- Deprecated edx-sphinx-theme and replaced it with sphinx-book-theme
- Added management command to update existing LearnerPathwayProgress table.
- Added a data migration to delete data for LearnerEnterprisePathwayMembership and LearnerPathwayProgress table.
- Added enterprise with learner pathway membership.
- Removed default attribute from LearnerPathwayProgress.learner_pathway_uuid field. This field must be provided at the time of instance creation.
- Added endpoint for LearnerPathwayProgress model.
- Update the pathway progress type.
- Added waffle flag on the top of signals code.
- Update signal to accept CourseLocator as course_key.
- Add management command and signal to update learner pathway progress and membership.
- entry point for app
- app_label in model
- Plugin app configuration
- Version in __init__.py
- name of package in setup.py file
- Basic skeleton of the app.
- LearnerPathwayMembership model.
- main branch from main to master