
Setting Up Eggdrop


Setting Up Eggdrop

This guide was based off perhaps the most helpful Eggdrop website ever written, egghelp.org by slennox. As happens with life, slennox has moved on and no longer updates it, but the information here is still incredibly useful. We have updated his setup page here and hope it will continue to prove useful to our users





Make sure Tcl AND it’s dev packages are installed on your system. On Debian-based systems, this is done with:

sudo apt-get install tcl tcl-dev
@@ -119,12 +118,13 @@

Prerequisites -

The super-short version


The super-short version

You can read the Installation section for a more detailed explanation of these steps.

  1. Download the latest stable Eggdrop release to your shell via FTP, or simply type wget geteggdrop.com -O eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz

  2. -
  3. From the commadline of your shell, type tar zxvf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz

  4. -
  5. Type cd eggdrop-1.9.5

  6. +
  7. Download the current version of Eggdrop to your shell via FTP, or simply type: wget geteggdrop.com -O eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz

  8. +
  9. Next, from the commandline of the shell, ensure you are in the same directory that you downloaded the tar file into

  10. +
  11. Type: tar zxvf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz

  12. +
  13. Type: cd eggdrop-1.9.5

  14. Type ./configure

  15. Type make config

  16. Type make

  17. @@ -135,42 +135,42 @@

    The super-short version


Getting the source


Getting the source





The current supported version of Eggdrop is the 1.9.x tree. The 1.8 and 1.6 series, while still popular, are no longer supported by the developers.


The most current version of Eggdrop, and the one appropriate for most users, is the current 1.9 series. It added many features such as SASL support, multi-ip listening, and a new password hashing module. It is the most complete, feature-rich, and functional version of Eggdrop. If you’re just starting out with Eggdrop, you should use 1.9.5


Prior to that, the 1.8 series added several major features, to include IPv6 support and SSL/TLS connections. 1.6.21, which is now over 10 years old, was the last release of the 1.6 series and is still used by users who have become comfortable with that version and may have spent much time applying their own modifications to make it work the way they want, and therefore don’t wish to move to a newer version. The majority of Tcl scripts out there were written for 1.6 bots, but those scripts usually work on 1.8 and 1.9 bots as well.


The most current version of Eggdrop, and the one appropriate for most users, is the current 1.9 series. It added many features such as SASL support, multi-ip listening, and a new password hashing module. It is the most complete, feature-rich, and functional version of Eggdrop. If you’re just starting out with Eggdrop, you should use 1.9.5.


Prior to that, the 1.8 series added several major features, to include IPv6 support and SSL/TLS connections. 1.6.21, which is now over 10 years old, was the last release of the 1.6 series. Because Eggdrop remained at the 1.6.21 patchlevel for several years it is still often run by users who have become comfortable with that version and don’t wish to move to a newer version- however, it is getting harder and harder to continue running 1.6 bots on modern Linux systems. Tcl scripts written for bots as far back as the 1.6 series generally work on all later versions of Eggdrop as well, so if you haven’t already- upgrade!

The 1.9 Eggdrop tree is currently under active development and the most recent changes are available in daily snapshots for users to download for testing. While the development snapshot will contain the most current, up-to-date features of Eggdrop, it is not yet considered stable and users stand a higher chance of encountering bugs during use. If you do use it and find a bug, it is highly encouraged to report it via the Eggheads GitHub issues page.


Download locations


The developers distribute Eggdrop via two main methods: FTP, and GitHub. For FTP, it is packaged in tarball format (with the .tar.gz filename extension), with the version number in the filename. The Eggdrop 1.9.5 source, for example, would be named eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz.


The Eggheads FTP is a repository for the current version of Eggdrop, as well as the most current development snapshot and previous stable releases.


Eggdrop also maintains a GitHub page where you can download the development snapshot or a stable version, via either git commandline or by downloading a tarball. To download via git, type git clone https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop.git, then cd eggdrop. This gives you the development version. To switch to the most recent stable version, type git checkout stable/1.9. You can then skip to step 4 in the Installation section below.


Download locations


The developers distribute Eggdrop via two main methods: FTP, and GitHub. For FTP, it is packaged in tarball format (with the .tar.gz filename extension), with the version number in the filename. The Eggdrop 1.9.5 source, for example, would be named eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz.


The Eggheads FTP is a repository for the current version of Eggdrop, as well as the most current development snapshot and previous stable releases.


Eggdrop also maintains a GitHub page where you can download the development snapshot or a stable version, via either git commandline or by downloading a tarball. To download via git, type git clone https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop.git, then cd eggdrop. This gives you the development version. To switch to the most recent stable version, type git checkout stable/1.9. You can then skip to step 4 in the Installation section below.





Installing Eggdrop is a relatively simple process provided your shell has the required tools for successful compilation. On most commercial shell accounts which allow Eggdrop bots you won’t have any problems with installation, but on some private boxes or a shell on your ISP you may experience errors during compilation.


Below is a step by step guide to the installation process. These instructions apply to 1.9 bots. It assumes you will be installing eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz, so just change the numbers if you are installing another version.


Below is a step by step guide to the installation process. These instructions apply to 1.9 bots. It assumes you will be installing eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz, so just change the numbers if you are installing another version.

  1. Put the Eggdrop source on your shell using one of the specified download locations, either by downloading the eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz file to your system then uploading it to the shell via FTP, or downloading it directly to the shell via the shell’s FTP client, git, wget, or curl. You don’t need to put the .tar.gz file in its own directory (it’ll be done automatically in the next step).

  2. -
  3. SSH to the shell (if you haven’t already), and type tar zxvf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz (if this doesn’t work, try gunzip eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz then tar xvf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar). This will extract the Eggdrop source into its installation directory, named ‘eggdrop-1.9.5’.

