @return QMesh* A pointer to mesh itself. - */ - QMesh *RemoveClosedPolygonAt(int index); - - /** Returns the total polygon count in the mesh. + /** Returns the total sub polygon count in the mesh. */ int GetSubConvexPolygonCount(){ if (subConvexPolygonsNeedsUpdate==true){ @@ -406,8 +391,8 @@ struct QMesh } return subConvexPolygons.size(); } - /** Returns polygon at the specified index - * @param index The index of the polygon to get. + /** Returns sub polygon at the specified index + * @param index The index of the sub polygon to get. */ vector &GetSubConvexPolygonAt(int index){ if (subConvexPolygonsNeedsUpdate==true){ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.os index f60ecba..a3755d7 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qmesh.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.cpp b/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.cpp index 80767af..12c2532 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.cpp +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.cpp @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ QParticle *QParticle::SetPosition(QVector value){ if (ownerBody->GetBodyType()==QBody::BodyTypes::SOFT){ ownerBody->WakeUp(); } + ownerMesh->subConvexPolygonsNeedsUpdate=true; } } return this; @@ -170,6 +171,11 @@ QParticle *QParticle::ApplyAccumulatedForces() return this; } +bool QParticle::IsConnectedWithSpring(QParticle *particle) +{ + return springConnectedParticles.find(particle) != springConnectedParticles.end(); +} + void QParticle::ApplyForceToParticleSegment(QParticle *pA, QParticle *pB,QVector force, QVector fromPosition) { QVector segmentVector=pB->globalPosition-pA->globalPosition; diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.h b/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.h index 7e03b91..0333e64 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.h +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.h @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ #define QPARTICLE_H #include "qvector.h" #include +#include class QMesh; /** @brief QParticle objects form the network structures of QMesh objects defined for all body object types. They are the smallest building blocks of physics simulation and are manipulated differently in different body object types. For example, in QRigidBody objects, particles are collectively forced into positions obtained through various calculations based on the current body properties. However, in soft body objects, simulation particles are individually manipulated and can move freely, determining the next steps of the simulation through their individual movements. QMesh objects offer a number of methods to manage particles. For more information on restrictions between particles in soft body objects, see the QSpring object. @@ -51,6 +52,9 @@ class QParticle QVector force=QVector::Zero(); std::vector accumulatedForces; + +protected: + std::unordered_set springConnectedParticles; public: QParticle(); QParticle(float posX,float posY,float radius=0.5f); @@ -171,6 +175,14 @@ class QParticle /** Calculates the arithmetic average of the accumulated forces based on the number of forces, applies it to the particle, and then clears all forces. */ QParticle *ApplyAccumulatedForces(); + //Spring Connected Particles + /** + * Checks if the given particle is connected to this particle via a spring. Returns true if a connection exists, otherwise returns false. + * @param particle A particle to check + * @return Returns true if a connection exists, otherwise returns false. + */ + bool IsConnectedWithSpring(QParticle *particle); + //Static Methods /** Applies a specified force to a segment created by two particles at a specific position. @@ -180,6 +192,9 @@ class QParticle * @param fromPosition The position of the force. */ static void ApplyForceToParticleSegment(QParticle *pA,QParticle *pB,QVector force,QVector fromPosition); + + friend class QMesh; + }; diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.os index d34a05a..04a5ca9 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qparticle.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qraycast.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qraycast.os index 656d110..ddecde1 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qraycast.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qraycast.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qrigidbody.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qrigidbody.os index a27c07f..c87a23c 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qrigidbody.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qrigidbody.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qsoftbody.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qsoftbody.os index 2f48fdb..7caacd1 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qsoftbody.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qsoftbody.