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Releases: egovernments/punjab-mgramseva
Releases · egovernments/punjab-mgramseva
What's Changed
- ISTE-229: Download Issue by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #901
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #902
- ISTE-346: Added Chnages to run job for everything only on thrusday by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #885
- log out and dashboard fix by @Hari-egov in #903
- Adding changes to add inser rollout dashboard data to rolloutdashboar… by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #905
- Roll out dashboard backup by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #904
- Iste 229 by @saloni041 in #907
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #908
- Logout dashboard by @Hari-egov in #906
- Develop by @Hari-egov in #909
- Iste 12 2 by @Hari-egov in #912
- ISTE-291: Added nnew Roles For SMS triggering by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #911
- ISTE-135 created API Month report by @saloni041 in #914
- css comment removed by @Hari-egov in #915
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #916
- Update by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #918
- Added changes for Demand Generatio Kafka Lag issue. Used kafka template by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #917
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #919
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.29...mgramseva-v1.2.30
What's Changed
- ISTE-259: Not Allowing penalty to add if amount is 0'
- Rollout Dashboard to run for everything only on Saturday and Sunday.
- ISTE-274: Added changes to do fuzzy search on Employee Name in HRMS
- Added rollout dashboard Indexer Job to push data to ES.
- ISTE-282: Judistrictions dropdown select all reset issue fixed,
- Open Payment UI
- ISTE-189: Added RoundOff Value if added in PDF for metered Connection
- ISTE-229 Ledger Report for Month wise Details per consumer;
- Reindexing Of data In prod with tenant Hierarchy Information
- Iste 292: User Type and Designation is added under division user create, update, and view details
- Iste 189: Metered connection- Arrears are showing different in UI and PDF,
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.28...mgramseva-v1.2.29
What's Changed
- Disabled checkbox from update expenses for paid bill by @Hari-egov in #789
- Household Register WhatsApp Share Allignment Issue FIx by @Hari-egov in #790
- Sync up for release by @anilsingha-eGov in #791
- ISTE-131,ISTE-132: Fixed numbers not allowing starting from 5, Removed HRMS roles from search and count by @anilsingha-eGov in #792
- ISTE-149: Removed mobile number validation which starts from 5, now It starts from 4 by @anilsingha-eGov in #795
- ISTE-152: Mobile number allowed from 4 by @anilsingha-eGov in #796
- ISTE-44: Added Table to check the update and create demand from ws-calculator by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #794
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #797
- PFM-5638: Added changes for penalty as well as UI and PDF issues res… by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #799
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #801
- Iste 141 build by @Hari-egov in #802
- Aggregrate demand fix by @Hari-egov in #793
- ISTE-163: added changes to mode the load master data outside for loop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #803
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #804
- Enable penalty for aps division in punjab by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #805
- Iste 44 bill gen by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #806
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #807
- [ISTE-71] - Modified water search query for reindexing by @Taniya-eGov in #808
- Iste 41 billing by @Taniya-eGov in #800
- ISTE 173 - BUILD even with Develop by @Hari-egov in #812
- Iste 159 39 by @naveen-egov in #810
- ISTE 173,159,39 build by @Hari-egov in #811
- ISTE-44-pending issue: added chnages asked by anniket for bill genrat… by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #809
- Remarks Localization Changes by @Hari-egov in #814
- Added chnages for penalty by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #816
- Develop by @Hari-egov in #815
- Hrms chnages prebuiild by @Hari-egov in #818
- Iste 21 by @saloni041 in #819
- HRMS- v2 changes by @Hari-egov in #820
- ISTE -159 - Remarks removed by @Hari-egov in #821
- HRMS - Final changes by @Hari-egov in #822
- Hrms chnages prebuiild by @Hari-egov in #823
- Iste 159 remarks remove by @Hari-egov in #824
- Hrms chnages prebuiild by @Hari-egov in #828
- Hrms chnages prebuiild by @Hari-egov in #829
- ISTE-34 : Mark this bill as canceled disabled for paid radio button by @Hari-egov in #830
- Iste 18 fix by @Hari-egov in #831
- Pay gov merge by @Hari-egov in #832
