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- Core Ontology of Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
- Core Ontology of identification of medicinal products (IDMP)
- This artifact represents the core vocabulary of IDMP based on ISO standards:
- ISO_11238_2018(en) Substance,
- ISO_11239_2012(en) Dose form, unit, route of administration,
- ISO_11240_2012(en) Unit details,
- ISO_11615_2017(en) Medicinal product,
- ISO_11616_2017(en) Pharmaceutical product,
- ISO/TS 19844 E Implementation guideline for 11238,
- ISO/TS 20443 E Implementation guideline for 11615,
- ISO/TS 20451 E Implementation guideline for 11616,
- Representation of information in agreement of IDMP requires application of further ISO standards:
- ISO 639-1 Codes for names of languages (part 1: Alpha-2 code),
- ISO 3166-1:2013 Codes for names of countries (part 1: Country codes),
- ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats
- This ontology contains entities that are shared between different modules of IDMP ontology. The core ontology imports codelists that are shared between modules of the IDMP ontology.
- 2020-11-05T12:00:00Z
- These files are shared Intellectual Property of OSTHUS and ACCURIDS and may be used only through explicit written permission through OSTHUS or ACCURIDS. In particular further distribution and copy of parts are prohibited.
- 2022-01-31
- Core Ontology of Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)
- Core Ontology of identification of medicinal products (IDMP)
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 67
- The description of the updates or changes of the substance should be specified. The field will be left empty when first insert of substance.
- Update to previous version to include additional translations.
- change made
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 67
- The date when the substance was effective should be provided in line with the ISO 8601 date format. This shall be defined when the substance is generated or modified.
- 20110219
- effective date
- The value may be implicitly derived.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 66
- This subclause shall provide information on the version of the substance. Where no “Version Number” and “Effective Date” have been assigned by an authority source, the version number shall be set as 0 with the date set as the date of initial submission of the substance. Any changes or updates to a given substance will result in a new version. This could include changes in the definition of the substance or the addition of names or codes. The version of substances should be tracked. Submitters should also indicate if it is a new version of a previous submission.
- version
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 67
- The number of the version of the substance shall be provided.
- 1, 2, 3, 99
- version number
- If same document set exists, version shall be greater than the last submitted version.
-For maintainance purpose, the version number shall be updated after the effective date.
- Capture defined allowed values according to the ISO standard. This is preliminary and likely to be replaced by a different pattern with controlled lists.
- allowed values
- Capture defined business rules according to the ISO standard.
- business rules
- Capture defined conformance information according to the ISO standard.
- conformance
- This property is used to link UML objects with corresponding 'attributes' according to the ISO specification. Its use is preliminary and is assumed to change to a different modelling pattern.
- has UML attribute
- This property is used to link 'attributes' with corresponding UML objects according to the ISO specification. Its use is preliminary and is assumed to change to a different modelling pattern.
- is UML attribute of
- ISO 11238:2018(E)
- Health Informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances
- ISO IDMP 11238 second edition 2018-07
- ISO 11239:2012(E)
- Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging
- ISO IDMP 11239 first edition 2012-11
- ISO 11240:2012(E)
- Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of units of measurement
- ISO IDMP 11240 first edition 2012-11
- ISO 11615:2017(E)
- Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information
- ISO IDMP 11615 second edition 2017-10
- ISO 11616:2017(E)
- Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products — Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information
- ISO IDMP 11616 second edition 2017-10
- ISO 19844:2018(E)
- Health informatics — Identification of medicinal products (IDMP) — Implementation guidelines for ISO 11238 for data elements and structures for the unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances
- ISO IDMP Technical Specificatoin 19844 third edition 2018-07
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- 2020-11-05
- 2021-08-08
- Substance module of ontology of identification of medicinal products (IDMP) - ISO 11238 substance.
- Open Source - exact license to be clarified
- This model represents IDMP Polymer and its related components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Polymer
- This model represents IDMP Structurally Diverse substance and its related components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Structurally Diverse
- This model represents IDMP Mixture and its related components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Mixture
- IDMP.equipment.equipment
- Equipment used in manufacturing operations.
- equipment attribute
- IDMP.equipment.equipmentID
- Unique ID of the equipment
- equipment id
- IDMP.equipment.manufacturerID
- Unique ID of the manufacturer
- equipment manufacturer id
- IDMP.equipment.manufacturerName
- Name of the manufacturer
- equipment manufacturer name
- IDMP.equipment.equipmentName
- Name of the equipment
- equipment name
- IDMP.equipment.equipmentRole
- Role of the equipment in the manufacturing operation
- equipment role
- IDMP.linkage.residueSIte
- The residues that contain a given sugar shall be captured. The order of given residues will be captured in the 5-3 direction consistent with the base sequences listed above.
- linkage residue site
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.version
- The version of a production process has an alpha numerical value. The version is tied to the Production System Type as described in and the critical production process.
- manufacturing operation version
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.subUnit
- Index of linear sequences of nucleic acids in order of decreasing length. Sequences of the same length will be ordered by molecular weight. Subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated and have sequential subscripts.
- nucleic acid subunit attrribute
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.length
- The length of the sequence shall be captured.
- nucleic acid subunit length
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.sequenceAttachment
- An enriched string a document or image representing the sequence should be provided.
- nucleic acid subunit sequence attachment
- IDMP.criticalParameter.paramater
- Critical parameter
- paramater
- IDMP.criticalParameter.paramaterName
- Name of the critical parameter
- paramater name
- IDMP.criticalParameter.paramaterValue
- Value of the critical parameter
- paramater value
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.subUnit
- Index of primary sequences of amino acids linked through peptide bonds in order of decreasing length. Sequences of the same length will be ordered by molecular weight. Subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated and have sequential subscripts
- protein subunit attrribute
- IDMP.protein.proteinType
- The protein descriptive elements will only be used when a complete or partial amino acid sequence is available or derivable from a nucleic acid sequence.
- protein type
- IDMP.referenceSourceDocument.referenceSourceDocument
- Documents that contain relevant information on data elements and are referenced should be stored if available.
- reference source document attribute
- IDMP.referenceSourceDocument.publicDomain
- Most sources other than regulatory submissions should be in the public domain. All regulatory submissions will typically be considered to not be in the public domain. If the reference source is in the public domain the data elements referenced by the source could be made public. There may be a separate determination whether any portion of the record can be made public. This determination may vary depending on type of substance. Regardless submitters of information should always explicitly indicate whether data should be considered confidential.
- reference source document public domain
- IDMP.referenceSource.publicDomain
- Most reference sources other than regulatory submissions will be in the public domain. All regulatory submissions will typically be considered to not be in the public domain. If the reference source is in the public domain the data elements referenced by the source could be made public. There may be a separate determination whether any portion of the record can be made public. This determination may vary depending on type of substance. Regardless submitters of information should always explicitly indicate whether data should be considered confidential.
- reference source public domain
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.sequence
- Actual nucleotide sequence notation from 5 to 3 end using standard single letter codes. In addition to the base sequence sugar and type of phosphate or non-phosphate linkage should also be captured.
- nucleic acid subunit sequence
- IDMP.productionStep.stepNumber
- The number indicating the order of the step in the manuafacturing process should be specified.
- step number
- IDMP.structuralRepeatUnit.structuralRepeatUnit
- For synthetic polymers the structural repeat units are typically generated from the polymerization of monomers. The Structural Repeat Unit for polyethylene is ethylene and not methylene
- structural repeat unit attribute
- IDMP.substance.version
- Any changes or updates to a given substance will result in a new version. This could include changes in the definition of the substance or the addition of names or codes. The version of substances should be tracked. Submitters should also indicate if it is a new version of a previous submission. Where no “Version Number” and “Effective Date” have been assigned by an authority source, the version number shall be set as 0 with the date set as the date of initial submission of the substance.
- substance version
- This model represents IDMP Specified Substance Group3 and its components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Specified Substance Group3
- This model represents IDMP chemical substance and its components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Chemical
- This is the logical information model for Identification of Medicinal Products (ISO 11238)
- IDMP Model - Overview
- This model represents IDMP Nucleic Acid and its related components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Nucleic Acid
- This model represents IDMP Specified Substance Group2 at a high level
- IDMP Model - Specified Substance Group2
- This model represents IDMP Protein and its related components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Protein
- This model represents structure of IDMP single substances at a high level
- IDMP Model - Substance Structure
- This model represents IDMP Specified Substance Group1 and its related components at a high level
- IDMP Model - Specified Substance Group1
- This model represents IDMP Specified Substance Group4 and its components at a high level. This is also knows as the Manufacturing Information Model.
- IDMP Model - Specified Substance Group4
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 62
- This type describes modifications that do not result in the addition of a single well-defined chemical entity (i.e. formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde treatment, peroxide treatment). In the inactivation of vaccines or treatment of tissue matrices, agent modification is essential for the description of these materials. Agent modification is also used in describing the culturing of cells that result in phenotypic differentiation. The agent modification could also be used to capture the actual agent that reacts with a protein that results in the attachment of a well-defined chemical fragment or entity.
- agent modification
- agent modification role
- Antigen, linker, conjugate, inactivation, antigen priming, end-cap polymerization, sizing of Polysaccharide into Oligosaccharides, inactivation of antigen to reduce allergenicity
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 62
- For proteins, agent (a chemical that results in non-specific modifications of a protein) or moiety (a specific moiety added to a protein molecule) are used to describe the function of the modification.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 62
- Chemical, enzymatic, immunological, organism, UV radiation
- agent modification type
- Refers to the type of the agent caused the modification.
- IDMP.substance.structure.amount
- The amount subclause serves to provide the quantitative or qualitative values that are associated with a variety of elements. The same format will be used for all quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative values. Amounts may be a single value or a range (with low or high limits or both). An 'amount type' may be associated with an amount to state if the value needs to be interpreted as an average or an exact or approximate quantity. The attribute ‘Non-numeric Value’ is used to carry a value that is purely textual, with no numeric component. The ‘Amount Text’ is used for additional text to explain a numeric value.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 45
- amount
- Not to be used with Quantity or Non-numeric Value. Both limits must have the same dimension and units.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 46
- IDMP.amount.highLimit
- To be used to express the higher limit of a range of quantitative values, if applicable.Similar to the low limit, Amount Type is used to state if the high limit refers to a range of values or a range of averages. The high limit can also be used to express one-sided limits. It can also be used to express NMT (not more than) values.
- amount high limit
- amount low limit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 45
- To be used to express the lower limit of a range of values, if applicable. Amounts may be a single value or a range with low or high limits or both. It should be noted that there can be two types of low limit one is a limit on actual values and the other is the lower limit of the average of values ‘Amount Type’ is used to distinguish . The low limit can be used alone to express one-sided ranges greater than or equal to this limit NLT. It can also be used to express NLT not less than values.
- Not to be used with Quantity or Non-numeric Value. Both limits must have the same dimension and units.
- IDMP.amount.lowLimit
- "June –August", "Shock frozen directly after harvesting", "Provinces Shandong, Jiangsu, Sichuan"
- amount non numeric value
- Not to be used with a numeric value, or unit, or amount text or amount type.
- IDMP.amount.nonNumericValue
- non-numeric value
- Qualitative value or general description to capture information related to a characteristic attribute or constituent.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 46
- The attribute Non-numeric Value is used to carry a value that is purely textual with no numeric component
- Quantity not to be used with Low Limit or High Limit, or Non-numeric value
- IDMP.amount.quantity
- Exact or approximate quantitative value or an average value for a given element.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 45
- The element "Amount Type" is used to distinguish.
- Used to capture a quantitative value for a variety of elements.
- amount quantity
- The Amount Text subclause is used for additional text to explain a numeric value pertaining to Amount
- For a Quantity of “71,9” and a Unit “% {w/w}” the Amount text could be: “Equivalence Factor: 0,72”Killing by cold shock at -20⁰ C, Microscopic inspection, and dried in a fluid bed dryer and controlled air temperature and moister.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 47
- Not to be used with a non-numeric value
- IDMP.amount.amountText
- To capture additional explanatory text for a numeric value.
- amount text
- IDMP.amount.amountType
- amount type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 45
- An amount type may be associated with an amount to state if the value needs to be interpreted as an average or an exact or approximate quantity.
- Exact (the default, when not specified); Approximate; NLT; NMT
- This attribute may be used to state how a numeric amount is to be interpreted.
- The unit is mandatory for amount expressed as numeric value, except where the value has no unit (dimensionless). It is not to be used with Non-numeric Value. Units should be restricted to the actual physical units of the numeric value, and not be used to restate what property the value is for, nor comments about the value (see amount text).
- The units shall be specified in accordance with ISO11240and the resulting terminology.
- The unit of measure. There is only one unit for the single quantity, or for both parts of a range.
- Most units should be consistent with those described in UCUM. There may be a need for additional units to describe particular properties and the maintenance organization should maintain them. Units may be dependent on the method of measurement or calculation to determine the property.
- 1, g, mg, mol, mmol, L, [IU], mg/L, mol/L, g/mol, [IU]/g, DH (decimal), %{w/w}, %{v/v}, log10, ln
- Other specific units can be required by jurisdictional guidelines.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 46
- IDMP.amount.unit
- amount unit
- Information on assays used to determine identification, potency and impurities as well as the analytical method references are captured as attributes by the element group ‘Analytical Method’ e.g. ‘Analytical Method Type’, ‘Analytical Method’, Analytical Method Details’ and ‘Analytical Method Reference Data’. The 'Analytical Method' element group is proceeded by the element group ‘Analytical Method Version’ with the attributes ‘Version and ‘Version Date'. The attribute 'Analytical Method Type' may have the values ‘Chemical', ‘Biological’ or ‘Physical’. The attribute 'Analytical Method' may have the values e.g. HPLC–method, reverse phase HPLC, rp-LC-MS, Capillary Electrophoresis, Bioassay etc. Details of the Analytical Method can be described as text and the attribute 'Analytical Method Reference Data' refers to reference literature or reference may be made to an earlier version of the method. The analytical method details and reference data can be captured in a fielded format. The analytical method used has to comply to ICH Topic Q2(R1) ’Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology’[20], see Figure 32.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- NOTE 1 Unitage for potency is often dependent on the analytical method and reference material used in the determination. In many instances, unitage can vary across jurisdictions or even among manufacturers within a jurisdiction.
-NOTE 2 Pancrelipase is a substance containing enzymes, principally lipase, with amylase and protease, obtained from the pancreas of the hog, Sus scrofa Linné var. domesticus Gray (Family Suidae). It contains, in each mg, not less than 24 USP Units of lipase activity, not less than 100 USP Units of amylase activity, and not less than 100 USP Units of protease activity.
-NOTE 3 1 mg of pancreas powder contains NLT 1,0 Ph.Eur. U of total proteolytic activity, 15 Ph.Eur. U of lipolytic activity and 12 Ph.Eur. U of amylolytic activity. (Ph. Eur. Monograph 01/2016:0350).
- analytical method
- USP pancrelipase units and Ph. Eur. pancrelipase units differ and are not readily convertible because the reference materials are distinct and standardized in a different manner.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- refer Analytical Method
- analytical method details
- refer Analytical Method
- analytical method information
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- refer Analytical Method
- analytical method reference data
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- analytical method type
- refer Analytical Method
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- refer Analytical Method
- analytical method version
- areas of hybridization
- area of hybridization
- IDMP.nucleicAcid.areaOfHybridisation
- The area of hybridization should be described if applicable for double stranded RNA or DNA. The number associated with the subunit followed by the number associated to the residue shall be specified in increasing order.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 87
- The area of hybridization should be described if applicable for double stranded RNA or DNA. The number associated with the subunit followed by the number associated to the residue shall be specified in increasing order.
-The underscore “_” shall be used as separator as follows: “Subunit_number Residue”.
- Each residue shall be specified followed by a comma and space.
- Substance dilution Grade; Drug Extract Ratio (DER); Wild/cultivated; Degree of comminution; Process state; Growth state; Harvesting time; Harvesting method; Harvesting/killing process; Decontamination process; Country of origin, Geographical location, Storage time; Storage temperature; Storage condition; Feeding composition, Particle size; Pathogen test, Testing strategy
- Examples of the attributes captured by each Attribute Type are described below. The Attribute Names that are captured for each Attribute Type may be further expanded. The Attribute Name for the Attribute Type Particular Homeopathic is Substance dilution potentization grade.
- Examples of the attributes captured by each Attribute Type are described below. The Attribute Names that are captured for each Attribute Type may be further expanded.
-The Attribute Name for the Attribute Type ‘Particular Homeopathic’ is ‘Substance dilution potentization grade’.
-The Attribute Names to be captured by the Attribute Type ‘Particular Herbal’ are: Wild/Cultivated; Degree of comminution; Process state; Growth state; Harvesting time; Harvesting method; Decontamination process; Country of origin, Geographical location, Storage time and Storage temperature.
-The Attribute Name to be captured by the Attribute Type ‘Particular Herbal preparation’ is Drug Extract Ratio (DER), which describes the quantity of native Herbal Substance that is used to prepare 1 g Herbal extract. In this context, ‘Herbal Substance’ can be either a Substance (fresh) or a Herbal Drug.
-The Attribute Names to be captured by the Attribute Type ‘Particular Allergen’ are: Degree of Comminution, Process state, Wild/ Cultivated, Growth state, Feeding composition, Harvesting/killing process, Harvesting Ttme, Decontamination process, Country of origin, Geographical location, Storage time and Storage condition.
-The Attribute Names captured by the Attribute Type ‘Cryopoor Plasma Process Flow’ are: Country of origin; Pathogen test, testing strategy.
-The Country of origin is directly coupled to the plasma pool and the manufacturer. It shall include the subset of countries in which the collection organizations are located from which plasma for manufacturing of a specific plasma-derived product(s) is obtained.
-The Testing strategy is directly coupled to the plasma pool and the manufacturer. The manufacturer of a Cryoprecipitate sourced from a plasma pool is captured at the Specified Substance Group 2 information level.
-The Attribute Names captured by the Attribute Type ‘Particular Vaccine’ are: History of the strain; Passage of the master seed; Passage of the working seed lot; ‘Cultured on Vero cell’ e.g. Polio vaccines or Cultured on MDCK (Madin Darby canine kidney) cells; Cultured on embryonated fertilized hens eggs.
-The Attribute Names captured by the Attribute Type ‘Particular ATMP’ is HEK293 cells for the adeno associated viruses used for gene therapy.
-The Attribute Names captured by the Attribute Type Physical are: melting point; boiling point; critical temperature; critical pressure; critical density; triple point; density; solubility; pKa; UV absorption maxima.
- attribute name
- IDMP.characteristicAttribute.attributeName
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 114
- attribute names
- Each attribute type is connected to different attributes described in this subclause.
- The element group ‘Attribute Parameter’ is used to describe additional conditions for a certain Characteristic Attribute parameter e.g. the temperature measured at a pH value.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 116
- attribute parameters
- The Attribute Parameter class captures additional conditions related to the characteristic attribute.
- attribute parameter
- IDMP.attributeParameter
- The name of the attribute parameter shall be captured.
- IDMP.attributeParameter.attributeParameterName
- attribute parameter name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 116
- Shock frozen condition; storage condition; harvesting condition; micronization temperature; melting point condition; boiling point condition; critical temperature condition; triple point condition; density condition; solubility condition; pH range
- attribute parameter names
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 117
- The attribute parameter value shall be captured.
- attribute parameter values
- IDMP.attributeParameter.attributeParameterValue
- Protected from light at –20 °C to –24 °C; Stored protected from light at 0 °C, until processed; Plants are harvested during the whole year after they have been cultivated for at least two growth periods; Undamaged tubers and stored under dry conditions; measured under 101 kPa; Physical state: Liquid, at 0 °C, 31.29 atm at equilibrium; 1 Volume part 20 °C and at a pressure of 101 kPa; Measured at 20 °C; Measured at pH range of 2,5 to 10,5
- attribute parameter value
- attribute substance identifier
- ISO 11238 Substance or Specified Substance ID
- IDMP.characteristicAttribute.attributeSubstanceID
- attribute substance id
- ISO 11238 Substance or Specified Substance ID
- The unique identifier assigned to the Attribute Substance should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 115
- attribute substance ids
- IDMP.characteristicAttribute.attributeSubstanceName
- The substance name of the attribute should be captured
- ISO 11238 Substance or Specified Substance Name
- attribute substance name
- attribute substance names
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 116
- attribute types
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 114
- Homeopathic substances are described using the Attribute Type ‘Particular Homeopathic’ and allergen substances the Attribute Type ‘Particular Allergen’. The Attribute Types ‘Particular Herbal’ or ‘Particular Herbal preparation’ shall be used to further describe characteristics of the Substance (fresh) and Substance (Herbal Drug). The Attribute Type ‘Cryopoor Plasma Process Flow’ is used to describe plasma-derived substances. The Attribute Type 'Particular Vaccine' is used to describe vaccines.
-Physical attributes shall be used to describe Chemical, Protein, Nucleic acid and Polymer substances.
- Particular Homeopathic; Particular Herbal; Particular Herbal preparation; Particular Allergen; Physical; Cryopoor Plasma Process Flow, Particular Vaccine
- attribute type
- IDMP.characteristicAttribute.attributeType
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 55
- author
- authors
- The author of an organism species should be specified. The author year of an organism shall also be specified when applicable; refers to the year in which the first author(s) published the intraspecific plant/animal name (of any rank).
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 55
- author description
- L.; Sch.Bip; Linnaeus, 1766
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page
- The type of author of an organism species should be specified. The parenthetical author of an organism species refers to the first author who published the plant/animal name (of any rank). The primary author of an organism species refers to the first author(s), who validly published the plant/animal name.
- All names should have a primary author to avoid ambiguity, but not every name will have a parenthetical author.
- author type
- Species parenthetical author, Species primary author
- HO(C2H4O)141(C3H6O)44(C2H4O)141H
- The element shall be captured for polymers only.
-The structural repeat unit shall have a distinct stoichiometric composition. When the substituents within SRU are variable the information may not be provided.
- IDMP.structuralRepeat.averageMolecularFormulaByRepeatUnit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 97
- This element provides a representation of an (average) molecular formula from a polymer.
- average molecular formula by repeat unit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 83
- c glycosylation sites
- c-glycosylation sites
- c-glycosylation site
- IDMP.glycosylation.cGlycosylationSite
- C-linked glycosylation: The consensus sequence for C-glycosylation is WxxW/F where the first tryptophan undergoes C-mannosylation.
- c glycosylation site
- Position 45 of this Subunit, a Tryptophan
- The consensus sequence for C-glycosylation is WxxW/F where the first tryptophan undergoes C-mannosylation. Information on the C-glycosylation: site of C-glycosylation tryptophan should be provided.
- Glycinamid, Lysine
- c terminal modification
- If a C-terminal modification exists, this element becomes mandatory. The preferred name as specified in ISO 11238 is the default value. The value is implicit and derived based on the C_Terminal Modification ID.
- c terminal modifications
- ISO 11238 substance names
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 81
- The name of the fragment modified at the C-terminal of the protein should be specified
- c-terminal modification
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.cTerminalModification
- c-terminal modifications
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.cTerminalModificationID
- c-terminal modification id
- c terminal modification id
- c-terminal modification ids
- UNII code, K3Z4F99H6 (UNII), Lysine (K)
- c-terminal modification identifier
- If a C-terminal modification exists, this element becomes mandatory. The preferred name as specified in ISO 11238 is the default value. The value is implicit and derived based on the C_Terminal Modification ID.
- Unique identifier for molecular fragment modification based on the ISO 11238 Substance ID.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 80
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 114
- The Element Group 'Characteristic Attribute' should be used to capture both definitional characteristics and characteristics that provide additional information about a Specified Substance Group 1.At the Specified Substance Group 1 level qualitative properties such as sterility are essential to distinguish materials from each other. Melting points and solubility that differ significantly for what is believed to be the same substance could either be indicative of purity or of polymorphism. Different polymorphs would be considered different Specified Substances at the Specified Substance Group 1 level. The melting point of a polymorphic substance or solubility or rate of dissolution of a crystalline material could be a defining property of a given Specified Substance Group 1 and be described with the Attribute Type Physical. For the Herbal Specified Substance Group 1 substances the Attribute Type 'Particular Herbal preparation' is used to capture additional information for Herbal substance/Herbal preparation Mass Ratio. For Plasma-derived Specified Substance Group 1 the Attribute Type Cryopoor Plasma Process Flow is used to capture the country of plasma origin testing and safety information.
- characteristic attributes
- IDMP.characteristicAttribute
- characteristic attribute
- In order to assign a Substance ID for a chemical substance, a complete covalent structure with all stereochemistry (R or S and E or Z) defined shall be submitted. The stoichiometry (mole ratio) of counter-ions or solvates or co-crystals present in the material shall also be provided in the structural representation.
-The molecular representation (molfile, SMILES, InChI, CDX) of the substance shall be provided with all stereochemistry assigned or sites of unknown stereochemistry identified. An actual image of the structure should be provided in an accompanying document.
-The information typically provided to INN, USAN, BAN or JAN to assign a nonproprietary name is typically sufficient to define chemical substances. Active substances and excipients are typically defined in accordance with INN, JAN, or USAN definitions or European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.), Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP), or United States Pharmacopoeia (USP/NF) monographs. The labelling requirements provided by monographs should be taken into account when defining and distinguishing substances. Information beyond monograph requirements may occasionally be necessary to distinguish substances.
-The molecular structure, the molecular formula (molecular formula by moiety), the molecular weight and optical activity, together with the representation of the stereochemistry are mandatory elements to be provided. Although the molecular weight can be derived from the structure, this element should be presented at the substance level for chemical substances in order to substantiate the provided structural information (e.g. by mass spectrometry).
-In addition, the molecular formula should be described according to the moieties even for stoichiometric substances. See above Molecular formula by moiety and Molecular formula, which is meant to be equal to the sum of molecular formula by moiety.
- chemical
- Chemical substances
- Chemical substances are a single substance type whose primary defining element is the molecular structure. Chemical substances shall be defined on the basis of their complete covalent molecular structure; the presence of a salt (counter-ion) and/or solvates (water, alcohols) or co-crystal is also captured. Purity, grade, physical form or particle size are not taken into account in the definition of a chemical substance or in the assignment of a Substance ID.
- Purified Water, Water for Injection, Sterile Water for Injection USP, ice and steam all map to the same substance Water, but would be separate Specified Substances Group 1
- chemical substance description
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 68
- IDMP.chemical
- chemical substance
- The class of an organism should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 56
- This is implied by the species and is referenced from an appropriate terminology/taxonomy. Catalogue of Life typically captures complete taxonomy in a manner consistent with this standard.
- class
- Mammalia, Maxillopoda, Sauropsida. Ginkgoopsida
- 20110601
- The date at which the code status is changed as part of the terminology maintenance.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 26
- code change date
- code system name
- code system
- CAS Registry numbers, EC numbers, FDA UNII codes, EMA XEVMPD codes, ASK numbers, EPA Pesticide codes.
- If the Code class applies, the code system name is implicit and derived from the Code System ID.
- Name of the code system.
- Every code shall be associated with a code system and a list of names of code systems expected to be submitted shall be maintained by the maintenance organization.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 25
- The code system ID is required as all codes shall be linked to a code system.
- code system identifier
- Name of the code system.
- The code system ID shall be an OID or an ID as applicable.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 25
- code system id
- CAS Registry code: 0049; FDA GSRS (UNII) 0050; INN Biological Qualifier (INN BQ) code: 0051
- code system status
- Current, Alternate, Superseded, Proposed, Active, Migrated
- The values allowed are those of the code systems being referred to. The examples above are typical examples of statuses used in code systems.
- The status of the code assignment.
- The code system status is typically the status provided by the system for a given code. Many code systems can end up with multiple codes representing the same substance. Often one code will be the preferred code and others will either be deleted or deprecated. Ad hoc terms may also be developed to indicate a code status.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 25
- Comments should be used sparingly to capture information that does not fit into other fields. They may be used to indicate that alternate structures exist.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 101
- IDMP.chemical.comment
- Any comment should be provided for the Structurally Diverse substance if necessary.
- IDMP.nucleicAcid.comment
- Any comment should be provided for the protein substance
- comment
- IDMP.protein.comment
- comment(optional)
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 72
- Any comment regarding Nucleic Acid should be provided in this field
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 78
- comments
- IDMP.polymer.comment
- Comments should be used sparingly to capture information that does not fit into other fields. They may be used to indicate that alternate structures exist.
- Any comment should be provided in this field, if necessary.
- IDMP.structurallyDiverse.comment
- Any comment can be provided in this field, if necessary.
- Any comment should be provided in this field if necessary.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 87
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 112
- The Constituent group of elements serves several roles; each substance in multiple substance materials is captured as a constituent. Signature, active markers, and limit substances, extraction solvents, a vehicle, impurities and degradants are also captured. The amount of each constituent substance is captured too. A different Specified Substance Group 1 may be created if these amounts consistently vary.
-Conclusion: The extraction solvent composition and the DER are defining elements.
