- Add Elasticsearch for searching volumes.
- Bundle JavaScript dependencies with Webpack.
- Improvements to ingest for IIIF servers using SFTP.
- Export updates
- Fix for creating Canvas objects during remote ingest.
- Added version number to template
- Bug fixes for missing author name in GitHub export
- Bug fixes for naming GitHub repository for export.
- Improvements to bulk ingest
- Export tasks converted to Celery.
- Stream ingest uploads to S3
- Adds status records for ingest tasks
- Adds bulk ingest
- Adds email notifications for ingest success and failure
- Fixes migration conflicts
- Adds ingest
- Full text search of volumes
- Adds option for partial or exact match searches
- Adds style information to annotations
- Adds ability to send to Voyant
- Fixes bug for links to current volume, page, etc.
- Add Zenodo integration
- Add branch option for deployment.
Readux 2 is a total rewrite centered on using IIIF.
FINAL 1.X RELEASE * Add publishing notes to README
- Bugfix: When a page has many annotations (more than 10) some annotations are not clickable and some annotations are missing from the side scroll bar
- Annotation counts do not appear in Volume list
- Option to export personal versus group annotations is missing
- Chore: Move Readux to New Prod server
- Chore: As a Readux developer, I would like to replace the Social Auth OAuth Key and Secret with Emory University Library accounts.
- As a Readux admin, I would like to have a management command to make post-1922 Emory Yearbooks not visible in Readux
- Upgrade Daphne and related components from 0.x versions to 1.x fully stable versions
- Chore: Research related to beginning Readux 2.x development and setting up a new AWS testing environment
- Bugfix: Volume landing page does not display
- Chore: Add lxml rebuild to the fabfile for deploy
- Chore: Add missing tei page to emory:dzj14 and emory:cwv8v on Readux production site and create KB article for this issue
- Chore: Make a digitaledition_jekylltheme 0.7 release that is dependent on by the Readux 1.7 Release
- Chore: Fix pip install on Jenkins asking for user interaction
- Bugfix: Export issue: Pages with no XML in volume "Original sacred harp" are excluded from export
- As a site administrator, I want to embed collections into editable pages that can be ordered randomly or alphabetically so that I can introduce users to the site
- Bugfix: Display issue in Readux export: Annotation highlighting cut off on oblong pages
- Bugfix: Display issue in Readux export: Right side of pages cut off on oblong pages
- Bugfix: Display issue in Readux export: Vertical page inelegantly displays in box for vertical pages in oblong books
- Bugfix: Image thumbnails show as broken links on "Annotations tagged with..." pages in exported editions
- Bugfix: Deep Zoom images are not loaded in the recent exports, even when images are hosted independently and deep zoom is included in the export
- As a scholarly edition author I can use a dynamic form that breaks the export process up into logical steps so that I understand the choices I am making when exporting a volume and avoid making incompatible choices
- Bugfix: Jekyll site website packages downloaded in the testreadux environment do not display page image thumbnails when uploaded to GitHub
- Bugfix: Image thumbnails on the "browse pages" page and images for individual pages served from Readux show as broken links in exported editions
- Bugfix: Top level navigation should include "Collections", "About", "Annotation", "Export", and "Credits."
