Not sure what these were from: (but probably from the EventVideo addenda):
- form_metadata
- partials
- event _form_join_by_keyword,
- method keyword.title_with_video_count
- event _form_join_single
- video join_single
- event _form_join_by_keyword,
- Fallout
- models/event_audio.rb: what is self.event_hash and why?
- FormVideoMetadata:
- look for 'selectable: { :@pictures => lambda { |arlocal_settings| QueryPictures.options_for_select_admin_with_nil(arlocal_settings) } }'
- no need for lambda? probably not.
- do we even need it in pictures: ? line 51
- event datetime model: datetime_zone not applies anymore? datetime_formatted.to_s(format) doesn't accept format variable?
The following outline describes an EventVideo join-relation object
- EventVideo object
- migration
- create join table
- order_id, index ids,
- integer join_count on target tables
- Controllers basic
- params_permitted
- Does this need the join table and the target?
- Probably. It looks like both are needed for all desired avenues to nest/join.
- YES. I remember this now.
- params_permitted
- Models
- association
- accepts_nested_attributes
- Does this need the join table and the target?
- Probably. It looks like both are needed for all desired avenues to nest/join.
- YES. I remember this now.
- counters
- models/event_video.rb
- callbacks in event and video
- does_have_resource methods
- comments for attributes
- Routes
- leads to Nested controller actions and views.
- ArlocalSettings Sort order no not settings, event_videos sort order
- Admin Edit menu
- form metadata
- base join but not the upload options yet. See Nested
- ! partials and helpers circle back to upload/import variations here.
- selectable query method
- base join but not the upload options yet. See Nested
- see QueryResource
- pane button (generated from FormMetadata)
- pane partials
- base
- see Nested
- form metadata
- QueryResource options_for_select_admin
- .includes
- ties to arlocal_settings and Sorters
- Helpers
- resource_statement_resource_count
- resource_reference_admin_link (already have it.)
- resource_join_admin_buttons
- leads to FormMetaData pane: resource_join_single etc. See Nested
- Builders (seems unimpacted, nothing to do.)
- Sorters
- Nested
- controller actions
- event
- events#video_create_from_import
- events#video_create_from_upload
- both lead to VideoBuilder
- events#add_video_by_keyword
- controller-only
- QueryVideos find_by_keyword
- video
- (Video event_join_by_keyword can use basic update method.)
- event
- controller actions
- migration