-At least one constituent is necessary for every Specified Substance Group 1 (i.e. the parent Substance ID). This relation is always mandatory with exception of use case of flavours and odours; for this particular use case, this relation can be relaxed (conditionally mandatory) to allow jurisdictional guidance define whether detailed composition has to be reported for all multi-component substances (either because the individual components are not known or, the flavour has been made artificially with no reference to the parent substances of this multi-substance material).
- IDMP.constituent
- EXAMPLE When the solvent composition quantitatively changes (ethanol 40 % to ethanol 50 %) a distinct Specified Substance Group 1 identifier will need to be created. When the amount of a marker substance (specification) is changed, this will not lead to a distinct Specified Substance Group 1 identifier.
-EXAMPLE A change in the Drug Extract ratio (DER) will lead to a distinct Specified Substance Group 1 identifier.
- The Constituent group of elements serves several roles; each substance in multiple substance materials is captured as a constituent. Signature active markers and limit substances extraction solvents a vehicle impurities and degradants are also captured. The amount of each constituent substance is captured too. A different Specified Substance Group 1 may be created if these amounts consistently vary.
- constituents
- constituent
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 108
- The constituent component set of elements aims to describe either the constituents of the mixture or multi-substance starting materials as individual components, which are parents to a single substance manufactured via the same synthetic prossess e.g. allergen extract. Such information shall be provided by means of the following data elements.
- IDMP.constituentComponent
- constituent component
- constituent component id
- IDMP.constituentComponent.constituentComponentID
- The unique identifier assigned to the constituent component substance.
- If a unique “Substance ID” has been assigned, this “Substance ID” is specified based on the Substance Name. In the absence of a unique “Substance ID” e.g. for the initial submission of the substance this data element is not required.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 108
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- LOL1234567 (Artificial ID), ARRH123456 (Artificial ID)
- constituent component identifier
- The name of the constituent of the mixture shall be described or the name of each starting material; established or primary substance name. Teicoplanin A2-1 is one of the five constituents of the mixture of glycopeptides Teicoplanin produced by certain strains of Actinoplanes teichomyceticus sp.
- ISO 11238 Substance Name
- constituent component name
- Teicoplanin A2-1
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 108
- constituent component names
- IDMP.constituentComponent.constituentComponentName
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 108
- constituent component requirement
- constituent component requirements
- An indication if this component is required.
- Always present, may be present
- IDMP.constituentComponent.constituentComponentRequirement
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 109
- constituent component roles
- Parent substance
- IDMP.constituentComponent.constituentComponentRole
- The role of the constituent component shall be specified.
- constituent component role
- Each constituent should be identified by either a Substance ID or a Specified Substance ID. Every Specified Substance Group 1 shall have at least one constituent and the Substance ID for each constituent shall be captured.
- IDMP.constituent.constituentSubstanceID
- constituent substance ids
- ISO 11238 Substance or Specified Substance ID
- constituent substance identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 112
- constituent substance id
- Each constituent should be identified by either a Substance ID or a Specified Substance ID.
- A constituent can be a Substance or a Specified Substance Group 1.
- ISO 11238 Substance or Specified Substance ID
- ISO 11238 Substance or Specified Substance name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 112
- This value is implicit and derived from the Substance ID. The Preferred name is the default value.
- constituent substance name
- IDMP.constituent.constituentSubstanceName
- constituent substance names
- The name of the substance which is the constituent of the Specified Substance Group 1 shall be described; Preferred or Official Name of the constituent.
- IDMP.copolymerConnectivity
- copolymer connectivity
- The connectivity of the polymer, typically describing the manner in which the SRUs (Structural Repeat Units) connect to each other shall be specified.
- random, alternating, block, graft, statistical, periodic, mixed, cross, N/A
- copolymer connectivities
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 94
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 50
- This attribute is mandatory when the substance name type is Herbal or Plasma-derived. When the information for Herbals is provided at the substance level it is not necessary to provide the same information again at the Specified Group 1 information level.
- country of origin
- NL, DE, FR, ES, US. This is in line with Table G1 of the Annex G and it is the largest collection of countries
- The country where the plant material is harvested or the countries where the plasma is sourced from as laid down in accordance with the Plasma Master File.
-For “Plasma-derived substances” the attribute country of origin provides information about the countries used for the manufacturing of the Cryopoor plama or Cryoprecipitate.
- IDMP.critical Parameter
- critical parameter
- Critical parameter in order to define the strength of the marker in an extract
- Start at one and increase if a major change in a critical process step occurs (i.e. changes in master cell bank; elimination or addition of a chromatographic purification process).
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.criticalProcessVersionNumber
- Should be captured for material derived from both extractive and biosynthetic production method, for synthesized peptides and nucleic acids, chemical and polymer substances.
- The critical process version number shall be tied to the Production System.
-For substances that are active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the element is mandatory.
-For excipients (non-active ingredients intented to be used in the medicinal product) the information is optional but for certain excipients that cause an intolerance or allergenic reaction (e.g. sesame oil) this information shall always be provided.
-Production System, Production System Type and Production Method Type are all to be represented in one terminology. When applicable and available it shall be provided.
- critical process version number
- 2
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 124
- IDMP.degreePolymerisation.degreeOfPolymerisation
- degree of polymerisation
- degree of polymerization
- degree of polymerizations
- degrees of polymerization
- “Structural Repeat Unit: <A><amount or number of SRU/per polymer ratio>”,
-Example: Synthetic Polymer: Polyethylene Glycol 3350
-Example Biological Polymers:
-N. meningitidis group A polysaccharide:
-“<A = →6)-DManpNAc(3/4OAc)-α-(1→OPO3)>",
-N. meningitidis group C polysaccharide:
-"<A = →9)-DNeup5NAc(7/8OAc)-α-(2→>"
-N. meningitidis group W135 polysaccharide:
-“<A = →4)-DNeup5NAc(7/9OAc)-α-(2→6)-D-Gal-α-(1→>",
-N. meningitidis group Y polysaccharide:
-"<A = →4)-DNeup5NAc(7/9OAc)-α-(2→6)-D-Glc-α-(1→"
-EXAMPLE Defibrotide (Porcine).
- Shows the degree of polymerisation in a polymer
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 98
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 99
- IDMP.degreePolymerisation
- This subclause applies to homopolymers and block copolymers where the degree of polymerization within a block can be described. The degree of polymerization shall be described through the identification of the Structural Repeat Unit and its associated amounts.
- Stage of life for animals, plants, insects and micro-organisms. This information should be provided only when the substance is significantly different in these stages (e.g. foetal bovine serum).
- foetus, infant, juvenile, adult, senescent, leafing, pre-flowering, flowering, fruiting, mature development stage, mature animal
- development stage
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 51
- If it is a distinguishing factor for the production of the substance then the Development Stage should be provided.
- The values have to be separated with semi-colons as defined in the examples in the .
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 78
- The disulfide bond between two cysteine residues either on the same subunit or on two different subunits shall be described. The position of the disulfide bonds in the protein shall be listed in increasing order of subunit number and position within subunit followed by the abbreviation of the amino acids involved. The disulfide linkage positions shall actually contain the amino acid Cysteine at the respective positions.
- IDMP.protein.disulfideLinkage
- “Subunit 1 position 10 — Subunit 2 position 16” refers to a disulfide linkage between the residue of cysteine in the position 10 and 16 respectively of the first and second subunit. A convenient shorthand such as 1_10-2_16 could also be used.
- Disulfide linkages imply that two cysteines connect forming a sulfur to sulfur linkage. There are also instances where disulfide linkages can be formed through other modified or substituted acids or amino acids containing a thiol (see Table C.3 — Desmopressin Acetate (USAN); Desmopressin Acetate Hydrate (JAN)).
- disulfide linkage
- domain
- Human pharmaceutical, human vaccine, animal drug, animal vaccine, food, food additive, colourant, pesticide, tobacco additive, flavour, excipient
- The domain of the substance classification shall be provided.
- Classification systems will often only be used within a specific domain. The domain will be associated with the classification system.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 28
- Equipment used in manufacturing operations.
- equipment
- IDMP.equipment
- Ginkgoaceae
- The family of an organism should be specified.
- This is implied by the species and is referenced from an appropriate terminology/taxonomy, e.g. Kew Gardens Medicinal Plant Names Services for plants. Catalogue of Life typically captures complete taxonomy in a manner consistent with this standard.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 53
- families
- family
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.fivePrime
- 5' prime
- The nucleotide present at the 5’ terminal should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
-Since the sequence is represented from the 5' to the 3' end, the 5’ prime nucleotide is the letter at the first position in the sequence. A separate representation would be redundant.
- ISO 11238 Substance Name
- Tymidine (T)
- Implicit
-If not specified in the available reference source this value shall be derived from the nucleic acid sequence.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 89
- five prime
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.fivePrimeID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 88
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- five prime id
- JKUHT76541 (Artificial ID)
- five prime identifier
- The unique identifier of the five prime should be captured.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 52
- This element is capturing information about the fraction of a plant part, or human plasma for fractionation.
- IDMP.fractionDescription.fraction
- fraction
- oils; juice; exudates; liquid or dry extract; polyclonal antibodies; serum; Cryopoor plasma; Cryoprecipitate, faecal fraction, body fraction; water soluble freeze-dried extract; water soluble extract; process flow ‘N’
- IDMP.fractionDescription
- Many complex materials are fractions of parts of plants, animals, or minerals. Fraction elements are often necessary to define both Substances and Specified Group 1 Substances. For substances derived from Plants, fraction information will be captured at the Substance information level (e.g. Oils, Juices and Exudates). Additional information for Extracts, such as extraction solvent composition, will be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. For plasma-derived products fraction information will be captured at the Substance and the Specified Substance Group 1 levels. If there is a fraction, the class Fraction Description is mandatory.
- fraction description
- many complex materials are fractions of parts of plants animals or minerals and Fraction elements are often necessary to define both Substances and Specified Group 1 Substances. For substances derived from plants fraction information is captured at the Substance information level e.g. Oils Juices and Exudates .
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 52
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 34
- The gene subclause should only be captured for proteins and nucleic acids. It does not apply for chemicals, polymers or structurally diverse substances. It is only used as reference information and refers to the gene that is the origin of the substance (typically a protein). Genes may also be substances and would be described as nucleic acids.
- gene
- gene element
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 35
- Gene elements should be captured for genes that are used in gene therapy. When the gene element subclause applies, the following information shall be provided.
- A unique identifier will be associated with each gene element.
- Unique identifier for gene element.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 35
- gene element identifier
- gene element id
- gene element name
- A unique name will be associated with each gene element.
- Implicit from the Gene Element ID from the applicable Gene element controlled vocabulary.
- Specific gene element name.
- SV40 Enhancer
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 35
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 35
- enhancer, promoter, silencer, terminator, repressor, epimerase, polymerase linker, transferase, capsule transporter, synthase, synthetase
- Type of the gene element. This should be captured for all genes that are transduced into cells and are intended to be expressed.
- gene element type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 34
- ID associated with the gene of origin.
- gene identifier
- YP_299723.1
- Typically, from the NCBI Gene database.
- gene id
- gene name
- Implicit from the Gene ID from the applicable Gene database.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 35
- Complete name given for a gene. Every gene which has an ID should also have a name.
- hIL-10 gene
- The provision of a Gene Sequence Origin applies primarily to proteins.
- Typically, from the NCBI Gene database.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 34
- Common name for the organism from which the final gene sequence originated.
- For monoclonal antibodies, the gene sequence origin should be used to capture species from which the antibody was derived.
- gene sequence origin
- Human, Bovine, Human, Humanized,Mouse-Human Chimeric, Mouse, Bacterial, Viral, Plant, Arachnid
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 53
- Ginkgo; Harpagophytum
- genus
- The genus of an organism should be specified; refers to the Latin epithet of the genus element of the plant/animal scientific name; it is present in names for genera, species and intraspecies.
- IDMP.productionStep.geographicalCoordinates
- The Geographic Coordinates of the site location shall be specified.
- geographical coordinates
- geographical coordinate
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 128
- This element is not applicable for blood/plasma-derived substances.
- geographical location
- The place/region where the plant is harvested or the places/regions where the animal source material has its habitat.
- Shaanxi Province, China
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 50
- Glycosylation is both variable and heterogeneous. Glycosylation sites typically have multiple glycans attached to them and even differ on the extent of glycosylation on a given site. For Glycosylated proteins the type and sites of glycosylation should be provided. Glycosylation is applicable to both proteins and structurally diverse substances. Although sites of N-glycosylation can generally be predicted from the amino acid sequence sites of O-glycosylation and C-glycosylation are usually determined experimentally and may not be completely known at the time of submission and can be added to a substance record when known. Generally all sites that have occupancy greater than 5% should be submitted to define the glycoprotein. Although analytical techniques are evolving to better characterize the glycans attached to proteins this data will not be required to define a substance but could be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 level. There can be substantial differences in glycosylation that are often dependent on the particular clone of a cell line that is used to produce a protein or even vary on a batch to batch basis.
- glycosylations
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 82
- glycosylation
- IDMP.glycosylation
- glycosylation types
- IDMP.glycosylation.glycosylationType
- The type of the glycan should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
- The type of the glycan should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. The different glycosylation types are determined by the cell that either the protein or Specified Substance was synthesized in. The different types are based on consistent differences in the glycosylation. Human glycosylation differs from mammalian glycosylation in several ways. Human glycans do not contain glycolic acid residues on terminal sialic acid and they do not contain terminal .alpha.1-> 3-galactose. Old world monkeys also lack the ability to form .alpha. 1-> 3-galactose but do have glycolic acid esters on terminal sialic acid residues. Other glycosylation types typically have substantial differences in both glycans used and the extent of site occupancy. Glycosylation type may also be captured for structurally diverse substances particularly vaccines which may be produced in either human mammalian or old-world monkey cells. The glycosylation type will often have substantial effects on the immunogenicity of the protein or vaccine.
- The different glycosylation types are determined by the cell that either the protein or Specified Substance was synthesized in. The different types are based on consistent differences in the glycosylation. Human glycosylation differs from mammalian glycosylation in several ways. Human glycans do not contain glycolic acid residues on terminal sialic acid and they do not contain terminal .alpha.1-> 3-galactose. Old world monkeys also lack the ability to form .alpha. 1-> 3-galactose, but do have glycolic acid esters on terminal sialic acid residues. Other glycosylation types typically have substantial differences in both glycans used and the extent of site occupancy. Glycosylation type may also be captured for structurally diverse substances, particularly vaccines which may be produced in either human, mammalian or old-world monkey cells. The glycosylation type will often have substantial effects on the immunogenicity of the protein or vaccine.
- glycosylation type
- Human, old world monkey, mammalian, avian, reptilian; fungal, bacterial, plant, insect, mammalian afucosylated, yeast humanized
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 82
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 132
- The characteristics of the grade of the substance shall be specified.
- grades
- grade
- IDMP.grade
- Pharmacopoeial specification type or other specification type including In-house specification. European Pharmacopoeia [Ph. Eur.] United States Pharmacopoeia [USP] British Pharmacopoeia [BP] and Japanese Pharmacopoeia [JP] are examples of Grade Type.In-house specification type is referring to the specification as laid down by the Applicant/Sponsor.
- IDMP.grade.gradeName
- grade name
- quantified, standardized
- grade names
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 132
- Typically, the Monograph Title that refers to a given Substance or Specified Substance; for herbal substances standardized or non-standardized will be appended to the name along with standardization.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 129
- Compendial; Ph.Eur.; USP; JP; In-House
- IDMP.grade.gradeType
- grade types
- Pharmacopoeial specification type or other specification type including In-house specification. European Pharmacopoeia [Ph. Eur.], United States Pharmacopoeia [USP], British Pharmacopoeia [BP], and Japanese Pharmacopoeia [JP] are examples of Grade Type. In-house specification type is referring to the specification as laid down by the Applicant/Sponsor. The Grade type should be specified of the Starting Processing or Resultant Material.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 132
- grade type
- Each Pharmacopoeial Specification shall be given a separate record as described in the applicable Annexes.
- IDMP.manufacturingMaterialSubstance.gradeType
- holding time
- The holding time of the resultant material should be specified for each subsequent production step.
- IDMP.resultantMaterial.holdingTime
- 5 days. NOTE 5 days in this example means the time between two production steps.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 130
- hybrid
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 56
- The identifier of the maternal species constituting the hybrid organism should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
-For plants, the parents aren’t always known, and it is unlikely that it will be known which is maternal and which is paternal.
- hybrid species maternal organism id
- hybrid species maternal organism identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 56
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 57
- hybrid species maternal organism name
- The name of the maternal species constituting the hybrid organism should be specified.
-For plants, the parents aren’t always known, and it is unlikely that it will be known which is maternal and which is paternal.
- hybrid species paternal organism identifier
- The identifier of the paternal species constituting the hybrid organism should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
-For plants, the parents aren’t always known, and it is unlikely that it will be known which is maternal and which is paternal.
- hybrid species paternal organism id
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 57
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 57
- The name of the paternal species constituting the hybrid organism should be specified.
-For plants, the parents aren’t always known, and it is unlikely that it will be known which is maternal and which is paternal.
- hybrid species paternal organism name
- The hybrid type of an organism should be specified.
- hybrid unknown lineage, hybrid known lineage
- hybrid type
- If the hybridization step is present, the type of hybridization should be provided.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 57
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 53
- NOTE 1 Another example of an identification specification is the molar (decadic) absorption coefficient or the molar extinction coefficient. The value for caffeine in water is: ɛmax λ = 272 nm = 1 115 m2 mol-1[24].
-NOTE 2 The particle size (specification) is captured as a characteristic attribute in combination with the amount group as was earlier described at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. So ‘particle size’ is not included in the value list of the attribute Category and thus, the class ‘Other’ is not applicable.
- identity
- The attribute ‘Specification Category’ is a controlled vocabulary with the values: ‘Identity’, ‘Impurity’, ‘Potency’ and ‘Other’.
-‘Identification’ describes a specification to establish the identity of the (new) drug substance. The method should be able to discriminate between compounds of closely related structure which are likely to be present. Identity tests should be specific for the (new) drug substance, e.g. infrared spectroscopy, the use of two chromatographic procedures, where the separation is based on different principles, or combination of tests into a single procedure, such as HPLC/UV diode array, HPLC/MS, or GC/MS, is generally acceptable.
-Under the specification category ‘Other’ values are grouped like Heavy Metals, Loss on Drying, Appearance, pH, Residual solvents and Water content etc.
-‘Appearance’ describes a qualitative description of the substance (e.g., solid state form, size, shape, and colour). If any of these characteristics change during manufacture or storage, this change should be investigated and appropriate action taken. The acceptance criteria should include the final acceptable appearance.
-The attribute Specification ‘Type’ has the values: Chemical test, Physical test, Bioassay, Assay, Relative UV absorption (UV 254 nm /UV280 nm), In process specification and Re-test specification etc.
-The element groups ‘Identity’, ‘Potency’ and ‘Other’ shall capture information about the identity, potency and appearance of a substance since at least one identity test, potency test and description of the substance shall be provided in accordance with the ICH Topic Q 6 A, 3.2.1 New drug substances.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 53
- identity method type
- refer Identity
- Organic and inorganic impurities (degradation products) and residual solvents are included in this category. Reference is made to the ICH Guidelines Impurities in New Drug Substance[22] and Residual Solvents[23] for detailed information.
- impurity
- Element group: ‘Impurity’. The attribute 'Impurity type' should be provided e.g. Residual Solvent, Impurity from a starting material, Manufacturing process impurity, Degradant. Some impurities can be both an impurity obtained from the manufacturing process and a degradant.
-Information shall be provided whether or not an impurity is Qualified.
-Information shall be provided whether or not an impurity is a Degradant.
-The Impurity Substance ID and Impurity Substance Name shall be provided. Impurities shall be registered as a substance in their own right.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- impurity substance identifier
- impurity substance id
- refer Impurity
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- impurity substance name
- refer Impurity
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- impurity type
- refer Impurity
- interaction type
- Type of interaction between the substance and the target. The interaction type should be captured for all substrate-target interactions. A substance can have multiple types of interactions.
- The type of interactions between a substance and its target should also be captured. A controlled vocabulary should be developed to capture these types of interactions.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 32
- intraspecific description
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 54
- The intraspecific description of an organism should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. For Influenza Vaccine, the intraspecific description shall contain the syntax of the antigen in line with the WHO convention.
- Intraspecific information should be used to describe strains, serotypes, varieties, cultivars and cell lines. Often there is not a naming or taxonomic authority for this information. Standardized formats for this information may be developed. The actual intraspecific information should also be captured in the naming of these substances and synonyms should be maintained to help to identify intraspecific information and avoid duplication. For plants, the intraspecific description will be the variety or subspecies name from the Medicinal Plant Names Services portal, and for other organisms, such as animals, the appropriate taxonomy will be used.
- A/BRISBANE/59/2007(H1N1)
- The Intraspecific type of an organism should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 54
- intraspecific type
- cv. (cultivar), var. (variety), serotype, strain, subsp. (subspecies); cell line; year of isolation
- Yes/No
- This element is to specify if the Constituent described is considered defining for the Specified Substance
- IDMP.polymerStartingMaterial.isDefining
- In some cases, a Characteristic Attribute can be a defining element. Example: when a specification of a marker with significant therapeutic activity is not met either the solvent composition of an extract or the DER must be adjusted (changed) in order to meet the specification of the marker, which leads to the generation of another SSG1 ID.
- This element is to specify if the Constituent described is considered defining for the Specified Substance.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 96
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 31
- In some cases, the Constituent Substance can be a defining element e.g. when the substance role is Parent Substance and in some cases the specification of a marker. Example: when a specification of a marker with significant therapeutic activity is not met either the solvent composition of an extract or the DER must be adjusted (changed) in order to meet the specification of the marker, which leads to the generation of another SSG1 ID.
- IDMP.constituent.isDefining
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 116
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 113
- Yes, No
- There are cases that the substance relationship is a defining element for the substances pharmacodynamic action. For example, if an enzyme has a strong binding with Substance A, then the relationship of Substance A with the enzyme (Related Substance) is defining information.
- IDMP.characteristicAttribute.isDefining
- This attribute is used to specify whether the attribute described is a defining element for the unique identification of the Specified Substance Group 1 substance.
- is defining
- This attribute shall be used to specify whether the attribute described is a defining element for the unique identification of the Polymer.
- Yes, No
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- is degradant
- refer Impurity
- is multi-substance starting material
- The value ‘Yes’ shall be specified to describe a mixture being an extract of a homologous group of substances.
- In order to distinguish a mixture (a substance consisting of ‘closely related components’ as a result from the same synthetic process) from a mixture substance being an extract of a homologous group of substances as a result of the same synthetic process - which may have related (allergenic) components - the value ‘Yes’ shall be specified in the attribute ‘Is Multi-Substance Starting Material’.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 107
- Yes, No
- IDMP.mixture.isMultiSubstanceStartingMaterial
- refer Impurity
- is qualified
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 72
- stoichiometric
- The stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in the structure and is captured here. Special cases of stereochemistry that can’t be indicated in the structure shall be described based on a controlled vocabulary.Mixtures of stereoisomers shall be represented explicitly as a mixture of substances with absolute stereochemistry. In case the absolute stereochemistry is unknown the substance definition should be marked as “Incomplete”.
- IDMP.chemical.stoichiometric
- This flag shall indicate if the chemical substance is stoichiometric or Non-stoichiometric.
- Yes/No
- is stoichiometric
- Applicable for single substances that contain a radionuclide or a non-natural isotopic ratio, e.g. 13C enriched material. All radionuclide and non-natural isotopes will also be represented in the structural representation for chemical substances. For other types of substances, a structural representation could be created to indicate the position of substitution.
- IDMP.substance.structure.isotope
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 43
- isotope
- issuer of id
- IDMP.organization.issuerOfID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 125
- The organization issuing the Manufacturer ID shall be specified
- issuer of identifier
- The kingdom of an organism should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 55
- Plantae
- kingdom
- This is derived from the species and is referenced from an appropriate terminology/taxonomy. Catalogue of Life typically captures complete taxonomy in a manner consistent with this standard.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 113
- IDMP.constituent.language
- If the name is language dependent, that language shall be specified.
- language
- ISO 639-1, alpha-2 codes
- languages
- en – English, de – German, fr –French
- The sequence length is implicitly derived from the linear sequences of amino acids contained in the subunit.
- 5
- The sequence length is implicitly derived by the sequence description.
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.length
- lengths
- length
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 79
- 25
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 88
- Length of linear sequences of amino acids contained in the subunit shall be provided.
- linkage (conditional)
- Linkage is one of the three components that form a nucleic acid. The other two are sugar and the base.
- The linkages between sugar residues should be captured.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 90
- IDMP.linkage
- IDMP.linkage.linkageConnectivity
- This element will indicate the orientation of the linkage. The 3‘-5‘ linkage is the most prevalent form.
-The entity that links the sugar residues together should also be captured. For nearly all naturally occurring nucleic acid the linkage is a phosphate group. For many synthetic oligonucleotides phosphorothioate linkages are often seen. Linkage connectivity is assumed to be 3’→5’. If the linkage is either 3’→3’ or 5’→5’ this should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 90
- linkage connectivity (conditional)
- This element will indicate the orientation of the linkage. The 3-5 linkage is the most prevalent form. The entity that links the sugar residues together should also be captured. For nearly all naturally occurring nucleic acid the linkage is a phosphate group. For many synthetic oligonucleotides phosphorothioate linkages are often seen. Linkage connectivity is assumed to be 3-5. If the linkage is either 3-3 or 5-5 this should be specified.
- 3’→5’, 3’→3’ or 5’→5’ this should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 91
- linkage id
- IDMP.linkage.linkageID
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- Each linkage should be registered as a fragment and have an ID.
- linkage identifier
- linkage names
- linkage name
- Each linkage should be registered as a fragment and have at least one name. A single name should be assigned to each linkage.
- ISO 11238 Substance Name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 91
- Phosphothioate
- IDMP.linkageName
- IDMP.organization.manufacturerID
- The process by which valid Manufacturer IDs are captured will be defined by Regional Guidance.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 125
- manufacturer identifier
- DUNS86745HF (Artificial ID)
- The unique code used to track manufacturers shall be provided. For both active ingredients and excipients intended to be used in the medicinal product the information shall be provided. A necessary condition for the Specified Substance Group 2 to exist is: either the Manufacturer ID Manufacturer Name and Manufacturing Type is available AND/OR the production method type product system type and production system exist. The manufacturer and Production Method Description can coexist but at least one shall be provided.
- For both active ingredients and excipients intended to be used in the medicinal product the information shall be provided.
-A necessary condition for the Specified Substance Group 2 to exist is: either the Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer Name and Manufacturing Type is available AND/OR the production method type, product system type and production system exist. The manufacturer and Production Method Description can coexist, but at least one shall be provided.
-The Manufacturer ID for the Specified Substance Group 2 shall be linked to the actual Manufacturing site where the substance is manufactured. If necessary, bulk substance manufacturing site and further steps (e.g. micronization site) shall be provided. The Manufacturer ID is primarily linked to the bulk manufacturing of the substance. When other sites are needed to describe additional production steps this information shall be captured by the Reference Source Document class.
- The unique code used to track manufacturers shall be provided.
- manufacturer id
- manufacturer name
- The name of the manufacturer of the Specified Substance as provided in CTD 3.2.S.2.1.For both active ingredients and excipients intended to be used in the medicinal product the information shall be provided.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 125
- Company ABC, (Address, Geographical coordinates)
- For both active ingredients and excipients intended to be used in the medicinal product the information shall be provided.
- IDMP.organization.manufacturerName
- The name of the manufacturer of the Specified Substance as provided in CTD 3.2.S.2.1
- manufacturer role
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 126
- The role of the manufacturer shall be specified.
- Manufacturer; Manufacturer/Grinder of the bulk substance; Harvester and Manufacturer of Botanical Material; Harvester
- IDMP.organization.manufacturerRole
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 121
- The manufacturing information shall be provided according to the specifications described below.
- manufacturing
- Material to be used to manufacture a starting, processing or resultant material.
- manufacturing material substance
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 128
- IDMP.manufacturingMaterialSubstance
- Water67543 (Artificial ID)
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 129
- IDMP.manufacturingMaterialSubstance.manufacturingMaterialSubstanceID
- manufacturing material substance identifier
- The unique identifier assigned to the substance that is described as a starting, processing or resultant material shall be specified.
- manufacturing material substance id
- Water (Buffer solution), Mixture of (Lolium perenne, Pollen; Arrhenatherum elatius, Pollen; Dactylis glomerata, Pollen; Secale cereale., Pollen; Festuca rubra, Pollen; Agrostis stolonifera, Pollen; Phleum pratense, Pollen; Poa pratensis, Pollen; Anthoxanthum odoratum, Pollen; Holcus lanatus, Pollen)
- manufacturing material substance name
- IDMP.manufacturingMaterialSubstance.manufacturingMaterialSubstanceName
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 129
- The name of the substance that is described as a starting, processing or resultant material shall be specified.
- ISO 11238 Substance Name
- IDMP.Manufacturing Operation
- manufacturing operation
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017Manufacturing OperationThe manufacturing/business operation being undertaken by the particular manufacturer/establishment organisation shall be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 121
- For substance that are active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the element is always mandatory.
