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167 lines (121 loc) · 9.25 KB

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167 lines (121 loc) · 9.25 KB
copyright lastupdated
2015, 2017

{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'}

Migrating from Watson Discovery News Original

A new version of {{}} debuted on 31, July 2017. The original version has been renamed {{}} Original and has been retired with a removal from service date of 15, January 2018.
{: shortdesc}

To migrate from {{}} Original to the new version, you need to make several changes, including updating any queries created for {{}} Original.

Note: If you have created a new instance of {{}}, you will only have access to the new version of {{}}. Access to both new {{}} and {{}} Original is only available in instances of {{}} created before 31, July 2017.

See Watson Discovery News for a description of this collection.

For a description and information about querying {{}} Original, see Watson Discovery News Original.

Service comparison

{{}} Original {{}}
{{}} Original is pre-enriched with the following Alchemy Language enrichments: Keyword Extraction, Entity Extraction, Concept Tagging, Relation Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, and Taxonomy Classification. The following additional metadata is also added: crawl date, publication date, URL ranking, host rank, and anchor text. {{}} is pre-enriched with the following {{}} (NLU) enrichments: Keyword Extraction, Entity Extraction, Semantic Role Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Relations, and Category Classification. The following additional metadata is also added: crawl date and publication date. To learn more about NLU enrichments, see Adding enrichments.
{{}} Original was accessible through an environment that was unique to your service instance. When using {{}}, all users query the same environment and collection. This means that all references to your environment and collection need to be changed.
In {{}} Original, you receive information such as collection size, number of documents, etc. when retrieving the environment via the API. {{}} API does not return this information.

The following new fields are available in {{}}:


Many fields have been removed as well, for example blekko.hostrank, duplicate_url, domain, and more. See HERE External link icon for a complete list.

Moving Queries to the new Watson Discovery News

To move your queries from {{}} Original to the new {{}}, you need to modify all existing queries in the following ways:

  • Change the environment ID that the query is calling. The news environment name has been standardized across all {{}} service instances to:


  • Change the collection ID that the query is calling. The news collection name has been standardized across all {{}} service instances to:


  • Modify the query to use the new JSON path structure for the new {{}}. Most fields have changed paths, multiple fields have been added, and a selected group of low-value fields have been removed. See the field migration spreadsheet for full details HERE External link icon). For example, the following query:


    Should be changed to:


Querying Watson Discovery News

You can query {{}} by using the API or one of the {{}} SDKs. Additionally, you can use the query building tooling to interactively construct queries.

To launch the {{}} tooling and query {{}}:

  1. Navigate to the Manage tab of your {{}} service instance.
  2. Click the Launch Tooling button.
  3. Click on the {{}} tile to open the {{}} overview page.
  4. Click Query this collection to open the My Data Insights screen. Click Build your own query to open the query builder.

Queries in {{}} are structured the same way as queries written for private data collections. See Building Queries and Delivering Content and Query Building Reference. {: tip}

Note: Do not expect identical results to be returned for similar queries in {{}} Original and {{}}. Crawl time, sources, and enrichments all combine to return different results.

Adding Watson Discovery News queries to your application

Use one of the following methods to add queries to your application. All of these examples query for enriched_text.entities with a text value of IBM (enriched_text.entities.text:IBM).

In all of the following examples, replace {username} and {password} with the username and password that are listed in the Service Credentials page of your service instance.

Using direct calls to the API

curl -u "{username}":"{password}" ''

{: pre}

Using the Watson Java SDK

Discovery discovery = new Discovery("2017-08-01");  
discovery.setUsernameAndPassword("{username}", "{password}");  
String environmentId = "system";
String collectionId = "news";

QueryRequest.Builder queryBuilder = new QueryRequest.Builder(environmentId, collectionId);  
QueryResponse queryResponse = discovery.query(;

{: codeblock}

Using the Watson Node.js SDK

var watson = require('watson-developer-cloud');  

var discovery = new DiscoveryV1({  
  username: '{username}',  
  password: '{password}',  
  version_date: '2017-08-01'  

discovery.query(('system', 'news', 'enriched_text.entities.text:IBM'),  
  function(error, data) {  
    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));  

{: codeblock}

Using the Watson Python SDK

import sys  
import os  
import json  
from watson_developer_cloud import DiscoveryV1  

discovery = DiscoveryV1(  

qopts = {'query': 'enriched_text.entities.text:IBM'}  
my_query = discovery.query('system', 'news', qopts)  
print(json.dumps(my_query, indent=2))  

{: codeblock}