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215 lines (148 loc) · 9.06 KB

File metadata and controls

215 lines (148 loc) · 9.06 KB

A&R.Local To-Do List

HIGHEST priority

  • article & keyword need full implementation in views.

  • audio.published might not be finished. There is not yet an audio index, so this had been delayed.

    • .published is defined but check for full join support and implementation.
  • counter cache for infopage articles, links, pictures

    • it's polymorphic, can be consolidated via infopage_items but not easily distinguished.
  • does Video:Form-picture-import/upload need autokeyword

  • Keyword Admin:

    • #edit?videos missing buttons
      • Finish implementation of video joins submenus; look across resources; also within video#edit

Check where display_title and title_sortable overlap. They may be approaching the same problem from different angles: what to say/do when a indexing value (title, datetime) is undefined.

  • Audio: title_sortable is messy but serves the current sort_by! … full_title approach. Refactor somehow.
  • audio.title album_audio.title and event_audio.title all have some legacy methods

HIGH priority

  • Articles, Links, and Pictures lack a pane for infopages.

Admin Resource Indexes are starting to have 'selectable' components and forms (admin_index_filter_select) in the style of form_metadata.selectable. However, the existing form_metadata modules exclusively serve the #edit action. Indexes currently get their selectable values from {resource}_helper methods. (see also in 'Medium priority') This discrepancy arose because form_metadata modules serving the #edit action frequently invoke ActiveRecord, whereas the #index action selectables were a part of the application structure and Sorter object definitions.

Admin views public_index/show buttons should use a "preview" action instead of bouncing to public

  • check Admin:Event#edit and #show for public view button

- Video player layout could be improved at narrow widths. - jplayer Audio player has not been updated in 10 yrs. Can videojs replace it? - Yes, but it will require additional custom code, and it will change the look-and-feel. - and it uses npm which puts diarrhea everywhere

  • check various form_pictures

    • coverpicture=true would slightly obscure the Order field
    • is a javascript thing.
    • also maybe form_elements/join_picture_order needs a class declaration
    • quickly becomes a tangential UI/UX issue: reimagining the admin UI
    • _also begs the question, keep using .is_coverpicture boolean, or use first picture by .{resource]order?
      • YES this is crucial attribute when automatically sorting by time or filename
      • Depends on video_pictures decision. keep it simple, keep it similar.
      • probably best as a boolean
  • Video: include attribute for duration? read mediainfo?

  • form_elements/picture_select: should it receive selectable or

    • Check this throughout. Might be best to start with seeing what variables each form_elements requires.
  • pictures_helper picture_preferred_url

    • check if picture exists (add file_exists? method to model)
    • if not, return a dummy html_class to guarantee minimal dimensions
  • form_pictures exerwhere

  • picture_selector in join_single

  • event.announced/published might not be finalized. (This had been considered irrelevant.)

    • .announced is defined, but there is not yet an date_announced attribute. OK to finish join support.
      • except… audio/pictures/video would be more applicable for Event.past rather than Even.announced.
      • why would this be useful? if media is from a past event, how would there be multiple joins?
      • maybe coverpicture? But then announced would be better
      • keywords maybe.
      • Is this a YAGNI item?

Medium priority

  • Should html_head title elements include the resource type? Would help add clarity to browser history.
    • examples:
      • picture: album cover
      • album: Diamonds in the Ruff
    • see Picture for code

Audio Id3 tags:

  • AUdioHelper#audio_read_source_metadata

  • is audio_helper the best place for the method?

