How to format this GitHub basic formatting
fieldInfo[xPos][yPos] = [nObstacle, nZombies, nHumans, agentIndexes, ... ] agentInfos[agentIndex] = agent PlotEnvironment(fieldInfo, nAgents)
- plotEnvironment -> Dorian
- firstMain, randomAgent -> Robin
- report, theory of simple-reflex agents -> Lars
- theory of learning agents -> Esteban
- Everyone should play with the code when you recieve the "start coding" SMS. This means making some agents
- Robin
- Dorian
- Lars
- Esteban
- GitHub Basics
- Robin
- Dorian
- Lars
- Esteban
GridInfo[x,y] = [AgentType,AgentHealth,SugarAmount]
- new main that includes -> Robin
- Agent --> The new movement -> Robin
- Agent --> Eating -> Robin
- Agent --> Survival -> Robin
- Environment
- [?] Environment --> Dorian, Robin
- InitEnvironment() --> initialization of sugar i.e. max-sugar in form of hills --> Dorian
- PlotEnvironment --> that plots the fieldInfo-> Dorian Esteban
- fix stuff with sharelatex , report + presentation -> Lars
- Theory for sugarscape -> Lars
- Java browser simulation of the ant foraging system
- Java browser simulation a bit more sofisticated than the one above
- {2} Article: Ant Foraging Revisited Contains a pseudo-code - Method: - Pheromones: Two types: one to locate the food, other to locate the nest. These pheromones evaporate, diffuse and can coexist in one spot. - Ants Two different states: looking for food, looking for the nest As they move they follow the trail they need depending on current state, while leaving a trail of the other type of pheromone. Depending on the pheromone levels, the ants preferably move to the front positions, if not to the other 5 positions, if not stays quiet.
- Read the article {1} and {2} see above.
- Lars: make report based on articles, and with the presentation if you have time
- General agreements for programming people:
- Pheromone1 -> So that the ants find the way home (long lasting)
- Pheromone2 -> So that the ants find food (transient)
- Ant -> See above
- Environment -> Terrain[nestPheromone, foodPheromone, food]