-For excipients (i.e., non-active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product) the information is optional but for certain excipients that cause an intolerance or allergenic reaction (e.g. sesame oil) this information shall always be provided.
-NOTE In some cases, this element takes the same value as the 'Manufacturer Role' element (), e.g. when dealing with a Bulk Substance, but when dealing with the extended manufacturing model, these values could be different: a) Manufacturer (for the Bulk Substance) and Manufacturer/Grinder for a specialized company in making a specific particle size range.
- manufacturing type
- Manufacturer (of Substance or Specified Substance), Harvester, Manufacturer/Grinder of bulk susbtance
- manufacturing types
- The type of operation performed by the entity associated with the substance.
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.manufacturingType
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 52
- The specific type of the material constituting the component. For Herbal preparations, the particulars of the extracts (liquid/dry) are described in Specified Substance Group 1.
- When the herbal substance is derived from a fraction of the plant, the description of the fraction is required.
- IDMP.fractionDescription.materialType
- material type
- Lipid; Phospholipid; Protein; Nucleic acid; Herbal; Liquid/Dry Herbal extract; Herbal part; Biological fluid; Herbal extract; Liquid Herbal Extract; Dry Ethanolic Extract; Herbal, Leaf; Botanical, Herbal, Polysaccharide
- There are three instances related to the information described above:
-— component (part of a multi-substance material);
-— constituent, single substance having a substance role (parent, marker, eluent etc);
-— a particular case of Constituent Component used in a mixture having a relationship (part of a homologous group).
- IDMP.mixture
- mixture
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 106
- Material that contains multiple substances can be mixture if the substances are either isolated or synthesized together. Racemic mixtures or substances containing unknown or mixed stereochemistry will not be defined as mixtures, but will be represented as substances that contain impurities or degradants. Mixtures of mixtures will not be allowed. Each component of a mixture should be listed. Substances present in trace amounts will not be listed in a mixture unless they are known to have a specific effect. Mixtures are also used when substance ambiguity exists in authoritative sources (e.g. aloe).
- Every substance shall be identified by an ID. An ID will be generated following the initial submission of substance data. The ID should be unique to each substance non-semantic non-chronological and of fixed length with an integrity check. Once an ID is assigned to a given physical or conceptual material the ID will not change. Changes or additions to defining information result in a new version of the substance definition but would not result in a new Substance ID. Although an effort should always be made to obtain complete information prior to assignment there will be instances when additional definitional information on a given substance is transmitted after assignment. When incorrect or incomplete information may be transmitted and used to define a substance the information will be changed or added but the ID will not change. In rare cases when the same substance is found to have two IDs one of the IDs will remain a primary ID and the use of the other ID will be deprecated and captured in the Substance Code class. For some materials there may be multiple IDs that a material could map to. The maintenance organization shall always issue the ID on the material that is the most descriptive of the material.
- If a unique `Substance ID` has been assigned, this `Substance ID` is specified based on the Substance Name controlled vocabulary. In the absence of a unique `Substance ID` , e. g. for the initial submission of the substance, this data element is not mandatory.
- The ID will only be released to the public if the defining information is in the public domain or if a company that provides the defining information requests public release or releases the code in public marketing materials. An ID will always be issued to an organization that requests an ID and supplies the information necessary to define a substance. A flag to control the release of the ID to the general public is part of the Reference Source information . Defining information found in patents will usually not be sufficient to release the ID to the public.
- IDMP.substance.substanceID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 14
- Value could be a code associated with a preferred term, or a specific type of data. If a code is transmitted the preferred term associated with that code should also be transmitted.
- mixture substance identifier
- All substances shall be identified by a single ID. The conformance is Mandatory in all cases. The only exception is at the very first submission when the ID is requested.
- substance id
- ID to be used in all electronic submissions to identify a substance. Generated when sufficient information is available to unambiguously define a substance. ID will be permanently associated with a given substance and each substance at the substance level shall have one and only one ID.
- Every substance shall be identified by an ID. An ID will be generated following the initial submission of substance data. The ID should be unique to each substance, non-semantic, non-chronological, and of fixed length with an integrity check. Once an ID is assigned to a given physical or conceptual material the ID will not change. Changes or additions to defining information result in a new version of the substance definition but would not result in a new Substance ID. Although an effort should always be made to obtain complete information prior to assignment there will be instances when additional definitional information on a given substance is transmitted after assignment. When incorrect or incomplete information may be transmitted and used to define a substance, the information will be changed or added but the ID will not change. In rare cases when the same substance is found to have two IDs one of the IDs will remain a primary ID and the use of the other ID will be deprecated and captured in the Substance Code class. For some materials, there may be multiple IDs that a material could map to. The maintenance organization shall always issue the ID on the material that is the most descriptive of the material.
- Both Substances and Specified Substances shall be identified with an ID. IDs will be released to the public if the substance is in a licensed medicinal product. The IDs for substances in the investigational stage will only be released if an official name exists or a company code is associated with defining information and is found together in at least one single reference that is from a reputable source in the public domain (i.e. scientific journal, presentations or posters at scientific conferences, company publication, patent or published patent application, public databases such as STN from CAS). Substance IDs shall always be issued to the requester if sufficient information is provided to unambiguously define the substance.
- Glucose, when a solid crystalline material, can exist with an alpha or beta pyranose structure in an anhydrous state, or as a monohydrate with an alpha pyranose structure. If a solid crystalline form of glucose exists in a medicinal product the ID specific to the structure should be used. Glucose in a liquid or an amorphous solid state would use the Substance ID that does not specify the specific form.
- UNII Code, EV-Code, Global Substance ID (DEVTYS543H)
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 14
- Chemical, Protein, Nucleic acid, Polymer, Structurally Diverse, Mixture
- substance class
- Chemical, Protein, Nucleic Acid, Polymer, Structurally Diverse, Mixture, Specified Substance Group 1, Specified Substance Group 2, Specified Substance Group 3, Specified Substance Group 4
- Information about the substance type as described in and in accordance with ISO 11238 definitions.
- For each substance type, a qualification is possible, e.g. Structuraly Diverse (Plasma-derived), Structurally Diverse (Herbal Substance), Structurally Diverse (Herbal Drug), Structurally Diverse (Allergen Substance), Polymer (Biopolymer), Protein (Recombinant), Protein (Naturally-derived), Protein (Allergen, Naturally-derived), Chemical (Mineral, naturally occurring substance), Mixture (Homologous Group of Allergen Source Material), etc. In these cases, the qualifier shall also be captured at the Substance Name Type attribute described in and shall always coupled with the substance name.
-Substance Type: Structurally Diverse
-Substance Name Type: Plasma-derived
-Substance Name: Human Albumin, Plasma-derived (see also )
-In all these cases, a new ID shall be issued, that is, `Human Albumin, Plasma-derived` shall have a distinct identifier from `Human Albumin, Recombinant`.
- mixture substance type
- mixture type
- There are basically three potential mixture types. Most mixtures will be “all of” mixtures meaning that all of the constituents are present in the mixture. The other two types of mixture are “one of” or “any of”. “Any of” mixtures will mean that at least one of the constituents shall be present but other constituents may or may not be present.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 107
- all of; one of; any of
- IDMP.mixture.mixtureType
- modification
- The Modification subclause is to be used to describe irreversible modifications to material (e.g. PEGylation, phosphorylation, hydrogenation) or reversible modifications that may affect tertiary structure. The modifications may be physical, chemical, enzymatic, etc. Modifications may be described by their structural result (substitution of moieties to residues, etc.) or by the process, reagents, or processing time if a specific structural modification cannot be determined (e.g. aggregated albumin).
-A minimal description of the modification process shall be generated when a definitive structural modification cannot be determined.
-This subclause applies to:
-— Nucleic Acids;
-— Proteins;
-— Polymer;
-— Structurally Diverse Substances;
-— Mixture;
-— Specified Substance Group 1.
-Modifications will be divided into structural modifications where the existing molecular structure is discretely modified (either covalent modification, ionic modification including salt and solvate formation or modification by chelate formation), physical modifications where no new covalent bonds are formed and agent modifications where the chemical modifications are diverse or unclear.
- Structural modifications are used to describe in principle covalent modifications or essential associations of moieties with a protein, nucleic acid, or structurally diverse material. Covalent modification for a protein, nucleic acid or structurally diverse material typically means an amino acid substitution, a C-/N-terminal modification of a protein or base or 5’-, 3’- modifications of nucleic acids. The tight and/or stoichiometric association of moieties to macromolecular material by ionic forces, chelate formation, van der Waals interactions, or dipole moment interactions are also considered structural modifications since they may affect the tertiary structure of the protein/peptide or are an essential element of the drug substance (e.g. a chelated radionuclide). When peptide or nucleic acid chains are tightly associated either through covalent bonds or strong non-covalent interactions (e.g. Factor VIII: Von-Willebrand Factor interactions, Watson-Crick base pairing) they will be described as subunits of the respective protein or nucleic acid.
-In case of N-Terminal modification and C-Terminal modification of a Protein subunit, the Modification class is mandatory.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 57
- UNII code, Global Substance ID
- modification agent id
- ISO11238 Substance ID
- modification agent identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 62
- Unique identifier for modifying agent.
- ISO11238 Substance name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 63
- Implicitly derived from the value of the Modification Agent ID
- Established or primary name of the modifying agent.
- Formaldehyde; sodium hydroxide; glutaraldehyde, hydrochloric acid
- modification agent name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 63
- modification process value
- Refers to the description of themodification process.
- Cell culture, UV irradiation, Basic hydrolysis, Depolymerizationof Carbohydrates
- structural modification, agent modification, physical modification
- The type of the modification should be specified. Modifications will be divided into structural modifications where the existing molecular structure is discretely modified, physical modifications where no new covalent bonds are formed and agent modifications where the chemical modifications are diverse or unclear.
- The modification type becomes apparent by its description. Structural modification is described using the structural elements. Agent and physical modifications are described by a series of elements. Agents are also substances in their own right.
- modification type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 59
- In case of N-Terminal modification and C-Terminal modification of a Protein subunit, the Modification class is mandatory.
- Aluminium Sesquichlorohydrex Propylene Glycol is defined by relationships between five moieties, the aluminium cation, chloride and hydroxide ions, propylene glycol and water; three of the five moieties have mole ratios to each other. The ratio of aluminium cation to chloride to hydroxide is 2:3:3. The amount of propylene glycol and water is variable and not stoichiometric.
- moiety
- The Element Group Moiety is attached to the element class Chemical in order to describe a salt, solvates and co-crystals relationship to the active moiety in an unambiguous way with respect to the description of the molecular formula and sometimes the official names. The Element Group Amount is attached to Moiety. This will help to describe salts, solvates, hydrated substances and co-crystallising agents in a more unambiguous way with respect to the description of the molecular formula and sometimes official names.
- If the numeric value of the element "Number of Moieties" is equal to 1, the class Moiety should not be used; otherwise, the class shall always be mandatory.
- IDMP.moiety
- The moiety subclause serves for the description of both the moiety and the other fragment constituting the substance. The Element Group Moiety is attached to the element class Chemical in order to describe a salt solvates and co-crystals relationship to the active moiety in an unambiguous way with respect to the description of the molecular formula and sometimes the official names. The Element Group Amount is attached to Moiety. This will help to describe salts solvates hydrated substances and co-crystallising agents in a more unambiguous way with respect to the description of the molecular formula and sometimes official names. Each moiety within the chemical substance is to be identified and the composition range of the moieties when known is to be provided by means of the following data elements:If the numeric value of the element 'Number of Moieties' is equal to 1 the class Moiety should not be used; otherwise the class shall always be mandatory.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 72
- IDMP.moiety.moietyID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 73
- If not available a new ID will be assigned with the submission.
- moiety id
- The unique identifier assigned to the substance representing the moiety based on the ISO 11238 substance controlled vocabulary. Each moiety in a non-stoichiometric substance shall be identified with a Substance ID.
- ISO11238 Substance ID
- moiety identifier
- C26H33ClN2O9S
- Molecular formula is written as a sequence of pairs of atom symbol and stoichiometric number (seeexample below). This formal notation is essentially a code system.Specified according to the Hill system, i.e. first C, then H, then alphabetical.
- The messaging requirements candictate a specific electronic format for the molecular formula and the molecular formula by moiety.
- Can be implicitly derived from the structure; Validity check for identity and structural representationMolecular formula is not mandatory in the case of a large protein (e.g. more than 10k Da), a large nucleic acid or a large polymerFor small molecules up to molecular weight of 5000 the unit should be g/mol; above that the Da/kDa is to be used.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 38
- moiety molecular formula
- Specified per moiety according to the Hill system, i.e. first C, then H, then alphabetical and each moiety separated by a dot.
- Can be implicitly derived from the structure; Validity check for identity and structural representation.For a salt/hydrate the molecular formula of the base or the acid and the salt/hydrate part are separated by a dot per moiety, e.g. Desmopressin Monoacetate Trihydrate: Molecular formula by moiety: C46H64N14O12S2.C2H4O2.3H2O.
- C20H25ClN2O5.C6H6O3S.H2O (amlodipine besilate monohydrate)
- The messaging requirements candictate a specific electronic format for the molecular formula and the molecular formula by moiety.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 38
- moiety molecular formula by moiety
- Propylene glycol
- ISO11238 Substance name
- The name of the moiety shall be provided.
- Each moiety shall also have at least one name associated with the moiety.
- IDMP.moiety.moietyName
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 75
- Each moiety shall also have at least one name associated with the moiety.
- ISO11238 Substance preferred name is selected as default value. The substance name is implicit and derived from the Moiety ID.
- moiety name
- (+/-), (+), (-), None, N/A
- moiety optical activity
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 37
- The optical activity should be described based on a controlled vocabulary.
- The optical activity of a chiral substance should be captured if known. The extent of optical rotation is not mandatory at the substance level.
- Shall be entered if known for substances that have at least one moiety with stereochemistry defined as chiral. Can be a defining element when the absolute stereo configuration is not known
- (+/-), (+), (-), None, N/A, Unknown
- The role of the moiety should be specified if there is a specific role the moiety is playing. In addition to the moiety role for chemicals for many peptides the moiety role of counter-ions such as acetate should be indicated.
- Counter-ion, solvate, hydrate, parent, base, acid, co-crystallising agent.
- moiety role
- IDMP.moiety.moietyRole
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 73
- moiety stereochemistry
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 37
- When the Substance type, as defined in is either chemical or polymer, this class is MANDATORY; for all other cases this class is CONDITIONAL.
- IDMP.moiety.stereochemistry
- The stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in the structure and is captured here. Special cases of stereochemistry that can’t be indicated in the structure shall be described based on a controlled vocabulary.Mixtures of stereoisomers shall be represented explicitly as a mixture of substances with absolute stereochemistry. In case the absolute stereochemistry is unknown the substance definition should be marked as “Incomplete”.
- The overall stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in this field.
- This flag shall indicate if the chemical substance is stoichiometric or Non-stoichiometric.
- Absolute, axial r, axial s, square planar 1, square planar 2, square planar 3, square planar 4, tetrahedral, octahedral 12, octahedral 22, octahedral 21, geometric, achiral, racemic, mixed
- C26H33ClN2O9S
- molecular formula
- IDMP.structure.molecularFormula
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 38
- Can be implicitly derived from the structure; Validity check for identity and structural representationMolecular formula is not mandatory in the case of a large protein (e.g. more than 10k Da), a large nucleic acid or a large polymerFor small molecules up to molecular weight of 5000 the unit should be g/mol; above that the Da/kDa is to be used.
- The messaging requirements candictate a specific electronic format for the molecular formula and the molecular formula by moiety.
- Molecular formula is written as a sequence of pairs of atom symbol and stoichiometric number (see example below). This formal notation is essentially a code system. Specified according to the Hill system, i.e. first C, then H, then alphabetical.
- Specified per moiety according to the Hill system, i.e. first C, then H, then alphabetical and each moiety separated by a dot.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 38
- molecular formula by moiety
- IDMP.structure.molecularFormulaByMoiety
- The messaging requirements can dictate a specific electronic format for the molecular formula and the molecular formula by moiety.
- C20H25ClN2O5.C6H6O3S.H2O (amlodipine besilate monohydrate)
- Can be implicitly derived from the structure; Validity check for identity and structural representation.For a salt/hydrate the molecular formula of the base or the acid and the salt/hydrate part are separated by a dot per moiety, e.g. Desmopressin Monoacetate Trihydrate: Molecular formula by moiety: C46H64N14O12S2.C2H4O2.3H2O.
- molecular fragment
- For covalent modifications of proteins, nucleic acids, polymers or even structurally diverse material, fragments will be created and used to capture the extent of the modification.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 61
- The unique identifier assigned to the substance representing the fragment based on the ISO 11238 substance controlled vocabulary.
- Each fragment shall be identified with a Substance ID.
- molecular fragment id
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 61
- If the Molecular Fragment ID is not available, a new ID shall be assigned with the submission.
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- molecular fragment identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 61
- ISO 11238 substance name.
- If the Molecular Fragment ID is not available, a new ID shall be assigned with the submission.
- Tyrosine O-sulfate; Cysteine-VC-MMAE; Glycinamide; 3-Mercaptopropionic acid; Prolinamide; Pyroglutamic acid (pE); Hydroxypropoxy Fragment; Methoxy Fragment
- The name of the moiety shall be provided.
- Each fragment shall have at least one name associated with the fragment ID.
- molecular fragment name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 61
- The role of the fragment.
- For modified proteins, covalent modifications should be captured as a fragment modification. For many protein modifications, the fragment will typically be a modified amino acid.
- N-Terminal Pyroglu Formation; C-Terminal Modification; N-Terminal Modification; C-Terminal Lysine Removal; Post Translational Modification; Nucleotide Base Modification; Toxin Conjugation
- molecular fragment role
- The molecular weight or a molecular weight range for proteins polymers or nucleic acids should be provided if known. Multiple molecular weights that either depend on the method or type should also be provided. Example: SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis), calculated light scattering viscosity gel permeation, end-group analysis, end-group titration, size-exclusion chromatography.
- IDMP.substance.structure.molecularWeight
- molecular weight
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 81
- The method by which the molecular weight was determined.
- molecular weight method
- The method by which the molecular weight was determined.
- There are a variety of methods used to determine molecular weight. The method is often associated with the type of molecular weight. Each method shall be captured.
- SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis), calculated, light scattering, viscosity, gel permeation, end-group analysis, end-group titration, size-exclusion chromatography
- IDMP.molecularWeight.molecularWeightMethod
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 81
- Type of molecular weight such as exact average also known as. number average weight average
- number average, Mn; viscosity average, Mv; weight average, Mw; and Z-average, Mz
- molecular weight type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 81
- IDMP.molecularWeight.molecularWeightType
- Number Average, Weight Average
- Type of molecular weight such as exact, average (also known as number average), weight average.
- There are basically four types of molecular weights associated with polymers, proteins and nucleic acids. The four types are number average, Mn; viscosity average, Mv; weight average, Mw; and Z-average, Mz. Polydispersity is an important property that will distinguish different polymers from one another. Polydispersity is typically defined as the ratio of weight average molecular weight to the number average molecular weight (Mw/Mn).
- If known, it shall be provided.
- IDMP.monomerSetDescription.monomerAmountType
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 95
- This element should capture the ratio of the monomer or the Structural Repeat Unit (SRU) to the entire polymer.
- monomer amount type
- Monomer/Polymer ratio, SRU/Polymer Ratio
- monomer amount types
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 95
- monomer set descriptions
- For polymers this set of descriptors intends to specify and quantify the monomers used for the synthesis of the polymer or copolymer. The information on the monomer should be provided by means of the following data elements: Number of monomers Monomer amount type Polymer Starting material defining flag amount reference range
- monomer set description
- IDMP.monomerSetDescription
- This subclause identifies and quantifies the starting materials which are the monomer(s) used in the synthesis of the polymer.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 599
- monomer, polymer starting material
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 95
- IDMP.polymerStartingMaterial
- (from page 599) Monomers are the building blocks for every polymer. They can be considered as polymer starting materials. Monomers will typically be chemical substances and their Starting Material ID and Starting Material Name should be provided. It should be noted that many polymers could be made from different monomers or sets of monomers. For example, the same silicate polymer could be made from the controlled reaction of water with silicon tetrachloride, tetramethyl silicate or tetraethyl silicate. In this and most cases the monomers and amount of monomers would not be defining elements. However, as mentioned above for some network polymers e.g. phenol formaldehyde monomers and the ratio of monomers will be defining elements. The ratio of end-group or capping agents to monomers could also be a defining property for certain types of polymers.
- polymer starting material
- polymer starting materials
- monomer starting material
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 109
- IDMP.multiSubstanceStartingMaterial.multiSubstancePropertyName
- The name of the property should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
- multi-substance property names
- multi-substance property name
- multi substance property name
- Solubility, Appearance
- multi-substance property parameters
- multi substance property parameters
- A field that should be used to capture parameters that were used in the measurement of a property.
- multi-substance property parameter
- IDMP.multiSubstanceStartingMaterial.multiSubstancePropertyParameter
- Temperature conditions determined during the time of solubility testing in different solvents.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 109
- multi-substance property types
- Physical, chemical, enzymatic, immunological
- Type of the property for which the information is provided.
- multi-substance property type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 109
- IDMP.multiSubstanceStartingMaterial.multiSubstancePropertyType
- multi-substance starting material property
- In order to distinguish a mixture a substance consisting of ‘closely related components’ as a result from the same synthetic process from a mixture substance being an extract of a homologous group of substances as a result of the same synthetic process - which may have related allergenic components - the value ‘Yes’ shall be specified in the attribute ‘Is Multi-Substance Starting Material’.
- This class capture properties for multi-substance starting material only.
- multi-substance starting material properties
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 109
- IDMP.multiSubstanceStartingMaterialProperty
- Position 34 of this Subunit, an Asparagine; for a single subunit protein 1_34
- Information on the site of N-glycosylation (asparagine); N-glycosylation is to be listed according to the protein sequence.
- N-linked glycosylation: The sites of N-glycosylation can typically be predicted from the amino acid sequence. The sequence NX(S/T) which indicates an asparagine followed any amino acid other than proline and then followed by either a serine or threonine will typically be a site of N-glycosylation.
- n glycosylation site
- n glycosylation sites
- n-glycosylation sites
- n-glycosylation site
- The sites of N-glycosylation can typically be predicted from the amino acid sequence. The sequence NX S/T which indicates an asparagine followed any amino acid other than proline and then followed by either a serine or threonine will typically be a site of N-glycosylation.
- IDMP.glycosylation.nGlycosylationSite
- The position of that subunit shall actually contain an amino acid that can have N-linked glycosylation.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 82
- n terminal modification
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.nTerminalModification
- n_terminal modification
- Pyroglutamic acid (pE), 3-Mercaptopropionic acid
- ISO 11238 substance names
- n terminal modifications
- If an N-terminal modification exists, this element becomes mandatory. The preferred name as specified in ISO 11238 is the default value. The value is implicit and derived based on the N_Terminal Modification ID.
- The name of the fragment modified at the N-terminal of the protein should be specified.
- n-terminal modifications
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 80
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.nTerminalModificationID
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- If an N-terminal modification exists, this element becomes mandatory. The preferred name as specified in ISO 11238 is the default value. The value is implicit and derived based on the N_Terminal Modification ID.
- n terminal modification identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 80
- UNII code; SZB8301W42 (UNII)
- n-terminal modification id
- Unique identifier for molecular fragment modification based on the ISO 11238 Substance ID
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 37
- A gene is composed of coding and noncoding sequences as well as regulatory elements. In describing the gene all the regulatory gene elements will be described and captured in the description of substance. Regulatory elements include transcriptional elements: enhancers, promoters, silencers, insulators, locus control regions, activators, repressors, coactivators and chromosome remodelling factors.
- The sequence of the nucleic acid, the type (RNA, DNA, plasmid, single or double stranded), or sugar-like entities, linkage (typically phosphate), together with any modifications that affect the molecular structure, shall be the defining elements for nucleic acid substances.
-Genes, plasmids and the nucleic acid portion of viral vectors used in gene therapy shall also be described as nucleic acid substances.
-Individual gene elements shall be described and defined as nucleic acid substances.
-Modifications, either physical or chemical, that irreversibly modify the underlying molecular structure shall be described using modification elements.
-For gene therapy, the entire sequence of the transforming/transducing vector shall be used as the defining element. Each gene element shall also be captured and defined as a substance.
- nucleic acid substances
- nucleic acids
- nucleic acid
- nucleic acid description
- IDMP.nucleicAcid
- Subunits are listed in order of decreasing length; sequences of the same length will be ordered by molecular weight; subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated multiple times. Index of linear sequences of nucleic acids in order of decreasing length. Sequences of the same length will be ordered by molecular weight. Subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated and have sequential subscripts.
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit
- nucleic acid subunits
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 87
- nucleic acid subunit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 44
- The half life of a non-natural nuclide.
- This field can be calculated from the Isotopes table.
- nuclide half life
- 109,77 min (18F)
- IDMP.isotope.nuclideHalfLife
- nuclide id
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 43
- A Substance ID for each non-natural or radioisotope is created. The ID is linked to a single atom zero valence element.
- nuclide identifier
- ISO11238 Substance ID
- Mandatory when substance contains non-natural or radioisotope.
- IDMP.isotope.nuclideID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page
- This element is Mandatory when substance contains non-natural or radioisotope. Implicitly derived from Nuclide ID.
- ISO11238 Substance names
- IDMP.isotope.nuclideName
- The name for each isotope should be provided
- nuclide name
- number of moieties
- 2
- IDMP.chemical.numberOfMoieties
- The number of moieties specified should be provided. Non-stoichiometric chemical substances shall have at least two moieties. Each moiety shall be represented by a chemical structure.
- numbers of moieties
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 72
- The numeric value shall be always ≥2; The value is automatically calculated (Implicit) based on the number of Moieties as described in ); if the numeric value is equal to 1, the class Moiety shall not be used.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 95
- The number of diverse monomers used to synthesize the polymer shall be specified.
- monomer number
- 2
- monomer numbers
- This number can be implicitly derived from the number of polymer starting materials.
- number of monomers
- IDMP.monomerSetDescription.numberOfMonomers
- number of parameters of modification
- The number of parameters that is going to be described as a result of the modification should be provided.
- For thermal denaturation two parameters, temperature and time, are typically captured.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 64
- This number can be counted and is never explicitly represented. This value is calculated implicitly.
- IDMP.structuralRepeat.numberOfStructuralRepeatUnits
- Implicitly derived
- The number of diverse structural repeated units represented in the structure of the polymer shall be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 96
- Homopolymers will only have 1 Structural Repeat Unit; copolymers will typically have more than 1.
- number of structural repeat units
- The number of linear sequences of nucleotides linked through phosphodiester bonds shall be described. Subunits would be strands of nucleic acids that are tightly associated typically through Watson-Crick base pairing.
- IDMP.protein.numberOfSubUnits
- This number is implicit and derived from number of nucleic acid subunits.
- If not specified in the reference source, the assumption is that there is 1 subunit.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 86
- This number is implicit and derived from number of protein subunits.
- number of subunits
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 78
- numbers of subunits
- 1, 2, or 3
- The number of linear sequences of nucleotides linked through phosphodiester bonds shall be described. Subunits would be strands of nucleic acids that are tightly associated typically through Watson-Crick base pairing. NOTE If not specified in the reference source the assumption is that there is 1 subunit.
- Although many proteins form multimeric complexes, particularly at high concentrations, subunits are typically either connected through disulfide linkages or other covalent linkages or have strong non-covalent interactions with defined stoichiometry largely independent of concentration.
- IDMP.nucleiAcid.numberOfSubUnits
- 1
- Number of linear sequences of amino acids linked through peptide bonds. The number of subunits constituting the protein shall be described. It is possible that the number of subunits can be variable.
- o-glycosylation site
- o-glycosylation sites
- IDMP.glycosylation.oGlycosylationSite
- The sites of O-glycosylation cannot typically be predicted from the sequence alone and are discovered through analytical methods. Sites may become identified at later stages in clinical development. The Substance ID typically should not change as new sites are identified but the version of the substance would. Information on the site of O-glycosylation serine threonine tyrosine hydroxylysine hydroxyproline should be provided.
- Position 34 of this Subunit, a Serine.
- The position of that subunit shall actually contain an amino acid with an OH group (i.e. serine or threonine or tyrosine).
- O-linked glycosylation: The sites of O-glycosylation cannot typically be predicted from the sequence alone and are discovered through analytical methods. Sites may become identified at later stages in clinical development. The Substance ID typically should not change as new sites are identified but the version of the substance would.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 83
- o glycosylation sites
- Information on the site of O-glycosylation (serine, threonine, tyrosine, hydroxylysine, hydroxyproline) should be provided.
- o glycosylation site
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 19
- official name
- Each official name should have one or more official name types. The official name type reflects the organization that assigns or recognizes the name associated with the substance. These names are typically nonproprietary names that are used in the labelling of pharmaceuticals. The domains and jurisdictions in which the official name is used are also captured, tracked and maintained within the terminology. Although most official names will refer to material at the substance level there will be instances where an official name will refer to material at the Specified Substances Group 1 level [e.g. Simeticone (BAN, INN) or Simethicone (USAN)]. The official name class is conditional and shall be repeated as necessary.