- ISTE-167 Plain search API for demand indexer by @Priyanka-eGov in #813
- updated filename for billing service by @Taniya-eGov in #833
- Added tenantName as additional parameter in the rollout dashboard by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #834
- Added if else condition to make the count to db less by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #835
- Revereted the if else in rollout by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #836
- Added rollout dashboard cronjob indexer for sending data to indexer by @saloni041 in #838
- Update build-config.yml by @saloni041 in #840
- modified query to fetch all tenantid's at state level by @Taniya-eGov in #839
- ISTE-175 added code for pushing roll out data to indexer by @saloni041 in #841
- Iste 226 by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #842
- added fromDate,toDate search criteria for planesearch for reindexing by @Taniya-eGov in #844
- added fromDate,toDate search criteria for planesearch for reindexing by @Taniya-eGov in #845
- Paygov dev by @Hari-egov in #843
- updated fromDate and toDate code by @Taniya-eGov in #846
- Payment module :: Open Search by @nipunarora-eGov in #847
- updated query params by @nipunarora-eGov in #849
- Search Users Screen (dependent dropdowns) by @nipunarora-eGov in #848
- indexersearchIssue: Added ssl certificate and auth while calling Indexer by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #852
- Iste 224 by @saloni041 in #853
- addded user call in plainsearch by @Taniya-eGov in #850
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #837
- non_demand_fix by @Hari-egov in #855
- Develop by @Hari-egov in #856
New Contributors
- @Hari-egov made their first contribution in #789
- @Priyanka-eGov made their first contribution in #813
- @nipunarora-eGov made their first contribution in #847
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- PFM-5822:Fixed forgot password not redirecting,added validation for password,added error message, upgraded to formcomposerv2 in forgotpassword & change password by @anilsingha-eGov in #751
- PFM-5842: Fixed category & subcategory value showing null by @anilsingha-eGov in #757
- PFM-5968:Login Screen – Forget Password – Select city by @anilsingha-eGov in #758
- PFM-5969: Added select all for roles dropdown by @anilsingha-eGov in #759
- PFM-5983: Password length max set to 10, Fixed uppercase not giving hint by @anilsingha-eGov in #760
- PFM-5973 Added conditions to open any dashboard in new tab by @chinmoy-eGov in #761
- PFM-5971 added filter for current tenant by @chinmoy-eGov in #762
- reverted sms change for arrears by @saloni041 in #763
- Master mdms v2 by @gargrahuldev in #756
- PFM-5996: Fixed employee side bar not working by @anilsingha-eGov in #765
- PFM-5971 Added a default function to select a default jurisdiction fo… by @chinmoy-eGov in #766
- PFM-5998: Added Sarpanch, Secretory, Revenue Collector by @anilsingha-eGov in #768
- Update by @saloni041 in #769
- ISTE-19: Updated password for profile by @anilsingha-eGov in #770
- PFM-5984 Added Eye for password visibility by @chinmoy-eGov in #764
- ISTE-7,ISTE-20: Fixed Revenue Collector roles issue by @anilsingha-eGov in #771
- Added password not taking props by @anilsingha-eGov in #772
- ISTE-17 Changes in password component by @chinmoy-eGov in #773
- ISTE-19: Foxed minlength issue by @anilsingha-eGov in #774
- ISTE-20: Added sarpanch,revenue collector, secretory & Updated role by @anilsingha-eGov in #775
- ISTE-19: Fixed forgot password issue by @anilsingha-eGov in #776
- Iste 8 by @chinmoy-eGov in #777
- Iste 9 by @chinmoy-eGov in #778
- ISTE-20: Fixed count not reflecting by @anilsingha-eGov in #779
- ISTE-9 changes in top bar for type of user by @chinmoy-eGov in #780
- ISTE-10 Validation added while creating employee by @chinmoy-eGov in #781
- ISTE-8 Modification in Multiselect dropdown by @chinmoy-eGov in #782
- ISTE-8 Modified Tag for Division user by @chinmoy-eGov in #783
- ISTE-8 Modification in all select for Multiselect by @chinmoy-eGov in #784
- ISTE-22 Modification in Change city dropdown by @chinmoy-eGov in #785
- Update by @saloni041 in #786
- ISTE-11: Added css to hide breadcrum by @anilsingha-eGov in #787
- Develop Code sync up by @anilsingha-eGov in #788
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.21...mgramseva-v1.2.22
What's Changed
- Added UI code by @rakesh-wt-egov in #532
- changed publicPath to mgramseva-web by @rakesh-wt-egov in #533
- Develop by @rakesh-wt-egov in #534
- enabled only PGR module by @rakesh-wt-egov in #535
- Enabled PGR in internals by @rakesh-wt-egov in #536
- Added UI code form "base-digit-ui" branch by @rakesh-wt-egov in #539
- Update index.html by @jagankumar-egov in #540
- Added style for logo by @rakesh-wt-egov in #541
- Added jsonpath library by @rakesh-wt-egov in #545
- changed react-components version by @rakesh-wt-egov in #546
- changed url by @rakesh-wt-egov in #547
