- When credentials to connect to an IPX800 v4 throw an exception, wasn't the case before (but it was in the case of a IPX800 v3)
- If an unparsable response is received, an IPX800InvalidResponseException containing the received response will be thrown in any case
- Changelog correction
- Version v2.1.0 has been built in Debug, not Release
- Added methods allowing to get the state of all input, outputs, etc.
- IPX800 v3 with firmware >= 3.05.42 now use the IPX800 JSON request instead of the globalstatus.xml file
- Correction of ISerialize implementation in exception classes
- IPX800v2 : Corrected wrong input states when using HTTP due to wrong input order in status.xml file returned by the IPX800 v2
- New version, redeveloped from scratch
- Various modification and corrections in IPX800V4 implementation
- correction on IPX800 response parser for non-headed configuration
- IPX800 v4 support
- nuget specifications corrections
- Json lib update
- Added a timeout to prevent the application from blocking if IPX800 is not responding.
- First public release