diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 29cd489..15989b0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,7 +16,30 @@ pip install gradio_image_annotation
import gradio as gr
from gradio_image_annotation import image_annotator
-example = {
+example_annotation = {
+ "image": "https://gradio-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/demo-files/base.png",
+ "boxes": [
+ {
+ "xmin": 636,
+ "ymin": 575,
+ "xmax": 801,
+ "ymax": 697,
+ "label": "Vehicle",
+ "color": (255, 0, 0)
+ },
+ {
+ "xmin": 360,
+ "ymin": 615,
+ "xmax": 386,
+ "ymax": 702,
+ "label": "Person",
+ "color": (0, 255, 0)
+ }
+ ]
+example_crop = {
"image": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradio-app/gradio/main/guides/assets/logo.png",
"boxes": [
@@ -24,8 +47,7 @@ example = {
"ymin": 70,
"xmax": 530,
"ymax": 500,
- "label": "Gradio",
- "color": (250, 185, 0),
+ "color": (100, 200, 255)
@@ -44,19 +66,25 @@ def crop(annotations):
def get_boxes_json(annotations):
return annotations["boxes"]
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Tab("Object annotation"):
annotator = image_annotator(
- {"image": "https://gradio-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/demo-files/base.png"},
+ example_annotation,
label_list=["Person", "Vehicle"],
label_colors=[(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0)],
button_get = gr.Button("Get bounding boxes")
json_boxes = gr.JSON()
button_get.click(get_boxes_json, annotator, json_boxes)
with gr.Tab("Crop"):
with gr.Row():
- annotator_crop = image_annotator(example, image_type="numpy")
+ annotator_crop = image_annotator(
+ example_crop,
+ image_type="numpy",
+ disable_edit_boxes=True
+ )
image_crop = gr.Image()
button_crop = gr.Button("Crop")
button_crop.click(crop, annotator_crop, image_crop)
@@ -185,6 +213,19 @@ int | None
height |
diff --git a/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/component/index.js b/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/component/index.js
index 049d834..0757c2b 100644
--- a/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/component/index.js
+++ b/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/component/index.js
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ const {
init: ua,
insert: ca,
safe_not_equal: _a,
- set_dynamic_element_data: pi,
- set_style: ke,
- toggle_class: Re,
- transition_in: Jo,
- transition_out: Qo,
+ set_dynamic_element_data: ki,
+ set_style: ge,
+ toggle_class: He,
+ transition_in: xo,
+ transition_out: $o,
update_slot_base: da
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function ha(l) {
@@ -50,32 +50,32 @@ function ha(l) {
e = sa(
- ), o && o.c(), pi(
+ ), o && o.c(), ki(
- )(e, r), Re(
+ )(e, r), He(
l[10] === !1
- ), Re(
+ ), He(
- ), Re(
+ ), He(
l[5] === "focus"
- ), Re(
+ ), He(
l[5] === "contrast"
- ), Re(e, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
+ ), He(e, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
l[8] && !/*container*/
- l[9]), ke(
+ l[9]), ge(
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function ha(l) {
- ), ke(e, "width", typeof /*width*/
+ ), ge(e, "width", typeof /*width*/
l[1] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*width*/
l[1]}px, 100%))` : (
@@ -91,23 +91,23 @@ function ha(l) {
- )), ke(
+ )), ge(
- ), ke(
+ ), ge(
l[11] ? "visible" : "hidden"
- ), ke(
+ ), ge(
- ), ke(e, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
- l[13]}px, 100%))`), ke(e, "border-width", "var(--block-border-width)");
+ ), ge(e, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
+ l[13]}px, 100%))`), ge(e, "border-width", "var(--block-border-width)");
m(s, f) {
ca(s, e, f), o && o.m(e, null), n = !0;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ function ha(l) {
- ), pi(
+ ), ki(
)(e, r = fa(a, [
@@ -148,30 +148,30 @@ function ha(l) {
(!n || f & /*elem_classes*/
8 && t !== (t = "block " + /*elem_classes*/
s[3].join(" ") + " svelte-nl1om8")) && { class: t }
- ])), Re(
+ ])), He(
s[10] === !1
- ), Re(
+ ), He(
- ), Re(
+ ), He(
s[5] === "focus"
- ), Re(
+ ), He(
s[5] === "contrast"
- ), Re(e, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
+ ), He(e, "hide-container", !/*explicit_call*/
s[8] && !/*container*/
s[9]), f & /*height*/
- 1 && ke(
+ 1 && ge(
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ function ha(l) {
), f & /*width*/
- 2 && ke(e, "width", typeof /*width*/
+ 2 && ge(e, "width", typeof /*width*/
s[1] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*width*/
s[1]}px, 100%))` : (
@@ -189,32 +189,32 @@ function ha(l) {
)), f & /*variant*/
- 16 && ke(
+ 16 && ge(
), f & /*allow_overflow*/
- 2048 && ke(
+ 2048 && ge(
s[11] ? "visible" : "hidden"
), f & /*scale*/
- 4096 && ke(
+ 4096 && ge(
), f & /*min_width*/
- 8192 && ke(e, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
+ 8192 && ge(e, "min-width", `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
s[13]}px, 100%))`);
i(s) {
- n || (Jo(o, s), n = !0);
+ n || (xo(o, s), n = !0);
o(s) {
- Qo(o, s), n = !1;
+ $o(o, s), n = !1;
d(s) {
s && oa(e), o && o.d(s);
@@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ function ma(l) {
n[14] && t.p(n, i);
i(n) {
- e || (Jo(t, n), e = !0);
+ e || (xo(t, n), e = !0);
o(n) {
- Qo(t, n), e = !1;
+ $o(t, n), e = !1;
d(n) {
t && t.d(n);
@@ -249,17 +249,17 @@ function ma(l) {
function ba(l, e, t) {
- let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e, { height: o = void 0 } = e, { width: a = void 0 } = e, { elem_id: r = "" } = e, { elem_classes: s = [] } = e, { variant: f = "solid" } = e, { border_mode: u = "base" } = e, { padding: c = !0 } = e, { type: d = "normal" } = e, { test_id: _ = void 0 } = e, { explicit_call: h = !1 } = e, { container: m = !0 } = e, { visible: b = !0 } = e, { allow_overflow: g = !0 } = e, { scale: w = null } = e, { min_width: p = 0 } = e, C = d === "fieldset" ? "fieldset" : "div";
- const E = (v) => {
- if (v !== void 0) {
- if (typeof v == "number")
- return v + "px";
- if (typeof v == "string")
- return v;
+ let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e, { height: o = void 0 } = e, { width: a = void 0 } = e, { elem_id: r = "" } = e, { elem_classes: s = [] } = e, { variant: f = "solid" } = e, { border_mode: u = "base" } = e, { padding: c = !0 } = e, { type: _ = "normal" } = e, { test_id: d = void 0 } = e, { explicit_call: h = !1 } = e, { container: b = !0 } = e, { visible: m = !0 } = e, { allow_overflow: w = !0 } = e, { scale: k = null } = e, { min_width: g = 0 } = e, S = _ === "fieldset" ? "fieldset" : "div";
+ const M = (y) => {
+ if (y !== void 0) {
+ if (typeof y == "number")
+ return y + "px";
+ if (typeof y == "string")
+ return y;
- return l.$$set = (v) => {
- "height" in v && t(0, o = v.height), "width" in v && t(1, a = v.width), "elem_id" in v && t(2, r = v.elem_id), "elem_classes" in v && t(3, s = v.elem_classes), "variant" in v && t(4, f = v.variant), "border_mode" in v && t(5, u = v.border_mode), "padding" in v && t(6, c = v.padding), "type" in v && t(16, d = v.type), "test_id" in v && t(7, _ = v.test_id), "explicit_call" in v && t(8, h = v.explicit_call), "container" in v && t(9, m = v.container), "visible" in v && t(10, b = v.visible), "allow_overflow" in v && t(11, g = v.allow_overflow), "scale" in v && t(12, w = v.scale), "min_width" in v && t(13, p = v.min_width), "$$scope" in v && t(17, i = v.$$scope);
+ return l.$$set = (y) => {
+ "height" in y && t(0, o = y.height), "width" in y && t(1, a = y.width), "elem_id" in y && t(2, r = y.elem_id), "elem_classes" in y && t(3, s = y.elem_classes), "variant" in y && t(4, f = y.variant), "border_mode" in y && t(5, u = y.border_mode), "padding" in y && t(6, c = y.padding), "type" in y && t(16, _ = y.type), "test_id" in y && t(7, d = y.test_id), "explicit_call" in y && t(8, h = y.explicit_call), "container" in y && t(9, b = y.container), "visible" in y && t(10, m = y.visible), "allow_overflow" in y && t(11, w = y.allow_overflow), "scale" in y && t(12, k = y.scale), "min_width" in y && t(13, g = y.min_width), "$$scope" in y && t(17, i = y.$$scope);
}, [
@@ -268,16 +268,16 @@ function ba(l, e, t) {
- _,
+ d,
- m,
- g,
+ m,
- p,
- C,
- E,
- d,
+ k,
+ g,
+ S,
+ M,
+ _,
@@ -313,12 +313,12 @@ const {
get_slot_changes: Sa,
init: za,
insert: qa,
- safe_not_equal: Ma,
- transition_in: Ea,
- transition_out: Aa,
- update_slot_base: La
+ safe_not_equal: Ea,
+ transition_in: Ma,
+ transition_out: Ba,
+ update_slot_base: Aa
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Da(l) {
+function La(l) {
let e, t;
const n = (
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ function Da(l) {
p(o, [a]) {
i && i.p && (!t || a & /*$$scope*/
- 1) && La(
+ 1) && Aa(
@@ -359,55 +359,55 @@ function Da(l) {
i(o) {
- t || (Ea(i, o), t = !0);
+ t || (Ma(i, o), t = !0);
o(o) {
- Aa(i, o), t = !1;
+ Ba(i, o), t = !1;
d(o) {
o && va(e), i && i.d(o);
-function Ta(l, e, t) {
+function Da(l, e, t) {
let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e;
return l.$$set = (o) => {
"$$scope" in o && t(0, i = o.$$scope);
}, [i, n];
-class Ba extends wa {
+class Ta extends wa {
constructor(e) {
- super(), za(this, e, Ta, Da, Ma, {});
+ super(), za(this, e, Da, La, Ea, {});
const {
SvelteComponent: ja,
- attr: ki,
+ attr: vi,
check_outros: Ia,
create_component: Ra,
create_slot: Fa,
destroy_component: Ha,
- detach: Hn,
+ detach: Un,
element: Ua,
empty: Na,
get_all_dirty_from_scope: Oa,
get_slot_changes: Xa,
group_outros: Ya,
init: Wa,
- insert: Un,
+ insert: Nn,
mount_component: Va,
safe_not_equal: Pa,
set_data: Za,
space: Ka,
text: Ga,
- toggle_class: Mt,
+ toggle_class: Lt,
transition_in: nn,
- transition_out: Nn,
+ transition_out: On,
update_slot_base: Ja
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function vi(l) {
+function yi(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new Ba({
+ return e = new Ta({
props: {
$$slots: { default: [Qa] },
$$scope: { ctx: l }
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ function vi(l) {
t || (nn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Nn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ On(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
Ha(e, n);
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ function Qa(l) {
m(t, n) {
- Un(t, e, n);
+ Nn(t, e, n);
p(t, n) {
n & /*info*/
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ function Qa(l) {
d(t) {
- t && Hn(e);
+ t && Un(e);
@@ -474,13 +474,13 @@ function xa(l) {
let r = (
- l[1] && vi(l)
+ l[1] && yi(l)
return {
c() {
- e = Ua("span"), a && a.c(), t = Ka(), r && r.c(), n = Na(), ki(e, "data-testid", "block-info"), ki(e, "class", "svelte-22c38v"), Mt(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
- l[0]), Mt(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
- l[0]), Mt(
+ e = Ua("span"), a && a.c(), t = Ka(), r && r.c(), n = Na(), vi(e, "data-testid", "block-info"), vi(e, "class", "svelte-22c38v"), Lt(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ l[0]), Lt(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ l[0]), Lt(
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ function xa(l) {
m(s, f) {
- Un(s, e, f), a && a.m(e, null), Un(s, t, f), r && r.m(s, f), Un(s, n, f), i = !0;
+ Nn(s, e, f), a && a.m(e, null), Nn(s, t, f), r && r.m(s, f), Nn(s, n, f), i = !0;
p(s, [f]) {
a && a.p && (!i || f & /*$$scope*/
@@ -510,18 +510,18 @@ function xa(l) {
), (!i || f & /*show_label*/
- 1) && Mt(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ 1) && Lt(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
s[0]), (!i || f & /*show_label*/
- 1) && Mt(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ 1) && Lt(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
s[0]), (!i || f & /*info*/
- 2) && Mt(
+ 2) && Lt(
s[1] != null
), /*info*/
s[1] ? r ? (r.p(s, f), f & /*info*/
- 2 && nn(r, 1)) : (r = vi(s), r.c(), nn(r, 1), r.m(n.parentNode, n)) : r && (Ya(), Nn(r, 1, 1, () => {
+ 2 && nn(r, 1)) : (r = yi(s), r.c(), nn(r, 1), r.m(n.parentNode, n)) : r && (Ya(), On(r, 1, 1, () => {
r = null;
}), Ia());
@@ -529,10 +529,10 @@ function xa(l) {
i || (nn(a, s), nn(r), i = !0);
o(s) {
- Nn(a, s), Nn(r), i = !1;
+ On(a, s), On(r), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && (Hn(e), Hn(t), Hn(n)), a && a.d(s), r && r.d(s);
+ s && (Un(e), Un(t), Un(n)), a && a.d(s), r && r.d(s);
@@ -542,19 +542,19 @@ function $a(l, e, t) {
"show_label" in r && t(0, o = r.show_label), "info" in r && t(1, a = r.info), "$$scope" in r && t(3, i = r.$$scope);
}, [o, a, n, i];
-class xo extends ja {
+class es extends ja {
constructor(e) {
super(), Wa(this, e, $a, xa, Pa, { show_label: 0, info: 1 });
const {
SvelteComponent: er,
- append: hl,
- attr: yn,
+ append: gl,
+ attr: Cn,
create_component: tr,
destroy_component: nr,
detach: lr,
- element: yi,
+ element: Ci,
init: ir,
insert: or,
mount_component: sr,
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ const {
set_data: rr,
space: fr,
text: ur,
- toggle_class: Je,
+ toggle_class: xe,
transition_in: cr,
transition_out: _r
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
@@ -571,17 +571,17 @@ function dr(l) {
return n = new /*Icon*/
l[1]({}), {
c() {
- e = yi("label"), t = yi("span"), tr(n.$$.fragment), i = fr(), o = ur(
+ e = Ci("label"), t = Ci("span"), tr(n.$$.fragment), i = fr(), o = ur(
- ), yn(t, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), yn(e, "for", ""), yn(e, "data-testid", "block-label"), yn(e, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), Je(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
- l[2]), Je(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
- l[2]), Je(
+ ), Cn(t, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), Cn(e, "for", ""), Cn(e, "data-testid", "block-label"), Cn(e, "class", "svelte-9gxdi0"), xe(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ l[2]), xe(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ l[2]), xe(
- ), Je(
+ ), xe(
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ function dr(l) {
m(r, s) {
- or(r, e, s), hl(e, t), sr(n, t, null), hl(e, i), hl(e, o), a = !0;
+ or(r, e, s), gl(e, t), sr(n, t, null), gl(e, i), gl(e, o), a = !0;
p(r, [s]) {
(!a || s & /*label*/
@@ -598,17 +598,17 @@ function dr(l) {
), (!a || s & /*show_label*/
- 4) && Je(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ 4) && xe(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
r[2]), (!a || s & /*show_label*/
- 4) && Je(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ 4) && xe(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
r[2]), (!a || s & /*float*/
- 16) && Je(
+ 16) && xe(
), (!a || s & /*disable*/
- 8) && Je(
+ 8) && xe(
@@ -645,37 +645,37 @@ class mr extends er {
const {
SvelteComponent: br,
- append: Pl,
- attr: Ze,
+ append: Zl,
+ attr: Ke,
bubble: gr,
create_component: wr,
destroy_component: pr,
- detach: $o,
- element: Zl,
+ detach: ts,
+ element: Kl,
init: kr,
- insert: es,
+ insert: ns,
listen: vr,
mount_component: yr,
safe_not_equal: Cr,
set_data: Sr,
- set_style: Et,
+ set_style: Dt,
space: zr,
text: qr,
- toggle_class: _e,
- transition_in: Mr,
- transition_out: Er
+ toggle_class: re,
+ transition_in: Er,
+ transition_out: Mr
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Ci(l) {
+function Si(l) {
let e, t;
return {
c() {
- e = Zl("span"), t = qr(
+ e = Kl("span"), t = qr(
- ), Ze(e, "class", "svelte-1lrphxw");
+ ), Ke(e, "class", "svelte-1lrphxw");
m(n, i) {
- es(n, e, i), Pl(e, t);
+ ns(n, e, i), Zl(e, t);
p(n, i) {
i & /*label*/
@@ -686,79 +686,79 @@ function Ci(l) {
d(n) {
- n && $o(e);
+ n && ts(e);
-function Ar(l) {
+function Br(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s = (
- l[2] && Ci(l)
+ l[2] && Si(l)
return i = new /*Icon*/
l[0]({}), {
c() {
- e = Zl("button"), s && s.c(), t = zr(), n = Zl("div"), wr(i.$$.fragment), Ze(n, "class", "svelte-1lrphxw"), _e(
+ e = Kl("button"), s && s.c(), t = zr(), n = Kl("div"), wr(i.$$.fragment), Ke(n, "class", "svelte-1lrphxw"), re(
l[4] === "small"
- ), _e(
+ ), re(
l[4] === "large"
- ), _e(
+ ), re(
l[4] === "medium"
), e.disabled = /*disabled*/
- l[7], Ze(
+ l[7], Ke(
- ), Ze(
+ ), Ke(
- ), Ze(
+ ), Ke(
- ), Ze(e, "class", "svelte-1lrphxw"), _e(
+ ), Ke(e, "class", "svelte-1lrphxw"), re(
- ), _e(
+ ), re(
- ), _e(
+ ), re(
- ), _e(
+ ), re(
- ), Et(e, "color", !/*disabled*/
+ ), Dt(e, "color", !/*disabled*/
l[7] && /*_color*/
l[12] ? (
- ) : "var(--block-label-text-color)"), Et(e, "--bg-color", /*disabled*/
+ ) : "var(--block-label-text-color)"), Dt(e, "--bg-color", /*disabled*/
l[7] ? "auto" : (
- )), Et(
+ )), Dt(
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ function Ar(l) {
m(f, u) {
- es(f, e, u), s && s.m(e, null), Pl(e, t), Pl(e, n), yr(i, n, null), o = !0, a || (r = vr(
+ ns(f, e, u), s && s.m(e, null), Zl(e, t), Zl(e, n), yr(i, n, null), o = !0, a || (r = vr(
@@ -775,20 +775,20 @@ function Ar(l) {
p(f, [u]) {
- f[2] ? s ? s.p(f, u) : (s = Ci(f), s.c(), s.m(e, t)) : s && (s.d(1), s = null), (!o || u & /*size*/
- 16) && _e(
+ f[2] ? s ? s.p(f, u) : (s = Si(f), s.c(), s.m(e, t)) : s && (s.d(1), s = null), (!o || u & /*size*/
+ 16) && re(
f[4] === "small"
), (!o || u & /*size*/
- 16) && _e(
+ 16) && re(
f[4] === "large"
), (!o || u & /*size*/
- 16) && _e(
+ 16) && re(
@@ -796,60 +796,60 @@ function Ar(l) {
), (!o || u & /*disabled*/
128) && (e.disabled = /*disabled*/
f[7]), (!o || u & /*label*/
- 2) && Ze(
+ 2) && Ke(
), (!o || u & /*hasPopup*/
- 256) && Ze(
+ 256) && Ke(
), (!o || u & /*label*/
- 2) && Ze(
+ 2) && Ke(
), (!o || u & /*pending*/
- 8) && _e(
+ 8) && re(
), (!o || u & /*padded*/
- 32) && _e(
+ 32) && re(
), (!o || u & /*highlight*/
- 64) && _e(
+ 64) && re(
), (!o || u & /*transparent*/
- 512) && _e(
+ 512) && re(
), u & /*disabled, _color*/
- 4224 && Et(e, "color", !/*disabled*/
+ 4224 && Dt(e, "color", !/*disabled*/
f[7] && /*_color*/
f[12] ? (
) : "var(--block-label-text-color)"), u & /*disabled, background*/
- 1152 && Et(e, "--bg-color", /*disabled*/
+ 1152 && Dt(e, "--bg-color", /*disabled*/
f[7] ? "auto" : (
)), u & /*offset*/
- 2048 && Et(
+ 2048 && Dt(
@@ -857,26 +857,26 @@ function Ar(l) {
i(f) {
- o || (Mr(i.$$.fragment, f), o = !0);
+ o || (Er(i.$$.fragment, f), o = !0);
o(f) {
- Er(i.$$.fragment, f), o = !1;
+ Mr(i.$$.fragment, f), o = !1;
d(f) {
- f && $o(e), s && s.d(), pr(i), a = !1, r();
+ f && ts(e), s && s.d(), pr(i), a = !1, r();
-function Lr(l, e, t) {
- let n, { Icon: i } = e, { label: o = "" } = e, { show_label: a = !1 } = e, { pending: r = !1 } = e, { size: s = "small" } = e, { padded: f = !0 } = e, { highlight: u = !1 } = e, { disabled: c = !1 } = e, { hasPopup: d = !1 } = e, { color: _ = "var(--block-label-text-color)" } = e, { transparent: h = !1 } = e, { background: m = "var(--background-fill-primary)" } = e, { offset: b = 0 } = e;
- function g(w) {
- gr.call(this, l, w);
+function Ar(l, e, t) {
+ let n, { Icon: i } = e, { label: o = "" } = e, { show_label: a = !1 } = e, { pending: r = !1 } = e, { size: s = "small" } = e, { padded: f = !0 } = e, { highlight: u = !1 } = e, { disabled: c = !1 } = e, { hasPopup: _ = !1 } = e, { color: d = "var(--block-label-text-color)" } = e, { transparent: h = !1 } = e, { background: b = "var(--background-fill-primary)" } = e, { offset: m = 0 } = e;
+ function w(k) {
+ gr.call(this, l, k);
- return l.$$set = (w) => {
- "Icon" in w && t(0, i = w.Icon), "label" in w && t(1, o = w.label), "show_label" in w && t(2, a = w.show_label), "pending" in w && t(3, r = w.pending), "size" in w && t(4, s = w.size), "padded" in w && t(5, f = w.padded), "highlight" in w && t(6, u = w.highlight), "disabled" in w && t(7, c = w.disabled), "hasPopup" in w && t(8, d = w.hasPopup), "color" in w && t(13, _ = w.color), "transparent" in w && t(9, h = w.transparent), "background" in w && t(10, m = w.background), "offset" in w && t(11, b = w.offset);
+ return l.$$set = (k) => {
+ "Icon" in k && t(0, i = k.Icon), "label" in k && t(1, o = k.label), "show_label" in k && t(2, a = k.show_label), "pending" in k && t(3, r = k.pending), "size" in k && t(4, s = k.size), "padded" in k && t(5, f = k.padded), "highlight" in k && t(6, u = k.highlight), "disabled" in k && t(7, c = k.disabled), "hasPopup" in k && t(8, _ = k.hasPopup), "color" in k && t(13, d = k.color), "transparent" in k && t(9, h = k.transparent), "background" in k && t(10, b = k.background), "offset" in k && t(11, m = k.offset);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty & /*highlight, color*/
- 8256 && t(12, n = u ? "var(--color-accent)" : _);
+ 8256 && t(12, n = u ? "var(--color-accent)" : d);
}, [
@@ -886,18 +886,18 @@ function Lr(l, e, t) {
- d,
+ _,
- m,
+ m,
- _,
- g
+ d,
+ w
-class il extends br {
+class al extends br {
constructor(e) {
- super(), kr(this, e, Lr, Ar, Cr, {
+ super(), kr(this, e, Ar, Br, Cr, {
Icon: 0,
label: 1,
show_label: 2,
@@ -915,19 +915,19 @@ class il extends br {
const {
- SvelteComponent: Dr,
- append: Tr,
- attr: ml,
- binding_callbacks: Br,
+ SvelteComponent: Lr,
+ append: Dr,
+ attr: wl,
+ binding_callbacks: Tr,
create_slot: jr,
detach: Ir,
- element: Si,
+ element: zi,
get_all_dirty_from_scope: Rr,
get_slot_changes: Fr,
init: Hr,
insert: Ur,
safe_not_equal: Nr,
- toggle_class: Qe,
+ toggle_class: $e,
transition_in: Or,
transition_out: Xr,
update_slot_base: Yr
@@ -946,22 +946,22 @@ function Wr(l) {
return {
c() {
- e = Si("div"), t = Si("div"), o && o.c(), ml(t, "class", "icon svelte-3w3rth"), ml(e, "class", "empty svelte-3w3rth"), ml(e, "aria-label", "Empty value"), Qe(
+ e = zi("div"), t = zi("div"), o && o.c(), wl(t, "class", "icon svelte-3w3rth"), wl(e, "class", "empty svelte-3w3rth"), wl(e, "aria-label", "Empty value"), $e(
l[0] === "small"
- ), Qe(
+ ), $e(
l[0] === "large"
- ), Qe(
+ ), $e(
- ), Qe(
+ ), $e(
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ function Wr(l) {
m(a, r) {
- Ur(a, e, r), Tr(e, t), o && o.m(t, null), l[6](e), n = !0;
+ Ur(a, e, r), Dr(e, t), o && o.m(t, null), l[6](e), n = !0;
p(a, [r]) {
o && o.p && (!n || r & /*$$scope*/
@@ -991,25 +991,25 @@ function Wr(l) {
), (!n || r & /*size*/
- 1) && Qe(
+ 1) && $e(
a[0] === "small"
), (!n || r & /*size*/
- 1) && Qe(
+ 1) && $e(
a[0] === "large"
), (!n || r & /*unpadded_box*/
- 2) && Qe(
+ 2) && $e(
), (!n || r & /*parent_height*/
- 8) && Qe(
+ 8) && $e(
@@ -1030,13 +1030,13 @@ function Wr(l) {
function Vr(l, e, t) {
let n, { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: o } = e, { size: a = "small" } = e, { unpadded_box: r = !1 } = e, s;
function f(c) {
- var d;
+ var _;
if (!c) return !1;
- const { height: _ } = c.getBoundingClientRect(), { height: h } = ((d = c.parentElement) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.getBoundingClientRect()) || { height: _ };
- return _ > h + 2;
+ const { height: d } = c.getBoundingClientRect(), { height: h } = ((_ = c.parentElement) === null || _ === void 0 ? void 0 : _.getBoundingClientRect()) || { height: d };
+ return d > h + 2;
function u(c) {
- Br[c ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ Tr[c ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
s = c, t(2, s);
@@ -1047,41 +1047,41 @@ function Vr(l, e, t) {
4 && t(3, n = f(s));
}, [a, r, s, n, o, i, u];
-class Pr extends Dr {
+class Pr extends Lr {
constructor(e) {
super(), Hr(this, e, Vr, Wr, Nr, { size: 0, unpadded_box: 1 });
const {
SvelteComponent: Zr,
- append: bl,
- attr: Ae,
+ append: pl,
+ attr: De,
detach: Kr,
init: Gr,
insert: Jr,
- noop: gl,
+ noop: kl,
safe_not_equal: Qr,
- set_style: Fe,
- svg_element: Cn
+ set_style: Ue,
+ svg_element: Sn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function xr(l) {
let e, t, n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = Cn("svg"), t = Cn("g"), n = Cn("path"), i = Cn("path"), Ae(n, "d", "M18,6L6.087,17.913"), Fe(n, "fill", "none"), Fe(n, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), Fe(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), Ae(t, "transform", "matrix(1.14096,-0.140958,-0.140958,1.14096,-0.0559523,0.0559523)"), Ae(i, "d", "M4.364,4.364L19.636,19.636"), Fe(i, "fill", "none"), Fe(i, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), Fe(i, "stroke-width", "2px"), Ae(e, "width", "100%"), Ae(e, "height", "100%"), Ae(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), Ae(e, "version", "1.1"), Ae(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Ae(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), Ae(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), Ae(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Fe(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), Fe(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), Fe(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Fe(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
+ e = Sn("svg"), t = Sn("g"), n = Sn("path"), i = Sn("path"), De(n, "d", "M18,6L6.087,17.913"), Ue(n, "fill", "none"), Ue(n, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), Ue(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), De(t, "transform", "matrix(1.14096,-0.140958,-0.140958,1.14096,-0.0559523,0.0559523)"), De(i, "d", "M4.364,4.364L19.636,19.636"), Ue(i, "fill", "none"), Ue(i, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), Ue(i, "stroke-width", "2px"), De(e, "width", "100%"), De(e, "height", "100%"), De(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), De(e, "version", "1.1"), De(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), De(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), De(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), De(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Ue(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), Ue(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), Ue(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Ue(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
m(o, a) {
- Jr(o, e, a), bl(e, t), bl(t, n), bl(e, i);
+ Jr(o, e, a), pl(e, t), pl(t, n), pl(e, i);
- p: gl,
- i: gl,
- o: gl,
+ p: kl,
+ i: kl,
+ o: kl,
d(o) {
o && Kr(e);
-class ui extends Zr {
+class ci extends Zr {
constructor(e) {
super(), Gr(this, e, null, xr, Qr, {});
@@ -1093,22 +1093,22 @@ const {
detach: tf,
init: nf,
insert: lf,
- noop: wl,
+ noop: vl,
safe_not_equal: of,
- svg_element: zi
+ svg_element: qi
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function sf(l) {
let e, t;
return {
c() {
- e = zi("svg"), t = zi("path"), Qt(t, "d", "M23,20a5,5,0,0,0-3.89,1.89L11.8,17.32a4.46,4.46,0,0,0,0-2.64l7.31-4.57A5,5,0,1,0,18,7a4.79,4.79,0,0,0,.2,1.32l-7.31,4.57a5,5,0,1,0,0,6.22l7.31,4.57A4.79,4.79,0,0,0,18,25a5,5,0,1,0,5-5ZM23,4a3,3,0,1,1-3,3A3,3,0,0,1,23,4ZM7,19a3,3,0,1,1,3-3A3,3,0,0,1,7,19Zm16,9a3,3,0,1,1,3-3A3,3,0,0,1,23,28Z"), Qt(t, "fill", "currentColor"), Qt(e, "id", "icon"), Qt(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Qt(e, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
+ e = qi("svg"), t = qi("path"), Qt(t, "d", "M23,20a5,5,0,0,0-3.89,1.89L11.8,17.32a4.46,4.46,0,0,0,0-2.64l7.31-4.57A5,5,0,1,0,18,7a4.79,4.79,0,0,0,.2,1.32l-7.31,4.57a5,5,0,1,0,0,6.22l7.31,4.57A4.79,4.79,0,0,0,18,25a5,5,0,1,0,5-5ZM23,4a3,3,0,1,1-3,3A3,3,0,0,1,23,4ZM7,19a3,3,0,1,1,3-3A3,3,0,0,1,7,19Zm16,9a3,3,0,1,1,3-3A3,3,0,0,1,23,28Z"), Qt(t, "fill", "currentColor"), Qt(e, "id", "icon"), Qt(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Qt(e, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
m(n, i) {
lf(n, e, i), ef(e, t);
- p: wl,
- i: wl,
- o: wl,
+ p: vl,
+ i: vl,
+ o: vl,
d(n) {
n && tf(e);
@@ -1122,26 +1122,26 @@ class af extends $r {
const {
SvelteComponent: rf,
append: ff,
- attr: At,
+ attr: Tt,
detach: uf,
init: cf,
insert: _f,
- noop: pl,
+ noop: yl,
safe_not_equal: df,
- svg_element: qi
+ svg_element: Ei
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function hf(l) {
let e, t;
return {
c() {
- e = qi("svg"), t = qi("path"), At(t, "fill", "currentColor"), At(t, "d", "M26 24v4H6v-4H4v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-4zm0-10l-1.41-1.41L17 20.17V2h-2v18.17l-7.59-7.58L6 14l10 10l10-10z"), At(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), At(e, "width", "100%"), At(e, "height", "100%"), At(e, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
+ e = Ei("svg"), t = Ei("path"), Tt(t, "fill", "currentColor"), Tt(t, "d", "M26 24v4H6v-4H4v4a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h20a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-4zm0-10l-1.41-1.41L17 20.17V2h-2v18.17l-7.59-7.58L6 14l10 10l10-10z"), Tt(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Tt(e, "width", "100%"), Tt(e, "height", "100%"), Tt(e, "viewBox", "0 0 32 32");
m(n, i) {
_f(n, e, i), ff(e, t);
- p: pl,
- i: pl,
- o: pl,
+ p: yl,
+ i: yl,
+ o: yl,
d(n) {
n && uf(e);
@@ -1155,11 +1155,11 @@ class mf extends rf {
const {
SvelteComponent: bf,
append: gf,
- attr: Lt,
+ attr: jt,
detach: wf,
init: pf,
insert: kf,
- noop: kl,
+ noop: Cl,
safe_not_equal: vf,
svg_element: Mi
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
@@ -1167,14 +1167,14 @@ function yf(l) {
let e, t;
return {
c() {
- e = Mi("svg"), t = Mi("path"), Lt(t, "d", "M5 8l4 4 4-4z"), Lt(e, "class", "dropdown-arrow svelte-145leq6"), Lt(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Lt(e, "width", "100%"), Lt(e, "height", "100%"), Lt(e, "viewBox", "0 0 18 18");
+ e = Mi("svg"), t = Mi("path"), jt(t, "d", "M5 8l4 4 4-4z"), jt(e, "class", "dropdown-arrow svelte-145leq6"), jt(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), jt(e, "width", "100%"), jt(e, "height", "100%"), jt(e, "viewBox", "0 0 18 18");
m(n, i) {
kf(n, e, i), gf(e, t);
- p: kl,
- i: kl,
- o: kl,
+ p: Cl,
+ i: Cl,
+ o: Cl,
d(n) {
n && wf(e);
@@ -1188,65 +1188,65 @@ class Cf extends bf {
const {
SvelteComponent: Sf,
append: zf,
- attr: Le,
+ attr: Te,
detach: qf,
- init: Mf,
- insert: Ef,
- noop: vl,
- safe_not_equal: Af,
- svg_element: Ei
+ init: Ef,
+ insert: Mf,
+ noop: Sl,
+ safe_not_equal: Bf,
+ svg_element: Bi
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Lf(l) {
+function Af(l) {
let e, t;
return {
c() {
- e = Ei("svg"), t = Ei("path"), Le(t, "d", "M17 3a2.828 2.828 0 1 1 4 4L7.5 20.5 2 22l1.5-5.5L17 3z"), Le(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Le(e, "width", "100%"), Le(e, "height", "100%"), Le(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), Le(e, "fill", "none"), Le(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Le(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), Le(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Le(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), Le(e, "class", "feather feather-edit-2");
+ e = Bi("svg"), t = Bi("path"), Te(t, "d", "M17 3a2.828 2.828 0 1 1 4 4L7.5 20.5 2 22l1.5-5.5L17 3z"), Te(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Te(e, "width", "100%"), Te(e, "height", "100%"), Te(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), Te(e, "fill", "none"), Te(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Te(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), Te(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Te(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), Te(e, "class", "feather feather-edit-2");
m(n, i) {
- Ef(n, e, i), zf(e, t);
+ Mf(n, e, i), zf(e, t);
- p: vl,
- i: vl,
- o: vl,
+ p: Sl,
+ i: Sl,
+ o: Sl,
d(n) {
n && qf(e);
-class Df extends Sf {
+class Lf extends Sf {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Mf(this, e, null, Lf, Af, {});
+ super(), Ef(this, e, null, Af, Bf, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: Tf,
- append: yl,
+ SvelteComponent: Df,
+ append: zl,
attr: Q,
- detach: Bf,
+ detach: Tf,
init: jf,
insert: If,
- noop: Cl,
+ noop: ql,
safe_not_equal: Rf,
- svg_element: Sn
+ svg_element: zn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Ff(l) {
let e, t, n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = Sn("svg"), t = Sn("rect"), n = Sn("circle"), i = Sn("polyline"), Q(t, "x", "3"), Q(t, "y", "3"), Q(t, "width", "18"), Q(t, "height", "18"), Q(t, "rx", "2"), Q(t, "ry", "2"), Q(n, "cx", "8.5"), Q(n, "cy", "8.5"), Q(n, "r", "1.5"), Q(i, "points", "21 15 16 10 5 21"), Q(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Q(e, "width", "100%"), Q(e, "height", "100%"), Q(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), Q(e, "fill", "none"), Q(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Q(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), Q(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Q(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), Q(e, "class", "feather feather-image");
+ e = zn("svg"), t = zn("rect"), n = zn("circle"), i = zn("polyline"), Q(t, "x", "3"), Q(t, "y", "3"), Q(t, "width", "18"), Q(t, "height", "18"), Q(t, "rx", "2"), Q(t, "ry", "2"), Q(n, "cx", "8.5"), Q(n, "cy", "8.5"), Q(n, "r", "1.5"), Q(i, "points", "21 15 16 10 5 21"), Q(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Q(e, "width", "100%"), Q(e, "height", "100%"), Q(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), Q(e, "fill", "none"), Q(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Q(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), Q(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Q(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), Q(e, "class", "feather feather-image");
m(o, a) {
- If(o, e, a), yl(e, t), yl(e, n), yl(e, i);
+ If(o, e, a), zl(e, t), zl(e, n), zl(e, i);
- p: Cl,
- i: Cl,
- o: Cl,
+ p: ql,
+ i: ql,
+ o: ql,
d(o) {
- o && Bf(e);
+ o && Tf(e);
-let ts = class extends Tf {
+let ls = class extends Df {
constructor(e) {
super(), jf(this, e, null, Ff, Rf, {});
@@ -1254,11 +1254,11 @@ let ts = class extends Tf {
const {
SvelteComponent: Hf,
append: Uf,
- attr: zn,
+ attr: qn,
detach: Nf,
init: Of,
insert: Xf,
- noop: Sl,
+ noop: El,
safe_not_equal: Yf,
svg_element: Ai
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
@@ -1266,32 +1266,32 @@ function Wf(l) {
let e, t;
return {
c() {
- e = Ai("svg"), t = Ai("path"), zn(t, "fill", "currentColor"), zn(t, "d", "M13.75 2a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 2.236 2.002V4h1.764A2.25 2.25 0 0 1 20 6.25V11h-1.5V6.25a.75.75 0 0 0-.75-.75h-2.129c-.404.603-1.091 1-1.871 1h-3.5c-.78 0-1.467-.397-1.871-1H6.25a.75.75 0 0 0-.75.75v13.5c0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.78a4 4 0 0 0 .505 1.5H6.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 1 4 19.75V6.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 1 6.25 4h1.764a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 2.236-2zm2.245 2.096L16 4.25q0-.078-.005-.154M13.75 3.5h-3.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.5h3.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.5M15 12a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v5c0 .556.151 1.077.415 1.524l3.494-3.494a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 3.182 0l3.494 3.494c.264-.447.415-.968.415-1.524v-5a3 3 0 0 0-3-3zm0 11a3 3 0 0 1-1.524-.415l3.494-3.494a.75.75 0 0 1 1.06 0l3.494 3.494A3 3 0 0 1 20 23zm5-7a1 1 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2"), zn(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), zn(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24");
+ e = Ai("svg"), t = Ai("path"), qn(t, "fill", "currentColor"), qn(t, "d", "M13.75 2a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 2.236 2.002V4h1.764A2.25 2.25 0 0 1 20 6.25V11h-1.5V6.25a.75.75 0 0 0-.75-.75h-2.129c-.404.603-1.091 1-1.871 1h-3.5c-.78 0-1.467-.397-1.871-1H6.25a.75.75 0 0 0-.75.75v13.5c0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.78a4 4 0 0 0 .505 1.5H6.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 1 4 19.75V6.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 1 6.25 4h1.764a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 2.236-2zm2.245 2.096L16 4.25q0-.078-.005-.154M13.75 3.5h-3.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.5h3.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.5M15 12a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v5c0 .556.151 1.077.415 1.524l3.494-3.494a2.25 2.25 0 0 1 3.182 0l3.494 3.494c.264-.447.415-.968.415-1.524v-5a3 3 0 0 0-3-3zm0 11a3 3 0 0 1-1.524-.415l3.494-3.494a.75.75 0 0 1 1.06 0l3.494 3.494A3 3 0 0 1 20 23zm5-7a1 1 0 1 1 0-2 1 1 0 0 1 0 2"), qn(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), qn(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24");
m(n, i) {
Xf(n, e, i), Uf(e, t);
- p: Sl,
- i: Sl,
- o: Sl,
+ p: El,
+ i: El,
+ o: El,
d(n) {
n && Nf(e);
-class ns extends Hf {
+class is extends Hf {
constructor(e) {
super(), Of(this, e, null, Wf, Yf, {});
const {
SvelteComponent: Vf,
- append: qn,
+ append: En,
attr: x,
detach: Pf,
init: Zf,
insert: Kf,
- noop: zl,
+ noop: Ml,
safe_not_equal: Gf,
svg_element: xt
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
@@ -1302,11 +1302,11 @@ function Jf(l) {
e = xt("svg"), t = xt("path"), n = xt("path"), i = xt("line"), o = xt("line"), x(t, "d", "M12 1a3 3 0 0 0-3 3v8a3 3 0 0 0 6 0V4a3 3 0 0 0-3-3z"), x(n, "d", "M19 10v2a7 7 0 0 1-14 0v-2"), x(i, "x1", "12"), x(i, "y1", "19"), x(i, "x2", "12"), x(i, "y2", "23"), x(o, "x1", "8"), x(o, "y1", "23"), x(o, "x2", "16"), x(o, "y2", "23"), x(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), x(e, "width", "100%"), x(e, "height", "100%"), x(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), x(e, "fill", "none"), x(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), x(e, "stroke-width", "2"), x(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), x(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), x(e, "class", "feather feather-mic");
m(a, r) {
- Kf(a, e, r), qn(e, t), qn(e, n), qn(e, i), qn(e, o);
+ Kf(a, e, r), En(e, t), En(e, n), En(e, i), En(e, o);
- p: zl,
- i: zl,
- o: zl,
+ p: Ml,
+ i: Ml,
+ o: Ml,
d(a) {
a && Pf(e);
@@ -1319,12 +1319,12 @@ class Qf extends Vf {
const {
SvelteComponent: xf,
- append: ql,
- attr: le,
+ append: Bl,
+ attr: ie,
detach: $f,
init: eu,
insert: tu,
- noop: Ml,
+ noop: Al,
safe_not_equal: nu,
svg_element: Mn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
@@ -1332,20 +1332,20 @@ function lu(l) {
let e, t, n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = Mn("svg"), t = Mn("path"), n = Mn("polyline"), i = Mn("line"), le(t, "d", "M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4"), le(n, "points", "17 8 12 3 7 8"), le(i, "x1", "12"), le(i, "y1", "3"), le(i, "x2", "12"), le(i, "y2", "15"), le(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), le(e, "width", "90%"), le(e, "height", "90%"), le(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), le(e, "fill", "none"), le(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), le(e, "stroke-width", "2"), le(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), le(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), le(e, "class", "feather feather-upload");
+ e = Mn("svg"), t = Mn("path"), n = Mn("polyline"), i = Mn("line"), ie(t, "d", "M21 15v4a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H5a2 2 0 0 1-2-2v-4"), ie(n, "points", "17 8 12 3 7 8"), ie(i, "x1", "12"), ie(i, "y1", "3"), ie(i, "x2", "12"), ie(i, "y2", "15"), ie(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ie(e, "width", "90%"), ie(e, "height", "90%"), ie(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), ie(e, "fill", "none"), ie(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), ie(e, "stroke-width", "2"), ie(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), ie(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), ie(e, "class", "feather feather-upload");
m(o, a) {
- tu(o, e, a), ql(e, t), ql(e, n), ql(e, i);
+ tu(o, e, a), Bl(e, t), Bl(e, n), Bl(e, i);
- p: Ml,
- i: Ml,
- o: Ml,
+ p: Al,
+ i: Al,
+ o: Al,
d(o) {
o && $f(e);
-let ls = class extends xf {
+let os = class extends xf {
constructor(e) {
super(), eu(this, e, null, lu, nu, {});
@@ -1353,26 +1353,26 @@ let ls = class extends xf {
const {
SvelteComponent: iu,
append: Li,
- attr: xe,
+ attr: et,
detach: ou,
init: su,
insert: au,
- noop: El,
+ noop: Ll,
safe_not_equal: ru,
- svg_element: Al
+ svg_element: Dl
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function fu(l) {
let e, t, n;
return {
c() {
- e = Al("svg"), t = Al("path"), n = Al("path"), xe(t, "fill", "currentColor"), xe(t, "d", "M12 2c-4.963 0-9 4.038-9 9c0 3.328 1.82 6.232 4.513 7.79l-2.067 1.378A1 1 0 0 0 6 22h12a1 1 0 0 0 .555-1.832l-2.067-1.378C19.18 17.232 21 14.328 21 11c0-4.962-4.037-9-9-9zm0 16c-3.859 0-7-3.141-7-7c0-3.86 3.141-7 7-7s7 3.14 7 7c0 3.859-3.141 7-7 7z"), xe(n, "fill", "currentColor"), xe(n, "d", "M12 6c-2.757 0-5 2.243-5 5s2.243 5 5 5s5-2.243 5-5s-2.243-5-5-5zm0 8c-1.654 0-3-1.346-3-3s1.346-3 3-3s3 1.346 3 3s-1.346 3-3 3z"), xe(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), xe(e, "width", "100%"), xe(e, "height", "100%"), xe(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24");
+ e = Dl("svg"), t = Dl("path"), n = Dl("path"), et(t, "fill", "currentColor"), et(t, "d", "M12 2c-4.963 0-9 4.038-9 9c0 3.328 1.82 6.232 4.513 7.79l-2.067 1.378A1 1 0 0 0 6 22h12a1 1 0 0 0 .555-1.832l-2.067-1.378C19.18 17.232 21 14.328 21 11c0-4.962-4.037-9-9-9zm0 16c-3.859 0-7-3.141-7-7c0-3.86 3.141-7 7-7s7 3.14 7 7c0 3.859-3.141 7-7 7z"), et(n, "fill", "currentColor"), et(n, "d", "M12 6c-2.757 0-5 2.243-5 5s2.243 5 5 5s5-2.243 5-5s-2.243-5-5-5zm0 8c-1.654 0-3-1.346-3-3s1.346-3 3-3s3 1.346 3 3s-1.346 3-3 3z"), et(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), et(e, "width", "100%"), et(e, "height", "100%"), et(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24");
m(i, o) {
au(i, e, o), Li(e, t), Li(e, n);
- p: El,
- i: El,
- o: El,
+ p: Ll,
+ i: Ll,
+ o: Ll,
d(i) {
i && ou(e);
@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ cu.reduce(
-class On extends Error {
+class Xn extends Error {
constructor(e) {
super(e), this.name = "ShareError";
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ class On extends Error {
async function _u(l, e) {
var s;
if (window.__gradio_space__ == null)
- throw new On("Must be on Spaces to share.");
+ throw new Xn("Must be on Spaces to share.");
let t, n, i;
t = du(l), n = l.split(";")[0].split(":")[1], i = "file" + n.split("/")[1];
const o = new File([t], i, { type: n }), a = await fetch("https://huggingface.co/uploads", {
@@ -1719,9 +1719,9 @@ async function _u(l, e) {
if (!a.ok) {
if ((s = a.headers.get("content-type")) != null && s.includes("application/json")) {
const f = await a.json();
- throw new On(`Upload failed: ${f.error}`);
+ throw new Xn(`Upload failed: ${f.error}`);
- throw new On("Upload failed.");
+ throw new Xn("Upload failed.");
return await a.text();
@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ const {
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: yu } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Cu(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new il({
+ return e = new al({
props: {
Icon: af,
label: (
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ function Su(l, e, t) {
n("share", { description: f });
} catch (f) {
- let u = f instanceof On ? f.message : "Share failed.";
+ let u = f instanceof Xn ? f.message : "Share failed.";
n("error", u);
} finally {
t(3, r = !1);
@@ -1811,66 +1811,66 @@ class zu extends hu {
const {
SvelteComponent: qu,
- append: bt,
- attr: Kl,
- check_outros: Mu,
- create_component: is,
- destroy_component: os,
- detach: Xn,
- element: Gl,
- group_outros: Eu,
- init: Au,
- insert: Yn,
- mount_component: ss,
- safe_not_equal: Lu,
- set_data: Jl,
- space: Ql,
+ append: kt,
+ attr: Gl,
+ check_outros: Eu,
+ create_component: ss,
+ destroy_component: as,
+ detach: Yn,
+ element: Jl,
+ group_outros: Mu,
+ init: Bu,
+ insert: Wn,
+ mount_component: rs,
+ safe_not_equal: Au,
+ set_data: Ql,
+ space: xl,
text: ln,
toggle_class: Ti,
- transition_in: Pn,
- transition_out: Zn
+ transition_in: Gn,
+ transition_out: Jn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Du(l) {
+function Lu(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new ls({}), {
+ return e = new os({}), {
c() {
- is(e.$$.fragment);
+ ss(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- ss(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ rs(e, n, i), t = !0;
i(n) {
- t || (Pn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Gn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Zn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Jn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- os(e, n);
+ as(e, n);
-function Tu(l) {
+function Du(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new ns({}), {
+ return e = new is({}), {
c() {
- is(e.$$.fragment);
+ ss(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- ss(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ rs(e, n, i), t = !0;
i(n) {
- t || (Pn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Gn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Zn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Jn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- os(e, n);
+ as(e, n);
-function Bi(l) {
+function ji(l) {
let e, t, n = (
l[1]("common.or") + ""
@@ -1881,25 +1881,25 @@ function Bi(l) {
), s;
return {
c() {
- e = Gl("span"), t = ln("- "), i = ln(n), o = ln(" -"), a = Ql(), s = ln(r), Kl(e, "class", "or svelte-kzcjhc");
+ e = Jl("span"), t = ln("- "), i = ln(n), o = ln(" -"), a = xl(), s = ln(r), Gl(e, "class", "or svelte-kzcjhc");
m(f, u) {
- Yn(f, e, u), bt(e, t), bt(e, i), bt(e, o), Yn(f, a, u), Yn(f, s, u);
+ Wn(f, e, u), kt(e, t), kt(e, i), kt(e, o), Wn(f, a, u), Wn(f, s, u);
p(f, u) {
u & /*i18n*/
2 && n !== (n = /*i18n*/
- f[1]("common.or") + "") && Jl(i, n), u & /*message, i18n*/
+ f[1]("common.or") + "") && Ql(i, n), u & /*message, i18n*/
6 && r !== (r = /*message*/
(f[2] || /*i18n*/
- f[1]("upload_text.click_to_upload")) + "") && Jl(s, r);
+ f[1]("upload_text.click_to_upload")) + "") && Ql(s, r);
d(f) {
- f && (Xn(e), Xn(a), Xn(s));
+ f && (Yn(e), Yn(a), Yn(s));
-function Bu(l) {
+function Tu(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a = (
@@ -1911,41 +1911,41 @@ function Bu(l) {
) + ""
), r, s, f;
- const u = [Tu, Du], c = [];
- function d(h, m) {
+ const u = [Du, Lu], c = [];
+ function _(h, b) {
return (
h[0] === "clipboard" ? 0 : 1
- n = d(l), i = c[n] = u[n](l);
- let _ = (
+ n = _(l), i = c[n] = u[n](l);
+ let d = (
- l[3] !== "short" && Bi(l)
+ l[3] !== "short" && ji(l)
return {
c() {
- e = Gl("div"), t = Gl("span"), i.c(), o = Ql(), r = ln(a), s = Ql(), _ && _.c(), Kl(t, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-kzcjhc"), Ti(
+ e = Jl("div"), t = Jl("span"), i.c(), o = xl(), r = ln(a), s = xl(), d && d.c(), Gl(t, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-kzcjhc"), Ti(
- ), Kl(e, "class", "wrap svelte-kzcjhc");
+ ), Gl(e, "class", "wrap svelte-kzcjhc");
- m(h, m) {
- Yn(h, e, m), bt(e, t), c[n].m(t, null), bt(e, o), bt(e, r), bt(e, s), _ && _.m(e, null), f = !0;
+ m(h, b) {
+ Wn(h, e, b), kt(e, t), c[n].m(t, null), kt(e, o), kt(e, r), kt(e, s), d && d.m(e, null), f = !0;
- p(h, [m]) {
- let b = n;
- n = d(h), n !== b && (Eu(), Zn(c[b], 1, 1, () => {
- c[b] = null;
- }), Mu(), i = c[n], i || (i = c[n] = u[n](h), i.c()), Pn(i, 1), i.m(t, null)), (!f || m & /*hovered*/
+ p(h, [b]) {
+ let m = n;
+ n = _(h), n !== m && (Mu(), Jn(c[m], 1, 1, () => {
+ c[m] = null;
+ }), Eu(), i = c[n], i || (i = c[n] = u[n](h), i.c()), Gn(i, 1), i.m(t, null)), (!f || b & /*hovered*/
16) && Ti(
- ), (!f || m & /*i18n, type*/
+ ), (!f || b & /*i18n, type*/
3) && a !== (a = /*i18n*/
@@ -1954,17 +1954,17 @@ function Bu(l) {
] || /*defs*/
- ) + "") && Jl(r, a), /*mode*/
- h[3] !== "short" ? _ ? _.p(h, m) : (_ = Bi(h), _.c(), _.m(e, null)) : _ && (_.d(1), _ = null);
+ ) + "") && Ql(r, a), /*mode*/
+ h[3] !== "short" ? d ? d.p(h, b) : (d = ji(h), d.c(), d.m(e, null)) : d && (d.d(1), d = null);
i(h) {
- f || (Pn(i), f = !0);
+ f || (Gn(i), f = !0);
o(h) {
- Zn(i), f = !1;
+ Jn(i), f = !1;
d(h) {
- h && Xn(e), c[n].d(), _ && _.d();
+ h && Yn(e), c[n].d(), d && d.d();
@@ -1983,9 +1983,9 @@ function ju(l, e, t) {
"type" in f && t(0, n = f.type), "i18n" in f && t(1, i = f.i18n), "message" in f && t(2, o = f.message), "mode" in f && t(3, a = f.mode), "hovered" in f && t(4, r = f.hovered);