- Fixed UI issues by @rakesh-wt-egov in #551
- Added breadcrumbs by @rakesh-wt-egov in #560
- changed core module version by @rakesh-wt-egov in #563
- changed core module version by @rakesh-wt-egov in #564
- Fixed UI issues by @rakesh-wt-egov in #565
- Fixed css issue by @rakesh-wt-egov in #567
- SM-3077 adding null check and pgr dashboard link by @chinmoy-eGov in #571
- removed other modules from localization calls by @rakesh-wt-egov in #573
- Ficed SM-3129 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #577
- changed css version in index.html by @rakesh-wt-egov in #580
- Added HRMS module UI code by @rakesh-wt-egov in #581
- Fixed UI issue by @rakesh-wt-egov in #582
- Changed city dropdown values by @rakesh-wt-egov in #583
- PFM-1419 made changes for roles, deaprtment and designation by @rakesh-wt-egov in #585
- Fixed PFM-4849 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #590
- Fixed PFM-4848 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #591
- Fixed PFM-4588 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #593
- PFM-1419 Added State Level login functionality by @rakesh-wt-egov in #603
- Fixed STATE level update issues by @rakesh-wt-egov in #609
- Fixed PFM-4894 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #611
- Fixed PFM-4900, PFM-4898 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #612
- Patch 3 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #613
- PFM-4853 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #614
- Fixed search issue by @rakesh-wt-egov in #619
- changed count url by @rakesh-wt-egov in #620
- Fixed HRMS UI issues by @rakesh-wt-egov in #621
- Fixed HRMS UI issues by @rakesh-wt-egov in #622
- Added core module code and fixed issues on HRMS by @rakesh-wt-egov in #634
- Added sorting and fixed submit button issue by @rakesh-wt-egov in #635
- Added link for workbench UI by @rakesh-wt-egov in #637
- Added null checks by @rakesh-wt-egov in #639
- Added url for maste-data by @rakesh-wt-egov in #640
- Added url for workbench-ui by @rakesh-wt-egov in #641
- Fixed city dropdown issue by @rakesh-wt-egov in #642
- Added Divisions in filter in inbox page by @rakesh-wt-egov in #643
- Added HRMS hook by @rakesh-wt-egov in #644
- changed url for searhEmployee by Division by @rakesh-wt-egov in #645
- Fixed UI issues and made changes in HRMS by @rakesh-wt-egov in #651
- Added changes for Edit screen by @rakesh-wt-egov in #652
- Added url for rate master by @rakesh-wt-egov in #653
- Added url for non metered rate master screen by @rakesh-wt-egov in #655
- updated dateOfAppointment as yesterday's date by @rakesh-wt-egov in #668
- Fixed HRMS UI issues by @rakesh-wt-egov in #676
- Patch 3 by @rakesh-wt-egov in #682
- Added null checks by @rakesh-wt-egov in #685
- Added null checks by @rakesh-wt-egov in #690
- SM-3876,PFM-4850: Fixed css issue and updated gulp by @anilsingha-eGov in #704
- SM-3876,PFM-4850: Fixed library polished issue by @anilsingha-eGov in #706
- SM-3876,PFM-4850: Fixed polish issue by @anilsingha-eGov in #707
- Pfm 4855 by @saloni041 in #721
- PFM-5604: Added close toast set to 9sec by @anilsingha-eGov in #724
- PFM-5588: Fixed filter not searching proper data by @anilsingha-eGov in #725
- PFM-5589: Fixed number taking non numeric value by @anilsingha-eGov in #727
- PFM-5619: Added MDMS_ADMIN, Updated toast delay to 5sec by @anilsingha-eGov in #729
- Pfm 5564 by @saloni041 in #731
- Pfm 5671 by @saloni041 in #732
- Tenant dynamic lat long by @rahuldevgarg in #734
- PFM-5678: MDMSv2 Changes added by @anilsingha-eGov in #735
- PFM-5655: Chnaged the logic to check buildingType with propertyType r… by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #737
- Update build-config.yml by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #742
- Pfm 5564 by @saloni041 in #743
- PFM-5818: Added new roles, Fixed HRMS edit issue by @anilsingha-eGov in #746
- PFM-5692 changes url shorting endpoint by @rahuldevgarg in #749
- PFM-5810 added flag isSMSForUserCreationEnable at time of sending sm… by @saloni041 in #750
- Develop HRMS by @rahuldevgarg in #753
- set >=0 in pending amount by @gargrahuldev in #754
- Pfm 5570 by @gargrahuldev in #755
New Contributors
- @jagankumar-egov made their first contribution in #540
- @chinmoy-eGov made their first contribution in #571
- @anilsingha-eGov made their first contribution in #704
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.20...mgramseva-v1.2.21
What's Changed
- The recent update brings a thoughtful enhancement to the way pending amounts are displayed within the application. Specifically, it addresses scenarios where the pending amount might be negative, indicating an advance payment by the user. The update ensures that in such cases, the display logic now shows an "advance amount" label and presents the absolute value of the pending amount, making it clearer and more intuitive for users to understand their billing status.