- official name change date
- Date of official name change if known.
- The change date of the status of the official name shall be specified according to the ISO 8601 date format (the variant without any delimiters).
- 20110601
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 20
- If official name status changes the date of the official change should be captured if known.
- The status of the official name.
- The status of the official name is associated with a given jurisdiction. It is possible that an official name could be official in one jurisdiction and superseded in another. With some official name types an initial name will be proposed and the name will later become recommended. Recommended INN would be considered to be the Official name in many jurisdictions.
- Each official name shall have a single status.
-The fact that a name is alternate is evident by having more than one name assigned to the same substance by the same authority for the same language, domain, etc.
- official name state
- Current, Alternate, Superseded, Proposed, Primary
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 20
- Current, Alternate, Superseded, Proposed, Primary
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 19
- Designation of which authority assigned the Offficial Name of the Substance or Specified Substance. All official names need to have at least one such designation. The name type is the name of the authority or authorities that have assigned or have adopted the name.
- Any authority which assigns official names shall typically do so in a publication, and as such, referencing the publication is sufficient indication for the name being “official” and sufficient representation for the “official name type”. When new official names are issued by official naming bodies, the naming bodies will be reflected in this terminology.
- BAN, COSING, Ph.Eur., FCC, INCI, INN, JAN, JECFA, MARTINDALE, USAN, USP, PHF, HAB, PhF (Pharmacopée française), IUIS
- All values in the name assigning authority identifier system.
- official name type
- All official names shall have a naming authority designated. If multiple authorities have assigned the same name.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 19
- official name value
- Single-stranded DNA; Double-stranded DNA.
- IDMP.nucleicAdic.oligoNucleotide
- Single-stranded DNA; Double-stranded DNA; Single-stranded RNA; Double-stranded RNA
- oligonucleotide types
- This element distinguishes a single stranded oligo nucleotide from a double stranded gene or rDNA vaccine.
- oligonucleotide type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 87
- oligo nucleotide type
- The optical activity should be described based on a controlled vocabulary.
- The optical activity of a chiral substance should be captured if known. The extent of optical rotation is not mandatory at the substance level.
- optical activity
- (+/-), (+), (-), None, N/A, Unknown
- The optical activity of a chiral substance should be captured if known. The extent of optical rotation is not mandatory at the substance level.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 37
- Shall be entered if known for substances that have at least one moiety with stereochemistry defined as chiral. Can be a defining element when the absolute stereo configuration is not known
- (+/-), (+), (-), None, N/A
- IDMP.structure.opticalActivity
- Ginkgoales
- order
- The order of an organism should be specified,
- This is implied by the species and is referenced from an appropriate terminology/taxonomy. Catalogue of Life typically captures complete taxonomy in a manner consistent with this standard.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 56
- IDMP.Organisation
- organization
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 124
- The manufacturer information shall be provided according to the specifications described below. For both active ingredients and excipients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the information shall be provided.
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017The Medicinal Product is associated with organisation information for one or more manufacturers or establishments which undertake various manufacturing operations in order to produce a Medicinal Product. These may be overseen by an appropriate Medicines Regulatory Agency. Sourcehttp://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Presentation/2016/08/WC500212059.pdfOrganisations: Data that comprises of organisation name and location address data for organisations such as MAH sponsors regulatory authority manufacturers
- organisations
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 52
- organism
- This subclause describes the organism which the substance is derived from. For vaccines, the parent organism shall be specified based on these subclause elements. As an example, full taxonomy will be described for the Substance Name: Ginkgo biloba L., Leaf.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 55
- organism general
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 49
- The unique identifier associated with the source material parent organism should be specified.
- For Herbals, this element shall be Mandatory.
- organism id
- The substance Ginkgo biloba L. Leaf has an Organism ID belonging to the Organism Ginkgo biloba L.
- This ID might or might not be the parent ID of the substance.
- organism identifier
- For Herbals, this element shall be Mandatory. The accepted scientific name for plants is provided by Kew Gardens’ Medicinal Plant Names Services (MPNS). The names for other organisms will be provided by other authoritative sources.
- organism name
- Ginkgo biloba L.; Harpagophytum procumbens (Burch.) DC. ex Meisn.
- The organism accepted Scientific name should be provided based on the organism taxonomy.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 49
- This element is used to indicate how Structural Repeat Units connect to each other. In addition to the Orientation of Polymerization explicit connections between Structural Repeat Units can be indicated by connection points.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 97
- head-tail, head-head, random
- orientation of polymerizations
- orientation of polymerization
- This element is used to indicate how Structural Repeat Units connect to each other. In addition to the Orientation of Polymerization explicit connections between Structural Repeat Units can be indicated by connection points.
- orientations of polymerization
- IDMP.structuralRepeatUnit.orientationOfPolymerisation
- The orientation of the polymerization shall be described.
- The particle size (specification) is captured as a characteristic attribute in combination with the amount group as was earlier described at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. So ‘particle size’ is not included in the value list of the attribute Category and thus, the class ‘Other’ is not applicable.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- Under the specification category ‘Other’ values are grouped like Heavy Metals, Loss on Drying, Appearance, pH, Residual solvents and Water content etc.
-‘Appearance’ describes a qualitative description of the substance (e.g., solid state form, size, shape, and colour). If any of these characteristics change during manufacture or storage, this change should be investigated and appropriate action taken. The acceptance criteria should include the final acceptable appearance.
-The attribute Specification ‘Type’ has the values: Chemical test, Physical test, Bioassay, Assay, Relative UV absorption (UV 254 nm /UV280 nm), In process specification and Re-test specification etc.
-The element groups ‘Identity’, ‘Potency’ and ‘Other’ shall capture information about the identity, potency and appearance of a substance since at least one identity test, potency test and description of the substance shall be provided in accordance with the ICH Topic Q 6 A, 3.2.1 New drug substances.
- other
- other method description
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- refer Other
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- other method type
- refer Other
- parent substance identifier
- The Parent substance ID of the herbal drug Ginkgo biloba, Leaf is the substance ID of the substance (fresh) of Ginkgo biloba L. or Ginkgo biloba L. (Whole plant).
- parent substance id
- The substance ID of Ginkgo biloba L., Leaf
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 50
- For Herbal Drugs, Herbal preparations and Vaccines this element shall be Mandatory.
- The parent substance of the Herbal Drug, or Herbal preparation.
- parent substance name
- For Herbal Drugs, Herbal preparations and Vaccines this element shall be Mandatory.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 50
- The parent substance of the Herbal Drug Ginkgo biloba, Leaf is the substance (fresh): Ginkgo biloba L., or Ginkgo biloba L. (Whole plant).
-The parent substance of Influenza A virus A/Christchurch/16/2010 (H1N1), NIB-74xp is Influenza A virus A/Christchurch/16/2010 (H1N1).
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 51
- Depending on the Source Material Type values (e.g. human/mammalian or plant) the relevant controlled vocabulary applies (e.g. organism or plant). A controlled vocabulary for plant parts is maintained by Kew Gardens Medicinal Plant Names Services.
- Cartilage, Root and Stolon, whole plant is considered as a part, Aerial part of the plant, Leaf, Tuberous Root, whole animal, venom, intestinal mucosa
- part
- Entity of anatomical origin of source material within an organism.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 51
- Information of the part of the material used to produce the substance should be provided by means of the following data elements.
- part description
- For cartilage: knee, elbow, stomach, shoulder
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 51
- Applicable only if ‘Source Material Type’ is human or mammalian. Not applicable for Herbals.
- part location
- The detailed anatomic location when the part can be extracted from different anatomical locations of the organism. When multiple alternative locations may apply, the Part Description class will be repeated for each value.
- phylum
- This is derived from the species and is referenced from an appropriate terminology/taxonomy. Catalogue of Life typically captures complete taxonomy in a manner consistent with this standard.
- Tracheophyta
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 56
- The phylum of an organism should be specified.
- physical forms
- This subclause is to capture information on the physical form of the Specified Substance (e.g. crystalline amorphous, tincture, dry extract), the state of matter, and slightly more detailed form of the final Specified Substance (e.g. solid, liquid, gas, or emulsion). Biphasic insulin is an example where a part of the insulin is dissolved in solution and the other part is present in a micro-crystalline form. There are also instances of substances being partially crystalline and partially amorphous which would be two different form types and a mixture of Specified Substances, different polymorphic crystalline types. Two polymorphs are distinguished by crystalline type e.g. form 1, form 2, amorphous etc.
-The Physical Form is not always applicable (e.g. for multiple substances) and therefore is conditional; however, when it is applicable (e.g. Herbal preparation or when the form of the substance is available), the physical form is required to be provided in accordance with the following specifications.
- IDMP.physicalForm
- physical form
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 118
- This subclause is to capture information on the physical form of the Specified Substance e.g. crystalline amorphous tincture dry extract the state of matter and slightly more detailed form of the final Specified Substance e.g. solid liquid gas or emulsion . Biphasic insulin is an example where a part of the insulin is dissolved in solution and the other part is present in a micro-crystalline form. There are also instances of substances being partially crystalline and partially amorphous which would be two different form types and a mixture of Specified Substances different polymorphic crystalline types. Two polymorphs are distinguished by crystalline type e.g. form 1 form 2 amorphous etc.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 118
- The element defines a new Specified Substance Group 1 ID.
- physical form types
- physical form type
- Crystalline, Amorphous, Tincture, Dry extract
- IDMP.physicalForm.physicalFormType
- The type of the physical form should be captured.
- In the solid state single as well as multiple entities such as salt hydrates co-crystals etc. may exhibit polymorphism. Polymorphism is the ability of a compound in the solid state to exist in different crystalline forms having the same chemical composition. These different forms are formed by weak interactions between the components present in the solid state. These different forms may possess different physico-chemical properties. In ISO 11238 and ISO/TS 19844 these polymorphic forms are considered as a Physical Form Type which is captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 level
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 63
- The physical modification is conditional.
- physical modification
- Primarily used for nonspecific modification, specifies how a modification is quantified or extent of physical treatment.
- physical modification parameter
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 64
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 64
- Required parameter depend on process.
- time, temperature, fractionation condition, centrigugation temperature, thaw temperature
- Refers to the conditions under which the modification has been produced.
- physical modification parameter value
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 63
- "Micronization", "Isolation of Cryoprecipitate by Centrifugation", "Removal of Cryoprecipitate by Centrifugation", "Isolation of Cryopoor plasma process flow "N" by Precipitation and absorption steps by the modified Cohn fractionation process", "Micronizationof animal part"
- physical modification role
- physical state either gas liquid or solid and the type of organization for solid matter
- The actual state of the substance shall be catured.
- Solid, Liquid, Gas, Emulsion, Gel
- IDMP.physicalForm.physicalState
- physical state types
- Solid, Liquid
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 118
- physical state type
- physical state
- physical states
- polymer classes
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 93
- IDMP.polymer.polymerClass
- homopolymer, copolymer
- The type of polymer shall be captured.
- polymer class
- Polymers are polydisperse molecular ensembles defined using a combination of structural and descriptive elements. The structural elements are the structural repeat units along with end-groups and salt forms. The number and/or weight average molecular weight degree of polymerization degree or extent of substitution of fragments and physical properties related to molecular weight are descriptive elements that may be required to assign a Substance ID. For synthetic polymers the monomers used to prepare the polymer should also be provided. For copolymers the type of copolymer random block branched etc. along with the block/branch size and number of blocks or branches should also be provided. A technical specification sheet and/or information sheet from a manufacturer is often sufficient to generate a Substance ID. For polymers derived from biological matrices the source of the polymer should also be provided.
- polymer
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 38
- polymers
- polymer description
- polymer substance
- IDMP.polymer
- Values for polymer class would include homopolymer, copolymer; values for polymer geometry would include linear, branched, cross-linked and network or dendritic; values for copolymer sequence type would include random, statistical, alternating, periodic, block, mixed, graft or cross. Dispersity is usually determined from the ratio of the weight average molecular weight to the number average molecular weight. Properties such as viscosity, light scattering or sedimentation velocity, which are indicative of molecular weight, and biological properties such as enzymatic inhibition can also be distinguishing properties.
- Polymers shall refer to material that is polydisperse and contains structural repeat units.
-Polymers shall be defined using a combination of controlled vocabularies and representations of the molecular structure of the structural repeat units, substituents that are attached to the structural repeat unit, which are described as either fragment or moiety modifications, molecular weight or the polydispersity of the material. The degree of polymerization, monomer description, polymer starting material used to synthesize synthetic polymers or copolymers, the source material for naturally derived polymers, polymeric end groups, and physical or biological properties shall also be captured when known and needed to distinguish material. Polymers shall be defined to the level of specificity needed to distinguish materials, and broad polymeric definitions shall be discouraged.
-The polymer class shall be defined by the number of structural repeat units and the connectivity between them. A controlled vocabulary shall be developed as required to describe the polymer class, polymer geometry and polymer connectivity (copolymer sequence type).
-Physical and biological properties shall only be a defining element if they are necessary to distinguish polymeric substances from one another and are related to the underlying molecular structures of the polymeric ensemble.
-The structural repeat unit shall have a distinct stoichiometric composition. However, if the substituents within SRU are variable the structural information of the substituents can be partially described e.g. SRU of polysaccharides sourced from biological matrixes (vaccines).
-The information model for the polymer substance is shown in Figure 22.
- Polymers containing polyethylene glycol structural repeat units are defined based on either degree of polymerization or molecular weight. A generic polyethylene glycol substance is not defined as a substance because of the wide variation in the functionality of these types of materials and safety concerns related to the degree of polymerization.
- polymer substances
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 94
- The geometry of the polymer shall be described.
- polymer geometries
- polymer geometry
- linear, branched, cross-linked, network, dendritic, star, comb, brush
- IDMP.polymer.polymerGeometry
- Element group 'Potency': Attribute 'Potency Assay Type' is a controlled vocabulary with values: Assay/ strength, and Bioassay.
-‘Strength’. Assay: A specific, stability-indicating procedure should be included to determine the content of the (new) drug substance. In many cases, it is possible to employ the same procedure (e.g., HPLC) for both assay of the new drug substance and quantitation of impurities
-Potency Description: A description of the assay shall be provided.
- potency
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- refer Potency
- potency assay type
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- refer Potency
- potency description
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 54
- IDMP.processingMaterial.processingMaterialType
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 129
- processing material type
- The type of the processing material(s) should be specified for each production step.
- solvent composition; cell line catalyst, modification agent, extraction solvent
- process site identifier
- process site id
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 127
- The unique identifier assigned to the process site shall be specified.
- IDMP.productionStep.processSite
- IDMP.productionStep.processSiteName
- process site name
- The process site name should be specified in accordance to CTD 3.2.S.2.118
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 128
- Company ABC, Germany (Address, Geographical coordinates)
- Material to be used in a manufacturing process step.
- processing material
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 129
- IDMP.processingMaterial
- For substance that are active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the element is mandatory.
- For excipients (non-active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product) the information is optional but for certain excipients that cause an intolerance or allergenic reaction (e.g. sesame oil) this information shall always be provided.
-The production method description shall be captured when the Substance Name Type is provided as Specified Homeopathic, or Herbal.
- The production method description should be captured.
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.productionMethodDescription
- “Chemical synthesis from starting materials, purification steps and recrystallization to obtain crystalline form 1”.
-“Nuclide production by bombardment of [18O] by accelerated protons in a Cyclotron: 18O(p,n)18F, followed by radiolabelling of a precursor substance by a chemical substitution on a radio synthesizer. The substance is not isolated during manufacturing”.
-“See, Document enclosed at Regulatory submission”.
-“Mother tinctures prepared according to Ph. Eur. Method 1.1.10 are prepared by maceration using 1 part of Herbal Drug and 10 parts of ethanol of the appropriate concentration. Generally used for Herbal Drugs (fresh or dried)”.
-“The preparation of a herbal extract’.
-“Cutting, fragmenting”.
-“Inoculation, Cultivation (including feeding composition), Harvesting and storing the mite culture and extraction”.
-“Continuous plasma fractionation from Human Plasma for Fractionation”
-“Fractionation, absorption, virus inactivation and depth filtration”
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 122
- production method description
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 122
- Synthetic, extraction, percolation, biosynthetic, semi-synthetic, extraction and potentization, chemical solubility and potentization, chemical mixing and potentization, harvesting, fractionation, fermentation and chemical synthesis, vaccine production
- production method types
- For substance that are active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the element is always mandatory.
-For excipients (non-active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product) the information is optional but for certain excipients that cause an intolerance or allergenic reaction (e.g. sesame oil) this information shall always be provided.
- The overall type of production system should be described e.g. synthetic, extraction, biosynthetic, extraction and potentization, chemical solubility and potentization, chemical mixing and potentization.
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.productionMethodType
- production method type
- production step
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 127
- This class captures information about process site identifier, process site name, step number and geographical coordinates of the site location.
- IDMP.productionStep
- For substance that are active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the element is mandatory.
-For excipients (non-active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product) the information is optional but for certain excipients that cause an intolerance or allergenic reaction (e.g. sesame oil) this information shall always be provided.
-Production System, Production System Type and Production Method Type are all to be represented in one terminology. When applicable and available it shall be provided.
-Versioning shall be tied to the element Production System (see also )
- production system
- The production system description should be provided when available.
-Should be captured for all material derived from extractive or biosynthetic production methods and some synthetic peptides and nucleic acids.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 123
- production systems
- CHO cell, goat, bovine lungs, FMOC Chemistry, Escherichia coli AD494, Bacteria
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.productionSystem
- Plant, animal, bacterial, fungal, insect cell line, yeast, mammalian cell line, human cell line, animal tissue, human tissue, solid phase chemistry, solution chemistry, condensation chemistry, chemical synthesis, nuclide production by bombardment of a parent substance followed by radiolabelling, continuous plasma fractionation from human plasma for fractionation, continuous plasma fractionation from Cryopoor plasma, continuous plasma fractionation from Cryopoor plasma process flow 'N', continuous plasma fractionation from Cryprecipitate, continuous thermal decomposition, fermentation harvesting and purification
- For substance that are active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product, the element is mandatory.
-For excipients (non-active ingredients intended to be used in the medicinal product) the information is optional but for certain excipients that cause an intolerance or allergenic reaction (e.g. sesame oil) this information shall always be provided.
-The information shall be captured for all material derived from extractive or biosynthetic production methods and some synthetic peptides and nucleic acids.
-Versioning shall be tied to the element Production System Type.
- This element should capture information related to Production System Type.
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.productionSystemType
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 123
- production system type
- The subclause serves to provide information related to biological physical or chemical characteristics associated with a substance. This information can be essential for the definition of each type of substance when structural elements are not sufficient to distinguish between similar substances. Properties can have values that are quantitative semi-quantitative or qualitative. For semi-qualitative values a consistent scale should be used.
- IDMP.property
- The pH of magnesium aluminometasilicate is necessary to distinguish low and high pH substances.
- Viscosity is used to distinguish many polymers and should always be reported if known.
- The acid value of olive oil, refined is necessary to distinguish the substance from olive oil, virgin. The acid value of olive oil refined must be 10 times lower than the value of olive oil, virgin.
- For chemical substances; elemental analysis, mass and NMR spectra can be very helpful in determining whether two materials are different chemical substances and also in verifying that the xxx. molecular structure is correct. Solubility information, melting, boiling and critical points, partition coefficients (logKow), and pKa values should also be supplied if known.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 64
- property
- viscosity, pH, cell surface antigen, spectra, pKa, UV absorption maxima, isoelectric point, relative density, Percent MenA Polysaccharide eluted before KD= 0,50
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 65
- property name
- IDMP.property.propertyName
- A fully defined coded concept shall always be provided.
- The name of the property should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
- IDMP.property.propertyParameters
- For Viscosity, solvent concentration and temperature should be captured as a single entity.
- Measured at pH range of 2,5 to 10,5.
- Measured at 20°C and a pH of 7,1.
- property parameters
- A field that should be used to capture parameters that were used in the measurement of a property.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 66
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 66
- IDMP.property.propertySubstanceID
- property substance identifier
- property substance id
- ISO11238 Substance ID
- Solubility in Water, the Substance ID for Water shall be specified.
- Substance ID of a substance upon which a defining property depends; the identifier of the substance related to a defining property shall be described where applicable.
- IDMP.property.propertySubstanceName
- property substance name
- The preferred term will be the default value implicitly derived from the Substance ID.
- ISO11238 Substance name
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 66
- To be used to identify a substance related to a defining property, for example: cell surface antigens (the Substance ID for CD4 would be captured to defined CD4 positive cells).
- IDMP.property.propertyType
- Type of the property for which the information is provided.
- Each property will be associated with a single property type and the list of property types should be maintained.
- Each property will be associated with a single property type and the list of property types should be maintained.
- physical, chemical, enzymatic, immunological
- Each property shall be provided with a fully terminologically defined concept for measurements. Such definition would include any necessary “types” such as this.
- property type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 65
- protein description
- Interferon alfa-2a and interferon alfa-2b, whose sequences differ at a single residue, would be defined as different substances.
- A protein consists of a defined sequence of alpha-amino acids connected through peptide bonds folded into 3-dimensional structures and consists of one or more chains where each chain is a separate sub-unit.
-Proteins that differ in protein sequence, type of glycosylation, disulfide linkages or glycosylation site shall be defined as separate substances. Detailed information on Glycosylation including the types of glycans and the extent of site of occupancy can be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level.
-The structural representation, the molecular formula, and the molecular weight are mandatory elements to be provided for non-glycosylated peptides and small proteins. These elements are inherited from the element groups ‘Structure’ and ‘Structural Representation’. The element group ‘Molecular Weight’ is part of the Protein class information model. See Figure 20. For all proteins, the molecular weight or molecular weight range should be provided, if known. Multiple molecular weights that either depend on the method or type should also be provided.
-All non-glycosylated proteins shall be defined without regard to the method of synthesis, the cell line or organism biological matrix from which the protein was produced or isolated.
-Proteins shall be described without regard to microheterogeneity.
-Like chemical substances, protein substances and nucleic acid substances (described in 7.5) shall be described as single defined molecular entities. Microheterogeneity shall not be described because of inherent variability. Cyclic peptides and those derived largely from non-proteogenic amino acids as well as extensively-modified oligonucleotides shall be defined as chemical substances.
-The type of glycosylation shall reflect significant differences in overall glycosylation and is determined from the species of the cell or tissue from which the protein was isolated. A limited set of controlled terminologies shall be used to describe the type of glycosylation.
-Proteins shall be defined by the final expressed sequence; pre-pro-proteins and pro-proteins shall not be described.
-Proteins that are irreversibly modified by either chemical or physical processes shall be defined as different proteins.
-The description of modified proteins shall capture structural changes that result from the modification when a definitive structure is known.
-Structural modifications shall be described using either moieties or molecular fragments that are added to the protein structure or by a description of the modification process if a definitive structural modification does not occur.
-The molecular fragment or moiety may have a functional role and that role shall be captured using controlled terminology.
-For specific modifications, the site and residue modified shall be described. When the site or sites are not definite the amino acid residue or residues modified will be captured along with the overall extent of modification.
-Post-translational modifications shall only be captured if they are essential for activity or present on the predominant forms of the proteins.
-In some instances, the modification will not result in a definitive structure. In these instances, the modification process shall be described in a minimal manner, capturing the modifying agent or physical conditions that result in an irreversible change.
-Purified blood, or tissue materials whose putative functionality is attributed to a protein or a limited number of proteins with distinct and known amino acid sequences, shall be described as a protein.
-Non-covalent interactions between proteins or peptide chains shall not be captured, with the exception of protein chains that are tightly associated with well-defined composition stoichiometry.
-Non-defining elements as described below can also be captured at the substance level or/and Specified Substance Group 1 information level using the reference information model, see Figure 16:
-— ligand, substrate or target;
-— type of interaction of the protein;
-— gene from which the protein was derived.
-Reference information shall be captured using controlled vocabularies where available.
- protein/peptides
- IDMP.protein
- protein substance
- A protein is defined as a single unit of a linear amino acid sequence or a combination of subunits that are either covalently linked or have a defined invariant stoichiometric relationship. This includes all synthetic recombinant and purified proteins of defined sequence whether the use is therapeutic or prophylactic. This set of elements will be used to describe albumins coagulation factors cytokines growth factors peptide/protein hormones enzymes toxins toxoids recombinant vaccines and immunomodulators.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 35
- protein substances
- Mixtures of proteins, such as immunoglobulins, that have a large number of individual proteins with diverse sequences will be described as structurally diverse substances.
-NOTE 1 Monoclonal immunoglobulins are described as proteins.
-NOTE 2 Somatropin, a non-glycosylated protein that can be produced in E.coli, yeast or mammalian cells, is defined as the same single substance regardless of the cell line it was produced in.
-NOTE 3 Examples of glycosylation types include fungal, plant, anthropoid, avian, mammalian and human.
-NOTE 4 Differences in even a single amino acid would result in two distinct substances. For example, interferon alfa-2a and interferon alfa-2b will be defined as separate substances because the sequences differ by a single amino acid. Aggregated human serum albumin, which is formed by irreversible partial physical denaturation, would be defined as a separate substance from human serum albumin.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 78
- This subclause refers to the description of each subunit constituting the protein. A subunit is a linear sequence of amino acids linked through peptide bonds. The Protein Subunit information shall be provided when the finished protein is a complex of multiple sequences; subunits are not used to delineate domains within a single sequence. Subunits are listed in order of decreasing length; sequences of the same length will be ordered by decreasing molecular weight; subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated multiple times.
- protein subunits
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit
- protein subunit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 79
- The sequence information shall be provided enumerating the amino acids from N- to C-terminal end using standard single-letter amino acid codes. Uppercase shall be used for L-amino acids and lowercase for D-amino acids. Transcribed proteins will always be described using the translated sequence; for synthetic peptide containing amino acids that are not represented with a single letter code an X should be used within the sequence. The modified amino acids will be distinguished by their position in the sequence.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 88
- sequence
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.sequence
- Sequence of the letters G, C, T, A, and U
- sequences
- sequence
- sequence attachment
- An "enriched" string, a document or image representing the sequence should be provided.
- See Sequence Attachment in
-See Sequence Attachment in Annex I, Vaccines, (CRM197)
-See Sequence Attachment in Annex J, Allergen Substances, (nDer p 1); (Lol p 1)
- sequence attachments
- IDMP.proteinSubUnit.sequenceAttachment
- An enriched string a document or image representing the sequence should be provided.
- The element Sequence is always mandatory; the element Sequence Attachement may be provided based on jurisdinctional guidance.
-Either the sequence is provided as ST or/and as an attachment as ED.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 88
- See Sequence Attachment in Table D.1
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 79
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 26
- reference information
- Reference information should be captured for all types of substances and Group 1 Specified Substances. According to ISO 11238, this subclause captures additional types of informative reference information for each type of substance. This information shall not affect the generation of a new unique identifier; it may include both classification and target information for active substances but it does not provide any guidance on the classification of pharmacological effects or the determination of the putative targets for any Substance or Specified Substance.
- IDMP.referenceInformation
- Any comment can be provided in this field, if necessary.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 27
- reference information comment
- This element group is used to capture a specification range as specified in a reference document, e.g. Note for Guidance, Pharmacopoeial monograph, which can be used to interpret the measured value, or range, in an Amount.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 47
- IDMP.substance.structure.referenceRange
- reference range
- reference range high limit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 47
- The upper limit of a specification range.
- IDMP.referenceRange.highLimit
- The lower limit of a specification range.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 47
- reference range low limit
- IDMP.referenceRange.lowLimit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 47
- The unit for both limits of a specification range.
- Other specific units can be required by jurisdictional guidelines.
- The units shall be specified in accordance with ISO 11240 and the resulting terminology.
- The Unit is mandatory except where the value has no unit (dimensionless).
- reference range unit
- IDMP.referenceRange.unit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 20
- All data elements associated with a Substance or Specified Substance should have a reference source. These sources could be regulatory submissions publications by naming authorities such as INN or USAN pharmacopoeias books journals web sites meeting materials or public databases such as Chemical Abstracts. A source can refer to multiple data elements and a given element can have multiple sources.
- IDMP.referenceSource
- reference source
- IDMP.referenceSource.referenceSourceCitation
- The actual reference source or citation in which the name was found.
- A citation should be captured for a literature reference. The specific format for a given citation may be defined at regional level.
- Literature reference: Encycl. 3: 429 (1792)
-WHO Drug Information Vol. 25, no 3, 2011 Recommend INN: list 66
- reference source citation
- A citation should be captured for a literature reference. The specific format for a given citation may be defined at regional level.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 22
- Need not be entered as the value is dependent on the Reference Source Type.
- Literature, Official Name Source, Other Name Source, Regulatory Submission, Public Database, Web
- IDMP.referenceSource.referenceSourceClass
- Useful for classification of sources.
- Each reference information type should be associated with a class. The class will be automatically associated with each type of information.
- reference source class
- Regulatory submission, Public Database
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 21
- Each reference information type should be associated with a class. The class will be automatically associated with each type of information.
