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37 lines (31 loc) · 1.95 KB

File metadata and controls

37 lines (31 loc) · 1.95 KB

random useful things

export PYTHONPATH=. pip install -r requirements.txt import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

/Users/eahn/.pyenv/versions/2.7.10/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuzzywuzzy/ UserWarning: Using slow pure-python SequenceMatcher. Install python-Levenshtein to remove this warning

command to dump logs to outfiles --surveys and --output

python src/web/ --db web_output/2018-01-16/chat_state.db --output web_output/log1_01-16_chats.json --surveys web_output/log1_01-16_surv.json --schema-path data/schema.json --scenarios-path data/scenarios.json

command to run app

PYTHONPATH=. python src/web/ --port 5000 --schema-path data/friends-schema.json --scenarios-path data/scenarios.json --config data/web/app_params.json

mt stuff

Downloaded the following with brew:

  • subversion
  • libtool
  • boost
  • xmlrpc-c
  • boost-build

train DynoNet

PYTHONPATH=. python src/ --schema-path data/schema.json --scenarios-path data/scenarios.json --train-examples-paths data/train.json --test-examples-paths data/dev.json --stop-words data/common_words.txt --min-epochs 10 --checkpoint checkpoint --rnn-type lstm --learning-rate 0.5 --optimizer adagrad --print-every 50 --model attn-copy-encdec --gpu 1 --rnn-size 100 --grad-clip 0 --num-items 12 --batch-size 32 --stats-file stats.json --entity-encoding-form type --entity-decoding-form type --node-embed-in-rnn-inputs --msg-aggregation max --word-embed-size 100 --node-embed-size 50 --entity-hist-len -1 --learned-utterance-decay

change in app_params to HTML

adding to routes/html. Example add 'title_task_span'

  • data/web/app_params.json : "task_title_span": "¿Quién es nuestro amigo en común?"
  • src/web/ :app.config['task_title_span'] = params['task_title_span']
  • src/web/main/ : title_span=app.config['task_title_span'] with possible unicode handling
  • src/web/templates/waiting.html : <h2>{{title_span}}</h2>
  • any other html template