v0.4.4 #462
announced in
Replies: 1 comment
SOLVED by: scrot -s -e 'tesseract $f stdout -l chi_sim -c debug_file=/dev/null | xclip -sel clip' not a problem here. no need to read v0.4.4-1 from AUR
debug info $ normcap -v debug
19:50:55 - INFO - normcap:30 - Start NormCap v0.4.4
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.tray:60 - System info:
{'cli_args': '/usr/bin/normcap -v debug', 'is_briefcase_package': False, 'is_flatpak_package': False, 'platform': 'linux', 'pyside6_version': '6.6.0', 'qt_version': '6.6.0', 'qt_library_path': '/usr/lib/qt6/plugins, /usr/bin', 'config_directory': PosixPath('/home/mifen/.config/normcap'), 'normcap_version': '0.4.4', 'ressources_path': PosixPath('/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/normcap/resources'), 'tesseract_path': PosixPath('/usr/bin/tesseract'), 'tessdata_path': None, 'envs': {'TESSDATA_PREFIX': None, 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': None}, 'desktop_environment': <DesktopEnvironment.OTHER: 0>, 'display_manager_is_wayland': False, 'screens': [Screen(is_primary=True, device_pixel_ratio=1.0, rect=Rect(left=0, top=0, right=2560, bottom=1440), index=0, screenshot=None), Screen(is_primary=False, device_pixel_ratio=1.0, rect=Rect(left=2560, top=0, right=3640, bottom=1920), index=1, screenshot=None)]}
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.tray:342 - Listen on local socket v0.4.4-normcap.
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.settings:128 - Skip update of non existing setting (cli_mode: False)
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.settings:128 - Skip update of non existing setting (background_mode: False)
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.screengrab:32 - Select capture method QT
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/1701172255.7181542_raw_screen0.png
19:50:55 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/1701172255.965893_raw_screen1.png
19:50:56 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.window:131 - Create window for screen 0
19:50:56 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.window:193 - Set window of screen 0 to fullscreen
19:50:56 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.window:131 - Create window for screen 1
19:50:56 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.window:193 - Set window of screen 1 to fullscreen
19:50:56 - DEBUG - normcap:213 - [QT] qtwarningmsg - qsystemtrayicon::setvisible: no icon set
19:50:56 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.tesseract:23 - Tesseract command output:
List of available languages in "/usr/share/tessdata/" (4):
19:51:01 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.tray:294 - Hide 2 windows
19:51:01 - INFO - normcap.gui.tray:197 - Crop image to region (148, 853, 1497, 1065)
19:51:01 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/1701172261.9544706_cropped.png
19:51:02 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.tray:222 - Start OCR
19:51:02 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.enhance:76 - Scale image x3.2
19:51:02 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.enhance:54 - Pad image by 80px
19:51:02 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.recognize:35 - Run Tesseract on image of size (4474, 838) with args:
TessArgs(tessdata_path=None, lang='chi_sim', oem=<OEM.DEFAULT: 3>, psm=<PSM.AUTO_OSD: 1>)
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.tesseract:23 - Tesseract command output:
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.recognize:44 - OCR result:
OcrResult(tess_args=TessArgs(tessdata_path=None, lang='chi_sim', oem=<OEM.DEFAULT: 3>, psm=<PSM.AUTO_OSD: 1>), words=[{'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 1, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 1, 'word_num': 1, 'left': 147, 'top': 135, 'width': 96, 'height': 95, 'conf': 77.497925, 'text': 'G)'}, {'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 1, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 1, 'word_num': 2, 'left': 291, 'top': 150, 'width': 199, 'height': 71, 'conf': 92.191826, 'text': 'Text'}, {'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 1, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 1, 'word_num': 3, 'left': 519, 'top': 147, 'width': 425, 'height': 74, 'conf': 90.698524, 'text': 'selection'}, {'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 1, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 1, 'word_num': 4, 'left': 978, 'top': 147, 'width': 219, 'height': 74, 'conf': 92.4851, 'text': 'does'}, {'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 1, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 1, 'word_num': 5, 'left': 1230, 'top': 155, 'width': 156, 'height': 66, 'conf': 92.314499, 'text': 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'height': 37, 'conf': 90.618813, 'text': 'on'}, {'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 2, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 2, 'word_num': 7, 'left': 1430, 'top': 685, 'width': 109, 'height': 63, 'conf': 72.733566, 'text': 'jun'}, {'level': 5, 'page_num': 1, 'block_num': 2, 'par_num': 1, 'line_num': 2, 'word_num': 8, 'left': 1564, 'top': 685, 'width': 39, 'height': 50, 'conf': 96.583649, 'text': '4'}], image=<PySide6.QtGui.QImage(QSize(4474, 838),format=QImage::Format_RGB32,depth=32,devicePixelRatio=1,bytesPerLine=17896,sizeInBytes=14996848) at 0x7f5f98ce1400>, magic_scores={}, parsed='')
19:51:05 - INFO - normcap.ocr.magics.email_magic:33 - 0 emails found
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.magics.email_magic:41 - 0/169 (0.0) chars in emails
19:51:05 - INFO - normcap.ocr.magics.url_magic:55 - 0 URLs found
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.magics.url_magic:63 - 0/209 (0.0) chars in urls
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.magics.magic:70 - Magic scores:
{'SingleLineMagic': 0, 'MultiLineMagic': 0, 'ParagraphMagic': 50.0, 'EmailMagic': 0.0, 'UrlMagic': 0.0}
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.ocr.recognize:48 - Parsed text:
19:51:05 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.utils:22 - Save debug image as /tmp/normcap/1701172265.841329_enhanced.png
19:51:06 - INFO - normcap.gui.tray:240 - Text from OCR:
19:51:06 - DEBUG - normcap.clipboard.linux:47 - Select clipboard method QT
19:51:06 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.tray:270 - Copy text to clipboard
19:51:06 - DEBUG - normcap.gui.notifier:85 - Send notification via notify-send |
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This discussion was created from the release v0.4.4.
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