- As a scholarly edition author I can start the generation of my edition on my computer, run in the background, and receive notification when it is ready, so that I can do other things while it is generating and downloading
- As a scholarly edition author I want the option to exclude deep zoom from my website package so that I can display my edition without having to connect to Readux
- Bugfix: clicking on export button causes error when logged in via LDAP
- As a scholarly edition author I want to the option to include deep zoom images in my website package so that I can display my edition without having to connect to Readux
- Bugfix: Fix CSS/Jquery issue in GitHub export
- Bugfix: No padding on simple pages
- Bugfix: Editable pages cannot include span tags (for COinS) and html source cannot be edited
- As a site administrator, I want the Readux home page to be editable and configurable so that I can display custom-designed text and collections to introduce users to the site
- As a scholarly edition author I want the option to download page images with my website package so that I can display my edition without having to connect to Readux
- As a scholarly edition author I want users to to see an index based on annotation tags that includes a count of annotation and page numbers so that they can see how tags are used across the volume
- As a user I want to see the option of downloading the TEI in the main export form so that I can choose between all export options on the same webpage
- As an annotated edition author I want users to be able to keep track of applied filters and search keywords in the URL so that each search could be referenced in the future or shared with another person
- As an annotated edition author I want users to be able to facet annotation searches by tags so that they can more easily identify relevant content
- As an annotated edition author I want users to be able to facet searches by annotation and page content so that they can more easily identify relevant content
- As an annotated edition author I want users to be able to search my edition partial word matching so that they can more easily identify relevant content
- As a scholarly edition author I can refresh my website if I make changes to the annotations on Readux, without overwriting my original local customizations, so that I can create an updated copy of my content
- As an annotated edition author I want my site to include a sitemap for volume pages, annotations and other content so that my site will be findable by search engines
- New IIIF_ID_SUFFIX configuration option for IIIF image server (#4 via @ghukill)
- OCR to TEI facsimile now supports output from ABBYY Recognition Server (#4 via @ghukill)
- Require eulfedora 1.6 or greater for debug filter and connection retries
- As a site administrator I want to create and manage annotation groups of existing users so that I can support group annotation projects.
- As a logged in user I want to see annotations shared with groups I belong to so that I can collaborate with other members of those groups.
- As a logged in user when I am making an annotation I want to grant annotation groups access to read, edit, or delete my annotation so that I can collaborate with group members.
- As a logged in user, I want to see an indication when an annotation is shared with a group.
- As a logged in user, I want to see who authored an annotation so that I can easily distinguish my annotations from those shared with groups I belong to.
- As a logged in user, I can only update annotation permissions if I have the admin annotation permission, so that full access to editing and deleting annotations can be controlled.
- As a logged in user when I export a volume I want to choose between exporting only my annotations or all annotations in a group I belong to so that I can export an individual or collaborative project.
- Now using django-guardian for per-object annotation permissions.
- Includes a new annotator permissions Javasscript module (included in readux codebase for now).
- Data migrations to clean up redundant data in annotation extra data JSON field and grant default annotation author permissions.
- Reference final released versions of annotator-meltdown and annotator-meltdown-zotero
- As a researcher I want to make internal references to other pages in order to show connections to other parts of the same work.
- As a researcher I want to include audio in my annotations so I can demonstrate audible differences in the content.
- As a researcher I want to include video in my annotations so I can associate enriched media with volume content.
- As a researcher I want to link my Zotero account with my Readux login so that I can add Zotero citations to my annotations.
- As a researcher I want to look up Zotero citations and add them to my annotations in order to show my sources.
- As researcher I want to search the text of my annotations for the volume I am working on in order to find specific notes or content.
- As a site user I want to login in with Emory credentials so that I can easily start making annotations.
- As a user, I can find readux volume pages through a search engine, so I can easily find relevant content.
- TEI export now includes an encoding description in the TEI header.
- bugfix: Annotation window sometimes pops up in the top right of the screen, should hover near highlighted text/image. (Actual fix in annotator-marginalia)
- bugfix: Exported site browse annotations by tag never displays more than one annotation. (Actual fix in digitaledition-jekylltheme)
- Project documentation now includes technical descriptions and diagrams of Fedora object models and readux processes.
- As a Readux admin, I want a record when the export feature is used so that I can find out who is creating exported editions.
This release adds the capability to export a single Readux volume with annotations to create a standalone annotated website edition, using Jekyll and with optional GitHub / GitHub Pages integration.
- As an annotated edition author I want to export an edition that has TEI with text, image references, and annotations so that I can have a durable format copy of my edition with my annotation content.