  • used in app/views/admin/audio/_form_id3.haml

  • form_helper has one current and several obsolete methods that describe specific form attributes,

  • import/upload video via keywords/_form_video_import

  • change the Calendar model from a module to a class

    • Compare with video_group. Maybe it's best as a query method?
  • Note where the selectable value source_type comes from the model, not via FormMetadata::Selectable

    • Refactoring these has low priority because there is only one @selectable item.
      • Controllers::Admin::Audio#new_[method_to_resource]
      • Controllers::Admin::Picture#new_[method_to_resource]
    • Refactoring these requires deciding whether to assign SorterIndexAdmin[].options_for_select to @selectable into the controller and passing it all the way through.
      • Helpers::AudioHelper#audio_admin_filter_select
      • Helpers::EventsHelper#event_public_filter_select
      • Helpers::PicturesHelper#picture_admin_filter_select
  • Albums#Show: section/div nesting doesn't make sense. CSS Grid will fix this

  • Font-Awesome

    • buttons that are a stylized anchor use font-awesome svgs as a background image within an inner <span>
    • buttons that are an <input> cannot take innerHTML elements, only text as a value= attribute
    • is using the font-awesome webfont the only way to use fa-icons in the <input> buttons?

Low Priority

  • administrators/sign_in

    • Is it worth getting devise::rememberable to work correctly?
  • arlocal_settings => user.settings has_one

    • would require dividing application settings (eg. marquee) form user preferences (admin index order)
  • Audio index

Continue to be mindful about including autocomplete: :off in form elements.

  • links_helper need some review

    • #link_parse_email
    • #link_parse_web
    • redundancy, confusion, could be refactored.

    autokeyword smells bad. Could be replaced by Add [resource] to Keyword

    • This gets complicated quickly.

Might need revisiting

  • [resource]_admin_link_title
    • why gsub('/','/&shy;') in album_*_title? Soft hyphen after a forward slash For what resource was this designed (and afterwards copypasta-ed)
      • Filepaths? YES. PICTURE AND AUDIO.
    • Removing it to see what happens.
    • Replace if needed.

Possibly finished

  • should be Link.title for consistency. wait to look for add'l migrations, do all together

    • But #name is the name of the destination, not the title of the link.
    • Visited this topic before, and kept name.
    • Create semantic sugar method if needed.
  • give a title to nested_picture uploads/imports

  • admin/pictures#index needs visibility indicator

  • eventshelper:158 why assign js empty?

QueryVideos.sort_public_videos_by_keyword seems like logic could be refactored into a few different places.

  • Maybe not. It's a specific collection.
  • Makes more sense with improved label semantics.

Investigate which Class.options_for_select_admin could be optimized with a .select or .pluck to get only the needed fields for a form select element

video#show css text_data, does it need a min-width? Video index needs headings

Probably finished

  • Sorting:

    • Time values (date_released, etc) needs a value instead of nil because nil does not compare with Date
      • however, a value of breaks the date-select year field (range: -5...5).
      • use a date_released_sortable method to wrap the attribute when sorting.
        • done: audio, album, video

        • check for _sortable methods on joined_resource sorting.

          • Album v/
          • Article v/
          • Audio v/
          • Event v/
          • Keyword v/
          • Picture v/
          • Video v/
  • admin/isrc/edit narrow view buttons overflow right

  • why does size: attribute result in larger-than-size fields? inherited from CSS maybe?

    • for example admin/isrc/edit overflows at narrow widths.
  • Admin::Articles#index: content section might get extremely vertical. Maybe add overflow-y and max-height?

    • no, it's okay – uses content_beginning_props
  • autokeyword not fully implemented

    • remaining: article, infopage, link, stream
    • if anything, only article needs it
    • the @autokeyword controller variable could be replaced by adding to a builder method and testing for its presence in the view.
    • look for where build_with_defaults would more accurately be build_with_defaults_and_autokeyword
  • autokeyword refactor needed a distinction between joined_resources and joined_resources_sorted

    • check joined_resource views. update methods.

fixing the multi-field spacing elminiated proper padding on markup_type-select nope, just a typo

  • duration attributes in forms would look better with leading zero

  • article_keyword needs counters

  • scopes intersect with visibility

    • models does_have_published_{resource} and counter_cache
    • [].any vs [].count
      • .any requires a db query UNLESS the parent search had an .includes() method
  • Counter cache support for published scopes as a table column is unfeasible because it requires a variable evaluation (current date).