This is a coding challenge for the eSpark interview.
This is a Rails app that simulates a very simplified version of the student and teacher experience in eSpark.
The index page represents the teacher’s dashboard to see their students. In the production app you would log in and the experience would be personalized by teacher; in this demo app, there is only one global view of all students.
The students/show page represents the student’s view of the app after logging in. In production, this would be shown on an iPad and contain all of the curriculum; in this demo, it shows just the student’s name.
The challenge is to implement a feature on top of this basic app. We want to give students a way to request help from their teacher from their iPad. The components should include:
A button in the student experience labeled “Request Help From My Teacher”. When a student presses the button, the button disappears and instead shows an indicator that they have notified the teacher.
In the teacher dashboard view, the teacher should see an alert at the top of the page with any students that have recently requested help within the last day.
Teacher should also be able to see the last time that a given student requested help.
Teacher should have the ability to clear the request (presumably after they visit with the student). In this case, then the student sees the button again.
We’d love to see this submitted as a pull request on this repository. We are looking for clarity of code, fidelity of implementation, and style including appropriate comments and tests.