- As an annotated edition author, I want to generate a web site package with volume content and annotations so that I can publish my digital edition.
- As an annotated edition author I want to generate a website package that can be modified so that I can customize my edition.
- As an annotated edition author, I want a website package that allows me to browse pages by thumbnail so that site visitor can easily select a page of interest.
- As an annotated edition author, I want my website edition to include annotation counts for each page so that my site visitors know which pages have annotations.
- As an annotated edition author, I want my website edition to include tags in the annotation display so that my site visitors can see my categorization.
- As an annotated edition author, I want my website edition to support keyword searching so that my site visitors can find content of interest.
- As an annotated edition author, I want to be able to customize my website edition’s page urls to match the number in the source text so that my site visitors experience an intuitive navigation of the edition.
- As an annotated edition author, I want the option of creating a new GitHub repository with my exported website edition, so that I can version my data and publish it on GitHub Pages.
- As an annotated edition author, I want my website edition to include citation information so that my site visitors can reference it properly.
- As an annotated edition author, I want to have a copy of the exported TEI in the website bundle so that I can see the data used to generate the web edition.
- As an annotated edition author, I want my website edition to include social media integration so that my site visitors can share content.
- As an annotated edition author, I want my website edition to be viewable on tablets so that my site visitors can view it on multiple devices.
- As an annotated edition author I want my website edition to include individual annotation pages so that users can more easily view and cite long form and multimedia annotation content.
- As a site user, I want to link my social login accounts so that I can access annotations from any of my accounts.
- As an annotated edition author, I want to see an error message in the event that I log out while trying to export my edition so that I know I need to be logged in to complete the export.
- As a site user I want to see a permanent url on the pages for volume and single-page so that I can make stable references.
- Update latest 3.x Bootstrap and django-eultheme 1.2.1
- As a site administrator I want to include video content in site pages so that I can share dynamic content like screencasts.
- Improved regenerate-id logic for OCR, use a readux image url when generating page TEI.
- Proxy all IIIF image requests through the application, to handle IIIF server that is not externally accessible.
- bugfix: collection detail pagination navigation
- bugfix: id generation error in OCR/TEI xml
- Improved page mismatch detection when generating TEI from OCR
- Revised placeholder page images for covers and volume browse
- Modify update_page_arks manage command to handle the large number of page arks in production
- bugfix: collection detail pagination display
- bugfix: correct page absolute url, esp. for use in annotation uris
- As a system administrator, I want to run a script to generate TEI facsimile for volumes that have pages loaded, so that I can work with OCR content in a standardized format.
- As a user I would like to view the TEI underlying the page view and annotation, so that I can understand more about how it works, and to understand how to use facsimile data.
- As a researcher I want to see a view of the TEI underlying the page view and annotation that excludes OCR for barcodes so that I can focus on facsimile data of scholarly importance.
- As a user, I want to navigate from page view to page view without having to scroll down to each page view, so that I have a better reading experience.
- As a user, I can see the thumbnail for landscape pages when browsing volumes, so I can better select appropriate pages.
- As a researcher, I want to select the OCR text on a page in order to copy or annotate content.
- As a site user I want to filter volumes by whether or not they have page-level access so that I know which volumes I can read online and annotate.
- As a researcher I can log in to readux using social media credentials, so that I do not need a separate account to create annotations.
- As a researcher I want to annotate part of the text on a page in order to provide additional information about the text.
- As a researcher I want to annotate an image or part of an image in order to provide additional information about the image.
- As a researcher I want to include simple formatting in my notes to make them more readable.
- As a researcher I want to include images in my annotations so that users can see important visual materials.
- As a researcher I want to tag annotations so that I can indicate connections among related content.
- As a researcher I want to edit and delete my annotations, in order to make changes or remove notes I no longer want.
- As a user I can see my annotations in the margin of the page, so that I can read all of the annotations conveniently.
