diff --git a/examples/plot_season_summary.py b/examples/plot_season_summary.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0422d492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/plot_season_summary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+Season Summary Visualization
+This example demonstrates how to summarize the season by visualizing
+race results, points progression, and other key statistics.
+.. codeauthor:: Vandana
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+from plotly.io import show
+from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
+import fastf1
+logging.basicConfig(filename="debug.log", level=logging.WARNING)
+# Enable FastF1 cache
+# Define sprint points allocation
+SPRINT_POINTS = {1: 8, 2: 7, 3: 6, 4: 5, 5: 4, 6: 3, 7: 2, 8: 1}
+# Load the event schedule and filter out testing events
+schedules = fastf1.get_event_schedule(2022)
+races = schedules[schedules["EventName"].str.contains("Grand Prix", na=False)]
+# Prepare standings data
+standings = []
+for _, race in races.iterrows(): # Iterate over the filtered races
+ race_name = race["OfficialEventName"]
+ round_number = race["RoundNumber"]
+ # Fetch the race session
+ session = fastf1.get_session(2022, round_number, "R") # Race session
+ session.load()
+ # Check for a sprint session (if exists)
+ sprint_session = None
+ try:
+ sprint_session = fastf1.get_session(2022, round_number, "Sprint")
+ sprint_session.load()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # Fetch race data
+ race_results = session.results
+ for driver in race_results["Abbreviation"]:
+ driver_result = race_results[race_results["Abbreviation"] == driver]
+ points = driver_result["Points"].iloc[0] # Race points
+ position = driver_result["Position"].iloc[0]
+ # Add sprint race points if applicable
+ if sprint_session is not None:
+ sprint_results = sprint_session.results
+ if driver in sprint_results["Abbreviation"].values:
+ sprint_position = sprint_results[
+ sprint_results["Abbreviation"] == driver
+ ]["Position"].iloc[0]
+ sprint_points = SPRINT_POINTS.get(sprint_position, 0)
+ else:
+ sprint_points = 0
+ else:
+ sprint_points = 0
+ standings.append(
+ {
+ "Race": race_name,
+ "RoundNumber": round_number,
+ "Driver": driver,
+ "Points": points + sprint_points, # Ignore fastest lap points
+ "Position": position,
+ }
+ )
+df = pd.DataFrame(standings)
+# Prepare heatmap data
+heatmap_data = df.pivot(
+ index="Driver", columns="RoundNumber", values="Points"
+heatmap_data["Total Points"] = heatmap_data.sum(axis=1)
+heatmap_data = heatmap_data.sort_values(by="Total Points", ascending=True)
+# Prepare position data
+position_data = df.pivot(
+ index="Driver", columns="RoundNumber", values="Position"
+# Map race names
+race_name_mapping = dict(zip(schedules["RoundNumber"], schedules["EventName"]))
+# Simplify x-axis labels
+heatmap_data_rounds = heatmap_data.iloc[:, :-1]
+x_labels_rounds = [str(race) for race in heatmap_data.columns[:-1]]
+x_labels_total = ["Total Points"]
+# Custom colorscales
+colorscale_rounds = [[0, "#aee2fb"], [0.433, "#69bce8"], [1, "#3085be"]]
+colorscale_total = [[0, "#ffcccc"], [0.433, "#ff6666"], [1, "#cc0000"]]
+# Prepare custom_data for hover information (only for rounds)
+custom_data = np.array(
+ [
+ [
+ {
+ "position": position_data.at[driver, race]
+ if race in position_data.columns
+ else "N/A",
+ "race_name": race_name_mapping.get(race, "Unknown"),
+ }
+ for race in heatmap_data.columns[:-1]
+ ]
+ for driver in heatmap_data.index
+ ]
+custom_data_rounds = custom_data[:, :-1]
+# Get max values for normalization
+max_points_rounds = heatmap_data_rounds.values.max()
+max_points_total = heatmap_data.iloc[:, -1:].values.max()
+# Create subplots for two heatmaps
+fig = make_subplots(
+ rows=1,
+ cols=2,
+ column_widths=[0.85, 0.15],
+ horizontal_spacing=0.05,
+ subplot_titles=("F1 2022 Season Rounds", "Total Points"),
+# Heatmap for individual rounds
+ go.Heatmap(
+ z=heatmap_data_rounds.values,
+ x=x_labels_rounds,
+ y=heatmap_data_rounds.index,
+ customdata=custom_data,
+ text=heatmap_data_rounds.values,
+ texttemplate="%{text}",
+ textfont={"size": 12},
+ colorscale=colorscale_rounds,
+ showscale=False,
+ zmin=0,
+ zmax=max_points_rounds,
+ hovertemplate=(
+ "Driver: %{y}
+ "Round: %{x}
+ "Race Name: %{customdata.race_name}
+ "Points: %{z}
+ "Position: %{customdata.position}"
+ ),
+ ),
+ row=1,
+ col=1,
+# Heatmap for total points
+ go.Heatmap(
+ z=heatmap_data.iloc[:, -1:].values,
+ x=x_labels_total,
+ y=heatmap_data.index,
+ text=heatmap_data.iloc[:, -1:].values,
+ texttemplate="%{text}",
+ textfont={"size": 12},
+ colorscale=colorscale_total,
+ showscale=False,
+ hoverinfo="none",
+ zmin=0,
+ zmax=max_points_total,
+ ),
+ row=1,
+ col=2,
+# Update layout
+fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Rounds", row=1, col=1)
+fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Drivers", row=1, col=1)
+fig.update_layout(title="F1 Results Tracker Heatmap")
+# Plot the updated heatmap
+ "../docs/_build/html/gen_modules/examples_gallery/temp-plot.png"