}, [n, i, o, a, r, s];
-class as extends qu {
+class fs extends qu {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Au(this, e, ju, Bu, Lu, {
+ super(), Bu(this, e, ju, Tu, Au, {
type: 0,
i18n: 1,
message: 2,
@@ -1996,26 +1996,26 @@ class as extends qu {
const {
SvelteComponent: Iu,
- append: Ll,
- attr: Xe,
+ append: Tl,
+ attr: We,
check_outros: on,
- create_component: ol,
- destroy_component: sl,
- detach: Zt,
- element: pn,
+ create_component: rl,
+ destroy_component: fl,
+ detach: Kt,
+ element: kn,
empty: Ru,
group_outros: sn,
init: Fu,
- insert: Kt,
- listen: al,
- mount_component: rl,
+ insert: Gt,
+ listen: ul,
+ mount_component: cl,
safe_not_equal: Hu,
- space: Dl,
- toggle_class: ot,
- transition_in: te,
- transition_out: me
+ space: jl,
+ toggle_class: at,
+ transition_in: $,
+ transition_out: ue
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function ji(l) {
+function Ii(l) {
let e, t = (
@@ -2028,53 +2028,53 @@ function ji(l) {
), r, s = (
- ), f, u = t && Ii(l), c = i && Ri(l), d = a && Fi(l), _ = s && Hi(l);
+ ), f, u = t && Ri(l), c = i && Fi(l), _ = a && Hi(l), d = s && Ui(l);
return {
c() {
- e = pn("span"), u && u.c(), n = Dl(), c && c.c(), o = Dl(), d && d.c(), r = Dl(), _ && _.c(), Xe(e, "class", "source-selection svelte-1jp3vgd"), Xe(e, "data-testid", "source-select");
+ e = kn("span"), u && u.c(), n = jl(), c && c.c(), o = jl(), _ && _.c(), r = jl(), d && d.c(), We(e, "class", "source-selection svelte-1jp3vgd"), We(e, "data-testid", "source-select");
- m(h, m) {
- Kt(h, e, m), u && u.m(e, null), Ll(e, n), c && c.m(e, null), Ll(e, o), d && d.m(e, null), Ll(e, r), _ && _.m(e, null), f = !0;
+ m(h, b) {
+ Gt(h, e, b), u && u.m(e, null), Tl(e, n), c && c.m(e, null), Tl(e, o), _ && _.m(e, null), Tl(e, r), d && d.m(e, null), f = !0;
- p(h, m) {
- m & /*sources*/
+ p(h, b) {
+ b & /*sources*/
2 && (t = /*sources*/
- h[1].includes("upload")), t ? u ? (u.p(h, m), m & /*sources*/
- 2 && te(u, 1)) : (u = Ii(h), u.c(), te(u, 1), u.m(e, n)) : u && (sn(), me(u, 1, 1, () => {
+ h[1].includes("upload")), t ? u ? (u.p(h, b), b & /*sources*/
+ 2 && $(u, 1)) : (u = Ri(h), u.c(), $(u, 1), u.m(e, n)) : u && (sn(), ue(u, 1, 1, () => {
u = null;
- }), on()), m & /*sources*/
+ }), on()), b & /*sources*/
2 && (i = /*sources*/
- h[1].includes("microphone")), i ? c ? (c.p(h, m), m & /*sources*/
- 2 && te(c, 1)) : (c = Ri(h), c.c(), te(c, 1), c.m(e, o)) : c && (sn(), me(c, 1, 1, () => {
+ h[1].includes("microphone")), i ? c ? (c.p(h, b), b & /*sources*/
+ 2 && $(c, 1)) : (c = Fi(h), c.c(), $(c, 1), c.m(e, o)) : c && (sn(), ue(c, 1, 1, () => {
c = null;
- }), on()), m & /*sources*/
+ }), on()), b & /*sources*/
2 && (a = /*sources*/
- h[1].includes("webcam")), a ? d ? (d.p(h, m), m & /*sources*/
- 2 && te(d, 1)) : (d = Fi(h), d.c(), te(d, 1), d.m(e, r)) : d && (sn(), me(d, 1, 1, () => {
- d = null;
- }), on()), m & /*sources*/
- 2 && (s = /*sources*/
- h[1].includes("clipboard")), s ? _ ? (_.p(h, m), m & /*sources*/
- 2 && te(_, 1)) : (_ = Hi(h), _.c(), te(_, 1), _.m(e, null)) : _ && (sn(), me(_, 1, 1, () => {
+ h[1].includes("webcam")), a ? _ ? (_.p(h, b), b & /*sources*/
+ 2 && $(_, 1)) : (_ = Hi(h), _.c(), $(_, 1), _.m(e, r)) : _ && (sn(), ue(_, 1, 1, () => {
_ = null;
+ }), on()), b & /*sources*/
+ 2 && (s = /*sources*/
+ h[1].includes("clipboard")), s ? d ? (d.p(h, b), b & /*sources*/
+ 2 && $(d, 1)) : (d = Ui(h), d.c(), $(d, 1), d.m(e, null)) : d && (sn(), ue(d, 1, 1, () => {
+ d = null;
}), on());
i(h) {
- f || (te(u), te(c), te(d), te(_), f = !0);
+ f || ($(u), $(c), $(_), $(d), f = !0);
o(h) {
- me(u), me(c), me(d), me(_), f = !1;
+ ue(u), ue(c), ue(_), ue(d), f = !1;
d(h) {
- h && Zt(e), u && u.d(), c && c.d(), d && d.d(), _ && _.d();
+ h && Kt(e), u && u.d(), c && c.d(), _ && _.d(), d && d.d();
-function Ii(l) {
+function Ri(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o;
- return t = new ls({}), {
+ return t = new os({}), {
c() {
- e = pn("button"), ol(t.$$.fragment), Xe(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), Xe(e, "aria-label", "Upload file"), ot(
+ e = kn("button"), rl(t.$$.fragment), We(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), We(e, "aria-label", "Upload file"), at(
@@ -2083,7 +2083,7 @@ function Ii(l) {
m(a, r) {
- Kt(a, e, r), rl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = al(
+ Gt(a, e, r), cl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = ul(
@@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ function Ii(l) {
p(a, r) {
(!n || r & /*active_source*/
- 1) && ot(
+ 1) && at(
@@ -2101,21 +2101,21 @@ function Ii(l) {
i(a) {
- n || (te(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
+ n || ($(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
o(a) {
- me(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
+ ue(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
d(a) {
- a && Zt(e), sl(t), i = !1, o();
+ a && Kt(e), fl(t), i = !1, o();
-function Ri(l) {
+function Fi(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o;
return t = new Qf({}), {
c() {
- e = pn("button"), ol(t.$$.fragment), Xe(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), Xe(e, "aria-label", "Record audio"), ot(
+ e = kn("button"), rl(t.$$.fragment), We(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), We(e, "aria-label", "Record audio"), at(
@@ -2123,7 +2123,7 @@ function Ri(l) {
m(a, r) {
- Kt(a, e, r), rl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = al(
+ Gt(a, e, r), cl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = ul(
@@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@ function Ri(l) {
p(a, r) {
(!n || r & /*active_source*/
- 1) && ot(
+ 1) && at(
@@ -2140,21 +2140,21 @@ function Ri(l) {
i(a) {
- n || (te(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
+ n || ($(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
o(a) {
- me(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
+ ue(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
d(a) {
- a && Zt(e), sl(t), i = !1, o();
+ a && Kt(e), fl(t), i = !1, o();
-function Fi(l) {
+function Hi(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o;
return t = new uu({}), {
c() {
- e = pn("button"), ol(t.$$.fragment), Xe(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), Xe(e, "aria-label", "Capture from camera"), ot(
+ e = kn("button"), rl(t.$$.fragment), We(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), We(e, "aria-label", "Capture from camera"), at(
@@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@ function Fi(l) {
m(a, r) {
- Kt(a, e, r), rl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = al(
+ Gt(a, e, r), cl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = ul(
@@ -2171,7 +2171,7 @@ function Fi(l) {
p(a, r) {
(!n || r & /*active_source*/
- 1) && ot(
+ 1) && at(
@@ -2179,21 +2179,21 @@ function Fi(l) {
i(a) {
- n || (te(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
+ n || ($(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
o(a) {
- me(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
+ ue(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
d(a) {
- a && Zt(e), sl(t), i = !1, o();
+ a && Kt(e), fl(t), i = !1, o();
-function Hi(l) {
+function Ui(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o;
- return t = new ns({}), {
+ return t = new is({}), {
c() {
- e = pn("button"), ol(t.$$.fragment), Xe(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), Xe(e, "aria-label", "Paste from clipboard"), ot(
+ e = kn("button"), rl(t.$$.fragment), We(e, "class", "icon svelte-1jp3vgd"), We(e, "aria-label", "Paste from clipboard"), at(
@@ -2201,7 +2201,7 @@ function Hi(l) {
m(a, r) {
- Kt(a, e, r), rl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = al(
+ Gt(a, e, r), cl(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = ul(
@@ -2210,7 +2210,7 @@ function Hi(l) {
p(a, r) {
(!n || r & /*active_source*/
- 1) && ot(
+ 1) && at(
@@ -2218,73 +2218,73 @@ function Hi(l) {
i(a) {
- n || (te(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
+ n || ($(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
o(a) {
- me(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
+ ue(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
d(a) {
- a && Zt(e), sl(t), i = !1, o();
+ a && Kt(e), fl(t), i = !1, o();
function Uu(l) {
let e, t, n = (
- l[2].length > 1 && ji(l)
+ l[2].length > 1 && Ii(l)
return {
c() {
n && n.c(), e = Ru();
m(i, o) {
- n && n.m(i, o), Kt(i, e, o), t = !0;
+ n && n.m(i, o), Gt(i, e, o), t = !0;
p(i, [o]) {
i[2].length > 1 ? n ? (n.p(i, o), o & /*unique_sources*/
- 4 && te(n, 1)) : (n = ji(i), n.c(), te(n, 1), n.m(e.parentNode, e)) : n && (sn(), me(n, 1, 1, () => {
+ 4 && $(n, 1)) : (n = Ii(i), n.c(), $(n, 1), n.m(e.parentNode, e)) : n && (sn(), ue(n, 1, 1, () => {
n = null;
}), on());
i(i) {
- t || (te(n), t = !0);
+ t || ($(n), t = !0);
o(i) {
- me(n), t = !1;
+ ue(n), t = !1;
d(i) {
- i && Zt(e), n && n.d(i);
+ i && Kt(e), n && n.d(i);
function Nu(l, e, t) {
let n;
- var i = this && this.__awaiter || function(h, m, b, g) {
- function w(p) {
- return p instanceof b ? p : new b(function(C) {
- C(p);
+ var i = this && this.__awaiter || function(h, b, m, w) {
+ function k(g) {
+ return g instanceof m ? g : new m(function(S) {
+ S(g);
- return new (b || (b = Promise))(function(p, C) {
- function E(k) {
+ return new (m || (m = Promise))(function(g, S) {
+ function M(v) {
try {
- z(g.next(k));
+ z(w.next(v));
} catch (q) {
- C(q);
+ S(q);
- function v(k) {
+ function y(v) {
try {
- z(g.throw(k));
+ z(w.throw(v));
} catch (q) {
- C(q);
+ S(q);
- function z(k) {
- k.done ? p(k.value) : w(k.value).then(E, v);
+ function z(v) {
+ v.done ? g(v.value) : k(v.value).then(M, y);
- z((g = g.apply(h, m || [])).next());
+ z((w = w.apply(h, b || [])).next());
let { sources: o } = e, { active_source: a } = e, { handle_clear: r = () => {
@@ -2295,7 +2295,7 @@ function Nu(l, e, t) {
r(), t(0, a = h), s(h);
- const u = () => f("upload"), c = () => f("microphone"), d = () => f("webcam"), _ = () => f("clipboard");
+ const u = () => f("upload"), c = () => f("microphone"), _ = () => f("webcam"), d = () => f("clipboard");
return l.$$set = (h) => {
"sources" in h && t(1, o = h.sources), "active_source" in h && t(0, a = h.active_source), "handle_clear" in h && t(4, r = h.handle_clear), "handle_select" in h && t(5, s = h.handle_select);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
@@ -2310,8 +2310,8 @@ function Nu(l, e, t) {
- d,
- _
+ _,
+ d
class Ou extends Iu {
@@ -2324,19 +2324,19 @@ class Ou extends Iu {
-function Xt(l) {
+function Yt(l) {
let e = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"], t = 0;
for (; l > 1e3 && t < e.length - 1; )
l /= 1e3, t++;
let n = e[t];
return (Number.isInteger(l) ? l : l.toFixed(1)) + n;
-function Wn() {
+function Vn() {
function Xu(l, e) {
return l != l ? e == e : l !== e || l && typeof l == "object" || typeof l == "function";
-function Ui(l) {
+function Ni(l) {
const e = typeof l == "string" && l.match(/^\s*(-?[\d.]+)([^\s]*)\s*$/);
return e ? [parseFloat(e[1]), e[2] || "px"] : [
/** @type {number} */
@@ -2344,17 +2344,17 @@ function Ui(l) {
-const rs = typeof window < "u";
-let Ni = rs ? () => window.performance.now() : () => Date.now(), fs = rs ? (l) => requestAnimationFrame(l) : Wn;
+const us = typeof window < "u";
+let Oi = us ? () => window.performance.now() : () => Date.now(), cs = us ? (l) => requestAnimationFrame(l) : Vn;
const Pt = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
-function us(l) {
+function _s(l) {
Pt.forEach((e) => {
e.c(l) || (Pt.delete(e), e.f());
- }), Pt.size !== 0 && fs(us);
+ }), Pt.size !== 0 && cs(_s);
function Yu(l) {
let e;
- return Pt.size === 0 && fs(us), {
+ return Pt.size === 0 && cs(_s), {
promise: new Promise((t) => {
Pt.add(e = { c: l, f: t });
@@ -2367,187 +2367,187 @@ function Wu(l) {
const e = l - 1;
return e * e * e + 1;
-function Oi(l, { delay: e = 0, duration: t = 400, easing: n = Wu, x: i = 0, y: o = 0, opacity: a = 0 } = {}) {
- const r = getComputedStyle(l), s = +r.opacity, f = r.transform === "none" ? "" : r.transform, u = s * (1 - a), [c, d] = Ui(i), [_, h] = Ui(o);
+function Xi(l, { delay: e = 0, duration: t = 400, easing: n = Wu, x: i = 0, y: o = 0, opacity: a = 0 } = {}) {
+ const r = getComputedStyle(l), s = +r.opacity, f = r.transform === "none" ? "" : r.transform, u = s * (1 - a), [c, _] = Ni(i), [d, h] = Ni(o);
return {
delay: e,
duration: t,
easing: n,
- css: (m, b) => `
- transform: ${f} translate(${(1 - m) * c}${d}, ${(1 - m) * _}${h});
- opacity: ${s - u * b}`
+ css: (b, m) => `
+ transform: ${f} translate(${(1 - b) * c}${_}, ${(1 - b) * d}${h});
+ opacity: ${s - u * m}`
-const Dt = [];
-function Vu(l, e = Wn) {
+const It = [];
+function Vu(l, e = Vn) {
let t;
const n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function i(r) {
if (Xu(l, r) && (l = r, t)) {
- const s = !Dt.length;
+ const s = !It.length;
for (const f of n)
- f[1](), Dt.push(f, l);
+ f[1](), It.push(f, l);
if (s) {
- for (let f = 0; f < Dt.length; f += 2)
- Dt[f][0](Dt[f + 1]);
- Dt.length = 0;
+ for (let f = 0; f < It.length; f += 2)
+ It[f][0](It[f + 1]);
+ It.length = 0;
function o(r) {
- function a(r, s = Wn) {
+ function a(r, s = Vn) {
const f = [r, s];
- return n.add(f), n.size === 1 && (t = e(i, o) || Wn), r(l), () => {
+ return n.add(f), n.size === 1 && (t = e(i, o) || Vn), r(l), () => {
n.delete(f), n.size === 0 && t && (t(), t = null);
return { set: i, update: o, subscribe: a };
-function Xi(l) {
+function Yi(l) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(l) === "[object Date]";
-function xl(l, e, t, n) {
- if (typeof t == "number" || Xi(t)) {
+function $l(l, e, t, n) {
+ if (typeof t == "number" || Yi(t)) {
const i = n - t, o = (t - e) / (l.dt || 1 / 60), a = l.opts.stiffness * i, r = l.opts.damping * o, s = (a - r) * l.inv_mass, f = (o + s) * l.dt;
- return Math.abs(f) < l.opts.precision && Math.abs(i) < l.opts.precision ? n : (l.settled = !1, Xi(t) ? new Date(t.getTime() + f) : t + f);
+ return Math.abs(f) < l.opts.precision && Math.abs(i) < l.opts.precision ? n : (l.settled = !1, Yi(t) ? new Date(t.getTime() + f) : t + f);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return t.map(
- (i, o) => xl(l, e[o], t[o], n[o])
+ (i, o) => $l(l, e[o], t[o], n[o])
if (typeof t == "object") {
const i = {};
for (const o in t)
- i[o] = xl(l, e[o], t[o], n[o]);
+ i[o] = $l(l, e[o], t[o], n[o]);
return i;
} else
throw new Error(`Cannot spring ${typeof t} values`);
-function Yi(l, e = {}) {
+function Wi(l, e = {}) {
const t = Vu(l), { stiffness: n = 0.15, damping: i = 0.8, precision: o = 0.01 } = e;
- let a, r, s, f = l, u = l, c = 1, d = 0, _ = !1;
- function h(b, g = {}) {
- u = b;
- const w = s = {};
- return l == null || g.hard || m.stiffness >= 1 && m.damping >= 1 ? (_ = !0, a = Ni(), f = b, t.set(l = u), Promise.resolve()) : (g.soft && (d = 1 / ((g.soft === !0 ? 0.5 : +g.soft) * 60), c = 0), r || (a = Ni(), _ = !1, r = Yu((p) => {
- if (_)
- return _ = !1, r = null, !1;
- c = Math.min(c + d, 1);
- const C = {
+ let a, r, s, f = l, u = l, c = 1, _ = 0, d = !1;
+ function h(m, w = {}) {
+ u = m;
+ const k = s = {};
+ return l == null || w.hard || b.stiffness >= 1 && b.damping >= 1 ? (d = !0, a = Oi(), f = m, t.set(l = u), Promise.resolve()) : (w.soft && (_ = 1 / ((w.soft === !0 ? 0.5 : +w.soft) * 60), c = 0), r || (a = Oi(), d = !1, r = Yu((g) => {
+ if (d)
+ return d = !1, r = null, !1;
+ c = Math.min(c + _, 1);
+ const S = {
inv_mass: c,
- opts: m,
+ opts: b,
settled: !0,
- dt: (p - a) * 60 / 1e3
- }, E = xl(C, f, l, u);
- return a = p, f = l, t.set(l = E), C.settled && (r = null), !C.settled;
- })), new Promise((p) => {
+ dt: (g - a) * 60 / 1e3
+ }, M = $l(S, f, l, u);
+ return a = g, f = l, t.set(l = M), S.settled && (r = null), !S.settled;
+ })), new Promise((g) => {
r.promise.then(() => {
- w === s && p();
+ k === s && g();
- const m = {
+ const b = {
set: h,
- update: (b, g) => h(b(u, l), g),
+ update: (m, w) => h(m(u, l), w),
subscribe: t.subscribe,
stiffness: n,
damping: i,
precision: o
- return m;
+ return b;
const {
SvelteComponent: Pu,
- append: De,
+ append: je,
attr: U,
- component_subscribe: Wi,
+ component_subscribe: Vi,
detach: Zu,
element: Ku,
init: Gu,
insert: Ju,
- noop: Vi,
+ noop: Pi,
safe_not_equal: Qu,
- set_style: En,
- svg_element: Te,
- toggle_class: Pi
+ set_style: Bn,
+ svg_element: Ie,
+ toggle_class: Zi
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: xu } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function $u(l) {
- let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, d;
+ let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, _;
return {
c() {
- e = Ku("div"), t = Te("svg"), n = Te("g"), i = Te("path"), o = Te("path"), a = Te("path"), r = Te("path"), s = Te("g"), f = Te("path"), u = Te("path"), c = Te("path"), d = Te("path"), U(i, "d", "M255.926 0.754768L509.702 139.936V221.027L255.926 81.8465V0.754768Z"), U(i, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(i, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(i, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(o, "d", "M509.69 139.936L254.981 279.641V361.255L509.69 221.55V139.936Z"), U(o, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(o, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(a, "d", "M0.250138 139.937L254.981 279.641V361.255L0.250138 221.55V139.937Z"), U(a, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(a, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(a, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(r, "d", "M255.923 0.232622L0.236328 139.936V221.55L255.923 81.8469V0.232622Z"), U(r, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(r, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), En(n, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
+ e = Ku("div"), t = Ie("svg"), n = Ie("g"), i = Ie("path"), o = Ie("path"), a = Ie("path"), r = Ie("path"), s = Ie("g"), f = Ie("path"), u = Ie("path"), c = Ie("path"), _ = Ie("path"), U(i, "d", "M255.926 0.754768L509.702 139.936V221.027L255.926 81.8465V0.754768Z"), U(i, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(i, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(i, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(o, "d", "M509.69 139.936L254.981 279.641V361.255L509.69 221.55V139.936Z"), U(o, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(o, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(a, "d", "M0.250138 139.937L254.981 279.641V361.255L0.250138 221.55V139.937Z"), U(a, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(a, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(a, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(r, "d", "M255.923 0.232622L0.236328 139.936V221.55L255.923 81.8469V0.232622Z"), U(r, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(r, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Bn(n, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
l[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/
- l[1][1] + "px)"), U(f, "d", "M255.926 141.5L509.702 280.681V361.773L255.926 222.592V141.5Z"), U(f, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(f, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(f, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(u, "d", "M509.69 280.679L254.981 420.384V501.998L509.69 362.293V280.679Z"), U(u, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(u, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(c, "d", "M0.250138 280.681L254.981 420.386V502L0.250138 362.295V280.681Z"), U(c, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(c, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(c, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(d, "d", "M255.923 140.977L0.236328 280.68V362.294L255.923 222.591V140.977Z"), U(d, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(d, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), En(s, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
+ l[1][1] + "px)"), U(f, "d", "M255.926 141.5L509.702 280.681V361.773L255.926 222.592V141.5Z"), U(f, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(f, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(f, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(u, "d", "M509.69 280.679L254.981 420.384V501.998L509.69 362.293V280.679Z"), U(u, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(u, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(c, "d", "M0.250138 280.681L254.981 420.386V502L0.250138 362.295V280.681Z"), U(c, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(c, "fill-opacity", "0.4"), U(c, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(_, "d", "M255.923 140.977L0.236328 280.68V362.294L255.923 222.591V140.977Z"), U(_, "fill", "#FF7C00"), U(_, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Bn(s, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
l[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/
- l[2][1] + "px)"), U(t, "viewBox", "-1200 -1200 3000 3000"), U(t, "fill", "none"), U(t, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), U(t, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(e, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Pi(
+ l[2][1] + "px)"), U(t, "viewBox", "-1200 -1200 3000 3000"), U(t, "fill", "none"), U(t, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), U(t, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), U(e, "class", "svelte-43sxxs"), Zi(
- m(_, h) {
- Ju(_, e, h), De(e, t), De(t, n), De(n, i), De(n, o), De(n, a), De(n, r), De(t, s), De(s, f), De(s, u), De(s, c), De(s, d);
+ m(d, h) {
+ Ju(d, e, h), je(e, t), je(t, n), je(n, i), je(n, o), je(n, a), je(n, r), je(t, s), je(s, f), je(s, u), je(s, c), je(s, _);
- p(_, [h]) {
+ p(d, [h]) {
h & /*$top*/
- 2 && En(n, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
- _[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/
- _[1][1] + "px)"), h & /*$bottom*/
- 4 && En(s, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
- _[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/
- _[2][1] + "px)"), h & /*margin*/
- 1 && Pi(
+ 2 && Bn(n, "transform", "translate(" + /*$top*/
+ d[1][0] + "px, " + /*$top*/
+ d[1][1] + "px)"), h & /*$bottom*/
+ 4 && Bn(s, "transform", "translate(" + /*$bottom*/
+ d[2][0] + "px, " + /*$bottom*/
+ d[2][1] + "px)"), h & /*margin*/
+ 1 && Zi(
- _[0]
+ d[0]
- i: Vi,
- o: Vi,
- d(_) {
- _ && Zu(e);
+ i: Pi,
+ o: Pi,
+ d(d) {
+ d && Zu(e);
function ec(l, e, t) {
let n, i;
- var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(_, h, m, b) {
- function g(w) {
- return w instanceof m ? w : new m(function(p) {
- p(w);
+ var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, h, b, m) {
+ function w(k) {
+ return k instanceof b ? k : new b(function(g) {
+ g(k);
- return new (m || (m = Promise))(function(w, p) {
- function C(z) {
+ return new (b || (b = Promise))(function(k, g) {
+ function S(z) {
try {
- v(b.next(z));
- } catch (k) {
- p(k);
+ y(m.next(z));
+ } catch (v) {
+ g(v);
- function E(z) {
+ function M(z) {
try {
- v(b.throw(z));
- } catch (k) {
- p(k);
+ y(m.throw(z));
+ } catch (v) {
+ g(v);
- function v(z) {
- z.done ? w(z.value) : g(z.value).then(C, E);
+ function y(z) {
+ z.done ? k(z.value) : w(z.value).then(S, M);
- v((b = b.apply(_, h || [])).next());
+ y((m = m.apply(d, h || [])).next());
let { margin: a = !0 } = e;
- const r = Yi([0, 0]);
- Wi(l, r, (_) => t(1, n = _));
- const s = Yi([0, 0]);
- Wi(l, s, (_) => t(2, i = _));
+ const r = Wi([0, 0]);
+ Vi(l, r, (d) => t(1, n = d));
+ const s = Wi([0, 0]);
+ Vi(l, s, (d) => t(2, i = d));
let f;
function u() {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
@@ -2559,13 +2559,13 @@ function ec(l, e, t) {
yield u(), f || c();
- function d() {
+ function _() {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield Promise.all([r.set([125, 0]), s.set([-125, 0])]), c();
- return xu(() => (d(), () => f = !0)), l.$$set = (_) => {
- "margin" in _ && t(0, a = _.margin);
+ return xu(() => (_(), () => f = !0)), l.$$set = (d) => {
+ "margin" in d && t(0, a = d.margin);
}, [a, n, i, r, s];
class tc extends Pu {
@@ -2575,40 +2575,40 @@ class tc extends Pu {
const {
SvelteComponent: nc,
- append: gt,
- attr: Ie,
- binding_callbacks: Zi,
- check_outros: $l,
- create_component: cs,
- create_slot: _s,
- destroy_component: ds,
- destroy_each: hs,
- detach: I,
- element: Ne,
- empty: Gt,
- ensure_array_like: Kn,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: ms,
- get_slot_changes: bs,
- group_outros: ei,
+ append: vt,
+ attr: Fe,
+ binding_callbacks: Ki,
+ check_outros: ei,
+ create_component: ds,
+ create_slot: hs,
+ destroy_component: ms,
+ destroy_each: bs,
+ detach: T,
+ element: Xe,
+ empty: Jt,
+ ensure_array_like: Qn,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: gs,
+ get_slot_changes: ws,
+ group_outros: ti,
init: lc,
- insert: R,
- mount_component: gs,
- noop: ti,
+ insert: j,
+ mount_component: ps,
+ noop: ni,
safe_not_equal: ic,
- set_data: Me,
- set_style: lt,
- space: qe,
- text: Z,
- toggle_class: ze,
- transition_in: je,
- transition_out: Oe,
- update_slot_base: ws
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { tick: oc } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy: sc } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: ac } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, rc = (l) => ({}), Ki = (l) => ({}), fc = (l) => ({}), Gi = (l) => ({});
-function Ji(l, e, t) {
+ set_data: Be,
+ set_style: ot,
+ space: Me,
+ text: P,
+ toggle_class: Ee,
+ transition_in: Re,
+ transition_out: Ye,
+ update_slot_base: ks
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { tick: oc } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onDestroy: sc } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: ac } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, rc = (l) => ({}), Gi = (l) => ({}), fc = (l) => ({}), Ji = (l) => ({});
+function Qi(l, e, t) {
const n = l.slice();
return n[41] = e[t], n[43] = t, n;
-function Qi(l, e, t) {
+function xi(l, e, t) {
const n = l.slice();
return n[41] = e[t], n;
@@ -2617,9 +2617,9 @@ function uc(l) {
l[1]("common.error") + ""
), a, r, s;
- t = new il({
+ t = new al({
props: {
- Icon: ui,
+ Icon: ci,
label: (
@@ -2634,54 +2634,54 @@ function uc(l) {
const f = (
- ), u = _s(
+ ), u = hs(
- Ki
+ Gi
return {
c() {
- e = Ne("div"), cs(t.$$.fragment), n = qe(), i = Ne("span"), a = Z(o), r = qe(), u && u.c(), Ie(e, "class", "clear-status svelte-16nch4a"), Ie(i, "class", "error svelte-16nch4a");
+ e = Xe("div"), ds(t.$$.fragment), n = Me(), i = Xe("span"), a = P(o), r = Me(), u && u.c(), Fe(e, "class", "clear-status svelte-16nch4a"), Fe(i, "class", "error svelte-16nch4a");
- m(c, d) {
- R(c, e, d), gs(t, e, null), R(c, n, d), R(c, i, d), gt(i, a), R(c, r, d), u && u.m(c, d), s = !0;
+ m(c, _) {
+ j(c, e, _), ps(t, e, null), j(c, n, _), j(c, i, _), vt(i, a), j(c, r, _), u && u.m(c, _), s = !0;
- p(c, d) {
- const _ = {};
- d[0] & /*i18n*/
- 2 && (_.label = /*i18n*/
- c[1]("common.clear")), t.$set(_), (!s || d[0] & /*i18n*/
+ p(c, _) {
+ const d = {};
+ _[0] & /*i18n*/
+ 2 && (d.label = /*i18n*/
+ c[1]("common.clear")), t.$set(d), (!s || _[0] & /*i18n*/
2) && o !== (o = /*i18n*/
- c[1]("common.error") + "") && Me(a, o), u && u.p && (!s || d[0] & /*$$scope*/
- 536870912) && ws(
+ c[1]("common.error") + "") && Be(a, o), u && u.p && (!s || _[0] & /*$$scope*/
+ 536870912) && ks(
- s ? bs(
+ s ? ws(
- d,
+ _,
- ) : ms(
+ ) : gs(
- Ki
+ Gi
i(c) {
- s || (je(t.$$.fragment, c), je(u, c), s = !0);
+ s || (Re(t.$$.fragment, c), Re(u, c), s = !0);
o(c) {
- Oe(t.$$.fragment, c), Oe(u, c), s = !1;
+ Ye(t.$$.fragment, c), Ye(u, c), s = !1;
d(c) {
- c && (I(e), I(n), I(i), I(r)), ds(t), u && u.d(c);
+ c && (T(e), T(n), T(i), T(r)), ms(t), u && u.d(c);
@@ -2690,113 +2690,113 @@ function cc(l) {
l[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/
l[18] && /*show_progress*/
- l[6] === "full" && xi(l)
+ l[6] === "full" && $i(l)
- function c(p, C) {
+ function c(g, S) {
if (
- p[7]
+ g[7]
) return hc;
if (
- p[2] !== null && /*queue_size*/
- p[3] !== void 0 && /*queue_position*/
- p[2] >= 0
+ g[2] !== null && /*queue_size*/
+ g[3] !== void 0 && /*queue_position*/
+ g[2] >= 0
) return dc;
if (
- p[2] === 0
+ g[2] === 0
) return _c;
- let d = c(l), _ = d && d(l), h = (
+ let _ = c(l), d = _ && _(l), h = (
- l[5] && to(l)
+ l[5] && no(l)
- const m = [wc, gc], b = [];
- function g(p, C) {
+ const b = [wc, gc], m = [];
+ function w(g, S) {
return (
- p[15] != null ? 0 : (
+ g[15] != null ? 0 : (
- p[6] === "full" ? 1 : -1
+ g[6] === "full" ? 1 : -1
- ~(o = g(l)) && (a = b[o] = m[o](l));
- let w = !/*timer*/
- l[5] && ro(l);
+ ~(o = w(l)) && (a = m[o] = b[o](l));
+ let k = !/*timer*/
+ l[5] && fo(l);
return {
c() {
- u && u.c(), e = qe(), t = Ne("div"), _ && _.c(), n = qe(), h && h.c(), i = qe(), a && a.c(), r = qe(), w && w.c(), s = Gt(), Ie(t, "class", "progress-text svelte-16nch4a"), ze(
+ u && u.c(), e = Me(), t = Xe("div"), d && d.c(), n = Me(), h && h.c(), i = Me(), a && a.c(), r = Me(), k && k.c(), s = Jt(), Fe(t, "class", "progress-text svelte-16nch4a"), Ee(
l[8] === "center"
- ), ze(
+ ), Ee(
l[8] === "default"
- m(p, C) {
- u && u.m(p, C), R(p, e, C), R(p, t, C), _ && _.m(t, null), gt(t, n), h && h.m(t, null), R(p, i, C), ~o && b[o].m(p, C), R(p, r, C), w && w.m(p, C), R(p, s, C), f = !0;
+ m(g, S) {
+ u && u.m(g, S), j(g, e, S), j(g, t, S), d && d.m(t, null), vt(t, n), h && h.m(t, null), j(g, i, S), ~o && m[o].m(g, S), j(g, r, S), k && k.m(g, S), j(g, s, S), f = !0;
- p(p, C) {
+ p(g, S) {
- p[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/
- p[18] && /*show_progress*/
- p[6] === "full" ? u ? u.p(p, C) : (u = xi(p), u.c(), u.m(e.parentNode, e)) : u && (u.d(1), u = null), d === (d = c(p)) && _ ? _.p(p, C) : (_ && _.d(1), _ = d && d(p), _ && (_.c(), _.m(t, n))), /*timer*/
- p[5] ? h ? h.p(p, C) : (h = to(p), h.c(), h.m(t, null)) : h && (h.d(1), h = null), (!f || C[0] & /*variant*/
- 256) && ze(
+ g[8] === "default" && /*show_eta_bar*/
+ g[18] && /*show_progress*/
+ g[6] === "full" ? u ? u.p(g, S) : (u = $i(g), u.c(), u.m(e.parentNode, e)) : u && (u.d(1), u = null), _ === (_ = c(g)) && d ? d.p(g, S) : (d && d.d(1), d = _ && _(g), d && (d.c(), d.m(t, n))), /*timer*/
+ g[5] ? h ? h.p(g, S) : (h = no(g), h.c(), h.m(t, null)) : h && (h.d(1), h = null), (!f || S[0] & /*variant*/
+ 256) && Ee(
- p[8] === "center"
- ), (!f || C[0] & /*variant*/
- 256) && ze(
+ g[8] === "center"
+ ), (!f || S[0] & /*variant*/
+ 256) && Ee(
- p[8] === "default"
+ g[8] === "default"
- let E = o;
- o = g(p), o === E ? ~o && b[o].p(p, C) : (a && (ei(), Oe(b[E], 1, 1, () => {
- b[E] = null;
- }), $l()), ~o ? (a = b[o], a ? a.p(p, C) : (a = b[o] = m[o](p), a.c()), je(a, 1), a.m(r.parentNode, r)) : a = null), /*timer*/
- p[5] ? w && (ei(), Oe(w, 1, 1, () => {
- w = null;
- }), $l()) : w ? (w.p(p, C), C[0] & /*timer*/
- 32 && je(w, 1)) : (w = ro(p), w.c(), je(w, 1), w.m(s.parentNode, s));
+ let M = o;
+ o = w(g), o === M ? ~o && m[o].p(g, S) : (a && (ti(), Ye(m[M], 1, 1, () => {
+ m[M] = null;
+ }), ei()), ~o ? (a = m[o], a ? a.p(g, S) : (a = m[o] = b[o](g), a.c()), Re(a, 1), a.m(r.parentNode, r)) : a = null), /*timer*/
+ g[5] ? k && (ti(), Ye(k, 1, 1, () => {
+ k = null;
+ }), ei()) : k ? (k.p(g, S), S[0] & /*timer*/
+ 32 && Re(k, 1)) : (k = fo(g), k.c(), Re(k, 1), k.m(s.parentNode, s));
- i(p) {
- f || (je(a), je(w), f = !0);
+ i(g) {
+ f || (Re(a), Re(k), f = !0);
- o(p) {
- Oe(a), Oe(w), f = !1;
+ o(g) {
+ Ye(a), Ye(k), f = !1;
- d(p) {
- p && (I(e), I(t), I(i), I(r), I(s)), u && u.d(p), _ && _.d(), h && h.d(), ~o && b[o].d(p), w && w.d(p);
+ d(g) {
+ g && (T(e), T(t), T(i), T(r), T(s)), u && u.d(g), d && d.d(), h && h.d(), ~o && m[o].d(g), k && k.d(g);
-function xi(l) {
+function $i(l) {
let e, t = `translateX(${/*eta_level*/
(l[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`;
return {
c() {
- e = Ne("div"), Ie(e, "class", "eta-bar svelte-16nch4a"), lt(e, "transform", t);
+ e = Xe("div"), Fe(e, "class", "eta-bar svelte-16nch4a"), ot(e, "transform", t);
m(n, i) {
- R(n, e, i);
+ j(n, e, i);
p(n, i) {
i[0] & /*eta_level*/
131072 && t !== (t = `translateX(${/*eta_level*/
- (n[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`) && lt(e, "transform", t);
+ (n[17] || 0) * 100 - 100}%)`) && ot(e, "transform", t);
d(n) {
- n && I(e);
+ n && T(e);
@@ -2804,14 +2804,14 @@ function _c(l) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = Z("processing |");
+ e = P("processing |");
m(t, n) {
- R(t, e, n);
+ j(t, e, n);
- p: ti,
+ p: ni,
d(t) {
- t && I(e);
+ t && T(e);
@@ -2822,58 +2822,58 @@ function dc(l) {
), n, i, o, a;
return {
c() {
- e = Z("queue: "), n = Z(t), i = Z("/"), o = Z(
+ e = P("queue: "), n = P(t), i = P("/"), o = P(
- ), a = Z(" |");
+ ), a = P(" |");
m(r, s) {
- R(r, e, s), R(r, n, s), R(r, i, s), R(r, o, s), R(r, a, s);
+ j(r, e, s), j(r, n, s), j(r, i, s), j(r, o, s), j(r, a, s);
p(r, s) {
s[0] & /*queue_position*/
4 && t !== (t = /*queue_position*/
- r[2] + 1 + "") && Me(n, t), s[0] & /*queue_size*/
- 8 && Me(
+ r[2] + 1 + "") && Be(n, t), s[0] & /*queue_size*/
+ 8 && Be(
d(r) {
- r && (I(e), I(n), I(i), I(o), I(a));
+ r && (T(e), T(n), T(i), T(o), T(a));
function hc(l) {
- let e, t = Kn(
+ let e, t = Qn(
), n = [];
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i += 1)
- n[i] = eo(Qi(l, t, i));
+ n[i] = to(xi(l, t, i));
return {
c() {
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i += 1)
- e = Gt();
+ e = Jt();
m(i, o) {
for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a += 1)
n[a] && n[a].m(i, o);
- R(i, e, o);
+ j(i, e, o);
p(i, o) {
if (o[0] & /*progress*/
128) {
- t = Kn(
+ t = Qn(
let a;
for (a = 0; a < t.length; a += 1) {
- const r = Qi(i, t, a);
- n[a] ? n[a].p(r, o) : (n[a] = eo(r), n[a].c(), n[a].m(e.parentNode, e));
+ const r = xi(i, t, a);
+ n[a] ? n[a].p(r, o) : (n[a] = to(r), n[a].c(), n[a].m(e.parentNode, e));
for (; a < n.length; a += 1)
@@ -2881,11 +2881,11 @@ function hc(l) {
d(i) {
- i && I(e), hs(n, i);
+ i && T(e), bs(n, i);
-function $i(l) {
+function eo(l) {
let e, t = (
l[41].unit + ""
@@ -2899,98 +2899,98 @@ function $i(l) {
let s = r(l), f = s(l);
return {
c() {
- f.c(), e = qe(), n = Z(t), i = Z(" | "), a = Z(o);
+ f.c(), e = Me(), n = P(t), i = P(" | "), a = P(o);
m(u, c) {
- f.m(u, c), R(u, e, c), R(u, n, c), R(u, i, c), R(u, a, c);
+ f.m(u, c), j(u, e, c), j(u, n, c), j(u, i, c), j(u, a, c);
p(u, c) {
s === (s = r(u)) && f ? f.p(u, c) : (f.d(1), f = s(u), f && (f.c(), f.m(e.parentNode, e))), c[0] & /*progress*/
128 && t !== (t = /*p*/
- u[41].unit + "") && Me(n, t);
+ u[41].unit + "") && Be(n, t);
d(u) {
- u && (I(e), I(n), I(i), I(a)), f.d(u);
+ u && (T(e), T(n), T(i), T(a)), f.d(u);
function mc(l) {
- let e = Xt(
+ let e = Yt(
l[41].index || 0
) + "", t;
return {
c() {
- t = Z(e);
+ t = P(e);
m(n, i) {
- R(n, t, i);
+ j(n, t, i);
p(n, i) {
i[0] & /*progress*/
- 128 && e !== (e = Xt(
+ 128 && e !== (e = Yt(
n[41].index || 0
- ) + "") && Me(t, e);
+ ) + "") && Be(t, e);
d(n) {
- n && I(t);
+ n && T(t);
function bc(l) {
- let e = Xt(
+ let e = Yt(
l[41].index || 0
- ) + "", t, n, i = Xt(
+ ) + "", t, n, i = Yt(
) + "", o;
return {
c() {
- t = Z(e), n = Z("/"), o = Z(i);
+ t = P(e), n = P("/"), o = P(i);
m(a, r) {
- R(a, t, r), R(a, n, r), R(a, o, r);
+ j(a, t, r), j(a, n, r), j(a, o, r);
p(a, r) {
r[0] & /*progress*/
- 128 && e !== (e = Xt(
+ 128 && e !== (e = Yt(
a[41].index || 0
- ) + "") && Me(t, e), r[0] & /*progress*/
- 128 && i !== (i = Xt(
+ ) + "") && Be(t, e), r[0] & /*progress*/
+ 128 && i !== (i = Yt(
- ) + "") && Me(o, i);
+ ) + "") && Be(o, i);
d(a) {
- a && (I(t), I(n), I(o));
+ a && (T(t), T(n), T(o));
-function eo(l) {
+function to(l) {
let e, t = (
- l[41].index != null && $i(l)
+ l[41].index != null && eo(l)
return {
c() {
- t && t.c(), e = Gt();
+ t && t.c(), e = Jt();
m(n, i) {
- t && t.m(n, i), R(n, e, i);
+ t && t.m(n, i), j(n, e, i);
p(n, i) {
- n[41].index != null ? t ? t.p(n, i) : (t = $i(n), t.c(), t.m(e.parentNode, e)) : t && (t.d(1), t = null);
+ n[41].index != null ? t ? t.p(n, i) : (t = eo(n), t.c(), t.m(e.parentNode, e)) : t && (t.d(1), t = null);
d(n) {
- n && I(e), t && t.d(n);
+ n && T(e), t && t.d(n);
-function to(l) {
+function no(l) {
let e, t = (
l[0] ? `/${/*formatted_eta*/
@@ -2998,27 +2998,27 @@ function to(l) {
), n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = Z(
+ e = P(
- ), n = Z(t), i = Z("s");
+ ), n = P(t), i = P("s");
m(o, a) {
- R(o, e, a), R(o, n, a), R(o, i, a);
+ j(o, e, a), j(o, n, a), j(o, i, a);
p(o, a) {
a[0] & /*formatted_timer*/
- 1048576 && Me(
+ 1048576 && Be(
), a[0] & /*eta, formatted_eta*/
524289 && t !== (t = /*eta*/
o[0] ? `/${/*formatted_eta*/
- o[19]}` : "") && Me(n, t);
+ o[19]}` : "") && Be(n, t);
d(o) {
- o && (I(e), I(n), I(i));
+ o && (T(e), T(n), T(i));
@@ -3031,10 +3031,10 @@ function gc(l) {
) }
}), {
c() {
- cs(e.$$.fragment);
+ ds(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- gs(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ ps(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
@@ -3043,13 +3043,13 @@ function gc(l) {
n[8] === "default"), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (je(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Re(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Oe(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Ye(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- ds(e, n);
+ ms(e, n);
@@ -3057,57 +3057,57 @@ function wc(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a = `${/*last_progress_level*/
l[15] * 100}%`, r = (
- l[7] != null && no(l)
+ l[7] != null && lo(l)
return {
c() {
- e = Ne("div"), t = Ne("div"), r && r.c(), n = qe(), i = Ne("div"), o = Ne("div"), Ie(t, "class", "progress-level-inner svelte-16nch4a"), Ie(o, "class", "progress-bar svelte-16nch4a"), lt(o, "width", a), Ie(i, "class", "progress-bar-wrap svelte-16nch4a"), Ie(e, "class", "progress-level svelte-16nch4a");
+ e = Xe("div"), t = Xe("div"), r && r.c(), n = Me(), i = Xe("div"), o = Xe("div"), Fe(t, "class", "progress-level-inner svelte-16nch4a"), Fe(o, "class", "progress-bar svelte-16nch4a"), ot(o, "width", a), Fe(i, "class", "progress-bar-wrap svelte-16nch4a"), Fe(e, "class", "progress-level svelte-16nch4a");
m(s, f) {
- R(s, e, f), gt(e, t), r && r.m(t, null), gt(e, n), gt(e, i), gt(i, o), l[31](o);
+ j(s, e, f), vt(e, t), r && r.m(t, null), vt(e, n), vt(e, i), vt(i, o), l[31](o);
p(s, f) {
- s[7] != null ? r ? r.p(s, f) : (r = no(s), r.c(), r.m(t, null)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), f[0] & /*last_progress_level*/
+ s[7] != null ? r ? r.p(s, f) : (r = lo(s), r.c(), r.m(t, null)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), f[0] & /*last_progress_level*/
32768 && a !== (a = `${/*last_progress_level*/
- s[15] * 100}%`) && lt(o, "width", a);
+ s[15] * 100}%`) && ot(o, "width", a);
- i: ti,
- o: ti,
+ i: ni,
+ o: ni,
d(s) {
- s && I(e), r && r.d(), l[31](null);
+ s && T(e), r && r.d(), l[31](null);
-function no(l) {
- let e, t = Kn(
+function lo(l) {
+ let e, t = Qn(
), n = [];
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i += 1)
- n[i] = ao(Ji(l, t, i));
+ n[i] = ro(Qi(l, t, i));
return {
c() {
for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i += 1)
- e = Gt();
+ e = Jt();
m(i, o) {
for (let a = 0; a < n.length; a += 1)
n[a] && n[a].m(i, o);
- R(i, e, o);
+ j(i, e, o);
p(i, o) {
if (o[0] & /*progress_level, progress*/
16512) {
- t = Kn(
+ t = Qn(
let a;
for (a = 0; a < t.length; a += 1) {
- const r = Ji(i, t, a);
- n[a] ? n[a].p(r, o) : (n[a] = ao(r), n[a].c(), n[a].m(e.parentNode, e));
+ const r = Qi(i, t, a);
+ n[a] ? n[a].p(r, o) : (n[a] = ro(r), n[a].c(), n[a].m(e.parentNode, e));
for (; a < n.length; a += 1)
@@ -3115,17 +3115,17 @@ function no(l) {
d(i) {
- i && I(e), hs(n, i);
+ i && T(e), bs(n, i);
-function lo(l) {
+function io(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o = (
l[43] !== 0 && pc()
), a = (
- l[41].desc != null && io(l)
+ l[41].desc != null && oo(l)
), r = (
l[41].desc != null && /*progress_level*/
@@ -3133,31 +3133,31 @@ function lo(l) {
- ] != null && oo()
+ ] != null && so()
), s = (
- l[14] != null && so(l)
+ l[14] != null && ao(l)
return {
c() {
- o && o.c(), e = qe(), a && a.c(), t = qe(), r && r.c(), n = qe(), s && s.c(), i = Gt();
+ o && o.c(), e = Me(), a && a.c(), t = Me(), r && r.c(), n = Me(), s && s.c(), i = Jt();
m(f, u) {
- o && o.m(f, u), R(f, e, u), a && a.m(f, u), R(f, t, u), r && r.m(f, u), R(f, n, u), s && s.m(f, u), R(f, i, u);
+ o && o.m(f, u), j(f, e, u), a && a.m(f, u), j(f, t, u), r && r.m(f, u), j(f, n, u), s && s.m(f, u), j(f, i, u);
p(f, u) {
- f[41].desc != null ? a ? a.p(f, u) : (a = io(f), a.c(), a.m(t.parentNode, t)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null), /*p*/
+ f[41].desc != null ? a ? a.p(f, u) : (a = oo(f), a.c(), a.m(t.parentNode, t)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null), /*p*/
f[41].desc != null && /*progress_level*/
f[14] && /*progress_level*/
- ] != null ? r || (r = oo(), r.c(), r.m(n.parentNode, n)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), /*progress_level*/
- f[14] != null ? s ? s.p(f, u) : (s = so(f), s.c(), s.m(i.parentNode, i)) : s && (s.d(1), s = null);
+ ] != null ? r || (r = so(), r.c(), r.m(n.parentNode, n)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), /*progress_level*/
+ f[14] != null ? s ? s.p(f, u) : (s = ao(f), s.c(), s.m(i.parentNode, i)) : s && (s.d(1), s = null);
d(f) {
- f && (I(e), I(t), I(n), I(i)), o && o.d(f), a && a.d(f), r && r.d(f), s && s.d(f);
+ f && (T(e), T(t), T(n), T(i)), o && o.d(f), a && a.d(f), r && r.d(f), s && s.d(f);
@@ -3165,53 +3165,53 @@ function pc(l) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = Z("Â /");
+ e = P("Â /");
m(t, n) {
- R(t, e, n);
+ j(t, e, n);
d(t) {
- t && I(e);
+ t && T(e);
-function io(l) {
+function oo(l) {
let e = (
l[41].desc + ""
), t;
return {
c() {
- t = Z(e);
+ t = P(e);
m(n, i) {
- R(n, t, i);
+ j(n, t, i);
p(n, i) {
i[0] & /*progress*/
128 && e !== (e = /*p*/
- n[41].desc + "") && Me(t, e);
+ n[41].desc + "") && Be(t, e);
d(n) {
- n && I(t);
+ n && T(t);
-function oo(l) {
+function so(l) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = Z("-");
+ e = P("-");
m(t, n) {
- R(t, e, n);
+ j(t, e, n);
d(t) {
- t && I(e);
+ t && T(e);
-function so(l) {
+function ao(l) {
let e = (100 * /*progress_level*/
@@ -3219,10 +3219,10 @@ function so(l) {
] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "", t, n;
return {
c() {
- t = Z(e), n = Z("%");
+ t = P(e), n = P("%");
m(i, o) {
- R(i, t, o), R(i, n, o);
+ j(i, t, o), j(i, n, o);
p(i, o) {
o[0] & /*progress_level*/
@@ -3230,14 +3230,14 @@ function so(l) {
- ] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "") && Me(t, e);
+ ] || 0)).toFixed(1) + "") && Be(t, e);
d(i) {
- i && (I(t), I(n));
+ i && (T(t), T(n));
-function ao(l) {
+function ro(l) {
let e, t = (
(l[41].desc != null || /*progress_level*/
@@ -3245,14 +3245,14 @@ function ao(l) {
- ] != null) && lo(l)
+ ] != null) && io(l)
return {
c() {
- t && t.c(), e = Gt();
+ t && t.c(), e = Jt();
m(n, i) {
- t && t.m(n, i), R(n, e, i);
+ t && t.m(n, i), j(n, e, i);
p(n, i) {
@@ -3261,69 +3261,69 @@ function ao(l) {
- ] != null ? t ? t.p(n, i) : (t = lo(n), t.c(), t.m(e.parentNode, e)) : t && (t.d(1), t = null);
+ ] != null ? t ? t.p(n, i) : (t = io(n), t.c(), t.m(e.parentNode, e)) : t && (t.d(1), t = null);
d(n) {
- n && I(e), t && t.d(n);
+ n && T(e), t && t.d(n);
-function ro(l) {
+function fo(l) {
let e, t, n, i;
const o = (
- ), a = _s(
+ ), a = hs(
- Gi
+ Ji
return {
c() {
- e = Ne("p"), t = Z(
+ e = Xe("p"), t = P(
- ), n = qe(), a && a.c(), Ie(e, "class", "loading svelte-16nch4a");
+ ), n = Me(), a && a.c(), Fe(e, "class", "loading svelte-16nch4a");
m(r, s) {
- R(r, e, s), gt(e, t), R(r, n, s), a && a.m(r, s), i = !0;
+ j(r, e, s), vt(e, t), j(r, n, s), a && a.m(r, s), i = !0;
p(r, s) {
(!i || s[0] & /*loading_text*/
- 512) && Me(
+ 512) && Be(
), a && a.p && (!i || s[0] & /*$$scope*/
- 536870912) && ws(
+ 536870912) && ks(
- i ? bs(
+ i ? ws(
- ) : ms(
+ ) : gs(
- Gi
+ Ji
i(r) {
- i || (je(a, r), i = !0);
+ i || (Re(a, r), i = !0);
o(r) {
- Oe(a, r), i = !1;
+ Ye(a, r), i = !1;
d(r) {
- r && (I(e), I(n)), a && a.d(r);
+ r && (T(e), T(n)), a && a.d(r);
@@ -3341,12 +3341,12 @@ function kc(l) {
return ~(t = s(l)) && (n = r[t] = a[t](l)), {
c() {
- e = Ne("div"), n && n.c(), Ie(e, "class", i = "wrap " + /*variant*/
+ e = Xe("div"), n && n.c(), Fe(e, "class", i = "wrap " + /*variant*/
l[8] + " " + /*show_progress*/
- l[6] + " svelte-16nch4a"), ze(e, "hide", !/*status*/
+ l[6] + " svelte-16nch4a"), Ee(e, "hide", !/*status*/
l[4] || /*status*/
l[4] === "complete" || /*show_progress*/
- l[6] === "hidden"), ze(
+ l[6] === "hidden"), Ee(
@@ -3355,22 +3355,22 @@ function kc(l) {
l[4] === "error") || /*translucent*/
l[11] || /*show_progress*/
l[6] === "minimal"
- ), ze(
+ ), Ee(
l[4] === "generating"
- ), ze(
+ ), Ee(
- ), lt(
+ ), ot(
l[10] ? "absolute" : "static"
- ), lt(
+ ), ot(
@@ -3378,21 +3378,21 @@ function kc(l) {
m(f, u) {
- R(f, e, u), ~t && r[t].m(e, null), l[33](e), o = !0;
+ j(f, e, u), ~t && r[t].m(e, null), l[33](e), o = !0;
p(f, u) {
let c = t;
- t = s(f), t === c ? ~t && r[t].p(f, u) : (n && (ei(), Oe(r[c], 1, 1, () => {
+ t = s(f), t === c ? ~t && r[t].p(f, u) : (n && (ti(), Ye(r[c], 1, 1, () => {
r[c] = null;
- }), $l()), ~t ? (n = r[t], n ? n.p(f, u) : (n = r[t] = a[t](f), n.c()), je(n, 1), n.m(e, null)) : n = null), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress*/
+ }), ei()), ~t ? (n = r[t], n ? n.p(f, u) : (n = r[t] = a[t](f), n.c()), Re(n, 1), n.m(e, null)) : n = null), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress*/
320 && i !== (i = "wrap " + /*variant*/
f[8] + " " + /*show_progress*/
- f[6] + " svelte-16nch4a")) && Ie(e, "class", i), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status, show_progress*/
- 336) && ze(e, "hide", !/*status*/
+ f[6] + " svelte-16nch4a")) && Fe(e, "class", i), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status, show_progress*/
+ 336) && Ee(e, "hide", !/*status*/
f[4] || /*status*/
f[4] === "complete" || /*show_progress*/
f[6] === "hidden"), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress, variant, status, translucent, show_progress*/
- 2384) && ze(
+ 2384) && Ee(
@@ -3402,25 +3402,25 @@ function kc(l) {
f[11] || /*show_progress*/
f[6] === "minimal"
), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress, status*/
- 336) && ze(
+ 336) && Ee(
f[4] === "generating"
), (!o || u[0] & /*variant, show_progress, border*/
- 4416) && ze(
+ 4416) && Ee(
), u[0] & /*absolute*/
- 1024 && lt(
+ 1024 && ot(
f[10] ? "absolute" : "static"
), u[0] & /*absolute*/
- 1024 && lt(
+ 1024 && ot(
@@ -3428,13 +3428,13 @@ function kc(l) {
i(f) {
- o || (je(n), o = !0);
+ o || (Re(n), o = !0);
o(f) {
- Oe(n), o = !1;
+ Ye(n), o = !1;
d(f) {
- f && I(e), ~t && r[t].d(), l[33](null);
+ f && T(e), ~t && r[t].d(), l[33](null);
@@ -3465,11 +3465,11 @@ var vc = function(l, e, t, n) {
f((n = n.apply(l, e || [])).next());
-let An = [], Tl = !1;
+let An = [], Il = !1;
function yc(l) {
return vc(this, arguments, void 0, function* (e, t = !0) {
if (!(window.__gradio_mode__ === "website" || window.__gradio_mode__ !== "app" && t !== !0)) {
- if (An.push(e), !Tl) Tl = !0;
+ if (An.push(e), !Il) Il = !0;
else return;
yield oc(), requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let n = [0, 0];
@@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@ function yc(l) {
const a = An[i].getBoundingClientRect();
(i === 0 || a.top + window.scrollY <= n[0]) && (n[0] = a.top + window.scrollY, n[1] = i);
- window.scrollTo({ top: n[0] - 20, behavior: "smooth" }), Tl = !1, An = [];
+ window.scrollTo({ top: n[0] - 20, behavior: "smooth" }), Il = !1, An = [];
@@ -3486,87 +3486,87 @@ function Cc(l, e, t) {
let n, { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: o } = e;
this && this.__awaiter;
const a = ac();
