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Yordan Pavlov edited this page Mar 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

Manual Helm Charts Update:

  1. Navigate to the helm-chart folder:

    cd releng/helm-charts/
  2. Set the Dirigible version in dirigible/Chart.yaml:

    • Replace the {DirigibleVersion} placeholder with the target Dirigible version (e.g. 5.8.4)

  3. Package Helm Chart:

    helm package dirigible
  4. Rename the packaged chart:

    dirigible-5.8.4.tgz -> chart-dirigible-5.8.4.tgz
  5. Copy the chart-dirigible-5.8.4.tgz somewhere outside the Git repository.

  6. Reset all changes:

    git add .
    git reset --hard
  7. Switch to the gh-pages branch:

    git checkout gh-pages
    git pull origin gh-pages
  8. Paste the chart-dirigible-5.8.4.tgz chart into the charts directory.

  9. Build Helm Index:

    helm repo index charts/ --url
  10. Move the charts/index.yaml to the root folder:

    mv charts/index.yaml .
  11. Push the changes:

    git add index.yaml
    git add charts/
    git commit -m "Helm Charts Updated"
    git push origin gh-pages