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File metadata and controls

224 lines (138 loc) · 6.27 KB


First, create a virtualenv using virtualenvwrapper in order to sandbox our Python environment for development:

$ mkvirtualenv my-site

Start all dependent services using docker-compose (this will start PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch 6, RabbitMQ and Redis):

$ docker-compose up -d


Make sure you have enough virtual memory for Elasticsearch in Docker:

# Linux
$ sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

# macOS
$ screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
linut00001:~# sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Next, bootstrap the instance (this will install all Python dependencies and build all static assets):

$ ./scripts/bootstrap

Next, create database tables, search indexes and message queues:

$ ./scripts/setup


Start the webserver:

$ ./scripts/server

Start the a background worker:

$ celery worker -A invenio_app.celery -l INFO

Start a Python shell:

$ ./scripts/console


In order to upgrade an existing instance simply run:

$ ./scripts/update


Run the test suite via the provided script:

$ ./

By default, end-to-end tests are skipped. You can include the E2E tests like this:

$ env E2E=yes ./

For more information about end-to-end testing see pytest-invenio


You can build the documentation with:

$ python build_sphinx

UI Development

The user interface is a standalone React application created using [create-react-app]( The easiest development setup consists in starting separately Invenio, for REST APIs, and the React app using the create-react-app webserver.

First of all, you have to create your own personal access token, to be able to GET or POST data to the API:

  • start the backend server:

    $ ./scripts/server
  • start the ui server:

    $ cd ./ui && npm start
  • If you run invenio in an port other than 5000 you need to run the below commands:

    $ echo 'REACT_APP_BACKEND_DEV_BASE_URL=https://localhost:<your-new-port>' > ./invenio_app_ils/ui/.env.development
    $ echo 'REACT_APP_BACKEND_DEV_BASE_URL=https://localhost:<your-new-port>' > ./invenio_app_ils/ui/.env.test
  • since the React app is server under a different port (normally, :3000), you
    need to configure Invenio to allow requests from different domains. In your
    virtual environment navigate to ~/.virtualenvs/ils/var/instance, if there
    is no file invenio.cfg create one and add the following configuration,
    which will override the existing configuration we have in

Production environment

You can use simulate a full production environment using the docker-compose.full.yml. You can start it like this:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.full.yml up -d

In addition to the normal docker-compose.yml, this one will start:

  • HAProxy (load balancer)
  • Nginx (web frontend)
  • UWSGI (application container)
  • Celery (background task worker)
  • Flower (Celery monitoring)


Vocabularies are indexed using Elasticsearch and can be indexed from a JSON source file. To manage vocabularies use the ils vocabulary CLI.

Some pre-defined vocabulary generators are available. To generate a JSON file with a list of languages or countries use:

ils vocabulary generate languages -o languages.json
ils vocabulary generate countries -o countries.json

To add vocabularies from a JSON file use the index command:

ils vocabulary index json [file1.json, file2.json, ...]

To add custom vocabularies or modify the text or data of an existing vocabulary use the same index command as above.

If you change the key attribute of a vocabulary or if you remove a vocabulary you also need to remove it from Elasticsearch. Use the delete command to remove a vocabulary:

ils vocabulary delete country  # remove all countries
ils vocabulary delete country --key CH  # remove only Switzerland

Example vocabularies are available in invenio_app_ils/vocabularies/data.

Vocabulary-specific configuration is available in and invenioConfig.js.


After following the instructions described [here]( for setting up the cern oauth locally, you need to follow the next steps in order to make the ui application work:

  • Create a file .env.development.local and add the following line

    You must put in the <hostname> part your laptop's hostname at CERN.

  • Open the and replase the following lines

  • Add your hostname in the APP_ALLOWED_HOSTS config variable