- As a researcher I want to see which volumes I have annotated when I am browsing or searching so that I can easily resume annotating.
- As a researcher I want to see which pages I have annotated so that I can assess the status of my digital edition.
- As a researcher I want to make annotations anchored to stable identifiers that are unique across an entire volume so that I can maintain consistency and generate valid exports in my digital editions.
- As a user I want to see a created or last modified timestamp on annotations so that I know when they were last updated.
- As a user I want to see only the date created or last modified on annotations that are more than a week old so that I know a rough estimate of when they were last updated.
- As a site administrator I want to see which user authored an annotation so that I can respond to the correct user in reference to an annotation.
- As a site administrator, I want to view, edit, and delete annotations in the Django admin site so that I can manage annotations to remove spam or update the annotation owner.
- As a site administrator I want to click on the URI link for an annotation in the admin and see the annotated page in a separate window so that I can verify its display.
- As a site administrator I want to create and edit html pages so that I can add content explaining the site to users.
- Require eulfedora 1.2 for auto-checksum on ingest against Fedora 3.8
- Update required version of django-downtime and eultheme.
- As a site user I will see a Site Down page when maintenance is being performed on the site or or other circumstances that will cause the site to be temporarily unavailable so that I will have an general idea of when I can use the site again.
- As a site user I will see a banner that displays an informative message on every page of the site so that I can be informed about future site maintenance or other events and know an approximate amount of any scheduled downtime.
- As an application administrator, I want to generate a list of pids for testing so that I can verify the application works with real data.
- Any new Fedora objects will be created with Managed datastreams instead of Inline for RELS-EXT and Dublin Core.
- Upgraded to Django 1.7
- Now using django-auth-ldap <https://pythonhosted.org/django-auth-ldap/> for LDAP login instead of eullocal.
- Fix last-modified method for search results to work in cover mode.
- Fix volume sitemaps to include both Volume 1.0 and 1.1 content models.
- As an administrative user, I want to run a script to import a volume and its associated metadata into the repository so that I can add new content to readux.
- As a user, I want to browse newly imported content and previously digitized content together, so that I can access newly added content in the same way as previously digitized materials.
- As a user I can opt to sort items on a collection browse page by date added, in order to see the newest material at the top of the list, so that I can see what is new in a collection.
- As a user, I want the option to view or download a PDF, with a warning for large files, so that I can choose how best to view the content.
- As an administrative user, I want to be able to run a script to load missing pages for a volume so that I can load all pages when the initial page load was interrupted.
- As a user, I want the website to support caching so I don't have to re-download content that hasn't changed and the site will be faster.
- bugfix: fix indexing error for items with multiple titles
- error-handling & logging for volumes with incomplete or invalid OCR XML
- adjust models to allow eulfedora syncrepo to create needed content model objects
- Include .TIF in image file patterns searched when attempting to identify page images in **import_covers* and import_pages scripts
- Additional documentation and tips for running import_covers and import_pages scripts
- Bugfix: workaround for pdfminer maximum recursion error being triggered by outline detection for some PDF documents
- Enable custom 404, 403, and 500 error pages based on eultheme styles
- As a researcher, when I'm viewing a list of titles, I want the option to toggle to a cover view as an alternate way to view the content.
- As a user, when I toggle between cover and list views I want to be able to reload or go back in history without needing to reselect the mode I was last viewing, so that the site doesn't disrupt my browsing experience.
- As a user, when I page through a collection or search results, I expect the display to stay in the mode that I've selected (covers or list view), so that I don't have to reselect it each time.
- As a user when I select a title in the list view, I first see an information page about the item, including pdf and page view selections, so that I know more about the item before I access it.
- As a user, I want to be able to see the full title of a book without longer titles overwhelming the page, so I can get to the information I want efficiently.
- As a researcher, I want to pass a text to Voyant for analysis in a way that takes advantage of caching, so that if the text has already been loaded in Voyant I won't have to wait as long.
