- Failure: fail or succeed at a serious cost
- Tie: fail or succeed at a minor cost
- Success: success
- Success with style: success, gain a boost/offer a story detail)
- Failure: no aspect is created, or aspect is created but enemy gets free invocation
- Tie: boost is created/discovered
- Success: aspect is created/discovered, gain one free invocation (you or ally)
- Success with style: aspect is created/discovered, gain two free invocations (you or ally, can invoke on same turn)
- Failure: no advantage is created
- Tie: gain one free invocation (you or ally)
- Success: gain one free invocation (you or ally)
- Success with style: gain two free invocations (you or ally)
- Failure: attack fails
- Tie: attack fails, gain a boost
- Success: attack succeeds (damage equal shifts)
- Success with style: attack succeeds (damage equal shifts or one less and gain a boost)
- Failure: attack succeeds
- Tie: attack fails, opponent gains a boost
- Success: attack fails
- Success with style: attack fails, gain a boost