Bone is the basic component of bone animation. Bones can rotate, scale, and pan.
There are two ways to create bones:
Select the skeleton creation tool, hold down the left mouse button and drag in the main scene.
Click the create skeleton button in the scene tree panel to create a skeleton point.
DragonBones Pro 4.3 start supporting skeleton to create automatically bound images.
Automatic binding can be opened and closed in the preferences window.
The starting point and ending point of the skeleton must be in the picture to complete the automatic binding.
If the user is not satisfied with the result of the system matching, he can press the Ctrl key to temporarily turn off the automatic matching function. In this case, release the mouse and no picture will be bound.At the same time, hold Ctrl down to put it in manual binding mode, and the user can use the mouse to select a specific image (or multiple images) to bind to the newly created skeleton. Release the Ctrl key and the binding takes effect.You can then go ahead and create the skeleton automatic binding.
DragonBones Pro 4.5.0 To begin, you can set the skeleton's inheritance switch to rotate and scale the parent skeleton.
Default zooming and rotation are checked to indicate that the parent skeleton inherits zooming and rotation.
If "scale" is not checked, the scale of the parent skeleton will not be inherited. The scaling of the parent skeleton does not affect the selected child skeleton.
Do not check the "rotation", do not inherit the parent skeleton rotation. No matter how the parent bone rotates, the child bone always points in the same direction.(bones with IK constraint added cannot close rotation inheritance; bones with rotation inheritance closed cannot add IK constraint)
DragonBones Pro 4.5.0 First, after selecting the bone, hover the mouse over the end of the bone and a green circle will appear. Drag the circle to change the length of the bone.
Bone features:
The creation of a skeleton must be based on a parent skeleton.
The new project will contain a skeleton named root by default, which cannot be deleted but can be renamed.
All other skeletons can be deleted and renamed.
When a bone is deleted, the child bones, slots, and images below it are deleted.
The child skeleton inherits the movement, rotation, and scaling of the parent skeleton.
A skeleton may have more than one child, but only one parent.
The name of the skeleton is unique in the same project and cannot be repeated.
Bones can be checked.