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249 lines (229 loc) · 13.9 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (229 loc) · 13.9 KB

1.0 Release

Setup Project

  1. Create new project by Angular CLI
  2. Integrate Bootstrap
  3. Update main Template app.component.html
  4. Test: run project by Angular CLI

Main Process

  1. Generate new Class product.ts
    • Declare attributes to match with JSON properties received from REST API
  2. Generate new Component by CLI (normally to contain set of Class entities) components/product-list
  3. Add new component selector to the main Template app.component.html
  4. Generate new Service by CLI (to provide functions calling API then map data to the Component) product.service
    • Inject HttpClient by constructor [from @angular/common/http] (to support HTTP methods)
  5. Import HttpClientModule [@angular/common/http] and new Service (to allow inject to other parts of the app) into app.module.ts
  6. Update Component to subcribe data from the Service product-list.component.ts
    • Inject the Service by constructor (to invoke methods of the Service)
  7. Update Template to display data [product-list-table.component.html][]

2.0 Release

Template Integration

  1. Get sample templates including HTML and CSS files (work from front-end)
  2. Install Bootstrap CSS style locally by CLI: npm install bootstrap
  3. Install Fontawesome (for icons): npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
  4. Verify installed entries in node_modules directory or package.json
  5. Inject CSS style entries globally by configurating styles in angular.json
  6. Add CSS styles globally in src/style.css
  7. Restart app (if running) to make change with new configuration.
  8. Integrate sample templates to the app templates [app.component.html] [product-list-grid.component.html]


  1. Define routes in the app module [app.module.ts]
    • Use ** to for generic matching
    • First match wins: start from most specific to generic
    • Configure Route based on the defined routes in imports: RouteModule.forRoot(<routes_name>)
  2. Define Router Outlet (location of dynamic content) in app.component.html
  3. Setup Route Link in the Template (where links to different routes, e.g. menu) [product-categor-menu.html]
  4. Enhance Components in the routes to read param path (if there is) [product-list.component.ts]
    • Add param as new property of the class
    • Inject ActivatedRoute (which loaded the Component) by the constructor (for accessing route params)
    • Create/Update methods to handle the route with params, which will delergate to Service methods
  5. Update Service methods to get the params and call the appropriate API based on the params [product.service.ts]

Search Function

  1. Create new component for search [[search]]
  2. Add new route path for searching [app.module.ts]
  3. Update Search Component [search.component.ts]
    • Inject the router (from @angular/router)
    • Create a navigating method to navigate router to the search path
  4. Update the Component and Service handling search method using API [list-product.component.ts] [product.service.ts]
  5. Update Search Template to call the navigating method of Search Component based on the events [search.component.html]

Master-Detail Product View

  1. Generate new Component for product details [product-detail]
  2. Add new route for product details [app.module.ts]
  3. Add route link to the template (where the link can be accessed) [product-list.grid.component.html]
  4. Update the product detail Component [product-detail.componenet.ts]
    • New attribute: product
    • Inject Active Route (to get the id in the route path and the Service (to get the product by id)
  5. Create method in the Service to handle getting the product by id, using API [product-service]
  6. Update the Template to display product details [product-detail.component.html]


  1. Install ng-bootstrap by CLI
    • ng add @angular/localize: dependency for Angular 9+
    • npm install @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
  2. Import NgbModule from ng-bootstrap in app.module.ts
  3. Update the Service to get metadata regarding pagination provided by Spring Data REST API [product.service.ts]
  4. Update the Component to handle pagination [product-list.component.ts]
  5. Update the Template to use ng-bootstrap pagination component [product-list-grid.component.html]
    • Page list <ngb-pagination>
      • Event binding: (pageChange)
      • Use [()] for 2-way binding: change in Component leads to change in Template and vice versa
      • Use [] for 1-way binding: change in Component leads to change in Template
      • [maxSize]: shows a max number of page
      • Set [boundaryLinks]: alow jumping to the beginning/end of page list
    • Dropdown list <select>
      • Event binding: (change)

Cart Implementation

  1. Generate new Component [components/cart-status]
  2. Add new component selector to the parent container template [app.component.html]
  3. Update the Template [cart-status.component.html]
  4. Create model class [common/cart-item]
  5. Create new Service for manage the cart [services/cart-service]
  6. Add click handler for "Add to cart" [product-list-grid.component.html] [product-details.component.html]
    • Event-binding for <button>: (click)
  7. Update the Component making use of the Cart Service [product-list.component.ts] [product-details.component.ts]
    • Inject the Service by the constructor
    • Call the method of the Service the handle the click handler in the Template
  8. Update the Component related to the Service [cart-status.component.ts]
  9. Update the Template [cart-status.component.html]

Cart Detail View

  1. Generate new Component for cart details [components/cart-details]
  2. Add new route for cart details in
  3. Add route link to the template (where the link can be accessed) [cart-status.component.html]
  4. Update the cart details Component [cart-details.componenet.ts]
    • New attributes (which needed to display on the template)
    • Inject cart Service (to get the cart)
  5. Update the Template to display cart details [cart-details.component.html]

Checkout Form

  1. Generate new Component [components/checkout]
  2. Add new route to checkout form [app.module.ts]
  3. Create button with router link to the new route [cart-details.component.html]
  4. Add support for reactive forms in app.module.ts
  5. Define forms in the Component [checkout.component.ts]
    • Declare FormGroup property
    • Inject Form Builder (to create form)
    • Build groups of forms
  6. Layout the form in the Template [checkout.component.html]
  7. Add event handler for form submission with (ngSubmit) of <form>
  8. Define method for event handler in the Component [checkout.component.ts]

Drop-down list data population

  1. Create classes for data types [common/country] [common/state]
  2. Add methods in Service to populate data [form.service.ts]
    • Declare endpoints and inject HttpClient if need to invoke API to get data
  3. Update Component to retrieve data from Service [checkout.component.ts]
    • Declare attributes to match the retrieved data
    • Subcribe to Service methods to match the data
  4. Update Template to populate drop-down list with the data [checkout.component.html] Dependency case: when a data type is dependent on other selected type (e.g. list of states dependent on the selected country)
  5. Add event-binding method for selection: (change) for <select> [checkout.component.html]
  6. Implement the event handler (method) for selection in the Component [checkout.component.ts]
    • Read the selected data, retrieve list of dependent data
  7. Update Template to populate drop-down list with the dependent data


  • @Injectable used for Service: allow the service to be injected into other Classes/Components.
  • ngOnInit() of Class is similar to @PostConstruct
  • Use prefix + to convert string to number
  • To view log, open Develop Tools/Inspect on the broswer (F12 for Chrome)
  • Use Safe Navigator operator ? to guard against null or undefined values in property paths
  • ActivatedRoute provides access to the url, params, data, queryParams, and fragment observables of the route associated with a component loaded in an outlet
  • Race condition: the Template attemps to access undefined property. Solution:
  • Use to send events to the subscribers [cart-service.service.ts]
  • Use Array.find()/findIndex() to return the first element/id of element passing a given test, otherwise return undefined cart.service
  • [TypeScript] Use === for strict equality test (type and value)
  • Use of operator to wrap object as Observable [ExpirationService][]
  • [TypeScript] Use Number(<variable>) to convert variable into number
  • [TypeScript] Use new Date() to get current day/month/year
  • For entity create Class, for list of entities create Component