We are a Telecom operator. In our database, we are starting to store phone numbers associated to customers (1 customer: N phone numbers) and we will provide interfaces to manage them.
We need to provide the below capabilities:
- get all phone numbers
- get all phone numbers of a single customer
- activate a phone number
- Provide API specifications for the above functions/capabilities.
- Provide a REST API implementation of the formulated specifications.
- You can assume the phone numbers as a static data structure that is initialised when your program runs.
We will have way too many phone numbers in the database.
It will not be practical/possible to return them all in a single response.
To mitigate the problem, pagination has been introduced for the get all phone numbers
To build application (this will also run all test cases) ./gradlew clean build
(on Windows gradle clean build
To run tests ./gradlew clean check
(on Windows gradle clean check
To run application ./gradlew bootRun
(on Windows gradle bootRun
Test results <repo root>/app/build/reports/tests/test/index.html
Spock reports <repo root>/app/build/spock-reports/index.html
Jacoco code coverage report <repo root>/app/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html
Checkstyle report <repo root>/app/build/reports/checkstyle/main.html
PMD report <repo root>/app/build/reports/pmd/main.html
Open API documentation is generated for the application's API at runtime.
Swagger UI is available to browse API and to run sample requests
Project is built using the following technologies:
- Java 11
- Spring Boot Run
- Spring JPA (+ FlyWay)
- H2 (not to be used for production)
- Gradle (for build script)
- Groovy / Spock (for testing)
Quality control:
- Jacoco code coverage
- Checkstyle
Project code is using in-memory H2 database, that is launched on the application startup and is populated with sample data.
Flyway is used to manage database's tables and data (versioned scripts are located in app/src/main/resources/db/migration
The application code is agnostic of what relational database is used, so for the production deployment, it will be easy to swap for another database.
Once the application is running, it is possible to access H2 admin console to query/update H2 database.
Parameters to use in H2 admin console:
- JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:telecom
- username: sa
- password: password
Following spring profiles are defined in the project code:
- local - configuration to run application locally
- h2 - to use in-memory H2 database
- test - test profile
When running application locally, need to specify spring.profiles.active=local,h2
When running tests, need to specify spring.profiles.active=test,h2
When another database type is used, a new configuration should be created for the new database type,
and h2
profile should be swapped with the profile of the new database.
There is no constraint on how pig the page size can be requested. It should be limited to a reasonable number. If page size requested is too big, the request should be denied.
It is reasonable to assume, that activating phone number involves more than just updating a database field. The application should provide async capability (queue, events) to accept an activation request, and let potentially multiple systems react to it.
In this case the activate a phone number
API may return 201 Accepted
to indicate the result of the activation is not known yet.
For better code coverage, functional tests should be added to the application. Functional tests are tests that are executed against a running application.