- IDMP.referenceSourceDocument
- The document should be concise and contain information specific for given data elements.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 23
- Reference Source Document is the basis for determining the type of a substance. Whether a substance is a single substance or it is a mixture or it is a specified substance can be determined using Reference Source Document.
- reference source document
- IDMP.referenceSourceDocument.referenceSourceDocumentClassification
- Chemical structure, NMR spectra, Mass Spectra, In-house/Batch release specification, Plasma Master File (PMF)
- A classification system will be also developed for documents. The classification system will indicate the type of information contained within the reference document based on a terminology for the classification of reference source documents.
- The reference document should be classified according to the information contained within.
- reference source document classification
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 24
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 23
- An ID associated with reference source document.
- reference source document id
- reference source document identifier
- IDMP.referenceSourceDocument.referenceSourceDocumentID
- FR4563 (Artificial ID)
- IDMP.referenceSourceDocument.referenceSourceDocumentType
- The type of the document under reference source document
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 23
- Pharmacopoeial monograph, Regulatory submission, Journal article, Release specification, In-house specification, Text file
- The type of the document.
- reference source document type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 23
- The documents can be saved as PDF files or TEXT files. If the documents or data source contains structured data such as spectra, it can be transmitted in a standard format that can be visualized and searched.
- Documents that contain relevant information on data elements and are referenced should be stored if available.
- reference source document value
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 22
- reference source id
- IDMP.referenceSource.referenceSourceID
- An ID associated with reference source.
- Many sources such as regulatory submissions, INN lists and others should be associated with a number or ID. The ID should be captured.
- Many sources such as regulatory submissions INN lists and others should be associated with a number or ID. The ID should be captured.
- IND number, Recommended INN list; PMID (PubMed Identifier)
- reference source identifier
- BP, ChemID (NLM), Ph.Eur., USP/NF, IND (Investigational New Drug), Recommended INN List, ITIS, JAN, Journal, JP, KEGG, Martindale, NDA, Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), PubChem, USAN, USP, Web Page, CAS Registry, FDA Global Substance Registration System (FDA GSRS), WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology (WHOCC), Chemical Book, Orange Book, Marketing Authorization Application (MAA), WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature, UniProt, Plasma Master File, Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
- All reference sources shall be associated with a type. The type shall actually identify the source of the information if it is a public database or naming authority. For official names and defining information the primary source should be used if available. A single source can be used for many data elements. Public databases particularly those of official naming bodies regulatory submissions manufacturer‘s technical specifications scientific journal articles and pharmacopoeias are all sources that can be used.
- All names should have at least one source and hence source type. When the Reference Source Type is a Pharmacopoeial monograph, no reference has to be made to the version. The reference made (for example to Ph.Eur., USP, or JP) shall comply with the latest (current) and valid edition.
- IDMP.referenceSource.referenceSourceType
- The reference source type in which the data elements were actually found.
- All reference sources shall be associated with a type. The type shall actually identify the source of the information if it is a public database or naming authority. For official names and defining information, the primary source should be used if available. A single source can be used for many data elements. Public databases particularly those of official naming bodies, regulatory submissions, manufacturer‘s technical specifications, scientific journal articles and pharmacopoeias are all sources that can be used.
- reference source type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 21
- http://www.who.int/medicines/publications/druginformation/issues/RL_66.pdf
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 22
- reference source url
- The reference source URL in which the citation was found. The URL should be captured here.
- In case the Reference source citation is a Web Page or Public Database, the URL should be provided.
- The reference source URL in which the citation was found. The URL should be captured here.
- IDMP.referenceSource.referenceSourceURL
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 30
- related substance identifier
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- related substance id
- Substance ID associated with the related substance. All related substances should have a Substance ID.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 30
- Based on ISO 11238 substance name
- Preferred term or primary name of related substance.
- related substance name
- The preferred term of the related substance is captured; this information is required when there is a “Substance Relationship”; The substance name is implicit and derived from the Substance ID.
- Lysine; non-specific modifications; Reducing end of Oligosaccharide; ε-amino, α-amino, guanidinyl, secondary amino, and hydroxyl groups (in decreasing order of reactivity) of amino acids residues of proteins.
- In case of N-Terminal modification and C-Terminal modification of a Protein subunit, the Modification class is mandatory.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 59
- The amino acid or nucleic acid base that is modified. It may be known that lysine residues are modified but the particular lysine in the sequence may not be known. It should be captured for both specific and non-specific modifications, e.g. sizing carbohydrate polymers by hydrolysis.
- residue modified
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 90
- The residues that contain a given sugar entity shall be captured. Each sugar present in the nucleic acid will be represented. The residues that contain a given sugar shall be captured. The order of given residues will be captured in the 5‘-3‘direction consistent with the base sequences listed above.
- IDMP.sugar.residueSite
- 1_20; Protein unit 1, amino acid at position 20; C-Terminal removal.
- The position of specific residue undergone to modifications shall be described.
- residue site
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 60
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 91
- residue sites
- Residues shall be captured as described in
- 1_1-1_20 would indicate that residues 1-20 of a given strand contain a particular sugar.
- The residues that contain a given sugar shall be captured. The order of given residues will be captured in the 5‘-3‘direction consistent with the base sequences listed above.
- In case of N-Terminal modification and C-Terminal modification of a Protein subunit, the Modification class is mandatory.
- resultant material
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 130
- Material as a result of a manufacturing process step.
- IDMP.resultantMaterial
- The type of resultant material(s) shall be specified for each production step.
- IDMP.resultantMaterial.resultantMaterialType
- resultant material type
- intermediate; impurity; metabolite; final intended substance; resultant substance(s); resultant substance (step 1)
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 130
- sd glycosylation
- IDMP.SDGlycosylation
- SD glycosylation describes not-specific sites of glycosylation in structurally diverse material.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 102
- sd glycosylation (conditional)
- sd glycosylation type
- sd gylcosylation types
- human, old world monkey, mammalian, avian, reptilian, fungal, bacterial, plant, insect, mammalian afucosylated, yeast humanized
- The type of the glycan should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
- SD glycosylation describes not-specific sites of glycosylation in structurally diverse material.
- IDMP.sdGlycosylation.sdGlycosylationType
- sd glycosylations type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 102
- IDMP.nucleicAcid.sequenceType
- complete; partial
- sequence types
- The protein descriptive elements will only be used when a complete or partial amino acid sequence is available or derivable from a nucleic acid sequence.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 77
- sequence type
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 86
- The type of the sequence shall be specified based on a controlled vocabulary.
- IDMP.singleSubstance
- single substance
- A single substance has its own dedicated structure and set of properties. It is not a mixture.All single substances are of one of the following types: chemical, protein, nucleic acid, polymer and structurally diverse.
- Source material shall capture information on the taxonomic and anatomical origins as well as the fraction of a material that can result in or can be modified to form a substance. This set of data elements shall be used to define proteins and polymer substances isolated from biological matrices. Taxonomic and anatomical origins shall be described using a controlled vocabulary as required. This information is captured for naturally derived proteins and polymers (e.g. starch) and structurally diverse substances. For Organisms belonging to the Kingdom Plantae the Substance level defines the fresh material of a single species or intraspecies, the Herbal Drug and the Herbal preparation. For Herbal preparations, the fraction information will be captured at the Substance information level and additional information for herbal extracts will be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 information level. See for further explanation the Substance Class: Structurally Diverse and the herbal Annex E.
- IDMP.sourceMaterial
- source material
- General high-level classification of the source material specific to the origin of the material. Examples: mineral biologic organic botanical
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 47
- General high-level classification of the source material specific to the origin of the material.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 48
- For Structurally Diverse substances, this class shall be Mandatory.
- source material class
- mineral, biologic, organic, botanical
- The state of the source material when extracted.
- source material state
- Live; activated; inactivated; attenuated; conjugated; live (attenuated); cultured (killed); polysaccharide, natural-derived.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 49
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 49
- The “Source Material Type” values are presented based on the “Source Material Class” values above. Because organic/inorganic is just a class best captured in terminology of the source material types, only one data element is needed for Type which implies Class.
- For Herbals, this class shall be Mandatory.
- The type of the source material shall be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. For vaccines, this subclause refers to the class of infectious agent.
- bacteria, human, mammal, fungus, virus, plant, animal, grass pollen, arachnid, porcine
- source material type
- For Herbals, this element shall be Mandatory. They shall be specified as a code from an appropriate taxonomy terminology (e.g., the Catalogue of Life, Kew Gardens Medicinal Plant Names Services for plants or NCBI Taxonomy ID).
- Biloba; procumbens
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 54
- The species of an organism should be specified; refers to the Latin epithet of the species of the plant/animal; it is present in names for species and intraspecies.
- species
- specification
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 52
- A specification[21] is defined in accordance with ICH Topic Q 6 A Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances (CPMP/ICH/367/96), 6 October 1999 as a list of tests, references to analytical procedures, and appropriate acceptance criteria, which are numerical limits, ranges, or other criteria for the tests described. It establishes the set of criteria to which a drug substance should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use. "Conformance to specifications" means that the drug substance, when tested according to the listed analytical procedures, will meet the listed acceptance criteria. Specifications are critical quality standards that are proposed and justified by the manufacturer and approved by regulatory authorities as conditions of approval. Specifications are one part of a total control strategy for the drug substance designed to ensure manufactured substance quality and consistency. Specifications are chosen to confirm the quality of the drug substance rather than to establish full characterization, and should focus on those characteristics found to be useful in ensuring the safety and efficacy of the drug substance used in medicinal products.
-In Figure 31 the class ‘Specification Version’ is related to the class Specified Substance Group 4. This is done to minimize the maintenance of Specified Substance Group 4 identifiers. When a specification is updated, the version can be laid down in this element group with no effect on the Specified Substance Group 4-ID itself, since the manufacturing process and critical process version number are the same. The element group contains the attributes ‘Version’ and ‘Version Date'.
-"The element group ‘Specification’ is meant to lay down the boundary specifications for a Substance or Specified Substance Group 1. The Substance or Specified Substance Group 1 is tied to its manufacturer having a Specified Substance Group 2 ID or is related to a Pharmacopoeial Grade or ‘In house’ Grade having a Specified Substance Group 3 ID.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 52
- specification category
- refer Specification
- specification type
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 52
- specification
- The class ‘Specification Version’ is related to the class Specified Substance Group 4. This is done to minimize the maintenance of Specified Substance Group 4 identifiers. When a specification is updated, the version can be laid down in this element group with no effect on the Specified Substance Group 4-ID itself, since the manufacturing process and critical process version number are the same. The element group contains the attributes ‘Version’ and ‘Version Date.’
- specification version
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 53
- IDMP.specifiedSubstance
- specified substance
- At the Substance level, substances are defined based on inherent attributes rather than use or method of manufacture. At the Specified Substance level, four separate groups of elements provide additional information. The four groups of Specified Substance elements allow for the explicit capture of information essential for the evaluation and tracking of material used in medicinal products. Each of the four groups of elements provides information essential for these regulatory needs in a manner that should facilitate compliance. The implementation of the Specified Substance Groups is conditional depending on the condition that one of the elements used to describe the Specified Substance is defining. Attributes specific to Specified Substance are: Constituent substances in a multi-substance material; Proportions of constituent substances in a multi-substance material; Physical state; Grade or purity of material;Manufacturing information; Analytical data, Specifications and Tests.
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup1
- Specified Substance Group 1 is typically used to define multi-substance materials consisting of multiple substances which are not defined as mixture; For defining information regarding homeopathic- plasma derived- vaccines substances herbal and allergenic extracts; For defining physical state including polymorphic forms and detailed glycosylation information.
- specified substance group 1
- Multiple substance materials (e.g. simethicone, aluminium lakes, and flavours), herbal extracts, juices, oils and tinctures and polymorphic forms of materials will be described and differentiated using Specified Substance Group 1 elements.
-Specified Substances Group 1 always have at least one constituent; all constituents are either Substance or Specified Substance Group 1. The Modification Group elements and Fraction Description Group elements are also necessary to define many Specified Substances Group 1. For Herbal preparations, the drying process could be considered as a modification process. An extraction is a preparation. There can be a liquid extract or dry extract being made from the (herbal) Substance (fresh) or from the (herbal) Substance (dry) which is the Herbal Drug in terms of the Pharmacopoeia.
-Single component substances that differ in physical form are defined as different Specified Substances Group 1. For example, crystalline insulin and amorphous insulin are two different Specified Substances Group 1. To avoid confusion, if substance information is sufficient for regulatory needs, the substance information and ID should be used to describe the medicinal product.
-The Specified Substance Group 1 is associated with a set of Specified Substance particulars. These consist of information about Herbal substances (Herbal Substance Particulars), Homeopathic (Vehicle, Dilution and Potentization) etc.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 110
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup1.specifiedSubstanceGroup1ID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 111
- specified substance group 1 id
- The ID of the substance will be automatically assigned by the system once the message is processed.
- If a unique “Specified Substance ID” has been assigned, this “Specified Substance ID” is specified based on the Substance Name controlled vocabulary.
-In the absence of a unique “Specified Substance ID” e.g. for the initial submission of the substance this data element is not required.
-The Specified Substance ID is NOT SPECIFIED for Specified Substance ID Request.
- The unique identifier assigned to the Specified Substance Group 1 shall be specified.
- specified substance group 1 identifier
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup2
- In the class Organization in Figure 36, the elements Manufacturer ID and Manufacturer Name correspond to the information provided in accordance with the CTD17 module M3, section 3.2.S.2.1 Manufacturer information. This means when the production method type is the same for different manufacturing sites of the same manufacturer, the SSG2 ID is the same in the case of limited manufacturer information. When differences exist according to the production method, the ID needs to be changed.
- Specified Substances Group 2 is used to capture the manufacturer of a given substance as well as limited manufacturing information. The defining elements are the parent substance which is either a Substance or a Specified Substance Group 1. Many biosimilar substances will be distinguished at this level. Any manufacturing information specific to the finished product is described based on the ISO 11615 standard and according to the specifications outlined in ISO/TS 20443 and ISO/TS 20451.
-Each manufacturer shall be identified with a code, such as D.U.N.S. number (as ID), and a name. The Manufacturing Type can be Manufacturer. The description of the repackager or distributor is specified at the medicinal product level; it is based on the ISO 11615 standard and according to the specifications outlined in ISO/TS 20443 and ISO/TS 20451. It is also important to capture the Production Method Type (i.e. synthetic, extraction, biosynthetic), Production System Type and the Production System that describe the cell line or animal from which a given substance is isolated.
-The manufacturer is not necessarily the entity that has market authorization, but the entity that manufactures the material. If a substantial change in a critical manufacturing process occurs, a new Specified Substance Group 2 ID shall be generated. This would result in a new version of the Specified Substance Group 2. The grade of a material as described for Specified Substance Group 3 can also be provided as a non-definitional field when relevant.
-In this version of the ISO/TS 19844 Implementation Guidance, only the Element Group Manufacturing (classes in green colour in Figure 36) shall be implemented to include only the attributes within these classes. However, in this version of the document, the Manufacturing class shall be extended to cover extended manufacturing information, e.g. see Figure E.7 of the Herbal Annex to describe multiple extraction methods. This (extended) manufacturing information is also intended to capture the starting materials, impurities and the intended manufactured substance as shown in Figure 37 as part of the Specified Substance Group 4.
-In Annex E, the model for a limited extended information for Manufacturing (Figure E.7) is provided to serve the Herbal use cases for the Herbal preparation Extracts.
-However, when conditions are fulfilled in accordance with the extended manufacturing model (see Figure E.7) the SSG2 ID will be site specific and trigger a different ID (also in the case when the same production method is used).
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 119
- Manufacturer manufacturing process and critical process version number as well as in some cases extended manufacturing information are used to provide information regarding herbal and allergenic extracts when multiple extraction methods with different solvent compositions are used or a stepwise manufacturing process is in place describing an extraction method followed by a general modification process of the extract e.g. modified allergen extract modified vaccines by multiple modification processes.
- specified substance group 2
- KHJTYD674R (Artificial ID)
- The unique identifier assigned to the Specified Substance Group 2 shall be specified.
- The Specified Substance ID is NOT SPECIFIED for Specified Substance ID Request.
- specified substance group 2 id
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup2.specifiedSubstanceGroup2ID
- specified substance group 2 identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 121
- If a unique “Specified Substance ID” has been assigned, this “Specified Substance ID” is specified based on the Substance Name controlled vocabulary.
-In the absence of a unique “Specified Substance ID” e.g. for the initial submission of the substance this data element is not required.
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup3
- Figure 38 provides the information to capture the grade of a substance. This group is meant to be for Pharmacopoeial Grades (Ph.Eur., USP). Each grade will lead for a separate Specified Substance Group 3 Identifier. However, there are applications in which regulatory approval has been achieved for more than one grade and sometimes the sponsor will add an extra specification, such as particle size which is not captured in the Pharmacopoeial monograph. In this case the model provides in the Reference documentation type “In-House” Grade in which a specification set can be laid down covering the Ph.Eur., USP as well as the intended particle size.
- Grade or level of purity Pharmacopoeial Specifications and In-house specification used to cover a set of specifications of all approved manufacturers for the substance.
- The general model 'Substance – Specified Substance' as presented in Figure 1 allows to connect a Specified Substance Group 2 to Specified Substance Group 3. There are many examples in which an In-house specification is provided for a given substance tied to a specific manufacturer. This In-house specification might be covering the Ph.Eur. but is tightened. So the grade (Ph. Eur. or USP) is provided and an In-house specification which makes it necessary to connect a Specified Substance Group 2 to a Specified Substance Group 3.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 131
- specified substance group 3
- The unique identifier assigned to the Specified Substance Group 3 shall be specified.
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup3.specifiedSubstanceGroup3ID
- specified substance group 3 id
- If a unique “Specified Substance ID” has been assigned, this “Specified Substance ID” is specified based on the Substance Name controlled vocabulary.
- In the absence of a unique “Specified Substance ID” e. g. for the initial submission of the substance this data element is not required.
- specified substance group 3 identifier
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 131
- The Specified Substance ID is NOT SPECIFIED for Specified Substance ID Request.
- The specific information described for Specified Substance Group 4 is often submitted in regulatory submissions in a diffuse manner that is difficult to capture and organize. The fields developed here will attempt to capture the data in a manner that will facilitate its use in compliance activities.
- specified substance group four
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceGroup4
- The Specified Substance Group 4 information model consists of four parts: Detailed Manufacturing information, Grade information, Specification and Analytical Data.
-Specified Substance Group 4 elements shall contain the most detailed information on a substance. This information shall include critical manufacturing processes, specifications and analytical procedures related to the test method(s), unitage, analytical procedures used for potency and purity determinations.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 50
- specified substance group 4
- Detailed specification information including analytical information to be used in tests; For Detailed manufacturing information.
-Substance ID: 4KHJT9785S (Artificial ID)
-Substance Name: Ponatinib hydrochloride, crystalline form 1-Manufacturer YY, V00G4
-Substance Name Type: Specified Substance Group 4
-Language: en
-Parent Substance ID: KHJTYD674R22)
-Substance ID: 4YUT71452S (Artificial ID);
-Substance Name: Harpagophytum procumbens and_or Harpagophytum zeyheri, Root, Dry Extract, Ethanol-Water (60-40 % V/V),(1.5-3.0=1), Standardized-Ph.Eur.-V00H1;
-Substance Name Type: Specified Substance Group 4
-Language: en
-(Parent) Substance ID: YUTDR2667E23)
- The Name of the Specified Substance Group 4 Name will be composed of either the Specified Substance Group 2 or the Specified Substance Group 3 Name extended with the version number.
- specified substance group 4 identifier
- specified substance group 4 name
- specified substance group 4 id
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 50
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 128
- starting material
- This class should capture information of starting material(s) used in production step.
- IDMP.startingMaterial
- starting material id
- starting material identifier
- starting material identifiers
- starting material ids
- The unique identifier assigned to the monomer shall be captured.
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- IDMP.polymerStartingMaterial.startingMaterialID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 95
- Ethylene Oxide; .BETA.-D-Glucopyranose; Propylene Oxide; .BETA.-L-Iduronic acid, Pyranose form; Deoxyguanosine 5’-Monophosphate; 5-N-acetyl-α-D-Neuraminic acid; Alpha.-D-Galactose
- IDMP.polymerStartingMaterial.startingMaterialName
- starting material name
- starting material names
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 95
- ISO 11238 Substance Name
- The name of the starting material (monomer) shall be provided; established or primary name of starting material.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 128
- starting material type
- starting material types
- Chemical substance, Protein Substance, Herbal Substance
- IDMP.polymerStartingMaterial.startingMaterialType
- The type of the starting material(s) shall be provided for each production step.
- Chemical substance, Biological substance
- The type of the starting material shall be provided.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 96
- IDMP.startingMaterial.startingMaterialType
- The stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in the structure and is captured here. Special cases of stereochemistry that can’t be indicated in the structure shall be described based on a controlled vocabulary.Mixtures of stereoisomers shall be represented explicitly as a mixture of substances with absolute stereochemistry. In case the absolute stereochemistry is unknown the substance definition should be marked as “Incomplete”.
- The overall stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in this field.
- The stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in the structure and is captured here. Special cases of stereochemistry that can’t be indicated in the structure shall be described based on a controlled vocabulary.Mixtures of stereoisomers shall be represented explicitly as a mixture of substances with absolute stereochemistry. In case the absolute stereochemistry is unknown the substance definition should be marked as Incomplete
- IDMP.structure.stereochemistry
- stereochemistry
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 37
- Absolute, axial r, axial s, square planar 1, square planar 2, square planar 3, square planar 4, tetrahedral, octahedral 12, octahedral 22, octahedral 21, chiral, geometric, achiral, racemic, mixed
- When the Substance type, as defined in is either chemical or polymer, this class is MANDATORY; for all other cases this class is CONDITIONAL.
- storage condition
- storage conditions
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 130
- Store at 25 °C, 60 % RH, protected from light, in double LDPE bags in a fibre drum
- IDMP.resultantMaterial.storageConditions
- The storage conditions of the resultant material should be specified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 60
- Substitution of N terminal amino acid by pyroglutamic acid.
- It should be noted that post-translational modifications, such as glycosylation, phosphorylation, or sulfation that result in microheterogeneity will not be described at the substance level, but could be described at the Specified Substance level. Microheterogeneity of proteins can be captured at the Specified Substance Group 1 level if the type of glycosylation is necessary to distinguish the material.
- All structurally specific post-translational modifications are expressed as amino acid substitutions. In order to limit ambiguity, all structural substitutions will be represented with a single structural element that contains the amino acid, a linker if present and the conjugate as a single entity. The substituted amino acid is assumed to connect through the alpha amino and the carboxylic acid group. If there is potential ambiguity or if the connectivity is not through the alpha amino acid groups, connection points or atoms should be used. The substituted amino acid will be a substance in its own right. For informational purposes, the linker and conjugate can also be indicated as separate elements. When the sites of modifications are known, they should be listed. For a modification that is not site specific, the extent of modification should be captured. New substances would be created if there are consistent differences in the extent of modification. For example, a monoclonal antibody with an average of two toxins conjugated to it would be a different substance than the same monoclonal antibody with an average of four toxin conjugates.
- structural modification
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 60
- The Type of structural modification should be described.
- Amino Acid Substitution of the peptide/protein, Salt, hydrate, solvate formation, chemical substitution, moiety, amino acid sulphation, nucleic acid base substitution, Reductive Amination
- structural modification type
- IDMP.structuralRepeat
- structural repeats
- structural repeat
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 96
- This subclause specifies and quantifies the repeated units and their configuration. A structural representation shall also be submitted. Information on the structural repeat unit shall be provided by means of the following data elements
- For synthetic polymers the structural repeat units are typically generated from the polymerization of monomers. The Structural Repeat Unit for polyethylene is ethylene and not methylene.
- structural repeat units
- structural repeat unit
- IDMP.structuralRepeatUnit
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 97
- The Structural Repeat Unit for polyethylene is ethylene and not methylene.
- For synthetic polymers, the structural repeat units are typically generated from the polymerization of monomers. The Structural Repeat Unit for polyethylene is ethylene and not methylene.
- structural repeat unit amount types
- This attribute may be used to state how a numeric amount is to be interpreted.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 97
- IDMP.structuralRepeat.structuralRepeatUnitAmountType
- structural repeat unit amount type
- The information should be captured as described in 5.8.1. Indicate how the quantitative amount of Structural Repeat Units is captured (e.g. Exact, Numeric, Average).
- End-groups if defined can be attached to the Structural Repeat Unit. The Structural Repeat Unit shall be the largest repeating structural fragment
- Structural repeat units are essential elements for defining polymers. Specific guidance will be given in the /Polymer.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 98
- Example of structural repeat units is given as a figure in the standard
- structural repeat units
- structural repeat unit value
- IDMP.substance.structure.structuralRepresentation
- The structural representation should be provided as text string the following formats are acceptable: InChI SMILES MOLFILE CDX.
- For Amine Salts, with the exception of ammonium and quarternium, salts shall be represented as a free base.
- Metal and ammonium salts: All metal and ammonium salts (NH4+) shall be represented in a charged configuration with all equivalent functional groups ionized. Charge balance will be achieved when necessary by adding hydrogen ions (protons).
- Racemic mixtures can be represented as mixtures of enantiomers or by a single structural representation. When using a single structural representation and the substance only contains one chiral centre, a single structure will be drawn that does not contain a chiral bond. If more than one chiral centre exists, relative stereochemistry shall be indicated. The stereochemistry of each moiety of a given substance will be captured separately.
- There are also substances that are mixtures of multiple enantiomers. These substances can also be transmitted in a single structural representation.Substances can exist in interconverting forms or with a different defined structure depending on the physical state. In cases where the actual structure is a single configuration in a solid physical state, that structure should be captured. When a substance exists in a liquid state and can interconvert to a variety of structures, the least ambiguous single structure should be chosen.
- In the liquid state dextrose and many other monosaccharides, disaccharides and higher homologs that end in an aldehyde are often referred to as reducing sugars and exist as mixtures of interconverting substances as illustrated in the structures of glucose below.In this case the linear single representative structure is chosen to represent dextrose in the liquid or amorphous state. If pyranose or furanose forms were chosen, the representative structure would have one site of stereochemical ambiguity. One general rule is that if there are multiple interconverting structural representations for a substance the preferred representation is the one with the least ambiguity.
- Structural representations will also be used to represent fragments of molecules. Fragments will be used in describing partially modified polymers and are typically generated to describe partially acylated polymers, proteins or even nucleic acids. In order to consistently describe substances a fragment will be generated in a defined manner. Ester and amides will always be broken up so that the oxygen or nitrogen stays with the alcohol or amine. Ethers will be broken so that the oxygen stays with polymeric or larger structural unit.
- In fragments derived from ethers, the oxygen will be retained by the polymer or largest portion of a molecule.
- A structural representation is an essential element for defining chemical substances and is often sufficient for defining most chemical substances.
- This class is CONDITIONAL. When the Substance type, as defined in 5.2.1, is either chemical or polymer this class becomes MANDATORY and the following data elements should be described: Structural representation type, Structural representation,
- Structural information is an essential element for all chemical substances, polymers and for other types of substances that have structurally definable elements or modifications. The representation should contain structural information in one or more of the standardized formats as indicated below. A graphical image of the molecular structure should also be provided if available. A complete representation of the structure should be provided and is usually sufficient to define chemical substances. Structural representations can be in a variety of formats or even multiple formats. The commonly used formats include molfile, SMILES, InChI, and cdx. Indication of a preferred structural representation may be defined at regional level. Although most chemical substances may be represented by a single unambiguous structural representation, there are also many substances that can be represented by multiple structural representations or as a mixture of single substances. For the initial implementation and the transmittal of data for substance definitions, an approach that limits submissions to a single or limited number of unambiguous structural representations is recommended.
- Structural information is an essential element for all chemical substances polymers and for other types of substances that have structurally definable elements or modifications. The representation should contain structural information in one or more of the standardized formats as indicated below. A graphical image of the molecular structure should also be provided if available. A complete representation of the structure should be provided and is usually sufficient to define chemical substances. Structural representations can be in a variety of formats or even multiple formats. The commonly used formats include molfile SMILES InChI and cdx. Indication of a preferred structural representation may be defined at regional level. Although most chemical substances may be represented by a single unambiguous structural representation there are also many substances that can be represented by multiple structural representations or as a mixture of single substances. For the initial implementation and the transmittal of data for substance definitions an approach that limits submissions to a single or a limited number of unambiguous structural representations is recommended. There are several examples below that illustrate the process in choosing a defining structural representation to submit.For Amine Salts with the exception of ammonium and quarternium salts shall be represented as a free base.
- structural representation
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 38
- IDMP.structuralRepresentation.structuralRepresentation
- IDMP.structuralRepresentation.structuralRepresentationAttachment
- An attached file that may contain the structural representation should be provided for complex data formats, e.g. CDX, MOLFILE.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 43
- structural representation attachment
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 42
- structural representation type
- This field indicates the type of structure. A FULL structure is a structure in which the complete connectivity of the substance is known and the substance is monodisperse. A PARTIAL structure is a structure in which either complete connectivity or stereochemistry is not defined. A REPRESENTATIVE structure is used when the connectivity of the underlying material is diverse and a single structure is needed to represent that material.
