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Line search methods

The objective of line search is to (approximately) minimize:

 ϕ(α) = f(x0 + α d)

for α > 0 and with x0 the variables at the start of the line search, d the search direction and α the step lenght.

Implemented line search methods are sub-types of the LineSearch{T} abstract type (which is parameterized by the floating-point type T for the computations). To use a given line search method, say SomeLineSearch, first create the line search object:

lnsrch = SomeLineSearch(T; ...)

with T the chosen floating-point type.

At every iterate x0 of the optimization algorithm, the line search is initiated with:

task = start!(lnsrch, f0, df0, α)

where f0 = f(x0) and df0 = ⟨ d, ∇f(x0) ⟩ are the function value and the directional derivative at the position x0, and α is the lenght of the first step to take. For subsequent steps, checking the convergence of the line search and computing the next step length are performed by:

task = iterate!(lnsrch, f1, df1)

where f1 = f(x + α d) and df1 = ⟨ d, ∇f(x + α d) ⟩ are the function value and the directional derivative at the position x0 + α d, that is for a step length α which is given by:

α = getstep(lnsrch)

The result of the start! and iterate! methods is a symbol specifying the next task to perform. Normally, the task is either :SEARCH or :CONVERGENCE to indicate whether the line search is in progress or has converged. If the returned task is :SEARCH, the caller should take the proposed step, compute the function value and, possibly the directional derivative, and then call iterate! again. If the returned task is :CONVERGENCE, the line search has converged and a new iterate is available for inspection (the next step length is equal to the current one). Other possible tasks are :WARNING to indicate that line search is terminated because no more progresses are possible, :ERROR to indicate an error or :START when linesearch has not yet been started. In that case, getstatus(lnsrch) and getreason(lnsrch) can be used to retrieve a symbolic status of a textual description of the problem.

At any time, the current pending task and the step length to take are obtainable by:

task = gettask(lnsrch)
α = getstep(lnsrch)

Although the directional derivative df0 at the start of the line search is required, not all line search methods need the directional derivative for refining the step lenght (i.e. when calling iterate!). To check that, call:


which return a boolean result.

For unconstrained optimization, the directional derivative is:

ϕ'(α) = ⟨ d, ∇f(x0 + α d) ⟩

If simple bound constraints are implemented, the function ϕ(α) becomes:

ϕ(α) = f(x(α))

where x(α) = P(x0 + α d) and P(...) is the projection onto the feasible (convex) set. Since ϕ(α) is then piecewise differentiable, it is recommended to use line search methods which do not require the derivatives like ArmijoLineSearch or MoreToraldoLineSearch. If you insist on using a line search methods which does require the derivatives like MoreThuenteLineSearch, you may approximate the directional derivative by:

ϕ'(α) ≈ ⟨ (x(α) - x(0))/α, ∇f(x(α)) ⟩

where x(0) = x0 assuming that x0 is feasible.


  • L. Armijo, "Minimization of functions having Lipschitz continuous first partial derivatives" in Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 16, pp. 1–3 (1966).

  • L. Grippo, F. Lampariello & S. Lucidi, "A Nonmonotone Line Search Technique for Newton’s Method" in SIAM J. Num. Anal., vol. 23, pp. 707–716 (1986).

  • J.J. Moré & G. Toraldo, "On the Solution of Large Quadratic Programming Problems with Bound Constraints" in SIAM J. Optim., vol. 1, pp. 93–113 (1991).

  • J.J. Moré and D.J. Thuente, "Line search algorithms with guaranteed sufficient decrease" in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 20, pp. 286–307 (1994).

  • E.G. Birgin, J.M. Martínez & M. Raydan, "Nonmonotone Spectral Projected Gradient Methods on Convex Sets" in SIAM J. Optim., vol. 10, pp. 1196–1211 (2000).