All Notable changes to php-amqplib
will be documented in this file
- Added the ability to set timeout as float
- Fixed restoring of error_handler on connection error
- Verify read_write_timeout is at least 2x the heartbeat (if set)
- Many PHPDoc fixes
- Throw exception when trying to create an exchange on a closed connection
- Added AMQPLazySocketConnection
- AbstractConnection::getServerProperties method to retrieve server properties.
- AMQPReader::wait() will throw IOWaitException on stream_select failure
- Add PHPDocs to Auto-generated Protocol Classes
- Disable heartbeat when closing connection
- Fix for when the default error handler is not restored in StreamIO
- Cleanup tests and improve testing performance
- Confirm received valid frame type on wait_frame in AbstractConnection
- Update DEMO files closer to PSR-2 standards
- Add constants for delivery modes to AMQPMessage
- Fix some PHPDoc problems
- AbstractCollection value de/encoding on PHP7
- StreamIO: fix "bad write retry" in SSL mode
- Update PHPUnit configuration
- Add scrutinizer-ci configuration
- Organizational changes from videlalvaro to php-amqplib org
- Minor complexity optimizations, code organization, and code cleanup
- The
class now throwsErrorExceptions
when errors happen while reading/writing to the network.
- Heartbeat frames will decrease the timeout used when calling wait_channel - heartbeat frames do not reset the timeout
- Declared the class AbstractChannel as being an abstract class
- Reads, writes and signals respond immediately instead of waiting for a timeout
- Fatal error in some cases on Channel.wait with timeout when RabbitMQ restarted
- Remove warning when trying to push a deferred frame