- A structure can only be of one type. Field is mandatory when structural elements are present. When the Substance type is either chemical or polymer this element becomes MANDATORY.
- IDMP.structuralRepresentation.structuralRepresentationType
- Full; partial; representative; fragment; ionic moiety; structural repeat unit; the formats InChI, MOLFILE, SMILES, HELM
- Structural representation type is specified as a MIME Media Type code.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 43
- Each structural representation will have one and only one type. When the Substance type, as defined in is either chemical or polymer, this element becomes MANDATORY. The preferred representation type is MOLFILE v 2000.
- InChI, Molfile, SMILES, CDX, HELM
- structural representation value
- The structural representation should be provided as text string, the following formats are acceptable: InChI, SMILES, MOLFILE, CDX.
- IDMP.structurallyDiverse
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 100
- structurally diverse substance
- structurally diverse substances
- structurally diverse substance description
- A Structurally diverse substance is a type of polydisperse substance isolated from a single source that is a complex combination which cannot be described as a mixture of a limited number of single substances. This category would be used to describe the following class of substances: Herbals Homeopathic Substances Plasma-derived substances used in Blood products Vaccines
- There are a wide variety of substances described as structurally diverse substances. A Structurally diverse substance is a type of polydisperse substance isolated from a single source that is a complex combination which cannot be described as a mixture of a limited number of single substances. This category would be used to describe the following class of substances.
-— Herbals — The Herbal preparation OIL is discussed in B.7.2 of the Chemical Annex B. The Herbal preparations, Extract and exudates as well as the (Herbal) Substance (fresh) and Herbal Drug are discussed in the Herbal Annex E.
-— Homeopathic Substances are discussed in Annex F.
-— Plasma-derived substances used in Blood products are discussed in Annex G.
-— Vaccines — are discussed in Annex I.
-— Allergens — are discussed in Annex J.
-— Polyclonal Immunoglobulins — to be addressed in the next edition of this document.
-— Cells, tissues, complex animal derived products — to be addressed in the next edition of this document.
-— Minerals —are discussed in the annexes where relevant.
-For organism-based substances, the parent organism is essential defining information.
-The majority of these substances will be derived from a biological organism, but they could be complex natural materials such as coal tar or mineral oil.
- structure
- The structure shall contain a sufficient amount of graphical and textual information to define the underlying atoms and the connectivity between atoms as well as the composition ratio of moieties.
- IDMP.substance.structure
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 29
- IDMP.structure
- Structure defines the internal structure of substances. The stereochemistry of the substance should be indicated in the structure.
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 22
- substance
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 7
- NOTE 1: The term 'substance' as used below generally refers to a single substance or mixture substance. A specified substance is generally a further specification of a substance that captures information on manufacture, specifications, physical form or multi-substance materials that are components of a medicinal product formulation.
-NOTE 2: Because of the difficulties in determining the extent, strength and composition stoichiometry of non-covalent interactions, these types of interactions are not taken into account when defining a substance. The only exceptions would be ionic (salt) and solvate (hydrate) interactions of simple chemicals, peptides and well-defined polymers. Materials that contain moieties that interact with polymers, complex matrices or cyclodextrins will typically not be defined as substances, but can be described as components. Simple polymeric salts such as sodium polystyrene sulfonate would be defined as a single substance.
- IDMP.substance
- All medicinal products consist of substances; these substances can be active ingredients, excipients, or packaging materials. There are two fundamental levels of information described in ISO 11238, a “Substance level" and a “Specified Substance level”. Both levels are included in the more generic concept of an ingredient. At the Substance level, substances are defined based on inherent attributes rather than use or method of manufacture. At the Specified Substance level, four separate groups of elements provide additional information.
- In order to define or distinguish material either at a Substance or Specified Substance level, a number of attributes should be taken into consideration.
-— For chemicals, the molecular structure is captured at the substance level.
-— For proteins, the amino acid sequence, sites and type of glycosylation, and the presence and position of disulfide bonds are captured at the substance level.
-— For nucleic acids, the sequence, type of sugar and linkage are captured at the Substance level.
-— For other polymers, the monomers used to synthesize the polymer, the structural repeat units, the molecular weight and/or a property related to molecular weight (e.g. viscosity), the source of naturally derived polymers and any modifications that irreversibly alter the molecular structure are captured at the substance level.
-— For structurally diverse material, taxonomic, anatomical and fractionation information, properties related to the underlying molecular structure of the material, and modifications that alter the underlying molecular structure are captured at the substance level.
-— A Mixture consists of a simple combination of Single Substances that are either isolated together or are the result of the same synthetic process. This applies also to a homologous group of structurally diverse single substances used to prepare an allergen extract. The biological source of the mixture is also captured where relevant at the substance level. Proportions are not captured at the Substance level. It should be noted that a Mixture description should only include the substances that are generally or consistently present in the material. This excludes impurities and degradants.
-Other attributes will be specific to the Specified Substance levels:
-— Constituent substances in a multi-substance material;
-— Proportions of constituent substances in a multi-substance material;
-— Physical state;
-— Grade or purity of material;
-— Manufacturing information;
-— Analytical data, Specifications and Tests.
-There are four groups of elements that are used to further define and specify Substances. Specified Substances are always composed of at least one substance.
-Specified Substance Group 1 is typically used to define:
-— multi-substance materials consisting of multiple substances, which are not defined as mixture;
-— defining information regarding homeopathic-, plasma derived-, vaccines substances, herbal and allergenic extracts;
-— physical state, including polymorphic forms;
-— detailed glycosylation information.
-Specified Substance Group 2 is typically used to define:
-— Manufacturer, manufacturing process and critical process version number as well as in some cases extended manufacturing information are used to provide information regarding herbal and allergenic extracts when multiple extraction methods with different solvent compositions are used or a stepwise manufacturing process is in place describing an extraction method followed by a general modification process of the extract e.g. modified allergen extract, modified vaccines by multiple modification processes.
-Specified Substance Group 3 is typically used to define:
-— Grade or level of purity (Pharmacopoeial Specifications) and In-house specification used to cover a set of specifications of all approved manufacturers for the substance.
-Specified Substance Group 4 is typically used to define:
-— Detailed specification information including analytical information to be used in tests;
-— Detailed manufacturing information.
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017Substances: matter of defined composition that has discrete existence whose origin may be biological mineral or chemicalNote 1 to entry: A substance can be a moiety. A moiety is an entity within a substance that has a complete and continuous molecular structure. The strength of a pharmaceutical product 3.1.60 is often based on what is referred to as the active moiety of the molecule responsible for the physiological or pharmacological action of the drug substance. Chemically the active moiety of a stoichiometric or non-stoichoimetrical substance molecule is considered that part of the molecule that is the base free acid or ion molecular part of a salt solvate chelate clathrate molecular complex or ester.
- EXAMPLE 1 Simethicone would not be defined as a substance because it consists of two substances, dimethicone and silicon dioxide, which are of diverse origin and typically not isolated together. Simethicone is defined as a Specified Substance Group 1.
-EXAMPLE 2 Nicotine polacrilex is defined as two distinct substances: nicotine and polacrilex. Human insulin isophane would also be defined as two distinct substances: protamine and human insulin. Nicotine polacrilex and human insulin isophane, however, could be defined as single specified substances and are classified as Specified Substance Group 1. Liposomal doxorubicin would be defined as a Specified Substance Group 1 that contains doxorubicin and the components that make up the liposome.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 28
- Substance Classification terms based on a controlled vocabulary that is controlled by the system or type of substance classification.
-There are a number of systems that classify substances based on chemical structure, pharmacological effect, organ system affected, mechanism of action or molecular targets. These classification systems are useful and this information, if available, should be provided and maintained as applicable.
-The system should be capable of capturing a variety of classification systems and each system should be identified. All active ingredients are typically classified in multiple systems. Ad hoc classification may be created as necessary.
-The standard should have the ability to capture a variety of classification systems. Classification systems are typically based on molecular structure, chemical properties, pharmacological effects, mechanism of action, therapeutic targets or indication.
-The standard should have the ability to capture multiple classifications and variable levels of classification. Although most classifications will be associated with an external classification system, ad hoc classification of substances may be developed within this terminology as needed.
- substance classification
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 27
- ATC, NDF-RT (National Drug File – Reference Terminology), NCI, AHPA, MESH; Therapeutic Category of Drugs in Japan
- Code from the classifying code system. The code should be tied to the substance.
- Classification code which maps to the active moiety of a given substance.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 29
- substance classification code
- The classification code shall be part of an internationally recognized classification system.
- N0000175684 NDF-RT code for Oxycodone that maps to the mechanism of action classification. N02AA05 ATC code that maps to Oxycodone.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 29
- substance classification subtype
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 29
- NDF-RT Mechanism of Action (MOA) or Physiological Effect.
- Many classification systems will have multiple subtypes of classification. This field will attempt to capture this information.
- substance classification subtype value
- lower level in ATC
- substance classification type
- The appropriate type or level within a classification system.
- Nearly all classification systems contain multiple levels. Type is the highest level or the initial level of the classification system
- The value is IMPLICIT and can be derived by the “Substance Classification — Subtype “if available.
-Jurisdictional requirements should further define the appropriate level within a code system that should be used.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 29
- IDMP.substance.substanceCode
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 24
- This subclause of reference information allows the capture of codes that are typically associated with a substance. The capture of these codes typically facilitates the defining and mapping of substances and linking of substances to a variety of information sources. Codes should be communicated if known but are not necessary or mandatory. The terminology should have the ability to capture, store and distribute codes as necessary. All the codes that are captured should be associated with a publicly recognized code system and map directly to a given substance. It should be noted that company codes are not captured in this subclause but are considered a type of name for a given substance. Commonly used public codes such as CAS Registry numbers with a given substance should be provided and associated to the substance.
- substance code
- Substance Code is used to define various substance types. The allowed types are: Chemical, Protein, Nucleic Acid, Polymer, Structurally Diverse, Mixture, Specified Substance Group 1, Specified Substance Group 2, Specified Substance Group 3, Specified Substance Group 4
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 26
- 20110601
- Any comment can be provided in this field, if necessary.
- substance code comment
- Only codes from recognized code systems will be captured. The code should specifically link to a substance but need not uniquely link to substance. This code can also be a deprecated Substance ID generated based on ISO 11238.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 24
- InChI is not considered a code and is specified within the structure description.
- The specific code (the value) with regard to a referenced code system.
- The actual code shall be captured using the same format that is used in the code system. Only codes associated with a code system shall be captured. The code shall be specifically associated with a given substance. Many public and non-public databases identify substances with a code and these codes can be very helpful in mapping substances to various systems. Codes shall always be verified against the source system. Different jurisdictions may require a code from a code system or multiple code systems to be associated and submitted with a substance.
- substance code value
- 11-22-356; ab02sh
- Because of the difficulties in determining the extent, strength and composition stoichiometry of non-covalent interactions, these types of interactions are not taken into account when defining a substance. The only exceptions would be ionic (salt) and solvate (hydrate) interactions of simple chemicals, peptides and well-defined polymers. Materials that contain moieties that interact with polymers, complex matrices or cyclodextrins will typically not be defined as substances, but can be described as components. Simple polymeric salts such as sodium polystyrene sulfonate would be defined as a single substance.
- substance
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 22
- substance description
- Simethicone would not be defined as a substance because it consists of two substances, dimethicone and silicon dioxide, which are of diverse origin and typically not isolated together. Simethicone is defined as a Specified Substance Group 1.
- Substance shall be single substances, mixture substances or specified substances.
-1) a substance shall generally be defined based on what the material is rather than on how it is made or used;
-2) a substance shall be defined based on immutable properties independent of physical form, grade or level of purity;
-3) substances can be single molecular entities or mixtures of single molecular entities either synthesized or isolated together;
-4) to avoid ambiguity and facilitate implementation, a mixture shall be defined as a combination of single substances either synthesized or isolated together;
-5) substances shall not be diverse materials brought together to form a medicinal product or multi-substance material.
-Complex materials from biological matrices and mixtures that cannot be defined or represented by a limited number of chemical structures are defined based on source taxonomy, part and fraction. Materials containing interactions of an indefinite nature and indefinite composition stoichiometry shall not be defined as substances.
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017Substances: matter of defined composition that has discrete existence whose origin may be biological mineral or chemicalNote 1 to entry: A substance can be a moiety. A moiety is an entity within a substance that has a complete and continuous molecular structure. The strength of a pharmaceutical product 3.1.60 is often based on what is referred to as the active moiety of the molecule responsible for the physiological or pharmacological action of the drug substance. Chemically the active moiety of a stoichiometric or non-stoichoimetrical substance molecule is considered that part of the molecule that is the base free acid or ion molecular part of a salt solvate chelate clathrate molecular complex or ester.
- IDMP.substance
- Nicotine polacrilex is defined as two distinct substances: nicotine and polacrilex. Human insulin isophane would also be defined as two distinct substances: protamine and human insulin. Nicotine polacrilex and human insulin isophane, however, could be defined as single specified substances and are classified as Specified Substance Group 1. Liposomal doxorubicin would be defined as a Specified Substance Group 1 that contains doxorubicin and the components that make up the liposome.
- The term 'substance' as used here generally refers to a single substance or mixture substance. A specified substance is generally a further specification of a substance that captures information on manufacture, specifications, physical form or multi-substance materials that are components of a medicinal product formulation.
- IDMP.substance.substanceID
- ID to be used in all electronic submissions to identify a substance. Generated when sufficient information is available to unambiguously define a substance. ID will be permanently associated with a given substance and each substance at the substance level shall have one and only one ID.
- Every substance shall be identified by an ID. An ID will be generated following the initial submission of substance data. The ID should be unique to each substance, non-semantic, non-chronological, and of fixed length with an integrity check. Once an ID is assigned to a given physical or conceptual material the ID will not change. Changes or additions to defining information result in a new version of the substance definition but would not result in a new Substance ID. Although an effort should always be made to obtain complete information prior to assignment there will be instances when additional definitional information on a given substance is transmitted after assignment. When incorrect or incomplete information may be transmitted and used to define a substance, the information will be changed or added but the ID will not change. In rare cases when the same substance is found to have two IDs one of the IDs will remain a primary ID and the use of the other ID will be deprecated and captured in the Substance Code class. For some materials, there may be multiple IDs that a material could map to. The maintenance organization shall always issue the ID on the material that is the most descriptive of the material.
- Both Substances and Specified Substances shall be identified with an ID. IDs will be released to the public if the substance is in a licensed medicinal product. The IDs for substances in the investigational stage will only be released if an official name exists or a company code is associated with defining information and is found together in at least one single reference that is from a reputable source in the public domain (i.e. scientific journal, presentations or posters at scientific conferences, company publication, patent or published patent application, public databases such as STN from CAS). Substance IDs shall always be issued to the requester if sufficient information is provided to unambiguously define the substance.
- substance identifier
- All substances shall be identified by a single ID. The conformance is Mandatory in all cases. The only exception is at the very first submission when the ID is requested.
- If a unique `Substance ID` has been assigned, this `Substance ID` is specified based on the Substance Name controlled vocabulary. In the absence of a unique `Substance ID` , e. g. for the initial submission of the substance, this data element is not mandatory.
- The ID will only be released to the public if the defining information is in the public domain or if a company that provides the defining information requests public release or releases the code in public marketing materials. An ID will always be issued to an organization that requests an ID and supplies the information necessary to define a substance. A flag to control the release of the ID to the general public is part of the Reference Source information . Defining information found in patents will usually not be sufficient to release the ID to the public.
- Every substance shall be identified by an ID. An ID will be generated following the initial submission of substance data. The ID should be unique to each substance non-semantic non-chronological and of fixed length with an integrity check. Once an ID is assigned to a given physical or conceptual material the ID will not change. Changes or additions to defining information result in a new version of the substance definition but would not result in a new Substance ID. Although an effort should always be made to obtain complete information prior to assignment there will be instances when additional definitional information on a given substance is transmitted after assignment. When incorrect or incomplete information may be transmitted and used to define a substance the information will be changed or added but the ID will not change. In rare cases when the same substance is found to have two IDs one of the IDs will remain a primary ID and the use of the other ID will be deprecated and captured in the Substance Code class. For some materials there may be multiple IDs that a material could map to. The maintenance organization shall always issue the ID on the material that is the most descriptive of the material.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 14
- Value could be a code associated with a preferred term, or a specific type of data. If a code is transmitted the preferred term associated with that code should also be transmitted.
- Glucose, when a solid crystalline material, can exist with an alpha or beta pyranose structure in an anhydrous state, or as a monohydrate with an alpha pyranose structure. If a solid crystalline form of glucose exists in a medicinal product the ID specific to the structure should be used. Glucose in a liquid or an amorphous solid state would use the Substance ID that does not specify the specific form.
- UNII Code, EV-Code, Global Substance ID (DEVTYS543H)
- substance id
- Free text, multiple names allowed, each in its own <asNamedEntity> element.
- IDMP.substance.substanceName
- Mandatory all substances shall have at least one name or company code (also considered to be a Substance Name) associated with the substance.
- Polyethylene glycol is a name for a family of polymers, so it would not be an acceptable name for an individual substance. Polyethylene Glycol 1000 is an official name in the US for a polyethylene glycol polymer with an average molecular weight of 1000. In the European Union, the INN Macrogol 1000 would be an official name for the same substance. In the personal care products domain PEG-20 is the official name for the same substance and 20 refers to the average degree of polymerization.
-Amoxicillin; Harpagophytum procumbens (Burch.) DC. ex Meisn., Root
- The name or company code associated with the Substance shall be specified. For substances originated from Plants the Substance is always a single species, or intraspecies, or is occasionally a single genus. It will have a Name which is composed of:
-[Scientific genus/binomial/trinomial with Author] [Part(s)]
-The scientific element of the name is usually a binomial, but may be a trinomial or a genus, as appropriate, together with the author of the name. The Name is not an official name in any pharmacopoeia or other legislation, and the inclusion of the author is to ensure that it is not confused with the official names for specified substances that are derived from a single species substance. It can be written in any language and its jurisdiction can be restricted using Official Name Status.
-When requesting an ID, a submitter should submit all names and company codes which have been associated with the substance. A submitter may also want to add a name to a substance that is already in the database. Defining information for a given substance should also be transmitted when requesting that a name is added to the database to ensure the correct substance identity. A submitter may also submit names in multiple languages. Although there is no requirement that names are unique, other or common names should also explicitly distinguish related substances from one another. Distinguishing characteristics for many polymers, such as molecular weight, degree of polymerization, and viscosity, should be indicated in the names of these substances. Standardization on such names to facilitate searching and identification of substances may be adopted within regions.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 16
- substance name
- Although ISO 11238 does not provide any guidance on substance nomenclature, it does provide a structure for the capture of names and codes that are used to refer to a substance. For the purpose of ISO 11238 there are at the moment sixteen types of names, e.g. Official names, systematic names, other names, brand names, company codes, homeopathic names, specified homeopathic names, plasma-derived names, Specified Substance Group 1, 2 and 3 names.At least one name or company code should be associated with each substance. Names for a given substance and/or standardized names submitted by another party may be available in the substance terminology. Indication that a name is the preferred name or term by which a substance will be referred to in a given jurisdiction and domain may be presented in the terminology. This preferred term may vary depending on jurisdiction or domain or the state of development of a given substance.
- Specifies when and for what purpose the name is to be used. All substance names can have at least one domain. This is useful to differentiate different names for the same substance as used for a drug active ingredient as opposed to a food colour additive.
- Substance names will also be associated with a domain. The domain and the actual name of a domain will vary according to jurisdiction.
- The terms DRUG and BIOLOGIC could be used in Japan and the US as official name domain. In the EU the term MEDICINE may cover the name of many substances that would be either DRUG or BIOLOGIC in the US and Japan.
- Biologic, cosmetic, drug, food, medicine, dietary supplement, homeopathic, mineral, zoological, allergen, botanical, vegetable oil, bacterial
- Used if different names exist that are not appropriate to be used across all domains.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 18
- substance name domain
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 19
- US, EU, JP
- The jurisdiction of the official name should be provided.
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. For the European Union EU shall be used.
- All the jurisdictions in which the Official Name is to be used should be indicated.
- substance name jurisdiction
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 18
- substance name language
- While xml:lang allows country-specification of language, e.g. en_US vs. en_UK or pt_PT vs. pt_BR, such specificity is to be avoided except if the country variant of the language exceptionally does give rise to an alternative spelling. In that case, only the exceptional spelling needs to be tagged with the country-specific language code, not the regular spelling for that language in all other countries. If the same name spelling exists for multiple languages of interest, each language shall be specified.
- The language used to provide the structured substance information shall be specified according to the XML standard’s xml:lang attribute specification, which is based on ISO 639-1, alpha-2 codes
- ISO 639-1, alpha-2 codes
- en – English, de – German, fr –French
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 16
- Official Name, Systematic Name, Scientific Name, Company Code, Other Name, Brand Name, Herbal Name, Homeopathic Name, Specified Homeopathic Name, Plasma-Derived Name, Preferred Name, Specified Substance Group 1 Name, Specified Substance Group 2 Name, Specified Substance Group 3 Name, Display Name, Common Name
- substance name type
- Each name shall be associated with one type.
- Every substance name shall have one name type. When a Substance has the Substance Name Type e.g. Other Name, but also an official name exists, which will be used then the Substance Name element group should be repeated with the Name referring to the Official Name and the Substance Name Type should be ‘Official’, see Table B.1. Official names are typically nonproprietary names used in a given jurisdiction and domain to refer to a specific substance. The domain, jurisdiction, and authority that assigned the name (USAN, INN, JAN etc.) and the language of the name are also captured.
- Systematic names will typically be used for simple chemicals and structurally diverse materials where the definitions are based on a chemical structure or systematic taxonomic information. For chemicals, these names are typically derived from IUPAC or CAS systems of nomenclature. From the systematic names of chemicals, a molecular structure can typically be derived and the name can be checked by a number of chemical drawing programmes that convert a given name to a molecular structure. Brand names are names by which a company identifies a given substance typically for marketing purposes. Other names associated with a given substance are for instance common names. Company codes (also known as lab/laboratory codes or clinical trial codes) are also treated as names. They are assigned by a given company to substances in clinical or preclinical development.
- Official Name; Systematic Name; Scientific Name; Company Code; Other Name; Brand Name; Herbal Name; Homeopathic Name; Specified Homeopathic Name; Plasma-Derived Name; Preferred Name; Specified Substance Group 1 Name; Specified Substance Group 2 Name; Specified Substance Group 3 Name; Display Name, Common Name; Specified Substance Group 1, Display Name; Specified Substance Group 2, Display Name; Specified Substance Group 3, Display Name; Specified Substance Group 4, Display Name
- A Substance Name shall always correspond to at least one and only one Substance Name Type.
-The Preferred Name is the name that describes at least all moieties of a substance and shall be used in all EU languages, e.g. Benzathine Benzylpenicillin tetrahydrate (Dutch: Benzathinebenzylpenicillinetetrahydraat).
-For the Substance (fresh) (e.g. Harpagophytum procumbens (Burch.) DC. ex Meisn., Root) the Substance Name Type shall be "Other".
-Specified Substance Group 1, 2 and 3 name types are used to guide the user with regards to which level the substance name belongs to e.g. water for injection – Ph.Eur. is a name having the substance name type: Specified Substance Group 3.
- substance name value
- Relationships between substances such as the relationship between a salt form and its active moiety or parent substance should be captured. These relationships are often essential to the description of medicinal products, the basis of strength and the classification of substances. These relationships are often obvious and rules will be developed for specifying substances involved in each type of relationship. For example, the active moiety of all sodium salts would be the free acid, conversely the active moiety of a hydrochloride salt would be a free base.
- the active moiety of the salt amlodipine besilate hydrate (1:1:1) is the related substance amlodipine. The salt amlodipine besilate hydrate contains 69.8 % w/w of amlodipine. Therefore, the equivalence factor is 0,698, meaning 10 mg amlodipine besilate hydrate salt corresponds to 6,98 (approx to 7 mg) amlodipine active moiety. The Equivalence Factor is captured by the element group Amount in combination with the element group Substance Relationship as Amount Text.
- substance relationship
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 30
- The Equivalence Factor shall be ≤1,00. It is formed by dividing the molecular weight of the (parent) substance (active moiety)/molecular weight of the corresponding salt or salt hydrate or hydrate .
- The Type of interaction between the substances.
- substance relationship type
- Ionic, Van der Waals interaction, adjuvant absorption agent, sized polymer, hydrolysis, covalent attachment
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 31
- Relationship between substances.
- The relationship is not a mere code but the actual connection between the two substances which may be different for different kinds of relationships.
-There are a variety of different relationships that are possible but for the identification of medicinal products the most important relationships are between a substance, its active moieties, the basis of strength and constituents in herbal and other complex substances. Parent and salt-solvate relationships and relationship of drug substance to its metabolites and impurities are also important although not essential for the description of a medicinal product. If there are known relationships between substances the relationships should be provided and maintained. The parent-active moiety relationship may be essential in describing medicinal products.
- Parent, active moiety, salt, parent molecule to salt/solvate, parent molecule to co-crystal, salt to parent, hydrate to parent, parent substance to salt-hydrate, radiolabelled, prodrug, metabolite, impurity, enantiomer, starting material, processing material, resultant material, polymer to polymer, protein to polymer, polymer to protein, protein to protein, parent polymer to polymer
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 31
- substance relationship value
- Target and gene elements are not to be specified in this subclause.
- The role of the substance in the Specified Substance shall be described based on a controlled vocabulary. An impurity component is not described in the Specified Substance Group 1. The parent substance ID of a Specified Substance Group 1 shall always be specified.
- Markers and Extraction solvents for herbal Specified Substance are conditional, when available information on markers and extraction solvents shall be provided. In addition to marker substances additional constituents of each herbal extract should be captured and linked to the extract if significant biological activity has been attributed to them.
- substance roles
- substance role
- IDMP.constituent.substanceRole
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page
- active marker, marker, analytical marker, component, degradant, impurity, metabolite, active moiety, parent substance, vehicle, major allergen, catalytic centre of a protein
- For each substance type, a qualification is possible, e.g. Structuraly Diverse (Plasma-derived), Structurally Diverse (Herbal Substance), Structurally Diverse (Herbal Drug), Structurally Diverse (Allergen Substance), Polymer (Biopolymer), Protein (Recombinant), Protein (Naturally-derived), Protein (Allergen, Naturally-derived), Chemical (Mineral, naturally occurring substance), Mixture (Homologous Group of Allergen Source Material), etc. In these cases, the qualifier shall also be captured at the Substance Name Type attribute described in and shall always coupled with the substance name.
-Substance Type: Structurally Diverse
-Substance Name Type: Plasma-derived
-Substance Name: Human Albumin, Plasma-derived (see also )
-In all these cases, a new ID shall be issued, that is, `Human Albumin, Plasma-derived` shall have a distinct identifier from `Human Albumin, Recombinant`.
- substance type
- Chemical, Protein, Nucleic Acid, Polymer, Structurally Diverse, Mixture, Specified Substance Group 1, Specified Substance Group 2, Specified Substance Group 3, Specified Substance Group 4
- substance class
- Substances shall be defined using one or more of the five types of single substances or a mixture. The single substances are chemical protein. Polymer nucleic acids and structurally diverse
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 14
- Chemical, Protein, Nucleic acid, Polymer, Structurally Diverse, Mixture
- Information about the substance type as described in and in accordance with ISO 11238 definitions.
- IDMP.substance.substanceType
- The type ofisotopic substitution present in a single substance:
- — specific if the site of attachment/substitution indicated in structure
- — non-specific if the nuclide is distributed throughout molecule or substance
- - unknown if site unknown.
- Substitution refersto the relationship between the nuclide and the rest of the substance.
- Applicable for single substances that contain a radionuclide or a non-natural isotopic ratio, e.g. 13C enriched material. All radionuclide and non-natural isotopes will also be represented in the structural representation.
- The type of isotopic substitution present in a single substance: specific if the site of attachment/substitution indicated in structure; non-specific if the nuclide is distributed throughout molecule or substance; unknown if site unknown.Substitution refers to the relationship between the nuclide and the rest of the substance.
- specific; non-specific; unknown
- substitution type
- Mandatory when substance contains non-natural or radioisotope.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 44
- IDMP.isotope.substitutionType
- 1, 2, 3 (..)
- Index of linear sequences of nucleic acids in order of decreasing length. Sequences of the same length will be ordered by molecular weight. Subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated and have sequential subscripts.
- Index of primary sequences of amino acids linked through peptide bonds in order of decreasing length. Sequences of the same length will be ordered by molecular weight. Subunits that have identical sequences will be repeated and have sequential subscripts.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 87
- number of subunits
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 79
- subunit
- subunits
- sugars
- sugar
- Sugar or sugar-like element is one of the three elements that define a nucleic acid.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 89
- sugar(optional)
- IDMP.sugar
- sugar id
- sugar identifier
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 89
- UNII code for ribose:
- IDMP.sugar.sugarID
- The Substance ID for the type of sugar to which the base is connected. For naturally occurring nucleic acids the sugar is typically either .beta.-D-ribose or .beta.-D-deoxyribose. The actual configuration of the sugar shall be captured. The Substance ID of the sugar or sugar-like component that makes up the nucleotide shall be provided.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 90
- The name of the sugar or sugar-like component that makes up the nucleotide shall be captured.
