This directory hosts docker files for testing and running cp2k. The only prerequisite is to install Docker.
Build the container image:
docker build -f Dockerfile.prod_psmp --build-arg GIT_COMMIT_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD) -t cp2k_prod_psmp ../../
Go to the directory with your input files:
cd ../../benchmarks/QS_single_node
Run the container:
docker run --shm-size=1g -ti -v "$(pwd)":/mnt cp2k_prod_psmp mpiexec -genv OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 -np 16 cp2k dbcsr.inp
The Dockerfile.test_*
file are used by the cp2k-ci
to check pull requests and populate the dashboard.
Building a test image executes the test:
docker build --shm-size=1g -f Dockerfile.test_sdbg -t cp2k_test_sdbg ../../
To retrieve the cached report of an old image simply run it:
docker run cp2k_test_sdbg