A Custom Ezsignfoldertype Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pki_ezsignfoldertype_id | int | The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldertype. | |
s_ezsignfoldertype_name_x | str | The name of the Ezsignfoldertype in the language of the requester | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_sendproofezsignsigner | bool | Whether we send the proof in the email to Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_allowdownloadattachmentezsignsigner | bool | Whether we allow the Ezsigndocument to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_allowdownloadproofezsignsigner | bool | Whether we allow the proof to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_delegate | bool | Wheter if delegation of signature is allowed to another user or not | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_discussion | bool | Wheter if creating a new Discussion is allowed or not | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_reassignezsignsigner | bool | Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a signatory to another signatory or not | [optional] |
b_ezsignfoldertype_reassignuser | bool | Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a user to a signatory or another user or not | [optional] |
from eZmaxApi.models.custom_ezsignfoldertype_response import CustomEzsignfoldertypeResponse
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of CustomEzsignfoldertypeResponse from a JSON string
custom_ezsignfoldertype_response_instance = CustomEzsignfoldertypeResponse.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
custom_ezsignfoldertype_response_dict = custom_ezsignfoldertype_response_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of CustomEzsignfoldertypeResponse from a dict
custom_ezsignfoldertype_response_form_dict = custom_ezsignfoldertype_response.from_dict(custom_ezsignfoldertype_response_dict)