- let { i18n: r } = e, { eta: s = null } = e, { queue_position: f } = e, { queue_size: u } = e, { status: c } = e, { scroll_to_output: d = !1 } = e, { timer: _ = !0 } = e, { show_progress: h = "full" } = e, { message: m = null } = e, { progress: b = null } = e, { variant: g = "default" } = e, { loading_text: w = "Loading..." } = e, { absolute: p = !0 } = e, { translucent: C = !1 } = e, { border: E = !1 } = e, { autoscroll: v } = e, z, k = !1, q = 0, F = 0, j = null, D = null, N = 0, K = null, $, X = null, se = !0;
- const we = () => {
- t(0, s = t(27, j = t(19, ae = null))), t(25, q = performance.now()), t(26, F = 0), k = !0, re();
+ let { i18n: r } = e, { eta: s = null } = e, { queue_position: f } = e, { queue_size: u } = e, { status: c } = e, { scroll_to_output: _ = !1 } = e, { timer: d = !0 } = e, { show_progress: h = "full" } = e, { message: b = null } = e, { progress: m = null } = e, { variant: w = "default" } = e, { loading_text: k = "Loading..." } = e, { absolute: g = !0 } = e, { translucent: S = !1 } = e, { border: M = !1 } = e, { autoscroll: y } = e, z, v = !1, q = 0, R = 0, I = null, B = null, W = 0, H = null, le, X = null, ee = !0;
+ const ae = () => {
+ t(0, s = t(27, I = t(19, de = null))), t(25, q = performance.now()), t(26, R = 0), v = !0, ye();
- function re() {
+ function ye() {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
- t(26, F = (performance.now() - q) / 1e3), k && re();
+ t(26, R = (performance.now() - q) / 1e3), v && ye();
- function T() {
- t(26, F = 0), t(0, s = t(27, j = t(19, ae = null))), k && (k = !1);
+ function L() {
+ t(26, R = 0), t(0, s = t(27, I = t(19, de = null))), v && (v = !1);
sc(() => {
- k && T();
+ v && L();
- let ae = null;
- function fe(L) {
- Zi[L ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- X = L, t(16, X), t(7, b), t(14, K), t(15, $);
+ let de = null;
+ function Ae(A) {
+ Ki[A ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ X = A, t(16, X), t(7, m), t(14, H), t(15, le);
- const Ye = () => {
+ const Le = () => {
- function We(L) {
- Zi[L ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- z = L, t(13, z);
+ function Ce(A) {
+ Ki[A ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ z = A, t(13, z);
- return l.$$set = (L) => {
- "i18n" in L && t(1, r = L.i18n), "eta" in L && t(0, s = L.eta), "queue_position" in L && t(2, f = L.queue_position), "queue_size" in L && t(3, u = L.queue_size), "status" in L && t(4, c = L.status), "scroll_to_output" in L && t(22, d = L.scroll_to_output), "timer" in L && t(5, _ = L.timer), "show_progress" in L && t(6, h = L.show_progress), "message" in L && t(23, m = L.message), "progress" in L && t(7, b = L.progress), "variant" in L && t(8, g = L.variant), "loading_text" in L && t(9, w = L.loading_text), "absolute" in L && t(10, p = L.absolute), "translucent" in L && t(11, C = L.translucent), "border" in L && t(12, E = L.border), "autoscroll" in L && t(24, v = L.autoscroll), "$$scope" in L && t(29, o = L.$$scope);
+ return l.$$set = (A) => {
+ "i18n" in A && t(1, r = A.i18n), "eta" in A && t(0, s = A.eta), "queue_position" in A && t(2, f = A.queue_position), "queue_size" in A && t(3, u = A.queue_size), "status" in A && t(4, c = A.status), "scroll_to_output" in A && t(22, _ = A.scroll_to_output), "timer" in A && t(5, d = A.timer), "show_progress" in A && t(6, h = A.show_progress), "message" in A && t(23, b = A.message), "progress" in A && t(7, m = A.progress), "variant" in A && t(8, w = A.variant), "loading_text" in A && t(9, k = A.loading_text), "absolute" in A && t(10, g = A.absolute), "translucent" in A && t(11, S = A.translucent), "border" in A && t(12, M = A.border), "autoscroll" in A && t(24, y = A.autoscroll), "$$scope" in A && t(29, o = A.$$scope);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta, old_eta, timer_start, eta_from_start*/
- 436207617 && (s === null && t(0, s = j), s != null && j !== s && (t(28, D = (performance.now() - q) / 1e3 + s), t(19, ae = D.toFixed(1)), t(27, j = s))), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta_from_start, timer_diff*/
- 335544320 && t(17, N = D === null || D <= 0 || !F ? null : Math.min(F / D, 1)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress*/
- 128 && b != null && t(18, se = !1), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress, progress_level, progress_bar, last_progress_level*/
- 114816 && (b != null ? t(14, K = b.map((L) => {
- if (L.index != null && L.length != null)
- return L.index / L.length;
- if (L.progress != null)
- return L.progress;
- })) : t(14, K = null), K ? (t(15, $ = K[K.length - 1]), X && ($ === 0 ? t(16, X.style.transition = "0", X) : t(16, X.style.transition = "150ms", X))) : t(15, $ = void 0)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*status*/
- 16 && (c === "pending" ? we() : T()), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*el, scroll_to_output, status, autoscroll*/
- 20979728 && z && d && (c === "pending" || c === "complete") && yc(z, v), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*status, message*/
+ 436207617 && (s === null && t(0, s = I), s != null && I !== s && (t(28, B = (performance.now() - q) / 1e3 + s), t(19, de = B.toFixed(1)), t(27, I = s))), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*eta_from_start, timer_diff*/
+ 335544320 && t(17, W = B === null || B <= 0 || !R ? null : Math.min(R / B, 1)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress*/
+ 128 && m != null && t(18, ee = !1), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*progress, progress_level, progress_bar, last_progress_level*/
+ 114816 && (m != null ? t(14, H = m.map((A) => {
+ if (A.index != null && A.length != null)
+ return A.index / A.length;
+ if (A.progress != null)
+ return A.progress;
+ })) : t(14, H = null), H ? (t(15, le = H[H.length - 1]), X && (le === 0 ? t(16, X.style.transition = "0", X) : t(16, X.style.transition = "150ms", X))) : t(15, le = void 0)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*status*/
+ 16 && (c === "pending" ? ae() : L()), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*el, scroll_to_output, status, autoscroll*/
+ 20979728 && z && _ && (c === "pending" || c === "complete") && yc(z, y), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*status, message*/
8388624, l.$$.dirty[0] & /*timer_diff*/
- 67108864 && t(20, n = F.toFixed(1));
+ 67108864 && t(20, n = R.toFixed(1));
}, [
- _,
+ d,
- b,
- g,
+ m,
- p,
- C,
- E,
+ k,
+ g,
+ S,
+ M,
- K,
- $,
+ H,
+ le,
- N,
- se,
- ae,
+ W,
+ ee,
+ de,
- d,
- m,
- v,
+ _,
+ b,
+ y,
- F,
- j,
- D,
+ R,
+ I,
+ B,
- fe,
- Ye,
- We
+ Ae,
+ Le,
+ Ce
class Sc extends nc {
@@ -3601,29 +3601,29 @@ class Sc extends nc {
const { setContext: g1, getContext: zc } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, qc = "WORKER_PROXY_CONTEXT_KEY";
-function ps() {
+function vs() {
return zc(qc);
-function Mc(l) {
+function Ec(l) {
return l.host === window.location.host || l.host === "localhost:7860" || l.host === "" || // Ref: https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/blob/v3.32.0/js/app/src/Index.svelte#L194
l.host === "lite.local";
-function ks(l, e) {
+function ys(l, e) {
const t = e.toLowerCase();
for (const [n, i] of Object.entries(l))
if (n.toLowerCase() === t)
return i;
-function vs(l) {
+function Cs(l) {
if (l == null)
return !1;
const e = new URL(l, window.location.href);
- return !(!Mc(e) || e.protocol !== "http:" && e.protocol !== "https:");
+ return !(!Ec(e) || e.protocol !== "http:" && e.protocol !== "https:");
-async function Ec(l) {
- if (l == null || !vs(l))
+async function Mc(l) {
+ if (l == null || !Cs(l))
return l;
- const e = ps();
+ const e = vs();
if (e == null)
return l;
const n = new URL(l, window.location.href).pathname;
@@ -3636,41 +3636,41 @@ async function Ec(l) {
if (i.status !== 200)
throw new Error(`Failed to get file ${n} from the Wasm worker.`);
const o = new Blob([i.body], {
- type: ks(i.headers, "content-type")
+ type: ys(i.headers, "content-type")
return URL.createObjectURL(o);
const {
- SvelteComponent: Ac,
- assign: Gn,
- check_outros: ys,
- compute_rest_props: fo,
- create_slot: ci,
- detach: fl,
- element: Cs,
- empty: Ss,
- exclude_internal_props: Lc,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: _i,
- get_slot_changes: di,
- get_spread_update: zs,
- group_outros: qs,
- init: Dc,
- insert: ul,
- listen: Ms,
- prevent_default: Tc,
- safe_not_equal: Bc,
- set_attributes: Jn,
- transition_in: vt,
- transition_out: yt,
- update_slot_base: hi
+ SvelteComponent: Bc,
+ assign: xn,
+ check_outros: Ss,
+ compute_rest_props: uo,
+ create_slot: _i,
+ detach: _l,
+ element: zs,
+ empty: qs,
+ exclude_internal_props: Ac,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: di,
+ get_slot_changes: hi,
+ get_spread_update: Es,
+ group_outros: Ms,
+ init: Lc,
+ insert: dl,
+ listen: Bs,
+ prevent_default: Dc,
+ safe_not_equal: Tc,
+ set_attributes: $n,
+ transition_in: zt,
+ transition_out: qt,
+ update_slot_base: mi
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: jc } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Ic(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o;
const a = (
- ), r = ci(
+ ), r = _i(
@@ -3694,13 +3694,13 @@ function Ic(l) {
], f = {};
for (let u = 0; u < s.length; u += 1)
- f = Gn(f, s[u]);
+ f = xn(f, s[u]);
return {
c() {
- e = Cs("a"), r && r.c(), Jn(e, f);
+ e = zs("a"), r && r.c(), $n(e, f);
m(u, c) {
- ul(u, e, c), r && r.m(e, null), n = !0, i || (o = Ms(
+ dl(u, e, c), r && r.m(e, null), n = !0, i || (o = Bs(
@@ -3709,24 +3709,24 @@ function Ic(l) {
p(u, c) {
r && r.p && (!n || c & /*$$scope*/
- 128) && hi(
+ 128) && mi(
- n ? di(
+ n ? hi(
- ) : _i(
+ ) : di(
- ), Jn(e, f = zs(s, [
+ ), $n(e, f = Es(s, [
(!n || c & /*href*/
1) && { href: (
@@ -3745,13 +3745,13 @@ function Ic(l) {
i(u) {
- n || (vt(r, u), n = !0);
+ n || (zt(r, u), n = !0);
o(u) {
- yt(r, u), n = !1;
+ qt(r, u), n = !1;
d(u) {
- u && fl(e), r && r.d(u), i = !1, o();
+ u && _l(e), r && r.d(u), i = !1, o();
@@ -3766,25 +3766,25 @@ function Rc(l) {
return e = r(l), t = a[e] = o[e](l), {
c() {
- t.c(), n = Ss();
+ t.c(), n = qs();
m(s, f) {
- a[e].m(s, f), ul(s, n, f), i = !0;
+ a[e].m(s, f), dl(s, n, f), i = !0;
p(s, f) {
let u = e;
- e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (qs(), yt(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
+ e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (Ms(), qt(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
a[u] = null;
- }), ys(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), vt(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
+ }), Ss(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), zt(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
i(s) {
- i || (vt(t), i = !0);
+ i || (zt(t), i = !0);
o(s) {
- yt(t), i = !1;
+ qt(t), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && fl(n), a[e].d(s);
+ s && _l(n), a[e].d(s);
@@ -3793,7 +3793,7 @@ function Fc(l) {
const o = (
- ), a = ci(
+ ), a = _i(
@@ -3809,37 +3809,37 @@ function Fc(l) {
) }
], s = {};
for (let f = 0; f < r.length; f += 1)
- s = Gn(s, r[f]);
+ s = xn(s, r[f]);
return {
c() {
- e = Cs("a"), a && a.c(), Jn(e, s);
+ e = zs("a"), a && a.c(), $n(e, s);
m(f, u) {
- ul(f, e, u), a && a.m(e, null), t = !0, n || (i = Ms(e, "click", Tc(
+ dl(f, e, u), a && a.m(e, null), t = !0, n || (i = Bs(e, "click", Dc(
)), n = !0);
p(f, u) {
a && a.p && (!t || u & /*$$scope*/
- 128) && hi(
+ 128) && mi(
- t ? di(
+ t ? hi(
- ) : _i(
+ ) : di(
- ), Jn(e, s = zs(r, [
+ ), $n(e, s = Es(r, [
u & /*$$restProps*/
64 && /*$$restProps*/
@@ -3851,13 +3851,13 @@ function Fc(l) {
i(f) {
- t || (vt(a, f), t = !0);
+ t || (zt(a, f), t = !0);
o(f) {
- yt(a, f), t = !1;
+ qt(a, f), t = !1;
d(f) {
- f && fl(e), a && a.d(f), n = !1, i();
+ f && _l(e), a && a.d(f), n = !1, i();
@@ -3866,7 +3866,7 @@ function Hc(l) {
const t = (
- ), n = ci(
+ ), n = _i(
@@ -3882,19 +3882,19 @@ function Hc(l) {
p(i, o) {
n && n.p && (!e || o & /*$$scope*/
- 128) && hi(
+ 128) && mi(
- e ? di(
+ e ? hi(
- ) : _i(
+ ) : di(
@@ -3902,10 +3902,10 @@ function Hc(l) {
i(i) {
- e || (vt(n, i), e = !0);
+ e || (zt(n, i), e = !0);
o(i) {
- yt(n, i), e = !1;
+ qt(n, i), e = !1;
d(i) {
n && n.d(i);
@@ -3918,125 +3918,125 @@ function Uc(l) {
function s(f, u) {
return u & /*href*/
1 && (e = null), e == null && (e = !!/*worker_proxy*/
- (f[4] && vs(
+ (f[4] && Cs(
))), e ? 0 : 1;
return t = s(l, -1), n = r[t] = a[t](l), {
c() {
- n.c(), i = Ss();
+ n.c(), i = qs();
m(f, u) {
- r[t].m(f, u), ul(f, i, u), o = !0;
+ r[t].m(f, u), dl(f, i, u), o = !0;
p(f, [u]) {
let c = t;
- t = s(f, u), t === c ? r[t].p(f, u) : (qs(), yt(r[c], 1, 1, () => {
+ t = s(f, u), t === c ? r[t].p(f, u) : (Ms(), qt(r[c], 1, 1, () => {
r[c] = null;
- }), ys(), n = r[t], n ? n.p(f, u) : (n = r[t] = a[t](f), n.c()), vt(n, 1), n.m(i.parentNode, i));
+ }), Ss(), n = r[t], n ? n.p(f, u) : (n = r[t] = a[t](f), n.c()), zt(n, 1), n.m(i.parentNode, i));
i(f) {
- o || (vt(n), o = !0);
+ o || (zt(n), o = !0);
o(f) {
- yt(n), o = !1;
+ qt(n), o = !1;
d(f) {
- f && fl(i), r[t].d(f);
+ f && _l(i), r[t].d(f);
function Nc(l, e, t) {
const n = ["href", "download"];
- let i = fo(e, n), { $$slots: o = {}, $$scope: a } = e;
- var r = this && this.__awaiter || function(h, m, b, g) {
- function w(p) {
- return p instanceof b ? p : new b(function(C) {
- C(p);
+ let i = uo(e, n), { $$slots: o = {}, $$scope: a } = e;
+ var r = this && this.__awaiter || function(h, b, m, w) {
+ function k(g) {
+ return g instanceof m ? g : new m(function(S) {
+ S(g);
- return new (b || (b = Promise))(function(p, C) {
- function E(k) {
+ return new (m || (m = Promise))(function(g, S) {
+ function M(v) {
try {
- z(g.next(k));
+ z(w.next(v));
} catch (q) {
- C(q);
+ S(q);
- function v(k) {
+ function y(v) {
try {
- z(g.throw(k));
+ z(w.throw(v));
} catch (q) {
- C(q);
+ S(q);
- function z(k) {
- k.done ? p(k.value) : w(k.value).then(E, v);
+ function z(v) {
+ v.done ? g(v.value) : k(v.value).then(M, y);
- z((g = g.apply(h, m || [])).next());
+ z((w = w.apply(h, b || [])).next());
let { href: s = void 0 } = e, { download: f } = e;
const u = jc();
let c = !1;
- const d = ps();
- function _() {
+ const _ = vs();
+ function d() {
return r(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (c)
if (u("click"), s == null)
throw new Error("href is not defined.");
- if (d == null)
+ if (_ == null)
throw new Error("Wasm worker proxy is not available.");
- const m = new URL(s, window.location.href).pathname;
- t(2, c = !0), d.httpRequest({
+ const b = new URL(s, window.location.href).pathname;
+ t(2, c = !0), _.httpRequest({
method: "GET",
- path: m,
+ path: b,
headers: {},
query_string: ""
- }).then((b) => {
- if (b.status !== 200)
- throw new Error(`Failed to get file ${m} from the Wasm worker.`);
- const g = new Blob(
- [b.body],
+ }).then((m) => {
+ if (m.status !== 200)
+ throw new Error(`Failed to get file ${b} from the Wasm worker.`);
+ const w = new Blob(
+ [m.body],
- type: ks(b.headers, "content-type")
+ type: ys(m.headers, "content-type")
- ), w = URL.createObjectURL(g), p = document.createElement("a");
- p.href = w, p.download = f, p.click(), URL.revokeObjectURL(w);
+ ), k = URL.createObjectURL(w), g = document.createElement("a");
+ g.href = k, g.download = f, g.click(), URL.revokeObjectURL(k);
}).finally(() => {
t(2, c = !1);
return l.$$set = (h) => {
- e = Gn(Gn({}, e), Lc(h)), t(6, i = fo(e, n)), "href" in h && t(0, s = h.href), "download" in h && t(1, f = h.download), "$$scope" in h && t(7, a = h.$$scope);
+ e = xn(xn({}, e), Ac(h)), t(6, i = uo(e, n)), "href" in h && t(0, s = h.href), "download" in h && t(1, f = h.download), "$$scope" in h && t(7, a = h.$$scope);
}, [
- d,
+ d,
-class Oc extends Ac {
+class Oc extends Bc {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Dc(this, e, Nc, Uc, Bc, { href: 0, download: 1 });
+ super(), Lc(this, e, Nc, Uc, Tc, { href: 0, download: 1 });
-var Xc = Object.defineProperty, Yc = (l, e, t) => e in l ? Xc(l, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : l[e] = t, Ve = (l, e, t) => (Yc(l, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t), t), Es = (l, e, t) => {
+var Xc = Object.defineProperty, Yc = (l, e, t) => e in l ? Xc(l, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : l[e] = t, Pe = (l, e, t) => (Yc(l, typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e, t), t), As = (l, e, t) => {
if (!e.has(l))
throw TypeError("Cannot " + t);
-}, $t = (l, e, t) => (Es(l, e, "read from private field"), t ? t.call(l) : e.get(l)), Wc = (l, e, t) => {
+}, $t = (l, e, t) => (As(l, e, "read from private field"), t ? t.call(l) : e.get(l)), Wc = (l, e, t) => {
if (e.has(l))
throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
e instanceof WeakSet ? e.add(l) : e.set(l, t);
-}, Vc = (l, e, t, n) => (Es(l, e, "write to private field"), e.set(l, t), t), tt;
+}, Vc = (l, e, t, n) => (As(l, e, "write to private field"), e.set(l, t), t), lt;
new Intl.Collator(0, { numeric: 1 }).compare;
async function Pc(l, e) {
return l.map(
@@ -4061,7 +4061,7 @@ class Zc {
mime_type: r,
alt_text: s
}) {
- Ve(this, "path"), Ve(this, "url"), Ve(this, "orig_name"), Ve(this, "size"), Ve(this, "blob"), Ve(this, "is_stream"), Ve(this, "mime_type"), Ve(this, "alt_text"), Ve(this, "meta", { _type: "gradio.FileData" }), this.path = e, this.url = t, this.orig_name = n, this.size = i, this.blob = t ? void 0 : o, this.is_stream = a, this.mime_type = r, this.alt_text = s;
+ Pe(this, "path"), Pe(this, "url"), Pe(this, "orig_name"), Pe(this, "size"), Pe(this, "blob"), Pe(this, "is_stream"), Pe(this, "mime_type"), Pe(this, "alt_text"), Pe(this, "meta", { _type: "gradio.FileData" }), this.path = e, this.url = t, this.orig_name = n, this.size = i, this.blob = t ? void 0 : o, this.is_stream = a, this.mime_type = r, this.alt_text = s;
typeof process < "u" && process.versions && process.versions.node;
@@ -4070,7 +4070,7 @@ class w1 extends TransformStream {
constructor(e = { allowCR: !1 }) {
transform: (t, n) => {
- for (t = $t(this, tt) + t; ; ) {
+ for (t = $t(this, lt) + t; ; ) {
const i = t.indexOf(`
`), o = e.allowCR ? t.indexOf("\r") : -1;
if (o !== -1 && o !== t.length - 1 && (i === -1 || i - 1 > o)) {
@@ -4082,35 +4082,35 @@ class w1 extends TransformStream {
const a = t[i - 1] === "\r" ? i - 1 : i;
n.enqueue(t.slice(0, a)), t = t.slice(i + 1);
- Vc(this, tt, t);
+ Vc(this, lt, t);
flush: (t) => {
- if ($t(this, tt) === "")
+ if ($t(this, lt) === "")
- const n = e.allowCR && $t(this, tt).endsWith("\r") ? $t(this, tt).slice(0, -1) : $t(this, tt);
+ const n = e.allowCR && $t(this, lt).endsWith("\r") ? $t(this, lt).slice(0, -1) : $t(this, lt);
- }), Wc(this, tt, "");
+ }), Wc(this, lt, "");
-tt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
+lt = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const {
SvelteComponent: Kc,
- append: ge,
- attr: ht,
- detach: As,
- element: mt,
+ append: _e,
+ attr: bt,
+ detach: Ls,
+ element: gt,
init: Gc,
- insert: Ls,
- noop: uo,
+ insert: Ds,
+ noop: co,
safe_not_equal: Jc,
- set_data: Qn,
- set_style: Bl,
- space: ni,
- text: Yt,
- toggle_class: co
+ set_data: el,
+ set_style: Rl,
+ space: li,
+ text: Wt,
+ toggle_class: _o
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: Qc, createEventDispatcher: xc, onDestroy: $c } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function _o(l) {
+function ho(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o = an(
@@ -4120,29 +4120,29 @@ function _o(l) {
), c;
return {
c() {
- e = mt("div"), t = mt("span"), n = mt("div"), i = mt("progress"), a = Yt(o), s = ni(), f = mt("span"), c = Yt(u), Bl(i, "visibility", "hidden"), Bl(i, "height", "0"), Bl(i, "width", "0"), i.value = r = an(
+ e = gt("div"), t = gt("span"), n = gt("div"), i = gt("progress"), a = Wt(o), s = li(), f = gt("span"), c = Wt(u), Rl(i, "visibility", "hidden"), Rl(i, "height", "0"), Rl(i, "width", "0"), i.value = r = an(
- ), ht(i, "max", "100"), ht(i, "class", "svelte-cr2edf"), ht(n, "class", "progress-bar svelte-cr2edf"), ht(f, "class", "file-name svelte-cr2edf"), ht(e, "class", "file svelte-cr2edf");
+ ), bt(i, "max", "100"), bt(i, "class", "svelte-cr2edf"), bt(n, "class", "progress-bar svelte-cr2edf"), bt(f, "class", "file-name svelte-cr2edf"), bt(e, "class", "file svelte-cr2edf");
- m(d, _) {
- Ls(d, e, _), ge(e, t), ge(t, n), ge(n, i), ge(i, a), ge(e, s), ge(e, f), ge(f, c);
+ m(_, d) {
+ Ds(_, e, d), _e(e, t), _e(t, n), _e(n, i), _e(i, a), _e(e, s), _e(e, f), _e(f, c);
- p(d, _) {
- _ & /*file_to_display*/
+ p(_, d) {
+ d & /*file_to_display*/
4 && o !== (o = an(
- d[2]
- ) + "") && Qn(a, o), _ & /*file_to_display*/
+ _[2]
+ ) + "") && el(a, o), d & /*file_to_display*/
4 && r !== (r = an(
- d[2]
- )) && (i.value = r), _ & /*file_to_display*/
+ _[2]
+ )) && (i.value = r), d & /*file_to_display*/
4 && u !== (u = /*file_to_display*/
- d[2].orig_name + "") && Qn(c, u);
+ _[2].orig_name + "") && el(c, u);
- d(d) {
- d && As(e);
+ d(_) {
+ _ && Ls(e);
@@ -4155,38 +4155,38 @@ function e_(l) {
l[0].length > 1 ? "files" : "file"
), s, f, u, c = (
- l[2] && _o(l)
+ l[2] && ho(l)
return {
c() {
- e = mt("div"), t = mt("span"), n = Yt("Uploading "), o = Yt(i), a = ni(), s = Yt(r), f = Yt("..."), u = ni(), c && c.c(), ht(t, "class", "uploading svelte-cr2edf"), ht(e, "class", "wrap svelte-cr2edf"), co(
+ e = gt("div"), t = gt("span"), n = Wt("Uploading "), o = Wt(i), a = li(), s = Wt(r), f = Wt("..."), u = li(), c && c.c(), bt(t, "class", "uploading svelte-cr2edf"), bt(e, "class", "wrap svelte-cr2edf"), _o(
- m(d, _) {
- Ls(d, e, _), ge(e, t), ge(t, n), ge(t, o), ge(t, a), ge(t, s), ge(t, f), ge(e, u), c && c.m(e, null);
+ m(_, d) {
+ Ds(_, e, d), _e(e, t), _e(t, n), _e(t, o), _e(t, a), _e(t, s), _e(t, f), _e(e, u), c && c.m(e, null);
- p(d, [_]) {
- _ & /*files_with_progress*/
+ p(_, [d]) {
+ d & /*files_with_progress*/
1 && i !== (i = /*files_with_progress*/
- d[0].length + "") && Qn(o, i), _ & /*files_with_progress*/
+ _[0].length + "") && el(o, i), d & /*files_with_progress*/
1 && r !== (r = /*files_with_progress*/
- d[0].length > 1 ? "files" : "file") && Qn(s, r), /*file_to_display*/
- d[2] ? c ? c.p(d, _) : (c = _o(d), c.c(), c.m(e, null)) : c && (c.d(1), c = null), _ & /*progress*/
- 2 && co(
+ _[0].length > 1 ? "files" : "file") && el(s, r), /*file_to_display*/
+ _[2] ? c ? c.p(_, d) : (c = ho(_), c.c(), c.m(e, null)) : c && (c.d(1), c = null), d & /*progress*/
+ 2 && _o(
- d[1]
+ _[1]
- i: uo,
- o: uo,
- d(d) {
- d && As(e), c && c.d();
+ i: co,
+ o: co,
+ d(_) {
+ _ && Ls(e), c && c.d();
@@ -4200,57 +4200,57 @@ function t_(l) {
}), document.documentElement.style.setProperty("--upload-progress-width", (e / l.length).toFixed(2) + "%"), e / l.length;
function n_(l, e, t) {
- var n = this && this.__awaiter || function(m, b, g, w) {
- function p(C) {
- return C instanceof g ? C : new g(function(E) {
- E(C);
+ var n = this && this.__awaiter || function(b, m, w, k) {
+ function g(S) {
+ return S instanceof w ? S : new w(function(M) {
+ M(S);
- return new (g || (g = Promise))(function(C, E) {
- function v(q) {
+ return new (w || (w = Promise))(function(S, M) {
+ function y(q) {
try {
- k(w.next(q));
- } catch (F) {
- E(F);
+ v(k.next(q));
+ } catch (R) {
+ M(R);
function z(q) {
try {
- k(w.throw(q));
- } catch (F) {
- E(F);
+ v(k.throw(q));
+ } catch (R) {
+ M(R);
- function k(q) {
- q.done ? C(q.value) : p(q.value).then(v, z);
+ function v(q) {
+ q.done ? S(q.value) : g(q.value).then(y, z);
- k((w = w.apply(m, b || [])).next());
+ v((k = k.apply(b, m || [])).next());
- let { upload_id: i } = e, { root: o } = e, { files: a } = e, { stream_handler: r } = e, s, f = !1, u, c, d = a.map((m) => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, m), { progress: 0 }));
- const _ = xc();
- function h(m, b) {
- t(0, d = d.map((g) => (g.orig_name === m && (g.progress += b), g)));
+ let { upload_id: i } = e, { root: o } = e, { files: a } = e, { stream_handler: r } = e, s, f = !1, u, c, _ = a.map((b) => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, b), { progress: 0 }));
+ const d = xc();
+ function h(b, m) {
+ t(0, _ = _.map((w) => (w.orig_name === b && (w.progress += m), w)));
return Qc(() => n(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (s = yield r(new URL(`${o}/upload_progress?upload_id=${i}`)), s == null)
throw new Error("Event source is not defined");
- s.onmessage = function(m) {
+ s.onmessage = function(b) {
return n(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const b = JSON.parse(m.data);
- f || t(1, f = !0), b.msg === "done" ? (s == null || s.close(), _("done")) : (t(7, u = b), h(b.orig_name, b.chunk_size));
+ const m = JSON.parse(b.data);
+ f || t(1, f = !0), m.msg === "done" ? (s == null || s.close(), d("done")) : (t(7, u = m), h(m.orig_name, m.chunk_size));
})), $c(() => {
(s != null || s != null) && s.close();
- }), l.$$set = (m) => {
- "upload_id" in m && t(3, i = m.upload_id), "root" in m && t(4, o = m.root), "files" in m && t(5, a = m.files), "stream_handler" in m && t(6, r = m.stream_handler);
+ }), l.$$set = (b) => {
+ "upload_id" in b && t(3, i = b.upload_id), "root" in b && t(4, o = b.root), "files" in b && t(5, a = b.files), "stream_handler" in b && t(6, r = b.stream_handler);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty & /*files_with_progress*/
- 1 && t_(d), l.$$.dirty & /*current_file_upload, files_with_progress*/
- 129 && t(2, c = u || d[0]);
+ 1 && t_(_), l.$$.dirty & /*current_file_upload, files_with_progress*/
+ 129 && t(2, c = u || _[0]);
}, [
- d,
+ _,
@@ -4272,42 +4272,42 @@ class l_ extends Kc {
const {
SvelteComponent: i_,
- append: ho,
- attr: oe,
+ append: mo,
+ attr: se,
binding_callbacks: o_,
- bubble: ft,
- check_outros: Ds,
+ bubble: ct,
+ check_outros: Ts,
create_component: s_,
- create_slot: Ts,
+ create_slot: js,
destroy_component: a_,
- detach: cl,
- element: li,
- empty: Bs,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: js,
- get_slot_changes: Is,
- group_outros: Rs,
+ detach: hl,
+ element: ii,
+ empty: Is,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: Rs,
+ get_slot_changes: Fs,
+ group_outros: Hs,
init: r_,
- insert: _l,
- listen: ve,
+ insert: ml,
+ listen: we,
mount_component: f_,
- prevent_default: ut,
+ prevent_default: _t,
run_all: u_,
safe_not_equal: c_,
- set_style: Fs,
+ set_style: Us,
space: __,
- stop_propagation: ct,
- toggle_class: ne,
- transition_in: it,
- transition_out: Ct,
- update_slot_base: Hs
+ stop_propagation: dt,
+ toggle_class: te,
+ transition_in: st,
+ transition_out: Et,
+ update_slot_base: Ns
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: d_, tick: h_ } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function m_(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c;
- const d = (
+ const _ = (
- ), _ = Ts(
- d,
+ ), d = js(
+ _,
@@ -4315,93 +4315,93 @@ function m_(l) {
return {
c() {
- e = li("button"), _ && _.c(), t = __(), n = li("input"), oe(n, "aria-label", "file upload"), oe(n, "data-testid", "file-upload"), oe(n, "type", "file"), oe(n, "accept", i = /*accept_file_types*/
+ e = ii("button"), d && d.c(), t = __(), n = ii("input"), se(n, "aria-label", "file upload"), se(n, "data-testid", "file-upload"), se(n, "type", "file"), se(n, "accept", i = /*accept_file_types*/
l[16] || void 0), n.multiple = o = /*file_count*/
- l[6] === "multiple" || void 0, oe(n, "webkitdirectory", a = /*file_count*/
- l[6] === "directory" || void 0), oe(n, "mozdirectory", r = /*file_count*/
- l[6] === "directory" || void 0), oe(n, "class", "svelte-1s26xmt"), oe(e, "tabindex", s = /*hidden*/
- l[9] ? -1 : 0), oe(e, "class", "svelte-1s26xmt"), ne(
+ l[6] === "multiple" || void 0, se(n, "webkitdirectory", a = /*file_count*/
+ l[6] === "directory" || void 0), se(n, "mozdirectory", r = /*file_count*/
+ l[6] === "directory" || void 0), se(n, "class", "svelte-1s26xmt"), se(e, "tabindex", s = /*hidden*/
+ l[9] ? -1 : 0), se(e, "class", "svelte-1s26xmt"), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), Fs(e, "height", "100%");
+ ), Us(e, "height", "100%");
- m(h, m) {
- _l(h, e, m), _ && _.m(e, null), ho(e, t), ho(e, n), l[34](n), f = !0, u || (c = [
- ve(
+ m(h, b) {
+ ml(h, e, b), d && d.m(e, null), mo(e, t), mo(e, n), l[34](n), f = !0, u || (c = [
+ we(
- ve(e, "drag", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "drag", dt(_t(
- ve(e, "dragstart", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "dragstart", dt(_t(
- ve(e, "dragend", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "dragend", dt(_t(
- ve(e, "dragover", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "dragover", dt(_t(
- ve(e, "dragenter", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "dragenter", dt(_t(
- ve(e, "dragleave", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "dragleave", dt(_t(
- ve(e, "drop", ct(ut(
+ we(e, "drop", dt(_t(
- ve(
+ we(
- ve(
+ we(
- ve(
+ we(
- ve(
+ we(
@@ -4409,61 +4409,61 @@ function m_(l) {
], u = !0);
- p(h, m) {
- _ && _.p && (!f || m[0] & /*$$scope*/
- 33554432) && Hs(
- _,
+ p(h, b) {
+ d && d.p && (!f || b[0] & /*$$scope*/
+ 33554432) && Ns(
+ _,
- f ? Is(
- d,
+ f ? Fs(
+ _,
- m,
+ b,
- ) : js(
+ ) : Rs(
- ), (!f || m[0] & /*accept_file_types*/
+ ), (!f || b[0] & /*accept_file_types*/
65536 && i !== (i = /*accept_file_types*/
- h[16] || void 0)) && oe(n, "accept", i), (!f || m[0] & /*file_count*/
+ h[16] || void 0)) && se(n, "accept", i), (!f || b[0] & /*file_count*/
64 && o !== (o = /*file_count*/
- h[6] === "multiple" || void 0)) && (n.multiple = o), (!f || m[0] & /*file_count*/
+ h[6] === "multiple" || void 0)) && (n.multiple = o), (!f || b[0] & /*file_count*/
64 && a !== (a = /*file_count*/
- h[6] === "directory" || void 0)) && oe(n, "webkitdirectory", a), (!f || m[0] & /*file_count*/
+ h[6] === "directory" || void 0)) && se(n, "webkitdirectory", a), (!f || b[0] & /*file_count*/
64 && r !== (r = /*file_count*/
- h[6] === "directory" || void 0)) && oe(n, "mozdirectory", r), (!f || m[0] & /*hidden*/
+ h[6] === "directory" || void 0)) && se(n, "mozdirectory", r), (!f || b[0] & /*hidden*/
512 && s !== (s = /*hidden*/
- h[9] ? -1 : 0)) && oe(e, "tabindex", s), (!f || m[0] & /*hidden*/
- 512) && ne(
+ h[9] ? -1 : 0)) && se(e, "tabindex", s), (!f || b[0] & /*hidden*/
+ 512) && te(
- ), (!f || m[0] & /*center*/
- 16) && ne(
+ ), (!f || b[0] & /*center*/
+ 16) && te(
- ), (!f || m[0] & /*boundedheight*/
- 8) && ne(
+ ), (!f || b[0] & /*boundedheight*/
+ 8) && te(
- ), (!f || m[0] & /*flex*/
- 32) && ne(
+ ), (!f || b[0] & /*flex*/
+ 32) && te(
- ), (!f || m[0] & /*disable_click*/
- 128) && ne(
+ ), (!f || b[0] & /*disable_click*/
+ 128) && te(
@@ -4471,41 +4471,41 @@ function m_(l) {
i(h) {
- f || (it(_, h), f = !0);
+ f || (st(d, h), f = !0);
o(h) {
- Ct(_, h), f = !1;
+ Et(d, h), f = !1;
d(h) {
- h && cl(e), _ && _.d(h), l[34](null), u = !1, u_(c);
+ h && hl(e), d && d.d(h), l[34](null), u = !1, u_(c);
function b_(l) {
let e, t, n = !/*hidden*/
- l[9] && mo(l);
+ l[9] && bo(l);
return {
c() {
- n && n.c(), e = Bs();
+ n && n.c(), e = Is();
m(i, o) {
- n && n.m(i, o), _l(i, e, o), t = !0;
+ n && n.m(i, o), ml(i, e, o), t = !0;
p(i, o) {
- i[9] ? n && (Rs(), Ct(n, 1, 1, () => {
+ i[9] ? n && (Hs(), Et(n, 1, 1, () => {
n = null;
- }), Ds()) : n ? (n.p(i, o), o[0] & /*hidden*/
- 512 && it(n, 1)) : (n = mo(i), n.c(), it(n, 1), n.m(e.parentNode, e));
+ }), Ts()) : n ? (n.p(i, o), o[0] & /*hidden*/
+ 512 && st(n, 1)) : (n = bo(i), n.c(), st(n, 1), n.m(e.parentNode, e));
i(i) {
- t || (it(n), t = !0);
+ t || (st(n), t = !0);
o(i) {
- Ct(n), t = !1;
+ Et(n), t = !1;
d(i) {
- i && cl(e), n && n.d(i);
+ i && hl(e), n && n.d(i);
@@ -4514,7 +4514,7 @@ function g_(l) {
const a = (
- ), r = Ts(
+ ), r = js(
@@ -4523,31 +4523,31 @@ function g_(l) {
return {
c() {
- e = li("button"), r && r.c(), oe(e, "tabindex", t = /*hidden*/
- l[9] ? -1 : 0), oe(e, "class", "svelte-1s26xmt"), ne(
+ e = ii("button"), r && r.c(), se(e, "tabindex", t = /*hidden*/
+ l[9] ? -1 : 0), se(e, "class", "svelte-1s26xmt"), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), ne(
+ ), te(
- ), Fs(e, "height", "100%");
+ ), Us(e, "height", "100%");
m(s, f) {
- _l(s, e, f), r && r.m(e, null), n = !0, i || (o = ve(
+ ml(s, e, f), r && r.m(e, null), n = !0, i || (o = we(
@@ -4556,45 +4556,45 @@ function g_(l) {
p(s, f) {
r && r.p && (!n || f[0] & /*$$scope*/
- 33554432) && Hs(
+ 33554432) && Ns(
- n ? Is(
+ n ? Fs(
- ) : js(
+ ) : Rs(
), (!n || f[0] & /*hidden*/
512 && t !== (t = /*hidden*/
- s[9] ? -1 : 0)) && oe(e, "tabindex", t), (!n || f[0] & /*hidden*/
- 512) && ne(
+ s[9] ? -1 : 0)) && se(e, "tabindex", t), (!n || f[0] & /*hidden*/
+ 512) && te(
), (!n || f[0] & /*center*/
- 16) && ne(
+ 16) && te(
), (!n || f[0] & /*boundedheight*/
- 8) && ne(
+ 8) && te(
), (!n || f[0] & /*flex*/
- 32) && ne(
+ 32) && te(
@@ -4602,17 +4602,17 @@ function g_(l) {
i(s) {
- n || (it(r, s), n = !0);
+ n || (st(r, s), n = !0);
o(s) {
- Ct(r, s), n = !1;
+ Et(r, s), n = !1;
d(s) {
- s && cl(e), r && r.d(s), i = !1, o();
+ s && hl(e), r && r.d(s), i = !1, o();
-function mo(l) {
+function bo(l) {
let e, t;
return e = new l_({
props: {
@@ -4653,10 +4653,10 @@ function mo(l) {
n[11]), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (it(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (st(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Ct(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Et(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
a_(e, n);
@@ -4678,25 +4678,25 @@ function w_(l) {
return e = r(l), t = a[e] = o[e](l), {
c() {
- t.c(), n = Bs();
+ t.c(), n = Is();
m(s, f) {
- a[e].m(s, f), _l(s, n, f), i = !0;
+ a[e].m(s, f), ml(s, n, f), i = !0;
p(s, f) {
let u = e;
- e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (Rs(), Ct(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
+ e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (Hs(), Et(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
a[u] = null;
- }), Ds(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), it(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
+ }), Ts(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), st(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
i(s) {
- i || (it(t), i = !0);
+ i || (st(t), i = !0);
o(s) {
- Ct(t), i = !1;
+ Et(t), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && cl(n), a[e].d(s);
+ s && hl(n), a[e].d(s);
@@ -4717,167 +4717,167 @@ function p_(l, e, t) {
function k_(l, e, t) {
let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e;
- var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(S, H, G, y) {
- function ee(ue) {
- return ue instanceof G ? ue : new G(function(pe) {
- pe(ue);
+ var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(p, F, Z, K) {
+ function C(Se) {
+ return Se instanceof Z ? Se : new Z(function(he) {
+ he(Se);
- return new (G || (G = Promise))(function(ue, pe) {
- function A(V) {
+ return new (Z || (Z = Promise))(function(Se, he) {
+ function ze(D) {
try {
- O(y.next(V));
- } catch (Ee) {
- pe(Ee);
+ E(K.next(D));
+ } catch (Y) {
+ he(Y);
- function B(V) {
+ function me(D) {
try {
- O(y.throw(V));
- } catch (Ee) {
- pe(Ee);
+ E(K.throw(D));
+ } catch (Y) {
+ he(Y);
- function O(V) {
- V.done ? ue(V.value) : ee(V.value).then(A, B);
+ function E(D) {
+ D.done ? Se(D.value) : C(D.value).then(ze, me);
- O((y = y.apply(S, H || [])).next());
+ E((K = K.apply(p, F || [])).next());
- let { filetype: a = null } = e, { dragging: r = !1 } = e, { boundedheight: s = !0 } = e, { center: f = !0 } = e, { flex: u = !0 } = e, { file_count: c = "single" } = e, { disable_click: d = !1 } = e, { root: _ } = e, { hidden: h = !1 } = e, { format: m = "file" } = e, { uploading: b = !1 } = e, { hidden_upload: g = null } = e, { show_progress: w = !0 } = e, { max_file_size: p = null } = e, { upload: C } = e, { stream_handler: E } = e, v, z, k;
- const q = d_(), F = ["image", "video", "audio", "text", "file"], j = (S) => S.startsWith(".") || S.endsWith("/*") ? S : F.includes(S) ? S + "/*" : "." + S;
- function D() {
+ let { filetype: a = null } = e, { dragging: r = !1 } = e, { boundedheight: s = !0 } = e, { center: f = !0 } = e, { flex: u = !0 } = e, { file_count: c = "single" } = e, { disable_click: _ = !1 } = e, { root: d } = e, { hidden: h = !1 } = e, { format: b = "file" } = e, { uploading: m = !1 } = e, { hidden_upload: w = null } = e, { show_progress: k = !0 } = e, { max_file_size: g = null } = e, { upload: S } = e, { stream_handler: M } = e, y, z, v;
+ const q = d_(), R = ["image", "video", "audio", "text", "file"], I = (p) => p.startsWith(".") || p.endsWith("/*") ? p : R.includes(p) ? p + "/*" : "." + p;
+ function B() {
t(20, r = !r);
- function N() {
- navigator.clipboard.read().then((S) => o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- for (let H = 0; H < S.length; H++) {
- const G = S[H].types.find((y) => y.startsWith("image/"));
- if (G) {
- S[H].getType(G).then((y) => o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const ee = new File([y], `clipboard.${G.replace("image/", "")}`);
- yield X([ee]);
+ function W() {
+ navigator.clipboard.read().then((p) => o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+ for (let F = 0; F < p.length; F++) {
+ const Z = p[F].types.find((K) => K.startsWith("image/"));
+ if (Z) {
+ p[F].getType(Z).then((K) => o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+ const C = new File([K], `clipboard.${Z.replace("image/", "")}`);
+ yield X([C]);
- function K() {
- d || g && (t(2, g.value = "", g), g.click());
+ function H() {
+ _ || w && (t(2, w.value = "", w), w.click());
- function $(S) {
+ function le(p) {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- yield h_(), t(14, v = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)), t(1, b = !0);
+ yield h_(), t(14, y = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15)), t(1, m = !0);
try {
- const H = yield C(S, _, v, p ?? 1 / 0);
- return q("load", c === "single" ? H == null ? void 0 : H[0] : H), t(1, b = !1), H || [];
- } catch (H) {
- return q("error", H.message), t(1, b = !1), [];
+ const F = yield S(p, d, y, g ?? 1 / 0);
+ return q("load", c === "single" ? F == null ? void 0 : F[0] : F), t(1, m = !1), F || [];
+ } catch (F) {
+ return q("error", F.message), t(1, m = !1), [];
- function X(S) {
+ function X(p) {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- if (!S.length)
+ if (!p.length)
- let H = S.map((G) => new File([G], G instanceof File ? G.name : "file", { type: G.type }));
- return t(15, z = yield Pc(H)), yield $(z);
+ let F = p.map((Z) => new File([Z], Z instanceof File ? Z.name : "file", { type: Z.type }));
+ return t(15, z = yield Pc(F)), yield le(z);
- function se(S) {
+ function ee(p) {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const H = S.target;
- if (H.files)
- if (m != "blob")
- yield X(Array.from(H.files));
+ const F = p.target;
+ if (F.files)
+ if (b != "blob")
+ yield X(Array.from(F.files));
else {
if (c === "single") {
- q("load", H.files[0]);
+ q("load", F.files[0]);
- q("load", H.files);
+ q("load", F.files);
- function we(S) {
+ function ae(p) {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- var H;
- if (t(20, r = !1), !(!((H = S.dataTransfer) === null || H === void 0) && H.files)) return;
- const G = Array.from(S.dataTransfer.files).filter((y) => {
- const ee = "." + y.name.split(".").pop();
- return ee && p_(k, ee, y.type) || (ee && Array.isArray(a) ? a.includes(ee) : ee === a) ? !0 : (q("error", `Invalid file type only ${a} allowed.`), !1);
+ var F;
+ if (t(20, r = !1), !(!((F = p.dataTransfer) === null || F === void 0) && F.files)) return;
+ const Z = Array.from(p.dataTransfer.files).filter((K) => {
+ const C = "." + K.name.split(".").pop();
+ return C && p_(v, C, K.type) || (C && Array.isArray(a) ? a.includes(C) : C === a) ? !0 : (q("error", `Invalid file type only ${a} allowed.`), !1);
- yield X(G);
+ yield X(Z);
- function re(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function ye(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function T(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function L(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function ae(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function de(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function fe(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function Ae(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function Ye(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function Le(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function We(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function Ce(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function L(S) {
- ft.call(this, l, S);
+ function A(p) {
+ ct.call(this, l, p);
- function M(S) {
- o_[S ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- g = S, t(2, g);
+ function Ve(p) {
+ o_[p ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ w = p, t(2, w);
- return l.$$set = (S) => {
- "filetype" in S && t(0, a = S.filetype), "dragging" in S && t(20, r = S.dragging), "boundedheight" in S && t(3, s = S.boundedheight), "center" in S && t(4, f = S.center), "flex" in S && t(5, u = S.flex), "file_count" in S && t(6, c = S.file_count), "disable_click" in S && t(7, d = S.disable_click), "root" in S && t(8, _ = S.root), "hidden" in S && t(9, h = S.hidden), "format" in S && t(21, m = S.format), "uploading" in S && t(1, b = S.uploading), "hidden_upload" in S && t(2, g = S.hidden_upload), "show_progress" in S && t(10, w = S.show_progress), "max_file_size" in S && t(22, p = S.max_file_size), "upload" in S && t(23, C = S.upload), "stream_handler" in S && t(11, E = S.stream_handler), "$$scope" in S && t(25, i = S.$$scope);
+ return l.$$set = (p) => {
+ "filetype" in p && t(0, a = p.filetype), "dragging" in p && t(20, r = p.dragging), "boundedheight" in p && t(3, s = p.boundedheight), "center" in p && t(4, f = p.center), "flex" in p && t(5, u = p.flex), "file_count" in p && t(6, c = p.file_count), "disable_click" in p && t(7, _ = p.disable_click), "root" in p && t(8, d = p.root), "hidden" in p && t(9, h = p.hidden), "format" in p && t(21, b = p.format), "uploading" in p && t(1, m = p.uploading), "hidden_upload" in p && t(2, w = p.hidden_upload), "show_progress" in p && t(10, k = p.show_progress), "max_file_size" in p && t(22, g = p.max_file_size), "upload" in p && t(23, S = p.upload), "stream_handler" in p && t(11, M = p.stream_handler), "$$scope" in p && t(25, i = p.$$scope);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty[0] & /*filetype*/
- 1 && (a == null ? t(16, k = null) : typeof a == "string" ? t(16, k = j(a)) : (t(0, a = a.map(j)), t(16, k = a.join(", "))));
+ 1 && (a == null ? t(16, v = null) : typeof a == "string" ? t(16, v = I(a)) : (t(0, a = a.map(I)), t(16, v = a.join(", "))));
}, [
- b,
- g,
+ m,
+ w,
- d,
+ d,
- w,
- E,
- N,
- K,
- v,
- z,
- D,
- se,
- we,
+ M,
+ W,
+ H,
+ y,
+ z,
+ v,
+ B,
+ ee,
+ ae,
- m,
- p,
- C,
+ b,
+ g,
+ S,
- re,
- T,
- ae,
- fe,
- Ye,
- We,
+ ye,
- M
+ de,
+ Ae,
+ Le,
+ Ce,
+ A,
+ Ve
class v_ extends i_ {
@@ -4925,55 +4925,55 @@ class v_ extends i_ {
const {
SvelteComponent: y_,
- append: bo,
- attr: ie,
+ append: go,
+ attr: oe,
detach: C_,
init: S_,
insert: z_,
- noop: jl,
+ noop: Fl,
safe_not_equal: q_,
- set_style: $e,
- svg_element: Il
+ set_style: tt,
+ svg_element: Hl
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function M_(l) {
+function E_(l) {
let e, t, n;
return {
c() {
- e = Il("svg"), t = Il("line"), n = Il("line"), ie(t, "x1", "4"), ie(t, "y1", "12"), ie(t, "x2", "20"), ie(t, "y2", "12"), $e(t, "fill", "none"), $e(t, "stroke-width", "2px"), ie(n, "x1", "12"), ie(n, "y1", "4"), ie(n, "x2", "12"), ie(n, "y2", "20"), $e(n, "fill", "none"), $e(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), ie(e, "width", "100%"), ie(e, "height", "100%"), ie(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), ie(e, "version", "1.1"), ie(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ie(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), ie(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), ie(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), $e(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), $e(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), $e(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), $e(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
+ e = Hl("svg"), t = Hl("line"), n = Hl("line"), oe(t, "x1", "4"), oe(t, "y1", "12"), oe(t, "x2", "20"), oe(t, "y2", "12"), tt(t, "fill", "none"), tt(t, "stroke-width", "2px"), oe(n, "x1", "12"), oe(n, "y1", "4"), oe(n, "x2", "12"), oe(n, "y2", "20"), tt(n, "fill", "none"), tt(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), oe(e, "width", "100%"), oe(e, "height", "100%"), oe(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), oe(e, "version", "1.1"), oe(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), oe(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), oe(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), oe(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), tt(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), tt(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), tt(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), tt(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
m(i, o) {
- z_(i, e, o), bo(e, t), bo(e, n);
+ z_(i, e, o), go(e, t), go(e, n);
- p: jl,
- i: jl,
- o: jl,
+ p: Fl,
+ i: Fl,
+ o: Fl,
d(i) {
i && C_(e);
-class E_ extends y_ {
+class M_ extends y_ {
constructor(e) {
- super(), S_(this, e, null, M_, q_, {});
+ super(), S_(this, e, null, E_, q_, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: A_,
- append: go,
- attr: Rl,
- bubble: wo,
- create_component: L_,
- destroy_component: D_,
- detach: Us,
- element: po,
- init: T_,
- insert: Ns,
- listen: Fl,
- mount_component: B_,
+ SvelteComponent: B_,
+ append: wo,
+ attr: Ul,
+ bubble: po,
+ create_component: A_,
+ destroy_component: L_,
+ detach: Os,
+ element: ko,
+ init: D_,
+ insert: Xs,
+ listen: Nl,
+ mount_component: T_,
run_all: j_,
safe_not_equal: I_,
set_data: R_,
- set_input_value: ko,
+ set_input_value: vo,
space: F_,
text: H_,
transition_in: U_,
@@ -4989,7 +4989,7 @@ function Y_(l) {
m(t, n) {
- Ns(t, e, n);
+ Xs(t, e, n);
p(t, n) {
n & /*label*/
@@ -5000,13 +5000,13 @@ function Y_(l) {
d(t) {
- t && Us(e);
+ t && Os(e);
function W_(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a, r;
- return t = new xo({
+ return t = new es({
props: {
show_label: (
@@ -5021,28 +5021,28 @@ function W_(l) {
}), {
c() {
- e = po("label"), L_(t.$$.fragment), n = F_(), i = po("input"), Rl(i, "type", "color"), i.disabled = /*disabled*/
- l[3], Rl(i, "class", "svelte-16l8u73"), Rl(e, "class", "block");
+ e = ko("label"), A_(t.$$.fragment), n = F_(), i = ko("input"), Ul(i, "type", "color"), i.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ l[3], Ul(i, "class", "svelte-16l8u73"), Ul(e, "class", "block");
m(s, f) {
- Ns(s, e, f), B_(t, e, null), go(e, n), go(e, i), ko(
+ Xs(s, e, f), T_(t, e, null), wo(e, n), wo(e, i), vo(
), o = !0, a || (r = [
- Fl(
+ Nl(
- Fl(
+ Nl(
- Fl(
+ Nl(
@@ -5060,7 +5060,7 @@ function W_(l) {
2050 && (u.$$scope = { dirty: f, ctx: s }), t.$set(u), (!o || f & /*disabled*/
8) && (i.disabled = /*disabled*/
s[3]), f & /*value*/
- 1 && ko(
+ 1 && vo(
@@ -5073,7 +5073,7 @@ function W_(l) {
N_(t.$$.fragment, s), o = !1;
d(s) {
- s && Us(e), D_(t), a = !1, j_(r);
+ s && Os(e), L_(t), a = !1, j_(r);
@@ -5087,12 +5087,12 @@ function V_(l, e, t) {
t(5, i = !1);
function c(h) {
- wo.call(this, l, h);
+ po.call(this, l, h);
- function d(h) {
- wo.call(this, l, h);
+ function _(h) {
+ po.call(this, l, h);
- function _() {
+ function d() {
n = this.value, t(0, n);
return l.$$set = (h) => {
@@ -5108,13 +5108,13 @@ function V_(l, e, t) {
- d,
- _
+ _,
+ d
-class P_ extends A_ {
+class P_ extends B_ {
constructor(e) {
- super(), T_(this, e, V_, W_, I_, {
+ super(), D_(this, e, V_, W_, I_, {
value: 0,
value_is_output: 5,
label: 1,
@@ -5126,38 +5126,38 @@ class P_ extends A_ {
const {
SvelteComponent: Z_,
- append: Os,
- attr: P,
+ append: Ys,
+ attr: V,
bubble: K_,