- IDMP.sugar.sugarName
- Ribose, deoxyribose, 2,5-dihydroxy-morphilino
- sugar name
- This is implicit and derived from the Sugar ID. The preferred name is the default value.
- The type of sugar to which the base is connected; for naturally occurring nucleic acids the sugar is typically either .beta.-d-ribose or .beta.-d-deoxyribose. The name of the sugar or sugar-like component that makes up the nucleotide shall be captured.
- ISO 11238 substance name
- target
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 32
- The target subclause allows the capture of information related to the targets that a substance is known to interact with and the interaction results in a biological effect or transformation. These targets can be therapeutic, metabolic, interactions postulated to result in toxicity or interactions of unknown effect. Targets are typically proteins, or complexes of proteins. The target may be a substance in its own right and ID shall be assigned and/or existing ID of a known system used (i.e. GenBank, UniProt) to refer to a target.
-For monoclonal antibodies, the target shall always be provided. For other types substances, the target may be provided if known. Ideally the target is a substance with its own Substance ID. However, in specific circumstances, the target may be handled as a relationship between two substances.
- targets
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 32
- target identifier
- The ISO 11238 Substance ID shall be referenced.
- ID of the target relation molecular entity upon which the substance acts.
-One Target ID should be specified. The target should be a molecular entity or a family of molecular entities. The target is usually a protein entity that the drug actually interacts with. Both therapeutic and metabolic targets and targets associated with toxicity should be captured.
-Typically, the Target ID is either a Substance or Specified Substance ID.
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- target id
- SO11238substance name implicitly derived from Target ID. A variety of names canbe captured. A single name will be a preferred name and associated with the Target ID.At least one name of the target should be provided when target information is submitted.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 32
- ISO 11238 substance name
- Name of the target molecular entity upon which the substance acts.
-Each target should be associated with a target name.
-At least one name of the target shall be provided when target information is submitted. Target names will not be handled any differently than other substance names. If an active ingredient targets more than one target each target should be listed. In addition to names a list of codes associated with the target may also be used. GenBank and UniProt codes can be particularly useful for identifying and tracking targets.
- target name
- target organism
- At least one organism type should be associated.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 33
- Homo Sapiens, M. TB, HIV-1
- The organism for which the active substance is targeted.
- When drugs are targeted against a specific organism the organism should be captured. For antivirals and antibacterials there is typically no need to give the strain level unless the organism is resistant to more commonly used drugs.
- human, viral, bacterial, fungal, insect, helminth, malarial
- At least one organism typeshould be associated.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 33
- Every target organism should have a type associated with the organism.
- Every organism should have a type that is maintained within this terminology. The organism type may also be used independent of the organism particularly for substances such as antibacterial which may be targeted against a wide range of organisms.
- target organism type
- Each target should be associated with a target type when the target can be classified.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 33
- therapeutic, metabolic, toxic, transporter.
- The therapeutic target would be HIV-1 protease when ritonavir is used in HIV-related therapy. The metabolic target is Cyp 3A4 and ritonavir is an inhibitor of this target. Ritonavir is also an inhibitor of P-glycoprotein, a drug transporter. In many combination products ritonavir is used strictly to inhibit Cyp 3A4/5 and transporter enzymes.
- Type is a limited form of classification associated with a target of an active substance. Some targets can be both toxic and therapeutic; the choice is dependent on the dose (Km value) of a given substance.
- Each target-substance interaction should be assigned a type. The type is dependent on the substance and also to some extent the use of the substance. A given target-substance interaction can be of more than one type.
- target type
- NOTE If not specified in the available reference source this value is derived from the nucleic acid sequence.
- Thymine (T)
- The nucleotide present at the 3 terminal should be specified based on a controlled vocabulary. Since the sequence is represented from the 5 to the 3 end the 5 prime nucleotide is the letter at the last position in the sequence. A separate representation would be redundant.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 89
- 3' prime
- ISO 11238 Substance Name
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.threePrime
- three prime
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 89
- IDMP.nucleicAcidSubUnit.threePrimeID
- The unique identifier of the three prime should be captured.
- ISO 11238 Substance ID
- three prime id
- JKUHT76541 (Artificial ID)
- three prime identifier
- refer Analytical Method
- version
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- The version is tied to the Production System Type and will change if a critical process changes
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 53
- NITROUS-001, POTO-001, BBTH-001, FLORF18, CALSYN-001, CALREC-001, ManBCG002
- refer Specification Version
- The version of a production process has an alpha numerical value. The version is tied to the Production System Type (as described in ) and the critical production process.
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 124
- IDMP.manufacturingOperation.versionDate
- refer Specification Version
- The version date shall be provided.
- 20110601
- version date
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 53
- ISO 11238:2018(E) page 51
- ISO/TS 19844:2018(E) page 124
- version dates
- refer Analytical Method
diff --git a/PREWORK/iso-11239.rdf b/PREWORK/iso-11239.rdf
deleted file mode 100644
index f81f73c0..00000000
--- a/PREWORK/iso-11239.rdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,901 +0,0 @@
- 2020-11-05
- 2022-04-02
- ISO IDMP 11239 Dose Forms.
- This ontology contains entities of the domain of IDMP Dose Forms based on ISO standard ISO_11239_2012(en) Dose Forms
- ISO IDMP 11239 Dose Forms.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 12
- administration method class
- The administration method class shall be used to describe the pharmaceutical dose form according to the general intended method by which it is to be administered to the body. It describes a set of high-level general terms expressly for describing the intended administration method for a pharmaceutical dose form, rather than a specialized vocabulary detailing precise methods of administration. Where there is no administration method associated, the class has an appropriate null value. An administration method is associated with zero to many pharmaceutical dose forms.
- Application, inhalation, injection, none. See also Annex A (Table A.5) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 11
- The basic dose form class shall be used as the high-level grouping category that classes the pharmaceutical dose form according to its general type of pharmaceutical dose form. A basic dose form has zero to many pharmaceutical dose forms.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 2
- basic dose form
- Tablet, capsule, powder, solution. See also Annex A (Table A.1) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- code
- the unique (machine-processable) identifier for the codedConcept
- the unique (machine-processable) identifier for the concept that is the subject of the versioning
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- a unique (machine-processable) identifier for the codeTermPair (data type: ST)
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- code term pair
- The codeTermPair shall be used as the underlying class that carries the base code, the associated text string and other elements of definition, and will be used as a data type in the creation of the codedConcept. Data type that groups together the attributes required to describe a single concept in a specified language and for a specified geographical location.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 2
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 2
- The codedConcept associates a concept for a selected language and geographical region (e.g. in English for the UK) with zero to many translations of that same concept for different languages and/or geographical regions (e.g. in French for France, in German for Germany). The codeTermPair code for the concept for the user-selected language and region is used for the “value” element, and zero to many codeTermPair codes for that same concept for different languages and/or regions are used for the “translation” element; together these define the codedConcept data type. Data type that groups together a set of code term pairs that represent a single concept but differ in language and/or geographical region.
- The coded concept is used to manage translations, and it is the basic data type that is found in all of the high-level conceptual models.
- coded concept
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- comment
- An optional textual comment.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- the status of the concept, i.e. whether it is current, deprecated, etc.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- concept status
- created by
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- information to identify the person who created the concept
- creation date
- a time stamp indicating the date and time that the concept was created
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- A textual definition for the concept.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- definition
- domain
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- an optional indicator for use where veterinary-only terms are also provided in the same database, indicates that the concept is for either “human and veterinary” or “veterinary only” use (default value is “human and veterinary”)
- intended site class
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 12
- The intended site class shall be used to describe the general body site at which the pharmaceutical dose form is intended to be administered. It is a set of high-level general terms expressly for describing the intended site, rather than a specialized vocabulary detailing precise sites of administration. It is not the same concept as route of administration. Where there is no intended site associated, the class has an appropriate null value. An intended site is associated with zero to many pharmaceutical dose forms.
- Auricular, ocular, oral, none. See also Annex A (Table A.4) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- The language used to describe term, definition, domain and comment, in accordance with ISO 639.
- language code
- information to identify the person who modified the concept
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- modification by
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- modification date
- a time stamp indicating the date and time that the modification was made for the specified version
- modification made
- a description in free text of the modification made for the specified version
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- packaging
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 15
- The packaging concept is a group of three concepts that describe particular elements of the medicinal product: container, closure and administration device.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 15
- The packaging category class shall be used as the high-level grouping category that classes the packaging concept according to the general category of packaging into which it falls, namely: container, closure and administration device. A packaging category has zero to many types of packaging. The packaging category class shall be described using a codedConcept.
- packaging category class
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- EXAMPLE 1 For the container: ampoule, blister, bottle, tube, box, carton. See also Annex A (Table A.10) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples. EXAMPLE 2 For the closure: cap, screw-cap, stopper. See also Annex A (Table A.10) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples. EXAMPLE 3 For the administration device: needle, oral syringe. See also Annex A (Table A.10) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- The packaging class shall be used to specify the attributes that are needed to define properly the container, closure, or administration device concept. A packaging has one packaging category.
- packaging class
- pharmaceutical dose form
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 4
- “Pharmaceutical dose form” can refer to the administrable dose form or the manufactured dose form, depending on the product that it is describing.
- The pharmaceutical dose form is built from a set of basic dose forms, which are in turn grouped according to state of matter. Each pharmaceutical dose form is associated with attributes that describe any release characteristics, any transformation that is required to be carried out before administration, the intended site of administration, and the intended method of administration. The pharmaceutical dose form concept and its attributes are described using the codedConcept datatype, thereby incorporating the translated concepts. Physical manifestation of a product that contains the active ingredient(s) and/or inactive ingredient(s) that are intended to be delivered to the patient.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 11
- The country/region that uses this codeTermPair in this language, in accordance with ISO 3166.
- region code
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 12
- release characteristics
- The release characteristics class shall be used to describe the release characteristics of the pharmaceutical dose form. Where there are no release characteristics to be specified, the class has an appropriate null value. A release characteristic is associated with zero to many pharmaceutical dose forms.
- Delayed, extended, pulsatile, none. See also Annex A (Table A.2) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 15
- route of administration
- The route of administration is a concept that is used to describe the path by which the pharmaceutical product is taken into or makes contact with the body.
- state of matter
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 11
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 5
- The state of matter class shall be used as the high-level grouping category that classes the pharmaceutical dose form, via the basic dose form, according to its state of matter attribute. A state of matter class has zero to many basic dose forms.
- Solid, semi-solid, liquid, gas. See also Annex A (Table A.1) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- State of matter is used to group basic dose forms according to their physical properties.
- term
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- The textual term description for the concept.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 12
- transformation class
- The transformation class shall be used to describe the physical operation that is required in order to convert a manufactured dose form into an administrable dose form, where this is necessary. Where there is no transformation, the class has an appropriate null value. A transformation is associated with zero to many pharmaceutical dose forms.
- Dilution, dissolution, none. See also Annex A (Table A.3) for controlled vocabulary examples, and Annex B for medicinal product examples.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- translation
- zero to many codeTermPair codes for the same concept with different language and/or region codes (e.g. French and France, German and Germany)
- unit of presentation
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 14
- The unit of presentation is a concept that is used in describing the qualitative unit in which the strength or quantity of the manufactured item or pharmaceutical product are presented and described, in cases where a quantitative unit of measurement is not applicable. It is used where the strength may be described in terms of “each” in a general manner; in such a case, “each” would be replaced by “per tablet”, “per puff”, “per patch”, etc. It is also used where the strength or total quantity of a manufactured item or pharmaceutical product is described in terms of the packaging, such as “100 ml per bottle”.
- value
- the codeTermPair code for the concept that has the user-selected language code (e.g. English) and user-selected region code (e.g. UK)
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 8
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- A number that indicates the version of the concept.
- version number
- versioning
- Versioning provides a traceable history for each concept from the point of creation of the concept, including details of all modifications thereafter.
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- ISO/TS 11239:2012(E) page 9
- when a concept is deprecated, the code of the concept that replaces it. There may be more than one replacement concept for a single deprecated concept
- current concept
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- Open Source - exact license to be clarified
- 2020-11-05
- 2022-04-11
- IMDP Ontology - Product module.
- 0.1
- IDMP.IMPIDAttributeSet
- A set of attributes which when they have a value define a specific MPID concept. Some of the attributes are defining attributes and, if present a change will result in a change in MPID. Other attributes are optional and changes to the values of these will NOT result in a new MPID.
- Impid attribute set
- Investigational Medicinal Product Identifier
- Impid
- IDMP.IMPIDAttributeSet.productClassification
- If the investigational medicinal product designated in the indication(s) as an orphan drug this shall be set to the value or values of the orphan drug designation reference number(s) within the Product Classification.
- Product classification
- IDMP.IMPIDAttributeSet.protocolNumber
- The number assigned to the clinical trial protocol shall be specified.
- Protocol number
- IDMP.IPCIDAttributeSet
- Unique identifier allocated to an investigational medicinal product at package level supplementary to any existing identifier as ascribed by a medicines regulatory authority in a jurisdiction or a sponsor of a clinical trial. This is for indexing purposes and to contribute to improving patient safety by allowing for the unique identification of medicinal products worldwide.
- Ipcid attribute set
- Unique identifier allocated to an investigational medicinal product at package level supplementary to any existing identifier as ascribed by a medicines regulatory authority in a jurisdiction or a sponsor of a clinical trialNOTE This is for indexing purposes and to contribute to improving patient safety by allowing for the unique identification of medicinal products worldwide.
- Ipcid
- ISO IDMP 11615:2017
- IDMP.Ingredient
- IngredientThis subclause specifies information on all the active ingredients, adjuvants and excipients present in the Investigational Medicinal Products.
- Ingredient
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.code
- If the sponsor has assigned a code to the IMP for the purpose of the trial the code value shall be specified.
- Investigational medicinal product code
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.containerPart
- The container, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified.EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘LXA – 10 mg/ ml - Solution for injection – Subcutaneous use - Vial (glass) - 4 ml - 1 Vial’, the container part is ‘vial (glass)’.
- Container part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.devicePart
- The device, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified.EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘LXA ‘Drug XYZ® Accuhaler 200 mg for adults’, the device part is ‘Accuhaler’.
- Device part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.intendedUsePart
- The intended use, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Drug-BI Caplets - Heartburn Relief’, the intended use part is ‘Heartburn Relief’.
- Intended use part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.inventedNamePart
- The invented name (i.e. trade name) of the medicinal product without e.g. the trademark or any other descriptors reflected in the product name shall be specified. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Drug XYZ® Accuhaler 200 mg for adults’ the invented (trade) name element is ‘Drug XYZ’.
- Invented name part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.language
- The ‘Name’ and its elements and ‘Language’ are actually all part of the EN data type as provided by ISO 21090. They are defined in full here for clarity. Implementations shall use the EN data type.
- Language
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.name
- The ‘Name’ and its elements and ‘Language’ are actually all part of the EN data type as provided by ISO 21090. They are defined in full here for clarity. Implementations shall use the EN data type.
- Name of investigational medicinal product
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.pharmaceuticalDoseFormPart
- The pharmaceutical dose form, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified. This pharmaceutical dose form name part may differ from the concept of ‘Administrable Dose Form’ and ‘Manufactured Dose Form’ as described in section X. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Novo-DrugX EASY-TO-SWALLOW CAPLETS’, the pharmaceutical dose form name element is ‘EASY-TO-SWALLOW CAPLETS’.
- Pharmaceutical dose form part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.scientificNamePart
- The scientific or common (i.e. generic) name of the medicinal product without any other descriptors shall be specified. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Pharma KK’ the common (generic) name element is ‘Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide’.
- Scientific name part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.strengthNamePart
- The strength, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified. This strength name part may differ from the concept of ‘Strength’ as described in section 5.13.5. The use of decimal points shall be accommodated, if required. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Drug K Forte (Paracetamol 500mg, dihydrocodeine tartrate 30mg)’, the strength name part is ‘Forte’.
- Strength name part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.trademarkOrCompanyPart
- The trademark, if present in the medicinal product name, shall be provided.
- Trademark or company part
- IDMP.InvestigationalMedicinalProductName.year
- The year/period, if present in the medicinal product name, shall be provided.EXAMPLE For an influenza vaccine with the medicinal product name ‘Drug-FLU season 2008/2009’, the year/period is ‘2008/2009’.
- Year on investigational medicinal product
- IDMP.MPIDAttreibuteSet.MPID
- Medicinal product identifier
- Mpid
- IDMP.MPIDAttributeSet
- Medicinal Product Identifier and its related attributes
- Mpid attribute set
- IDMP.MPIDAttributeSet.MPID
- The criteria for the unique identification of an authorized medicinal product.
- Mpid
- IDMP.MPIDAttributeSet.country
- Country in which the medicinal product was developed
- Mpid attribute set country
- IDMP.MPIDAttributeSet.name
- Name of the medicinal product
- Mpid attribute set name
- IDMP.Medicinalproductbatchidentifier.batchId
- Manufacturer's batch identification at product level.
- Batch id
- ISO IDMP 11615:2017
- IDMP.Organisation
- The Medicinal Product is associated with organisation information for one or more manufacturers or establishments which undertake various manufacturing operations in order to produce a Medicinal Product. These may be overseen by an appropriate Medicines Regulatory Agency. Sourcehttp://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Presentation/2016/08/WC500212059.pdfOrganisations: Data that comprises of organisation name and location address data for organisations such as MAH sponsors regulatory authority manufacturers
- Organisation
- IDMP.PCID.marketingAuthorisation
- The marketing authorization is issued by the appropriate regulatory medicines authority in a jurisdiction. In line with the laws and regulations applicable in a jurisdiction, an authorization is required before a medicinal product is placed on the market. For some categories of medicinal products (e.g. ‘grandfather’ drugs) exemptions may be applicable. For these type of medicines, the same principles as for authorized medicinal products shall be applied as outlined in this section. Where no formal marketing authorization holder is established, the distributor shall be specified.
- Pcid Marketing authorisation
- IDMP.PCIDAttributeSet
- This is the product in its packaging. This class acts as a parent for more detailed descriptive classes.
- Pcid attribute set
- IDMP.PCIDAttributeSet.PCID
- Investigational medicinal product package identifier
- Pcid
- IDMP.PCIDAttributeSet.otherCharacteristics
- Zero or more other observations shall be made about the characteristics of the ‘Packaged Medicinal Product’, where applicable. They are represented by naming the characteristic in the ‘Code’ attribute using a CD data type, and then if required providing a ‘Value’ for the characteristic named using an ANY data type. This facility is useful for capturing unusual details not explicitly catered for in the other attributes.
- Other characteristics
- IDMP.PhPID.administerableDoseForm
- This shall describe the pharmaceutical dose form as to be administered to the patient in accordance with theterms laid down in the marketing authorization. It is after it has undergone any necessary reconstitution. A term and a term identifier as defined by ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be used. It is to be specified using a cde data type. EXAMPLE Values are: Tablet, Capsule, Oral Solution, Suspension. NOTE A medicinal product may have two manufactured items, one with a ‘Manufactured Dose Form’ of ‘powder for solution for injection’ and the other with a ‘Manufactured Dose Form’ of ‘solvent for solution for injection’. These are then reconstituted to an ‘Administrable Dose Form’ ‘solution for injection’ before administered to a patient.
- Phpid administerable dose form
- IDMP.PhPID.identifier
- Unique identifier for a pharmaceutical product
- Phpid identifier
- IDMP.PhPID.name
- Name of the pharmceutical product
- Phpid name
- IDMP.PhPID.strength
- The strength of the Substance(s) or Specified Substance(s) shall be described as a quantity of the substance present in a given quantity of the Pharmaceutical Product.
- Phpid strength
- IDMP.PhPID.unitOfPresentation
- Unit of presentation shall refer to the qualitative description of the unit in which the strength(s) of the pharmaceutical product is presented and described, often specifically at the point of delivery to the patient, in cases where a quantitative unit of measurement is not applicable. The unit of presentation standard term (see ISO/DIS 11239) shall be described.
- Phpid unit of presentation
- Pharmaceutical Product Identifier and its related attributes
- Phpid set
- Special Substance, see Special Substance model for definition
- Phpid sp sub
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSub.administerableDoseForm
- This shall describe the pharmaceutical dose form as to be administered in accordance with the terms as authorised by a regulatory medicines authority. It is after it has undergone any necessary reconstitution. It is a value drawn from a value set specified in ISO 11239. It is to be specified using a CD data type. EXAMPLE Tablet, Capsule, Oral Solution, Suspension.Each pharmaceutical product can have only one pharmaceutical form.
- Phpid sp sub administerable dose form
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSub.identifier
- Idetifier for special substance
- Phpid sub identifier
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSub.name
- Name of the special substance
- Phpid sp sub name
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSub.strength
- Strength of the special substance
- Phpid Sp sub strength
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSub.unitOfPresentation
- Qualitative term describing the unit in which the strength(s) of the manufactured item or pharmaceutical product is presented and described. Often used specifically at the point of delivery to the patient in cases where a quantitative unit of measurement is not applicable. A unit of presentation may have the same ‘display name’ as in another controlled vocabulary, such as apharmaceutical dose form, but the two concepts are not equivalent, and each has a unique controlled vocabulary term identifier. EXAMPLE Tablet, spray, puff. Contains 100 mcg per spray (Here unit of presentation is spray)
- Phpid sp sub unit of presentation
- Specified substance level1
- Phpid sp sub l1
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSubL1.Identifier
- Idetifier for special substance
- Phpid sp sub l1 identifier
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSubL1.name
- Name of the special substance
- Phpid sp sub l1 name
- Specified substance level2
- Phpid sp sub l2
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSubL2.identifier
- Idetifier for special substance
- Phpid sp sub l2 identifier
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSubL2.name
- Name of the special substance
- Phpid sp sub l2 name
- Specified substance level3
- Phpid sp sub l3
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSubL3.identifier
- Idetifier for special substance
- Phpid sp sub l3 identifier
- IDMP.PhPIDSpSubL3.name
- Name of the special substance
- Phpid sp sub l3 name
- Pharmaceutical Product Substance Stratum Elements. The construct of the pharmaceutical product substance stratum utilizes the active substance(s) with strength, reference strength, administrable dose form and medical device (when applicable).
- Phpid sub
- Pharmaceutical Product Specified Substance. Each pharmaceutical product shall have one or more active substances.
- Phpid sub l1
- IDMP.PhPIDSubL1.id
- Phpid sub l1 id
- Phpid sub l1 id
- IDMP.PhPIDSubL1.name
- Phpid sub l1 name
- Phpid sub l1 name
- Pharmaceutical Product Specified Substance Strength. The strength of the Substance(s) or Specified Substance(s) shall be described as a quantity of the substance present in a given quantity of the Pharmaceutical Product.
- Phpid sub l2
- IDMP.PhPIDSubL2.id
- Phpid sub l2 id
- Phpid sub l2 id
- IDMP.PhPIDSubL2.name
- Phpid sub l2 name
- Phpid sub l2 name
- Pharmaceutical Product Specified Substance Form. Defined by special substance vocab, reference strength and administerable dose form
- Phpid sub l3
- IDMP.PhPIDSubL3.id
- Phpid sub l3 id
- Phpid sub l3 id
- IDMP.PhPIDSubL3.name
- Phpid sub l3 name
- Phpid sub l3 name
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017
- IDMP.Sponsor
- Sponsor individual, company, institution or organisation, which takes responsibility for the initiation, management and/or financing of a clinical trial (3.1.11)
- Sponsor
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017Strength
- IDMP.Strength
- The strength of the substance or specified substance shall be specified as a quantity of the substance/specified substance present in a given manufactured item or pharmaceutical product. A numerator value and numerator unit as well as a denominator value and denominator unit shall be used.Strength can be expressed in two ways: strength (presentation) and strength (concentration).When the strength of a pharmaceutical product that has undergone a transformation (e.g. reconstitution) is to be specified, it shall be specified using the strength resulting from transformation undertaken exactly in accordance with the regulated product information.
- Strength
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation
- Authorization granted by a medicines regulatory authority to run a clinical trial in a jurisdiction
- Clinical trial authorisation
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation.country
- The jurisdiction(s) in which the clinical trial authorization was granted shall be described using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. It shall be defined using a code data type.
- Clinical trial authorisation country
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation.investigationCode
- The code for an investigational medicinal product as assigned locally for a clinical trial of a set of clinical trials shall be specified.
- Investigation code
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation.jurisdictionalInvestigationCode
- The code for an investigational medicinal product as assigned in a jurisdiction for a clinical trial of a set of clinical trials shall be specified.
- Jurisdictional investigation code
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation.localClinicalTrialAuthorisation
- Local information in relation to a clinical trial authorization (e.g. in a country within a jurisdiction) as granted by a medicines regulatory authority shall be specified, where applicable
- Local clinical trial authorisation
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation.productClassification
- If the investigational medicinal product designated in the indication(s) as an orphan drug this shall be set to the value or values of the orphan drug designation reference number(s) within the Product Classification.
- Product classification
- IDMP.clinicalTrialAuthorisation.registrationNumber
- The registration number (identifier) for a clinical trial in a jurisdiction shall be specified, where applicable.
- Registration number
- IDMP.indication
- The authorized indication shall be specified using a controlled term and controlled term identifier of a controlled vocabulary, as applicable. This shall be specified using a CD data type. The authorized indication as described in the summary of product characteristics or the product labelling shall be also described using the Original Text part of the CD data type.
- Treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency due to cystic fibrosis, or other conditions.
- Indication
- IDMP.indication.gender
- The target gender as authorized for the medicinal product shall be specified using the ISO/IEC 5218:2004 and held in a CD data type. EXAMPLE For the treatment of men with prostate cancer has gender code male.
- Gender
- IDMP.indication.indication
- The authorized indication shall be specified using a controlled term and controlled term identifier of a controlled vocabulary, as applicable. This shall be specified using a code data type. The authorized indication as described in the summary of product characteristics or the product labelling shall be also described using the Original Text part of the code data type. EXAMPLE Treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency due to cystic fibrosis, or other conditions.
- Indication attribute
- IDMP.indication.targetAge
- The age range or age group of the target population as authorized for the medicinal product shall be specified based on a value drawn from ain international reference terminology. EXAMPLE For children older than 12 months and younger than 4 years.
- Target age
- IDMP.indication.targetPopulation
- The target population for which the medicinal product is indicated shall be specified using a term and a term identifier from a controlled vocabulary, as applicable. EXAMPLE For adults, children, elderly.
- Target population
- IDMP.indication.therapeuticUse
- The authorized therapeutic use shall be specified using a term and a term identifier from a controlled vocabulary as applicable. EXAMPLE Prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment.
- Therapeutic use
- IDMP.indication.underlyingDisease
- The underlying disease as referenced in the summary of product characteristics or the product labelling shall be specified using a term and a term identifier from a controlled vocabulary, as applicable. EXAMPLE Treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency due to cystic fibrosis, or other conditions.
- Underlying disease
- IDMP.investigationalMedicinalProductBatchIdentifier
- Application identifier assigned to a specific manufactured item resulting from a manufacturing process at a specific point of time
- Investigational medicinal product batch identifier
- IDMP.investigationalMedicinalProductName
- Name of pharmaceutical form of an active substance or placebo being tested or used as a reference in a clinical trial, including products already with a marketing authorisation but used or assembled (formulated or packaged) in a way different from the authorised form, or when used for an unauthorised indication, or when used to gain further information about the authorised form
- Investigational medicinal product name
- IDMP.investigationalMedicinalProductName.country
- The jurisdiction(s) in which the clinical trial authorization was granted shall be described using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. It shall be defined using a code data type.
- Investigational medicinal product name country
- IDMP.investigationalMedicinalProductPackageBatchIdentifier
- Specific manufacturing release of a product or item by the manufacturer
- Investigational medicinal product package batch identifier
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisation.GTIN
- GS1 unique identifier of items that are traded (e.g. Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices) in the supply chain NOTE 1 A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is used to identify any item upon which there is a need to retrieve predefined information and that may be priced or ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. GTINs may be 8, 12, 13 or 14-digits in length. NOTE 2 A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is used to identify any item upon which there is a need to retrieve predefined information and that may be priced or ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. GTINs may be 8, 12, 13 or 14-digits in length.
- Local marketing authorisation gtin
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisation.authorisationIdentifier
- The marketing authorization assigned locally within a jurisdiction shall be specified. EXAMPLE In a country a local marketing authorization number is assigned in addition to the authorization number designated at EU level for centrally authorized medicinal products
- Authorisation identifier
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisation.country
- The country/jurisdiction in which the local marketing authorization has been granted. It should be specified using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes (including EU).