- Updated VENDOR_REPORT_QUERY to utilize echallan.createdtime instead of echallan.taxperiodfrom for improved accuracy.
- Increased max poll interval to 600,000 ms for better handling of long processing times in Kafka consumers.
- Updated Message template in HRMS for user invitation to mGramSeva App ਪਿਆਰੇ <Employee_Name>, ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੀ ਐਮਗ੍ਰਾਮਸੇਵਾ ਐਪਲੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜਨ ਲਈ ਸੱਦਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ mSeva ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਲੌਗਇਨ ਕਰੋ। ਲੌਗਿਨ ਆਈ. ਡੀ. <Mobile_Number> ਪਾਸਵਰਡ <pass_word>. -DWSS#1007132062282751049
- Enhanced SMSRequest class in egov-hrms service with a tenantId field and adjusted sendNotification method to incorporate tenantId in the SMSRequest builder, ensuring correct requests are forwarded to the notification service.
- HRMS feature for searching user based on tenant and Roles .
PRs and changes
File Path | Change Summary |
.../lib/components/house_connection_and_bill/consumer_bill_payment.dart , .../lib/providers/collect_payment_provider.dart |
Updated display logic for pending amounts to handle negative values by showing "advance amount" and using the absolute value for display. |
- Query updated by @saloni041 in #716
- Develop by @rahuldevgarg in #718
- PFM-5473: Added changes to get the count of tenantby last demand genn… by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #719
- Develop by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #720
- PFM-4855 by @saloni041 in #722
- Update by @saloni041 in #726
- PFM-4855 by @saloni041 in #730
- Pfm 1419 user search by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #610
- PFM-5688 updated message template by @saloni041 in #738
- Update build-config.yml by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #741
- PFM-5688 updated message template by @saloni041 in #740
- Update build-config.yml by @Gowtham-egov in #744
- PFM-5680: Thermal Printer Advance Fix by @gargrahuldev in #747
- PFM 5064 Restrict User creation to past two months by @gargrahuldev in #739
New Contributors
- @Gowtham-egov made their first contribution in #744
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.19...mgramseva-v1.2.20
What's Changed
- Fixed a case where If user was able click on generate demand without selecting billing cycle.
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.18...mgramseva-v1.2.19
What's Changed
- Added changes to get last demand generated month and count of consumer with last demand generated date
- PFM-4082 New feature/report for the expense bill report has been developed and added to the platform in report section
- PFM-4408 Resolved issue where expense bills were paid but the payment date was not reflecting; the problem has been fixed.
- PFM-4114 Resolved issues where payment dates were not accurately reflected, bill cancellations were problematic, and expense challan generation was failing; now all functionalities are fixed.
- PFM-4085 New feature/report for the vendor report has been developed and added to the platform in report section
- testing tenant exclude from receiving SMS
Pull Requests
- Update by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #703
- PFM-5473: Added changes to get the count of tenantby last demand genn… by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #701
- Update by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #708
- PFM-5473-frontend by @rahuldevgarg in #702
- Develop by @rahuldevgarg in #709
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.17...mgramseva-v1.2.18
What's Changed
- Flutter version upgraded to support IOS 17 and Android 14.
- Expense Bill Report Section is Added for checking the Expense bill issued in that month and their status and vendor information.
- A Vendor list is also added to show the vendor list registered in that month
Pull Requests
- Flutter version upgrade,Vendor,ExpenseBill Report by @rahuldevgarg in #657
- PFM-4081 by @rahuldevgarg in #669
- PFM-4081 by @rahuldevgarg in #670
- PFM-4085 Vendor Report by @saloni041 in #667
- Pfm 4081 by @rahuldevgarg in #672
- PFM-5074 by @rahuldevgarg in #674
- PFM-4082 by @saloni041 in #693
- PFM-4082 echallan report by @saloni041 in #694
- Update Rollout dashboard by @gargrahuldev in #695
- PFM 4114 by @saloni041 in #700
- Flutter version upgrade (#666) by @rahuldevgarg in #666
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.16...mgramseva-v1.2.17
What's Changed
- Update Info.plist added bluetooth permission by @gargrahuldev in #683
- PFM-4114 by @saloni041 in #680
- Update by @debasishchakraborty-egovt in #692
Full Changelog: mgramseva-v1.2.15...mgramseva-v1.2.16