$ make rand
$ make recovery
unit tests
$ make run_test_suite
- pure original: 2097727
- gf: 2078126
- gf+flush: 2081245
- mod: 2094927
- mod+flush: 2078118
- size: 2074616
- size+flush: 2055173
- clone: 2091452
- clone+flush: 2070761
- loggedepoch: 2137146
- loggedepoch+flush: 2118240
- init loggedepoch+flush: 2115338
- log logic: 2119952
- log logic+flush: 2095439
- recovery: seems to work with mt
- rand without logging: 2098709
- rand with logging: 1804248
- rand with logging+flush(node): 1719341
- rand with logging+flush(node)+flush(tail): 1603517
- rand without logging: 1973669
- rand with logging+flush(node)+flush(tail): 1559236
disabled need_phantom_epoch in masstree.h
deallocs possible to disable: for measurements enabled
rand with logging+flush(node)+flush(tail): 1554701
logging distributed from find_locked(config above): 1652645
possible explanation: if not found don't log for remove
##incll(with above assumptions)
- moved logging to incll locations: 1636703
- logging+flush(node)+flush(tail)+incll(fields): 1618616
- logging+flush(node)+flush(tail)+incll(fieldsv2): 1630636
- logging+flush(node)+flush(tail)+incll(fieldsv3): 1629900
- global log root keeping + above: 1638092
- lg+flush(node,tail)+incll(insert,update)+no recover immediate: 1845163
- lg+flush(node,tail)+incll(insert,update)+lazy recovery: 1835070
- lg+flush(node,tail)+incll(insert,update)+lazy recovery: 1923693
- layout opt1: 1937639
- extlog opt1: 1940516
- inline opt1: 1942045