check_outros: G_,
- create_slot: Xs,
- detach: kn,
- element: dl,
+ create_slot: Ws,
+ detach: vn,
+ element: bl,
empty: J_,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: Ys,
- get_slot_changes: Ws,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: Vs,
+ get_slot_changes: Ps,
group_outros: Q_,
init: x_,
- insert: vn,
+ insert: yn,
listen: $_,
safe_not_equal: ed,
- set_style: be,
- space: Vs,
- src_url_equal: xn,
- toggle_class: Wt,
- transition_in: $n,
- transition_out: el,
- update_slot_base: Ps
+ set_style: ce,
+ space: Zs,
+ src_url_equal: tl,
+ toggle_class: Vt,
+ transition_in: nl,
+ transition_out: ll,
+ update_slot_base: Ks
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function td(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a, r = (
- l[7] && vo(l)
+ l[7] && yo(l)
const s = (
- ), f = Xs(
+ ), f = Ws(
@@ -5166,32 +5166,32 @@ function td(l) {
return {
c() {
- e = dl("button"), r && r.c(), t = Vs(), f && f.c(), P(e, "class", n = /*size*/
+ e = bl("button"), r && r.c(), t = Zs(), f && f.c(), V(e, "class", n = /*size*/
l[4] + " " + /*variant*/
l[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/
- l[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), P(
+ l[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), V(
), e.disabled = /*disabled*/
- l[8], Wt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
- l[2]), be(
+ l[8], Vt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ l[2]), ce(
- ), be(
+ ), ce(
l[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
- ), be(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ ), ce(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
l[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
l[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
m(u, c) {
- vn(u, e, c), r && r.m(e, null), Os(e, t), f && f.m(e, null), i = !0, o || (a = $_(
+ yn(u, e, c), r && r.m(e, null), Ys(e, t), f && f.m(e, null), i = !0, o || (a = $_(
@@ -5200,20 +5200,20 @@ function td(l) {
p(u, c) {
- u[7] ? r ? r.p(u, c) : (r = vo(u), r.c(), r.m(e, t)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), f && f.p && (!i || c & /*$$scope*/
- 2048) && Ps(
+ u[7] ? r ? r.p(u, c) : (r = yo(u), r.c(), r.m(e, t)) : r && (r.d(1), r = null), f && f.p && (!i || c & /*$$scope*/
+ 2048) && Ks(
- i ? Ws(
+ i ? Ps(
- ) : Ys(
+ ) : Vs(
@@ -5222,8 +5222,8 @@ function td(l) {
26 && n !== (n = /*size*/
u[4] + " " + /*variant*/
u[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/
- u[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && P(e, "class", n), (!i || c & /*elem_id*/
- 1) && P(
+ u[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && V(e, "class", n), (!i || c & /*elem_id*/
+ 1) && V(
@@ -5231,44 +5231,44 @@ function td(l) {
), (!i || c & /*disabled*/
256) && (e.disabled = /*disabled*/
u[8]), (!i || c & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/
- 30) && Wt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ 30) && Vt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
u[2]), c & /*scale*/
- 512 && be(
+ 512 && ce(
), c & /*scale*/
- 512 && be(
+ 512 && ce(
u[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
), c & /*min_width*/
- 1024 && be(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ 1024 && ce(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
u[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
u[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
i(u) {
- i || ($n(f, u), i = !0);
+ i || (nl(f, u), i = !0);
o(u) {
- el(f, u), i = !1;
+ ll(f, u), i = !1;
d(u) {
- u && kn(e), r && r.d(), f && f.d(u), o = !1, a();
+ u && vn(e), r && r.d(), f && f.d(u), o = !1, a();
function nd(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o = (
- l[7] && yo(l)
+ l[7] && Co(l)
const a = (
- ), r = Xs(
+ ), r = Ws(
@@ -5277,80 +5277,80 @@ function nd(l) {
return {
c() {
- e = dl("a"), o && o.c(), t = Vs(), r && r.c(), P(
+ e = bl("a"), o && o.c(), t = Zs(), r && r.c(), V(
- ), P(e, "rel", "noopener noreferrer"), P(
+ ), V(e, "rel", "noopener noreferrer"), V(
- ), P(e, "class", n = /*size*/
+ ), V(e, "class", n = /*size*/
l[4] + " " + /*variant*/
l[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/
- l[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), P(
+ l[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), V(
- ), Wt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
- l[2]), Wt(
+ ), Vt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ l[2]), Vt(
- ), be(
+ ), ce(
- ), be(
+ ), ce(
l[8] ? "none" : null
- ), be(
+ ), ce(
l[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
- ), be(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ ), ce(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
l[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
l[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
m(s, f) {
- vn(s, e, f), o && o.m(e, null), Os(e, t), r && r.m(e, null), i = !0;
+ yn(s, e, f), o && o.m(e, null), Ys(e, t), r && r.m(e, null), i = !0;
p(s, f) {
- s[7] ? o ? o.p(s, f) : (o = yo(s), o.c(), o.m(e, t)) : o && (o.d(1), o = null), r && r.p && (!i || f & /*$$scope*/
- 2048) && Ps(
+ s[7] ? o ? o.p(s, f) : (o = Co(s), o.c(), o.m(e, t)) : o && (o.d(1), o = null), r && r.p && (!i || f & /*$$scope*/
+ 2048) && Ks(
- i ? Ws(
+ i ? Ps(
- ) : Ys(
+ ) : Vs(
), (!i || f & /*link*/
- 64) && P(
+ 64) && V(
), (!i || f & /*disabled*/
- 256) && P(
+ 256) && V(
@@ -5359,97 +5359,97 @@ function nd(l) {
26 && n !== (n = /*size*/
s[4] + " " + /*variant*/
s[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/
- s[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && P(e, "class", n), (!i || f & /*elem_id*/
- 1) && P(
+ s[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && V(e, "class", n), (!i || f & /*elem_id*/
+ 1) && V(
), (!i || f & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/
- 30) && Wt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ 30) && Vt(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
s[2]), (!i || f & /*size, variant, elem_classes, disabled*/
- 282) && Wt(
+ 282) && Vt(
), f & /*scale*/
- 512 && be(
+ 512 && ce(
), f & /*disabled*/
- 256 && be(
+ 256 && ce(
s[8] ? "none" : null
), f & /*scale*/
- 512 && be(
+ 512 && ce(
s[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
), f & /*min_width*/
- 1024 && be(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ 1024 && ce(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
s[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
s[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
i(s) {
- i || ($n(r, s), i = !0);
+ i || (nl(r, s), i = !0);
o(s) {
- el(r, s), i = !1;
+ ll(r, s), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && kn(e), o && o.d(), r && r.d(s);
+ s && vn(e), o && o.d(), r && r.d(s);
-function vo(l) {
+function yo(l) {
let e, t, n;
return {
c() {
- e = dl("img"), P(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), xn(e.src, t = /*icon*/
- l[7].url) || P(e, "src", t), P(e, "alt", n = `${/*value*/
+ e = bl("img"), V(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), tl(e.src, t = /*icon*/
+ l[7].url) || V(e, "src", t), V(e, "alt", n = `${/*value*/
l[5]} icon`);
m(i, o) {
- vn(i, e, o);
+ yn(i, e, o);
p(i, o) {
o & /*icon*/
- 128 && !xn(e.src, t = /*icon*/
- i[7].url) && P(e, "src", t), o & /*value*/
+ 128 && !tl(e.src, t = /*icon*/
+ i[7].url) && V(e, "src", t), o & /*value*/
32 && n !== (n = `${/*value*/
- i[5]} icon`) && P(e, "alt", n);
+ i[5]} icon`) && V(e, "alt", n);
d(i) {
- i && kn(e);
+ i && vn(e);
-function yo(l) {
+function Co(l) {
let e, t, n;
return {
c() {
- e = dl("img"), P(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), xn(e.src, t = /*icon*/
- l[7].url) || P(e, "src", t), P(e, "alt", n = `${/*value*/
+ e = bl("img"), V(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), tl(e.src, t = /*icon*/
+ l[7].url) || V(e, "src", t), V(e, "alt", n = `${/*value*/
l[5]} icon`);
m(i, o) {
- vn(i, e, o);
+ yn(i, e, o);
p(i, o) {
o & /*icon*/
- 128 && !xn(e.src, t = /*icon*/
- i[7].url) && P(e, "src", t), o & /*value*/
+ 128 && !tl(e.src, t = /*icon*/
+ i[7].url) && V(e, "src", t), o & /*value*/
32 && n !== (n = `${/*value*/
- i[5]} icon`) && P(e, "alt", n);
+ i[5]} icon`) && V(e, "alt", n);
d(i) {
- i && kn(e);
+ i && vn(e);
@@ -5468,32 +5468,32 @@ function ld(l) {
t.c(), n = J_();
m(s, f) {
- a[e].m(s, f), vn(s, n, f), i = !0;
+ a[e].m(s, f), yn(s, n, f), i = !0;
p(s, [f]) {
let u = e;
- e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (Q_(), el(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
+ e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (Q_(), ll(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
a[u] = null;
- }), G_(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), $n(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
+ }), G_(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), nl(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
i(s) {
- i || ($n(t), i = !0);
+ i || (nl(t), i = !0);
o(s) {
- el(t), i = !1;
+ ll(t), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && kn(n), a[e].d(s);
+ s && vn(n), a[e].d(s);
function id(l, e, t) {
- let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e, { elem_id: o = "" } = e, { elem_classes: a = [] } = e, { visible: r = !0 } = e, { variant: s = "secondary" } = e, { size: f = "lg" } = e, { value: u = null } = e, { link: c = null } = e, { icon: d = null } = e, { disabled: _ = !1 } = e, { scale: h = null } = e, { min_width: m = void 0 } = e;
- function b(g) {
- K_.call(this, l, g);
+ let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e, { elem_id: o = "" } = e, { elem_classes: a = [] } = e, { visible: r = !0 } = e, { variant: s = "secondary" } = e, { size: f = "lg" } = e, { value: u = null } = e, { link: c = null } = e, { icon: _ = null } = e, { disabled: d = !1 } = e, { scale: h = null } = e, { min_width: b = void 0 } = e;
+ function m(w) {
+ K_.call(this, l, w);
- return l.$$set = (g) => {
- "elem_id" in g && t(0, o = g.elem_id), "elem_classes" in g && t(1, a = g.elem_classes), "visible" in g && t(2, r = g.visible), "variant" in g && t(3, s = g.variant), "size" in g && t(4, f = g.size), "value" in g && t(5, u = g.value), "link" in g && t(6, c = g.link), "icon" in g && t(7, d = g.icon), "disabled" in g && t(8, _ = g.disabled), "scale" in g && t(9, h = g.scale), "min_width" in g && t(10, m = g.min_width), "$$scope" in g && t(11, i = g.$$scope);
+ return l.$$set = (w) => {
+ "elem_id" in w && t(0, o = w.elem_id), "elem_classes" in w && t(1, a = w.elem_classes), "visible" in w && t(2, r = w.visible), "variant" in w && t(3, s = w.variant), "size" in w && t(4, f = w.size), "value" in w && t(5, u = w.value), "link" in w && t(6, c = w.link), "icon" in w && t(7, _ = w.icon), "disabled" in w && t(8, d = w.disabled), "scale" in w && t(9, h = w.scale), "min_width" in w && t(10, b = w.min_width), "$$scope" in w && t(11, i = w.$$scope);
}, [
@@ -5502,16 +5502,16 @@ function id(l, e, t) {
- d,
+ d,
- m,
+ b,
- b
+ m
-class Co extends Z_ {
+class So extends Z_ {
constructor(e) {
super(), x_(this, e, id, ld, ed, {
elem_id: 0,
@@ -5530,55 +5530,55 @@ class Co extends Z_ {
const {
SvelteComponent: od,
- add_render_callback: Zs,
+ add_render_callback: Gs,
append: Ln,
- attr: Ce,
- binding_callbacks: So,
+ attr: ke,
+ binding_callbacks: zo,
check_outros: sd,
- create_bidirectional_transition: zo,
+ create_bidirectional_transition: qo,
destroy_each: ad,
- detach: un,
- element: tl,
+ detach: cn,
+ element: il,
empty: rd,
- ensure_array_like: qo,
+ ensure_array_like: Eo,
group_outros: fd,
init: ud,
- insert: cn,
- listen: ii,
+ insert: _n,
+ listen: oi,
prevent_default: cd,
run_all: _d,
safe_not_equal: dd,
set_data: hd,
- set_style: Tt,
- space: oi,
+ set_style: Rt,
+ space: si,
text: md,
- toggle_class: He,
- transition_in: Hl,
+ toggle_class: Ne,
+ transition_in: Ol,
transition_out: Mo
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: bd } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Eo(l, e, t) {
+function Bo(l, e, t) {
const n = l.slice();
return n[26] = e[t], n;
function Ao(l) {
- let e, t, n, i, o, a = qo(
+ let e, t, n, i, o, a = Eo(
), r = [];
for (let s = 0; s < a.length; s += 1)
- r[s] = Lo(Eo(l, a, s));
+ r[s] = Lo(Bo(l, a, s));
return {
c() {
- e = tl("ul");
+ e = il("ul");
for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s += 1)
- Ce(e, "class", "options svelte-yuohum"), Ce(e, "role", "listbox"), Tt(
+ ke(e, "class", "options svelte-yuohum"), ke(e, "role", "listbox"), Rt(
- ), Tt(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
- l[10]}px - var(--window-padding))`), Tt(
+ ), Rt(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
+ l[10]}px - var(--window-padding))`), Rt(
@@ -5586,10 +5586,10 @@ function Ao(l) {
m(s, f) {
- cn(s, e, f);
+ _n(s, e, f);
for (let u = 0; u < r.length; u += 1)
r[u] && r[u].m(e, null);
- l[22](e), n = !0, i || (o = ii(e, "mousedown", cd(
+ l[22](e), n = !0, i || (o = oi(e, "mousedown", cd(
)), i = !0);
@@ -5597,13 +5597,13 @@ function Ao(l) {
p(s, f) {
if (f & /*filtered_indices, choices, selected_indices, active_index*/
51) {
- a = qo(
+ a = Eo(
let u;
for (u = 0; u < a.length; u += 1) {
- const c = Eo(s, a, u);
+ const c = Bo(s, a, u);
r[u] ? r[u].p(c, f) : (r[u] = Lo(c), r[u].c(), r[u].m(e, null));
for (; u < r.length; u += 1)
@@ -5611,15 +5611,15 @@ function Ao(l) {
r.length = a.length;
f & /*bottom*/
- 512 && Tt(
+ 512 && Rt(
), f & /*max_height*/
- 1024 && Tt(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
+ 1024 && Rt(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
s[10]}px - var(--window-padding))`), f & /*input_width*/
- 256 && Tt(
+ 256 && Rt(
@@ -5627,15 +5627,15 @@ function Ao(l) {
i(s) {
- n || (s && Zs(() => {
- n && (t || (t = zo(e, Oi, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !0)), t.run(1));
+ n || (s && Gs(() => {
+ n && (t || (t = qo(e, Xi, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !0)), t.run(1));
}), n = !0);
o(s) {
- s && (t || (t = zo(e, Oi, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !1)), t.run(0)), n = !1;
+ s && (t || (t = qo(e, Xi, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !1)), t.run(0)), n = !1;
d(s) {
- s && un(e), ad(r, s), l[22](null), s && t && t.end(), i = !1, o();
+ s && cn(e), ad(r, s), l[22](null), s && t && t.end(), i = !1, o();
@@ -5649,20 +5649,20 @@ function Lo(l) {
), o, a, r, s, f;
return {
c() {
- e = tl("li"), t = tl("span"), t.textContent = "✓", n = oi(), o = md(i), a = oi(), Ce(t, "class", "inner-item svelte-yuohum"), He(t, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
+ e = il("li"), t = il("span"), t.textContent = "✓", n = si(), o = md(i), a = si(), ke(t, "class", "inner-item svelte-yuohum"), Ne(t, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
- )), Ce(e, "class", "item svelte-yuohum"), Ce(e, "data-index", r = /*index*/
- l[26]), Ce(e, "aria-label", s = /*choices*/
+ )), ke(e, "class", "item svelte-yuohum"), ke(e, "data-index", r = /*index*/
+ l[26]), ke(e, "aria-label", s = /*choices*/
- ][0]), Ce(e, "data-testid", "dropdown-option"), Ce(e, "role", "option"), Ce(e, "aria-selected", f = /*selected_indices*/
+ ][0]), ke(e, "data-testid", "dropdown-option"), ke(e, "role", "option"), ke(e, "aria-selected", f = /*selected_indices*/
- )), He(
+ )), Ne(
@@ -5670,19 +5670,19 @@ function Lo(l) {
- ), He(
+ ), Ne(
l[26] === /*active_index*/
- ), He(
+ ), Ne(
l[26] === /*active_index*/
- ), He(
+ ), Ne(
@@ -5691,11 +5691,11 @@ function Lo(l) {
m(u, c) {
- cn(u, e, c), Ln(e, t), Ln(e, n), Ln(e, o), Ln(e, a);
+ _n(u, e, c), Ln(e, t), Ln(e, n), Ln(e, o), Ln(e, a);
p(u, c) {
c & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
- 18 && He(t, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
+ 18 && Ne(t, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
@@ -5706,18 +5706,18 @@ function Lo(l) {
][0] + "") && hd(o, i), c & /*filtered_indices*/
2 && r !== (r = /*index*/
- u[26]) && Ce(e, "data-index", r), c & /*choices, filtered_indices*/
+ u[26]) && ke(e, "data-index", r), c & /*choices, filtered_indices*/
3 && s !== (s = /*choices*/
- ][0]) && Ce(e, "aria-label", s), c & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
+ ][0]) && ke(e, "aria-label", s), c & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
18 && f !== (f = /*selected_indices*/
- )) && Ce(e, "aria-selected", f), c & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
- 18 && He(
+ )) && ke(e, "aria-selected", f), c & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
+ 18 && Ne(
@@ -5726,21 +5726,21 @@ function Lo(l) {
), c & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
- 34 && He(
+ 34 && Ne(
u[26] === /*active_index*/
), c & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
- 34 && He(
+ 34 && Ne(
u[26] === /*active_index*/
), c & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
- 34 && He(
+ 34 && Ne(
@@ -5749,13 +5749,13 @@ function Lo(l) {
d(u) {
- u && un(e);
+ u && cn(e);
function gd(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o;
- Zs(
+ Gs(
@@ -5766,17 +5766,17 @@ function gd(l) {
return {
c() {
- e = tl("div"), t = oi(), a && a.c(), n = rd(), Ce(e, "class", "reference");
+ e = il("div"), t = si(), a && a.c(), n = rd(), ke(e, "class", "reference");
m(r, s) {
- cn(r, e, s), l[20](e), cn(r, t, s), a && a.m(r, s), cn(r, n, s), i || (o = [
- ii(
+ _n(r, e, s), l[20](e), _n(r, t, s), a && a.m(r, s), _n(r, n, s), i || (o = [
+ oi(
- ii(
+ oi(
@@ -5788,71 +5788,71 @@ function gd(l) {
r[2] && !/*disabled*/
r[3] ? a ? (a.p(r, s), s & /*show_options, disabled*/
- 12 && Hl(a, 1)) : (a = Ao(r), a.c(), Hl(a, 1), a.m(n.parentNode, n)) : a && (fd(), Mo(a, 1, 1, () => {
+ 12 && Ol(a, 1)) : (a = Ao(r), a.c(), Ol(a, 1), a.m(n.parentNode, n)) : a && (fd(), Mo(a, 1, 1, () => {
a = null;
}), sd());
i(r) {
- Hl(a);
+ Ol(a);
o(r) {
d(r) {
- r && (un(e), un(t), un(n)), l[20](null), a && a.d(r), i = !1, _d(o);
+ r && (cn(e), cn(t), cn(n)), l[20](null), a && a.d(r), i = !1, _d(o);
function wd(l, e, t) {
var n, i;
- let { choices: o } = e, { filtered_indices: a } = e, { show_options: r = !1 } = e, { disabled: s = !1 } = e, { selected_indices: f = [] } = e, { active_index: u = null } = e, c, d, _, h, m, b, g, w, p;
- function C() {
- const { top: D, bottom: N } = m.getBoundingClientRect();
- t(16, c = D), t(17, d = p - N);
+ let { choices: o } = e, { filtered_indices: a } = e, { show_options: r = !1 } = e, { disabled: s = !1 } = e, { selected_indices: f = [] } = e, { active_index: u = null } = e, c, _, d, h, b, m, w, k, g;
+ function S() {
+ const { top: B, bottom: W } = b.getBoundingClientRect();
+ t(16, c = B), t(17, _ = g - W);
- let E = null;
- function v() {
- r && (E !== null && clearTimeout(E), E = setTimeout(
+ let M = null;
+ function y() {
+ r && (M !== null && clearTimeout(M), M = setTimeout(
() => {
- C(), E = null;
+ S(), M = null;
const z = bd();
- function k() {
- t(11, p = window.innerHeight);
+ function v() {
+ t(11, g = window.innerHeight);
- function q(D) {
- So[D ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- m = D, t(6, m);
+ function q(B) {
+ zo[B ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ b = B, t(6, b);
- const F = (D) => z("change", D);
- function j(D) {
- So[D ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- b = D, t(7, b);
+ const R = (B) => z("change", B);
+ function I(B) {
+ zo[B ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ m = B, t(7, m);
- return l.$$set = (D) => {
- "choices" in D && t(0, o = D.choices), "filtered_indices" in D && t(1, a = D.filtered_indices), "show_options" in D && t(2, r = D.show_options), "disabled" in D && t(3, s = D.disabled), "selected_indices" in D && t(4, f = D.selected_indices), "active_index" in D && t(5, u = D.active_index);
+ return l.$$set = (B) => {
+ "choices" in B && t(0, o = B.choices), "filtered_indices" in B && t(1, a = B.filtered_indices), "show_options" in B && t(2, r = B.show_options), "disabled" in B && t(3, s = B.disabled), "selected_indices" in B && t(4, f = B.selected_indices), "active_index" in B && t(5, u = B.active_index);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
if (l.$$.dirty & /*show_options, refElement, listElement, selected_indices, _a, _b, distance_from_bottom, distance_from_top, input_height*/
508116) {
- if (r && m) {
- if (b && f.length > 0) {
- let N = b.querySelectorAll("li");
- for (const K of Array.from(N))
- if (K.getAttribute("data-index") === f[0].toString()) {
- t(14, n = b == null ? void 0 : b.scrollTo) === null || n === void 0 || n.call(b, 0, K.offsetTop);
+ if (r && b) {
+ if (m && f.length > 0) {
+ let W = m.querySelectorAll("li");
+ for (const H of Array.from(W))
+ if (H.getAttribute("data-index") === f[0].toString()) {
+ t(14, n = m == null ? void 0 : m.scrollTo) === null || n === void 0 || n.call(m, 0, H.offsetTop);
- C();
- const D = t(15, i = m.parentElement) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.getBoundingClientRect();
- t(18, _ = (D == null ? void 0 : D.height) || 0), t(8, h = (D == null ? void 0 : D.width) || 0);
+ S();
+ const B = t(15, i = b.parentElement) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.getBoundingClientRect();
+ t(18, d = (B == null ? void 0 : B.height) || 0), t(8, h = (B == null ? void 0 : B.width) || 0);
- d > c ? (t(10, w = d), t(9, g = null)) : (t(9, g = `${d + _}px`), t(10, w = c - _));
+ _ > c ? (t(10, k = _), t(9, w = null)) : (t(9, w = `${_ + d}px`), t(10, k = c - d));
}, [
@@ -5861,23 +5861,23 @@ function wd(l, e, t) {
- m,
+ m,
- g,
- p,
- v,
+ k,
+ g,
+ y,
- d,
- k,
+ d,
+ v,
- F,
- j
+ R,
+ I
class pd extends od {
@@ -5915,77 +5915,77 @@ function yd(l, e, t) {
const {
SvelteComponent: Cd,
- append: _t,
- attr: ye,
+ append: ht,
+ attr: pe,
binding_callbacks: Sd,
check_outros: zd,
- create_component: si,
- destroy_component: ai,
- detach: mi,
- element: It,
+ create_component: ai,
+ destroy_component: ri,
+ detach: bi,
+ element: Ut,
group_outros: qd,
- init: Md,
- insert: bi,
+ init: Ed,
+ insert: gi,
listen: en,
- mount_component: ri,
- run_all: Ed,
- safe_not_equal: Ad,
- set_data: Ld,
+ mount_component: fi,
+ run_all: Md,
+ safe_not_equal: Bd,
+ set_data: Ad,
set_input_value: To,
- space: Ul,
- text: Dd,
- toggle_class: Bt,
- transition_in: Rt,
+ space: Xl,
+ text: Ld,
+ toggle_class: Ft,
+ transition_in: Nt,
transition_out: rn
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: Td } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: Bd, afterUpdate: jd } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: Dd } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: Td, afterUpdate: jd } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Id(l) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = Dd(
+ e = Ld(
m(t, n) {
- bi(t, e, n);
+ gi(t, e, n);
p(t, n) {
n[0] & /*label*/
- 1 && Ld(
+ 1 && Ad(
d(t) {
- t && mi(e);
+ t && bi(e);
-function Bo(l) {
+function jo(l) {
let e, t, n;
return t = new Cf({}), {
c() {
- e = It("div"), si(t.$$.fragment), ye(e, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj");
+ e = Ut("div"), ai(t.$$.fragment), pe(e, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj");
m(i, o) {
- bi(i, e, o), ri(t, e, null), n = !0;
+ gi(i, e, o), fi(t, e, null), n = !0;
i(i) {
- n || (Rt(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
+ n || (Nt(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
o(i) {
rn(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
d(i) {
- i && mi(e), ai(t);
+ i && bi(e), ri(t);
function Rd(l) {
- let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, d, _, h;
- t = new xo({
+ let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, _, d, h;
+ t = new es({
props: {
show_label: (
@@ -5999,8 +5999,8 @@ function Rd(l) {
$$scope: { ctx: l }
- let m = !/*disabled*/
- l[3] && Bo();
+ let b = !/*disabled*/
+ l[3] && jo();
return c = new pd({
props: {
show_options: (
@@ -6037,41 +6037,41 @@ function Rd(l) {
), {
c() {
- e = It("div"), si(t.$$.fragment), n = Ul(), i = It("div"), o = It("div"), a = It("div"), r = It("input"), f = Ul(), m && m.c(), u = Ul(), si(c.$$.fragment), ye(r, "role", "listbox"), ye(r, "aria-controls", "dropdown-options"), ye(
+ e = Ut("div"), ai(t.$$.fragment), n = Xl(), i = Ut("div"), o = Ut("div"), a = Ut("div"), r = Ut("input"), f = Xl(), b && b.c(), u = Xl(), ai(c.$$.fragment), pe(r, "role", "listbox"), pe(r, "aria-controls", "dropdown-options"), pe(
- ), ye(
+ ), pe(
- ), ye(r, "class", "border-none svelte-1m1zvyj"), r.disabled = /*disabled*/
- l[3], ye(r, "autocomplete", "off"), r.readOnly = s = !/*filterable*/
- l[7], Bt(r, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
+ ), pe(r, "class", "border-none svelte-1m1zvyj"), r.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ l[3], pe(r, "autocomplete", "off"), r.readOnly = s = !/*filterable*/
+ l[7], Ft(r, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
) && !/*allow_custom_value*/
- l[6]), ye(a, "class", "secondary-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), ye(o, "class", "wrap-inner svelte-1m1zvyj"), Bt(
+ l[6]), pe(a, "class", "secondary-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), pe(o, "class", "wrap-inner svelte-1m1zvyj"), Ft(
- ), ye(i, "class", "wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), ye(e, "class", "svelte-1m1zvyj"), Bt(
+ ), pe(i, "class", "wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), pe(e, "class", "svelte-1m1zvyj"), Ft(
- m(b, g) {
- bi(b, e, g), ri(t, e, null), _t(e, n), _t(e, i), _t(i, o), _t(o, a), _t(a, r), To(
+ m(m, w) {
+ gi(m, e, w), fi(t, e, null), ht(e, n), ht(e, i), ht(i, o), ht(o, a), ht(a, r), To(
- ), l[29](r), _t(a, f), m && m.m(a, null), _t(i, u), ri(c, i, null), d = !0, _ || (h = [
+ ), l[29](r), ht(a, f), b && b.m(a, null), ht(i, u), fi(c, i, null), _ = !0, d || (h = [
@@ -6102,185 +6102,185 @@ function Rd(l) {
- ], _ = !0);
- },
- p(b, g) {
- const w = {};
- g[0] & /*show_label*/
- 16 && (w.show_label = /*show_label*/
- b[4]), g[0] & /*info*/
- 2 && (w.info = /*info*/
- b[1]), g[0] & /*label*/
- 1 | g[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 4 && (w.$$scope = { dirty: g, ctx: b }), t.$set(w), (!d || g[0] & /*show_options*/
- 4096) && ye(
+ ], d = !0);
+ },
+ p(m, w) {
+ const k = {};
+ w[0] & /*show_label*/
+ 16 && (k.show_label = /*show_label*/
+ m[4]), w[0] & /*info*/
+ 2 && (k.info = /*info*/
+ m[1]), w[0] & /*label*/
+ 1 | w[1] & /*$$scope*/
+ 4 && (k.$$scope = { dirty: w, ctx: m }), t.$set(k), (!_ || w[0] & /*show_options*/
+ 4096) && pe(
- b[12]
- ), (!d || g[0] & /*label*/
- 1) && ye(
+ m[12]
+ ), (!_ || w[0] & /*label*/
+ 1) && pe(
- b[0]
- ), (!d || g[0] & /*disabled*/
+ m[0]
+ ), (!_ || w[0] & /*disabled*/
8) && (r.disabled = /*disabled*/
- b[3]), (!d || g[0] & /*filterable*/
+ m[3]), (!_ || w[0] & /*filterable*/
128 && s !== (s = !/*filterable*/
- b[7])) && (r.readOnly = s), g[0] & /*input_text*/
+ m[7])) && (r.readOnly = s), w[0] & /*input_text*/
512 && r.value !== /*input_text*/
- b[9] && To(
+ m[9] && To(
- b[9]
- ), (!d || g[0] & /*choices_names, input_text, allow_custom_value*/
- 8768) && Bt(r, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
- b[13].includes(
+ m[9]
+ ), (!_ || w[0] & /*choices_names, input_text, allow_custom_value*/
+ 8768) && Ft(r, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
+ m[13].includes(
- b[9]
+ m[9]
) && !/*allow_custom_value*/
- b[6]), /*disabled*/
- b[3] ? m && (qd(), rn(m, 1, 1, () => {
- m = null;
- }), zd()) : m ? g[0] & /*disabled*/
- 8 && Rt(m, 1) : (m = Bo(), m.c(), Rt(m, 1), m.m(a, null)), (!d || g[0] & /*show_options*/
- 4096) && Bt(
+ m[6]), /*disabled*/
+ m[3] ? b && (qd(), rn(b, 1, 1, () => {
+ b = null;
+ }), zd()) : b ? w[0] & /*disabled*/
+ 8 && Nt(b, 1) : (b = jo(), b.c(), Nt(b, 1), b.m(a, null)), (!_ || w[0] & /*show_options*/
+ 4096) && Ft(
- b[12]
+ m[12]
- const p = {};
- g[0] & /*show_options*/
- 4096 && (p.show_options = /*show_options*/
- b[12]), g[0] & /*choices*/
- 4 && (p.choices = /*choices*/
- b[2]), g[0] & /*filtered_indices*/
- 1024 && (p.filtered_indices = /*filtered_indices*/
- b[10]), g[0] & /*disabled*/
- 8 && (p.disabled = /*disabled*/
- b[3]), g[0] & /*selected_index*/
- 2048 && (p.selected_indices = /*selected_index*/
- b[11] === null ? [] : [
+ const g = {};
+ w[0] & /*show_options*/
+ 4096 && (g.show_options = /*show_options*/
+ m[12]), w[0] & /*choices*/
+ 4 && (g.choices = /*choices*/
+ m[2]), w[0] & /*filtered_indices*/
+ 1024 && (g.filtered_indices = /*filtered_indices*/
+ m[10]), w[0] & /*disabled*/
+ 8 && (g.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ m[3]), w[0] & /*selected_index*/
+ 2048 && (g.selected_indices = /*selected_index*/
+ m[11] === null ? [] : [
- b[11]
- ]), g[0] & /*active_index*/
- 16384 && (p.active_index = /*active_index*/
- b[14]), c.$set(p), (!d || g[0] & /*container*/
- 32) && Bt(
+ m[11]
+ ]), w[0] & /*active_index*/
+ 16384 && (g.active_index = /*active_index*/
+ m[14]), c.$set(g), (!_ || w[0] & /*container*/
+ 32) && Ft(
- b[5]
+ m[5]
- i(b) {
- d || (Rt(t.$$.fragment, b), Rt(m), Rt(c.$$.fragment, b), d = !0);
+ i(m) {
+ _ || (Nt(t.$$.fragment, m), Nt(b), Nt(c.$$.fragment, m), _ = !0);
- o(b) {
- rn(t.$$.fragment, b), rn(m), rn(c.$$.fragment, b), d = !1;
+ o(m) {
+ rn(t.$$.fragment, m), rn(b), rn(c.$$.fragment, m), _ = !1;
- d(b) {
- b && mi(e), ai(t), l[29](null), m && m.d(), ai(c), _ = !1, Ed(h);
+ d(m) {
+ m && bi(e), ri(t), l[29](null), b && b.d(), ri(c), d = !1, Md(h);
function Fd(l, e, t) {
- let { label: n } = e, { info: i = void 0 } = e, { value: o = [] } = e, a = [], { value_is_output: r = !1 } = e, { choices: s } = e, f, { disabled: u = !1 } = e, { show_label: c } = e, { container: d = !0 } = e, { allow_custom_value: _ = !1 } = e, { filterable: h = !0 } = e, m, b = !1, g, w, p = "", C = "", E = !1, v = [], z = null, k = null, q;
- const F = Bd();
- o ? (q = s.map((T) => T[1]).indexOf(o), k = q, k === -1 ? (a = o, k = null) : ([p, a] = s[k], C = p), D()) : s.length > 0 && (q = 0, k = 0, [p, o] = s[k], a = o, C = p);
- function j() {
- t(13, g = s.map((T) => T[0])), t(24, w = s.map((T) => T[1]));
- }
- function D() {
- j(), o === void 0 || Array.isArray(o) && o.length === 0 ? (t(9, p = ""), t(11, k = null)) : w.includes(o) ? (t(9, p = g[w.indexOf(o)]), t(11, k = w.indexOf(o))) : _ ? (t(9, p = o), t(11, k = null)) : (t(9, p = ""), t(11, k = null)), t(27, q = k);
- }
- function N(T) {
- if (t(11, k = parseInt(T.detail.target.dataset.index)), isNaN(k)) {
- t(11, k = null);
+ let { label: n } = e, { info: i = void 0 } = e, { value: o = [] } = e, a = [], { value_is_output: r = !1 } = e, { choices: s } = e, f, { disabled: u = !1 } = e, { show_label: c } = e, { container: _ = !0 } = e, { allow_custom_value: d = !1 } = e, { filterable: h = !0 } = e, b, m = !1, w, k, g = "", S = "", M = !1, y = [], z = null, v = null, q;
+ const R = Td();
+ o ? (q = s.map((L) => L[1]).indexOf(o), v = q, v === -1 ? (a = o, v = null) : ([g, a] = s[v], S = g), B()) : s.length > 0 && (q = 0, v = 0, [g, o] = s[v], a = o, S = g);
+ function I() {
+ t(13, w = s.map((L) => L[0])), t(24, k = s.map((L) => L[1]));
+ }
+ function B() {
+ I(), o === void 0 || Array.isArray(o) && o.length === 0 ? (t(9, g = ""), t(11, v = null)) : k.includes(o) ? (t(9, g = w[k.indexOf(o)]), t(11, v = k.indexOf(o))) : d ? (t(9, g = o), t(11, v = null)) : (t(9, g = ""), t(11, v = null)), t(27, q = v);
+ }
+ function W(L) {
+ if (t(11, v = parseInt(L.detail.target.dataset.index)), isNaN(v)) {
+ t(11, v = null);
- t(12, b = !1), t(14, z = null), m.blur();
+ t(12, m = !1), t(14, z = null), b.blur();
- function K(T) {
- t(10, v = s.map((ae, fe) => fe)), t(12, b = !0), F("focus");
+ function H(L) {
+ t(10, y = s.map((de, Ae) => Ae)), t(12, m = !0), R("focus");
- function $() {
- _ ? t(20, o = p) : t(9, p = g[w.indexOf(o)]), t(12, b = !1), t(14, z = null), F("blur");
+ function le() {
+ d ? t(20, o = g) : t(9, g = w[k.indexOf(o)]), t(12, m = !1), t(14, z = null), R("blur");
- function X(T) {
- t(12, [b, z] = yd(T, z, v), b, (t(14, z), t(2, s), t(23, f), t(6, _), t(9, p), t(10, v), t(8, m), t(25, C), t(11, k), t(27, q), t(26, E), t(24, w))), T.key === "Enter" && (z !== null ? (t(11, k = z), t(12, b = !1), m.blur(), t(14, z = null)) : g.includes(p) ? (t(11, k = g.indexOf(p)), t(12, b = !1), t(14, z = null), m.blur()) : _ && (t(20, o = p), t(11, k = null), t(12, b = !1), t(14, z = null), m.blur()), F("enter", o));
+ function X(L) {
+ t(12, [m, z] = yd(L, z, y), m, (t(14, z), t(2, s), t(23, f), t(6, d), t(9, g), t(10, y), t(8, b), t(25, S), t(11, v), t(27, q), t(26, M), t(24, k))), L.key === "Enter" && (z !== null ? (t(11, v = z), t(12, m = !1), b.blur(), t(14, z = null)) : w.includes(g) ? (t(11, v = w.indexOf(g)), t(12, m = !1), t(14, z = null), b.blur()) : d && (t(20, o = g), t(11, v = null), t(12, m = !1), t(14, z = null), b.blur()), R("enter", o));
jd(() => {
- t(21, r = !1), t(26, E = !0);
- }), Td(() => {
- m.focus();
+ t(21, r = !1), t(26, M = !0);
+ }), Dd(() => {
+ b.focus();
- function se() {
- p = this.value, t(9, p), t(11, k), t(27, q), t(26, E), t(2, s), t(24, w);
+ function ee() {
+ g = this.value, t(9, g), t(11, v), t(27, q), t(26, M), t(2, s), t(24, k);
- function we(T) {
- Sd[T ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- m = T, t(8, m);
+ function ae(L) {
+ Sd[L ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ b = L, t(8, b);
- const re = (T) => F("key_up", { key: T.key, input_value: p });
- return l.$$set = (T) => {
- "label" in T && t(0, n = T.label), "info" in T && t(1, i = T.info), "value" in T && t(20, o = T.value), "value_is_output" in T && t(21, r = T.value_is_output), "choices" in T && t(2, s = T.choices), "disabled" in T && t(3, u = T.disabled), "show_label" in T && t(4, c = T.show_label), "container" in T && t(5, d = T.container), "allow_custom_value" in T && t(6, _ = T.allow_custom_value), "filterable" in T && t(7, h = T.filterable);
+ const ye = (L) => R("key_up", { key: L.key, input_value: g });
+ return l.$$set = (L) => {
+ "label" in L && t(0, n = L.label), "info" in L && t(1, i = L.info), "value" in L && t(20, o = L.value), "value_is_output" in L && t(21, r = L.value_is_output), "choices" in L && t(2, s = L.choices), "disabled" in L && t(3, u = L.disabled), "show_label" in L && t(4, c = L.show_label), "container" in L && t(5, _ = L.container), "allow_custom_value" in L && t(6, d = L.allow_custom_value), "filterable" in L && t(7, h = L.filterable);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty[0] & /*selected_index, old_selected_index, initialized, choices, choices_values*/
- 218105860 && k !== q && k !== null && E && (t(9, [p, o] = s[k], p, (t(20, o), t(11, k), t(27, q), t(26, E), t(2, s), t(24, w))), t(27, q = k), F("select", {
- index: k,
- value: w[k],
+ 218105860 && v !== q && v !== null && M && (t(9, [g, o] = s[v], g, (t(20, o), t(11, v), t(27, q), t(26, M), t(2, s), t(24, k))), t(27, q = v), R("select", {
+ index: v,
+ value: k[v],
selected: !0
})), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*value, old_value, value_is_output*/
- 7340032 && o != a && (D(), vd(F, o, r), t(22, a = o)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices*/
- 4 && j(), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices, old_choices, allow_custom_value, input_text, filtered_indices, filter_input*/
- 8390468 && s !== f && (_ || D(), t(23, f = s), t(10, v = Do(s, p)), !_ && v.length > 0 && t(14, z = v[0]), m == document.activeElement && t(12, b = !0)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*input_text, old_input_text, choices, allow_custom_value, filtered_indices*/
- 33556036 && p !== C && (t(10, v = Do(s, p)), t(25, C = p), !_ && v.length > 0 && t(14, z = v[0]));
+ 7340032 && o != a && (B(), vd(R, o, r), t(22, a = o)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices*/
+ 4 && I(), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices, old_choices, allow_custom_value, input_text, filtered_indices, filter_input*/
+ 8390468 && s !== f && (d || B(), t(23, f = s), t(10, y = Do(s, g)), !d && y.length > 0 && t(14, z = y[0]), b == document.activeElement && t(12, m = !0)), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*input_text, old_input_text, choices, allow_custom_value, filtered_indices*/
+ 33556036 && g !== S && (t(10, y = Do(s, g)), t(25, S = g), !d && y.length > 0 && t(14, z = y[0]));
}, [
- d,
+ d,
- m,
- p,
- v,
- k,
+ y,
+ v,
+ m,
+ w,
- F,
- N,
- K,
- $,
+ R,
+ W,
+ H,
+ le,
- w,
- C,
- E,
+ k,
+ S,
+ M,
- se,
- we,
- re
+ ee,
+ ae,
+ ye
class Hd extends Cd {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Md(
+ super(), Ed(
- Ad,
+ Bd,
label: 0,
info: 1,
@@ -6300,33 +6300,33 @@ class Hd extends Cd {
const {
SvelteComponent: Ud,
- append: Pe,
+ append: Ze,
attr: Dn,
create_component: Tn,
- destroy_component: Bn,
- detach: gi,
- element: dt,
+ destroy_component: jn,
+ detach: wi,
+ element: mt,
init: Nd,
- insert: wi,
- mount_component: jn,
+ insert: pi,
+ mount_component: In,
safe_not_equal: Od,
- set_style: In,
- space: Nl,
- text: Ks,
- transition_in: Rn,
- transition_out: Fn
+ set_style: Rn,
+ space: Yl,
+ text: Js,
+ transition_in: Fn,
+ transition_out: Hn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: Xd } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: Yd, onDestroy: Wd } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Vd(l) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = Ks("Cancel");
+ e = Js("Cancel");
m(t, n) {
- wi(t, e, n);
+ pi(t, e, n);
d(t) {
- t && gi(e);
+ t && wi(e);
@@ -6334,18 +6334,18 @@ function Pd(l) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = Ks("OK");
+ e = Js("OK");
m(t, n) {
- wi(t, e, n);
+ pi(t, e, n);
d(t) {
- t && gi(e);
+ t && wi(e);
function Zd(l) {
- let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, d, _, h, m;
+ let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, _, d, h, b;
return o = new Hd({
props: {
value: (
@@ -6381,7 +6381,7 @@ function Zd(l) {
- ), c = new Co({
+ ), c = new So({
props: {
$$slots: { default: [Vd] },
$$scope: { ctx: l }
@@ -6390,7 +6390,7 @@ function Zd(l) {
- ), h = new Co({
+ ), h = new So({
props: {
variant: "primary",
$$slots: { default: [Pd] },
@@ -6402,64 +6402,64 @@ function Zd(l) {
), {
c() {
- e = dt("div"), t = dt("div"), n = dt("span"), i = dt("div"), Tn(o.$$.fragment), a = Nl(), r = dt("div"), Tn(s.$$.fragment), f = Nl(), u = dt("div"), Tn(c.$$.fragment), d = Nl(), _ = dt("div"), Tn(h.$$.fragment), In(i, "margin-right", "10px"), In(r, "margin-right", "40px"), In(r, "margin-bottom", "8px"), In(u, "margin-right", "8px"), Dn(n, "class", "model-content svelte-hkn2q1"), Dn(t, "class", "modal-container svelte-hkn2q1"), Dn(e, "class", "modal svelte-hkn2q1"), Dn(e, "id", "model-box-edit");
- },
- m(b, g) {
- wi(b, e, g), Pe(e, t), Pe(t, n), Pe(n, i), jn(o, i, null), Pe(n, a), Pe(n, r), jn(s, r, null), Pe(n, f), Pe(n, u), jn(c, u, null), Pe(n, d), Pe(n, _), jn(h, _, null), m = !0;
- },
- p(b, [g]) {
- const w = {};
- g & /*currentLabel*/
- 1 && (w.value = /*currentLabel*/
- b[0]), g & /*choices*/
- 4 && (w.choices = /*choices*/
- b[2]), o.$set(w);
- const p = {};
- g & /*currentColor*/
- 2 && (p.value = /*currentColor*/
- b[1]), s.$set(p);
- const C = {};
- g & /*$$scope*/
- 16384 && (C.$$scope = { dirty: g, ctx: b }), c.$set(C);
- const E = {};
- g & /*$$scope*/
- 16384 && (E.$$scope = { dirty: g, ctx: b }), h.$set(E);
- },
- i(b) {
- m || (Rn(o.$$.fragment, b), Rn(s.$$.fragment, b), Rn(c.$$.fragment, b), Rn(h.$$.fragment, b), m = !0);
- },
- o(b) {
- Fn(o.$$.fragment, b), Fn(s.$$.fragment, b), Fn(c.$$.fragment, b), Fn(h.$$.fragment, b), m = !1;
- },
- d(b) {
- b && gi(e), Bn(o), Bn(s), Bn(c), Bn(h);
+ e = mt("div"), t = mt("div"), n = mt("span"), i = mt("div"), Tn(o.$$.fragment), a = Yl(), r = mt("div"), Tn(s.$$.fragment), f = Yl(), u = mt("div"), Tn(c.$$.fragment), _ = Yl(), d = mt("div"), Tn(h.$$.fragment), Rn(i, "margin-right", "10px"), Rn(r, "margin-right", "40px"), Rn(r, "margin-bottom", "8px"), Rn(u, "margin-right", "8px"), Dn(n, "class", "model-content svelte-hkn2q1"), Dn(t, "class", "modal-container svelte-hkn2q1"), Dn(e, "class", "modal svelte-hkn2q1"), Dn(e, "id", "model-box-edit");
+ },
+ m(m, w) {
+ pi(m, e, w), Ze(e, t), Ze(t, n), Ze(n, i), In(o, i, null), Ze(n, a), Ze(n, r), In(s, r, null), Ze(n, f), Ze(n, u), In(c, u, null), Ze(n, _), Ze(n, d), In(h, d, null), b = !0;
+ },
+ p(m, [w]) {
+ const k = {};
+ w & /*currentLabel*/
+ 1 && (k.value = /*currentLabel*/
+ m[0]), w & /*choices*/
+ 4 && (k.choices = /*choices*/
+ m[2]), o.$set(k);
+ const g = {};
+ w & /*currentColor*/
+ 2 && (g.value = /*currentColor*/
+ m[1]), s.$set(g);
+ const S = {};
+ w & /*$$scope*/
+ 16384 && (S.$$scope = { dirty: w, ctx: m }), c.$set(S);
+ const M = {};
+ w & /*$$scope*/
+ 16384 && (M.$$scope = { dirty: w, ctx: m }), h.$set(M);
+ },
+ i(m) {
+ b || (Fn(o.$$.fragment, m), Fn(s.$$.fragment, m), Fn(c.$$.fragment, m), Fn(h.$$.fragment, m), b = !0);
+ },
+ o(m) {
+ Hn(o.$$.fragment, m), Hn(s.$$.fragment, m), Hn(c.$$.fragment, m), Hn(h.$$.fragment, m), b = !1;
+ },
+ d(m) {
+ m && wi(e), jn(o), jn(s), jn(c), jn(h);
function Kd(l, e, t) {
let { label: n = "" } = e, { currentLabel: i = "" } = e, { choices: o = [] } = e, { choicesColors: a = [] } = e, { color: r = "" } = e, { currentColor: s = "" } = e;
const f = Xd();
- function u(g) {
+ function u(w) {
f("change", {
label: i,
color: s,
- ok: g
+ ok: w
- function c(g) {
- const { detail: w } = g;
- let p = w;
- Number.isInteger(p) ? (Array.isArray(a) && p < a.length && t(1, s = a[p]), Array.isArray(o) && p < o.length && t(0, i = o[p][0])) : t(0, i = p);
+ function c(w) {
+ const { detail: k } = w;
+ let g = k;
+ Number.isInteger(g) ? (Array.isArray(a) && g < a.length && t(1, s = a[g]), Array.isArray(o) && g < o.length && t(0, i = o[g][0])) : t(0, i = g);
- function d(g) {
- const { detail: w } = g;
- t(1, s = w);
+ function _(w) {
+ const { detail: k } = w;
+ t(1, s = k);
- function _(g) {
- c(g), u(!0);
+ function d(w) {
+ c(w), u(!0);
- function h(g) {
- switch (g.key) {
+ function h(w) {
+ switch (w.key) {
case "Enter":
@@ -6470,25 +6470,25 @@ function Kd(l, e, t) {
}), Wd(() => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", h);
- const m = () => u(!1), b = () => u(!0);
- return l.$$set = (g) => {
- "label" in g && t(7, n = g.label), "currentLabel" in g && t(0, i = g.currentLabel), "choices" in g && t(2, o = g.choices), "choicesColors" in g && t(8, a = g.choicesColors), "color" in g && t(9, r = g.color), "currentColor" in g && t(1, s = g.currentColor);
+ const b = () => u(!1), m = () => u(!0);
+ return l.$$set = (w) => {
+ "label" in w && t(7, n = w.label), "currentLabel" in w && t(0, i = w.currentLabel), "choices" in w && t(2, o = w.choices), "choicesColors" in w && t(8, a = w.choicesColors), "color" in w && t(9, r = w.color), "currentColor" in w && t(1, s = w.currentColor);
}, [
- d,
+ d,
- m,
- b
+ b,
+ m
-class Gs extends Ud {
+class Qs extends Ud {
constructor(e) {
super(), Nd(this, e, Kd, Zd, Od, {
label: 7,
@@ -6500,8 +6500,8 @@ class Gs extends Ud {
-const de = (l, e, t) => Math.min(Math.max(l, e), t);
-function Ol(l, e) {
+const fe = (l, e, t) => Math.min(Math.max(l, e), t);
+function Wl(l, e) {
if (l.startsWith("rgba"))
return l.replace(/[\d.]+$/, e.toString());
const t = l.match(/\d+/g);
@@ -6510,50 +6510,50 @@ function Ol(l, e) {
const [n, i, o] = t;
return `rgba(${n}, ${i}, ${o}, ${e})`;
-class Xl {
- constructor(e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c = "rgb(255, 255, 255)", d = 0.5, _ = 25, h = 8, m = 2, b = 4, g = 1) {
+class Vl {
+ constructor(e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c = "rgb(255, 255, 255)", _ = 0.5, d = 25, h = 8, b = 2, m = 4, w = 1) {
this.stopDrag = () => {
this.isDragging = !1, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleDrag), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.stopDrag);
- }, this.handleDrag = (w) => {
+ }, this.handleDrag = (k) => {
if (this.isDragging) {
- let p = w.clientX - this.offsetMouseX - this.xmin, C = w.clientY - this.offsetMouseY - this.ymin;
- const E = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, v = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
- p = de(p, -this.xmin, E - this.xmax), C = de(C, -this.ymin, v - this.ymax), this.xmin += p, this.ymin += C, this.xmax += p, this.ymax += C, this.updateHandles(), this.renderCallBack();
+ let g = k.clientX - this.offsetMouseX - this.xmin, S = k.clientY - this.offsetMouseY - this.ymin;
+ const M = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, y = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
+ g = fe(g, -this.xmin, M - this.xmax), S = fe(S, -this.ymin, y - this.ymax), this.xmin += g, this.ymin += S, this.xmax += g, this.ymax += S, this.updateHandles(), this.renderCallBack();
- }, this.handleResize = (w) => {
+ }, this.handleResize = (k) => {
if (this.isResizing) {
- const p = w.clientX, C = w.clientY, E = p - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].xmin - this.offsetMouseX, v = C - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].ymin - this.offsetMouseY, z = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, k = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
+ const g = k.clientX, S = k.clientY, M = g - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].xmin - this.offsetMouseX, y = S - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].ymin - this.offsetMouseY, z = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, v = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
switch (this.resizingHandleIndex) {
case 0:
- this.xmin += E, this.ymin += v, this.xmin = de(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymin = de(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
+ this.xmin += M, this.ymin += y, this.xmin = fe(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymin = fe(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
case 1:
- this.xmax += E, this.ymin += v, this.xmax = de(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, z), this.ymin = de(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
+ this.xmax += M, this.ymin += y, this.xmax = fe(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, z), this.ymin = fe(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
case 2:
- this.xmax += E, this.ymax += v, this.xmax = de(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, z), this.ymax = de(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, k);
+ this.xmax += M, this.ymax += y, this.xmax = fe(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, z), this.ymax = fe(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, v);
case 3:
- this.xmin += E, this.ymax += v, this.xmin = de(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymax = de(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, k);
+ this.xmin += M, this.ymax += y, this.xmin = fe(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymax = fe(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, v);
case 4:
- this.ymin += v, this.ymin = de(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
+ this.ymin += y, this.ymin = fe(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
case 5:
- this.xmax += E, this.xmax = de(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, z);
+ this.xmax += M, this.xmax = fe(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, z);
case 6:
- this.ymax += v, this.ymax = de(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, k);
+ this.ymax += y, this.ymax = fe(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, v);
case 7:
- this.xmin += E, this.xmin = de(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize);
+ this.xmin += M, this.xmin = fe(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize);
this.updateHandles(), this.renderCallBack();
}, this.stopResize = () => {
this.isResizing = !1, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.stopResize);