  4. -
  5. Type cd eggdrop-1.9.5 switch to the directory the Eggdrop source was extracted to.

  6. +
  7. Put the Eggdrop source on your shell using one of the specified download locations, either by downloading the current version of Eggdrop to your local system and then uploading it to the shell via FTP, or downloading it directly to the shell via the shell’s FTP client, git, wget, or curl. You don’t need to put the .tar.gz file in its own directory (it’ll be done automatically in the next step).

  8. +
  9. SSH to the shell (if you haven’t already), and type tar zxvf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz (if this doesn’t work, try gunzip eggdrop-1.9.5.tar.gz then tar xvf eggdrop-1.9.5.tar). This will extract the Eggdrop source into its installation directory, named eggdrop-1.9.5.

  10. +
  11. Type cd eggdrop-1.9.5 switch to the directory the Eggdrop source was extracted to.

  12. Type ./configure (that’s a period followed by a slash followed by the word ‘configure’). This makes sure the shell has all the right tools for compiling Eggdrop, and helps Eggdrop figure out how to compile on the shell.

  13. When configure is done, type make config. This sets up which modules are to be compiled. For a more efficient installation, you can use make iconfig to select the modules to compile, but if you’re not sure just use make config.

  14. Type make. This compiles the Eggdrop. The process takes a brief moment on fast systems, longer on slow systems.

  15. Type make install DEST=~/botdir. This will install Eggdrop into a directory named ‘botdir’ in your home directory. You can change ‘botdir’ to anything you like. Note that in some cases you may need to specify the full path, e.g. make install DEST=/home/cooldude/botdir, using the ~ character in make install won’t always work. You can get the full path by typing pwd.

  16. -
  17. You can safely delete the installation directory named ‘eggdrop-1.9.5’ (to do this, type cd ~ then rm -rf eggdrop-1.9.5) that was created previously, although some people may find it handy to keep that directory for performing additional or future installations of the same version without recompiling.

  18. +
  19. You can safely delete the installation directory named eggdrop-1.9.5 (to do this, type cd ~ then rm -rf eggdrop-1.9.5) that was created previously, although some people may find it handy to keep that directory for performing additional or future installations of the same version without recompiling.

That’s it! Eggdrop is now installed into its own directory on the shell. It’s time to edit the configuration files to make Eggdrop work the way you want it to.





You will need to edit the configuration file before you can start up your Eggdrop. You can find the example configuration file in the directory you extracted the Eggdrop source to, under the name ‘eggdrop.conf’. If you downloaded Eggdrop to your system, you can unzip the tarball (.tar.gz) file to its own directory using 7-Zip or a similar program, and view the example config file, botchk file, and all the documentation files locally. You can use Notepad to edit these files, although it’s sometimes desirable to use an editor that supports the Unix file format such as EditPlus. To edit the file once it is on your shell, a program such as ‘nano’ or ‘vim’ is recommended.


Editing the config file


Editing the config file

Eggdrop comes with two versions of the configuration file- eggdrop.conf and eggdrop-basic.conf. While it is recommended that users edit a copy of eggdrop.conf to take advantage of all the features Eggdrop has to offer, using eggdrop-basic.conf to start will be a quicker path for some. Still, it is recommended that you come back to the full config file at some point to see what you are missing.

It is first recommended to rename the sample config to something other than “eggdrop.conf”. Giving it the name of the bot’s nick (e.g. NiceBot.conf) is quite common. In the config file, you set up the IRC servers you want the bot to use and set Eggdrop’s options to suit your needs. Eggdrop has many options to configure, and editing the configuration file can take some time. I recommend you go over the entire config file to ensure the bot will be configured properly for your needs. All of the options in the config file have written explanations - be sure to read them carefully. Some of them can be a little bit vague, though.

To comment out a line (prevent the bot from reading that line), you can add a ‘#’ in front of a line. When you come to a line that you need to edit, one popular option is to comment out the original and add your new line right below it. This preserves the original line as an example. For example:

@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@

Editing the config file


Starting the Eggdrop


Starting the Eggdrop

Phew! Now that you’ve compiled, installed, and configured Eggdrop, it’s time to start it up. Switch to the directory to which you installed the bot, cross your fingers, and type ./eggdrop -m <config> (where <config> is the name you gave to the config file). Eggdrop should start up, and the bot should appear on IRC within a few minutes. The -m option creates a new userfile for your bot, and is only needed the first time you start your Eggdrop. In future, you will only need to type ./eggdrop <config> to start the bot. Make sure you take the time to read what it tells you when you start it up!

Once your bot is on IRC, it’s important that you promptly introduce yourself to the bot. Msg it the ‘hello’ command you specified in the config file, e.g. /msg <botnick> hello. This will make you the bot’s owner. Once that’s done, you need to set a password using /msg <botnick> pass <password>. You can then DCC chat to the bot.

Now that your Eggdrop is on IRC and you’ve introduced yourself as owner, it’s time to learn how to use your Eggdrop!


No show?


No show?

If your bot didn’t appear on IRC, you should log in to the shell and view the bot’s logfile (the default in the config file is “logs/eggdrop.log”). Note that logfile entries are not written to disk immediately unless quick-logs is enabled, so you may have to wait a few minutes before the logfile appears, or contains messages that indicate why your bot isn’t showing up.

Additionally, you can kill the bot via the command line (kill pid, the pid is shown to you when you started the bot or can be viewed by running ps x) and then restart it with the -mnt flag, which will launch you directly into the partyline, to assist with troubleshooting. Note that if you use the -nt flag, the bot will not persist and you will kill it once you quit the partyline.

If you’re still unsure what the problem is, try asking in #eggdrop on Libera, and be sure to include any relevant information from the logfile. Good luck!

@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@

No show?