- Local marketing authorisation country
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisation.legalStatusOfSupply
- For medicinal products, which are available on medical prescription only, the regulatory medicines authorities may assign additional sub-categories locally, which shall be specified as applicable. A controlled vocabulary for different categories of legal status of supply shall be applied. The controlled term and the controlled term identifier shall be specified.
- Local marketing authorisation legal status of supply
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisation.marketingStart
- The date when the medicinal product is “placed on the market” by the marketing authorization holder or where applicable the manufacturer/distributor- shall be provided. The date of “placed on the market” refers to the date of release of the medicinal product into the distribution chain. A complete date consisting of day, month and year shall be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
- Marketing start
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisation.marketingStop
- The date when a medicinal product is no longer placed on the market by the marketing authorization holder or where applicable the manufacturer/distributor- shall be provided. A complete date consisting of day, month and year should be specified shall be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
- Marketing stop
- IDMP.localMarketingAuthorisationInformation
- Local marketing authorization is intended to provide for additional local information in a jurisdiction
- Local marketing authorisation information
- IDMP.manufacturedItem
- Description of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the product as contained in the packaging of the medicinal product. A medicinal product may contain one or more manufactured items. In many instances the manufactured item is equal to the pharmaceutical product. However, there are instances where the manufactured item(s) must undergo a transformation before being administered to the patient (as the pharmaceutical product) and the two are not equal. The manufactured item is not in direct contact with the outer packaging except where the outer packaging also serves as the immediate container.
- Manufactured item
- IDMP.manufacturedItem.ingredientSet
- Reference attribute from Ingredient class
- Manufactured item ingredient set
- IDMP.manufacturedItem.manufacturedDoseForm
- This describes the pharmaceutical dose form of the pharmaceutical item as supplied by the manufacturer. A term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and the resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. It is to be provided using a CD data type. EXAMPLE Values are: Tablet, Capsule, Oral Solution, Powder for solution for injection.
- Manufactured dose form
- IDMP.manufacturedItem.packSize
- This is the size of the ‘Manufactured Item’. It shall be specified using a PQ data type and the units shall be specified as a symbol and a symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and the resulting controlled vocabulary.
- Manufactured item pack size
- IDMP.manufacturedItem.unitOfPresentation
- This specifies the “real world” units in which the ‘Pack Size’ of the ‘Manufactured Item’ is described. It is a term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It is to be specified using a CD data type.
- Unit of presentation
- IDMP.manufacturingAuthorisation
- Details of the ‘Manufacturing Authorization ’ granted by a regulatory medicines authority shall be provided.
- Manufacturing authorisation
- IDMP.manufacturingAuthorisation.authorisationAuthority
- Details in relation to the organisation that granted the manufacturing authorization shall be provided. This shall be specified using an ‘Organisation’ class
- Authorisation authority
- IDMP.manufacturingAuthorisation.authorisationDate
- The date when the manufacturing authorization was issued by the regulatory authority shall be specified usingthe ISO 8601 date format.
- Manufacturing authorisation date of authorisation
- IDMP.manufacturingAuthorisation.holder
- Details in relation to the organisation that holds the manufacturing authorization shall be provided. This shall be specified using an ‘Organisation’ class.
- Manufacturing authorisation holder
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation
- Authorization issued from a medicines regulatory authority that a medicinal product may be placed on the market
- Marketing authorisation
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.GTIN
- Unique identifier of items that are traded (e.g. Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices) in the supply chain. A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is used to identify any item upon which there is a need to retrieve predefined information and that may be priced or ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. GTINs may be 8, 12, 13 or 14-digits in length.
- Marketing authorisation gtin
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.authorisationDate
- The date when the manufacturing authorization was issued by the regulatory authority shall be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
- Marketing authorisation date of authorisation
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.authorisedCombinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm
- Where the Pharmaceutical Dose Form is a compound expression made from two constituent dose forms the authorized name for the combination shall be held in this attribute. It shall be held in a code data type.
- Authorised combined pharmaceutical dose form
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.country
- This code segment shall reflect the country code of that jurisdiction, where the medicinal product is authorized [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements].
- Marketing authorisation country
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.holder
- Entity/organisation that holds the authorization for the manufacturing process
- Marketing authorisation holder
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.legalStatusOfSupply
- Marketing Authorization in relation to the jurisdiction and the legal status of supply (e.g. prescription only or OTC)
- Marketing authorisation legal status of supply
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.marketingAuthorisationNumber
- Code or identifier assigned by a medicines regulatory authority to a medicinal product
- Marketing authorisation number
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.productClassification
- A means of identifying any external classification system to which the product belongs.
- Product classification
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.regulator
- Details in relation to the regulatory medicines authority that granted the marketing authorization in a jurisdiction shall be specified using an Organisation class
- Marketing authorisation regulator
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisation.status
- The status of the marketing authorizationshall be specified using a code data type. EXAMPLE Active, Suspended, Expired, Revoked
- Marketing authorisation status
- ISO IDMP 11615:2017
- IDMP.Marketing Authorisation Procedure
- Marketing Authorisation Procedure formal procedure applied by a Medicines Regulatory Agency (3.1.56) to grant a marketing authorisation (3.1.40), amend an existing one, extend its duration or to withdraw it.Note 1 to entry: Marketing authorisation procedure and authorisation procedure (3.1.6) are synonymous.
- Marketing authorisation procedure
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisationProcedure.date
- The date when the procedure described as ‘Procedure Type’, took effect. A complete date consisting of day, month and year shall be specified using the ISO 8601 date format.
- Marketing authorisation procedure date
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisationProcedure.documentIdentifier
- The reference number of the regulatory document formally granting an authorization /update of an exisiting medicinal product authorization by the regulatory medicines agency in a jurisdiction shall be specified.
- Document identifier
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisationProcedure.procedureIdentifier
- The unique identifier for the specific instance of procedure shall be provided and defined using an II data type.
- Procedure identifier
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisationProcedure.procedureReferenceCode
- The regulatory authorization procedure as applicable in a jurisdiction shall be specifiedauthorization . A controlled vocabulary for regulatory authorization procedures shall be applied. The controlled term and the controlled term identifier shall be specified. EXAMPLE Central authorization procedure in the EU, a product marketed under an approved Biologic License Application (BLA) in the US.
- Procedure reference code
- IDMP.marketingAuthorisationProcedure.procedureType
- The procedure type shall be specified in relation to the marketing authorization authorization,. A controlled vocabulary for regulatory procedure types shall be applied. The controlled term and the controlled term identifier shall be specified.EXAMPLE Initial authorization, variation, renewal, line extension.
- Procedure type
- IDMP.medicalDevice
- Any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, material or other article, whether used alone or in combination, including the software intended by its manufacturer to be used specifically for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes and necessary for its proper application, intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of: Diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease. Diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or handicap. Investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological process. Control of conception, and which does not achieve its principal intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.
- Medical device
- IDMP.medicalDevice.UDI
- If the component has a Unique Device Identifier it should be recorded here.
- Medical device udi
- IDMP.medicalDevice.hasAllergens
- It shall be specified, if in accordance with the label or the instruction for use the medical device is containing allergens/materials of concern (Yes/No value).
- Has allergens
- IDMP.medicalDevice.ingredientSet
- Reference attribute from Ingredient class
- Ingredient set
- IDMP.medicalDevice.isSterile
- It shall be specified if the package for the medical device is sterile or not when supplied (Yes/No value).
- Is sterile
- IDMP.medicalDevice.isSterilizationRequired
- It shall be specified if the medical device shall be sterilized before use (Yes/No value).
- Is sterilization required
- IDMP.medicalDevice.manufacturer
- The trade name of the medical device shall be specified, where applicable.
- Medical device manufacturer
- IDMP.medicalDevice.modelNumber
- The device model or reference number shall be specified, where applicable.
- Model number
- IDMP.medicalDevice.name
- Name of the device that is part of a pharmaceutical product
- Medical device name
- IDMP.medicalDevice.nomenclature
- A global nomenclature code shall be specified of internationally recognised coded descriptors in the format of preferred terms with definitions used to generically identify medical devices and related health care products(e.g.: Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) as defined in ISO 15225).
- Nomenclature
- IDMP.medicalDevice.otherCharacteristics
- Zero or more other observations shall be made about the characteristics of the ‘Packaged Medicinal Product’, where applicable. They are represented by naming the characteristic in the ‘Code’ attribute using a CD data type, and then if required providing a ‘Value’ for the characteristic named using an ANY data type. This facility is useful for capturing unusual details not explicitly catered for in the other attributes.
- Other characteristics
- IDMP.medicalDevice.physicalCharacteristics
- The physical attributes of the ‘Medical Device’ such as height, weight, width, depth, volume, colour and shape shall be provided. One or more images of the ‘Medical Device’ shall be included as applicable.
- Physical characteristics
- IDMP.medicalDevice.restrictedUseCount
- If the medical device's label indicates a limited number of times of use, the number shall be specified using an integer data type.
- Restricted use count
- IDMP.medicalDevice.tradeName
- The trade name of the medical device shall be specified, where applicable.
- Trade name
- IDMP.medicinalProductBatchIdentifier
- Carries the batch number and the expiration date when created a medicinal product level.
- Medicinal product batch identifier
- IDMP.medicinalProductBatchIdentifier.BAID1
- Unique identifier allocated to a specific batch of an investigational medicinal product supplementary to any existing identifier as ascribed by a medicines regulatory authority in a jurisdiction and a batch number as assigned by a manufacturer. This is for indexing purposes and to contribute to improving patient safety by allowing for the unique identification of medicinal products worldwide.
- Baid1
- IDMP.medicinalProductBatchIdentifier.expirationDate
- Optional attribute that specifies the expiration date of the batch
- Medicinal product batch identifier expiration date
- IDMP.medicinalProductName
- The name of the medicinal product as authorized by a medicines regulatory authority in a jurisdiction together with an analysis of the name into various parts.
- Medicinal product name
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.containerPart
- The container, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified.EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘LXA – 10 mg/ ml - Solution for injection – Subcutaneous use - Vial (glass) - 4 ml - 1 Vial’, the container part is ‘vial (glass)’.
- Container part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.country
- The country or jurisdiction where the medicinal product name is applicable shall be described using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. It shall be defined using a code data type.
- Medicinal product name country
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.devicePart
- The device, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified.EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘LXA ‘Drug XYZ® Accuhaler 200 mg for adults’, the device part is ‘Accuhaler’.
- Device part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.intendedUsePart
- The intended use, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Drug-BI Caplets - Heartburn Relief’, the intended use part is ‘Heartburn Relief’.
- Intended use part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.inventedNamePart
- The invented name (i.e. trade name) of the medicinal product without e.g. the trademark or any other descriptors reflected in the product name shall be specified. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Drug XYZ® Accuhaler 200 mg for adults’ the invented (trade) name element is ‘Drug XYZ’.
- Invented name part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.language
- The ISO 639-2 Language Code of the medicinal product name as applicable in the jurisdiction shall be specified. The Language shall be defined using a code data type.
- Language code of medicinal product name
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.name
- Name of the medicinal product
- Name of medicinal product
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.pharmaceuticalFormPart
- The pharmaceutical dose form, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified. This pharmaceutical dose form name part may differ from the concept of ‘Administrable Dose Form’ and ‘Manufactured Dose Form’ as described in section X. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Novo-DrugX EASY-TO-SWALLOW CAPLETS’, the pharmaceutical dose form name element is ‘EASY-TO-SWALLOW CAPLETS’.
- Pharmaceutical form part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.scientificNamePart
- The scientific or common (i.e. generic) name of the medicinal product without any other descriptors shall be specified. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide Pharma KK’ the common (generic) name element is ‘Irbesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide’.
- Scientific name part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.strengthNamePart
- The strength, if reflected in the medicinal product name, shall be specified. This strength name part may differ from the concept of ‘Strength’ as described in section 5.13.5. The use of decimal points shall be accommodated, if required. EXAMPLE For the medicinal product name ‘Drug K Forte (Paracetamol 500mg, dihydrocodeine tartrate 30mg)’, the strength name part is ‘Forte’.
- Strength name part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.trademarkOrCompanyPart
- The trademark, if present in the medicinal product name, shall be provided.
- Trademark or company part
- IDMP.medicinalProductName.year
- The time/period, if present in the medicinal product name, shall be provided.EXAMPLE For an influenza vaccine with the medicinal product name ‘Drug-FLU season 2008/2009’, the time/period is ‘2008/2009’.
- Year
- IDMP.medicinalProductPackageBatchIdentifier
- Carries the batch number and the expiration date when created a medicinal product package level.
- Medicinal product package batch identifier
- IDMP.medicinalProductPackageBatchIdentifier.BAID2
- Unique identifier allocated to a specific batch of an investigational medicinal product package supplementary to any existing identifier as ascribed by a medicines regulatory authority in a jurisdiction and a batch number as assigned by a manufacturer. This is for indexing purposes and to contribute to improving patient safety by allowing for the uniqueidentification of medicinal products worldwide.
- Baid2
- IDMP.medicinalProductPackageBatchIdentifier.batchIdentifier
- Batch identifier of the medicinal product package
- Batch id
- IDMP.medicinalProductPackageBatchIdentifier.expirationDate
- Optional attribute that specifies the expiration date of the product package batch
- Medicinal product package batch identifier expiration date
- IDMP.organisation.address
- The address of the organisation using AD ISO Data Type shall be provided.
- Organisation address
- IDMP.organisation.identifier
- The unique identifier of the organisation shall be provided. An international coding system for unique organisation identifiers shall be used.
- Organisation identifier
- IDMP.organisation.name
- Name of the legal entity or organization
- Organisation name
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017
- IDMP.Other Characteristics
- IDMP.Physical Characteristics
- The description of the height, weight, width, depth, volume, colour, shape, etc., of an itemWhere applicable for a package item (container), package (component), manufactured item or device, its physical characteristics can be specified. One or more images can be provided as applicable.A package item (and most particularly the outermost packaging) or a package component, as well as a device and a manufactured item, can have their physical characteristics described, including an image of the item as required.In addition, the packaged item (container), the device and the manufactured item may have a set of other characteristics associated with them.
- Other characteristics
- Physical characteristics
- IDMP.otherCharacteristics.code
- Zero or more other observations shall be made about the characteristics of the ‘Packaged Medicinal Product’, where applicable. They are represented by naming the characteristic in the ‘Code’ attribute using a CD data type, and then if required providing a ‘Value’ for the characteristic named using an ANY data type. This facility is useful for capturing unusual details not explicitly catered for in the other attributes.
- Other characteristics code
- IDMP.otherCharacteristics.value
- Zero or more other observations shall be made about the characteristics of the ‘Packaged Medicinal Product’, where applicable. They are represented by naming the characteristic in the ‘Code’ attribute using a CD data type, and then if required providing a ‘Value’ for the characteristic named using an ANY data type. This facility is useful for capturing unusual details not explicitly catered for in the other attributes.
- Other characteristics value
- IDMP.outerPackaging
- External container in which a medicinal product is supplied. The manufactured item or pharmaceutical product is not in direct contact with the outer packaging except where the outer packaging also serves as the immediate container. An alternative, compatible definition of outer packaging is given in Directive 92/27/EEC.
- Box, carton.
- Outer packaging
- IDMP.outerPackaging.alternates
- This is a pointer to further sets of ‘Materials’ that represent alternative parts of the packaging.
- Outer packaging alternates
- IDMP.outerPackaging.material
- A value drawn from a value set specified in ISO/DIS 11238 shall be provided. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Outer packaging material
- IDMP.packageItem
- These are the distinct kinds of items that make up the package. There will only be more than one instance of this class if the Package Medicinal Product is a kit or includes an administration device.
- Package item
- IDMP.packageItem.itemsInPackage
- The number (quantity) of identical items per package shall be described using an INT data type.
- Items in package of package item
- IDMP.packageItem.packageType
- Package Type describes the physical type of the container of the medicine. This is a term and a term identifier specified in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It is to be specified using a code data type. EXAMPLE Pre-Filled Pen, Blister, Tube.
- Package item package type
- IDMP.packageItem.type
- The value for the ‘Packaged Item Type’ shall be described using a CD data type and using a defined value set. EXAMPLE Container: for example, bottle amber PET with polypropylene child resistant closure fitted with expanded polythene liner. Pharmaceutical Item: for example, a pessary. (Administration) Device: for example, an applicator for a cream or a spoon with a 5 ml and 2.5 ml measure.
- Package item type code
- IDMP.packageItemPart
- The ‘Package Item Part’ class shall describe the inner packaging, which is in direct contact with the medicine contained in the package. ‘Package Item’ shall include administration devices such as pre-filled injection pens. For devices where a unique device identifier is available, this shall be specified. Administration devices such as spoons or applicators should also be specified here.
- Package item part
- IDMP.packageItemPart.UDI
- Unique identifier assigned to a medicinal product
- Package item part udi
- IDMP.packageItemPart.alternate
- This is a pointer to further sets of ‘Materials’ that represent alternative components of the packaging.
- Alternate material component
- IDMP.packageItemPart.componentPart
- This is a term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It is to be specified using a CD data type.EXAMPLE Pre-Filled Pen, Stopper.
- Package item part component part
- IDMP.packageItemPart.material
- This is a term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11238 and the resulting controlled vocabulary. It is to be specified using a CD data type.
- Package item part material code
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct
- This is the medicine as reconstituted ready to be given to the patient
- Pharmaceutical product
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.PhPID
- Globally unique identifier assigned to the pharmaceutical product(s)
- Phpid
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.administrableDoseForm
- This shall describe the pharmaceutical dose form as to be administered to the patient in accordance with the terms laid down in the marketing authorization. It is after it has undergone any necessary reconstitution. Aterm and a term identifier as defined by ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be used. It is to be specified using a CD data type. EXAMPLE Values are: Tablet, Capsule, Oral Solution, Suspension.NOTE A medicinal product may have two manufactured items, one with a ‘Manufactured Dose Form’ of ‘powder forsolution for injection’ and the other with a ‘Manufactured Dose Form’ of ‘solvent for solution for injection’. These are thenreconstituted to an ‘Administrable Dose Form’ ‘solution for injection’ before administered to a patient.
- Administrable dose form
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.indication
- intended use of the medicinal product as authorized by the medicines regulatory authority in a jurisdiction NOTE For clinical trials, this refers to the intended use under investigation and as described in the clinical trial protocol.
- Pharmaceutical product Indication
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.ingredientSet
- Reference attribute from Ingredient class
- Pharmaceutical product ingredient set
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.packSize
- This is the ‘Pack Size’ of the ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. It shall be specified using a PQ data type and the unit symbol and unit identifier as defined by ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. For many pharmaceutical dose forms with single ingredients, the value and units in ‘Pack Size’ will be a simple multiple of the value and units for the ‘Strength’ of the single ingredient. However, where there are multiple ingredients, or where the strength is expressed as a quantity per volume rather than a quantity per item, the values and units will be different.
- Pharmaceutical product pack size
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.routeOfAdministration
- The route(s) of administration as authorized in accordance with the terms outlined in the marketing authorizationshall be specified. ‘Route of Administration’ shall use the terms and term identifiers as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. A CD data type shall be used.
- Route of administration
- IDMP.pharmaceuticalProduct.unitOfPresentation
- This specifies the “real world” units in which the ‘Pack Size’ of the ‘Pharmaceutical Product’ is described. specified term and a term identifier as defined by ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be used. It is to be specified using a code data type. For items where their ‘Pack Size’ is a measured quantity of weight or volume the ‘Unit of Presentation’ shall not be given since it is the same as the units of ‘Pack Size’ (that is ml, mg or some multiple). For solid dose forms and other items that are measured by counting integer quantities the unit for ‘Pack Size’ shall be “Unit” and the ‘Presentation Unit’ shall be the item that is counted (e.g. Tablets, Capsules).
- Pharmaceutical product unit of presentation
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.colour
- The ‘Colour’ shall be described using a controlled vocabulary. The term and the term identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using code data types.
- Colour
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.depth
- The values for ‘Depth’ shall be described using the value set as specified in ISO/DIS 11240. The symbol and the symbol identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using a PQ data type.
- Depth
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.height
- The values for ‘Height’ shall be described using the value set as specified in ISO/DIS 11240. The symbol and the symbol identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using a PQ data type.
- Height
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.image
- One or more ‘Images’ and/or ‘Imprints’ of the packaged item shall be included as applicable. The format of the image shall follow ISO 12639:2004 and shall be held in an ED data type.
- Image
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.imprint
- One or more ‘Images’ and/or ‘Imprints’ of the packaged item shall be included as applicable. The format of the image shall follow ISO 12639:2004 and shall be held in an ED data type.
- Imprint
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.shape
- Shape shall be described using a controlled vocabulary. The term and the term identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using code data types.
- Shape
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.volume
- The values for ‘Volume’ shall be described using the value set as specified in ISO/DIS 11240. The symbol and the symbol identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using a PQ data type.
- Volume
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.weight
- The values for ‘Weight’ shall be described using the value set as specified in ISO/DIS 11240. The symbol and the symbol identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using a PQ data type.
- Weight
- IDMP.physicalCharacteristics.width
- The values for ‘Weight’ shall be described using the value set as specified in ISO/DIS 11240. The symbol and the symbol identifier shall be used. They are to be specified using a PQ data type.
- Width
- IDMP.referenceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Reference Substance’ shall be specified as a quantity of the substance as referred to in order to express a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary.
- Reference strength
- IDMP.referenceStrength.referenceSpecifiedSubstance
- The value for the ‘Reference Specified Substance’ shall be described using a term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11238 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Reference specified substance
- IDMP.referenceStrength.referenceSpecifiedSubstanceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Reference Specified Substance’ shall be specified as a quantity of the specified substance as referred to in order to express a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary.
- Reference specified substance strength
- IDMP.referenceStrength.referenceSubstance
- The value for the ‘Reference Substance’ shall be described using a term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11238 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Reference substance
- IDMP.referenceStrength.referenceSubstanceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Reference Substance’ shall be specified as a quantity of the substance as referred to in order to express a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary.
- Reference substance strength
- IDMP.Route of Administration
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017Route of AdministrationThe route of administration is a concept that is used to describe the path by which the pharmaceutical product is taken into or makes contact with the body.The route of administration shall be specified using terms and a term identifier as defined in ISO 11239 and ISO/TS 20440 and its resulting terminology.
- Route of administration
- IDMP.routeOfAdministration.maxDosePerRoute
- This shall specify the maximum single dose quantity that may be given for a first-in-human clinical trial in a single dose by the specified ‘Route of Administration’. This shall be specified using an RTO data type.
- Max dose per route
- IDMP.routeOfAdministration.routeOfAdministration
- ‘Route of Administration’ shall use the terms and term identifiers as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. A CD data type shall be used.
- Route Of administration
- IDMP.specifiedSubstance
- At the Substance level, substances are defined based on inherent attributes rather than use or method of manufacture. At the Specified Substance level, four separate groups of elements provide additional information. The four groups of Specified Substance elements allow for the explicit capture of information essential for the evaluation and tracking of material used in medicinal products. Each of the four groups of elements provides information essential for these regulatory needs in a manner that should facilitate compliance. The implementation of the Specified Substance Groups is conditional depending on the condition that one of the elements used to describe the Specified Substance is defining. Attributes specific to Specified Substance are: Constituent substances in a multi-substance material; Proportions of constituent substances in a multi-substance material; Physical state; Grade or purity of material;Manufacturing information; Analytical data, Specifications and Tests.
- Specified substance
- IDMP.specifiedSubstance.referenceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Reference Specified Substance’ shall be specified as a quantity of the specified substance as referred to in order to express a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It shallbe specified using the ‘Strength’ class
- Reference strength
- IDMP.specifiedSubstance.role
- The role of the ‘Specified Substance’ shall be described using a term and a term identifier of a controlled vocabulary. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Specified substance role
- IDMP.specifiedSubstance.specifiedSubstance
- The attributes for the ‘Specified Substances’ class are the same as those described above for ‘Substances’ except that they refer to a specified substance as defined in ISO/DIS 11238.
- Specified substance
- IDMP.specifiedSubstance.specifiedSubstanceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Specified Substance’ shall be indicated as a quantity of the substance present in a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined inISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. This attribute is optional.
- Specified substance strength
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceForm
- Pharmaceutical Product Specified Substance Form. Defined by special substance vocab, reference strength and administerable dose form
- Specified substance form
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceSet
- Pharmaceutical Product Specified Substance. Each pharmaceutical product shall have one or more active substances.
- Specified substance set
- IDMP.specifiedSubstanceStrength
- Pharmaceutical Product Specified Substance Strength. The strength of the Substance(s) or Specified Substance(s) shall be described as a quantity of the substance present in a given quantity of the Pharmaceutical Product.
- Specified substance strength
- IDMP.sponsor.legalRepresentative
- Legal representative of the sponsor
- Legal representative
- IDMP.sponsor.organisation
- Legal entity related to the sponsor
- Sponsor organisation
- IDMP.sponsor.status
- This shall specify the Sponsor to be either ‘Commercial’ or ‘Non-Commercial’. This is specified using an appropriate value set and a code data type.
- Sponsor status
- IDMP.strength.country
- The country or countries for which the Range and Measurement Point are valid may be specified. The values shall be specified using a code data type and using values from ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements.
- Strength country
- IDMP.strength.measurementPoint
- The point where a measurement is made shall be specified, as applicable. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Measurement point
- IDMP.strength.range
- The actual value and units of the strength shall be specified using an RTO<PQ,PQ> data type, which requires data to be given as a numerator and a denominator, each with units, and for the numerator to be an interval. This allows both a low and a high value to be specified as well as upper and lower ranges. If both low and high values are the same, the interval is equivalent to a single value. If the low value is zero or not valued, the range is interpreted as not greater than the high value. Similarly if the high value is zero or not valued the range is interpreted as not less than the low value. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary.
- Strength range
- Source ISO IDMP 11615:2017Substances
- IDMP.substance
- Matter of defined composition that has discrete existence whose origin may be biological mineral or chemicalNote 1 to entry: A substance can be a moiety. A moiety is an entity within a substance that has a complete and continuous molecular structure. The strength of a pharmaceutical product 3.1.60 is often based on what is referred to as the active moiety of the molecule responsible for the physiological or pharmacological action of the drug substance. Chemically the active moiety of a stoichiometric or non-stoichoimetrical substance molecule is considered that part of the molecule that is the base free acid or ion molecular part of a salt solvate chelate clathrate molecular complex or ester.
- Substance
- IDMP.substance.referenceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Reference Substance’ shall be specified as a quantity of the substance as referred to in order to express a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used asdefined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It shall be specified using the ‘Strength’ class.
- Reference strength
- IDMP.substance.role
- The role of the ‘Substance’ shall be described using a term and a term identifier of a controlled vocabulary. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Substance role
- IDMP.substance.substanceAttribute
- The ‘Substance’ shall be described using a term and a term identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11238 and its resulting controlled vocabulary. It shall be specified using a code data type.
- Substance attribute
- IDMP.substance.substanceStrength
- The strength of the ‘Substance’ shall be specified as a quantity of the substance present in a given quantity of the ‘Manufactured Item’ or ‘Pharmaceutical Product’. It shall be specified using the Strength class see section 5.13.5. The symbol and the symbol identifier as defined in ISO/DIS 11240 and its resulting controlled vocabulary shall be specified. Where the strength is defined on the basis of a ‘Unit of Presentation’, the term and term identifier shall be used as defined in ISO/DIS 11239 and its resulting controlled vocabulary.
- Substance strength
- IDMP.substanceForm
- Pharmaceutical Product Substance Form. Defined by substance vocab, reference strength and administerable dose form
- Substance form
- IDMP.substanceItem
- Substance item
- Substance item
- IDMP.substanceSet
- Set of attributes that define a substance
- Substance set
- IDMP.substanceStrengthItem
- Substance strength item
- Substance strength item
- IDMP.version
- The characteristics of authorized medicinal products as defined in this standard shall be versioned. This refers to the fact that at the given effective date, some characteristics of the medicinal product have changed. Thesecharacteristics are not different to a sufficient extent to warrant the assignment of a new Primary Identifier Attribute Set
- Version
- IDMP.version.effectiveDate
- Mechanism that takes into account that at the given effective date, some characteristics of the investigational or authorized medicinal product have changed and those changes may be traced during the entire life cycle of a product. Date from which that mechanism is applicable.
- Effective date
- IDMP.version.regulatedDocument
- The reference to the regulatory decision document related to the granting of the authorization or the latest update of the regulated medicinal product information shall be specified. The reference document ID shall be specified using an integer data type.
- Regulated document
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diff --git a/PREWORK/iso-datatypes.rdf b/PREWORK/iso-datatypes.rdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 52899a94..00000000
--- a/PREWORK/iso-datatypes.rdf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
- 2021-08-08T12:00:00Z
- These files are shared Intellectual Property of OSTHUS and ACCURIDS and may be used only through explicit written permission through OSTHUS or ACCURIDS. In particular further distribution and copy of parts are prohibited.
- 2021-08-08
- ISO Datatypes
- 0.1
- boolean
- concept description
- encapsulated data
- entity name
- instance identifier
- integer
- name
- physical quantity
- real
- string
- state
- timestamp
- date