- }, this.renderCallBack = e, this.canvasXmin = t, this.canvasYmin = n, this.canvasXmax = i, this.canvasYmax = o, this.scaleFactor = g, this.label = a, this.isDragging = !1, this.xmin = r, this.ymin = s, this.xmax = f, this.ymax = u, this.isResizing = !1, this.isSelected = !1, this.offsetMouseX = 0, this.offsetMouseY = 0, this.resizeHandleSize = h, this.thickness = m, this.selectedThickness = b, this.updateHandles(), this.resizingHandleIndex = -1, this.minSize = _, this.color = c, this.alpha = d;
+ }, this.renderCallBack = e, this.canvasXmin = t, this.canvasYmin = n, this.canvasXmax = i, this.canvasYmax = o, this.scaleFactor = w, this.label = a, this.isDragging = !1, this.xmin = r, this.ymin = s, this.xmax = f, this.ymax = u, this.isResizing = !1, this.isSelected = !1, this.offsetMouseX = 0, this.offsetMouseY = 0, this.resizeHandleSize = h, this.thickness = b, this.selectedThickness = m, this.updateHandles(), this.resizingHandleIndex = -1, this.minSize = d, this.color = c, this.alpha = _;
toJSON() {
return {
@@ -6648,13 +6648,13 @@ class Xl {
render(e) {
let t, n;
- if (e.beginPath(), [t, n] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(this.xmin, this.ymin), e.rect(t, n, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()), e.fillStyle = Ol(this.color, this.alpha), e.fill(), this.isSelected ? e.lineWidth = this.selectedThickness : e.lineWidth = this.thickness, e.strokeStyle = Ol(this.color, 1), e.stroke(), e.closePath(), this.label !== null && this.label.trim() !== "") {
+ if (e.beginPath(), [t, n] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(this.xmin, this.ymin), e.rect(t, n, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()), e.fillStyle = Wl(this.color, this.alpha), e.fill(), this.isSelected ? e.lineWidth = this.selectedThickness : e.lineWidth = this.thickness, e.strokeStyle = Wl(this.color, 1), e.stroke(), e.closePath(), this.label !== null && this.label.trim() !== "") {
this.isSelected ? e.font = "bold 14px Arial" : e.font = "12px Arial";
const i = e.measureText(this.label).width + 10, o = 20;
let a = this.xmin, r = this.ymin - o;
e.fillStyle = "white", [a, r] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(a, r), e.fillRect(a, r, i, o), e.lineWidth = 1, e.strokeStyle = "black", e.strokeRect(a, r, i, o), e.fillStyle = "black", e.fillText(this.label, a + 5, r + 15);
- e.fillStyle = Ol(this.color, 1);
+ e.fillStyle = Wl(this.color, 1);
for (const i of this.resizeHandles)
[t, n] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(i.xmin, i.ymin), e.fillRect(
@@ -6682,7 +6682,7 @@ class Xl {
this.resizingHandleIndex = e, this.isResizing = !0, this.offsetMouseX = t.clientX - this.resizeHandles[e].xmin, this.offsetMouseY = t.clientY - this.resizeHandles[e].ymin, document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize), document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.stopResize);
-const Ue = [
+const Oe = [
"rgb(255, 168, 77)",
"rgb(92, 172, 238)",
"rgb(255, 99, 71)",
@@ -6698,71 +6698,100 @@ const Ue = [
"rgb(255, 250, 138)"
], {
SvelteComponent: Gd,
- append: Ft,
- attr: wt,
+ append: fn,
+ attr: St,
binding_callbacks: Jd,
- bubble: jo,
- check_outros: Yl,
- create_component: _n,
- destroy_component: dn,
- detach: Ht,
- element: Vt,
+ bubble: Io,
+ check_outros: Pn,
+ create_component: mn,
+ destroy_component: bn,
+ detach: wt,
+ element: Zt,
empty: Qd,
- group_outros: Wl,
+ group_outros: Zn,
init: xd,
- insert: Ut,
- listen: nt,
- mount_component: hn,
+ insert: pt,
+ listen: it,
+ mount_component: gn,
noop: $d,
- run_all: Js,
+ run_all: xs,
safe_not_equal: e0,
- space: mn,
- transition_in: he,
- transition_out: Be
+ space: dn,
+ transition_in: ne,
+ transition_out: ve
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: t0, onDestroy: n0, createEventDispatcher: l0 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Io(l) {
- let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, d;
- return n = new E_({}), a = new Df({}), f = new ui({}), {
+function Ro(l) {
+ let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u;
+ n = new M_({});
+ let c = !/*disableEditBoxes*/
+ l[4] && Fo(l);
+ return r = new ci({}), {
c() {
- e = Vt("span"), t = Vt("button"), _n(n.$$.fragment), i = mn(), o = Vt("button"), _n(a.$$.fragment), r = mn(), s = Vt("button"), _n(f.$$.fragment), wt(t, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), wt(o, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), wt(s, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), wt(e, "class", "canvas-control svelte-182gnnj");
+ e = Zt("span"), t = Zt("button"), mn(n.$$.fragment), i = dn(), c && c.c(), o = dn(), a = Zt("button"), mn(r.$$.fragment), St(t, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), St(a, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), St(e, "class", "canvas-control svelte-182gnnj");
- m(_, h) {
- Ut(_, e, h), Ft(e, t), hn(n, t, null), Ft(e, i), Ft(e, o), hn(a, o, null), Ft(e, r), Ft(e, s), hn(f, s, null), u = !0, c || (d = [
- nt(
+ m(_, d) {
+ pt(_, e, d), fn(e, t), gn(n, t, null), fn(e, i), c && c.m(e, null), fn(e, o), fn(e, a), gn(r, a, null), s = !0, f || (u = [
+ it(
- l[25]
- ),
- nt(
- o,
- "click",
- /*click_handler_1*/
- nt(
- s,
+ it(
+ a,
- l[27]
+ l[28]
- ], c = !0);
+ ], f = !0);
+ },
+ p(_, d) {
+ /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ _[4] ? c && (Zn(), ve(c, 1, 1, () => {
+ c = null;
+ }), Pn()) : c ? (c.p(_, d), d[0] & /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ 16 && ne(c, 1)) : (c = Fo(_), c.c(), ne(c, 1), c.m(e, o));
- p: $d,
i(_) {
- u || (he(n.$$.fragment, _), he(a.$$.fragment, _), he(f.$$.fragment, _), u = !0);
+ s || (ne(n.$$.fragment, _), ne(c), ne(r.$$.fragment, _), s = !0);
o(_) {
- Be(n.$$.fragment, _), Be(a.$$.fragment, _), Be(f.$$.fragment, _), u = !1;
+ ve(n.$$.fragment, _), ve(c), ve(r.$$.fragment, _), s = !1;
d(_) {
- _ && Ht(e), dn(n), dn(a), dn(f), c = !1, Js(d);
+ _ && wt(e), bn(n), c && c.d(), bn(r), f = !1, xs(u);
-function Ro(l) {
+function Fo(l) {
+ let e, t, n, i, o;
+ return t = new Lf({}), {
+ c() {
+ e = Zt("button"), mn(t.$$.fragment), St(e, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj");
+ },
+ m(a, r) {
+ pt(a, e, r), gn(t, e, null), n = !0, i || (o = it(
+ e,
+ "click",
+ /*click_handler_1*/
+ l[27]
+ ), i = !0);
+ },
+ p: $d,
+ i(a) {
+ n || (ne(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
+ },
+ o(a) {
+ ve(t.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
+ },
+ d(a) {
+ a && wt(e), bn(t), i = !1, o();
+ }
+ };
+function Ho(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new Gs({
+ return e = new Qs({
props: {
choices: (
@@ -6774,25 +6803,25 @@ function Ro(l) {
label: (
- l[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- l[5] < /*value*/
+ l[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ l[6] < /*value*/
l[0].boxes.length ? (
- l[5]
+ l[6]
) : ""
color: (
- l[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- l[5] < /*value*/
- l[0].boxes.length ? gn(
+ l[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ l[6] < /*value*/
+ l[0].boxes.length ? wn(
- l[5]
+ l[6]
) : ""
@@ -6800,17 +6829,17 @@ function Ro(l) {
}), e.$on(
- l[14]
+ l[15]
), e.$on(
- l[28]
+ l[29]
), {
c() {
- _n(e.$$.fragment);
+ mn(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- hn(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ gn(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
@@ -6819,41 +6848,41 @@ function Ro(l) {
n[2]), i[0] & /*choicesColors*/
8 && (o.choicesColors = /*choicesColors*/
n[3]), i[0] & /*selectedBox, value*/
- 33 && (o.label = /*selectedBox*/
- n[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- n[5] < /*value*/
+ 65 && (o.label = /*selectedBox*/
+ n[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ n[6] < /*value*/
n[0].boxes.length ? (
- n[5]
+ n[6]
) : ""), i[0] & /*selectedBox, value*/
- 33 && (o.color = /*selectedBox*/
- n[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- n[5] < /*value*/
- n[0].boxes.length ? gn(
+ 65 && (o.color = /*selectedBox*/
+ n[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ n[6] < /*value*/
+ n[0].boxes.length ? wn(
- n[5]
+ n[6]
) : ""), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (he(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (ne(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Be(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ ve(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- dn(e, n);
+ bn(e, n);
-function Fo(l) {
+function Uo(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new Gs({
+ return e = new Qs({
props: {
choices: (
@@ -6870,25 +6899,25 @@ function Fo(l) {
l[3].length > 0 ? (
- ) : gn(Ue[
+ ) : wn(Oe[
- l[0].boxes.length % Ue.length
+ l[0].boxes.length % Oe.length
}), e.$on(
- l[11]
+ l[12]
), e.$on(
- l[29]
+ l[30]
), {
c() {
- _n(e.$$.fragment);
+ mn(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- hn(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ gn(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
@@ -6904,278 +6933,279 @@ function Fo(l) {
n[3].length > 0 ? (
- ) : gn(Ue[
+ ) : wn(Oe[
- n[0].boxes.length % Ue.length
+ n[0].boxes.length % Oe.length
])), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (he(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (ne(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Be(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ ve(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- dn(e, n);
+ bn(e, n);
function i0(l) {
let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u = (
- l[1] && Io(l)
+ l[1] && Ro(l)
), c = (
- l[6] && Ro(l)
- ), d = (
+ l[7] && Ho(l)
+ ), _ = (
- l[7] && Fo(l)
+ l[8] && Uo(l)
return {
c() {
- e = Vt("div"), t = Vt("canvas"), n = mn(), u && u.c(), i = mn(), c && c.c(), o = mn(), d && d.c(), a = Qd(), wt(t, "class", "canvas-annotator svelte-182gnnj"), wt(e, "class", "canvas-container svelte-182gnnj"), wt(e, "tabindex", "-1");
+ e = Zt("div"), t = Zt("canvas"), n = dn(), u && u.c(), i = dn(), c && c.c(), o = dn(), _ && _.c(), a = Qd(), St(t, "class", "canvas-annotator svelte-182gnnj"), St(e, "class", "canvas-container svelte-182gnnj"), St(e, "tabindex", "-1");
- m(_, h) {
- Ut(_, e, h), Ft(e, t), l[24](t), Ut(_, n, h), u && u.m(_, h), Ut(_, i, h), c && c.m(_, h), Ut(_, o, h), d && d.m(_, h), Ut(_, a, h), r = !0, s || (f = [
- nt(
+ m(d, h) {
+ pt(d, e, h), fn(e, t), l[25](t), pt(d, n, h), u && u.m(d, h), pt(d, i, h), c && c.m(d, h), pt(d, o, h), _ && _.m(d, h), pt(d, a, h), r = !0, s || (f = [
+ it(
- l[8]
+ l[9]
- nt(
+ it(
- l[9]
+ l[10]
- nt(
+ it(
- l[13]
+ l[14]
- nt(
+ it(
- l[16]
+ l[17]
- nt(
+ it(
- l[17]
+ l[18]
], s = !0);
- p(_, h) {
+ p(d, h) {
- _[1] ? u ? (u.p(_, h), h[0] & /*interactive*/
- 2 && he(u, 1)) : (u = Io(_), u.c(), he(u, 1), u.m(i.parentNode, i)) : u && (Wl(), Be(u, 1, 1, () => {
+ d[1] ? u ? (u.p(d, h), h[0] & /*interactive*/
+ 2 && ne(u, 1)) : (u = Ro(d), u.c(), ne(u, 1), u.m(i.parentNode, i)) : u && (Zn(), ve(u, 1, 1, () => {
u = null;
- }), Yl()), /*editModalVisible*/
- _[6] ? c ? (c.p(_, h), h[0] & /*editModalVisible*/
- 64 && he(c, 1)) : (c = Ro(_), c.c(), he(c, 1), c.m(o.parentNode, o)) : c && (Wl(), Be(c, 1, 1, () => {
+ }), Pn()), /*editModalVisible*/
+ d[7] ? c ? (c.p(d, h), h[0] & /*editModalVisible*/
+ 128 && ne(c, 1)) : (c = Ho(d), c.c(), ne(c, 1), c.m(o.parentNode, o)) : c && (Zn(), ve(c, 1, 1, () => {
c = null;
- }), Yl()), /*newModalVisible*/
- _[7] ? d ? (d.p(_, h), h[0] & /*newModalVisible*/
- 128 && he(d, 1)) : (d = Fo(_), d.c(), he(d, 1), d.m(a.parentNode, a)) : d && (Wl(), Be(d, 1, 1, () => {
- d = null;
- }), Yl());
+ }), Pn()), /*newModalVisible*/
+ d[8] ? _ ? (_.p(d, h), h[0] & /*newModalVisible*/
+ 256 && ne(_, 1)) : (_ = Uo(d), _.c(), ne(_, 1), _.m(a.parentNode, a)) : _ && (Zn(), ve(_, 1, 1, () => {
+ _ = null;
+ }), Pn());
- i(_) {
- r || (he(u), he(c), he(d), r = !0);
+ i(d) {
+ r || (ne(u), ne(c), ne(_), r = !0);
- o(_) {
- Be(u), Be(c), Be(d), r = !1;
+ o(d) {
+ ve(u), ve(c), ve(_), r = !1;
- d(_) {
- _ && (Ht(e), Ht(n), Ht(i), Ht(o), Ht(a)), l[24](null), u && u.d(_), c && c.d(_), d && d.d(_), s = !1, Js(f);
+ d(d) {
+ d && (wt(e), wt(n), wt(i), wt(o), wt(a)), l[25](null), u && u.d(d), c && c.d(d), _ && _.d(d), s = !1, xs(f);
-function Ho(l) {
+function No(l) {
var e = parseInt(l.slice(1, 3), 16), t = parseInt(l.slice(3, 5), 16), n = parseInt(l.slice(5, 7), 16);
return "rgb(" + e + ", " + t + ", " + n + ")";
-function gn(l) {
+function wn(l) {
const e = l.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g), t = parseInt(e[0]), n = parseInt(e[1]), i = parseInt(e[2]);
return "#" + (1 << 24 | t << 16 | n << 8 | i).toString(16).slice(1);
function o0(l, e, t) {
- let { imageUrl: n = null } = e, { interactive: i } = e, { boxAlpha: o = 0.5 } = e, { boxMinSize: a = 25 } = e, { handleSize: r } = e, { boxThickness: s } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: f } = e, { value: u } = e, { choices: c = [] } = e, { choicesColors: d = [] } = e, _, h, m = null, b = -1, g = 0, w = 0, p = 0, C = 0, E = 1, v = 0, z = 0, k = !1, q = !1;
- const F = l0();
- function j() {
- if (h) {
- h.clearRect(0, 0, _.width, _.height), m !== null && h.drawImage(m, g, w, v, z);
- for (const A of u.boxes.slice().reverse())
- A.render(h);
+ let { imageUrl: n = null } = e, { interactive: i } = e, { boxAlpha: o = 0.5 } = e, { boxMinSize: a = 25 } = e, { handleSize: r } = e, { boxThickness: s } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: f } = e, { value: u } = e, { choices: c = [] } = e, { choicesColors: _ = [] } = e, { disableEditBoxes: d = !1 } = e, h, b, m = null, w = -1, k = 0, g = 0, S = 0, M = 0, y = 1, z = 0, v = 0, q = !1, R = !1;
+ const I = l0();
+ function B() {
+ if (b) {
+ b.clearRect(0, 0, h.width, h.height), m !== null && b.drawImage(m, k, g, z, v);
+ for (const E of u.boxes.slice().reverse())
+ E.render(b);
- function D(A) {
- t(5, b = A), u.boxes.forEach((B) => {
- B.setSelected(!1);
- }), A >= 0 && A < u.boxes.length && u.boxes[A].setSelected(!0), j();
+ function W(E) {
+ t(6, w = E), u.boxes.forEach((D) => {
+ D.setSelected(!1);
+ }), E >= 0 && E < u.boxes.length && u.boxes[E].setSelected(!0), B();
- function N(A) {
+ function H(E) {
if (!i)
- const B = _.getBoundingClientRect(), O = A.clientX - B.left, V = A.clientY - B.top;
- for (const [Ee, ce] of u.boxes.entries()) {
- const Se = ce.indexOfPointInsideHandle(O, V);
- if (Se >= 0) {
- D(Ee), ce.startResize(Se, A);
+ const D = h.getBoundingClientRect(), Y = E.clientX - D.left, be = E.clientY - D.top;
+ for (const [qe, J] of u.boxes.entries()) {
+ const Qe = J.indexOfPointInsideHandle(Y, be);
+ if (Qe >= 0) {
+ W(qe), J.startResize(Qe, E);
- for (const [Ee, ce] of u.boxes.entries())
- if (ce.isPointInsideBox(O, V)) {
- D(Ee), ce.startDrag(A);
+ for (const [qe, J] of u.boxes.entries())
+ if (J.isPointInsideBox(Y, be)) {
+ W(qe), J.startDrag(E);
- D(-1);
+ W(-1);
- function K(A) {
- F("change");
+ function le(E) {
+ I("change");
- function $(A) {
+ function X(E) {
if (i)
- switch (A.key) {
+ switch (E.key) {
case "Delete":
- ae();
+ Le();
- function X() {
- t(7, q = !0);
+ function ee() {
+ d ? ae() : t(8, R = !0);
- function se(A) {
- t(7, q = !1);
- const { detail: B } = A;
- let O = B.label, V = B.color;
- if (B.ok) {
- V === null || V === "" ? V = Ue[u.boxes.length % Ue.length] : V = Ho(V);
- let ce = v / 3 / E, Se = v / 3 * 2 / E, Jt = z / 3 / E, ea = z / 3 * 2 / E, ta = new Xl(j, g, w, p, C, O, Math.round(ce), Math.round(Jt), Math.round(Se), Math.round(ea), V, o, a, r, s, f);
- t(0, u.boxes = [ta, ...u.boxes], u), j(), F("change");
- }
+ function ae(E = null, D = null, Y = null, be = null, qe = null, J = null) {
+ D === null || D === "" ? D = Oe[u.boxes.length % Oe.length] : D = No(D), E === null && (E = ""), Y === null && (Y = z / 3 / y), qe === null && (qe = z / 3 * 2 / y), be === null && (be = v / 3 / y), J === null && (J = v / 3 * 2 / y);
+ let Qe = new Vl(B, k, g, S, M, E, Math.round(Y), Math.round(be), Math.round(qe), Math.round(J), D, o, a, r, s, f);
+ t(0, u.boxes = [Qe, ...u.boxes], u), B(), I("change");
+ }
+ function ye(E) {
+ t(8, R = !1);
+ const { detail: D } = E;
+ D.ok && ae(D.label, D.color);
- function we() {
- b >= 0 && b < u.boxes.length && t(6, k = !0);
+ function L() {
+ w >= 0 && w < u.boxes.length && !d && t(7, q = !0);
- function re(A) {
- i && we();
+ function de(E) {
+ i && L();
- function T(A) {
- t(6, k = !1);
- const { detail: B } = A;
- let O = B.label, V = B.color;
- if (B.ok && b >= 0 && b < u.boxes.length) {
- let ce = u.boxes[b];
- ce.label = O, ce.color = Ho(V), j(), F("change");
+ function Ae(E) {
+ t(7, q = !1);
+ const { detail: D } = E;
+ let Y = D.label, be = D.color;
+ if (D.ok && w >= 0 && w < u.boxes.length) {
+ let J = u.boxes[w];
+ J.label = Y, J.color = No(be), B(), I("change");
- function ae() {
- b >= 0 && b < u.boxes.length && (u.boxes.splice(b, 1), D(-1), F("change"));
+ function Le() {
+ w >= 0 && w < u.boxes.length && (u.boxes.splice(w, 1), W(-1), I("change"));
- function fe() {
- if (_) {
- if (E = 1, t(4, _.width = _.clientWidth, _), m !== null)
- if (m.width > _.width)
- E = _.width / m.width, v = m.width * E, z = m.height * E, g = 0, w = 0, p = v, C = z, t(4, _.height = z, _);
+ function Ce() {
+ if (h) {
+ if (y = 1, t(5, h.width = h.clientWidth, h), m !== null)
+ if (m.width > h.width)
+ y = h.width / m.width, z = m.width * y, v = m.height * y, k = 0, g = 0, S = z, M = v, t(5, h.height = v, h);
else {
- v = m.width, z = m.height;
- var A = (_.width - v) / 2;
- g = A, w = 0, p = A + v, C = m.height, t(4, _.height = z, _);
+ z = m.width, v = m.height;
+ var E = (h.width - z) / 2;
+ k = E, g = 0, S = E + z, M = m.height, t(5, h.height = v, h);
- g = 0, w = 0, p = _.width, C = _.height, t(4, _.height = _.clientHeight, _);
- if (p > 0 && C > 0)
- for (const B of u.boxes)
- B.canvasXmin = g, B.canvasYmin = w, B.canvasXmax = p, B.canvasYmax = C, B.setScaleFactor(E);
- j(), F("change");
- }
- }
- const Ye = new ResizeObserver(fe);
- function We() {
- for (let A = 0; A < u.boxes.length; A++) {
- let B = u.boxes[A];
- if (!(B instanceof Xl)) {
- let O = "", V = "";
- B.hasOwnProperty("color") ? (O = B.color, Array.isArray(O) && O.length === 3 && (O = `rgb(${O[0]}, ${O[1]}, ${O[2]})`)) : O = Ue[A % Ue.length], B.hasOwnProperty("label") && (V = B.label), B = new Xl(j, g, w, p, C, V, B.xmin, B.ymin, B.xmax, B.ymax, O, o, a, r, s, f), t(0, u.boxes[A] = B, u);
+ k = 0, g = 0, S = h.width, M = h.height, t(5, h.height = h.clientHeight, h);
+ if (S > 0 && M > 0)
+ for (const D of u.boxes)
+ D.canvasXmin = k, D.canvasYmin = g, D.canvasXmax = S, D.canvasYmax = M, D.setScaleFactor(y);
+ B(), I("change");
+ }
+ }
+ const A = new ResizeObserver(Ce);
+ function Ve() {
+ for (let E = 0; E < u.boxes.length; E++) {
+ let D = u.boxes[E];
+ if (!(D instanceof Vl)) {
+ let Y = "", be = "";
+ D.hasOwnProperty("color") ? (Y = D.color, Array.isArray(Y) && Y.length === 3 && (Y = `rgb(${Y[0]}, ${Y[1]}, ${Y[2]})`)) : Y = Oe[E % Oe.length], D.hasOwnProperty("label") && (be = D.label), D = new Vl(B, k, g, S, M, be, D.xmin, D.ymin, D.xmax, D.ymax, Y, o, a, r, s, f), t(0, u.boxes[E] = D, u);
- function L() {
+ function p() {
n !== null && (m === null || m.src != n) && (m = new Image(), m.src = n, m.onload = function() {
- fe(), j();
+ Ce(), B();
t0(() => {
- if (Array.isArray(c) && c.length > 0 && (!Array.isArray(d) || d.length == 0))
- for (let A = 0; A < c.length; A++) {
- let B = Ue[A % Ue.length];
- d.push(gn(B));
+ if (Array.isArray(c) && c.length > 0 && (!Array.isArray(_) || _.length == 0))
+ for (let E = 0; E < c.length; E++) {
+ let D = Oe[E % Oe.length];
+ _.push(wn(D));
- h = _.getContext("2d"), Ye.observe(_), L(), fe(), j();
+ b = h.getContext("2d"), A.observe(h), p(), Ce(), B();
- function M() {
- document.addEventListener("keydown", $);
+ function F() {
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", X);
- function S() {
- document.removeEventListener("keydown", $);
+ function Z() {
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", X);
n0(() => {
- document.removeEventListener("keydown", $);
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", X);
- function H(A) {
- Jd[A ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- _ = A, t(4, _);
+ function K(E) {
+ Jd[E ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ h = E, t(5, h);
- const G = () => X(), y = () => we(), ee = () => ae();
- function ue(A) {
- jo.call(this, l, A);
+ const C = () => ee(), Se = () => L(), he = () => Le();
+ function ze(E) {
+ Io.call(this, l, E);
- function pe(A) {
- jo.call(this, l, A);
+ function me(E) {
+ Io.call(this, l, E);
- return l.$$set = (A) => {
- "imageUrl" in A && t(18, n = A.imageUrl), "interactive" in A && t(1, i = A.interactive), "boxAlpha" in A && t(19, o = A.boxAlpha), "boxMinSize" in A && t(20, a = A.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in A && t(21, r = A.handleSize), "boxThickness" in A && t(22, s = A.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in A && t(23, f = A.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in A && t(0, u = A.value), "choices" in A && t(2, c = A.choices), "choicesColors" in A && t(3, d = A.choicesColors);
+ return l.$$set = (E) => {
+ "imageUrl" in E && t(19, n = E.imageUrl), "interactive" in E && t(1, i = E.interactive), "boxAlpha" in E && t(20, o = E.boxAlpha), "boxMinSize" in E && t(21, a = E.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in E && t(22, r = E.handleSize), "boxThickness" in E && t(23, s = E.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in E && t(24, f = E.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in E && t(0, u = E.value), "choices" in E && t(2, c = E.choices), "choicesColors" in E && t(3, _ = E.choicesColors), "disableEditBoxes" in E && t(4, d = E.disableEditBoxes);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && (L(), We(), fe(), j());
+ 1 && (p(), Ve(), Ce(), B());
}, [
- d,
- b,
- k,
+ d,
+ h,
+ w,
- N,
- K,
- X,
- se,
- we,
- re,
- T,
- ae,
- M,
- S,
+ R,
+ H,
+ le,
+ ee,
+ ye,
+ L,
+ de,
+ Ae,
+ Le,
+ F,
+ Z,
- H,
- G,
- y,
- ee,
- ue,
- pe
+ K,
+ C,
+ Se,
+ he,
+ ze,
+ me
class s0 extends Gd {
@@ -7187,16 +7217,17 @@ class s0 extends Gd {
- imageUrl: 18,
+ imageUrl: 19,
interactive: 1,
- boxAlpha: 19,
- boxMinSize: 20,
- handleSize: 21,
- boxThickness: 22,
- boxSelectedThickness: 23,
+ boxAlpha: 20,
+ boxMinSize: 21,
+ handleSize: 22,
+ boxThickness: 23,
+ boxSelectedThickness: 24,
value: 0,
choices: 2,
- choicesColors: 3
+ choicesColors: 3,
+ disableEditBoxes: 4
[-1, -1]
@@ -7219,7 +7250,7 @@ const {
function p0(l) {
let e, t, n;
function i(a) {
- l[13](a);
+ l[14](a);
let o = {
interactive: (
@@ -7254,9 +7285,13 @@ function p0(l) {
+ disableEditBoxes: (
+ /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ l[9]
+ ),
imageUrl: (
- l[9]
+ l[10]
return (
@@ -7265,7 +7300,7 @@ function p0(l) {
l[0]), e = new s0({ props: o }), u0.push(() => f0(e, "value", i)), e.$on(
- l[14]
+ l[15]
), {
c() {
@@ -7291,9 +7326,11 @@ function p0(l) {
128 && (s.boxThickness = /*boxThickness*/
a[7]), r & /*boxSelectedThickness*/
256 && (s.boxSelectedThickness = /*boxSelectedThickness*/
- a[8]), r & /*resolved_src*/
- 512 && (s.imageUrl = /*resolved_src*/
- a[9]), !t && r & /*value*/
+ a[8]), r & /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ 512 && (s.disableEditBoxes = /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ a[9]), r & /*resolved_src*/
+ 1024 && (s.imageUrl = /*resolved_src*/
+ a[10]), !t && r & /*value*/
1 && (t = !0, s.value = /*value*/
a[0], r0(() => t = !1)), e.$set(s);
@@ -7310,25 +7347,25 @@ function p0(l) {
function k0(l, e, t) {
- let { src: n = void 0 } = e, { interactive: i } = e, { boxesAlpha: o } = e, { labelList: a } = e, { labelColors: r } = e, { boxMinSize: s } = e, { handleSize: f } = e, { boxThickness: u } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: c } = e, { value: d } = e, _, h;
+ let { src: n = void 0 } = e, { interactive: i } = e, { boxesAlpha: o } = e, { labelList: a } = e, { labelColors: r } = e, { boxMinSize: s } = e, { handleSize: f } = e, { boxThickness: u } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: c } = e, { value: _ } = e, { disableEditBoxes: d } = e, h, b;
const m = w0();
- function b(w) {
- d = w, t(0, d);
+ function w(g) {
+ _ = g, t(0, _);
- const g = () => m("change");
- return l.$$set = (w) => {
- "src" in w && t(11, n = w.src), "interactive" in w && t(1, i = w.interactive), "boxesAlpha" in w && t(2, o = w.boxesAlpha), "labelList" in w && t(3, a = w.labelList), "labelColors" in w && t(4, r = w.labelColors), "boxMinSize" in w && t(5, s = w.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in w && t(6, f = w.handleSize), "boxThickness" in w && t(7, u = w.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in w && t(8, c = w.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in w && t(0, d = w.value);
+ const k = () => m("change");
+ return l.$$set = (g) => {
+ "src" in g && t(12, n = g.src), "interactive" in g && t(1, i = g.interactive), "boxesAlpha" in g && t(2, o = g.boxesAlpha), "labelList" in g && t(3, a = g.labelList), "labelColors" in g && t(4, r = g.labelColors), "boxMinSize" in g && t(5, s = g.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in g && t(6, f = g.handleSize), "boxThickness" in g && t(7, u = g.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in g && t(8, c = g.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in g && t(0, _ = g.value), "disableEditBoxes" in g && t(9, d = g.disableEditBoxes);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
if (l.$$.dirty & /*src, latest_src*/
- 6144) {
- t(9, _ = n), t(12, h = n);
- const w = n;
- Ec(w).then((p) => {
- h === w && t(9, _ = p);
+ 12288) {
+ t(10, h = n), t(13, b = n);
+ const g = n;
+ Mc(g).then((S) => {
+ b === g && t(10, h = S);
}, [
- d,
+ _,
@@ -7337,18 +7374,19 @@ function k0(l, e, t) {
- _,
+ d,
+ h,
- h,
- g
+ w,
+ k
-class Qs extends a0 {
+class $s extends a0 {
constructor(e) {
super(), d0(this, e, k0, p0, m0, {
- src: 11,
+ src: 12,
interactive: 1,
boxesAlpha: 2,
labelList: 3,
@@ -7357,7 +7395,8 @@ class Qs extends a0 {
handleSize: 6,
boxThickness: 7,
boxSelectedThickness: 8,
- value: 0
+ value: 0,
+ disableEditBoxes: 9
@@ -7368,34 +7407,34 @@ class v0 {
const {
SvelteComponent: y0,
- add_flush_callback: nl,
+ add_flush_callback: ol,
append: tn,
- attr: fn,
- bind: ll,
- binding_callbacks: wn,
- bubble: Vl,
- check_outros: Nt,
- create_component: st,
+ attr: un,
+ bind: sl,
+ binding_callbacks: pn,
+ bubble: Pl,
+ check_outros: Ot,
+ create_component: rt,
create_slot: C0,
- destroy_component: at,
- detach: pt,
- element: bn,
+ destroy_component: ft,
+ detach: yt,
+ element: hn,
empty: S0,
get_all_dirty_from_scope: z0,
get_slot_changes: q0,
- group_outros: Ot,
- init: M0,
- insert: kt,
- mount_component: rt,
- noop: E0,
- safe_not_equal: A0,
- space: jt,
- toggle_class: Uo,
- transition_in: W,
- transition_out: J,
- update_slot_base: L0
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: D0 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function No(l) {
+ group_outros: Xt,
+ init: E0,
+ insert: Ct,
+ mount_component: ut,
+ noop: M0,
+ safe_not_equal: B0,
+ space: Ht,
+ toggle_class: Oo,
+ transition_in: O,
+ transition_out: G,
+ update_slot_base: A0
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: L0 } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+function Xo(l) {
let e, t;
return e = new Oc({
props: {
@@ -7407,15 +7446,15 @@ function No(l) {
l[1].image.orig_name || "image"
- $$slots: { default: [T0] },
+ $$slots: { default: [D0] },
$$scope: { ctx: l }
}), {
c() {
- st(e.$$.fragment);
+ rt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- rt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ ut(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
@@ -7425,22 +7464,22 @@ function No(l) {
2 && (o.download = /*value*/
n[1].image.orig_name || "image"), i[0] & /*i18n*/
256 | i[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 1024 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: i, ctx: n }), e.$set(o);
+ 2048 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: i, ctx: n }), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (W(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (O(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- J(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ G(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- at(e, n);
+ ft(e, n);
-function T0(l) {
+function D0(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new il({
+ return e = new al({
props: {
Icon: mf,
label: (
@@ -7450,10 +7489,10 @@ function T0(l) {
}), {
c() {
- st(e.$$.fragment);
+ rt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- rt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ ut(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
@@ -7462,17 +7501,17 @@ function T0(l) {
n[8]("common.download")), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (W(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (O(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- J(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ G(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- at(e, n);
+ ft(e, n);
-function Oo(l) {
+function Yo(l) {
let e, t;
return e = new zu({
props: {
@@ -7482,7 +7521,7 @@ function Oo(l) {
formatter: (
- l[31]
+ l[32]
value: (
@@ -7492,17 +7531,17 @@ function Oo(l) {
}), e.$on(
- l[32]
+ l[33]
), e.$on(
- l[33]
+ l[34]
), {
c() {
- st(e.$$.fragment);
+ rt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- rt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ ut(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
@@ -7513,53 +7552,53 @@ function Oo(l) {
n[1]), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (W(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (O(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- J(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ G(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- at(e, n);
+ ft(e, n);
-function Xo(l) {
+function Wo(l) {
let e, t, n;
- return t = new il({
- props: { Icon: ui, label: "Remove Image" }
+ return t = new al({
+ props: { Icon: ci, label: "Remove Image" }
}), t.$on(
- l[29]
+ l[30]
), {
c() {
- e = bn("div"), st(t.$$.fragment);
+ e = hn("div"), rt(t.$$.fragment);
m(i, o) {
- kt(i, e, o), rt(t, e, null), n = !0;
+ Ct(i, e, o), ut(t, e, null), n = !0;
- p: E0,
+ p: M0,
i(i) {
- n || (W(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
+ n || (O(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
o(i) {
- J(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
+ G(t.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
d(i) {
- i && pt(e), at(t);
+ i && yt(e), ft(t);
-function Yo(l) {
+function Vo(l) {
let e;
const t = (
- l[30].default
+ l[31].default
), n = C0(
- l[41],
+ l[42],
return {
@@ -7571,70 +7610,70 @@ function Yo(l) {
p(i, o) {
n && n.p && (!e || o[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 1024) && L0(
+ 2048) && A0(
- i[41],
+ i[42],
e ? q0(
- i[41],
+ i[42],
) : z0(
- i[41]
+ i[42]
i(i) {
- e || (W(n, i), e = !0);
+ e || (O(n, i), e = !0);
o(i) {
- J(n, i), e = !1;
+ G(n, i), e = !1;
d(i) {
n && n.d(i);
-function B0(l) {
+function T0(l) {
let e, t, n = (
- l[1] === null && Yo(l)
+ l[1] === null && Vo(l)
return {
c() {
n && n.c(), e = S0();
m(i, o) {
- n && n.m(i, o), kt(i, e, o), t = !0;
+ n && n.m(i, o), Ct(i, e, o), t = !0;
p(i, o) {
i[1] === null ? n ? (n.p(i, o), o[0] & /*value*/
- 2 && W(n, 1)) : (n = Yo(i), n.c(), W(n, 1), n.m(e.parentNode, e)) : n && (Ot(), J(n, 1, 1, () => {
+ 2 && O(n, 1)) : (n = Vo(i), n.c(), O(n, 1), n.m(e.parentNode, e)) : n && (Xt(), G(n, 1, 1, () => {
n = null;
- }), Nt());
+ }), Ot());
i(i) {
- t || (W(n), t = !0);
+ t || (O(n), t = !0);
o(i) {
- J(n), t = !1;
+ G(n), t = !1;
d(i) {
- i && pt(e), n && n.d(i);
+ i && yt(e), n && n.d(i);
-function Wo(l) {
+function Po(l) {
let e, t, n, i;
function o(r) {
- l[38](r);
+ l[39](r);
let a = {
boxesAlpha: (
@@ -7665,9 +7704,13 @@ function Wo(l) {
+ disableEditBoxes: (
+ /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ l[18]
+ ),
boxSelectedThickness: (
- l[18]
+ l[19]
src: (
@@ -7677,13 +7720,13 @@ function Wo(l) {
return (
l[1] !== void 0 && (a.value = /*value*/
- l[1]), t = new Qs({ props: a }), wn.push(() => ll(t, "value", o)), t.$on(
+ l[1]), t = new $s({ props: a }), pn.push(() => sl(t, "value", o)), t.$on(
- l[39]
+ l[40]
), {
c() {
- e = bn("div"), st(t.$$.fragment), fn(e, "class", "image-frame svelte-1gjdske"), Uo(
+ e = hn("div"), rt(t.$$.fragment), un(e, "class", "image-frame svelte-1gjdske"), Oo(
@@ -7691,7 +7734,7 @@ function Wo(l) {
m(r, s) {
- kt(r, e, s), rt(t, e, null), i = !0;
+ Ct(r, e, s), ut(t, e, null), i = !0;
p(r, s) {
const f = {};
@@ -7709,14 +7752,16 @@ function Wo(l) {
65536 && (f.handleSize = /*handleSize*/
r[16]), s[0] & /*boxThickness*/
131072 && (f.boxThickness = /*boxThickness*/
- r[17]), s[0] & /*boxSelectedThickness*/
- 262144 && (f.boxSelectedThickness = /*boxSelectedThickness*/
- r[18]), s[0] & /*value*/
+ r[17]), s[0] & /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ 262144 && (f.disableEditBoxes = /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ r[18]), s[0] & /*boxSelectedThickness*/
+ 524288 && (f.boxSelectedThickness = /*boxSelectedThickness*/
+ r[19]), s[0] & /*value*/
2 && (f.src = /*value*/
r[1].image.url), !n && s[0] & /*value*/
2 && (n = !0, f.value = /*value*/
- r[1], nl(() => n = !1)), t.$set(f), (!i || s[0] & /*selectable*/
- 32) && Uo(
+ r[1], ol(() => n = !1)), t.$set(f), (!i || s[0] & /*selectable*/
+ 32) && Oo(
@@ -7724,21 +7769,21 @@ function Wo(l) {
i(r) {
- i || (W(t.$$.fragment, r), i = !0);
+ i || (O(t.$$.fragment, r), i = !0);
o(r) {
- J(t.$$.fragment, r), i = !1;
+ G(t.$$.fragment, r), i = !1;
d(r) {
- r && pt(e), at(t);
+ r && yt(e), ft(t);
-function Vo(l) {
+function Zo(l) {
let e, t, n;
function i(a) {
- l[40](a);
+ l[41](a);
let o = {
sources: (
@@ -7747,22 +7792,22 @@ function Vo(l) {
handle_clear: (
- l[26]
+ l[27]
handle_select: (
- l[28]
+ l[29]
return (
l[0] !== void 0 && (o.active_source = /*active_source*/
- l[0]), e = new Ou({ props: o }), wn.push(() => ll(e, "active_source", i)), {
+ l[0]), e = new Ou({ props: o }), pn.push(() => sl(e, "active_source", i)), {
c() {
- st(e.$$.fragment);
+ rt(e.$$.fragment);
m(a, r) {
- rt(e, a, r), n = !0;
+ ut(e, a, r), n = !0;
p(a, r) {
const s = {};
@@ -7770,62 +7815,62 @@ function Vo(l) {
16 && (s.sources = /*sources*/
a[4]), !t && r[0] & /*active_source*/
1 && (t = !0, s.active_source = /*active_source*/
- a[0], nl(() => t = !1)), e.$set(s);
+ a[0], ol(() => t = !1)), e.$set(s);
i(a) {
- n || (W(e.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
+ n || (O(e.$$.fragment, a), n = !0);
o(a) {
- J(e.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
+ G(e.$$.fragment, a), n = !1;
d(a) {
- at(e, a);
+ ft(e, a);
function j0(l) {
- let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, d, _, h = (
+ let e, t, n, i, o, a, r, s, f, u, c, _, d, h = (
(l[4].length > 1 || /*sources*/
l[4].includes("clipboard")) && /*value*/
l[1] === null && /*interactive*/
- ), m;
+ ), b;
e = new mr({
props: {
show_label: (
- Icon: ts,
+ Icon: ls,
label: (
l[2] || "Image Annotator"
- let b = (
+ let m = (
l[10] && /*value*/
- l[1] !== null && No(l)
- ), g = (
+ l[1] !== null && Xo(l)
+ ), w = (
l[9] && /*value*/
- l[1] !== null && Oo(l)
- ), w = (
+ l[1] !== null && Yo(l)
+ ), k = (
l[11] && /*value*/
l[1] !== null && /*interactive*/
- l[7] && Xo(l)
+ l[7] && Wo(l)
- function p(k) {
- l[35](k);
+ function g(v) {
+ l[36](v);
- function C(k) {
- l[36](k);
+ function S(v) {
+ l[37](v);
- let E = {
+ let M = {
hidden: (
l[1] !== null
@@ -7840,252 +7885,253 @@ function j0(l) {
max_file_size: (
- l[19]
+ l[20]
disable_click: !/*sources*/
upload: (
- l[20]
+ l[21]
stream_handler: (
- l[21]
+ l[22]
- $$slots: { default: [B0] },
+ $$slots: { default: [T0] },
$$scope: { ctx: l }
- l[22] !== void 0 && (E.uploading = /*uploading*/
- l[22]), /*dragging*/
- l[23] !== void 0 && (E.dragging = /*dragging*/
- l[23]), f = new v_({ props: E }), l[34](f), wn.push(() => ll(f, "uploading", p)), wn.push(() => ll(f, "dragging", C)), f.$on(
+ l[23] !== void 0 && (M.uploading = /*uploading*/
+ l[23]), /*dragging*/
+ l[24] !== void 0 && (M.dragging = /*dragging*/
+ l[24]), f = new v_({ props: M }), l[35](f), pn.push(() => sl(f, "uploading", g)), pn.push(() => sl(f, "dragging", S)), f.$on(
- l[25]
+ l[26]
), f.$on(
- l[37]
+ l[38]
- let v = (
+ let y = (
- l[1] !== null && Wo(l)
- ), z = h && Vo(l);
+ l[1] !== null && Po(l)
+ ), z = h && Zo(l);
return {
c() {
- st(e.$$.fragment), t = jt(), n = bn("div"), b && b.c(), i = jt(), g && g.c(), o = jt(), w && w.c(), a = jt(), r = bn("div"), s = bn("div"), st(f.$$.fragment), d = jt(), v && v.c(), _ = jt(), z && z.c(), fn(n, "class", "icon-buttons svelte-1gjdske"), fn(s, "class", "upload-container svelte-1gjdske"), fn(r, "data-testid", "image"), fn(r, "class", "image-container svelte-1gjdske");
+ rt(e.$$.fragment), t = Ht(), n = hn("div"), m && m.c(), i = Ht(), w && w.c(), o = Ht(), k && k.c(), a = Ht(), r = hn("div"), s = hn("div"), rt(f.$$.fragment), _ = Ht(), y && y.c(), d = Ht(), z && z.c(), un(n, "class", "icon-buttons svelte-1gjdske"), un(s, "class", "upload-container svelte-1gjdske"), un(r, "data-testid", "image"), un(r, "class", "image-container svelte-1gjdske");
- m(k, q) {
- rt(e, k, q), kt(k, t, q), kt(k, n, q), b && b.m(n, null), tn(n, i), g && g.m(n, null), tn(n, o), w && w.m(n, null), kt(k, a, q), kt(k, r, q), tn(r, s), rt(f, s, null), tn(s, d), v && v.m(s, null), tn(r, _), z && z.m(r, null), m = !0;
+ m(v, q) {
+ ut(e, v, q), Ct(v, t, q), Ct(v, n, q), m && m.m(n, null), tn(n, i), w && w.m(n, null), tn(n, o), k && k.m(n, null), Ct(v, a, q), Ct(v, r, q), tn(r, s), ut(f, s, null), tn(s, _), y && y.m(s, null), tn(r, d), z && z.m(r, null), b = !0;
- p(k, q) {
- const F = {};
+ p(v, q) {
+ const R = {};
q[0] & /*show_label*/
- 8 && (F.show_label = /*show_label*/
- k[3]), q[0] & /*label*/
- 4 && (F.label = /*label*/
- k[2] || "Image Annotator"), e.$set(F), /*showDownloadButton*/
- k[10] && /*value*/
- k[1] !== null ? b ? (b.p(k, q), q[0] & /*showDownloadButton, value*/
- 1026 && W(b, 1)) : (b = No(k), b.c(), W(b, 1), b.m(n, i)) : b && (Ot(), J(b, 1, 1, () => {
- b = null;
- }), Nt()), /*showShareButton*/
- k[9] && /*value*/
- k[1] !== null ? g ? (g.p(k, q), q[0] & /*showShareButton, value*/
- 514 && W(g, 1)) : (g = Oo(k), g.c(), W(g, 1), g.m(n, o)) : g && (Ot(), J(g, 1, 1, () => {
- g = null;
- }), Nt()), /*showClearButton*/
- k[11] && /*value*/
- k[1] !== null && /*interactive*/
- k[7] ? w ? (w.p(k, q), q[0] & /*showClearButton, value, interactive*/
- 2178 && W(w, 1)) : (w = Xo(k), w.c(), W(w, 1), w.m(n, null)) : w && (Ot(), J(w, 1, 1, () => {
+ 8 && (R.show_label = /*show_label*/
+ v[3]), q[0] & /*label*/
+ 4 && (R.label = /*label*/
+ v[2] || "Image Annotator"), e.$set(R), /*showDownloadButton*/
+ v[10] && /*value*/
+ v[1] !== null ? m ? (m.p(v, q), q[0] & /*showDownloadButton, value*/
+ 1026 && O(m, 1)) : (m = Xo(v), m.c(), O(m, 1), m.m(n, i)) : m && (Xt(), G(m, 1, 1, () => {
+ m = null;
+ }), Ot()), /*showShareButton*/
+ v[9] && /*value*/
+ v[1] !== null ? w ? (w.p(v, q), q[0] & /*showShareButton, value*/
+ 514 && O(w, 1)) : (w = Yo(v), w.c(), O(w, 1), w.m(n, o)) : w && (Xt(), G(w, 1, 1, () => {
w = null;
- }), Nt());
- const j = {};
+ }), Ot()), /*showClearButton*/
+ v[11] && /*value*/
+ v[1] !== null && /*interactive*/
+ v[7] ? k ? (k.p(v, q), q[0] & /*showClearButton, value, interactive*/
+ 2178 && O(k, 1)) : (k = Wo(v), k.c(), O(k, 1), k.m(n, null)) : k && (Xt(), G(k, 1, 1, () => {
+ k = null;
+ }), Ot());
+ const I = {};
q[0] & /*value*/
- 2 && (j.hidden = /*value*/
- k[1] !== null), q[0] & /*active_source*/
- 1 && (j.filetype = /*active_source*/
- k[0] === "clipboard" ? "clipboard" : "image/*"), q[0] & /*root*/
- 64 && (j.root = /*root*/
- k[6]), q[0] & /*max_file_size*/
- 524288 && (j.max_file_size = /*max_file_size*/
- k[19]), q[0] & /*sources*/
- 16 && (j.disable_click = !/*sources*/
- k[4].includes("upload")), q[0] & /*cli_upload*/
- 1048576 && (j.upload = /*cli_upload*/
- k[20]), q[0] & /*stream_handler*/
- 2097152 && (j.stream_handler = /*stream_handler*/
- k[21]), q[0] & /*value*/
+ 2 && (I.hidden = /*value*/
+ v[1] !== null), q[0] & /*active_source*/
+ 1 && (I.filetype = /*active_source*/
+ v[0] === "clipboard" ? "clipboard" : "image/*"), q[0] & /*root*/
+ 64 && (I.root = /*root*/
+ v[6]), q[0] & /*max_file_size*/
+ 1048576 && (I.max_file_size = /*max_file_size*/
+ v[20]), q[0] & /*sources*/
+ 16 && (I.disable_click = !/*sources*/
+ v[4].includes("upload")), q[0] & /*cli_upload*/
+ 2097152 && (I.upload = /*cli_upload*/
+ v[21]), q[0] & /*stream_handler*/
+ 4194304 && (I.stream_handler = /*stream_handler*/
+ v[22]), q[0] & /*value*/
2 | q[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 1024 && (j.$$scope = { dirty: q, ctx: k }), !u && q[0] & /*uploading*/
- 4194304 && (u = !0, j.uploading = /*uploading*/
- k[22], nl(() => u = !1)), !c && q[0] & /*dragging*/
- 8388608 && (c = !0, j.dragging = /*dragging*/
- k[23], nl(() => c = !1)), f.$set(j), /*value*/
- k[1] !== null ? v ? (v.p(k, q), q[0] & /*value*/
- 2 && W(v, 1)) : (v = Wo(k), v.c(), W(v, 1), v.m(s, null)) : v && (Ot(), J(v, 1, 1, () => {
- v = null;
- }), Nt()), q[0] & /*sources, value, interactive*/
+ 2048 && (I.$$scope = { dirty: q, ctx: v }), !u && q[0] & /*uploading*/
+ 8388608 && (u = !0, I.uploading = /*uploading*/
+ v[23], ol(() => u = !1)), !c && q[0] & /*dragging*/
+ 16777216 && (c = !0, I.dragging = /*dragging*/
+ v[24], ol(() => c = !1)), f.$set(I), /*value*/
+ v[1] !== null ? y ? (y.p(v, q), q[0] & /*value*/
+ 2 && O(y, 1)) : (y = Po(v), y.c(), O(y, 1), y.m(s, null)) : y && (Xt(), G(y, 1, 1, () => {
+ y = null;
+ }), Ot()), q[0] & /*sources, value, interactive*/
146 && (h = /*sources*/
- (k[4].length > 1 || /*sources*/
- k[4].includes("clipboard")) && /*value*/
- k[1] === null && /*interactive*/
- k[7]), h ? z ? (z.p(k, q), q[0] & /*sources, value, interactive*/
- 146 && W(z, 1)) : (z = Vo(k), z.c(), W(z, 1), z.m(r, null)) : z && (Ot(), J(z, 1, 1, () => {
+ (v[4].length > 1 || /*sources*/
+ v[4].includes("clipboard")) && /*value*/
+ v[1] === null && /*interactive*/
+ v[7]), h ? z ? (z.p(v, q), q[0] & /*sources, value, interactive*/
+ 146 && O(z, 1)) : (z = Zo(v), z.c(), O(z, 1), z.m(r, null)) : z && (Xt(), G(z, 1, 1, () => {
z = null;
- }), Nt());
+ }), Ot());
- i(k) {
- m || (W(e.$$.fragment, k), W(b), W(g), W(w), W(f.$$.fragment, k), W(v), W(z), m = !0);
+ i(v) {
+ b || (O(e.$$.fragment, v), O(m), O(w), O(k), O(f.$$.fragment, v), O(y), O(z), b = !0);
- o(k) {
- J(e.$$.fragment, k), J(b), J(g), J(w), J(f.$$.fragment, k), J(v), J(z), m = !1;
+ o(v) {
+ G(e.$$.fragment, v), G(m), G(w), G(k), G(f.$$.fragment, v), G(y), G(z), b = !1;
- d(k) {
- k && (pt(t), pt(n), pt(a), pt(r)), at(e, k), b && b.d(), g && g.d(), w && w.d(), l[34](null), at(f), v && v.d(), z && z.d();
+ d(v) {
+ v && (yt(t), yt(n), yt(a), yt(r)), ft(e, v), m && m.d(), w && w.d(), k && k.d(), l[35](null), ft(f), y && y.d(), z && z.d();
function I0(l, e, t) {
let { $$slots: n = {}, $$scope: i } = e;
- var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, ee, ue, pe) {
- function A(B) {
- return B instanceof ue ? B : new ue(function(O) {
- O(B);
+ var o = this && this.__awaiter || function(C, Se, he, ze) {
+ function me(E) {
+ return E instanceof he ? E : new he(function(D) {
+ D(E);
- return new (ue || (ue = Promise))(function(B, O) {
- function V(Se) {
+ return new (he || (he = Promise))(function(E, D) {
+ function Y(J) {
try {
- ce(pe.next(Se));
- } catch (Jt) {
- O(Jt);
+ qe(ze.next(J));
+ } catch (Qe) {
+ D(Qe);
- function Ee(Se) {
+ function be(J) {
try {
- ce(pe.throw(Se));
- } catch (Jt) {
- O(Jt);
+ qe(ze.throw(J));
+ } catch (Qe) {
+ D(Qe);
- function ce(Se) {
- Se.done ? B(Se.value) : A(Se.value).then(V, Ee);
+ function qe(J) {
+ J.done ? E(J.value) : me(J.value).then(Y, be);
- ce((pe = pe.apply(y, ee || [])).next());
+ qe((ze = ze.apply(C, Se || [])).next());
- let { value: a } = e, { label: r = void 0 } = e, { show_label: s } = e, { sources: f = ["upload", "clipboard"] } = e, { selectable: u = !1 } = e, { root: c } = e, { interactive: d } = e, { i18n: _ } = e, { showShareButton: h } = e, { showDownloadButton: m } = e, { showClearButton: b } = e, { boxesAlpha: g } = e, { labelList: w } = e, { labelColors: p } = e, { boxMinSize: C } = e, { handleSize: E } = e, { boxThickness: v } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: z } = e, { max_file_size: k = null } = e, { cli_upload: q } = e, { stream_handler: F } = e, j, D = !1, { active_source: N = null } = e;
- function K({ detail: y }) {
- t(1, a = new v0()), t(1, a.image = y, a), X("upload");
+ let { value: a } = e, { label: r = void 0 } = e, { show_label: s } = e, { sources: f = ["upload", "clipboard"] } = e, { selectable: u = !1 } = e, { root: c } = e, { interactive: _ } = e, { i18n: d } = e, { showShareButton: h } = e, { showDownloadButton: b } = e, { showClearButton: m } = e, { boxesAlpha: w } = e, { labelList: k } = e, { labelColors: g } = e, { boxMinSize: S } = e, { handleSize: M } = e, { boxThickness: y } = e, { disableEditBoxes: z } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: v } = e, { max_file_size: q = null } = e, { cli_upload: R } = e, { stream_handler: I } = e, B, W = !1, { active_source: H = null } = e;
+ function le({ detail: C }) {
+ t(1, a = new v0()), t(1, a.image = C, a), ee("upload");
- function $() {
- re(), X("clear"), X("change");
+ function X() {
+ L(), ee("clear"), ee("change");
- const X = D0();
- let se = !1;
- function we(y) {
+ const ee = L0();
+ let ae = !1;
+ function ye(C) {
return o(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- switch (y) {
+ switch (C) {
case "clipboard":
- j.paste_clipboard();
+ B.paste_clipboard();
- function re() {
+ function L() {
t(1, a = null);
- const T = async (y) => y === null ? "" : ``;
- function ae(y) {
- Vl.call(this, l, y);
+ const de = async (C) => C === null ? "" : ``;
+ function Ae(C) {
+ Pl.call(this, l, C);
- function fe(y) {
- Vl.call(this, l, y);
+ function Le(C) {
+ Pl.call(this, l, C);
- function Ye(y) {
- wn[y ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- j = y, t(24, j);
+ function Ce(C) {
+ pn[C ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ B = C, t(25, B);
- function We(y) {
- D = y, t(22, D);
+ function A(C) {
+ W = C, t(23, W);
- function L(y) {
- se = y, t(23, se);
+ function Ve(C) {
+ ae = C, t(24, ae);
- function M(y) {
- Vl.call(this, l, y);
+ function p(C) {
+ Pl.call(this, l, C);
- function S(y) {
- a = y, t(1, a);
+ function F(C) {
+ a = C, t(1, a);
- const H = () => X("change");
- function G(y) {
- N = y, t(0, N), t(4, f);
+ const Z = () => ee("change");
+ function K(C) {
+ H = C, t(0, H), t(4, f);
- return l.$$set = (y) => {
- "value" in y && t(1, a = y.value), "label" in y && t(2, r = y.label), "show_label" in y && t(3, s = y.show_label), "sources" in y && t(4, f = y.sources), "selectable" in y && t(5, u = y.selectable), "root" in y && t(6, c = y.root), "interactive" in y && t(7, d = y.interactive), "i18n" in y && t(8, _ = y.i18n), "showShareButton" in y && t(9, h = y.showShareButton), "showDownloadButton" in y && t(10, m = y.showDownloadButton), "showClearButton" in y && t(11, b = y.showClearButton), "boxesAlpha" in y && t(12, g = y.boxesAlpha), "labelList" in y && t(13, w = y.labelList), "labelColors" in y && t(14, p = y.labelColors), "boxMinSize" in y && t(15, C = y.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in y && t(16, E = y.handleSize), "boxThickness" in y && t(17, v = y.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in y && t(18, z = y.boxSelectedThickness), "max_file_size" in y && t(19, k = y.max_file_size), "cli_upload" in y && t(20, q = y.cli_upload), "stream_handler" in y && t(21, F = y.stream_handler), "active_source" in y && t(0, N = y.active_source), "$$scope" in y && t(41, i = y.$$scope);
+ return l.$$set = (C) => {
