Name | Type | Description | Notes |
courier_company_id | int | id of the courier company | [optional] |
awb_code | string | The AWB code generated | [optional] |
cod | int | If there is COD then response =1, else it will be 0 | [optional] |
order_id | int | Order id as generated earlier | [optional] |
shipment_id | int | Shipment id as generated in the shipment section | [optional] |
freight_percentage | string | [optional] | |
flat_charges | string | [optional] | |
awb_code_status | int | [optional] | |
assigned_date_time | \Swagger\Client\Model\AwbCreationResponseResponseDataAssignedDateTime | [optional] | |
applied_weight | string | [optional] | |
company_id | int | [optional] | |
company_address_id | int | [optional] | |
id | int | [optional] | |
applied_weight_amount | int | [optional] |