These notes will be published publicly
DWeb Camp Open Dialogue calls are a space for you to ask us logistical questions, bounce your project ideas off of us (and each other!), and maybe even find other collaborators to work on a project.
- Mai Sutton
- Oakland-based
- People's Open
- Associate producer of DWeb Camp
- Digital Rights Activism background, formerly EFF
- Commons Fellow with group in EU
- Wendy Hanamura
- director of Partnerships; Internet Archive
- Executive Producer of DWeb Camp
- based in SF
- Led Decentralize Web Summits 2016 and 2018
- Benedict Lau
- toronto mesh / coordinating mesh net + tech projects at dweb
- Looking to help weave different types of participants together
- Interested in actual use cases
- Kelsey Breseman
- Environmental Data & Governance initiative, Data Together,
- runs a DWeb meetup/ProtoSchool in Seattle (past life at Tessel making open source IoT hardware)
- Seattle-based
- Alex
- helpful NPC (with some software/hardware/general problem solving capabilities)
- Based in SF
- interested in building systems that respect and empower their constituents
- Xiaowei R. Wang
- designer/engineer/artist in Oakland
- attended DWeb Summit last year
- Creative Director of Logic Magazine
- Interested how she can help out
- Robert Best
- Toronto-based
- Open learning Commons--online co-learning space using Open Source Tools and a little P-2-P tools
- Attended DWeb Summit 2018
- Q: What do you hope to get from the retreat?
- Make connections
- Make friends
- Make tools
- Make a really awesome collaborative space together
- Explore all of my creative potentials
- Learn and play with Mesh networking (hardware/software)
- i.e. learn by doing… but maybe also have a space to just let really dense information (thats currently over my head) wash over me from something like polished slide decks too, and not be too worried about getting it all.
- Jess
- Working for Neo-Protocol
- Community Management
- Attended DWeb Summit 2018
Q: What do you hope to get from the retreat?
Q: How do you ideally hope to participate?
- Kelsey: Open up possibility to Build & Take-down, good op for people to meet each other and have good discussions
- Ben: How do we extend that camraderie beyond Build and Take Down teams?
- Robert: still in planning phase of trip logistics; Learning lots of different things:
- how this kind of thing is run
- getting hands on P-2-P tech
- Playing and creating with tech
- Xiaowei: having interactive abilities; central room; community focused; low stakes where you could just ask people questions;
- There will be a lot of opportunities to get creative, more low stakes environment where you can ask anything
- Ben: build trust; extending into network of events
- Kelsey: NODE-JS camp; a lot of unstructured time; juggling balls; drone; slack lineJ
- Bring your own toys!
- Mai: Global Fellowship program
- Bring in people from Global South communities
- APC & ISOC communities
- Discussions between low-bandwidth residents with urban residents
- Mesh Use Cases
- Decentralized principles and protocol politics
Ben: How do we keep people in the Open Source ecosystem?
- Using, maintaining, practicing, and livelihood from open source
- meeting people
- discovering what people are making
- hosting discussions about Decentralized business models
- finding out who is working on different business models
- hands on tech--go build Dapps
- VALUE FLOW & HANDSHAKE are bringing new economic models
- Mix Irving is bringing knowledge from the Coop Enspiral
Q: What are you most worried about?
- simple, silly things that can go wrong
- Burning Man runs pretty well, but individually camps within it don't always run so well
- Not just the technical aspects of having a "dweb", but people need to know how to use it (it's not something most of us have much experience with as users)
- by pospi
Technical Salon for meeting people
Mai: how to connect the dots between disparate workshops
- once all the projects flopped b/c of power/internet; even that was okay
- power structures that camp is trying to go up against, is reproduced
- certain people can get stuck with the "care" labor; that happens in business as well
- how to make sure equity in power structures can be upheld
Mai: is there a way to be reflective of what is going on? An anonymous way to post?
- real time feedback within the Camp itself
- instead of sub-tweeting, can we be more transparent and open about what goes on
Kelsey: biggest fear--failure to connect
- if you have a quorum from one company, they only talk to each other
- Mixer events, even hokey ones, would be good
- preparing and cleaning up from a meal can be a good way to connect
- Trained facilitators to help people talk (1/n rule)
Q: What do you think about having "small Groups"--led by conversation facilitators
- Rules: not Yes, but....Yes, and
- 1/N rule
- rules of respect
- stand in a circle but leave one space empty, so others can join
Kelsey's Technical Salon Project! a great place to implement some of these rules^
Alex: How do we weave things together?
- Ways participants can feel concepts distributed themselves
- self organize in small groups
- social protocols
- what a threat is?
- leadership-- group dynamics of electing your own leaders
- When people go to Burning Man they don't think about what they get, they think about what they bring
Q What will you bring to share?
- slack line
- Circus tools: juggling
- soccer ball
- frisbee
- face and body paints
- good cocktails
- mesh related tech: 2 radios that are already configured--IP + Walkie Talkie called Wireless Wire;
- Raspberry Pis
- Test Net with laptops
Q: What kind of Internet Connection is there?
- high bandwidth local network with 100s of Mbps, without connection to internet
- Also two towers--bringing 300 MBPS into farm in traditional internet
Q: What kind of consent do we need to record people? Interview people? Film people?
- This is a great question for Code of Conduct team