+ "value" in C && t(1, a = C.value), "label" in C && t(2, r = C.label), "show_label" in C && t(3, s = C.show_label), "sources" in C && t(4, f = C.sources), "selectable" in C && t(5, u = C.selectable), "root" in C && t(6, c = C.root), "interactive" in C && t(7, _ = C.interactive), "i18n" in C && t(8, d = C.i18n), "showShareButton" in C && t(9, h = C.showShareButton), "showDownloadButton" in C && t(10, b = C.showDownloadButton), "showClearButton" in C && t(11, m = C.showClearButton), "boxesAlpha" in C && t(12, w = C.boxesAlpha), "labelList" in C && t(13, k = C.labelList), "labelColors" in C && t(14, g = C.labelColors), "boxMinSize" in C && t(15, S = C.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in C && t(16, M = C.handleSize), "boxThickness" in C && t(17, y = C.boxThickness), "disableEditBoxes" in C && t(18, z = C.disableEditBoxes), "boxSelectedThickness" in C && t(19, v = C.boxSelectedThickness), "max_file_size" in C && t(20, q = C.max_file_size), "cli_upload" in C && t(21, R = C.cli_upload), "stream_handler" in C && t(22, I = C.stream_handler), "active_source" in C && t(0, H = C.active_source), "$$scope" in C && t(42, i = C.$$scope);
}, l.$$.update = () => {
l.$$.dirty[0] & /*uploading*/
- 4194304 && D && re(), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*dragging*/
- 8388608 && X("drag", se), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*active_source, sources*/
- 17 && !N && f && t(0, N = f[0]);
+ 8388608 && W && L(), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*dragging*/
+ 16777216 && ee("drag", ae), l.$$.dirty[0] & /*active_source, sources*/
+ 17 && !H && f && t(0, H = f[0]);
}, [
- N,
+ H,
- d,
+ d,
- m,
- g,
+ m,
- p,
- C,
- E,
- v,
- z,
+ g,
+ S,
+ M,
+ y,
+ z,
+ v,
- F,
- D,
- se,
- j,
- K,
- $,
- X,
- we,
- re,
- n,
- T,
+ R,
+ I,
+ W,
- fe,
- Ye,
- We,
+ B,
+ le,
+ X,
+ ee,
+ ye,
- M,
- S,
- H,
- G,
+ n,
+ de,
+ Ae,
+ Le,
+ Ce,
+ A,
+ Ve,
+ p,
+ F,
+ Z,
+ K,
class R0 extends y0 {
constructor(e) {
- super(), M0(
+ super(), E0(
- A0,
+ B0,
value: 1,
label: 2,
@@ -8104,10 +8150,11 @@ class R0 extends y0 {
boxMinSize: 15,
handleSize: 16,
boxThickness: 17,
- boxSelectedThickness: 18,
- max_file_size: 19,
- cli_upload: 20,
- stream_handler: 21,
+ disableEditBoxes: 18,
+ boxSelectedThickness: 19,
+ max_file_size: 20,
+ cli_upload: 21,
+ stream_handler: 22,
active_source: 0
@@ -8128,13 +8175,13 @@ const {
insert: P0,
mount_component: Z0,
safe_not_equal: K0,
- toggle_class: et,
- transition_in: Vn,
- transition_out: fi
+ toggle_class: nt,
+ transition_in: Kn,
+ transition_out: ui
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Po(l) {
+function Ko(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new Qs({
+ return e = new $s({
props: {
src: (
@@ -8158,10 +8205,10 @@ function Po(l) {
n[0].path), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (Vn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Kn(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- fi(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ ui(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
O0(e, n);
@@ -8171,26 +8218,26 @@ function Po(l) {
function G0(l) {
let e, t, n = (
- l[0] && Po(l)
+ l[0] && Ko(l)
return {
c() {
- e = Y0("div"), n && n.c(), H0(e, "class", "container svelte-1sgcyba"), et(
+ e = Y0("div"), n && n.c(), H0(e, "class", "container svelte-1sgcyba"), nt(
l[2] === "table"
- ), et(
+ ), nt(
l[2] === "gallery"
- ), et(
+ ), nt(
- ), et(
+ ), nt(
@@ -8203,28 +8250,28 @@ function G0(l) {
p(i, [o]) {
i[0] ? n ? (n.p(i, o), o & /*value*/
- 1 && Vn(n, 1)) : (n = Po(i), n.c(), Vn(n, 1), n.m(e, null)) : n && (W0(), fi(n, 1, 1, () => {
+ 1 && Kn(n, 1)) : (n = Ko(i), n.c(), Kn(n, 1), n.m(e, null)) : n && (W0(), ui(n, 1, 1, () => {
n = null;
}), U0()), (!t || o & /*type*/
- 4) && et(
+ 4) && nt(
i[2] === "table"
), (!t || o & /*type*/
- 4) && et(
+ 4) && nt(
i[2] === "gallery"
), (!t || o & /*selected*/
- 8) && et(
+ 8) && nt(
), (!t || o & /*value*/
- 1) && et(
+ 1) && nt(
@@ -8232,10 +8279,10 @@ function G0(l) {
i(i) {
- t || (Vn(n), t = !0);
+ t || (Kn(n), t = !0);
o(i) {
- fi(n), t = !1;
+ ui(n), t = !1;
d(i) {
i && X0(e), n && n.d();
@@ -8260,26 +8307,26 @@ class p1 extends F0 {
const {
SvelteComponent: Q0,
- add_flush_callback: Zo,
+ add_flush_callback: Go,
assign: x0,
- bind: Ko,
- binding_callbacks: Go,
+ bind: Jo,
+ binding_callbacks: Qo,
check_outros: $0,
- create_component: St,
- destroy_component: zt,
- detach: xs,
+ create_component: Mt,
+ destroy_component: Bt,
+ detach: ea,
empty: e1,
- flush: Y,
+ flush: N,
get_spread_object: t1,
get_spread_update: n1,
group_outros: l1,
init: i1,
- insert: $s,
- mount_component: qt,
+ insert: ta,
+ mount_component: At,
safe_not_equal: o1,
space: s1,
- transition_in: Ke,
- transition_out: Ge
+ transition_in: Ge,
+ transition_out: Je
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function a1(l) {
let e, t;
@@ -8292,113 +8339,113 @@ function a1(l) {
}), {
c() {
- St(e.$$.fragment);
+ Mt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- qt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ At(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
i[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 256 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: i, ctx: n }), e.$set(o);
+ 512 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: i, ctx: n }), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (Ke(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Je(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- zt(e, n);
+ Bt(e, n);
function r1(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new as({
+ return e = new fs({
props: {
i18n: (
- l[26].i18n
+ l[27].i18n
type: "clipboard",
mode: "short"
}), {
c() {
- St(e.$$.fragment);
+ Mt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- qt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ At(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
i[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && (o.i18n = /*gradio*/
- n[26].i18n), e.$set(o);
+ 134217728 && (o.i18n = /*gradio*/
+ n[27].i18n), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (Ke(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Je(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- zt(e, n);
+ Bt(e, n);
function f1(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new as({
+ return e = new fs({
props: {
i18n: (
- l[26].i18n
+ l[27].i18n
type: "image"
}), {
c() {
- St(e.$$.fragment);
+ Mt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- qt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ At(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
i[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && (o.i18n = /*gradio*/
- n[26].i18n), e.$set(o);
+ 134217728 && (o.i18n = /*gradio*/
+ n[27].i18n), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (Ke(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Je(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- zt(e, n);
+ Bt(e, n);
function u1(l) {
let e, t;
- return e = new ts({}), {
+ return e = new ls({}), {
c() {
- St(e.$$.fragment);
+ Mt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- qt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ At(e, n, i), t = !0;
i(n) {
- t || (Ke(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Je(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- zt(e, n);
+ Bt(e, n);
@@ -8408,9 +8455,9 @@ function c1(l) {
function r(s, f) {
return (
- s[28] === "upload" ? 0 : (
+ s[29] === "upload" ? 0 : (
- s[28] === "clipboard" ? 1 : 2
+ s[29] === "clipboard" ? 1 : 2
@@ -8419,22 +8466,22 @@ function c1(l) {
t.c(), n = e1();
m(s, f) {
- a[e].m(s, f), $s(s, n, f), i = !0;
+ a[e].m(s, f), ta(s, n, f), i = !0;
p(s, f) {
let u = e;
- e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (l1(), Ge(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
+ e = r(s), e === u ? a[e].p(s, f) : (l1(), Je(a[u], 1, 1, () => {
a[u] = null;
- }), $0(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), Ke(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
+ }), $0(), t = a[e], t ? t.p(s, f) : (t = a[e] = o[e](s), t.c()), Ge(t, 1), t.m(n.parentNode, n));
i(s) {
- i || (Ke(t), i = !0);
+ i || (Ge(t), i = !0);
o(s) {
- Ge(t), i = !1;
+ Je(t), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && xs(n), a[e].d(s);
+ s && ea(n), a[e].d(s);
@@ -8444,25 +8491,25 @@ function _1(l) {
autoscroll: (
- l[26].autoscroll
+ l[27].autoscroll
{ i18n: (
- l[26].i18n
+ l[27].i18n
) },
let s = {};
- for (let d = 0; d < r.length; d += 1)
- s = x0(s, r[d]);
+ for (let _ = 0; _ < r.length; _ += 1)
+ s = x0(s, r[_]);
e = new Sc({ props: s });
- function f(d) {
- l[29](d);
+ function f(_) {
+ l[30](_);
- function u(d) {
- l[30](d);
+ function u(_) {
+ l[31](_);
let c = {
selectable: (
@@ -8495,7 +8542,7 @@ function _1(l) {
i18n: (
- l[26].i18n
+ l[27].i18n
boxesAlpha: (
@@ -8523,15 +8570,15 @@ function _1(l) {
max_file_size: (
- l[26].max_file_size
+ l[27].max_file_size
cli_upload: (
- l[26].client.upload
+ l[27].client.upload
stream_handler: (
- l[26].client.stream
+ l[27].client.stream
handleSize: (
@@ -8545,132 +8592,138 @@ function _1(l) {
+ disableEditBoxes: (
+ /*disable_edit_boxes*/
+ l[26]
+ ),
$$slots: { default: [c1] },
$$scope: { ctx: l }
return (
- l[28] !== void 0 && (c.active_source = /*active_source*/
- l[28]), /*value*/
+ l[29] !== void 0 && (c.active_source = /*active_source*/
+ l[29]), /*value*/
l[0] !== void 0 && (c.value = /*value*/
- l[0]), n = new R0({ props: c }), Go.push(() => Ko(n, "active_source", f)), Go.push(() => Ko(n, "value", u)), n.$on(
+ l[0]), n = new R0({ props: c }), Qo.push(() => Jo(n, "active_source", f)), Qo.push(() => Jo(n, "value", u)), n.$on(
- l[31]
+ l[32]
), n.$on(
- l[32]
+ l[33]
), n.$on(
- l[33]
+ l[34]
), n.$on(
- l[34]
+ l[35]
), n.$on(
- l[35]
+ l[36]
), n.$on(
- l[36]
+ l[37]
), n.$on(
- l[37]
+ l[38]
), n.$on(
- l[38]
+ l[39]
), {
c() {
- St(e.$$.fragment), t = s1(), St(n.$$.fragment);
+ Mt(e.$$.fragment), t = s1(), Mt(n.$$.fragment);
- m(d, _) {
- qt(e, d, _), $s(d, t, _), qt(n, d, _), a = !0;
+ m(_, d) {
+ At(e, _, d), ta(_, t, d), At(n, _, d), a = !0;
- p(d, _) {
- const h = _[0] & /*gradio, loading_status*/
- 67108866 ? n1(r, [
- _[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && {
+ p(_, d) {
+ const h = d[0] & /*gradio, loading_status*/
+ 134217730 ? n1(r, [
+ d[0] & /*gradio*/
+ 134217728 && {
autoscroll: (
- d[26].autoscroll
+ _[27].autoscroll
- _[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && { i18n: (
+ d[0] & /*gradio*/
+ 134217728 && { i18n: (
- d[26].i18n
+ _[27].i18n
) },
- _[0] & /*loading_status*/
+ d[0] & /*loading_status*/
2 && t1(
- d[1]
+ _[1]
]) : {};
- const m = {};
- _[0] & /*_selectable*/
- 1024 && (m.selectable = /*_selectable*/
- d[10]), _[0] & /*root*/
- 128 && (m.root = /*root*/
- d[7]), _[0] & /*sources*/
- 16384 && (m.sources = /*sources*/
- d[14]), _[0] & /*interactive*/
- 262144 && (m.interactive = /*interactive*/
- d[18]), _[0] & /*show_download_button*/
- 32768 && (m.showDownloadButton = /*show_download_button*/
- d[15]), _[0] & /*show_share_button*/
- 65536 && (m.showShareButton = /*show_share_button*/
- d[16]), _[0] & /*show_clear_button*/
- 131072 && (m.showClearButton = /*show_clear_button*/
- d[17]), _[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && (m.i18n = /*gradio*/
- d[26].i18n), _[0] & /*boxes_alpha*/
- 524288 && (m.boxesAlpha = /*boxes_alpha*/
- d[19]), _[0] & /*label_list*/
- 1048576 && (m.labelList = /*label_list*/
- d[20]), _[0] & /*label_colors*/
- 2097152 && (m.labelColors = /*label_colors*/
- d[21]), _[0] & /*box_min_size*/
- 4194304 && (m.boxMinSize = /*box_min_size*/
- d[22]), _[0] & /*label*/
- 32 && (m.label = /*label*/
- d[5]), _[0] & /*show_label*/
- 64 && (m.show_label = /*show_label*/
- d[6]), _[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && (m.max_file_size = /*gradio*/
- d[26].max_file_size), _[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && (m.cli_upload = /*gradio*/
- d[26].client.upload), _[0] & /*gradio*/
- 67108864 && (m.stream_handler = /*gradio*/
- d[26].client.stream), _[0] & /*handle_size*/
- 8388608 && (m.handleSize = /*handle_size*/
- d[23]), _[0] & /*box_thickness*/
- 16777216 && (m.boxThickness = /*box_thickness*/
- d[24]), _[0] & /*box_selected_thickness*/
- 33554432 && (m.boxSelectedThickness = /*box_selected_thickness*/
- d[25]), _[0] & /*gradio, active_source*/
- 335544320 | _[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 256 && (m.$$scope = { dirty: _, ctx: d }), !i && _[0] & /*active_source*/
- 268435456 && (i = !0, m.active_source = /*active_source*/
- d[28], Zo(() => i = !1)), !o && _[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && (o = !0, m.value = /*value*/
- d[0], Zo(() => o = !1)), n.$set(m);
+ const b = {};
+ d[0] & /*_selectable*/
+ 1024 && (b.selectable = /*_selectable*/
+ _[10]), d[0] & /*root*/
+ 128 && (b.root = /*root*/
+ _[7]), d[0] & /*sources*/
+ 16384 && (b.sources = /*sources*/
+ _[14]), d[0] & /*interactive*/
+ 262144 && (b.interactive = /*interactive*/
+ _[18]), d[0] & /*show_download_button*/
+ 32768 && (b.showDownloadButton = /*show_download_button*/
+ _[15]), d[0] & /*show_share_button*/
+ 65536 && (b.showShareButton = /*show_share_button*/
+ _[16]), d[0] & /*show_clear_button*/
+ 131072 && (b.showClearButton = /*show_clear_button*/
+ _[17]), d[0] & /*gradio*/
+ 134217728 && (b.i18n = /*gradio*/
+ _[27].i18n), d[0] & /*boxes_alpha*/
+ 524288 && (b.boxesAlpha = /*boxes_alpha*/
+ _[19]), d[0] & /*label_list*/
+ 1048576 && (b.labelList = /*label_list*/
+ _[20]), d[0] & /*label_colors*/
+ 2097152 && (b.labelColors = /*label_colors*/
+ _[21]), d[0] & /*box_min_size*/
+ 4194304 && (b.boxMinSize = /*box_min_size*/
+ _[22]), d[0] & /*label*/
+ 32 && (b.label = /*label*/
+ _[5]), d[0] & /*show_label*/
+ 64 && (b.show_label = /*show_label*/
+ _[6]), d[0] & /*gradio*/
+ 134217728 && (b.max_file_size = /*gradio*/
+ _[27].max_file_size), d[0] & /*gradio*/
+ 134217728 && (b.cli_upload = /*gradio*/
+ _[27].client.upload), d[0] & /*gradio*/
+ 134217728 && (b.stream_handler = /*gradio*/
+ _[27].client.stream), d[0] & /*handle_size*/
+ 8388608 && (b.handleSize = /*handle_size*/
+ _[23]), d[0] & /*box_thickness*/
+ 16777216 && (b.boxThickness = /*box_thickness*/
+ _[24]), d[0] & /*box_selected_thickness*/
+ 33554432 && (b.boxSelectedThickness = /*box_selected_thickness*/
+ _[25]), d[0] & /*disable_edit_boxes*/
+ 67108864 && (b.disableEditBoxes = /*disable_edit_boxes*/
+ _[26]), d[0] & /*gradio, active_source*/
+ 671088640 | d[1] & /*$$scope*/
+ 512 && (b.$$scope = { dirty: d, ctx: _ }), !i && d[0] & /*active_source*/
+ 536870912 && (i = !0, b.active_source = /*active_source*/
+ _[29], Go(() => i = !1)), !o && d[0] & /*value*/
+ 1 && (o = !0, b.value = /*value*/
+ _[0], Go(() => o = !1)), n.$set(b);
- i(d) {
- a || (Ke(e.$$.fragment, d), Ke(n.$$.fragment, d), a = !0);
+ i(_) {
+ a || (Ge(e.$$.fragment, _), Ge(n.$$.fragment, _), a = !0);
- o(d) {
- Ge(e.$$.fragment, d), Ge(n.$$.fragment, d), a = !1;
+ o(_) {
+ Je(e.$$.fragment, _), Je(n.$$.fragment, _), a = !1;
- d(d) {
- d && xs(t), zt(e, d), zt(n, d);
+ d(_) {
+ _ && ea(t), Bt(e, _), Bt(n, _);
@@ -8686,7 +8739,7 @@ function d1(l) {
variant: "solid",
border_mode: (
- l[27] ? "focus" : "base"
+ l[28] ? "focus" : "base"
padding: !1,
elem_id: (
@@ -8723,18 +8776,18 @@ function d1(l) {
}), {
c() {
- St(e.$$.fragment);
+ Mt(e.$$.fragment);
m(n, i) {
- qt(e, n, i), t = !0;
+ At(e, n, i), t = !0;
p(n, i) {
const o = {};
i[0] & /*visible*/
16 && (o.visible = /*visible*/
n[4]), i[0] & /*dragging*/
- 134217728 && (o.border_mode = /*dragging*/
- n[27] ? "focus" : "base"), i[0] & /*elem_id*/
+ 268435456 && (o.border_mode = /*dragging*/
+ n[28] ? "focus" : "base"), i[0] & /*elem_id*/
4 && (o.elem_id = /*elem_id*/
n[2]), i[0] & /*elem_classes*/
8 && (o.elem_classes = /*elem_classes*/
@@ -8748,39 +8801,39 @@ function d1(l) {
4096 && (o.scale = /*scale*/
n[12]), i[0] & /*min_width*/
8192 && (o.min_width = /*min_width*/
- n[13]), i[0] & /*_selectable, root, sources, interactive, show_download_button, show_share_button, show_clear_button, gradio, boxes_alpha, label_list, label_colors, box_min_size, label, show_label, handle_size, box_thickness, box_selected_thickness, active_source, value, dragging, loading_status*/
- 536855779 | i[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 256 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: i, ctx: n }), e.$set(o);
+ n[13]), i[0] & /*_selectable, root, sources, interactive, show_download_button, show_share_button, show_clear_button, gradio, boxes_alpha, label_list, label_colors, box_min_size, label, show_label, handle_size, box_thickness, box_selected_thickness, disable_edit_boxes, active_source, value, dragging, loading_status*/
+ 1073726691 | i[1] & /*$$scope*/
+ 512 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: i, ctx: n }), e.$set(o);
i(n) {
- t || (Ke(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
+ t || (Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !0);
o(n) {
- Ge(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
+ Je(e.$$.fragment, n), t = !1;
d(n) {
- zt(e, n);
+ Bt(e, n);
function h1(l, e, t) {
- let { elem_id: n = "" } = e, { elem_classes: i = [] } = e, { visible: o = !0 } = e, { value: a = null } = e, { label: r } = e, { show_label: s } = e, { root: f } = e, { height: u } = e, { width: c } = e, { _selectable: d = !1 } = e, { container: _ = !0 } = e, { scale: h = null } = e, { min_width: m = void 0 } = e, { loading_status: b } = e, { sources: g = ["upload", "clipboard"] } = e, { show_download_button: w } = e, { show_share_button: p } = e, { show_clear_button: C } = e, { interactive: E } = e, { boxes_alpha: v } = e, { label_list: z } = e, { label_colors: k } = e, { box_min_size: q } = e, { handle_size: F } = e, { box_thickness: j } = e, { box_selected_thickness: D } = e, { gradio: N } = e, K, $ = null;
- function X(M) {
- $ = M, t(28, $);
+ let { elem_id: n = "" } = e, { elem_classes: i = [] } = e, { visible: o = !0 } = e, { value: a = null } = e, { label: r } = e, { show_label: s } = e, { root: f } = e, { height: u } = e, { width: c } = e, { _selectable: _ = !1 } = e, { container: d = !0 } = e, { scale: h = null } = e, { min_width: b = void 0 } = e, { loading_status: m } = e, { sources: w = ["upload", "clipboard"] } = e, { show_download_button: k } = e, { show_share_button: g } = e, { show_clear_button: S } = e, { interactive: M } = e, { boxes_alpha: y } = e, { label_list: z } = e, { label_colors: v } = e, { box_min_size: q } = e, { handle_size: R } = e, { box_thickness: I } = e, { box_selected_thickness: B } = e, { disable_edit_boxes: W } = e, { gradio: H } = e, le, X = null;
+ function ee(p) {
+ X = p, t(29, X);
- function se(M) {
- a = M, t(0, a);
+ function ae(p) {
+ a = p, t(0, a);
- const we = () => N.dispatch("change"), re = () => N.dispatch("edit"), T = () => {
- N.dispatch("clear");
- }, ae = ({ detail: M }) => t(27, K = M), fe = () => N.dispatch("upload"), Ye = ({ detail: M }) => N.dispatch("select", M), We = ({ detail: M }) => N.dispatch("share", M), L = ({ detail: M }) => {
- t(1, b = b || {}), t(1, b.status = "error", b), N.dispatch("error", M);
+ const ye = () => H.dispatch("change"), L = () => H.dispatch("edit"), de = () => {
+ H.dispatch("clear");
+ }, Ae = ({ detail: p }) => t(28, le = p), Le = () => H.dispatch("upload"), Ce = ({ detail: p }) => H.dispatch("select", p), A = ({ detail: p }) => H.dispatch("share", p), Ve = ({ detail: p }) => {
+ t(1, m = m || {}), t(1, m.status = "error", m), H.dispatch("error", p);
- return l.$$set = (M) => {
- "elem_id" in M && t(2, n = M.elem_id), "elem_classes" in M && t(3, i = M.elem_classes), "visible" in M && t(4, o = M.visible), "value" in M && t(0, a = M.value), "label" in M && t(5, r = M.label), "show_label" in M && t(6, s = M.show_label), "root" in M && t(7, f = M.root), "height" in M && t(8, u = M.height), "width" in M && t(9, c = M.width), "_selectable" in M && t(10, d = M._selectable), "container" in M && t(11, _ = M.container), "scale" in M && t(12, h = M.scale), "min_width" in M && t(13, m = M.min_width), "loading_status" in M && t(1, b = M.loading_status), "sources" in M && t(14, g = M.sources), "show_download_button" in M && t(15, w = M.show_download_button), "show_share_button" in M && t(16, p = M.show_share_button), "show_clear_button" in M && t(17, C = M.show_clear_button), "interactive" in M && t(18, E = M.interactive), "boxes_alpha" in M && t(19, v = M.boxes_alpha), "label_list" in M && t(20, z = M.label_list), "label_colors" in M && t(21, k = M.label_colors), "box_min_size" in M && t(22, q = M.box_min_size), "handle_size" in M && t(23, F = M.handle_size), "box_thickness" in M && t(24, j = M.box_thickness), "box_selected_thickness" in M && t(25, D = M.box_selected_thickness), "gradio" in M && t(26, N = M.gradio);
+ return l.$$set = (p) => {
+ "elem_id" in p && t(2, n = p.elem_id), "elem_classes" in p && t(3, i = p.elem_classes), "visible" in p && t(4, o = p.visible), "value" in p && t(0, a = p.value), "label" in p && t(5, r = p.label), "show_label" in p && t(6, s = p.show_label), "root" in p && t(7, f = p.root), "height" in p && t(8, u = p.height), "width" in p && t(9, c = p.width), "_selectable" in p && t(10, _ = p._selectable), "container" in p && t(11, d = p.container), "scale" in p && t(12, h = p.scale), "min_width" in p && t(13, b = p.min_width), "loading_status" in p && t(1, m = p.loading_status), "sources" in p && t(14, w = p.sources), "show_download_button" in p && t(15, k = p.show_download_button), "show_share_button" in p && t(16, g = p.show_share_button), "show_clear_button" in p && t(17, S = p.show_clear_button), "interactive" in p && t(18, M = p.interactive), "boxes_alpha" in p && t(19, y = p.boxes_alpha), "label_list" in p && t(20, z = p.label_list), "label_colors" in p && t(21, v = p.label_colors), "box_min_size" in p && t(22, q = p.box_min_size), "handle_size" in p && t(23, R = p.handle_size), "box_thickness" in p && t(24, I = p.box_thickness), "box_selected_thickness" in p && t(25, B = p.box_selected_thickness), "disable_edit_boxes" in p && t(26, W = p.disable_edit_boxes), "gradio" in p && t(27, H = p.gradio);
}, [
- b,
+ m,
@@ -8789,35 +8842,36 @@ function h1(l, e, t) {
- d,
+ d,
- m,
- g,
+ b,
- p,
- C,
- E,
- v,
- z,
+ g,
+ S,
+ M,
+ y,
+ z,
+ v,
- F,
- j,
- D,
- N,
- K,
- $,
+ R,
+ I,
+ B,
+ W,
+ H,
+ le,
- se,
- we,
- re,
- T,
+ ee,
- fe,
- Ye,
- We,
- L
+ ye,
+ L,
+ de,
+ Ae,
+ Le,
+ Ce,
+ A,
+ Ve
class k1 extends Q0 {
@@ -8855,7 +8909,8 @@ class k1 extends Q0 {
handle_size: 23,
box_thickness: 24,
box_selected_thickness: 25,
- gradio: 26
+ disable_edit_boxes: 26,
+ gradio: 27
[-1, -1]
@@ -8865,163 +8920,169 @@ class k1 extends Q0 {
return this.$$.ctx[2];
set elem_id(e) {
- this.$$set({ elem_id: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ elem_id: e }), N();
get elem_classes() {
return this.$$.ctx[3];
set elem_classes(e) {
- this.$$set({ elem_classes: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ elem_classes: e }), N();
get visible() {
return this.$$.ctx[4];
set visible(e) {
- this.$$set({ visible: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ visible: e }), N();
get value() {
return this.$$.ctx[0];
set value(e) {
- this.$$set({ value: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ value: e }), N();
get label() {
return this.$$.ctx[5];
set label(e) {
- this.$$set({ label: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ label: e }), N();
get show_label() {
return this.$$.ctx[6];
set show_label(e) {
- this.$$set({ show_label: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ show_label: e }), N();
get root() {
return this.$$.ctx[7];
set root(e) {
- this.$$set({ root: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ root: e }), N();
get height() {
return this.$$.ctx[8];
set height(e) {
- this.$$set({ height: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ height: e }), N();
get width() {
return this.$$.ctx[9];
set width(e) {
- this.$$set({ width: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ width: e }), N();
get _selectable() {
return this.$$.ctx[10];
set _selectable(e) {
- this.$$set({ _selectable: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ _selectable: e }), N();
get container() {
return this.$$.ctx[11];
set container(e) {
- this.$$set({ container: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ container: e }), N();
get scale() {
return this.$$.ctx[12];
set scale(e) {
- this.$$set({ scale: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ scale: e }), N();
get min_width() {
return this.$$.ctx[13];
set min_width(e) {
- this.$$set({ min_width: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ min_width: e }), N();
get loading_status() {
return this.$$.ctx[1];
set loading_status(e) {
- this.$$set({ loading_status: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ loading_status: e }), N();
get sources() {
return this.$$.ctx[14];
set sources(e) {
- this.$$set({ sources: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ sources: e }), N();
get show_download_button() {
return this.$$.ctx[15];
set show_download_button(e) {
- this.$$set({ show_download_button: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ show_download_button: e }), N();
get show_share_button() {
return this.$$.ctx[16];
set show_share_button(e) {
- this.$$set({ show_share_button: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ show_share_button: e }), N();
get show_clear_button() {
return this.$$.ctx[17];
set show_clear_button(e) {
- this.$$set({ show_clear_button: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ show_clear_button: e }), N();
get interactive() {
return this.$$.ctx[18];
set interactive(e) {
- this.$$set({ interactive: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ interactive: e }), N();
get boxes_alpha() {
return this.$$.ctx[19];
set boxes_alpha(e) {
- this.$$set({ boxes_alpha: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ boxes_alpha: e }), N();
get label_list() {
return this.$$.ctx[20];
set label_list(e) {
- this.$$set({ label_list: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ label_list: e }), N();
get label_colors() {
return this.$$.ctx[21];
set label_colors(e) {
- this.$$set({ label_colors: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ label_colors: e }), N();
get box_min_size() {
return this.$$.ctx[22];
set box_min_size(e) {
- this.$$set({ box_min_size: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ box_min_size: e }), N();
get handle_size() {
return this.$$.ctx[23];
set handle_size(e) {
- this.$$set({ handle_size: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ handle_size: e }), N();
get box_thickness() {
return this.$$.ctx[24];
set box_thickness(e) {
- this.$$set({ box_thickness: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ box_thickness: e }), N();
get box_selected_thickness() {
return this.$$.ctx[25];
set box_selected_thickness(e) {
- this.$$set({ box_selected_thickness: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ box_selected_thickness: e }), N();
- get gradio() {
+ get disable_edit_boxes() {
return this.$$.ctx[26];
+ set disable_edit_boxes(e) {
+ this.$$set({ disable_edit_boxes: e }), N();
+ }
+ get gradio() {
+ return this.$$.ctx[27];
+ }
set gradio(e) {
- this.$$set({ gradio: e }), Y();
+ this.$$set({ gradio: e }), N();
export {
diff --git a/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/example/index.js b/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/example/index.js
index 9ef7dfc..f114e6e 100644
--- a/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/example/index.js
+++ b/backend/gradio_image_annotation/templates/example/index.js
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-const { setContext: io, getContext: At } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, Dt = "WORKER_PROXY_CONTEXT_KEY";
-function Ht() {
- return At(Dt);
+const { setContext: io, getContext: At } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, Bt = "WORKER_PROXY_CONTEXT_KEY";
+function Dt() {
+ return At(Bt);
-function Tt(t) {
+function Ht(t) {
return t.host === window.location.host || t.host === "localhost:7860" || t.host === "" || // Ref: https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/blob/v3.32.0/js/app/src/Index.svelte#L194
t.host === "lite.local";
-function qt(t, e) {
+function Tt(t, e) {
const n = e.toLowerCase();
for (const [i, l] of Object.entries(t))
if (i.toLowerCase() === n)
return l;
-function Lt(t) {
+function qt(t) {
if (t == null)
return !1;
const e = new URL(t, window.location.href);
- return !(!Tt(e) || e.protocol !== "http:" && e.protocol !== "https:");
+ return !(!Ht(e) || e.protocol !== "http:" && e.protocol !== "https:");
-async function Rt(t) {
- if (t == null || !Lt(t))
+async function Lt(t) {
+ if (t == null || !qt(t))
return t;
- const e = Ht();
+ const e = Dt();
if (e == null)
return t;
const i = new URL(t, window.location.href).pathname;
@@ -33,69 +33,69 @@ async function Rt(t) {
}).then((l) => {
if (l.status !== 200)
throw new Error(`Failed to get file ${i} from the Wasm worker.`);
- const o = new Blob([l.body], {
- type: qt(l.headers, "content-type")
+ const a = new Blob([l.body], {
+ type: Tt(l.headers, "content-type")
- return URL.createObjectURL(o);
+ return URL.createObjectURL(a);
const {
- SvelteComponent: Xt,
- append: $e,
- attr: j,
- detach: Yt,
- init: Bt,
+ SvelteComponent: Rt,
+ append: tn,
+ attr: U,
+ detach: Xt,
+ init: Yt,
insert: Ot,
- noop: en,
+ noop: ln,
safe_not_equal: It,
- set_style: F,
- svg_element: qe
+ set_style: P,
+ svg_element: He
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function jt(t) {
let e, n, i, l;
return {
c() {
- e = qe("svg"), n = qe("g"), i = qe("path"), l = qe("path"), j(i, "d", "M18,6L6.087,17.913"), F(i, "fill", "none"), F(i, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), F(i, "stroke-width", "2px"), j(n, "transform", "matrix(1.14096,-0.140958,-0.140958,1.14096,-0.0559523,0.0559523)"), j(l, "d", "M4.364,4.364L19.636,19.636"), F(l, "fill", "none"), F(l, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), F(l, "stroke-width", "2px"), j(e, "width", "100%"), j(e, "height", "100%"), j(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), j(e, "version", "1.1"), j(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), j(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), j(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), j(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), F(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), F(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), F(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), F(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
+ e = He("svg"), n = He("g"), i = He("path"), l = He("path"), U(i, "d", "M18,6L6.087,17.913"), P(i, "fill", "none"), P(i, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), P(i, "stroke-width", "2px"), U(n, "transform", "matrix(1.14096,-0.140958,-0.140958,1.14096,-0.0559523,0.0559523)"), U(l, "d", "M4.364,4.364L19.636,19.636"), P(l, "fill", "none"), P(l, "fill-rule", "nonzero"), P(l, "stroke-width", "2px"), U(e, "width", "100%"), U(e, "height", "100%"), U(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), U(e, "version", "1.1"), U(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), U(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), U(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), U(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), P(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), P(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), P(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), P(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
- m(o, r) {
- Ot(o, e, r), $e(e, n), $e(n, i), $e(e, l);
+ m(a, r) {
+ Ot(a, e, r), tn(e, n), tn(n, i), tn(e, l);
- p: en,
- i: en,
- o: en,
- d(o) {
- o && Yt(e);
+ p: ln,
+ i: ln,
+ o: ln,
+ d(a) {
+ a && Xt(e);
-class Ut extends Xt {
+class Ut extends Rt {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Bt(this, e, null, jt, It, {});
+ super(), Yt(this, e, null, jt, It, {});
const {
SvelteComponent: Wt,
append: Nt,
- attr: le,
+ attr: oe,
detach: Ft,
init: Pt,
insert: Kt,
- noop: nn,
+ noop: sn,
safe_not_equal: Vt,
- svg_element: xn
+ svg_element: Mn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Gt(t) {
let e, n;
return {
c() {
- e = xn("svg"), n = xn("path"), le(n, "d", "M5 8l4 4 4-4z"), le(e, "class", "dropdown-arrow svelte-145leq6"), le(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), le(e, "width", "100%"), le(e, "height", "100%"), le(e, "viewBox", "0 0 18 18");
+ e = Mn("svg"), n = Mn("path"), oe(n, "d", "M5 8l4 4 4-4z"), oe(e, "class", "dropdown-arrow svelte-145leq6"), oe(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), oe(e, "width", "100%"), oe(e, "height", "100%"), oe(e, "viewBox", "0 0 18 18");
m(i, l) {
Kt(i, e, l), Nt(e, n);
- p: nn,
- i: nn,
- o: nn,
+ p: sn,
+ i: sn,
+ o: sn,
d(i) {
i && Ft(e);
@@ -109,26 +109,26 @@ class Jt extends Wt {
const {
SvelteComponent: Qt,
append: Zt,
- attr: U,
+ attr: W,
detach: $t,
init: ei,
insert: ni,
- noop: tn,
+ noop: on,
safe_not_equal: ti,
- svg_element: Mn
+ svg_element: An
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function ii(t) {
let e, n;
return {
c() {
- e = Mn("svg"), n = Mn("path"), U(n, "d", "M17 3a2.828 2.828 0 1 1 4 4L7.5 20.5 2 22l1.5-5.5L17 3z"), U(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), U(e, "width", "100%"), U(e, "height", "100%"), U(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), U(e, "fill", "none"), U(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), U(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), U(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), U(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), U(e, "class", "feather feather-edit-2");
+ e = An("svg"), n = An("path"), W(n, "d", "M17 3a2.828 2.828 0 1 1 4 4L7.5 20.5 2 22l1.5-5.5L17 3z"), W(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), W(e, "width", "100%"), W(e, "height", "100%"), W(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), W(e, "fill", "none"), W(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), W(e, "stroke-width", "1.5"), W(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), W(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round"), W(e, "class", "feather feather-edit-2");
m(i, l) {
ni(i, e, l), Zt(e, n);
- p: tn,
- i: tn,
- o: tn,
+ p: on,
+ i: on,
+ o: on,
d(i) {
i && $t(e);
@@ -141,28 +141,28 @@ class li extends Qt {
const {
SvelteComponent: si,
- append: En,
+ append: Bn,
attr: T,
detach: oi,
init: ai,
insert: ri,
- noop: ln,
+ noop: an,
safe_not_equal: fi,
- set_style: G,
- svg_element: sn
+ set_style: Q,
+ svg_element: rn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function ci(t) {
let e, n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = sn("svg"), n = sn("line"), i = sn("line"), T(n, "x1", "4"), T(n, "y1", "12"), T(n, "x2", "20"), T(n, "y2", "12"), G(n, "fill", "none"), G(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), T(i, "x1", "12"), T(i, "y1", "4"), T(i, "x2", "12"), T(i, "y2", "20"), G(i, "fill", "none"), G(i, "stroke-width", "2px"), T(e, "width", "100%"), T(e, "height", "100%"), T(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), T(e, "version", "1.1"), T(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), T(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), T(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), T(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), G(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), G(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), G(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), G(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
+ e = rn("svg"), n = rn("line"), i = rn("line"), T(n, "x1", "4"), T(n, "y1", "12"), T(n, "x2", "20"), T(n, "y2", "12"), Q(n, "fill", "none"), Q(n, "stroke-width", "2px"), T(i, "x1", "12"), T(i, "y1", "4"), T(i, "x2", "12"), T(i, "y2", "20"), Q(i, "fill", "none"), Q(i, "stroke-width", "2px"), T(e, "width", "100%"), T(e, "height", "100%"), T(e, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), T(e, "version", "1.1"), T(e, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), T(e, "xmlns:xlink", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"), T(e, "xml:space", "preserve"), T(e, "stroke", "currentColor"), Q(e, "fill-rule", "evenodd"), Q(e, "clip-rule", "evenodd"), Q(e, "stroke-linecap", "round"), Q(e, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
- m(l, o) {
- ri(l, e, o), En(e, n), En(e, i);
+ m(l, a) {
+ ri(l, e, a), Bn(e, n), Bn(e, i);
- p: ln,
- i: ln,
- o: ln,
+ p: an,
+ i: an,
+ o: an,
d(l) {
l && oi(e);
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ const {
element: bi,
get_all_dirty_from_scope: gi,
get_slot_changes: wi,
- init: pi,
- insert: ki,
+ init: ki,
+ insert: pi,
safe_not_equal: vi,
transition_in: yi,
transition_out: Ci,
@@ -204,104 +204,104 @@ function zi(t) {
c() {
e = bi("div"), l && l.c(), _i(e, "class", "svelte-1hnfib2");
- m(o, r) {
- ki(o, e, r), l && l.m(e, null), n = !0;
+ m(a, r) {
+ pi(a, e, r), l && l.m(e, null), n = !0;
- p(o, [r]) {
+ p(a, [r]) {
l && l.p && (!n || r & /*$$scope*/
1) && Si(
- o,
+ a,
- o[0],
+ a[0],
n ? wi(
- o[0],
+ a[0],
) : gi(
- o[0]
+ a[0]
- i(o) {
- n || (yi(l, o), n = !0);
+ i(a) {
+ n || (yi(l, a), n = !0);
- o(o) {
- Ci(l, o), n = !1;
+ o(a) {
+ Ci(l, a), n = !1;
- d(o) {
- o && mi(e), l && l.d(o);
+ d(a) {
+ a && mi(e), l && l.d(a);
function xi(t, e, n) {
let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: l } = e;
- return t.$$set = (o) => {
- "$$scope" in o && n(0, l = o.$$scope);
+ return t.$$set = (a) => {
+ "$$scope" in a && n(0, l = a.$$scope);
}, [l, i];
-class Mi extends hi {
+class Ei extends hi {
constructor(e) {
- super(), pi(this, e, xi, zi, vi, {});
+ super(), ki(this, e, xi, zi, vi, {});
const {
- SvelteComponent: Ei,
- attr: An,
+ SvelteComponent: Mi,
+ attr: Dn,
check_outros: Ai,
- create_component: Di,
- create_slot: Hi,
- destroy_component: Ti,
- detach: Ue,
- element: qi,
- empty: Li,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: Ri,
- get_slot_changes: Xi,
- group_outros: Yi,
- init: Bi,
- insert: We,
+ create_component: Bi,
+ create_slot: Di,
+ destroy_component: Hi,
+ detach: je,
+ element: Ti,
+ empty: qi,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: Li,
+ get_slot_changes: Ri,
+ group_outros: Xi,
+ init: Yi,
+ insert: Ue,
mount_component: Oi,
safe_not_equal: Ii,
set_data: ji,
space: Ui,
text: Wi,
- toggle_class: se,
- transition_in: pe,
- transition_out: Ne,
+ toggle_class: ae,
+ transition_in: be,
+ transition_out: We,
update_slot_base: Ni
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Dn(t) {
+function Hn(t) {
let e, n;
- return e = new Mi({
+ return e = new Ei({
props: {
$$slots: { default: [Fi] },
$$scope: { ctx: t }
}), {
c() {
- Di(e.$$.fragment);
+ Bi(e.$$.fragment);
m(i, l) {
Oi(e, i, l), n = !0;
p(i, l) {
- const o = {};
+ const a = {};
l & /*$$scope, info*/
- 10 && (o.$$scope = { dirty: l, ctx: i }), e.$set(o);
+ 10 && (a.$$scope = { dirty: l, ctx: i }), e.$set(a);
i(i) {
- n || (pe(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
+ n || (be(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
o(i) {
- Ne(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
+ We(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
d(i) {
- Ti(e, i);
+ Hi(e, i);
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ function Fi(t) {
m(n, i) {
- We(n, e, i);
+ Ue(n, e, i);
p(n, i) {
i & /*info*/
@@ -326,31 +326,31 @@ function Fi(t) {
d(n) {
- n && Ue(e);
+ n && je(e);
function Pi(t) {
let e, n, i, l;
- const o = (
+ const a = (
- ), r = Hi(
- o,
+ ), r = Di(
+ a,
- let a = (
+ let o = (
- t[1] && Dn(t)
+ t[1] && Hn(t)
return {
c() {
- e = qi("span"), r && r.c(), n = Ui(), a && a.c(), i = Li(), An(e, "data-testid", "block-info"), An(e, "class", "svelte-22c38v"), se(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
- t[0]), se(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
- t[0]), se(
+ e = Ti("span"), r && r.c(), n = Ui(), o && o.c(), i = qi(), Dn(e, "data-testid", "block-info"), Dn(e, "class", "svelte-22c38v"), ae(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ t[0]), ae(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ t[0]), ae(
@@ -358,63 +358,63 @@ function Pi(t) {
m(s, c) {
- We(s, e, c), r && r.m(e, null), We(s, n, c), a && a.m(s, c), We(s, i, c), l = !0;
+ Ue(s, e, c), r && r.m(e, null), Ue(s, n, c), o && o.m(s, c), Ue(s, i, c), l = !0;
p(s, [c]) {
r && r.p && (!l || c & /*$$scope*/
8) && Ni(
- o,
+ a,
- l ? Xi(
- o,
+ l ? Ri(
+ a,
- ) : Ri(
+ ) : Li(
), (!l || c & /*show_label*/
- 1) && se(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
+ 1) && ae(e, "sr-only", !/*show_label*/
s[0]), (!l || c & /*show_label*/
- 1) && se(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
+ 1) && ae(e, "hide", !/*show_label*/
s[0]), (!l || c & /*info*/
- 2) && se(
+ 2) && ae(
s[1] != null
), /*info*/
- s[1] ? a ? (a.p(s, c), c & /*info*/
- 2 && pe(a, 1)) : (a = Dn(s), a.c(), pe(a, 1), a.m(i.parentNode, i)) : a && (Yi(), Ne(a, 1, 1, () => {
- a = null;
+ s[1] ? o ? (o.p(s, c), c & /*info*/
+ 2 && be(o, 1)) : (o = Hn(s), o.c(), be(o, 1), o.m(i.parentNode, i)) : o && (Xi(), We(o, 1, 1, () => {
+ o = null;
}), Ai());
i(s) {
- l || (pe(r, s), pe(a), l = !0);
+ l || (be(r, s), be(o), l = !0);
o(s) {
- Ne(r, s), Ne(a), l = !1;
+ We(r, s), We(o), l = !1;
d(s) {
- s && (Ue(e), Ue(n), Ue(i)), r && r.d(s), a && a.d(s);
+ s && (je(e), je(n), je(i)), r && r.d(s), o && o.d(s);
function Ki(t, e, n) {
- let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { show_label: o = !0 } = e, { info: r = void 0 } = e;
- return t.$$set = (a) => {
- "show_label" in a && n(0, o = a.show_label), "info" in a && n(1, r = a.info), "$$scope" in a && n(3, l = a.$$scope);
- }, [o, r, i, l];
+ let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { show_label: a = !0 } = e, { info: r = void 0 } = e;
+ return t.$$set = (o) => {
+ "show_label" in o && n(0, a = o.show_label), "info" in o && n(1, r = o.info), "$$scope" in o && n(3, l = o.$$scope);
+ }, [a, r, i, l];
-class it extends Ei {
+class ot extends Mi {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Bi(this, e, Ki, Pi, Ii, { show_label: 0, info: 1 });
+ super(), Yi(this, e, Ki, Pi, Ii, { show_label: 0, info: 1 });
const Vi = [
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ const Vi = [
{ color: "cyan", primary: 600, secondary: 100 },
{ color: "lime", primary: 500, secondary: 100 },
{ color: "pink", primary: 600, secondary: 100 }
-], Hn = {
+], Tn = {
inherit: "inherit",
current: "currentColor",
transparent: "transparent",
@@ -725,29 +725,29 @@ Vi.reduce(
(t, { color: e, primary: n, secondary: i }) => ({
[e]: {
- primary: Hn[e][n],
- secondary: Hn[e][i]
+ primary: Tn[e][n],
+ secondary: Tn[e][i]
const {
SvelteComponent: Gi,
- append: Tn,
- attr: on,
- bubble: qn,
+ append: qn,
+ attr: fn,
+ bubble: Ln,
create_component: Ji,
destroy_component: Qi,
- detach: lt,
- element: Ln,
+ detach: at,
+ element: Rn,
init: Zi,
- insert: st,
- listen: an,
+ insert: rt,
+ listen: cn,
mount_component: $i,
run_all: el,
safe_not_equal: nl,
set_data: tl,
- set_input_value: Rn,
+ set_input_value: Xn,
space: il,
text: ll,
transition_in: sl,
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ function fl(t) {
m(n, i) {
- st(n, e, i);
+ rt(n, e, i);
p(n, i) {
i & /*label*/
@@ -774,13 +774,13 @@ function fl(t) {
d(n) {
- n && lt(e);
+ n && at(e);
function cl(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r, a;
- return n = new it({
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r, o;
+ return n = new ot({
props: {
show_label: (
@@ -795,28 +795,28 @@ function cl(t) {
}), {
c() {
- e = Ln("label"), Ji(n.$$.fragment), i = il(), l = Ln("input"), on(l, "type", "color"), l.disabled = /*disabled*/
- t[3], on(l, "class", "svelte-16l8u73"), on(e, "class", "block");
+ e = Rn("label"), Ji(n.$$.fragment), i = il(), l = Rn("input"), fn(l, "type", "color"), l.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ t[3], fn(l, "class", "svelte-16l8u73"), fn(e, "class", "block");
m(s, c) {
- st(s, e, c), $i(n, e, null), Tn(e, i), Tn(e, l), Rn(
+ rt(s, e, c), $i(n, e, null), qn(e, i), qn(e, l), Xn(
- ), o = !0, r || (a = [
- an(
+ ), a = !0, r || (o = [
+ cn(
- an(
+ cn(
- an(
+ cn(
@@ -831,28 +831,28 @@ function cl(t) {
s[4]), c & /*info*/
4 && (f.info = /*info*/
s[2]), c & /*$$scope, label*/
- 2050 && (f.$$scope = { dirty: c, ctx: s }), n.$set(f), (!o || c & /*disabled*/
+ 2050 && (f.$$scope = { dirty: c, ctx: s }), n.$set(f), (!a || c & /*disabled*/
8) && (l.disabled = /*disabled*/
s[3]), c & /*value*/
- 1 && Rn(
+ 1 && Xn(
i(s) {
- o || (sl(n.$$.fragment, s), o = !0);
+ a || (sl(n.$$.fragment, s), a = !0);
o(s) {
- ol(n.$$.fragment, s), o = !1;
+ ol(n.$$.fragment, s), a = !1;
d(s) {
- s && lt(e), Qi(n), r = !1, el(a);
+ s && at(e), Qi(n), r = !1, el(o);
function ul(t, e, n) {
- let { value: i = "#000000" } = e, { value_is_output: l = !1 } = e, { label: o } = e, { info: r = void 0 } = e, { disabled: a = !1 } = e, { show_label: s = !0 } = e;
+ let { value: i = "#000000" } = e, { value_is_output: l = !1 } = e, { label: a } = e, { info: r = void 0 } = e, { disabled: o = !1 } = e, { show_label: s = !0 } = e;
const c = al();
function f() {
c("change", i), l || c("input");
@@ -860,30 +860,30 @@ function ul(t, e, n) {
rl(() => {
n(5, l = !1);
- function _(m) {
- qn.call(this, t, m);
+ function u(d) {
+ Ln.call(this, t, d);
- function g(m) {
- qn.call(this, t, m);
+ function b(d) {
+ Ln.call(this, t, d);
- function h() {
+ function g() {
i = this.value, n(0, i);
- return t.$$set = (m) => {
- "value" in m && n(0, i = m.value), "value_is_output" in m && n(5, l = m.value_is_output), "label" in m && n(1, o = m.label), "info" in m && n(2, r = m.info), "disabled" in m && n(3, a = m.disabled), "show_label" in m && n(4, s = m.show_label);
+ return t.$$set = (d) => {
+ "value" in d && n(0, i = d.value), "value_is_output" in d && n(5, l = d.value_is_output), "label" in d && n(1, a = d.label), "info" in d && n(2, r = d.info), "disabled" in d && n(3, o = d.disabled), "show_label" in d && n(4, s = d.show_label);
}, t.$$.update = () => {
t.$$.dirty & /*value*/
1 && f();
}, [
- o,
- r,
+ r,
+ o,
- _,
- g,
- h
+ u,
+ b,
+ g
class hl extends Gi {
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ class hl extends Gi {
-function Xn(t) {
+function Yn(t) {
const e = typeof t == "string" && t.match(/^\s*(-?[\d.]+)([^\s]*)\s*$/);
return e ? [parseFloat(e[1]), e[2] || "px"] : [
/** @type {number} */
@@ -910,51 +910,51 @@ function _l(t) {
const e = t - 1;
return e * e * e + 1;
-function Yn(t, { delay: e = 0, duration: n = 400, easing: i = _l, x: l = 0, y: o = 0, opacity: r = 0 } = {}) {
- const a = getComputedStyle(t), s = +a.opacity, c = a.transform === "none" ? "" : a.transform, f = s * (1 - r), [_, g] = Xn(l), [h, m] = Xn(o);
+function On(t, { delay: e = 0, duration: n = 400, easing: i = _l, x: l = 0, y: a = 0, opacity: r = 0 } = {}) {
+ const o = getComputedStyle(t), s = +o.opacity, c = o.transform === "none" ? "" : o.transform, f = s * (1 - r), [u, b] = Yn(l), [g, d] = Yn(a);
return {
delay: e,
duration: n,
easing: i,
- css: (b, d) => `
- transform: ${c} translate(${(1 - b) * _}${g}, ${(1 - b) * h}${m});
- opacity: ${s - f * d}`
+ css: (k, _) => `
+ transform: ${c} translate(${(1 - k) * u}${b}, ${(1 - k) * g}${d});
+ opacity: ${s - f * _}`
const {
SvelteComponent: dl,
- append: ot,
+ append: ft,
attr: A,
bubble: ml,
check_outros: bl,
- create_slot: at,
- detach: Ee,
- element: Je,
+ create_slot: ct,
+ detach: xe,
+ element: Qe,
empty: gl,
- get_all_dirty_from_scope: rt,
- get_slot_changes: ft,
+ get_all_dirty_from_scope: ut,
+ get_slot_changes: ht,
group_outros: wl,
- init: pl,
- insert: Ae,
- listen: kl,
+ init: kl,
+ insert: Ee,
+ listen: pl,
safe_not_equal: vl,
- set_style: B,
- space: ct,
- src_url_equal: Pe,
- toggle_class: _e,
- transition_in: Ke,
- transition_out: Ve,
- update_slot_base: ut
+ set_style: L,
+ space: _t,
+ src_url_equal: Ke,
+ toggle_class: he,
+ transition_in: Ve,
+ transition_out: Ge,
+ update_slot_base: dt
