#Edna CSS Framework
It's a custom CSS framework, dig it!
Edna contains:
- A custom HTML reset based on: normalize.css
- CSS styling for basic HTML elements
- A page layout system
- A widget layout system
CSS styling based on SMACSS
View the Edna docs
##Working With Edna
Before moving on to custom build processes you will need to install some NPM dependencies
npm install
Then, depending on what you want to do, you will need one or more of the following build processes.
###Build Edna
Your most basic task. It will get you up and running.
grunt build
The default task that runs grunt-contrib-less and grunt-contrib-cssmin.
Build Options
grunt build --grunticon
This runs grunt-grunticon so you can get some fancy SVG icons.
grunt build --lint
This runs grunt-contrib-csslint and https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-sass. Both of these will go through the CSS and show you errors.
grunt build --colors
This runs grunt-colorguard which will give you a bunch of information on all the colors used in Edna.
###Build the Documentation
The documentation is built using KSS(Knyle Style Sheets) from the source. Run the following command to generate the docs into ```kss-docs/'''
grunt kss-build
This runs grunt-kss, grunt-grunticon and grunt-contrib-less.
###Live Documentation Changes During Development
The documentation pages server as a great sandbox for style development. Using the following command with set up a documentation server that reloads the browser when style files have changed.
This runs the grunt kss-build
task above along with grunt-browser-sync and grunt-contrib-watch.
###Start a Server
So you can view Edna locally you will need to run this command. It will watch for any changes you might make to local files and recompile the LESS as you go.
grunt server
This runs a whole slew of things: grunt-express, grunt-grunticon, grunt-contrib-less, grunt-contrib-cssmin and grunt-contrib-watch