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qspring.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qspring.os index f142051..a424873 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qspring.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qspring.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/quarkphysics.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/quarkphysics.os index c0fd5c3..01b0cf2 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/quarkphysics.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/quarkphysics.os differ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.cpp b/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.cpp index 5fcc366..a0a843b 100644 --- a/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.cpp +++ b/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.cpp @@ -929,9 +929,11 @@ vector QWorld::GetCollisions(QBody *bodyA, QBody *bodyB){ }else if(QMesh::CheckCollisionBehaviors(meshA,meshB,QMesh::POLYLINE, QMesh::POLYGONS )){ QMesh *polylineMesh=meshA->collisionBehavior==QMesh::POLYLINE ? meshA:meshB; QMesh *polygonMesh=meshA->collisionBehavior==QMesh::POLYGONS ? meshA:meshB; - for(int b=0;bGetSubConvexPolygonCount();b++){ - QCollision::CircleAndPolygon(polylineMesh->polygon,polygonMesh->GetSubConvexPolygonAt(b),contactList); - QCollision::PolylineAndPolygon(polylineMesh->polygon,polygonMesh->GetSubConvexPolygonAt(b),contactList); + for(size_t b=0;bGetSubConvexPolygonCount();b++){ + vector polygonSub=polygonMesh->GetSubConvexPolygonAt(b); + QCollision::CircleAndPolygon(polylineMesh->polygon,polygonSub,contactList); + QCollision::PolylineAndPolygon(polylineMesh->polygon,polygonSub,contactList); + } }else if(QMesh::CheckCollisionBehaviors(meshA,meshB,QMesh::POLYLINE, QMesh::POLYLINE )){ diff --git a/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.os b/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.os index 84daa67..5b12349 100644 Binary files a/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.os and b/src/QuarkPhysics/qworld.os differ diff --git a/src/qareabody_node.os b/src/qareabody_node.os index 20ea507..484c070 100644 Binary files a/src/qareabody_node.os and b/src/qareabody_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qbody_node.os b/src/qbody_node.os index a24acba..fd5b5b1 100644 Binary files a/src/qbody_node.os and b/src/qbody_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qjoint_object.os b/src/qjoint_object.os index 194a203..38904d9 100644 Binary files a/src/qjoint_object.os and b/src/qjoint_object.os differ diff --git a/src/qmesh_advanced_node.os b/src/qmesh_advanced_node.os index 269e814..e72ee2f 100644 Binary files a/src/qmesh_advanced_node.os and b/src/qmesh_advanced_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qmesh_circle_node.os b/src/qmesh_circle_node.os index 150db9d..96dc493 100644 Binary files a/src/qmesh_circle_node.os and b/src/qmesh_circle_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qmesh_node.os b/src/qmesh_node.os index 544fe7e..0d2b3ce 100644 Binary files a/src/qmesh_node.os and b/src/qmesh_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qmesh_polygon_node.os b/src/qmesh_polygon_node.os index f91a721..9eb3374 100644 Binary files a/src/qmesh_polygon_node.os and b/src/qmesh_polygon_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qmesh_rect_node.os b/src/qmesh_rect_node.os index 88c1906..a84d447 100644 Binary files a/src/qmesh_rect_node.os and b/src/qmesh_rect_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qparticle_object.os b/src/qparticle_object.os index 563d06a..dddcce0 100644 Binary files a/src/qparticle_object.os and b/src/qparticle_object.os differ diff --git a/src/qplatformerbody_node.os b/src/qplatformerbody_node.os index a03ae1a..a46936e 100644 Binary files a/src/qplatformerbody_node.os and b/src/qplatformerbody_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qraycast_object.os b/src/qraycast_object.os index c8aa2c9..ff0d01b 100644 Binary files a/src/qraycast_object.os and b/src/qraycast_object.os differ diff --git a/src/qrigidbody_node.os b/src/qrigidbody_node.os index b23bc56..f1126fd 100644 Binary files a/src/qrigidbody_node.os and b/src/qrigidbody_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qsoftbody_node.os b/src/qsoftbody_node.os index 06f34eb..52e11bb 100644 Binary files a/src/qsoftbody_node.os and b/src/qsoftbody_node.os differ diff --git a/src/qspring_object.os b/src/qspring_object.os index f928674..cad3ff3 100644 Binary files a/src/qspring_object.os and b/src/qspring_object.os differ diff --git a/src/qworld_node.os b/src/qworld_node.os index 276c20a..c30bcbf 100644 Binary files a/src/qworld_node.os and b/src/qworld_node.os differ diff --git a/src/register_types.os b/src/register_types.os index 6c00056..bd943f2 100644 Binary files a/src/register_types.os and b/src/register_types.os differ