- As a reseacher, I can easily read a page of text in Voyant, because the text is neatly formatted, so that I can more readily comprehend the text.
- As a user, I can see how large a pdf is before downloading it so that I can make appropriate choices about where and how to view pdfs.
- As a user, when I load a pdf I want to see the first page with content rather than a blank page, so that I have easier access with less confusion.
- As a researcher, I can page through a book viewing a single page at a time in order to allow viewing the details or bookmarking individual pages.
- As a user, when I'm browsing a collection or viewing search results, I can select an option to read the book online if pages are available, so that I can quickly access the content.
- As a researcher, I want the option to view pages as thumbnails to enhance navigation.
- As a researcher, when I'm browsing page image thumbnails I want to see an indicator when there's an error loading an image so that I don't mistake errors for blank pages.
- As a researcher, I want to be able to toggle to a mode where I can zoom in on an image so that I can inspect the features of a page.
- As a user, I want to be able to distinguish when I can and cannot use the zoom function, so I can tell when the feature is unavailable (e.g., due to image load error).
- As a researcher, I want to search within a single book so that I can find specific pages that contain terms relevant to my research.
- As a user, I want to see a label or source information for the collection banner image so that I know where the image comes from.
- As a user, I want to be able to identify a resource in an open tab by title, so I can quickly select the correct tab when using multiple tabs.
- As a user, when paging through a collection list or viewing a set of pages in the reading view, I can find the web page navigation at the top or bottom of the page, so that I do not have to scroll far to click to go to another web page in the series.
- As a twitter user, when I tweet a link to a readux collection, book, or page image, I want a preview displayed on twitter so that my followers can see something of the content without clicking through.
- As a facebook user, when I share a link to a readux collection, book, or page image, I want a preview displayed on facebook so that my friends can see something of the content without clicking through.
- A search engine crawling the readux site will be able to obtain basic semantic data about collections and books on the site so the search engine’s results can be improved.
- A search engine can harvest information about volume content via site maps in order to index the content and make it more discoverable.
- As a researcher, I want to browse a list of collections in order to select a subset of items to browse.
- As a researcher, I want to browse through a paginated list of all the books in a single collection in order to see the range of materials that are present.
- As a researcher, when looking at a list of books in a collection, I can view a PDF using my native PDF browser in order to view the contents of the book.
- As a researcher, I can search by simple keyword or phrase in order to find books that fit my interests.
- A search engine can harvest information about site content via site maps in order to index the content and make it more discoverable.
- As a researcher, I can select a text and pass it to Voyant to do text analysis for the purposes of my research.
- As a researcher, I want to be able to harvest contents into my Zotero library in order to facilitate research.
- As a researcher browsing a list of titles in a collection or search results, I want to see the author name and the year of publication so that if I am looking for a particular title or edition I have more information to identify it quickly without opening the pdf.
- As a researcher viewing keyword search results, I want to see titles or authors with matching terms higher in the list so that if I am searching for a title or author by keyword the item appears on the first or second page of results, and I don't have to page through all the results to find what I am looking for.
- As a user I can see a logo for the site, so I visually recognize that I am in a coherent site whenever I see it.
- As a user I see university branding on the site, so that I know that it is an Emory University resource.
- As a user I want to read a brief description of the content of a collection on the collection list page and individual collection pages, so that I can determine my level of interest in it.
- As an admin user, I want to be able to login with my Emory LDAP account so that I can re-use my existing credentials.
- As a user I can view a list of collections on the landing page by thumbnail image so that I can select an area of interest from visual cues.
- As a user, when viewing a single collection, I can see a visual cue of the collection's content, so that I can connect the item I see on the list view to the page I am viewing.
- As a researcher I can filter search results by collection facets, in order to see the material most relevant to my interests.
- As an admin, I can upload images and associate them with collections, so that I can manage thumbnail and splash images displayed on collection browse and display pages.