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function yl(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r, a = (
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r, o = (
- t[7] && Bn(t)
+ t[7] && In(t)
const s = (
- ), c = at(
+ ), c = ct(
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@ function yl(t) {
return {
c() {
- e = Je("button"), a && a.c(), n = ct(), c && c.c(), A(e, "class", i = /*size*/
+ e = Qe("button"), o && o.c(), n = _t(), c && c.c(), A(e, "class", i = /*size*/
t[4] + " " + /*variant*/
t[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/
t[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn"), A(
@@ -972,100 +972,100 @@ function yl(t) {
), e.disabled = /*disabled*/
- t[8], _e(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
- t[2]), B(
+ t[8], he(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ t[2]), L(
- ), B(
+ ), L(
t[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
- ), B(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ ), L(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
t[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
t[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
- m(f, _) {
- Ae(f, e, _), a && a.m(e, null), ot(e, n), c && c.m(e, null), l = !0, o || (r = kl(
+ m(f, u) {
+ Ee(f, e, u), o && o.m(e, null), ft(e, n), c && c.m(e, null), l = !0, a || (r = pl(
- ), o = !0);
+ ), a = !0);
- p(f, _) {
+ p(f, u) {
- f[7] ? a ? a.p(f, _) : (a = Bn(f), a.c(), a.m(e, n)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null), c && c.p && (!l || _ & /*$$scope*/
- 2048) && ut(
+ f[7] ? o ? o.p(f, u) : (o = In(f), o.c(), o.m(e, n)) : o && (o.d(1), o = null), c && c.p && (!l || u & /*$$scope*/
+ 2048) && dt(
- l ? ft(
+ l ? ht(
- _,
+ u,
- ) : rt(
+ ) : ut(
- ), (!l || _ & /*size, variant, elem_classes*/
+ ), (!l || u & /*size, variant, elem_classes*/
26 && i !== (i = /*size*/
f[4] + " " + /*variant*/
f[3] + " " + /*elem_classes*/
- f[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && A(e, "class", i), (!l || _ & /*elem_id*/
+ f[1].join(" ") + " svelte-8huxfn")) && A(e, "class", i), (!l || u & /*elem_id*/
1) && A(
- ), (!l || _ & /*disabled*/
+ ), (!l || u & /*disabled*/
256) && (e.disabled = /*disabled*/
- f[8]), (!l || _ & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/
- 30) && _e(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
- f[2]), _ & /*scale*/
- 512 && B(
+ f[8]), (!l || u & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/
+ 30) && he(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ f[2]), u & /*scale*/
+ 512 && L(
- ), _ & /*scale*/
- 512 && B(
+ ), u & /*scale*/
+ 512 && L(
f[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
- ), _ & /*min_width*/
- 1024 && B(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ ), u & /*min_width*/
+ 1024 && L(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
f[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
f[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
i(f) {
- l || (Ke(c, f), l = !0);
+ l || (Ve(c, f), l = !0);
o(f) {
- Ve(c, f), l = !1;
+ Ge(c, f), l = !1;
d(f) {
- f && Ee(e), a && a.d(), c && c.d(f), o = !1, r();
+ f && xe(e), o && o.d(), c && c.d(f), a = !1, r();
function Cl(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o = (
+ let e, n, i, l, a = (
- t[7] && On(t)
+ t[7] && jn(t)
const r = (
- ), a = at(
+ ), o = ct(
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ function Cl(t) {
return {
c() {
- e = Je("a"), o && o.c(), n = ct(), a && a.c(), A(
+ e = Qe("a"), a && a.c(), n = _t(), o && o.c(), A(
@@ -1092,50 +1092,50 @@ function Cl(t) {
- ), _e(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
- t[2]), _e(
+ ), he(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ t[2]), he(
- ), B(
+ ), L(
- ), B(
+ ), L(
t[8] ? "none" : null
- ), B(
+ ), L(
t[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
- ), B(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ ), L(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
t[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
t[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
m(s, c) {
- Ae(s, e, c), o && o.m(e, null), ot(e, n), a && a.m(e, null), l = !0;
+ Ee(s, e, c), a && a.m(e, null), ft(e, n), o && o.m(e, null), l = !0;
p(s, c) {
- s[7] ? o ? o.p(s, c) : (o = On(s), o.c(), o.m(e, n)) : o && (o.d(1), o = null), a && a.p && (!l || c & /*$$scope*/
- 2048) && ut(
- a,
+ s[7] ? a ? a.p(s, c) : (a = jn(s), a.c(), a.m(e, n)) : a && (a.d(1), a = null), o && o.p && (!l || c & /*$$scope*/
+ 2048) && dt(
+ o,
- l ? ft(
+ l ? ht(
- ) : rt(
+ ) : ut(
@@ -1163,154 +1163,154 @@ function Cl(t) {
), (!l || c & /*size, variant, elem_classes, visible*/
- 30) && _e(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
+ 30) && he(e, "hidden", !/*visible*/
s[2]), (!l || c & /*size, variant, elem_classes, disabled*/
- 282) && _e(
+ 282) && he(
), c & /*scale*/
- 512 && B(
+ 512 && L(
), c & /*disabled*/
- 256 && B(
+ 256 && L(
s[8] ? "none" : null
), c & /*scale*/
- 512 && B(
+ 512 && L(
s[9] === 0 ? "fit-content" : null
), c & /*min_width*/
- 1024 && B(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
+ 1024 && L(e, "min-width", typeof /*min_width*/
s[10] == "number" ? `calc(min(${/*min_width*/
s[10]}px, 100%))` : null);
i(s) {
- l || (Ke(a, s), l = !0);
+ l || (Ve(o, s), l = !0);
o(s) {
- Ve(a, s), l = !1;
+ Ge(o, s), l = !1;
d(s) {
- s && Ee(e), o && o.d(), a && a.d(s);
+ s && xe(e), a && a.d(), o && o.d(s);
-function Bn(t) {
+function In(t) {
let e, n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = Je("img"), A(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), Pe(e.src, n = /*icon*/
+ e = Qe("img"), A(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), Ke(e.src, n = /*icon*/
t[7].url) || A(e, "src", n), A(e, "alt", i = `${/*value*/
t[5]} icon`);
- m(l, o) {
- Ae(l, e, o);
+ m(l, a) {
+ Ee(l, e, a);
- p(l, o) {
- o & /*icon*/
- 128 && !Pe(e.src, n = /*icon*/
- l[7].url) && A(e, "src", n), o & /*value*/
+ p(l, a) {
+ a & /*icon*/
+ 128 && !Ke(e.src, n = /*icon*/
+ l[7].url) && A(e, "src", n), a & /*value*/
32 && i !== (i = `${/*value*/
l[5]} icon`) && A(e, "alt", i);
d(l) {
- l && Ee(e);
+ l && xe(e);
-function On(t) {
+function jn(t) {
let e, n, i;
return {
c() {
- e = Je("img"), A(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), Pe(e.src, n = /*icon*/
+ e = Qe("img"), A(e, "class", "button-icon svelte-8huxfn"), Ke(e.src, n = /*icon*/
t[7].url) || A(e, "src", n), A(e, "alt", i = `${/*value*/
t[5]} icon`);
- m(l, o) {
- Ae(l, e, o);
+ m(l, a) {
+ Ee(l, e, a);
- p(l, o) {
- o & /*icon*/
- 128 && !Pe(e.src, n = /*icon*/
- l[7].url) && A(e, "src", n), o & /*value*/
+ p(l, a) {
+ a & /*icon*/
+ 128 && !Ke(e.src, n = /*icon*/
+ l[7].url) && A(e, "src", n), a & /*value*/
32 && i !== (i = `${/*value*/
l[5]} icon`) && A(e, "alt", i);
d(l) {
- l && Ee(e);
+ l && xe(e);
function Sl(t) {
let e, n, i, l;
- const o = [Cl, yl], r = [];
- function a(s, c) {
+ const a = [Cl, yl], r = [];
+ function o(s, c) {
return (
s[6] && /*link*/
s[6].length > 0 ? 0 : 1
- return e = a(t), n = r[e] = o[e](t), {
+ return e = o(t), n = r[e] = a[e](t), {
c() {
n.c(), i = gl();
m(s, c) {
- r[e].m(s, c), Ae(s, i, c), l = !0;
+ r[e].m(s, c), Ee(s, i, c), l = !0;
p(s, [c]) {
let f = e;
- e = a(s), e === f ? r[e].p(s, c) : (wl(), Ve(r[f], 1, 1, () => {
+ e = o(s), e === f ? r[e].p(s, c) : (wl(), Ge(r[f], 1, 1, () => {
r[f] = null;
- }), bl(), n = r[e], n ? n.p(s, c) : (n = r[e] = o[e](s), n.c()), Ke(n, 1), n.m(i.parentNode, i));
+ }), bl(), n = r[e], n ? n.p(s, c) : (n = r[e] = a[e](s), n.c()), Ve(n, 1), n.m(i.parentNode, i));
i(s) {
- l || (Ke(n), l = !0);
+ l || (Ve(n), l = !0);
o(s) {
- Ve(n), l = !1;
+ Ge(n), l = !1;
d(s) {
- s && Ee(i), r[e].d(s);
+ s && xe(i), r[e].d(s);
function zl(t, e, n) {
- let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { elem_id: o = "" } = e, { elem_classes: r = [] } = e, { visible: a = !0 } = e, { variant: s = "secondary" } = e, { size: c = "lg" } = e, { value: f = null } = e, { link: _ = null } = e, { icon: g = null } = e, { disabled: h = !1 } = e, { scale: m = null } = e, { min_width: b = void 0 } = e;
- function d(u) {
- ml.call(this, t, u);
+ let { $$slots: i = {}, $$scope: l } = e, { elem_id: a = "" } = e, { elem_classes: r = [] } = e, { visible: o = !0 } = e, { variant: s = "secondary" } = e, { size: c = "lg" } = e, { value: f = null } = e, { link: u = null } = e, { icon: b = null } = e, { disabled: g = !1 } = e, { scale: d = null } = e, { min_width: k = void 0 } = e;
+ function _(h) {
+ ml.call(this, t, h);
- return t.$$set = (u) => {
- "elem_id" in u && n(0, o = u.elem_id), "elem_classes" in u && n(1, r = u.elem_classes), "visible" in u && n(2, a = u.visible), "variant" in u && n(3, s = u.variant), "size" in u && n(4, c = u.size), "value" in u && n(5, f = u.value), "link" in u && n(6, _ = u.link), "icon" in u && n(7, g = u.icon), "disabled" in u && n(8, h = u.disabled), "scale" in u && n(9, m = u.scale), "min_width" in u && n(10, b = u.min_width), "$$scope" in u && n(11, l = u.$$scope);
+ return t.$$set = (h) => {
+ "elem_id" in h && n(0, a = h.elem_id), "elem_classes" in h && n(1, r = h.elem_classes), "visible" in h && n(2, o = h.visible), "variant" in h && n(3, s = h.variant), "size" in h && n(4, c = h.size), "value" in h && n(5, f = h.value), "link" in h && n(6, u = h.link), "icon" in h && n(7, b = h.icon), "disabled" in h && n(8, g = h.disabled), "scale" in h && n(9, d = h.scale), "min_width" in h && n(10, k = h.min_width), "$$scope" in h && n(11, l = h.$$scope);
}, [
- o,
- r,
+ r,
+ o,
- _,
- g,
- h,
- m,
+ u,
+ g,
+ d,
+ k,
- d
+ _
-class In extends dl {
+class Un extends dl {
constructor(e) {
- super(), pl(this, e, zl, Sl, vl, {
+ super(), kl(this, e, zl, Sl, vl, {
elem_id: 0,
elem_classes: 1,
visible: 2,
@@ -1327,55 +1327,55 @@ class In extends dl {
const {
SvelteComponent: xl,
- add_render_callback: ht,
- append: Le,
- attr: I,
- binding_callbacks: jn,
- check_outros: Ml,
- create_bidirectional_transition: Un,
- destroy_each: El,
- detach: ve,
- element: Ge,
+ add_render_callback: mt,
+ append: Te,
+ attr: Y,
+ binding_callbacks: Wn,
+ check_outros: El,
+ create_bidirectional_transition: Nn,
+ destroy_each: Ml,
+ detach: ke,
+ element: Je,
empty: Al,
- ensure_array_like: Wn,
- group_outros: Dl,
- init: Hl,
- insert: ye,
- listen: mn,
- prevent_default: Tl,
- run_all: ql,
- safe_not_equal: Ll,
- set_data: Rl,
- set_style: oe,
- space: bn,
- text: Xl,
- toggle_class: P,
- transition_in: rn,
- transition_out: Nn
-} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: Yl } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Fn(t, e, n) {
+ ensure_array_like: Fn,
+ group_outros: Bl,
+ init: Dl,
+ insert: pe,
+ listen: bn,
+ prevent_default: Hl,
+ run_all: Tl,
+ safe_not_equal: ql,
+ set_data: Ll,
+ set_style: re,
+ space: gn,
+ text: Rl,
+ toggle_class: K,
+ transition_in: un,
+ transition_out: Pn
+} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: Xl } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
+function Kn(t, e, n) {
const i = t.slice();
return i[26] = e[n], i;
-function Pn(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r = Wn(
+function Vn(t) {
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r = Fn(
- ), a = [];
+ ), o = [];
for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s += 1)
- a[s] = Kn(Fn(t, r, s));
+ o[s] = Gn(Kn(t, r, s));
return {
c() {
- e = Ge("ul");
- for (let s = 0; s < a.length; s += 1)
- a[s].c();
- I(e, "class", "options svelte-yuohum"), I(e, "role", "listbox"), oe(
+ e = Je("ul");
+ for (let s = 0; s < o.length; s += 1)
+ o[s].c();
+ Y(e, "class", "options svelte-yuohum"), Y(e, "role", "listbox"), re(
- ), oe(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
- t[10]}px - var(--window-padding))`), oe(
+ ), re(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
+ t[10]}px - var(--window-padding))`), re(
@@ -1383,10 +1383,10 @@ function Pn(t) {
m(s, c) {
- ye(s, e, c);
- for (let f = 0; f < a.length; f += 1)
- a[f] && a[f].m(e, null);
- t[22](e), i = !0, l || (o = mn(e, "mousedown", Tl(
+ pe(s, e, c);
+ for (let f = 0; f < o.length; f += 1)
+ o[f] && o[f].m(e, null);
+ t[22](e), i = !0, l || (a = bn(e, "mousedown", Hl(
)), l = !0);
@@ -1394,29 +1394,29 @@ function Pn(t) {
p(s, c) {
if (c & /*filtered_indices, choices, selected_indices, active_index*/
51) {
- r = Wn(
+ r = Fn(
let f;
for (f = 0; f < r.length; f += 1) {
- const _ = Fn(s, r, f);
- a[f] ? a[f].p(_, c) : (a[f] = Kn(_), a[f].c(), a[f].m(e, null));
+ const u = Kn(s, r, f);
+ o[f] ? o[f].p(u, c) : (o[f] = Gn(u), o[f].c(), o[f].m(e, null));
- for (; f < a.length; f += 1)
- a[f].d(1);
- a.length = r.length;
+ for (; f < o.length; f += 1)
+ o[f].d(1);
+ o.length = r.length;
c & /*bottom*/
- 512 && oe(
+ 512 && re(
), c & /*max_height*/
- 1024 && oe(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
+ 1024 && re(e, "max-height", `calc(${/*max_height*/
s[10]}px - var(--window-padding))`), c & /*input_width*/
- 256 && oe(
+ 256 && re(
@@ -1424,42 +1424,42 @@ function Pn(t) {
i(s) {
- i || (s && ht(() => {
- i && (n || (n = Un(e, Yn, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !0)), n.run(1));
+ i || (s && mt(() => {
+ i && (n || (n = Nn(e, On, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !0)), n.run(1));
}), i = !0);
o(s) {
- s && (n || (n = Un(e, Yn, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !1)), n.run(0)), i = !1;
+ s && (n || (n = Nn(e, On, { duration: 200, y: 5 }, !1)), n.run(0)), i = !1;
d(s) {
- s && ve(e), El(a, s), t[22](null), s && n && n.end(), l = !1, o();
+ s && ke(e), Ml(o, s), t[22](null), s && n && n.end(), l = !1, a();
-function Kn(t) {
+function Gn(t) {
let e, n, i, l = (
][0] + ""
- ), o, r, a, s, c;
+ ), a, r, o, s, c;
return {
c() {
- e = Ge("li"), n = Ge("span"), n.textContent = "✓", i = bn(), o = Xl(l), r = bn(), I(n, "class", "inner-item svelte-yuohum"), P(n, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
+ e = Je("li"), n = Je("span"), n.textContent = "✓", i = gn(), a = Rl(l), r = gn(), Y(n, "class", "inner-item svelte-yuohum"), K(n, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
- )), I(e, "class", "item svelte-yuohum"), I(e, "data-index", a = /*index*/
- t[26]), I(e, "aria-label", s = /*choices*/
+ )), Y(e, "class", "item svelte-yuohum"), Y(e, "data-index", o = /*index*/
+ t[26]), Y(e, "aria-label", s = /*choices*/
- ][0]), I(e, "data-testid", "dropdown-option"), I(e, "role", "option"), I(e, "aria-selected", c = /*selected_indices*/
+ ][0]), Y(e, "data-testid", "dropdown-option"), Y(e, "role", "option"), Y(e, "aria-selected", c = /*selected_indices*/
- )), P(
+ )), K(
@@ -1467,19 +1467,19 @@ function Kn(t) {
- ), P(
+ ), K(
t[26] === /*active_index*/
- ), P(
+ ), K(
t[26] === /*active_index*/
- ), P(
+ ), K(
@@ -1487,34 +1487,34 @@ function Kn(t) {
- m(f, _) {
- ye(f, e, _), Le(e, n), Le(e, i), Le(e, o), Le(e, r);
+ m(f, u) {
+ pe(f, e, u), Te(e, n), Te(e, i), Te(e, a), Te(e, r);
- p(f, _) {
- _ & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
- 18 && P(n, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
+ p(f, u) {
+ u & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
+ 18 && K(n, "hide", !/*selected_indices*/
- )), _ & /*choices, filtered_indices*/
+ )), u & /*choices, filtered_indices*/
3 && l !== (l = /*choices*/
- ][0] + "") && Rl(o, l), _ & /*filtered_indices*/
- 2 && a !== (a = /*index*/
- f[26]) && I(e, "data-index", a), _ & /*choices, filtered_indices*/
+ ][0] + "") && Ll(a, l), u & /*filtered_indices*/
+ 2 && o !== (o = /*index*/
+ f[26]) && Y(e, "data-index", o), u & /*choices, filtered_indices*/
3 && s !== (s = /*choices*/
- ][0]) && I(e, "aria-label", s), _ & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
+ ][0]) && Y(e, "aria-label", s), u & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
18 && c !== (c = /*selected_indices*/
- )) && I(e, "aria-selected", c), _ & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
- 18 && P(
+ )) && Y(e, "aria-selected", c), u & /*selected_indices, filtered_indices*/
+ 18 && K(
@@ -1522,22 +1522,22 @@ function Kn(t) {
- ), _ & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
- 34 && P(
+ ), u & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
+ 34 && K(
f[26] === /*active_index*/
- ), _ & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
- 34 && P(
+ ), u & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
+ 34 && K(
f[26] === /*active_index*/
- ), _ & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
- 34 && P(
+ ), u & /*filtered_indices, active_index*/
+ 34 && K(
@@ -1546,34 +1546,34 @@ function Kn(t) {
d(f) {
- f && ve(e);
+ f && ke(e);
-function Bl(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o;
- ht(
+function Yl(t) {
+ let e, n, i, l, a;
+ mt(
let r = (
t[2] && !/*disabled*/
- t[3] && Pn(t)
+ t[3] && Vn(t)
return {
c() {
- e = Ge("div"), n = bn(), r && r.c(), i = Al(), I(e, "class", "reference");
+ e = Je("div"), n = gn(), r && r.c(), i = Al(), Y(e, "class", "reference");
- m(a, s) {
- ye(a, e, s), t[20](e), ye(a, n, s), r && r.m(a, s), ye(a, i, s), l || (o = [
- mn(
+ m(o, s) {
+ pe(o, e, s), t[20](e), pe(o, n, s), r && r.m(o, s), pe(o, i, s), l || (a = [
+ bn(
- mn(
+ bn(
@@ -1581,105 +1581,105 @@ function Bl(t) {
], l = !0);
- p(a, [s]) {
+ p(o, [s]) {
- a[2] && !/*disabled*/
- a[3] ? r ? (r.p(a, s), s & /*show_options, disabled*/
- 12 && rn(r, 1)) : (r = Pn(a), r.c(), rn(r, 1), r.m(i.parentNode, i)) : r && (Dl(), Nn(r, 1, 1, () => {
+ o[2] && !/*disabled*/
+ o[3] ? r ? (r.p(o, s), s & /*show_options, disabled*/
+ 12 && un(r, 1)) : (r = Vn(o), r.c(), un(r, 1), r.m(i.parentNode, i)) : r && (Bl(), Pn(r, 1, 1, () => {
r = null;
- }), Ml());
+ }), El());
- i(a) {
- rn(r);
+ i(o) {
+ un(r);
- o(a) {
- Nn(r);
+ o(o) {
+ Pn(r);
- d(a) {
- a && (ve(e), ve(n), ve(i)), t[20](null), r && r.d(a), l = !1, ql(o);
+ d(o) {
+ o && (ke(e), ke(n), ke(i)), t[20](null), r && r.d(o), l = !1, Tl(a);
function Ol(t, e, n) {
var i, l;
- let { choices: o } = e, { filtered_indices: r } = e, { show_options: a = !1 } = e, { disabled: s = !1 } = e, { selected_indices: c = [] } = e, { active_index: f = null } = e, _, g, h, m, b, d, u, w, p;
+ let { choices: a } = e, { filtered_indices: r } = e, { show_options: o = !1 } = e, { disabled: s = !1 } = e, { selected_indices: c = [] } = e, { active_index: f = null } = e, u, b, g, d, k, _, h, p, m;
function E() {
- const { top: y, bottom: Z } = b.getBoundingClientRect();
- n(16, _ = y), n(17, g = p - Z);
+ const { top: v, bottom: F } = k.getBoundingClientRect();
+ n(16, u = v), n(17, b = m - F);
- let S = null;
+ let z = null;
function x() {
- a && (S !== null && clearTimeout(S), S = setTimeout(
+ o && (z !== null && clearTimeout(z), z = setTimeout(
() => {
- E(), S = null;
+ E(), z = null;
- const M = Yl();
- function C() {
- n(11, p = window.innerHeight);
+ const M = Xl();
+ function y() {
+ n(11, m = window.innerHeight);
- function D(y) {
- jn[y ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- b = y, n(6, b);
+ function H(v) {
+ Wn[v ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ k = v, n(6, k);
- const q = (y) => M("change", y);
- function L(y) {
- jn[y ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- d = y, n(7, d);
+ const R = (v) => M("change", v);
+ function N(v) {
+ Wn[v ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ _ = v, n(7, _);
- return t.$$set = (y) => {
- "choices" in y && n(0, o = y.choices), "filtered_indices" in y && n(1, r = y.filtered_indices), "show_options" in y && n(2, a = y.show_options), "disabled" in y && n(3, s = y.disabled), "selected_indices" in y && n(4, c = y.selected_indices), "active_index" in y && n(5, f = y.active_index);
+ return t.$$set = (v) => {
+ "choices" in v && n(0, a = v.choices), "filtered_indices" in v && n(1, r = v.filtered_indices), "show_options" in v && n(2, o = v.show_options), "disabled" in v && n(3, s = v.disabled), "selected_indices" in v && n(4, c = v.selected_indices), "active_index" in v && n(5, f = v.active_index);
}, t.$$.update = () => {
if (t.$$.dirty & /*show_options, refElement, listElement, selected_indices, _a, _b, distance_from_bottom, distance_from_top, input_height*/
508116) {
- if (a && b) {
- if (d && c.length > 0) {
- let Z = d.querySelectorAll("li");
- for (const te of Array.from(Z))
- if (te.getAttribute("data-index") === c[0].toString()) {
- n(14, i = d == null ? void 0 : d.scrollTo) === null || i === void 0 || i.call(d, 0, te.offsetTop);
+ if (o && k) {
+ if (_ && c.length > 0) {
+ let F = _.querySelectorAll("li");
+ for (const se of Array.from(F))
+ if (se.getAttribute("data-index") === c[0].toString()) {
+ n(14, i = _ == null ? void 0 : _.scrollTo) === null || i === void 0 || i.call(_, 0, se.offsetTop);
- const y = n(15, l = b.parentElement) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.getBoundingClientRect();
- n(18, h = (y == null ? void 0 : y.height) || 0), n(8, m = (y == null ? void 0 : y.width) || 0);
+ const v = n(15, l = k.parentElement) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.getBoundingClientRect();
+ n(18, g = (v == null ? void 0 : v.height) || 0), n(8, d = (v == null ? void 0 : v.width) || 0);
- g > _ ? (n(10, w = g), n(9, u = null)) : (n(9, u = `${g + h}px`), n(10, w = _ - h));
+ b > u ? (n(10, p = b), n(9, h = null)) : (n(9, h = `${b + g}px`), n(10, p = u - g));
}, [
- o,
- r,
+ r,
+ o,
- b,
+ k,
+ _,
- m,
- u,
- w,
+ h,
+ m,
- _,
+ u,
+ b,
- h,
- C,
- D,
- q,
- L
+ y,
+ H,
+ R,
+ N
class Il extends xl {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Hl(this, e, Ol, Bl, Ll, {
+ super(), Dl(this, e, Ol, Yl, ql, {
choices: 0,
filtered_indices: 1,
show_options: 2,
@@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ class Il extends xl {
function jl(t, e) {
return (t % e + e) % e;
-function Vn(t, e) {
+function Jn(t, e) {
return t.reduce((n, i, l) => ((!e || i[0].toLowerCase().includes(e.toLowerCase())) && n.push(l), n), []);
function Ul(t, e, n) {
@@ -1712,28 +1712,28 @@ function Wl(t, e, n) {
const {
SvelteComponent: Nl,
- append: $,
- attr: O,
+ append: ee,
+ attr: X,
binding_callbacks: Fl,
check_outros: Pl,
- create_component: gn,
- destroy_component: wn,
- detach: vn,
- element: re,
+ create_component: wn,
+ destroy_component: kn,
+ detach: yn,
+ element: ce,
group_outros: Kl,
init: Vl,
- insert: yn,
- listen: we,
+ insert: Cn,
+ listen: me,
mount_component: pn,
run_all: Gl,
safe_not_equal: Jl,
set_data: Ql,
- set_input_value: Gn,
- space: fn,
+ set_input_value: Qn,
+ space: hn,
text: Zl,
- toggle_class: ae,
- transition_in: fe,
- transition_out: ke
+ toggle_class: fe,
+ transition_in: ue,
+ transition_out: ge
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: $l } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: es, afterUpdate: ns } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function ts(t) {
let e;
@@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ function ts(t) {
m(n, i) {
- yn(n, e, i);
+ Cn(n, e, i);
p(n, i) {
i[0] & /*label*/
@@ -1756,33 +1756,33 @@ function ts(t) {
d(n) {
- n && vn(e);
+ n && yn(e);
-function Jn(t) {
+function Zn(t) {
let e, n, i;
return n = new Jt({}), {
c() {
- e = re("div"), gn(n.$$.fragment), O(e, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj");
+ e = ce("div"), wn(n.$$.fragment), X(e, "class", "icon-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj");
- m(l, o) {
- yn(l, e, o), pn(n, e, null), i = !0;
+ m(l, a) {
+ Cn(l, e, a), pn(n, e, null), i = !0;
i(l) {
- i || (fe(n.$$.fragment, l), i = !0);
+ i || (ue(n.$$.fragment, l), i = !0);
o(l) {
- ke(n.$$.fragment, l), i = !1;
+ ge(n.$$.fragment, l), i = !1;
d(l) {
- l && vn(e), wn(n);
+ l && yn(e), kn(n);
function is(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r, a, s, c, f, _, g, h, m;
- n = new it({
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r, o, s, c, f, u, b, g, d;
+ n = new ot({
props: {
show_label: (
@@ -1796,9 +1796,9 @@ function is(t) {
$$scope: { ctx: t }
- let b = !/*disabled*/
- t[3] && Jn();
- return _ = new Il({
+ let k = !/*disabled*/
+ t[3] && Zn();
+ return u = new Il({
props: {
show_options: (
@@ -1828,246 +1828,246 @@ function is(t) {
- }), _.$on(
+ }), u.$on(
), {
c() {
- e = re("div"), gn(n.$$.fragment), i = fn(), l = re("div"), o = re("div"), r = re("div"), a = re("input"), c = fn(), b && b.c(), f = fn(), gn(_.$$.fragment), O(a, "role", "listbox"), O(a, "aria-controls", "dropdown-options"), O(
- a,
+ e = ce("div"), wn(n.$$.fragment), i = hn(), l = ce("div"), a = ce("div"), r = ce("div"), o = ce("input"), c = hn(), k && k.c(), f = hn(), wn(u.$$.fragment), X(o, "role", "listbox"), X(o, "aria-controls", "dropdown-options"), X(
+ o,
- ), O(
- a,
+ ), X(
+ o,
- ), O(a, "class", "border-none svelte-1m1zvyj"), a.disabled = /*disabled*/
- t[3], O(a, "autocomplete", "off"), a.readOnly = s = !/*filterable*/
- t[7], ae(a, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
+ ), X(o, "class", "border-none svelte-1m1zvyj"), o.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ t[3], X(o, "autocomplete", "off"), o.readOnly = s = !/*filterable*/
+ t[7], fe(o, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
) && !/*allow_custom_value*/
- t[6]), O(r, "class", "secondary-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), O(o, "class", "wrap-inner svelte-1m1zvyj"), ae(
- o,
+ t[6]), X(r, "class", "secondary-wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), X(a, "class", "wrap-inner svelte-1m1zvyj"), fe(
+ a,
- ), O(l, "class", "wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), O(e, "class", "svelte-1m1zvyj"), ae(
+ ), X(l, "class", "wrap svelte-1m1zvyj"), X(e, "class", "svelte-1m1zvyj"), fe(
- m(d, u) {
- yn(d, e, u), pn(n, e, null), $(e, i), $(e, l), $(l, o), $(o, r), $(r, a), Gn(
- a,
+ m(_, h) {
+ Cn(_, e, h), pn(n, e, null), ee(e, i), ee(e, l), ee(l, a), ee(a, r), ee(r, o), Qn(
+ o,
- ), t[29](a), $(r, c), b && b.m(r, null), $(l, f), pn(_, l, null), g = !0, h || (m = [
- we(
- a,
+ ), t[29](o), ee(r, c), k && k.m(r, null), ee(l, f), pn(u, l, null), b = !0, g || (d = [
+ me(
+ o,
- we(
- a,
+ me(
+ o,
- we(
- a,
+ me(
+ o,
- we(
- a,
+ me(
+ o,
- we(
- a,
+ me(
+ o,
- ], h = !0);
- },
- p(d, u) {
- const w = {};
- u[0] & /*show_label*/
- 16 && (w.show_label = /*show_label*/
- d[4]), u[0] & /*info*/
- 2 && (w.info = /*info*/
- d[1]), u[0] & /*label*/
- 1 | u[1] & /*$$scope*/
- 4 && (w.$$scope = { dirty: u, ctx: d }), n.$set(w), (!g || u[0] & /*show_options*/
- 4096) && O(
- a,
+ ], g = !0);
+ },
+ p(_, h) {
+ const p = {};
+ h[0] & /*show_label*/
+ 16 && (p.show_label = /*show_label*/
+ _[4]), h[0] & /*info*/
+ 2 && (p.info = /*info*/
+ _[1]), h[0] & /*label*/
+ 1 | h[1] & /*$$scope*/
+ 4 && (p.$$scope = { dirty: h, ctx: _ }), n.$set(p), (!b || h[0] & /*show_options*/
+ 4096) && X(
+ o,
- d[12]
- ), (!g || u[0] & /*label*/
- 1) && O(
- a,
+ _[12]
+ ), (!b || h[0] & /*label*/
+ 1) && X(
+ o,
- d[0]
- ), (!g || u[0] & /*disabled*/
- 8) && (a.disabled = /*disabled*/
- d[3]), (!g || u[0] & /*filterable*/
+ _[0]
+ ), (!b || h[0] & /*disabled*/
+ 8) && (o.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ _[3]), (!b || h[0] & /*filterable*/
128 && s !== (s = !/*filterable*/
- d[7])) && (a.readOnly = s), u[0] & /*input_text*/
- 512 && a.value !== /*input_text*/
- d[9] && Gn(
- a,
+ _[7])) && (o.readOnly = s), h[0] & /*input_text*/
+ 512 && o.value !== /*input_text*/
+ _[9] && Qn(
+ o,
- d[9]
- ), (!g || u[0] & /*choices_names, input_text, allow_custom_value*/
- 8768) && ae(a, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
- d[13].includes(
+ _[9]
+ ), (!b || h[0] & /*choices_names, input_text, allow_custom_value*/
+ 8768) && fe(o, "subdued", !/*choices_names*/
+ _[13].includes(
- d[9]
+ _[9]
) && !/*allow_custom_value*/
- d[6]), /*disabled*/
- d[3] ? b && (Kl(), ke(b, 1, 1, () => {
- b = null;
- }), Pl()) : b ? u[0] & /*disabled*/
- 8 && fe(b, 1) : (b = Jn(), b.c(), fe(b, 1), b.m(r, null)), (!g || u[0] & /*show_options*/
- 4096) && ae(
- o,
+ _[6]), /*disabled*/
+ _[3] ? k && (Kl(), ge(k, 1, 1, () => {
+ k = null;
+ }), Pl()) : k ? h[0] & /*disabled*/
+ 8 && ue(k, 1) : (k = Zn(), k.c(), ue(k, 1), k.m(r, null)), (!b || h[0] & /*show_options*/
+ 4096) && fe(
+ a,
- d[12]
+ _[12]
- const p = {};
- u[0] & /*show_options*/
- 4096 && (p.show_options = /*show_options*/
- d[12]), u[0] & /*choices*/
- 4 && (p.choices = /*choices*/
- d[2]), u[0] & /*filtered_indices*/
- 1024 && (p.filtered_indices = /*filtered_indices*/
- d[10]), u[0] & /*disabled*/
- 8 && (p.disabled = /*disabled*/
- d[3]), u[0] & /*selected_index*/
- 2048 && (p.selected_indices = /*selected_index*/
- d[11] === null ? [] : [
+ const m = {};
+ h[0] & /*show_options*/
+ 4096 && (m.show_options = /*show_options*/
+ _[12]), h[0] & /*choices*/
+ 4 && (m.choices = /*choices*/
+ _[2]), h[0] & /*filtered_indices*/
+ 1024 && (m.filtered_indices = /*filtered_indices*/
+ _[10]), h[0] & /*disabled*/
+ 8 && (m.disabled = /*disabled*/
+ _[3]), h[0] & /*selected_index*/
+ 2048 && (m.selected_indices = /*selected_index*/
+ _[11] === null ? [] : [
- d[11]
- ]), u[0] & /*active_index*/
- 16384 && (p.active_index = /*active_index*/
- d[14]), _.$set(p), (!g || u[0] & /*container*/
- 32) && ae(
+ _[11]
+ ]), h[0] & /*active_index*/
+ 16384 && (m.active_index = /*active_index*/
+ _[14]), u.$set(m), (!b || h[0] & /*container*/
+ 32) && fe(
- d[5]
+ _[5]
- i(d) {
- g || (fe(n.$$.fragment, d), fe(b), fe(_.$$.fragment, d), g = !0);
+ i(_) {
+ b || (ue(n.$$.fragment, _), ue(k), ue(u.$$.fragment, _), b = !0);
- o(d) {
- ke(n.$$.fragment, d), ke(b), ke(_.$$.fragment, d), g = !1;
+ o(_) {
+ ge(n.$$.fragment, _), ge(k), ge(u.$$.fragment, _), b = !1;
- d(d) {
- d && vn(e), wn(n), t[29](null), b && b.d(), wn(_), h = !1, Gl(m);
+ d(_) {
+ _ && yn(e), kn(n), t[29](null), k && k.d(), kn(u), g = !1, Gl(d);
function ls(t, e, n) {
- let { label: i } = e, { info: l = void 0 } = e, { value: o = [] } = e, r = [], { value_is_output: a = !1 } = e, { choices: s } = e, c, { disabled: f = !1 } = e, { show_label: _ } = e, { container: g = !0 } = e, { allow_custom_value: h = !1 } = e, { filterable: m = !0 } = e, b, d = !1, u, w, p = "", E = "", S = !1, x = [], M = null, C = null, D;
- const q = es();
- o ? (D = s.map((v) => v[1]).indexOf(o), C = D, C === -1 ? (r = o, C = null) : ([p, r] = s[C], E = p), y()) : s.length > 0 && (D = 0, C = 0, [p, o] = s[C], r = o, E = p);
- function L() {
- n(13, u = s.map((v) => v[0])), n(24, w = s.map((v) => v[1]));
- }
- function y() {
- L(), o === void 0 || Array.isArray(o) && o.length === 0 ? (n(9, p = ""), n(11, C = null)) : w.includes(o) ? (n(9, p = u[w.indexOf(o)]), n(11, C = w.indexOf(o))) : h ? (n(9, p = o), n(11, C = null)) : (n(9, p = ""), n(11, C = null)), n(27, D = C);
- }
- function Z(v) {
- if (n(11, C = parseInt(v.detail.target.dataset.index)), isNaN(C)) {
- n(11, C = null);
+ let { label: i } = e, { info: l = void 0 } = e, { value: a = [] } = e, r = [], { value_is_output: o = !1 } = e, { choices: s } = e, c, { disabled: f = !1 } = e, { show_label: u } = e, { container: b = !0 } = e, { allow_custom_value: g = !1 } = e, { filterable: d = !0 } = e, k, _ = !1, h, p, m = "", E = "", z = !1, x = [], M = null, y = null, H;
+ const R = es();
+ a ? (H = s.map((C) => C[1]).indexOf(a), y = H, y === -1 ? (r = a, y = null) : ([m, r] = s[y], E = m), v()) : s.length > 0 && (H = 0, y = 0, [m, a] = s[y], r = a, E = m);
+ function N() {
+ n(13, h = s.map((C) => C[0])), n(24, p = s.map((C) => C[1]));
+ }
+ function v() {
+ N(), a === void 0 || Array.isArray(a) && a.length === 0 ? (n(9, m = ""), n(11, y = null)) : p.includes(a) ? (n(9, m = h[p.indexOf(a)]), n(11, y = p.indexOf(a))) : g ? (n(9, m = a), n(11, y = null)) : (n(9, m = ""), n(11, y = null)), n(27, H = y);
+ }
+ function F(C) {
+ if (n(11, y = parseInt(C.detail.target.dataset.index)), isNaN(y)) {
+ n(11, y = null);
- n(12, d = !1), n(14, M = null), b.blur();
+ n(12, _ = !1), n(14, M = null), k.blur();
- function te(v) {
- n(10, x = s.map((He, ie) => ie)), n(12, d = !0), q("focus");
+ function se(C) {
+ n(10, x = s.map((xn, en) => en)), n(12, _ = !0), R("focus");
- function me() {
- h ? n(20, o = p) : n(9, p = u[w.indexOf(o)]), n(12, d = !1), n(14, M = null), q("blur");
+ function Ze() {
+ g ? n(20, a = m) : n(9, m = h[p.indexOf(a)]), n(12, _ = !1), n(14, M = null), R("blur");
- function De(v) {
- n(12, [d, M] = Wl(v, M, x), d, (n(14, M), n(2, s), n(23, c), n(6, h), n(9, p), n(10, x), n(8, b), n(25, E), n(11, C), n(27, D), n(26, S), n(24, w))), v.key === "Enter" && (M !== null ? (n(11, C = M), n(12, d = !1), b.blur(), n(14, M = null)) : u.includes(p) ? (n(11, C = u.indexOf(p)), n(12, d = !1), n(14, M = null), b.blur()) : h && (n(20, o = p), n(11, C = null), n(12, d = !1), n(14, M = null), b.blur()), q("enter", o));
+ function de(C) {
+ n(12, [_, M] = Wl(C, M, x), _, (n(14, M), n(2, s), n(23, c), n(6, g), n(9, m), n(10, x), n(8, k), n(25, E), n(11, y), n(27, H), n(26, z), n(24, p))), C.key === "Enter" && (M !== null ? (n(11, y = M), n(12, _ = !1), k.blur(), n(14, M = null)) : h.includes(m) ? (n(11, y = h.indexOf(m)), n(12, _ = !1), n(14, M = null), k.blur()) : g && (n(20, a = m), n(11, y = null), n(12, _ = !1), n(14, M = null), k.blur()), R("enter", a));
ns(() => {
- n(21, a = !1), n(26, S = !0);
+ n(21, o = !1), n(26, z = !0);
}), $l(() => {
- b.focus();
+ k.focus();
- function Qe() {
- p = this.value, n(9, p), n(11, C), n(27, D), n(26, S), n(2, s), n(24, w);
+ function Me() {
+ m = this.value, n(9, m), n(11, y), n(27, H), n(26, z), n(2, s), n(24, p);
- function be(v) {
- Fl[v ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- b = v, n(8, b);
+ function Ae(C) {
+ Fl[C ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ k = C, n(8, k);
- const Ze = (v) => q("key_up", { key: v.key, input_value: p });
- return t.$$set = (v) => {
- "label" in v && n(0, i = v.label), "info" in v && n(1, l = v.info), "value" in v && n(20, o = v.value), "value_is_output" in v && n(21, a = v.value_is_output), "choices" in v && n(2, s = v.choices), "disabled" in v && n(3, f = v.disabled), "show_label" in v && n(4, _ = v.show_label), "container" in v && n(5, g = v.container), "allow_custom_value" in v && n(6, h = v.allow_custom_value), "filterable" in v && n(7, m = v.filterable);
+ const $e = (C) => R("key_up", { key: C.key, input_value: m });
+ return t.$$set = (C) => {
+ "label" in C && n(0, i = C.label), "info" in C && n(1, l = C.info), "value" in C && n(20, a = C.value), "value_is_output" in C && n(21, o = C.value_is_output), "choices" in C && n(2, s = C.choices), "disabled" in C && n(3, f = C.disabled), "show_label" in C && n(4, u = C.show_label), "container" in C && n(5, b = C.container), "allow_custom_value" in C && n(6, g = C.allow_custom_value), "filterable" in C && n(7, d = C.filterable);
}, t.$$.update = () => {
t.$$.dirty[0] & /*selected_index, old_selected_index, initialized, choices, choices_values*/
- 218105860 && C !== D && C !== null && S && (n(9, [p, o] = s[C], p, (n(20, o), n(11, C), n(27, D), n(26, S), n(2, s), n(24, w))), n(27, D = C), q("select", {
- index: C,
- value: w[C],
+ 218105860 && y !== H && y !== null && z && (n(9, [m, a] = s[y], m, (n(20, a), n(11, y), n(27, H), n(26, z), n(2, s), n(24, p))), n(27, H = y), R("select", {
+ index: y,
+ value: p[y],
selected: !0
})), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*value, old_value, value_is_output*/
- 7340032 && o != r && (y(), Ul(q, o, a), n(22, r = o)), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices*/
- 4 && L(), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices, old_choices, allow_custom_value, input_text, filtered_indices, filter_input*/
- 8390468 && s !== c && (h || y(), n(23, c = s), n(10, x = Vn(s, p)), !h && x.length > 0 && n(14, M = x[0]), b == document.activeElement && n(12, d = !0)), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*input_text, old_input_text, choices, allow_custom_value, filtered_indices*/
- 33556036 && p !== E && (n(10, x = Vn(s, p)), n(25, E = p), !h && x.length > 0 && n(14, M = x[0]));
+ 7340032 && a != r && (v(), Ul(R, a, o), n(22, r = a)), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices*/
+ 4 && N(), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*choices, old_choices, allow_custom_value, input_text, filtered_indices, filter_input*/
+ 8390468 && s !== c && (g || v(), n(23, c = s), n(10, x = Jn(s, m)), !g && x.length > 0 && n(14, M = x[0]), k == document.activeElement && n(12, _ = !0)), t.$$.dirty[0] & /*input_text, old_input_text, choices, allow_custom_value, filtered_indices*/
+ 33556036 && m !== E && (n(10, x = Jn(s, m)), n(25, E = m), !g && x.length > 0 && n(14, M = x[0]));
}, [
- _,
+ u,
+ b,
- h,
+ d,
+ k,
- b,
- p,
- C,
- d,
- u,
+ y,
+ _,
+ h,
- q,
- Z,
- te,
- me,
- De,
- o,
+ R,
+ F,
+ se,
+ Ze,
+ de,
+ o,
- w,
+ p,
- S,
- D,
- Qe,
- be,
- Ze
+ z,
+ H,
+ Me,
+ Ae,
+ $e
class ss extends Nl {
@@ -2097,33 +2097,33 @@ class ss extends Nl {
const {
SvelteComponent: os,
- append: V,
- attr: Re,
- create_component: Xe,
- destroy_component: Ye,
- detach: Cn,
- element: ee,
+ append: G,
+ attr: qe,
+ create_component: Le,
+ destroy_component: Re,
+ detach: Sn,
+ element: ne,
init: as,
- insert: Sn,
- mount_component: Be,
+ insert: zn,
+ mount_component: Xe,
safe_not_equal: rs,
- set_style: Oe,
- space: cn,
- text: _t,
- transition_in: Ie,
- transition_out: je
+ set_style: Ye,
+ space: _n,
+ text: bt,
+ transition_in: Oe,
+ transition_out: Ie
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: fs } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: cs, onDestroy: us } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function hs(t) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = _t("Cancel");
+ e = bt("Cancel");
m(n, i) {
- Sn(n, e, i);
+ zn(n, e, i);
d(n) {
- n && Cn(e);
+ n && Sn(e);
@@ -2131,19 +2131,19 @@ function _s(t) {
let e;
return {
c() {
- e = _t("OK");
+ e = bt("OK");
m(n, i) {
- Sn(n, e, i);
+ zn(n, e, i);
d(n) {
- n && Cn(e);
+ n && Sn(e);
function ds(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r, a, s, c, f, _, g, h, m, b;
- return o = new ss({
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r, o, s, c, f, u, b, g, d, k;
+ return a = new ss({
props: {
value: (
@@ -2157,11 +2157,11 @@ function ds(t) {
show_label: !1,
allow_custom_value: !0
- }), o.$on(
+ }), a.$on(
- ), o.$on(
+ ), a.$on(
@@ -2178,114 +2178,114 @@ function ds(t) {
- ), _ = new In({
+ ), u = new Un({
props: {
$$slots: { default: [hs] },
$$scope: { ctx: t }
- }), _.$on(
+ }), u.$on(
- ), m = new In({
+ ), d = new Un({
props: {
variant: "primary",
$$slots: { default: [_s] },
$$scope: { ctx: t }
- }), m.$on(
+ }), d.$on(
), {
c() {
- e = ee("div"), n = ee("div"), i = ee("span"), l = ee("div"), Xe(o.$$.fragment), r = cn(), a = ee("div"), Xe(s.$$.fragment), c = cn(), f = ee("div"), Xe(_.$$.fragment), g = cn(), h = ee("div"), Xe(m.$$.fragment), Oe(l, "margin-right", "10px"), Oe(a, "margin-right", "40px"), Oe(a, "margin-bottom", "8px"), Oe(f, "margin-right", "8px"), Re(i, "class", "model-content svelte-hkn2q1"), Re(n, "class", "modal-container svelte-hkn2q1"), Re(e, "class", "modal svelte-hkn2q1"), Re(e, "id", "model-box-edit");
- },
- m(d, u) {
- Sn(d, e, u), V(e, n), V(n, i), V(i, l), Be(o, l, null), V(i, r), V(i, a), Be(s, a, null), V(i, c), V(i, f), Be(_, f, null), V(i, g), V(i, h), Be(m, h, null), b = !0;
- },
- p(d, [u]) {
- const w = {};
- u & /*currentLabel*/
- 1 && (w.value = /*currentLabel*/
- d[0]), u & /*choices*/
- 4 && (w.choices = /*choices*/
- d[2]), o.$set(w);
+ e = ne("div"), n = ne("div"), i = ne("span"), l = ne("div"), Le(a.$$.fragment), r = _n(), o = ne("div"), Le(s.$$.fragment), c = _n(), f = ne("div"), Le(u.$$.fragment), b = _n(), g = ne("div"), Le(d.$$.fragment), Ye(l, "margin-right", "10px"), Ye(o, "margin-right", "40px"), Ye(o, "margin-bottom", "8px"), Ye(f, "margin-right", "8px"), qe(i, "class", "model-content svelte-hkn2q1"), qe(n, "class", "modal-container svelte-hkn2q1"), qe(e, "class", "modal svelte-hkn2q1"), qe(e, "id", "model-box-edit");
+ },
+ m(_, h) {
+ zn(_, e, h), G(e, n), G(n, i), G(i, l), Xe(a, l, null), G(i, r), G(i, o), Xe(s, o, null), G(i, c), G(i, f), Xe(u, f, null), G(i, b), G(i, g), Xe(d, g, null), k = !0;
+ },
+ p(_, [h]) {
const p = {};
- u & /*currentColor*/
- 2 && (p.value = /*currentColor*/
- d[1]), s.$set(p);
+ h & /*currentLabel*/
+ 1 && (p.value = /*currentLabel*/
+ _[0]), h & /*choices*/
+ 4 && (p.choices = /*choices*/
+ _[2]), a.$set(p);
+ const m = {};
+ h & /*currentColor*/
+ 2 && (m.value = /*currentColor*/
+ _[1]), s.$set(m);
const E = {};
- u & /*$$scope*/
- 16384 && (E.$$scope = { dirty: u, ctx: d }), _.$set(E);
- const S = {};
- u & /*$$scope*/
- 16384 && (S.$$scope = { dirty: u, ctx: d }), m.$set(S);
+ h & /*$$scope*/
+ 16384 && (E.$$scope = { dirty: h, ctx: _ }), u.$set(E);
+ const z = {};
+ h & /*$$scope*/
+ 16384 && (z.$$scope = { dirty: h, ctx: _ }), d.$set(z);
- i(d) {
- b || (Ie(o.$$.fragment, d), Ie(s.$$.fragment, d), Ie(_.$$.fragment, d), Ie(m.$$.fragment, d), b = !0);
+ i(_) {
+ k || (Oe(a.$$.fragment, _), Oe(s.$$.fragment, _), Oe(u.$$.fragment, _), Oe(d.$$.fragment, _), k = !0);
- o(d) {
- je(o.$$.fragment, d), je(s.$$.fragment, d), je(_.$$.fragment, d), je(m.$$.fragment, d), b = !1;
+ o(_) {
+ Ie(a.$$.fragment, _), Ie(s.$$.fragment, _), Ie(u.$$.fragment, _), Ie(d.$$.fragment, _), k = !1;
- d(d) {
- d && Cn(e), Ye(o), Ye(s), Ye(_), Ye(m);
+ d(_) {
+ _ && Sn(e), Re(a), Re(s), Re(u), Re(d);
function ms(t, e, n) {
- let { label: i = "" } = e, { currentLabel: l = "" } = e, { choices: o = [] } = e, { choicesColors: r = [] } = e, { color: a = "" } = e, { currentColor: s = "" } = e;
+ let { label: i = "" } = e, { currentLabel: l = "" } = e, { choices: a = [] } = e, { choicesColors: r = [] } = e, { color: o = "" } = e, { currentColor: s = "" } = e;
const c = fs();
- function f(u) {
+ function f(h) {
c("change", {
label: l,
color: s,
- ok: u
+ ok: h
- function _(u) {
- const { detail: w } = u;
- let p = w;
- Number.isInteger(p) ? (Array.isArray(r) && p < r.length && n(1, s = r[p]), Array.isArray(o) && p < o.length && n(0, l = o[p][0])) : n(0, l = p);
+ function u(h) {
+ const { detail: p } = h;
+ let m = p;
+ Number.isInteger(m) ? (Array.isArray(r) && m < r.length && n(1, s = r[m]), Array.isArray(a) && m < a.length && n(0, l = a[m][0])) : n(0, l = m);
- function g(u) {
- const { detail: w } = u;
- n(1, s = w);
+ function b(h) {
+ const { detail: p } = h;
+ n(1, s = p);
- function h(u) {
- _(u), f(!0);
+ function g(h) {
+ u(h), f(!0);
- function m(u) {
- switch (u.key) {
+ function d(h) {
+ switch (h.key) {
case "Enter":
cs(() => {
- document.addEventListener("keydown", m), n(0, l = i), n(1, s = a);
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", d), n(0, l = i), n(1, s = o);
}), us(() => {
- document.removeEventListener("keydown", m);
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", d);
- const b = () => f(!1), d = () => f(!0);
- return t.$$set = (u) => {
- "label" in u && n(7, i = u.label), "currentLabel" in u && n(0, l = u.currentLabel), "choices" in u && n(2, o = u.choices), "choicesColors" in u && n(8, r = u.choicesColors), "color" in u && n(9, a = u.color), "currentColor" in u && n(1, s = u.currentColor);
+ const k = () => f(!1), _ = () => f(!0);
+ return t.$$set = (h) => {
+ "label" in h && n(7, i = h.label), "currentLabel" in h && n(0, l = h.currentLabel), "choices" in h && n(2, a = h.choices), "choicesColors" in h && n(8, r = h.choicesColors), "color" in h && n(9, o = h.color), "currentColor" in h && n(1, s = h.currentColor);
}, [
- o,
+ a,
- _,
+ u,
+ b,
- h,
- a,
- b,
- d
+ o,
+ k,
+ _
-class dt extends os {
+class gt extends os {
constructor(e) {
super(), as(this, e, ms, ds, rs, {
label: 7,
@@ -2297,60 +2297,60 @@ class dt extends os {
-const X = (t, e, n) => Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n);
-function un(t, e) {
+const q = (t, e, n) => Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n);
+function dn(t, e) {
if (t.startsWith("rgba"))
return t.replace(/[\d.]+$/, e.toString());
const n = t.match(/\d+/g);
if (!n || n.length !== 3)
return `rgba(50, 50, 50, ${e})`;
- const [i, l, o] = n;
- return `rgba(${i}, ${l}, ${o}, ${e})`;
+ const [i, l, a] = n;
+ return `rgba(${i}, ${l}, ${a}, ${e})`;
-class hn {
- constructor(e, n, i, l, o, r, a, s, c, f, _ = "rgb(255, 255, 255)", g = 0.5, h = 25, m = 8, b = 2, d = 4, u = 1) {
+class mn {
+ constructor(e, n, i, l, a, r, o, s, c, f, u = "rgb(255, 255, 255)", b = 0.5, g = 25, d = 8, k = 2, _ = 4, h = 1) {
this.stopDrag = () => {
this.isDragging = !1, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleDrag), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.stopDrag);
- }, this.handleDrag = (w) => {
+ }, this.handleDrag = (p) => {
if (this.isDragging) {
- let p = w.clientX - this.offsetMouseX - this.xmin, E = w.clientY - this.offsetMouseY - this.ymin;
- const S = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, x = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
- p = X(p, -this.xmin, S - this.xmax), E = X(E, -this.ymin, x - this.ymax), this.xmin += p, this.ymin += E, this.xmax += p, this.ymax += E, this.updateHandles(), this.renderCallBack();
+ let m = p.clientX - this.offsetMouseX - this.xmin, E = p.clientY - this.offsetMouseY - this.ymin;
+ const z = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, x = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
+ m = q(m, -this.xmin, z - this.xmax), E = q(E, -this.ymin, x - this.ymax), this.xmin += m, this.ymin += E, this.xmax += m, this.ymax += E, this.updateHandles(), this.renderCallBack();
- }, this.handleResize = (w) => {
+ }, this.handleResize = (p) => {
if (this.isResizing) {
- const p = w.clientX, E = w.clientY, S = p - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].xmin - this.offsetMouseX, x = E - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].ymin - this.offsetMouseY, M = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, C = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
+ const m = p.clientX, E = p.clientY, z = m - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].xmin - this.offsetMouseX, x = E - this.resizeHandles[this.resizingHandleIndex].ymin - this.offsetMouseY, M = this.canvasXmax - this.canvasXmin, y = this.canvasYmax - this.canvasYmin;
switch (this.resizingHandleIndex) {
case 0:
- this.xmin += S, this.ymin += x, this.xmin = X(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymin = X(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
+ this.xmin += z, this.ymin += x, this.xmin = q(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymin = q(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
case 1:
- this.xmax += S, this.ymin += x, this.xmax = X(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, M), this.ymin = X(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
+ this.xmax += z, this.ymin += x, this.xmax = q(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, M), this.ymin = q(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
case 2:
- this.xmax += S, this.ymax += x, this.xmax = X(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, M), this.ymax = X(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, C);
+ this.xmax += z, this.ymax += x, this.xmax = q(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, M), this.ymax = q(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, y);
case 3:
- this.xmin += S, this.ymax += x, this.xmin = X(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymax = X(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, C);
+ this.xmin += z, this.ymax += x, this.xmin = q(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize), this.ymax = q(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, y);
case 4:
- this.ymin += x, this.ymin = X(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
+ this.ymin += x, this.ymin = q(this.ymin, 0, this.ymax - this.minSize);
case 5:
- this.xmax += S, this.xmax = X(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, M);
+ this.xmax += z, this.xmax = q(this.xmax, this.xmin + this.minSize, M);
case 6:
