Tasks are list by priority , end of file , the more important. They can be rearranged
------------ WONTFIX -----------------
--------------------- TODO ----------------------------
- For kiosk mode your would :
- Disable popup update windows
gsettings set com.ubuntu.update-notifier no-show-notifications true
-- For normal mode :
Make duckduckgo default search engine in Firefox
some notifications steal focus , this may be a solution :
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-new-windows 'strict'
- Keyboard backlight control GUI ?
- Mime handlers ( done , to verify )
- Default open all archive (ZIp tar.xz ) with nautilus AKA "extract here" ( in ~/.config/mimeapps.list ) : easier to send script to client
- .bin files should executed instead of being opened with archiver
- Associate the exe files with wine to opened automagically : sudo cp /usr/share/doc/wine-stable/examples/wine.desktop /usr/share/applications/
- Other modification
Consider using an apt-cache proxy during install https://www.tecmint.com/apt-cache-server-in-ubuntu/
Preinstall a battery run test like GNOME Battery bench tool
Groupware support : xul-ext-lightning , google mail/calendar in TB ?
Enable hibernation (not really possible without swapspace )
Patch udev rules to include pid/vid for Epson Scanners and patch epson2.conf to declare the same pid/vid
Install the Main Printers drivers for OOTB functionning including network scanning ( Epson, Canon, Brother) Maybe use the epson repo for auto install ? http://download.ebz.epson.net/faq/linux/faq_li_00027.html
add a simple way to control the desktop of users, ondemand (gitso preinstalled but not click n go -> dwservice )
Enable Zswap ?
Disable the update-apt-xapi bs bug 655831 ( useful anymore ? )
handle Airplane/Led keyboard control for Clevo models https://github.com/zackboll/clevo-xsm-wmi
Enable Verr Num when the keyboard has a Num pad like W550SU1
Automatic setting of gconf settings see system76 driver using a file in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas : [org.gnome.desktop.background] picture-uri = 'file:///usr/share/backgrounds/System76-Fractal_Mountains-by_Kate_Hazen_of_System76.png'
Make chromium ignore the GPU blacklist
Enable the videoGPU decoder flag in chromium when Intel/chromium will accept the patch. June 17
Edit the default prefs in chromium using https://github.com/andreashuber69/os-setup/blob/master/common/reset-browser-preferences
ans put the conf file in skel dir
Preinstall UNite gnome3 ext https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1287/unite/
Preinstall extensions gnomeshell for chromium https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gnome-shell-integration/gphhapmejobijbbhgpjhcjognlahblep
modify in dconf " og.gnome/desktop/input-sources/xkb-options " to have the CAPS LOCK behaviour like windows
---------------------- TO BE DONE (Manual) ----------------------------------
Update GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=1 so oem-config does not show grub
enable canonical partner repo
enable better defaults for updates ( Check every 2 days,download security auto, show others every 2 weeks )
Enable sleep on lid close
Enable Windows menu in the window title bar
Show the % and time of battery as a default
Ajust Sleep timeout to 30 min
-- OPTIONAL -- First run
- Set wallpaper to ekimia one Second run
---------------------- DONE ----------------------------------
Put size of launcher to 24
Update nautilus options to ask to run shell script
Show app button at top in gnome3 : gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock show-apps-at-top true
Show battery percentage gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface show-battery-percentage true
Fix WPA "device not ready" when oem-config finish https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1576024
Install TLP project ( to be tested ) -> Now in Xenial Repo !
Need To integrate the systemd service fix ( see system76 solution) to restart networkmanager on wake up to overcome this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1574347
Disable Apport
To add for 16.04 : unity-tweak-tool
Clean the apt cache
Remove the Amazon Launcher
Install thermald