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101 lines (79 loc) · 2.58 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (79 loc) · 2.58 KB

ejp:Biobank concept is a custom extension we added to the DCAT2 vocabulary. In our extension we defined ejp:Biobank is a subclass of dcat:Resource.

Metadata model figure

Example rdf (turtle)

@prefix : <> .
@prefix dcat:  <> .
@prefix dct:   <> .
@prefix ejp:   <> .
@prefix foaf:  <> .
@prefix sio:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix ordo: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

:biobank a ejp:Biobank ;
  dct:publisher :organisation ;        
  dct:title "Austrian Bone Marrow Donor Registry" ;
  ejp:populationCoverage  :population_coverage ;
  dcat:theme  ordo:Orphanet_171895 ;
  foaf:page <> .

ordo:Orphanet_171895 a skos:Concept . # Declaration to comply with dcat:theme range of skos:Concept

:organisation a foaf:Organisation ;
  dct:title "Fonds Österreichisches Stammzellregister" ;
  dct:spatial  :location .

:population_coverage  a sio:SIO_001166 ;
  rdfs:label  "National" .

:location a dct:Location ;
  dct:title  "Austria" .

Validation artifacts

ShEx figure

PREFIX dcat:  <>
PREFIX dct:   <>
PREFIX ejp:   <>
PREFIX foaf:  <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX sio:  <>
PREFIX rdfs:  <>

:biobankShape IRI {
  a [ejp:Biobank];
  dct:title xsd:string;
  dct:description xsd:string*;
  ejp:populationCoverage @:populationCoverageShape*;
  dcat:theme IRI+;
  dct:publisher @:organisationShape;
  foaf:page IRI*

:locationShape IRI {
  a [dct:Location];
  dct:title xsd:string;
  dct:description xsd:string*;

:organisationShape IRI {
  a [foaf:Organisation];
  dct:title xsd:string;
  dct:description xsd:string*;
  dct:spatial @:locationShape;
  foaf:page IRI*

:populationCoverageShape IRI {
  a [sio:SIO_001166];
  rdfs:label ["National" "International" "Regional"]