- this.ymax += x, this.ymax = X(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, C);
+ this.ymax += x, this.ymax = q(this.ymax, this.ymin + this.minSize, y);
case 7:
- this.xmin += S, this.xmin = X(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize);
+ this.xmin += z, this.xmin = q(this.xmin, 0, this.xmax - this.minSize);
this.updateHandles(), this.renderCallBack();
}, this.stopResize = () => {
this.isResizing = !1, document.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.stopResize);
- }, this.renderCallBack = e, this.canvasXmin = n, this.canvasYmin = i, this.canvasXmax = l, this.canvasYmax = o, this.scaleFactor = u, this.label = r, this.isDragging = !1, this.xmin = a, this.ymin = s, this.xmax = c, this.ymax = f, this.isResizing = !1, this.isSelected = !1, this.offsetMouseX = 0, this.offsetMouseY = 0, this.resizeHandleSize = m, this.thickness = b, this.selectedThickness = d, this.updateHandles(), this.resizingHandleIndex = -1, this.minSize = h, this.color = _, this.alpha = g;
+ }, this.renderCallBack = e, this.canvasXmin = n, this.canvasYmin = i, this.canvasXmax = l, this.canvasYmax = a, this.scaleFactor = h, this.label = r, this.isDragging = !1, this.xmin = o, this.ymin = s, this.xmax = c, this.ymax = f, this.isResizing = !1, this.isSelected = !1, this.offsetMouseX = 0, this.offsetMouseY = 0, this.resizeHandleSize = d, this.thickness = k, this.selectedThickness = _, this.updateHandles(), this.resizingHandleIndex = -1, this.minSize = g, this.color = u, this.alpha = b;
toJSON() {
return {
@@ -2445,13 +2445,13 @@ class hn {
render(e) {
let n, i;
- if (e.beginPath(), [n, i] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(this.xmin, this.ymin), e.rect(n, i, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()), e.fillStyle = un(this.color, this.alpha), e.fill(), this.isSelected ? e.lineWidth = this.selectedThickness : e.lineWidth = this.thickness, e.strokeStyle = un(this.color, 1), e.stroke(), e.closePath(), this.label !== null && this.label.trim() !== "") {
+ if (e.beginPath(), [n, i] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(this.xmin, this.ymin), e.rect(n, i, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()), e.fillStyle = dn(this.color, this.alpha), e.fill(), this.isSelected ? e.lineWidth = this.selectedThickness : e.lineWidth = this.thickness, e.strokeStyle = dn(this.color, 1), e.stroke(), e.closePath(), this.label !== null && this.label.trim() !== "") {
this.isSelected ? e.font = "bold 14px Arial" : e.font = "12px Arial";
- const l = e.measureText(this.label).width + 10, o = 20;
- let r = this.xmin, a = this.ymin - o;
- e.fillStyle = "white", [r, a] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(r, a), e.fillRect(r, a, l, o), e.lineWidth = 1, e.strokeStyle = "black", e.strokeRect(r, a, l, o), e.fillStyle = "black", e.fillText(this.label, r + 5, a + 15);
+ const l = e.measureText(this.label).width + 10, a = 20;
+ let r = this.xmin, o = this.ymin - a;
+ e.fillStyle = "white", [r, o] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(r, o), e.fillRect(r, o, l, a), e.lineWidth = 1, e.strokeStyle = "black", e.strokeRect(r, o, l, a), e.fillStyle = "black", e.fillText(this.label, r + 5, o + 15);
- e.fillStyle = un(this.color, 1);
+ e.fillStyle = dn(this.color, 1);
for (const l of this.resizeHandles)
[n, i] = this.toCanvasCoordinates(l.xmin, l.ymin), e.fillRect(
@@ -2479,7 +2479,7 @@ class hn {
this.resizingHandleIndex = e, this.isResizing = !0, this.offsetMouseX = n.clientX - this.resizeHandles[e].xmin, this.offsetMouseY = n.clientY - this.resizeHandles[e].ymin, document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.handleResize), document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.stopResize);
-const K = [
+const V = [
"rgb(255, 168, 77)",
"rgb(92, 172, 238)",
"rgb(255, 99, 71)",
@@ -2495,71 +2495,100 @@ const K = [
"rgb(255, 250, 138)"
], {
SvelteComponent: bs,
- append: ce,
- attr: ne,
+ append: we,
+ attr: le,
binding_callbacks: gs,
- bubble: Qn,
- check_outros: _n,
- create_component: Ce,
- destroy_component: Se,
- detach: ue,
- element: de,
+ bubble: $n,
+ check_outros: Ne,
+ create_component: ye,
+ destroy_component: Ce,
+ detach: te,
+ element: _e,
empty: ws,
- group_outros: dn,
- init: ps,
- insert: he,
- listen: Q,
- mount_component: ze,
- noop: ks,
- run_all: mt,
+ group_outros: Fe,
+ init: ks,
+ insert: ie,
+ listen: $,
+ mount_component: Se,
+ noop: ps,
+ run_all: wt,
safe_not_equal: vs,
- space: xe,
- transition_in: Y,
- transition_out: W
+ space: ve,
+ transition_in: D,
+ transition_out: O
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { onMount: ys, onDestroy: Cs, createEventDispatcher: Ss } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function Zn(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r, a, s, c, f, _, g;
- return i = new ui({}), r = new li({}), c = new Ut({}), {
+function et(t) {
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r, o, s, c, f;
+ i = new ui({});
+ let u = !/*disableEditBoxes*/
+ t[4] && nt(t);
+ return o = new Ut({}), {
c() {
- e = de("span"), n = de("button"), Ce(i.$$.fragment), l = xe(), o = de("button"), Ce(r.$$.fragment), a = xe(), s = de("button"), Ce(c.$$.fragment), ne(n, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), ne(o, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), ne(s, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), ne(e, "class", "canvas-control svelte-182gnnj");
+ e = _e("span"), n = _e("button"), ye(i.$$.fragment), l = ve(), u && u.c(), a = ve(), r = _e("button"), ye(o.$$.fragment), le(n, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), le(r, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj"), le(e, "class", "canvas-control svelte-182gnnj");
- m(h, m) {
- he(h, e, m), ce(e, n), ze(i, n, null), ce(e, l), ce(e, o), ze(r, o, null), ce(e, a), ce(e, s), ze(c, s, null), f = !0, _ || (g = [
- Q(
+ m(b, g) {
+ ie(b, e, g), we(e, n), Se(i, n, null), we(e, l), u && u.m(e, null), we(e, a), we(e, r), Se(o, r, null), s = !0, c || (f = [
+ $(
- t[25]
- ),
- Q(
- o,
- "click",
- /*click_handler_1*/
- Q(
- s,
+ $(
+ r,
- t[27]
+ t[28]
- ], _ = !0);
+ ], c = !0);
+ },
+ p(b, g) {
+ /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ b[4] ? u && (Fe(), O(u, 1, 1, () => {
+ u = null;
+ }), Ne()) : u ? (u.p(b, g), g[0] & /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ 16 && D(u, 1)) : (u = nt(b), u.c(), D(u, 1), u.m(e, a));
- p: ks,
- i(h) {
- f || (Y(i.$$.fragment, h), Y(r.$$.fragment, h), Y(c.$$.fragment, h), f = !0);
+ i(b) {
+ s || (D(i.$$.fragment, b), D(u), D(o.$$.fragment, b), s = !0);
- o(h) {
- W(i.$$.fragment, h), W(r.$$.fragment, h), W(c.$$.fragment, h), f = !1;
+ o(b) {
+ O(i.$$.fragment, b), O(u), O(o.$$.fragment, b), s = !1;
- d(h) {
- h && ue(e), Se(i), Se(r), Se(c), _ = !1, mt(g);
+ d(b) {
+ b && te(e), Ce(i), u && u.d(), Ce(o), c = !1, wt(f);
-function $n(t) {
+function nt(t) {
+ let e, n, i, l, a;
+ return n = new li({}), {
+ c() {
+ e = _e("button"), ye(n.$$.fragment), le(e, "class", "icon svelte-182gnnj");
+ },
+ m(r, o) {
+ ie(r, e, o), Se(n, e, null), i = !0, l || (a = $(
+ e,
+ "click",
+ /*click_handler_1*/
+ t[27]
+ ), l = !0);
+ },
+ p: ps,
+ i(r) {
+ i || (D(n.$$.fragment, r), i = !0);
+ },
+ o(r) {
+ O(n.$$.fragment, r), i = !1;
+ },
+ d(r) {
+ r && te(e), Ce(n), l = !1, a();
+ }
+ };
+function tt(t) {
let e, n;
- return e = new dt({
+ return e = new gt({
props: {
choices: (
@@ -2571,25 +2600,25 @@ function $n(t) {
label: (
- t[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- t[5] < /*value*/
+ t[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ t[6] < /*value*/
t[0].boxes.length ? (
- t[5]
+ t[6]
) : ""
color: (
- t[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- t[5] < /*value*/
- t[0].boxes.length ? Me(
+ t[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ t[6] < /*value*/
+ t[0].boxes.length ? ze(
- t[5]
+ t[6]
) : ""
@@ -2597,60 +2626,60 @@ function $n(t) {
}), e.$on(
- t[14]
+ t[15]
), e.$on(
- t[28]
+ t[29]
), {
c() {
- Ce(e.$$.fragment);
+ ye(e.$$.fragment);
m(i, l) {
- ze(e, i, l), n = !0;
+ Se(e, i, l), n = !0;
p(i, l) {
- const o = {};
+ const a = {};
l[0] & /*choices*/
- 4 && (o.choices = /*choices*/
+ 4 && (a.choices = /*choices*/
i[2]), l[0] & /*choicesColors*/
- 8 && (o.choicesColors = /*choicesColors*/
+ 8 && (a.choicesColors = /*choicesColors*/
i[3]), l[0] & /*selectedBox, value*/
- 33 && (o.label = /*selectedBox*/
- i[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- i[5] < /*value*/
+ 65 && (a.label = /*selectedBox*/
+ i[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ i[6] < /*value*/
i[0].boxes.length ? (
- i[5]
+ i[6]
) : ""), l[0] & /*selectedBox, value*/
- 33 && (o.color = /*selectedBox*/
- i[5] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
- i[5] < /*value*/
- i[0].boxes.length ? Me(
+ 65 && (a.color = /*selectedBox*/
+ i[6] >= 0 && /*selectedBox*/
+ i[6] < /*value*/
+ i[0].boxes.length ? ze(
- i[5]
+ i[6]
- ) : ""), e.$set(o);
+ ) : ""), e.$set(a);
i(i) {
- n || (Y(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
+ n || (D(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
o(i) {
- W(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
+ O(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
d(i) {
- Se(e, i);
+ Ce(e, i);
-function et(t) {
+function it(t) {
let e, n;
- return e = new dt({
+ return e = new gt({
props: {
choices: (
@@ -2667,333 +2696,335 @@ function et(t) {
t[3].length > 0 ? (
- ) : Me(K[
+ ) : ze(V[
- t[0].boxes.length % K.length
+ t[0].boxes.length % V.length
}), e.$on(
- t[11]
+ t[12]
), e.$on(
- t[29]
+ t[30]
), {
c() {
- Ce(e.$$.fragment);
+ ye(e.$$.fragment);
m(i, l) {
- ze(e, i, l), n = !0;
+ Se(e, i, l), n = !0;
p(i, l) {
- const o = {};
+ const a = {};
l[0] & /*choices*/
- 4 && (o.choices = /*choices*/
+ 4 && (a.choices = /*choices*/
i[2]), l[0] & /*choicesColors*/
- 8 && (o.choicesColors = /*choicesColors*/
+ 8 && (a.choicesColors = /*choicesColors*/
i[3]), l[0] & /*choicesColors, value*/
- 9 && (o.color = Array.isArray(
+ 9 && (a.color = Array.isArray(
) && /*choicesColors*/
i[3].length > 0 ? (
- ) : Me(K[
+ ) : ze(V[
- i[0].boxes.length % K.length
- ])), e.$set(o);
+ i[0].boxes.length % V.length
+ ])), e.$set(a);
i(i) {
- n || (Y(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
+ n || (D(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
o(i) {
- W(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
+ O(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
d(i) {
- Se(e, i);
+ Ce(e, i);
function zs(t) {
- let e, n, i, l, o, r, a, s, c, f = (
+ let e, n, i, l, a, r, o, s, c, f = (
- t[1] && Zn(t)
- ), _ = (
+ t[1] && et(t)
+ ), u = (
- t[6] && $n(t)
- ), g = (
+ t[7] && tt(t)
+ ), b = (
- t[7] && et(t)
+ t[8] && it(t)
return {
c() {
- e = de("div"), n = de("canvas"), i = xe(), f && f.c(), l = xe(), _ && _.c(), o = xe(), g && g.c(), r = ws(), ne(n, "class", "canvas-annotator svelte-182gnnj"), ne(e, "class", "canvas-container svelte-182gnnj"), ne(e, "tabindex", "-1");
+ e = _e("div"), n = _e("canvas"), i = ve(), f && f.c(), l = ve(), u && u.c(), a = ve(), b && b.c(), r = ws(), le(n, "class", "canvas-annotator svelte-182gnnj"), le(e, "class", "canvas-container svelte-182gnnj"), le(e, "tabindex", "-1");
- m(h, m) {
- he(h, e, m), ce(e, n), t[24](n), he(h, i, m), f && f.m(h, m), he(h, l, m), _ && _.m(h, m), he(h, o, m), g && g.m(h, m), he(h, r, m), a = !0, s || (c = [
- Q(
+ m(g, d) {
+ ie(g, e, d), we(e, n), t[25](n), ie(g, i, d), f && f.m(g, d), ie(g, l, d), u && u.m(g, d), ie(g, a, d), b && b.m(g, d), ie(g, r, d), o = !0, s || (c = [
+ $(
- t[8]
+ t[9]
- Q(
+ $(
- t[9]
+ t[10]
- Q(
+ $(
- t[13]
+ t[14]
- Q(
+ $(
- t[16]
+ t[17]
- Q(
+ $(
- t[17]
+ t[18]
], s = !0);
- p(h, m) {
+ p(g, d) {
- h[1] ? f ? (f.p(h, m), m[0] & /*interactive*/
- 2 && Y(f, 1)) : (f = Zn(h), f.c(), Y(f, 1), f.m(l.parentNode, l)) : f && (dn(), W(f, 1, 1, () => {
+ g[1] ? f ? (f.p(g, d), d[0] & /*interactive*/
+ 2 && D(f, 1)) : (f = et(g), f.c(), D(f, 1), f.m(l.parentNode, l)) : f && (Fe(), O(f, 1, 1, () => {
f = null;
- }), _n()), /*editModalVisible*/
- h[6] ? _ ? (_.p(h, m), m[0] & /*editModalVisible*/
- 64 && Y(_, 1)) : (_ = $n(h), _.c(), Y(_, 1), _.m(o.parentNode, o)) : _ && (dn(), W(_, 1, 1, () => {
- _ = null;
- }), _n()), /*newModalVisible*/
- h[7] ? g ? (g.p(h, m), m[0] & /*newModalVisible*/
- 128 && Y(g, 1)) : (g = et(h), g.c(), Y(g, 1), g.m(r.parentNode, r)) : g && (dn(), W(g, 1, 1, () => {
- g = null;
- }), _n());
- },
- i(h) {
- a || (Y(f), Y(_), Y(g), a = !0);
- },
- o(h) {
- W(f), W(_), W(g), a = !1;
- },
- d(h) {
- h && (ue(e), ue(i), ue(l), ue(o), ue(r)), t[24](null), f && f.d(h), _ && _.d(h), g && g.d(h), s = !1, mt(c);
+ }), Ne()), /*editModalVisible*/
+ g[7] ? u ? (u.p(g, d), d[0] & /*editModalVisible*/
+ 128 && D(u, 1)) : (u = tt(g), u.c(), D(u, 1), u.m(a.parentNode, a)) : u && (Fe(), O(u, 1, 1, () => {
+ u = null;
+ }), Ne()), /*newModalVisible*/
+ g[8] ? b ? (b.p(g, d), d[0] & /*newModalVisible*/
+ 256 && D(b, 1)) : (b = it(g), b.c(), D(b, 1), b.m(r.parentNode, r)) : b && (Fe(), O(b, 1, 1, () => {
+ b = null;
+ }), Ne());
+ },
+ i(g) {
+ o || (D(f), D(u), D(b), o = !0);
+ },
+ o(g) {
+ O(f), O(u), O(b), o = !1;
+ },
+ d(g) {
+ g && (te(e), te(i), te(l), te(a), te(r)), t[25](null), f && f.d(g), u && u.d(g), b && b.d(g), s = !1, wt(c);
-function nt(t) {
+function lt(t) {
var e = parseInt(t.slice(1, 3), 16), n = parseInt(t.slice(3, 5), 16), i = parseInt(t.slice(5, 7), 16);
return "rgb(" + e + ", " + n + ", " + i + ")";
-function Me(t) {
+function ze(t) {
const e = t.match(/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g), n = parseInt(e[0]), i = parseInt(e[1]), l = parseInt(e[2]);
return "#" + (1 << 24 | n << 16 | i << 8 | l).toString(16).slice(1);
function xs(t, e, n) {
- let { imageUrl: i = null } = e, { interactive: l } = e, { boxAlpha: o = 0.5 } = e, { boxMinSize: r = 25 } = e, { handleSize: a } = e, { boxThickness: s } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: c } = e, { value: f } = e, { choices: _ = [] } = e, { choicesColors: g = [] } = e, h, m, b = null, d = -1, u = 0, w = 0, p = 0, E = 0, S = 1, x = 0, M = 0, C = !1, D = !1;
- const q = Ss();
- function L() {
- if (m) {
- m.clearRect(0, 0, h.width, h.height), b !== null && m.drawImage(b, u, w, x, M);
- for (const k of f.boxes.slice().reverse())
- k.render(m);
+ let { imageUrl: i = null } = e, { interactive: l } = e, { boxAlpha: a = 0.5 } = e, { boxMinSize: r = 25 } = e, { handleSize: o } = e, { boxThickness: s } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: c } = e, { value: f } = e, { choices: u = [] } = e, { choicesColors: b = [] } = e, { disableEditBoxes: g = !1 } = e, d, k, _ = null, h = -1, p = 0, m = 0, E = 0, z = 0, x = 1, M = 0, y = 0, H = !1, R = !1;
+ const N = Ss();
+ function v() {
+ if (k) {
+ k.clearRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height), _ !== null && k.drawImage(_, p, m, M, y);
+ for (const w of f.boxes.slice().reverse())
+ w.render(k);
- function y(k) {
- n(5, d = k), f.boxes.forEach((z) => {
- z.setSelected(!1);
- }), k >= 0 && k < f.boxes.length && f.boxes[k].setSelected(!0), L();
+ function F(w) {
+ n(6, h = w), f.boxes.forEach((S) => {
+ S.setSelected(!1);
+ }), w >= 0 && w < f.boxes.length && f.boxes[w].setSelected(!0), v();
- function Z(k) {
+ function se(w) {
if (!l)
- const z = h.getBoundingClientRect(), H = k.clientX - z.left, R = k.clientY - z.top;
- for (const [ge, N] of f.boxes.entries()) {
- const Te = N.indexOfPointInsideHandle(H, R);
- if (Te >= 0) {
- y(ge), N.startResize(Te, k);
+ const S = d.getBoundingClientRect(), B = w.clientX - S.left, j = w.clientY - S.top;
+ for (const [J, I] of f.boxes.entries()) {
+ const De = I.indexOfPointInsideHandle(B, j);
+ if (De >= 0) {
+ F(J), I.startResize(De, w);
- for (const [ge, N] of f.boxes.entries())
- if (N.isPointInsideBox(H, R)) {
- y(ge), N.startDrag(k);
+ for (const [J, I] of f.boxes.entries())
+ if (I.isPointInsideBox(B, j)) {
+ F(J), I.startDrag(w);
- y(-1);
+ F(-1);
- function te(k) {
- q("change");
+ function Ze(w) {
+ N("change");
- function me(k) {
+ function de(w) {
if (l)
- switch (k.key) {
+ switch (w.key) {
case "Delete":
- He();
+ nn();
- function De() {
- n(7, D = !0);
- }
- function Qe(k) {
- n(7, D = !1);
- const { detail: z } = k;
- let H = z.label, R = z.color;
- if (z.ok) {
- R === null || R === "" ? R = K[f.boxes.length % K.length] : R = nt(R);
- let N = x / 3 / S, Te = x / 3 * 2 / S, xt = M / 3 / S, Mt = M / 3 * 2 / S, Et = new hn(L, u, w, p, E, H, Math.round(N), Math.round(xt), Math.round(Te), Math.round(Mt), R, o, r, a, s, c);
- n(0, f.boxes = [Et, ...f.boxes], f), L(), q("change");
- }
+ function Me() {
+ g ? Ae() : n(8, R = !0);
- function be() {
- d >= 0 && d < f.boxes.length && n(6, C = !0);
+ function Ae(w = null, S = null, B = null, j = null, J = null, I = null) {
+ S === null || S === "" ? S = V[f.boxes.length % V.length] : S = lt(S), w === null && (w = ""), B === null && (B = M / 3 / x), J === null && (J = M / 3 * 2 / x), j === null && (j = y / 3 / x), I === null && (I = y / 3 * 2 / x);
+ let De = new mn(v, p, m, E, z, w, Math.round(B), Math.round(j), Math.round(J), Math.round(I), S, a, r, o, s, c);
+ n(0, f.boxes = [De, ...f.boxes], f), v(), N("change");
- function Ze(k) {
- l && be();
+ function $e(w) {
+ n(8, R = !1);
+ const { detail: S } = w;
+ S.ok && Ae(S.label, S.color);
- function v(k) {
- n(6, C = !1);
- const { detail: z } = k;
- let H = z.label, R = z.color;
- if (z.ok && d >= 0 && d < f.boxes.length) {
- let N = f.boxes[d];
- N.label = H, N.color = nt(R), L(), q("change");
+ function C() {
+ h >= 0 && h < f.boxes.length && !g && n(7, H = !0);
+ }
+ function xn(w) {
+ l && C();
+ }
+ function en(w) {
+ n(7, H = !1);
+ const { detail: S } = w;
+ let B = S.label, j = S.color;
+ if (S.ok && h >= 0 && h < f.boxes.length) {
+ let I = f.boxes[h];
+ I.label = B, I.color = lt(j), v(), N("change");
- function He() {
- d >= 0 && d < f.boxes.length && (f.boxes.splice(d, 1), y(-1), q("change"));
+ function nn() {
+ h >= 0 && h < f.boxes.length && (f.boxes.splice(h, 1), F(-1), N("change"));
- function ie() {
- if (h) {
- if (S = 1, n(4, h.width = h.clientWidth, h), b !== null)
- if (b.width > h.width)
- S = h.width / b.width, x = b.width * S, M = b.height * S, u = 0, w = 0, p = x, E = M, n(4, h.height = M, h);
+ function Be() {
+ if (d) {
+ if (x = 1, n(5, d.width = d.clientWidth, d), _ !== null)
+ if (_.width > d.width)
+ x = d.width / _.width, M = _.width * x, y = _.height * x, p = 0, m = 0, E = M, z = y, n(5, d.height = y, d);
else {
- x = b.width, M = b.height;
- var k = (h.width - x) / 2;
- u = k, w = 0, p = k + x, E = b.height, n(4, h.height = M, h);
+ M = _.width, y = _.height;
+ var w = (d.width - M) / 2;
+ p = w, m = 0, E = w + M, z = _.height, n(5, d.height = y, d);
- u = 0, w = 0, p = h.width, E = h.height, n(4, h.height = h.clientHeight, h);
- if (p > 0 && E > 0)
- for (const z of f.boxes)
- z.canvasXmin = u, z.canvasYmin = w, z.canvasXmax = p, z.canvasYmax = E, z.setScaleFactor(S);
- L(), q("change");
+ p = 0, m = 0, E = d.width, z = d.height, n(5, d.height = d.clientHeight, d);
+ if (E > 0 && z > 0)
+ for (const S of f.boxes)
+ S.canvasXmin = p, S.canvasYmin = m, S.canvasXmax = E, S.canvasYmax = z, S.setScaleFactor(x);
+ v(), N("change");
- const bt = new ResizeObserver(ie);
- function gt() {
- for (let k = 0; k < f.boxes.length; k++) {
- let z = f.boxes[k];
- if (!(z instanceof hn)) {
- let H = "", R = "";
- z.hasOwnProperty("color") ? (H = z.color, Array.isArray(H) && H.length === 3 && (H = `rgb(${H[0]}, ${H[1]}, ${H[2]})`)) : H = K[k % K.length], z.hasOwnProperty("label") && (R = z.label), z = new hn(L, u, w, p, E, R, z.xmin, z.ymin, z.xmax, z.ymax, H, o, r, a, s, c), n(0, f.boxes[k] = z, f);
+ const kt = new ResizeObserver(Be);
+ function pt() {
+ for (let w = 0; w < f.boxes.length; w++) {
+ let S = f.boxes[w];
+ if (!(S instanceof mn)) {
+ let B = "", j = "";
+ S.hasOwnProperty("color") ? (B = S.color, Array.isArray(B) && B.length === 3 && (B = `rgb(${B[0]}, ${B[1]}, ${B[2]})`)) : B = V[w % V.length], S.hasOwnProperty("label") && (j = S.label), S = new mn(v, p, m, E, z, j, S.xmin, S.ymin, S.xmax, S.ymax, B, a, r, o, s, c), n(0, f.boxes[w] = S, f);
- function zn() {
- i !== null && (b === null || b.src != i) && (b = new Image(), b.src = i, b.onload = function() {
- ie(), L();
+ function En() {
+ i !== null && (_ === null || _.src != i) && (_ = new Image(), _.src = i, _.onload = function() {
+ Be(), v();
ys(() => {
- if (Array.isArray(_) && _.length > 0 && (!Array.isArray(g) || g.length == 0))
- for (let k = 0; k < _.length; k++) {
- let z = K[k % K.length];
- g.push(Me(z));
+ if (Array.isArray(u) && u.length > 0 && (!Array.isArray(b) || b.length == 0))
+ for (let w = 0; w < u.length; w++) {
+ let S = V[w % V.length];
+ b.push(ze(S));
- m = h.getContext("2d"), bt.observe(h), zn(), ie(), L();
+ k = d.getContext("2d"), kt.observe(d), En(), Be(), v();
- function wt() {
- document.addEventListener("keydown", me);
+ function vt() {
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", de);
- function pt() {
- document.removeEventListener("keydown", me);
+ function yt() {
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", de);
Cs(() => {
- document.removeEventListener("keydown", me);
+ document.removeEventListener("keydown", de);
- function kt(k) {
- gs[k ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
- h = k, n(4, h);
+ function Ct(w) {
+ gs[w ? "unshift" : "push"](() => {
+ d = w, n(5, d);
- const vt = () => De(), yt = () => be(), Ct = () => He();
- function St(k) {
- Qn.call(this, t, k);
+ const St = () => Me(), zt = () => C(), xt = () => nn();
+ function Et(w) {
+ $n.call(this, t, w);
- function zt(k) {
- Qn.call(this, t, k);
+ function Mt(w) {
+ $n.call(this, t, w);
- return t.$$set = (k) => {
- "imageUrl" in k && n(18, i = k.imageUrl), "interactive" in k && n(1, l = k.interactive), "boxAlpha" in k && n(19, o = k.boxAlpha), "boxMinSize" in k && n(20, r = k.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in k && n(21, a = k.handleSize), "boxThickness" in k && n(22, s = k.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in k && n(23, c = k.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in k && n(0, f = k.value), "choices" in k && n(2, _ = k.choices), "choicesColors" in k && n(3, g = k.choicesColors);
+ return t.$$set = (w) => {
+ "imageUrl" in w && n(19, i = w.imageUrl), "interactive" in w && n(1, l = w.interactive), "boxAlpha" in w && n(20, a = w.boxAlpha), "boxMinSize" in w && n(21, r = w.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in w && n(22, o = w.handleSize), "boxThickness" in w && n(23, s = w.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in w && n(24, c = w.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in w && n(0, f = w.value), "choices" in w && n(2, u = w.choices), "choicesColors" in w && n(3, b = w.choicesColors), "disableEditBoxes" in w && n(4, g = w.disableEditBoxes);
}, t.$$.update = () => {
t.$$.dirty[0] & /*value*/
- 1 && (zn(), gt(), ie(), L());
+ 1 && (En(), pt(), Be(), v());
}, [
- _,
+ u,
+ b,
- h,
- C,
- D,
- Z,
- te,
- De,
- Qe,
- be,
+ h,
+ H,
+ R,
+ se,
- v,
- He,
- wt,
- pt,
+ Me,
+ $e,
+ C,
+ xn,
+ en,
+ nn,
+ vt,
+ yt,
- o,
- r,
+ r,
+ o,
- kt,
- vt,
- yt,
- zt
+ zt,
+ xt,
+ Et,
+ Mt
-class Ms extends bs {
+class Es extends bs {
constructor(e) {
- super(), ps(
+ super(), ks(
- imageUrl: 18,
+ imageUrl: 19,
interactive: 1,
- boxAlpha: 19,
- boxMinSize: 20,
- handleSize: 21,
- boxThickness: 22,
- boxSelectedThickness: 23,
+ boxAlpha: 20,
+ boxMinSize: 21,
+ handleSize: 22,
+ boxThickness: 23,
+ boxSelectedThickness: 24,
value: 0,
choices: 2,
- choicesColors: 3
+ choicesColors: 3,
+ disableEditBoxes: 4
[-1, -1]
@@ -3001,24 +3032,24 @@ class Ms extends bs {
const {
- SvelteComponent: Es,
+ SvelteComponent: Ms,
add_flush_callback: As,
- bind: Ds,
- binding_callbacks: Hs,
- create_component: Ts,
- destroy_component: qs,
- init: Ls,
- mount_component: Rs,
- safe_not_equal: Xs,
- transition_in: Ys,
- transition_out: Bs
+ bind: Bs,
+ binding_callbacks: Ds,
+ create_component: Hs,
+ destroy_component: Ts,
+ init: qs,
+ mount_component: Ls,
+ safe_not_equal: Rs,
+ transition_in: Xs,
+ transition_out: Ys
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal, { createEventDispatcher: Os } = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
function Is(t) {
let e, n, i;
function l(r) {
- t[13](r);
+ t[14](r);
- let o = {
+ let a = {
interactive: (
@@ -3051,101 +3082,108 @@ function Is(t) {
+ disableEditBoxes: (
+ /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ t[9]
+ ),
imageUrl: (
- t[9]
+ t[10]
return (
- t[0] !== void 0 && (o.value = /*value*/
- t[0]), e = new Ms({ props: o }), Hs.push(() => Ds(e, "value", l)), e.$on(
+ t[0] !== void 0 && (a.value = /*value*/
+ t[0]), e = new Es({ props: a }), Ds.push(() => Bs(e, "value", l)), e.$on(
- t[14]
+ t[15]
), {
c() {
- Ts(e.$$.fragment);
+ Hs(e.$$.fragment);
- m(r, a) {
- Rs(e, r, a), i = !0;
+ m(r, o) {
+ Ls(e, r, o), i = !0;
- p(r, [a]) {
+ p(r, [o]) {
const s = {};
- a & /*interactive*/
+ o & /*interactive*/
2 && (s.interactive = /*interactive*/
- r[1]), a & /*boxesAlpha*/
+ r[1]), o & /*boxesAlpha*/
4 && (s.boxAlpha = /*boxesAlpha*/
- r[2]), a & /*labelList*/
+ r[2]), o & /*labelList*/
8 && (s.choices = /*labelList*/
- r[3]), a & /*labelColors*/
+ r[3]), o & /*labelColors*/
16 && (s.choicesColors = /*labelColors*/
- r[4]), a & /*boxMinSize*/
+ r[4]), o & /*boxMinSize*/
32 && (s.boxMinSize = /*boxMinSize*/
- r[5]), a & /*handleSize*/
+ r[5]), o & /*handleSize*/
64 && (s.handleSize = /*handleSize*/
- r[6]), a & /*boxThickness*/
+ r[6]), o & /*boxThickness*/
128 && (s.boxThickness = /*boxThickness*/
- r[7]), a & /*boxSelectedThickness*/
+ r[7]), o & /*boxSelectedThickness*/
256 && (s.boxSelectedThickness = /*boxSelectedThickness*/
- r[8]), a & /*resolved_src*/
- 512 && (s.imageUrl = /*resolved_src*/
- r[9]), !n && a & /*value*/
+ r[8]), o & /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ 512 && (s.disableEditBoxes = /*disableEditBoxes*/
+ r[9]), o & /*resolved_src*/
+ 1024 && (s.imageUrl = /*resolved_src*/
+ r[10]), !n && o & /*value*/
1 && (n = !0, s.value = /*value*/
r[0], As(() => n = !1)), e.$set(s);
i(r) {
- i || (Ys(e.$$.fragment, r), i = !0);
+ i || (Xs(e.$$.fragment, r), i = !0);
o(r) {
- Bs(e.$$.fragment, r), i = !1;
+ Ys(e.$$.fragment, r), i = !1;
d(r) {
- qs(e, r);
+ Ts(e, r);
function js(t, e, n) {
- let { src: i = void 0 } = e, { interactive: l } = e, { boxesAlpha: o } = e, { labelList: r } = e, { labelColors: a } = e, { boxMinSize: s } = e, { handleSize: c } = e, { boxThickness: f } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: _ } = e, { value: g } = e, h, m;
- const b = Os();
- function d(w) {
- g = w, n(0, g);
+ let { src: i = void 0 } = e, { interactive: l } = e, { boxesAlpha: a } = e, { labelList: r } = e, { labelColors: o } = e, { boxMinSize: s } = e, { handleSize: c } = e, { boxThickness: f } = e, { boxSelectedThickness: u } = e, { value: b } = e, { disableEditBoxes: g } = e, d, k;
+ const _ = Os();
+ function h(m) {
+ b = m, n(0, b);
- const u = () => b("change");
- return t.$$set = (w) => {
- "src" in w && n(11, i = w.src), "interactive" in w && n(1, l = w.interactive), "boxesAlpha" in w && n(2, o = w.boxesAlpha), "labelList" in w && n(3, r = w.labelList), "labelColors" in w && n(4, a = w.labelColors), "boxMinSize" in w && n(5, s = w.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in w && n(6, c = w.handleSize), "boxThickness" in w && n(7, f = w.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in w && n(8, _ = w.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in w && n(0, g = w.value);
+ const p = () => _("change");
+ return t.$$set = (m) => {
+ "src" in m && n(12, i = m.src), "interactive" in m && n(1, l = m.interactive), "boxesAlpha" in m && n(2, a = m.boxesAlpha), "labelList" in m && n(3, r = m.labelList), "labelColors" in m && n(4, o = m.labelColors), "boxMinSize" in m && n(5, s = m.boxMinSize), "handleSize" in m && n(6, c = m.handleSize), "boxThickness" in m && n(7, f = m.boxThickness), "boxSelectedThickness" in m && n(8, u = m.boxSelectedThickness), "value" in m && n(0, b = m.value), "disableEditBoxes" in m && n(9, g = m.disableEditBoxes);
}, t.$$.update = () => {
if (t.$$.dirty & /*src, latest_src*/
- 6144) {
- n(9, h = i), n(12, m = i);
- const w = i;
- Rt(w).then((p) => {
- m === w && n(9, h = p);
+ 12288) {
+ n(10, d = i), n(13, k = i);
+ const m = i;
+ Lt(m).then((E) => {
+ k === m && n(10, d = E);
}, [
- g,
+ b,
- o,
- r,
+ r,
+ o,
+ u,
+ g,
+ d,
- h,
- b,
- m,
- d,
- u
+ k,
+ h,
+ p
-class Us extends Es {
+class Us extends Ms {
constructor(e) {
- super(), Ls(this, e, js, Is, Xs, {
- src: 11,
+ super(), qs(this, e, js, Is, Rs, {
+ src: 12,
interactive: 1,
boxesAlpha: 2,
labelList: 3,
@@ -3154,7 +3192,8 @@ class Us extends Es {
handleSize: 6,
boxThickness: 7,
boxSelectedThickness: 8,
- value: 0
+ value: 0,
+ disableEditBoxes: 9
@@ -3171,11 +3210,11 @@ const {
insert: Zs,
mount_component: $s,
safe_not_equal: eo,
- toggle_class: J,
- transition_in: Fe,
- transition_out: kn
+ toggle_class: Z,
+ transition_in: Pe,
+ transition_out: vn
} = window.__gradio__svelte__internal;
-function tt(t) {
+function st(t) {
let e, n;
return e = new Us({
props: {
@@ -3194,17 +3233,17 @@ function tt(t) {
$s(e, i, l), n = !0;
p(i, l) {
- const o = {};
+ const a = {};
l & /*samples_dir, value*/
- 3 && (o.src = /*samples_dir*/
+ 3 && (a.src = /*samples_dir*/
i[1] + /*value*/
- i[0].path), e.$set(o);
+ i[0].path), e.$set(a);
i(i) {
- n || (Fe(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
+ n || (Pe(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !0);
o(i) {
- kn(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
+ vn(e.$$.fragment, i), n = !1;
d(i) {
Ks(e, i);
@@ -3214,60 +3253,60 @@ function tt(t) {
function no(t) {
let e, n, i = (
- t[0] && tt(t)
+ t[0] && st(t)
return {
c() {
- e = Gs("div"), i && i.c(), Ns(e, "class", "container svelte-1sgcyba"), J(
+ e = Gs("div"), i && i.c(), Ns(e, "class", "container svelte-1sgcyba"), Z(
t[2] === "table"
- ), J(
+ ), Z(
t[2] === "gallery"
- ), J(
+ ), Z(
- ), J(
+ ), Z(
- m(l, o) {
- Zs(l, e, o), i && i.m(e, null), n = !0;
+ m(l, a) {
+ Zs(l, e, a), i && i.m(e, null), n = !0;
- p(l, [o]) {
+ p(l, [a]) {
- l[0] ? i ? (i.p(l, o), o & /*value*/
- 1 && Fe(i, 1)) : (i = tt(l), i.c(), Fe(i, 1), i.m(e, null)) : i && (Js(), kn(i, 1, 1, () => {
+ l[0] ? i ? (i.p(l, a), a & /*value*/
+ 1 && Pe(i, 1)) : (i = st(l), i.c(), Pe(i, 1), i.m(e, null)) : i && (Js(), vn(i, 1, 1, () => {
i = null;
- }), Fs()), (!n || o & /*type*/
- 4) && J(
+ }), Fs()), (!n || a & /*type*/
+ 4) && Z(
l[2] === "table"
- ), (!n || o & /*type*/
- 4) && J(
+ ), (!n || a & /*type*/
+ 4) && Z(
l[2] === "gallery"
- ), (!n || o & /*selected*/
- 8) && J(
+ ), (!n || a & /*selected*/
+ 8) && Z(
- ), (!n || o & /*value*/
- 1) && J(
+ ), (!n || a & /*value*/
+ 1) && Z(
@@ -3275,10 +3314,10 @@ function no(t) {
i(l) {
- n || (Fe(i), n = !0);
+ n || (Pe(i), n = !0);
o(l) {
- kn(i), n = !1;
+ vn(i), n = !1;
d(l) {
l && Vs(e), i && i.d();
@@ -3286,10 +3325,10 @@ function no(t) {
function to(t, e, n) {
- let { value: i } = e, { samples_dir: l } = e, { type: o } = e, { selected: r = !1 } = e;
- return t.$$set = (a) => {
- "value" in a && n(0, i = a.value), "samples_dir" in a && n(1, l = a.samples_dir), "type" in a && n(2, o = a.type), "selected" in a && n(3, r = a.selected);
- }, [i, l, o, r];
+ let { value: i } = e, { samples_dir: l } = e, { type: a } = e, { selected: r = !1 } = e;
+ return t.$$set = (o) => {
+ "value" in o && n(0, i = o.value), "samples_dir" in o && n(1, l = o.samples_dir), "type" in o && n(2, a = o.type), "selected" in o && n(3, r = o.selected);
+ }, [i, l, a, r];
class lo extends Ws {
constructor(e) {
diff --git a/demo/space.py b/demo/space.py
index b35fbb7..2e89203 100644
--- a/demo/space.py
+++ b/demo/space.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
from app import demo as app
import os
-_docs = {'image_annotator': {'description': 'Creates a component to annotate images with bounding boxes. The bounding boxes can be created and edited by the user or be passed by code.\nIt is also possible to predefine a set of valid classes and colors.', 'members': {'__init__': {'value': {'type': 'dict | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': "A dict or None. The dictionary must contain a key 'image' with either an URL to an image, a numpy image or a PIL image. Optionally it may contain a key 'boxes' with a list of boxes. Each box must be a dict wit the keys: 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax' and 'ymax' with the absolute image coordinates of the box. Optionally can also include the keys 'label' and 'color' describing the label and color of the box. Color must be a tuple of RGB values (e.g. `(255,255,255)`)."}, 'boxes_alpha': {'type': 'float | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Opacity of the bounding boxes 0 and 1.'}, 'label_list': {'type': 'list[str] | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'List of valid labels.'}, 'label_colors': {'type': 'list[str] | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Optional list of colors for each label when `label_list` is used. Colors must be a tuple of RGB values (e.g. `(255,255,255)`).'}, 'box_min_size': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Minimum valid bounding box size.'}, 'handle_size': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Size of the bounding box resize handles.'}, 'box_thickness': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Thickness of the bounding box outline.'}, 'box_selected_thickness': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Thickness of the bounding box outline when it is selected.'}, 'height': {'type': 'int | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'The height of the displayed image, specified in pixels if a number is passed, or in CSS units if a string is passed.'}, 'width': {'type': 'int | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'The width of the displayed image, specified in pixels if a number is passed, or in CSS units if a string is passed.'}, 'image_mode': {'type': '"1"\n | "L"\n | "P"\n | "RGB"\n | "RGBA"\n | "CMYK"\n | "YCbCr"\n | "LAB"\n | "HSV"\n | "I"\n | "F"', 'default': '"RGB"', 'description': '"RGB" if color, or "L" if black and white. See https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/concepts.html for other supported image modes and their meaning.'}, 'sources': {'type': 'list["upload" | "clipboard"] | None', 'default': '["upload", "clipboard"]', 'description': 'List of sources for the image. "upload" creates a box where user can drop an image file, "clipboard" allows users to paste an image from the clipboard. If None, defaults to ["upload", "clipboard"].'}, 'image_type': {'type': '"numpy" | "pil" | "filepath"', 'default': '"numpy"', 'description': 'The format the image is converted before being passed into the prediction function. "numpy" converts the image to a numpy array with shape (height, width, 3) and values from 0 to 255, "pil" converts the image to a PIL image object, "filepath" passes a str path to a temporary file containing the image. If the image is SVG, the `type` is ignored and the filepath of the SVG is returned.'}, 'label': {'type': 'str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'The label for this component. Appears above the component and is also used as the header if there are a table of examples for this component. If None and used in a `gr.Interface`, the label will be the name of the parameter this component is assigned to.'}, 'container': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If True, will place the component in a container - providing some extra padding around the border.'}, 'scale': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'relative size compared to adjacent Components. For example if Components A and B are in a Row, and A has scale=2, and B has scale=1, A will be twice as wide as B. Should be an integer. scale applies in Rows, and to top-level Components in Blocks where fill_height=True.'}, 'min_width': {'type': 'int', 'default': '160', 'description': 'minimum pixel width, will wrap if not sufficient screen space to satisfy this value. If a certain scale value results in this Component being narrower than min_width, the min_width parameter will be respected first.'}, 'interactive': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'if True, will allow users to upload and annotate an image; if False, can only be used to display annotated images.'}, 'visible': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If False, component will be hidden.'}, 'elem_id': {'type': 'str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'An optional string that is assigned as the id of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.'}, 'elem_classes': {'type': 'list[str] | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'An optional list of strings that are assigned as the classes of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.'}, 'render': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If False, component will not render be rendered in the Blocks context. Should be used if the intention is to assign event listeners now but render the component later.'}, 'show_label': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'if True, will display label.'}, 'show_download_button': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If True, will show a button to download the image.'}, 'show_share_button': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'If True, will show a share icon in the corner of the component that allows user to share outputs to Hugging Face Spaces Discussions. If False, icon does not appear. If set to None (default behavior), then the icon appears if this Gradio app is launched on Spaces, but not otherwise.'}, 'show_clear_button': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If True, will show a clear button.'}}, 'postprocess': {'value': {'type': 'dict | None', 'description': 'A dict with an image and an optional list of boxes or None.'}}, 'preprocess': {'return': {'type': 'dict | None', 'description': 'A dict with the image and boxes or None.'}, 'value': None}}, 'events': {'clear': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'This listener is triggered when the user clears the image_annotator using the X button for the component.'}, 'change': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'Triggered when the value of the image_annotator changes either because of user input (e.g. a user types in a textbox) OR because of a function update (e.g. an image receives a value from the output of an event trigger). See `.input()` for a listener that is only triggered by user input.'}, 'upload': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'This listener is triggered when the user uploads a file into the image_annotator.'}}}, '__meta__': {'additional_interfaces': {}, 'user_fn_refs': {'image_annotator': []}}}
+_docs = {'image_annotator': {'description': 'Creates a component to annotate images with bounding boxes. The bounding boxes can be created and edited by the user or be passed by code.\nIt is also possible to predefine a set of valid classes and colors.', 'members': {'__init__': {'value': {'type': 'dict | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': "A dict or None. The dictionary must contain a key 'image' with either an URL to an image, a numpy image or a PIL image. Optionally it may contain a key 'boxes' with a list of boxes. Each box must be a dict wit the keys: 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax' and 'ymax' with the absolute image coordinates of the box. Optionally can also include the keys 'label' and 'color' describing the label and color of the box. Color must be a tuple of RGB values (e.g. `(255,255,255)`)."}, 'boxes_alpha': {'type': 'float | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Opacity of the bounding boxes 0 and 1.'}, 'label_list': {'type': 'list[str] | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'List of valid labels.'}, 'label_colors': {'type': 'list[str] | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Optional list of colors for each label when `label_list` is used. Colors must be a tuple of RGB values (e.g. `(255,255,255)`).'}, 'box_min_size': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Minimum valid bounding box size.'}, 'handle_size': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Size of the bounding box resize handles.'}, 'box_thickness': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Thickness of the bounding box outline.'}, 'box_selected_thickness': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Thickness of the bounding box outline when it is selected.'}, 'disable_edit_boxes': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'Disables the ability to set and edit the label and color of the boxes.'}, 'height': {'type': 'int | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'The height of the displayed image, specified in pixels if a number is passed, or in CSS units if a string is passed.'}, 'width': {'type': 'int | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'The width of the displayed image, specified in pixels if a number is passed, or in CSS units if a string is passed.'}, 'image_mode': {'type': '"1"\n | "L"\n | "P"\n | "RGB"\n | "RGBA"\n | "CMYK"\n | "YCbCr"\n | "LAB"\n | "HSV"\n | "I"\n | "F"', 'default': '"RGB"', 'description': '"RGB" if color, or "L" if black and white. See https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/concepts.html for other supported image modes and their meaning.'}, 'sources': {'type': 'list["upload" | "clipboard"] | None', 'default': '["upload", "clipboard"]', 'description': 'List of sources for the image. "upload" creates a box where user can drop an image file, "clipboard" allows users to paste an image from the clipboard. If None, defaults to ["upload", "clipboard"].'}, 'image_type': {'type': '"numpy" | "pil" | "filepath"', 'default': '"numpy"', 'description': 'The format the image is converted before being passed into the prediction function. "numpy" converts the image to a numpy array with shape (height, width, 3) and values from 0 to 255, "pil" converts the image to a PIL image object, "filepath" passes a str path to a temporary file containing the image. If the image is SVG, the `type` is ignored and the filepath of the SVG is returned.'}, 'label': {'type': 'str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'The label for this component. Appears above the component and is also used as the header if there are a table of examples for this component. If None and used in a `gr.Interface`, the label will be the name of the parameter this component is assigned to.'}, 'container': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If True, will place the component in a container - providing some extra padding around the border.'}, 'scale': {'type': 'int | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'relative size compared to adjacent Components. For example if Components A and B are in a Row, and A has scale=2, and B has scale=1, A will be twice as wide as B. Should be an integer. scale applies in Rows, and to top-level Components in Blocks where fill_height=True.'}, 'min_width': {'type': 'int', 'default': '160', 'description': 'minimum pixel width, will wrap if not sufficient screen space to satisfy this value. If a certain scale value results in this Component being narrower than min_width, the min_width parameter will be respected first.'}, 'interactive': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'if True, will allow users to upload and annotate an image; if False, can only be used to display annotated images.'}, 'visible': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If False, component will be hidden.'}, 'elem_id': {'type': 'str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'An optional string that is assigned as the id of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.'}, 'elem_classes': {'type': 'list[str] | str | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'An optional list of strings that are assigned as the classes of this component in the HTML DOM. Can be used for targeting CSS styles.'}, 'render': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If False, component will not render be rendered in the Blocks context. Should be used if the intention is to assign event listeners now but render the component later.'}, 'show_label': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'if True, will display label.'}, 'show_download_button': {'type': 'bool', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If True, will show a button to download the image.'}, 'show_share_button': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'None', 'description': 'If True, will show a share icon in the corner of the component that allows user to share outputs to Hugging Face Spaces Discussions. If False, icon does not appear. If set to None (default behavior), then the icon appears if this Gradio app is launched on Spaces, but not otherwise.'}, 'show_clear_button': {'type': 'bool | None', 'default': 'True', 'description': 'If True, will show a clear button.'}}, 'postprocess': {'value': {'type': 'dict | None', 'description': 'A dict with an image and an optional list of boxes or None.'}}, 'preprocess': {'return': {'type': 'dict | None', 'description': 'A dict with the image and boxes or None.'}, 'value': None}}, 'events': {'clear': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'This listener is triggered when the user clears the image_annotator using the X button for the component.'}, 'change': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'Triggered when the value of the image_annotator changes either because of user input (e.g. a user types in a textbox) OR because of a function update (e.g. an image receives a value from the output of an event trigger). See `.input()` for a listener that is only triggered by user input.'}, 'upload': {'type': None, 'default': None, 'description': 'This listener is triggered when the user uploads a file into the image_annotator.'}}}, '__meta__': {'additional_interfaces': {}, 'user_fn_refs': {'image_annotator': []}}}
abs_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "css.css")
@@ -41,7 +41,30 @@
import gradio as gr
from gradio_image_annotation import image_annotator
-example = {
+example_annotation = {
+ "image": "https://gradio-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/demo-files/base.png",
+ "boxes": [
+ {
+ "xmin": 636,
+ "ymin": 575,
+ "xmax": 801,
+ "ymax": 697,
+ "label": "Vehicle",
+ "color": (255, 0, 0)
+ },
+ {
+ "xmin": 360,
+ "ymin": 615,
+ "xmax": 386,
+ "ymax": 702,
+ "label": "Person",
+ "color": (0, 255, 0)
+ }
+ ]
+example_crop = {
"image": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gradio-app/gradio/main/guides/assets/logo.png",
"boxes": [
@@ -49,8 +72,7 @@
"ymin": 70,
"xmax": 530,
"ymax": 500,
- "label": "Gradio",
- "color": (250, 185, 0),
+ "color": (100, 200, 255)
@@ -69,19 +91,25 @@ def crop(annotations):
def get_boxes_json(annotations):
return annotations["boxes"]
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Tab("Object annotation"):
annotator = image_annotator(
- {"image": "https://gradio-builds.s3.amazonaws.com/demo-files/base.png"},
+ example_annotation,
label_list=["Person", "Vehicle"],
label_colors=[(0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0)],
button_get = gr.Button("Get bounding boxes")
json_boxes = gr.JSON()
button_get.click(get_boxes_json, annotator, json_boxes)
with gr.Tab("Crop"):
with gr.Row():
- annotator_crop = image_annotator(example, image_type="numpy")
+ annotator_crop = image_annotator(
+ example_crop,
+ image_type="numpy",
+ disable_edit_boxes=True
+ )
image_crop = gr.Image()
button_crop = gr.Button("Crop")
button_crop.click(crop, annotator_crop, image_crop)